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Stephen Leacock Image


Anderson, Allan.
Remembering Leacock: An Oral History. Ottawa: Deneau, 1983.

Berger, Carl.
"Other Mr. Leacock." Canadian Literature, 55 (Winter 1973), p. 23-40.
-------. The Sense of Power: Studies in the Ideas of Canadian Imperialism, 1867-1914. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1970.

Birbalsingh, Frank.
"Stephen Leacock and the Canadian Literary Sensibility." The Canadian Literary Review, 1 (Fall/Winter 1982), pp. 73-83.

Bissell, C.T.
"Haliburton, Leacock and the American Humorous Tradition." Canadian Literature, 39 (Winter 1969), pp. 5-19.

Bowker, Alan.
"Introduction". The Social Criticism of Stephen Leacock. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1973. (The Social History of Canada.)

Bush, Douglas.
"Stephen Leacock". In The Canadian Imagination: Dimensions of a Literary Culture. Ed., David Staines. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1977. pp. 123-151.

Cameron, Donald.
Faces of Leacock. Toronto: Ryerson, 1967.

Clever, Glenn.
"Leacock's Dunciad." Studies in Canadian Literature, 1 (Summer 1976), pp. 238-241.

Cook, J.R. (Ramsay).
"Stephen Leacock and the Age of Plutocracy." In Character and Circumstance. Ed., J.S. Moir. Toronto: Macmillan, 1970. pp. 163-181.

Curry, Ralph.
Stephen Leacock: Humorist and Humanist. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1959.

Davies, Robertson.
Stephen Leacock. Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1970. (Canadian Writers, no. 7.)

Doyle, James.
Stephen Leacock: The Sage of Orillia. Toronto: ECW Press, 1992.

Edgar, Pelham.
"Stephen Leacock." Queen's Quarterly, 53:2 (1946), pp. 173-184.

Ferris, Ina.
"The Face in the Window: Sunshine Sketches Reconsidered." Studies in Canadian Literature, 3(Summer 1978), pp. 178-85.

Innis, Harold.
"Obituary: Stephen Butler Leacock (1869-1944)." Canadian Journal of Economics and Political Sciences, 10 (May 1944), pp. 216-226.

Kimball, Elizabeth.
The Man in the Panama Hat: Reminiscences of My Uncle, Stephen Leacock. Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1970.

Kushner, J. and R.D. MacDonald.
"Leacock: Economist/Satirist in Arcadian Adventures and Sunshine Sketches." Dalhousie Review, 56 (Autumn 1976), pp. 493-509.

Leacock, Stephen.
The Boy I Left Behind Me. New York: Doubleday, 1946.

Legate, David.
Stephen Leacock: A Biography. Toronto: Macmillan of Canada, 1978.

Lomer, Gerhard Richard.
Stephen Leacock. A Check-List and Index of His Writings. Ottawa: National Library of Canada, 1954.

Lower, A.R.M.
"Mariposa Belle." Queen's Quarterly, 58 (Summer 1951), pp. 220-226.

Lucas, Alec.
"Leacock Writes for Truth." Studies in Canadian Literature, 1 (Summer 1976), pp. 254-258.

Lynch, Gerald.
Stephen Leacock: Humour and Humanity. Montreal-Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press, 1988.
-------. "Leacock's Debt to Daudet." Canadian Literature, 107 (Winter 1985), pp. 186-189.
-------.(Ed.). A Critical Edition: Sunshine Sketches of a Little Town by Stephen Leacock. Ottawa: The Tecumeh Press Ltd., 1996.

MacDonald, R.D.
"Measuring Leacock's Mariposa Against Lewis's Gopher Prairie: A Question of Monuments." Dalhousie Review, 71 (Spring 1991), pp. 84-103.

MacLulich, T.D.
"Mariposa. Revisited." Studies in Canadian Literature, 4 (Winter 1979), pp. 167-176.

Magee, William H.
"Genial Humour in Stephen Leacock." Dalhousie Review, 56 (Summer 1976), pp. 268-282.
-------. "Parody and Perspective: Form in Leacock's Sketches." Thalia, 3 (Fall/Winter 1980-81), pp. 31-37.
-------. "Stephen Leacock, Local Colourist." Canadian Literature, 39 (Winter 1969), pp. 34-42.

Mantz, Douglas.
"The Preposterous and the Profound: A New Look at the Envoi of Sunshine Sketches." Journal of Canadian Fiction, no. 19 (1977), pp. 95-105.

Marshall, Tom.
"False Pastoral: Stephen Leacock's Conflicting Worlds." Journal of Canadian Fiction, no. 19 (1977), pp. 86-94.

McArthur, Peter.
Stephen Leacock. Toronto: Ryerson, 1923.

Moritz, Albert and Theresa Moritz.
Leacock - A Biography. Toronto: Stoddart, 1985.

Norris, Darrel A.
"Preserving Main Street: Some Lessons of Leacock's Mariposa." Journal of Canadian Studies, 17 (Summer 1982), pp. 128-135.

Pacey, Desmond.
"Leacock as a Satirist." Queen's Quarterly, 58 (Summer 1951), pp. 208-219.

Priestly, J.B. Introd.
The Bodley Head Leacock. 1957; rpt. Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1969.

Rasporich, B.J.
"Charles Dickens and Stephen Leacock: A Legacy of Sentimental Humour." Thalia, 3 (Fall/Winter 1980-81), pp. 17-24.
-------. "Leacock Persona and the Canadian Character." Mosaic, 14 (Spring 1981), pp. 76-92.
-------. "The New Eden: The Source of Canadian Humour: McCulloch, Haliburton, and Leacock." Studies in Canadian Literature, 7:2 (1982), pp. 227-240.

Sandwell, B.K.
"Leacock Recalled: How the 'Sketches' Started." Saturday Night. Oct. 1942, p. 4.

Sedgewick, G.G.
"Stephen Leacock as Man of Letters." University of Toronto Quarterly, 15 (Oct. 1945), pp. 17-26.

Sharman, Vincent.
"Satire of Stephen Leacock's Sunshine Sketches." Queen's Quarterly, 78 (Summer 1971), pp. 261-267.

Spettigue, Douglas.
"A Partisan Reading of Leacock." The Literary Half-Yearly, 13 (July 1972), pp. 171-180.

Staines, David, ed.
Stephen Leacock: A Reappraisal. Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press, 1986.

Taylor, Charles.
Radical Tories: The Conservative Tradition in Canada. Toronto: Anansi, 1982.

Watt, F.W.
"Critic or Entertainer? Stephen Leacock and the Growth of Materialism." Canadian Literature, 5 (Summer 1960), pp. 33-42.

Watters, R. E.
"Special Tang: Leacock's Canadian Humour." Canadian Literature, 5 (Summer 1960), pp. 21-32.

Zezulka, J.M.
"Passionate Provincials: Imperialism, Regionalism, and Point of View." Journal of Canadian Fiction, no. 22 (1978), pp. 80-92.

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