Project 26

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1. Project Title: Bear Creek Wetland Creation Project

2. Contact

Don Hector, Project Coordinator

Bret Colman, Project Facilitator

Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR), 1023 Richmond St. West, Chatham,

Ontario N7M 5J5

P.O. Box 1168 N7M 5L8

Tel. (519) 354-7340; FAX: (519) 354-0313

3. Agencies Involved

Eastern Habitat Joint Venture

Ducks Unlimited

Nature Conservancy of Canada

Great Lakes Cleanup Fund

Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources

Environment Canada - Canadian Wildlife Service

Rural Lambton Stewardship Network

St. Clair Region Conservation Authroity (SCRCA)

4. Restoration Goal

Wetland creation providing fish and wildlife habitat.

5. Project Type

Wetland creation - dyke and flood farm field.

6. Background and Rationale

The Chenal Ecarte, a tributary channel of the St. Clair River, has historically been an area of ecological significance. There have been serious losses of fish and wildlife habitat primarily due to the accumulative effect of agricultural drainage, filling and urbanization, particularly on the east shores. The Chenal Ecarte is in the Great Lakes/St. Lawrence waterfowl zone ranking within Provincial Priority 1 waterfowl staging habitats.

A series of farm fields is located between the Canadian Wildlife Service property known as the Bear Creek National Wildlife Area and the Mud Creek Hunt Club on lots 16, 17 and 18, Concession 15 and the Broken Front Concession of Dover township, Kent county.

The site consists of approximately 100 ha of farm fields with approximately 10 ha of wetland now used as a hunting club.

Expected Date of Implementation: Fall of 1995

7. Regulatory Considerations

Approvals process to begin this spring (1995):

1. Environmental Assessment: Provincial Class EA Planning Procedure;

Federal Environmental Assessment Review Process, because we were using federal funds (Environment Canada's Great Lakes Cleanup Fund);

2. Fisheries Act: approval necessary from Department of Fisheries and Oceans, this project should be deemed mitigable;

3. Navigable Waters Protection Act: approval from Canadian Coast Guard required and expected;

4. Flood and Fill Regulations: SCRCA (St. Clair Region Conservation Authority) to review, future request for work permit;

5. Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Recreation: archeological concerns will have to be addressed.

8. Criteria

This project involves the construction of an internal dyke along the southern limit of the specified area. Natural back-flooding will be encouraged in order to create a wetland with hydrological connection to the Chenal Ecarte. Preferred water depth within the wetland will be 30 to 60 cm and water velocity will be minimal with the aid of a water control structure. Habitat within the wetland will be an interspersion of vegetation and open water at a ratio of 50:50. Nesting islands will be constructed within the confines of the newly dyked area using the borrow pool method. Seed plantings will be of a local source and the substrate shall be organic in composition throughout the wetland.

9. Project Design

Dyke construction shall be equivalent to the ARDA (Agricultural and Rural Development Act) dyke specifications. Concept drawings of this project have been completed by an Ontario MNR engineer with the final design to be completed by the partners of the Eastern Habitat Joint Venture this winter (1994).

10. Implementation

Construction of the internal dyke will be carried out by private contractors as will the installation of a water control structure.

11. Degree of Environmental Intervention

Dyke construction will use heavy machinery, such as a backhoe. Project materials will originate exclusively from the site. There are no foreseen detrimental effects to the site.

12. Cost

Exact cost estimates are difficult at this time as they are dependent upon the total area of land that will be acquired. Land acquisition will be the largest cost for this project.

13. Biological Assessment

Amphibian call count monitoring, reptile inventory, electrofishing, and wetland evaluations are intended to monitor the success of the project.

14. Measures of Success

This project would be given an "assessment incomplete" rating.

Success Rating: 1

15. Key References

Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, 1994, draft version, "Survey of Candidate Sites on the St. Clair and Detroit Rivers for Potential Habitat Rehabilitation/Enhancement".

St. Clair River Remedial Action Plan Ministry of Natural Resources, Rural Lambton Stewardship Network, 1994, draft version, "St. Clair/Sydenham River Regional Habitat Management Plan".

Correct citation for this contribution:

Hector, D., and Colman B. 1995. Bear Creek wetland creation project, p. 168-170. In J.R.M. Kelso and J.H. Hartig [editors]. Methods of modifying habitat to benefit the Great Lakes ecosystem. CISTI (Can. Inst. Sci. Tech. Inf.) Occas. Pap. No. 1.