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List of Characters in
Sunshine Sketches of a Little Town

The French chef of Smith's Café.
Mr. John Henry Bagshaw
The incumbent Liberal candidate for Missinaba County in the Dominion election.
Mr. Smith's shadowy desk-clerk.
Mr. Callahan
Miss Cleghorn
Sallow girl in the telephone exchange.
Mr. Diston
School teacher and dipsomaniac.
Mr. Dreery
English literature teacher from the high school.
Reverend Rupert Drone
Drone Image Anglican minister; self-authorized Greek and Roman linguist; reads pagan pastorals at a rustic table; friend of Dr. Gallagher; widower and Lillian, Jocelyn, and Theodora's father; a candidate for Missinaba County in the Dominion election as an Independent.
Mr. George Duff
Manager of the Commercial Bank and treasurer of the Central Committee for the Whirlwind Campaign.
Mr. Jim Eliot
Owner of Eliot's Drug store, formally named Pharmaceutical Hall.
Young Fizzlechip
Former teller for Mullins's Bank; commits suicide.
Dr. Gallagher
Physician, a collector of Indian relics; friend of Reverend Drone.
Mr. Golgotha Gingham
Gingham Image Undertaker.
Mr. Peter Glover
Owner of Glover's Hardware.
Mr. Harrison
Mr. Hussell
Editor of the Mariposa Newspacket.
Mr. Johnson
Lives behind the Exchange Bank in the livery and is one of the heroes in the Mariposa Bank Mystery.
Miss Lawson
High school teacher and Peter Pupkin's first love.
Mr. McCartney
Mr. Alf McNichol
Owner of the paint store.
Mr. Joe Milligan
Mr. Mitchell
Manager of the railway station.
Mr. Ed Moore
Teddy Moore
A child; Reverend Drone makes a kite with Chinese wings for him.
Mr. Henry Mullins
Manager of the Exchange Bank and chairman of the Central Committee for the Whirlwind Campaign.
Mr. Netley
Mr. Nivens
Mr. Pepperleigh
Judge Image Temperamental Judge of Mariposa whose spectacles flash like dynamite; Zena Pepperleigh's father.
Neil Pepperleigh
Judge Pepperleigh's son who died in the Boer War; a violent drunkard.
Zena Pepperleigh
Zena Image Judge Pepperleigh's daughter; Peter Pupkin's object of desire.
Mr. Peter Pupkin
Peter Image Exchange Bank teller; in love with Zena Pepperleigh; one of the heroes in the Mariposa Bank Mystery.
Mr. Pupkin Senior
Peter Pupkin's father; old school friend of Mr. Pepperleigh.
Mr. Pete Robinson
Owner of Pete Robinson's, formally named the Continental Hotel.
Mr. Josh Smith
Smith Image The 280-pound owner and manager of the "Jos. Smith, Prop." hotel, otherwise known as Smith's Hotel or Smith's Ladies and Gent's Café or Smith's Summer Pavilion or Smith's Tourist Emporium or Smith's Northern Health Resort or Smith's British Arms; saves the Mariposa Belle; head and chief of the Mariposa fire brigade; suspect in the burning of the Church of England; Conservative candidate for Missinaba County in the Dominion election.
Miss Spiffkins
Biology teacher at the high school who is sorry for Mrs. Pepperleigh's lot in life.
Mr. Jefferson Thorpe
A barber and a wise investor; goes by the name of Jeff.
Miss Myra Thorpe
Myra Image daughter of Jefferson Thorpe and "Woman" Thorpe; aspiring actress; a Telephone Exchange employee.
Mr. Mallory Tompkins
Times Herald employee and intellectual; Pupkin's close friend.
Mr. Towers
Mr. Alf Trewlaney
The postmaster.
Marjorie Trewlaney
The cripple.
Mr. Uttermost
Replaces Reverend Drone and preaches the new forms of doubt revealed by the higher criticism.
Mrs. Thorpe, Jefferson Thorpe's wife.
Mr. Yodel
Willie Yodel
A child; Reverend Drone makes a sand-clock for him.

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