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List of Characters in
Arcadian Adventures with the Idle Rich

Mr. Beatem
Lawyer from the law firm of Skinyer and Beatem; one of the lawyers of the Erie Auriferous Consolidated Company.
Marquis de Beldoodle
Duke of Dulham's son who spends most of his time shooting big game in Uganda.
Viscont Belstairs
Life-long friend of Duke Dulham; to whom the Duke asks how to go about borrowing money.
Dr. Boomer
President of Plutoria University; archeologist; changed the face of the University; is on the board of management of St. Osoph's; appointed Reverend Dr. McTeague as minister of St. Osoph.
Mr. Asmodeus Boulder
Owns a stone quarry; owns an asphalt company; honorary vice-president of the Clean Government Association.
Dr. Boyster
Professor of Greek at Plutoria University.
Mr. Bruce
Consulting engineer.
Mrs. Buncomhearst
Mrs. Rasselyer-Brown's confidant; president of the Yahi-Bahi Oriental Society, of the Daughters of the Revolution, of the Sisters of England, of the Daughters of Kossuth, and of the Circle of Franz Joseph; in political affairs she represents fifty thousand women.
Captain Cormorant
Mrs. Everleigh-Spillikins' gentleman friend.
The Duke of Dulham's wife; spends 3 to 4 months in a fashionable hotel on the Riviera in order to save money.
Duke of Dulham
A British aristocrat in need of money.
Duke's daughter
Spends long visits with a minor German princess.
Duke's younger son
Spends his days mountain climbing in the Himalayas.
Miss Catherine Dumfarthing
Reverend Dumfarthing's daughter; marries Reverend Furlong.
Reverend Uttermust Dumfarthing
The newly appointed minister of St. Osoph; Catherine's father; marries Juliana Furlong.
Mr. Everett
Mr. Furlong Sr.'s clerk.
Mrs. Everleigh-Spillikins
A widow who is remarried to Mr. Spillikins; mother of four tall sons (Bob, Willie, Gib and Sib); spends her winters on the Riviera.
Bob Everleigh-Spillikins
Eldest son of Mrs. Everleigh-Spillikins.
Gib Everleigh-Spillikins
Second youngest son of Mrs. Everleigh-Spillikins; a bit duller than Willie.
Sib Everleigh-Spillikins
Youngest son of Mrs. Everleigh-Spillikins; tallest of the four boys.
Willie Everleigh-Spillikins
Second eldest son of Mrs. Everleigh-Spillikins; dullest of the four boys.
Mr. Feathertop
Collects things.
Dean Elderberry Foible
Head of the faculty at the Plutoria University.
Mr. Franklin
The Newberrys' butler at their summer home Castel Casteggio.
Mr. Furlong Senior
Reverend Edward Fareforth Furlong's father; president of the New Amalgamated Hymnal Supply Corporation; director of the Hosanna Pipe and Steam Organ Limited; honorary treasurer of Plutoria University; president and managing director of the Bible Society of the Good Shepherd Limited; trustee and secretary of St. Asaph's honorary treasurer of the university; honorary secretary of the Clean Government Association.
Reverend Edward Farforth Furlong
Young rector of St. Asaph (Anglican Church); was in the foreign mission field; son of Mr. Furlong Sr.; husband of Catherine Dumfarthing.
Miss Julianna Furlong
Reverend Furlong's older sister; marries Reverend Dumfarthing who is the new rector of St. Osoph.
Miss Philippa Furlong
The Reverend Edward Fareforth Furlong's younger sister; engaged to, and marries, Mr. Tom Overend.
Mr. Lucullus Fyshe
President of the People's Traction and Suburban Co., of the Republican Soda, and of the Siphon Co-operative; chief director of the People's District Loan and Savings; prominent member of St. Asaph; proponent of the St. Asaph and St. Osoph merger; leading shareholder of The Citizens' Light; honorary president of the Clean Government Association.
Dr. Gildas
Senior professor of geology at Plutoria University; discovered the gold mine on Mr. Tomlinson's property; tests gold samples for Erie Auriferous Consolidated.
