2018-2019 Strategic Issues Survey of Producers (Wave VI) - Quantitative Research Report Summary

Prepared for Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

Supplier Name: Earnscliffe Strategy Group
Contract Number: 01B68-190331/001/CY
Contract Value: $121,479.97 (including HST)
Contract Award Date: August 13, 2018
Date of Delivery: February 21, 2019

Registration Number: POR 031-18
For more information on this report, please contact Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada at: aafc.por-rop.aac@canada.ca

Ce rapport est aussi disponible en français.

Supplier name: Earnscliffe Strategy Group
February 21, 2019

This public opinion research report presents the results of focus groups conducted by Earnscliffe Strategy Group on behalf of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. The research was conducted from October to December 2018.

Cette publication est aussi disponible en français sous le titre : Sondage 2018-2019 sur les enjeux stratégiques des producteurs (Vague VI) – Résumé analytique de recherche quantitative

This publication may be reproduced for non-commercial purposes only. Prior written permission must be obtained from Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. For more information on this report, please contact Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada at: aafc.por-rop.aac@canada.ca

Agriculture and Agri-food Canada
1341 Baseline Road
Ottawa, ON K1A 0C5

Catalogue Number: A22-623/1-2019E-1-PDF

International Standard Book Number (ISBN): 978-0-660-30920-0

Agriculture and Agri-food Canada Number: 12909E

© Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, 2019

Executive Summary

Earnscliffe Strategy Group (Earnscliffe) is pleased to present this report to Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) summarizing the results of the sixth wave of the Strategic Issues Survey of food producers.

AAFC regularly conducts public opinion research with producers to track key data points over time and to provide insight on new and evolving areas of interest related to farming and agriculture. AAFC contracted Earnscliffe in 2018 to conduct the sixth wave of the department's survey of producers and the second iteration of focus groups with producers. This report outlines solely the quantitative research process and findings. The qualitative phase is presented under a separate cover.

The findings of this research will be used to monitor any changes in the public opinion environment among producers, and to gather data on a variety of new areas of interest for AAFC, including benchmarks of the department’s new multi-year agricultural policy framework, the Canadian Agricultural Partnership, that will be tracked over the next five years. The total cost to conduct this research was $121,479.97 including HST.

For the quantitative phase of this research project, Earnscliffe conducted a telephone survey of 1,504 producers aged 18 or older, who hold or share primary responsibility for making decisions regarding their farm operations with $10,000 or more in annual farm sales in 2017. Our quantitative sub-contractor for this project was Léger. The survey was conducted via telephone from Léger's centralized call-centre using their state of the art Computer Aided Telephone Interviewing (CATI) system. Léger relied on sample provided by Research Now SSI as they have proven to have very reliable phone sample. Research Now SSI's business sample is compiled using Dun & Bradstreet lists, which have been used in the past for this project with AAFC. The survey was conducted from October 22, 2018 to December 18, 2018 and was an average of 21 minutes in length.

As done in the past, quotas were set for producers by region and the data was weighted by province and sales volume to reflect the actual proportions found in the producer population, according to Statistics Canada’s 2016 Census of Agriculture.

The objectives of the research were to explore optimism in the sector, including jobs and growth, the roles of government and agricultural industries in agricultural programming, perceptions of public trust in the sector, emergency planning and innovation.

The key findings from the research are presented below.

Key Findings

Profile of Producers Surveyed

The Future of Agriculture

Risk Management and Emergency Preparedness

Trade Agreements and Negotiations

AAFC Initiatives

Public Trust


Interactions with AAFC, Social Media and Agri-Info

Research Firm: Earnscliffe Strategy Group Inc. (Earnscliffe)
Contract Number: 01B68-190331/001/CY
Contract award date: August 13, 2018

I hereby certify as a Representative of Earnscliffe Strategy Group that the final deliverables fully comply with the Government of Canada political neutrality requirements outlined in the Communications Policy of the Government of Canada and Procedures for Planning and Contracting Public Opinion Research. Specifically, the deliverables do not include information on electoral voting intentions, political party preferences, standings with the electorate or ratings of the performance of a political party or its leaders.


Doug Anderson signature

Doug Anderson
Principal, Earnscliffe

Date: February 21, 2019