2022 Vietnam Consumer Perceptions of Canadian Food and Seafood Products

Quantitative Survey Results Final Report

Prepared for Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

Supplier: Leger Marketing Inc.
Contract Number: 01B68-220927/001/CY
Contract Value: $83,395.82
Award Date: January 5, 2022
Delivery Date: March 28, 2022

Registration Number: POR 073-21

For more information onthis report, please contact Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada at aafc.info.aac@agr.gc.ca.

Ce rapport est aussi disponible en français

Prepared for Agriculture andAgri-Food Canada

Supplier Name: Leger Marketing Inc.

March 15, 2022

This public opinion research report presents the results of an online survey conducted by Leger Marketing Inc. on behalf of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. This research was conducted in February and March 2022.

This publication may be reproduced for non-commercial purposes only. Prior written permission must be obtained from Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. For more information on this report, please contact: aafc.info.aac@agr.gc.ca.

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
1341 Baseline Road
Ottawa, ON K1A 0C5

Catalogue Number: A22-672/1-2022E-PDF
International Standard Book Number (ISBN): 978-0-660-42922-9
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Number: 13118E
Related publications registration number: POR 073-21

Cette publication est aussi disponible en français sous le titre: Perceptions des consommateurs au Vietnam à l’égard des produits alimentaires et de la mer canadiens en 2022 - Rapport final.

International Standard Book Number (ISBN): 978-0-660-42924-3.

© Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada,2022.

Table of contents

Executive summary

Leger Marketing Inc. (Leger) is pleased to present Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) with this report on findings from a quantitative survey designed to learn about how Vietnamese consumers perceive Canadian food and seafood products.

Background and objectives

This market research with Vietnamese consumers collected baseline consumer perceptions and stated behaviours of Canadian products and processes, and evolving market demands to help inform the upcoming strategic approach for the Canada Brand marketing campaign. Specific objectives of the research include, but are not limited to, providing AAFC with data on:

The contract value for this project was $83,395.82 including HST.

Intended use of the research

The findings of the research are used in the development of policies, programs and initiatives, to improve communications and to better serve clients. The results are used to gain critical insights into the opinions, issues and challenges of marketing Canadian food products in Vietnam.


This public opinion research was conducted via a hybrid approach, with mainly online completed interviews with some Computer Aided Web Interviewing (CAWI) technology, and some face-to-face interviewing. Fieldwork for the survey was carried out from February 26 to March 15, 2022. A total of 2,301 Vietnamese consumers, between the ages of 20 and 54 years old, who are fully or partly responsible for grocery shopping in their household with demographic characteristics reflective of the Vietnamese population were surveyed. The sample was drawn randomly from a web panel and face-to-face samples and included 2,000 Vietnamese consumers with demographic characteristics representative of the population, and a booster of 301 Vietnamese consumers who purchased Canadian food or seafood products in the past year. The overall response rate for the survey was 16%.

Using data from the most recent General Statistics Office of Vietnam’s 2019 Census, the weighting was done by city, urbanity, and age group to ensure the most representative sample within each region and overall.

Leger adheres to the most stringent guidelines for quantitative research. The survey instrument was compliant with the Standards of Conduct of Government of Canada Public Opinion Research.

A complete methodological description is provided in Appendix A of this document.

Overview of the findings

Food shopping

Vietnamese consumers do their shopping on a regular basis, either every day (for a third of them: 34%) or several times a week (for half of them: 47%).

Three in four Vietnamese consumers have moderate monthly food spending (78%) – ranging from 3,000,001 to 15,000,000 vnd (roughly $165 to $830). Their food shopping is mainly done in-store (94%), with less than one in ten respondents saying they mainly shop online (6%). Local markets (44%) and major grocery store chains (33%) are the most popular establishments for grocery shopping.

Vegetables (96%), fruits (94%), and pork (92%) are the items that are most commonly bought on a weekly basis, closely followed by fish (84%), chicken (82%) and beef (75%). Cheese and other dairy (49%), grains (35%) and flour (27%) are bought on a weekly basis by less than half of Vietnamese consumers.

Vietnamese consumers appear to be very health conscious and aware of the food they purchase and eat, as a vast majority of them stated they are thinking carefully about what they eat (94%) and are regularly reading ingredient lists of their purchased products (90%).

