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New Perceptions

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Many science fiction writers believe we have inherent abilities in extra-sensory perception, and portray the development of these "PSI" powers through mutation and technology.

Phyllis Gotlieb and A.E. van Vogt have written many works about telepathic characters and how their abilities affect their lives. Telepathy and extrasensory perception are also frequent themes in the films of David Cronenberg.


Gotlieb, Phyllis
The Kingdom of the Cats
Robinson, Spider

blank The Kingdom of the Cats

Gotlieb, Phyllis
New York: Ace Science Fiction Books, 1985.

Through cats and human beings, the last of the Ungrukh Chronicles tells of a world in which extrasensory perception is the norm.

blank Telempath

Robinson, Spider
New York: G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1976.

A battle between the second-best assassin and the greatest killer of all time is set in a ruined city of the future, where the killer is guarded by strange beings with supernatural powers.

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Copyright. The National Library of Canada. (Revised: 1995-06-17)