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Alternate Histories

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Sometimes the "other" place and time is in fact our own; what has changed is the history that got us here. "Alternate histories" question what our world would be like if certain historical events had turned out differently.

The most prolific Canadian writer of alternate history is Steve Stirling, author of the Draka series. William Gibson, writing with Bruce Sterling, speculated on what could have happened if computers became important technology in the nineteenth century.


Gibson, William and Bruce Sterling
The Difference Engine
Hood, Hugh
Around the Mountain: Scenes from Montreal Life
Stirling, S.M.
Marching Through Georgia

blank The Difference Engine

Gibson, William and Bruce Sterling
New York: Bantam Books, 1992.

If computers had been as important in the nineteenth century as they are in the twentieth, just how different might the world have been?

Book Cover Around the Mountain: Scenes from Montreal Life

Hood, Hugh
Toronto: Peter Martin Associates, 1967.

This collection of short stories idealizing life in Montreal draws a loving picture of a city that becomes the main character in each sketch.

Cover reproduced with the permission of Stoddart Publishing Co. Limited, Don Mills, Ontario, Canada.

Book Cover Marching Through Georgia

Stirling, S.M.
New York: Baen Publishing, 1988.

In this alternate reality, war has been a way of life for six generations of Eric von Shrakenberg's family. He wants to make peace, but to succeed he must first be the greatest killer of them all.

Courtesy of Baen Books.

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Copyright. The National Library of Canada. (Revised: 1995-06-17)