In addition to that, Vietnamese consumers are very open to experimenting with food and cuisine: over eight in ten declared liking to try out new foods, recipes, and flavours (86%). Their openness towards new experiences in terms of food makes Vietnamese consumers an interesting market for Canadian food and seafood products, as openness is key when it comes to enjoying unfamiliar flavours and products.

International experiences 

Over half of Vietnamese consumers (57%) have previously travelled abroad, and the proportion is higher among Ho Chi Minh (67%) and Da Nang (74%) residents, as well as among consumers with higher incomes (79%) and education levels (college/university: 68%, beyond: 91%).

Foreign countries are of interest to Vietnamese consumers for travel purposes (80%), and their food and cuisine (78%): around one Vietnamese respondent out of three said they are extremely interested in international food and cuisine (35%), and around half are somewhat interested (44%). Residents of Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh (91% and 83% respectively) set themselves apart by being significantly more interested in international food and cuisine, but also all other aspects of foreign countries.

International food purchasing

Vietnamese consumers care a lot about food safety standards (87%), quality (86%), and health (86%). But in addition to this, international food products must be sustainable (77%), diverse (76%), and use new technologies and innovative processes (74%). These criteria are therefore mandatory for Vietnamese consumers to trust and purchase Canadian food products.

A vast majority of Vietnamese consumers have purchased international food products in the past year (85%). Around a third (37%) of Vietnamese consumers spend between 1% and 10% of their monthly household food budget on international food products, and around half (47%) spend between 10% and 75%. Since local markets are the key shopping establishment, consumer baskets are mainly comprised of local food items.

International foods are purchased on a monthly basis for most consumers (45%), but consumers with higher household incomes buy their food more frequently than those with low household incomes, as one in four (27%) of consumers with high household incomes purchase international food every week or more.

Regarding international food products, Vietnamese consumers tend to purchase food from other Asian countries, with South Korea (63%) and Japan (49%) being the main ones. Canadian products are bought by around one in four Vietnamese consumers who buy international products (26%). Hanoi residents (39%) and higher-income households (37%) are more likely to buy Canadian products than other subgroups.

Canadian products specifically are bought on a monthly basis mainly (42%), but they are bought more frequently by higher income earning respondents (47%), and Ho Chi Minh (48%) residents.

Canadian meats like beef and pork (70%) are the most popular Canadian items bought by Vietnamese consumers who purchased products from Canada, followed by fruits and vegetables (50%) and seafood (47%).

The competitive set

Canada came in third after the United States (81%) and Australia (75%) in terms of interest for international food products, but not far behind: seven in ten respondents were interested in buying Canadian products (71%). Canada's reputation has definitely helped anchor it in Vietnamese minds in terms of international products, as it is rated better than other countries on most surveyed criteria: high food safety standards (57%), high quality (55%), healthy and wholesome (54%) and sustainable (53%).

In terms of top-of-mind spontaneous mentions about Canada, most Vietnamese consumers think of maple trees (13%), landscapes (8%), and cuisine (7%). Education (7%), cold weather (7%), and tourism (6%) are also at the top of the list. Regarding Canadian food specifically, beef/beefsteak (9%), maple syrup (7%), and ham/bacon (6%) were the top three things that came to mind, but one in four consumers (25%) could not name anything. All mentions were brought up by a low proportion of Vietnamese consumers, which points to a superficial knowledge of Canadian food and seafood products: no single Canadian product stands out. It is also interesting to note that beef/beefsteak is a common top of mind mention for the other Commonwealth countries as well (United States: 18%, Australia: 25%, and New Zealand: 8%).

Among Vietnamese consumers, one in two people (50%) recall seeing a food product with a red maple leaf on it. Again, Da Nang (71%) Ho Chi Minh (60%) and Hanoi (55%) seem to be more open to international products as their residents are more likely to recall having seen a product with a maple leaf. When it came to an explicit specification that the food item came from Canada, the recall rate is six in ten (60%), and around seven in ten among consumers with higher incomes (73%), and residents of Da Nang (76%), Hanoi (70%), and Ho Chi Minh (68%).

Purchasing locations and inspiration

Regarding stores to shop for Canadian products, Shopee (34%), Lazada (22%) and Facebook (18%) were at the top of the list of online stores. Vinmart (37%), Aeon (24%), and Co.opmart (24%) were the most popular among brick and mortar stores.

