Heroes of Lore and Yore
Bibliography and Links
Sir Sandford Fleming |
Books About Sir Sandford Fleming
Children's Books About Sandford Fleming
Books About Sir Sandford Fleming
- Bowley, R. E.
- Sir Sandford Fleming and the Unfolding of Canada (1845-1915): A Philatelic Study. [Peterborough, Ontario]: Peterborough Historical Society, 1983.
- Burpee, Lawrence J.
- Sanford Fleming: Empire Builder. Ann Arbor, MI: University Microfilms International, 1980.
- Cole, Jean Murray.
- Sandford Fleming: No Better Inheritance. Peterborough, Ontario: Peterborough Historical Society, 1990.
- Grant, George M.
- Ocean to Ocean: Sandford Fleming's Expedition through Canada in 1872: Being a Diary Kept During a Journey from the Atlantic to the Pacific with the Expedition of the Engineer-in-Chief of the Canadian Pacific and Intercolonial Railways. [Toronto: Coles Pub. Co, c1970]. First published in 1873.
- Green, Lorne Edmond.
- Chief Engineer: Life of a Nation Builder -- Sandford Fleming. Toronto: Dundurn Press, c1993.
- Maclean, Hugh.
- Man of Steel; the Story of Sir Sandford Fleming. Toronto: Ryerson Press, 1969.
- Masse, Denis.
- Le castor de Fleming et ses descendants. Montreal : D. Masse, [1993?].
- Reeves, Geoffrey H.
- Sir Sandford Fleming and Imperialism. Ottawa: Carleton University, 1971.
- Shortreed, Marcia, ed.
- Sandford Fleming, Pioneer Engineer: Inaugural Lectures, Sandford Fleming Foundation, Delivered at University of Waterloo, March 1977. Waterloo, Ontario: Sandford Educational Press, 1978.
- Unitt, Doris, Andrew Osler, and Edward McCoy.
- Sir Sandford Fleming. Peterborough, Ontario Review Print Co., c1968.
Children's Books About Sir Sandford Fleming
- Green, Lorne Edmond.
- Sandford Fleming. Don Mills, Ontario: Fitzhenry & Whiteside, c1980; [braille]: Toronto: CNIB, 1987. (Target audience: For grades 5-8).
- Webb, Michael.
- Sandford Fleming: Railway Builder. Missisauga, Ontario: Copp Clark Pitman, c1993.
- Webb, Michael et Jean-Yves Lalonde.
- Sandford Fleming : le bâtisseur de chemins de fer. Translation, Lise Malo. Montreal : Éditions de la Chenelière, 1993.
English Links
- Sandford Fleming 1827-1915 (Canadian Science and Engineering Hall of Fame)
- http://www.corpserv.nrc.ca/corpserv/hall/u_i02_e.html
- Sir Sandford Fleming
- http://reseau.chebucto.ns.ca/Heritage/FSCNS/Scots_NS/Sig_Date/
- Auld_Nova/Sanford_Fleming.html
French Links
- La collection du Musée canadien de la poste
- http://www.cmcc.muse.digital.ca/cmc/cmcfra/npmcfra.html
- Sandford Fleming 1827-1915
(Le Panthéon de la science et de l'ingénierie canadiennes)
- http://www.corpserv.nrc.ca/corpserv/hall/u_i02_f.html