Alderman Gorfinkel
City politician.
Lieutenant Hawk
Mrs. Everleigh-Spillikins' other gentleman friend.
Adelina Lightleigh
Peter Spillikins introduces her to his best friend, Edward Ruff.
Mr. McAlister
The Newberrys' gardener at their summer home Castel Casteggio.
Mr. McGrath
Mayor of Plutoria; born politician.
Dr. McSkwirt
A cheap man who asks for too little; candidate for the new ministerial position of St. Osoph.
Miss Georgina McTeague
Peter Spillikins was in love with her for 6 months; niece of the Presbyterian minister of St. Osoph, Reverend Dr. McTeague.
Reverend Dr. McTeague
Honorary professor of philosophy at Plutoria University; Presbyterian minister of St. Osoph; suffers paralysis of the head.
Mother (Mrs. Tomlison)
Mr. Tomlinson's wife.
Mr. Newberry
Mrs. Newberry's husband; prominent member of St. Asaph; built Castel Casteggio (summer home); is in the dynamite business; proponent of the Clean Government Association.
Mrs. Margaret Newberry
Mr. Newberry's wife.
Known as the Little Girl in Green; a poor family relation of Mrs. Newberry; in love with Mr. Spillikins, who does not notice her affections for him.
Alderman O'Hooligan
Irishman; city politician.
Mr. Dick Overend
Tom's uncle and George's older brother; principal supporter of St. Osoph; friend and supporter of Reverend Dr. McTeague; shares a business with his brother called Overend Brothers Limited.
Mr. George Overend
Tom's other uncle and Dick's younger brother; principal supporter of St. Osoph's; friend and supporter of the Reverend Dr. McTeague; shares a business with his brother called Overend Brothers Limited.
Mr. Tom Overend
Engaged to, and marries, Miss Philippa Furlong.
Mrs. Rasselyer-Brown
Mr. Rasselyer-Brown's wife; Dulphemia's mother; a socialite of Plutoria who has a confidential circle of 300 friends; organizer of the Yahi-Bahi Oriental Society.
Mr. Rasselyer-Brown
Mrs.Rasselyer-Brown's husband; Dulphemia's father; a dipsomaniac; owns a coal and wood sage business.
Miss Dulphemia Rasselyer-Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Rasselyer-Brown's daughter; she looks a lot like her mother; Peter Spillikins proposes to her.
Mr. and Mrs. Rasselyer-Brown's new chauffeur
A police inspector who is undercover as their chauffeur; Dalphemia is enamored with him.
Edward Ruff
Peter Spillikins's best friend; was a member of the college football team.
Alderman Schefeldampf
Undertaker and city politician.
Professor Shottat
Senior professor of English at the university; has trouble handling small classes.
Mr. Skinyer
Lawyer from the law firm of Skinyer and Beatem; one of the lawyers of the Erie Auriferous Consolidated company; honorary treasurer of the Clean Government Association.
Mr. Slant
Professor of optics at Plutoria University; paralyzed in his right eye.
Dr. Slyder
Fashionable physician in the city who advises his patients to keep quiet (this is about the only advise he would give them).
Miss. Snagg
Mrs. Rasselyer-Brown's best friend.
Mr. Sikleigh Snoop
Sex-poet; one of the leaders in the Yahi-Bahi Oriental Society.
Mr. Peter Spillikins
Mrs. Everleigh-Spillikins's husband; stepfather to four tall sons (Bob, Gib, Sib and Willie) who are as old as he is.
Mr. Ram Spudd
Mr. Yahi-Bahi's assistant.
Dr. Thrum
Professor of the theory of music at Plutoria University; paralyzed in his ears.
Mr. Tomlinson
Known as the Wizard of American Finance; owns half of the preferred stock of Erie Auriferous Consolidated; has the midas touch; a philanthropist.
Fred Tomlinson
Mr. and Mrs.Tomlinson's son.
Alderman Undercutt
Butcher and city politician.
Professor Withers
Professor of Botany at the university; has trouble handling large classes.
Mr. Yahi-Bahi
Celebrated oriental mystic and leader of Boohooism cult.

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