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New Technologies, New Challenges

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Science fiction is often about technological developments and their effects on human beings and society. Various forms of technology have been the subject of speculation.

Biotechnology is a recent area of interest--with all of the accompanying issues in medical research, genetic engineering and the creation of new forms of life. The CBC radio series "Vanishing Point" dramatized the American Greg Bear's chilling novel Blood Music which portrays the catastrophic results of an experiment in bioengineering and nanotechnology.


April, Jean-Pierre
Ryan, Thomas J.
The Adolescence of P-1
Service, Robert W.
The Master of the Microbe: A Fantastic Romance

Book Cover Berlin-Bangkok

April, Jean-Pierre
Montréal: Éditions Logiques, 1989.

Axel, an employee of the Deutsche Drug laboratories, has become the victim of a "nowhere", which has wiped out three weeks of his life. His friends convince him that marriage -- a programmed marriage -- will cure him; so he returns to Bangkok, the erotic Babel of the twenty-first century, to find a wife. The computers of the Berlin-Bangkok agency choose Yumi, a Thai prostitute, as the companion for this unstable German ... who knows too much.

Berlin-Bangkok. Jean-Pierre April. Montréal: Éditions Logiques, 1989.

blank The Adolescence of P-1

Ryan, Thomas J.
New York: Ace Books, 1979.

In this carefully constructed story about artificial intelligence, a hack job by a young man seeking money, high grades and women takes an ominous turn when the hacker's computer program refuses to be shut down and begins to take over.

blank The Master of the Microbe: A Fantastic Romance

Service, Robert W.
New York: Barse & Hopkins, 1926.

A tense struggle between an evil genius who would control the world and a young man who wants nothing more than to be married to the love of his life.

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Copyright. The National Library of Canada. (Revised: 1995-06-17)