Heroes of Lore and Yore
Bibliography and Links
Pierre-Esprit Radisson |
Links Relating to Pierre-Esprit Radisson
Books About Pierre-Esprit Radisson
Children's Books About Pierre-Esprit Radisson
Books by Pierre-Esprit Radisson
Books About Pierre-Esprit Radisson
- Durand, André.
- Pierre-Esprit Radisson. Montreal : Lidec, c1993.
- Fournier, Martin.
- Pierre-Esprit Radisson : coureur de bois et homme du monde (1652-1685). Translation of the texts of Radisson by Berthe Fouchier-Axelsen. [Quebec] : Nuit blanche, 1996.
- Laut, Agnes C.
- Pathfinders of the West: Being the Thrilling Story of the Adventures of the Men Who Discovered the Great Northwest, Radisson, La Vérendrye, Lewis, and Clark. Freeport, New York: Books for Libraries Press, [1969]; first published 1904.
- McCance, Colin.
- Pierre-Esprit Radisson. Toronto: Grolier, 1989.
- Nute, Grace L.
- Caesars of the Wilderness: Medard Chouart, Sieur des Groseilliers and Pierre Esprit Radisson, 1618-1710. Reprint ed. St. Paul: Minnesota Historical Society Press, 1978, c1943.
- Prud'homme, Louis A.
- Notes historiques sur la vie de P.E. de Radisson. Reprint: [Montreal] : Éditions d'Orphée, 1995. Published originally: 1892.
Children's Books About Pierre-Esprit Radisson
- Lévesque, Denis.
- Pierre-Esprit Radisson : le coureur des bois. Outremont, Quebec : Québecor, c1996.
- Ritchie, Cicero T.
- Runner of the Woods: The Story of Young Radisson. Toronto: Macmillan, 1966. Braille edition: Toronto: Canadian National Institute for the Blind, 1972.
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Books by Pierre-Esprit Radisson
- The Explorations of Pierre Esprit Radisson: From the Original Manuscript in the Bodleian Library and the British Museum. Edited by Arthur T. Adams. Minneapolis: Ross, 1961.
- Journal, 1682-1683 : les débuts de la Nouvelle-France. Translated in English by Pierre Paul Charlebois. Translation of part of Voyages of Peter Esprit Radisson, entitled The Relation of a Voyage Made by Peter Radisson, Esquire, to the North Parts of America, in the Years 1682-1683. [Montreal] : Stanké, c1979.
- Relations of the Voyages of Pierre Esprit Radisson in 1682, 3 and 4. In: Public Archives of Canada. Ottawa: Public Archives of Canada. 0701-7790 (Text in English & French).
- Voyages of Peter Esprit Radisson, Being an Account of His Travels and Experiences Among the North American Indians, From 1652 to 1684. Transcribed from Original Manuscripts in the Bodleian Library and the British Museum. New York: B. Franklin, [1971?].
- Pierre Radisson's Personal Account of His Voyages to North America in 1682-3 and 1684. Edited by W.J. Noxon. Toronto: Canadiana House, 1974.
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Links Relating to Pierre-Esprit Radisson
English Links
Historic HBC: The Adventurers Radisson and des Groseilliers
- http://www.hbc.com/hbchistory/historic_hbc/radisson.htm
French Links
Radisson et Des Groseilliers
- http://www.mvnf.muse.digital.ca/popul/coureurs/radisson.htm
La traite des fourrures en Nouvelle-France: Les courreurs des bois
- http://www.mvnf.muse.digital.ca/popul/coureurs/glossair.htm
Histoire de la CBH : Les Adventuriers Radisson et des Groseilliers
- http://www.hbc.com/hbchistoryf/historic_hbc/radisson.htm