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Impressions: 250 Years of Printing in the Lives of Canadians

Leisure and Literature

The Minto Skating Club was founded in 1904 under the auspices of Lord and Lady Minto who also donated several trophies to the sport.
Skating: Hints for Beginners from the Experience of a Beginner.
Minto Skating Club
Skating: Hints for Beginners from the Experience of a Beginner.
Ottawa: [The Club, 1906?]. [8] p.
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These guides allowed the fans to have all the statistics on the players of the National Hockey League.
Guide des ligues majeures de hockey. 1939-40. Première édition.
Sweet Caporal
Guide des ligues majeures de hockey. 1939-40. Première édition.
[Montreal?], 1939. 101 p.
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Certainly one of the first Canadian books on the bicycle. It contains a wealth of information on the appropriate costume to wear, training, tools, etc., along with a list of cycling champions.
William Norrie Robertson, b. 1855
Stratford [Ont.]: F. Pratt, 1894. 309, [43] p.
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Although a few circuses performed in Canada in the late 18th century, this is the oldest known circus broadside to be printed in Canada. It features the Pépin and Breschard circus, part of which, led by Cayetano Mariotini, toured eastern Canada. It gave performances in Montreal during the winter and spring of 1812  -  including this one on March 12. It is an elaborate broadside for the times, using red ink and numerous type-faces to attract the attention of the passer-by.
Mrs. Redon's Benefit.
Mrs. Redon's Benefit.
[Montreal: H.H. Cunningham, 1812].
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A superb example of the use of different typefaces.
Association Saint Jean-Baptiste, 1850: programme de la procession de lundi, 24 juin.
Société Saint-Jean-Baptiste de Montréal
Association Saint Jean-Baptiste, 1850: programme de la procession de lundi, 24 juin.
[Montreal]: Imprimerie de la Minerve, [1850].
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While general admission was 25 cents, "crying and crowing babies" were charged $1.00!

Town Hall: Mr. Youmans' Farewell Concert on Tuesday Evening, November 7th.
Stratford [Ont.]: Beacon Steam Print., 1876.
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Activities in these Dominion Day celebrations included football and baseball matches, as well as rowing and sailing. Prizes were awarded to encourage the competitors.
Dominion Day Celebration, Bayfield, Wednesday, July 1 [1896].
Dominion Day Celebration, Bayfield, Wednesday, July 1 [1896].
[Clinton, Ont.]: Clinton New Era Press, 1896.
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