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Space Travel and Space Opera

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Space travel is one of the most identifiable features of science fiction--but there are surprisingly few Canadian science fiction works that concern space travel.

David Edward's early work of speculation, Next Stop--Mars!: A Novel of the First Space-Ship Voyage to the Red Planet concerns such a trip. Robert J. Sawyer's Golden Fleece is about a generation ship on its way to colonize a new planet. "The Starlost", the CTV series first broadcast in 1973, also concerned a generation ship hurtling on a "collision course with a Class-G solar star".

Much space travel occurs in works for younger readers, like those of Douglas Hill.

"Space Command", a television series produced by CBC in 1953, starred James Doohan (later Mr. Scott of "Star Trek") as part of a crew travelling outer space in search of intelligent life "while they, themselves, are observed."


Berger, Michel and Luc Plamondon
Bryant, Edward and Harlan Ellison
Phoenix Without Ashes
De Mille, James
A Strange Manuscript Found in a Copper Cylinder
Edwards, David
Next Stop -- Mars!: A Novel of the First Space-Ship Voyage to the Red Planet
Hill, Douglas
Deathwing over Veynaa. London: Victor Gollancz, 1980
Sawyer, Robert J.
Golden Fleece

Book Cover Starmania

Book Cover Starmania

Berger, Michel and Luc Plamondon
Scarborough, Ont.: WEA, 1978.

couverture Phoenix Without Ashes

Bryant, Edward and Harlan Ellison
Greenwich, Conn.: Fawcett Publications, 1975.

In this adaptation of an award-winning television script about the Starlost, the banished Devon stumbles on a secret passage which leads him to the giant ark ferrying Earth cultures to another planet.

Book Cover A Strange Manuscript Found in a Copper Cylinder

De Mille, James
London: Chatto & Windus, 1888.

Very much a product of its time, Canada's first science-fiction novel recounts the strange adventures of a sailor cast ashore among a race of cannibals who regard death as the greatest blessing they can bestow. Part swashbuckling adventure, part love story and part an examination of accepted values turned inside out, this novel is important both as a landmark in the development of Canadian science fiction and because of its intrinsic value as a good read.

blank Next Stop -- Mars!: A Novel of the First Space-Ship Voyage to the Red Planet

Edwards, David
New York: Greenwich Book Publishers, 1959.

History is made with the launching of the first manned rocket flight to Mars and the first meeting between humans and Martians.

blank Deathwing Over Veynaa

Hill, Douglas
London: Victor Gollancz, 1980.

The second volume of a four-volume inter-galactic adventure series, Deathwing over Veynaa continues the chronicling of the Last Legionary's search for the evil Galactic Warlord and his attempt to save the planet Veynaa from annihilation.

blank Golden Fleece

Sawyer, Robert J.
New York: Warner Books, 1990.

There has been a murder aboard a superstarship on a mission to colonize a distant planet. And it seems that the murderer is a rogue robot.

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Copyright. The National Library of Canada. (Revised: 1995-06-17)