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Parallel Worlds

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Alien worlds may exist parallel to our own--and we can enter these worlds through portals or shifts in consciousness. In these encounters with alien landscapes and species we discover an "Other" that expands our consciousness and forces us to constantly revise our assumptions about the universe.

In Andrew Weiner's Station Gehenna, a murder puts an entire planet under intense study--and reveals some surprising facts about its ecology. In Robert Charles Wilson's Gypsies, characters discover that they are about to move between parallel worlds--will they find a world where they belong? Or one that needs them the most?


Weiner, Andrew
Station Gehenna
Wilson, Robert Charles

blank Station Gehenna

Weiner, Andrew
New York: Congdon & Weed, 1987.

In this space whodunit, murder, political intrigue and an alien presence at a distant space station signal the closure of Station Gehenna.

Book Cover Gypsies

Wilson, Robert Charles
New York: Doubleday, 1989.

The gypsies of the title move between parallel worlds searching for a place where they are needed and where they truly belong.

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Copyright. The National Library of Canada. (Revised: 1995-06-17)