When it came to food and cuisine, YouTube (70%), along with friends and family (65%) came out as the first sources of inspiration and information among Vietnamese consumers. TV cooking shows (50%), search engines (48%), and Facebook (48%) were also popular among half of the consumers. Around half of respondents said they bought food imported into Vietnam after reading or hearing about it from friends and family (51%) or on YouTube (48%). Word-of-mouth along with social media are likely key communication channels to promote Canadian products.

Notes on interpretation of the research findings

The views and observations expressed in this document do not reflect those of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. This report was compiled by Leger based on the research conducted specifically for this project. This research is not probability-based; therefore the results cannot be inferred to the general population of Vietnam.

Since a sample drawn from a web panel is not probabilistic in nature, margins of sampling error cannot be calculated for this survey. Respondents for this survey were selected from among those who have volunteered to participate/registered to participate in online surveys. The results of such surveys cannot be described as statistically projectable to the target population. The data have been weighted to reflect the demographic composition of the target population.

Political neutrality statement and contact information

Research Firm:

Leger Marketing Inc. (Leger)

Contract Number: 01B68-220927/001/CY

Contract Award Date: January 5, 2022

Leger Marketing Inc. hereby certifies that the deliverables fully comply with the Government of Canada political neutrality requirements outlined in the Policy on Communications and Federal Identity and the Directive on the Management of Communications. Specifically, the deliverables do not include information on electoral voting intentions, political party preferences, standings with the electorate, or ratings of the performance of a political party or its leaders.


Christian Bourque

Senior Researcher, Leger

Date: March 28, 2022


This market research with Vietnamese consumers collected baseline consumer perceptions and stated behaviours of Canadian products and processes, and evolving market demands to help inform the upcoming strategic approach for the Canada Brand marketing campaign.

This public opinion research was conducted via a hybrid approach, with mainly online completed interviews with some Computer Aided Web Interviewing (CAWI) technology, and some face-to-face interviewing. Fieldwork for the survey was carried out from February 26 and March 15, 2022. A total of 2,301 Vietnamese consumers with demographic characteristics reflective of the Vietnamese population were surveyed. Eligibility criteria are the following: to be between the ages of 20 and 54 years old, and to be fully or partly responsible for grocery shopping in their household. The results are used to gain critical insights into the opinions, issues and challenges of marketing Canadian food products in Vietnam.

To best meet the objectives of this study, data has been cross tabulated with the most relevant variables to unravel significant differences among subgroups. The variables that were analyzed for crosstabulation are:

If one or more categories are not mentioned in the detailed analysis, that means there are no relevant significant differences

Detailed results

Food shopping

Frequency of food shopping

While a third of respondents said they shop for food every day (34%), around half said they do it several times per week (47%), and one in five respondents shop once per week or less (19%).

Figure 1: Frequency of food shopping

Q3: How often does your household buy food or seafood… Base: All respondents (n=2,301).

Description of above image
Figure 1: Frequency of food shopping
Every day 34%
Several times per week 47%
Once a week 15%
Less than once a week 4%

Certain segments of Vietnam's population are more likely than others to shop for food on a daily basis. Young Vietnamese consumers aged 20 to 34 (37%), women (39%), residents of Can Tho City (45%) and other regions of Vietnam (51%), as well as those living in suburbs (50%) and in small towns (63%) are among those who are more likely shop on a daily basis. Vietnamese consumers with low household incomes (47%) and those who have not had experience abroad (43%) are also more likely to make daily food purchases.

In contrast, men (51%), Vietnamese with children at home, residents of Hanoi (52%) and Da Nang (55%) are significantly more likely to purchase food at different times during the week, but not every day. Respondents with experiences abroad (51%) are also more likely to follow this pattern of food shopping.

Average monthly food spending

Results show that the majority of Vietnamese consumers (55%) spent between 3,000,001 and 7,500,000 vnd per month on food purchases ($164 to $410 cad), while around one in five spent less than 3,000,001 vnd (19%), and one in four spent more than 7,500,000 vnd (26%).

Note: For the sake of crosstabulations, spending categories have been grouped in three subgroups. The categories “low”, “moderate”, and “high” food and seafood monthly spending refer to the following spending brackets:

Figure 2: Average monthly food spending

Q1: Approximately how much does your household spend on food purchases per month? Base: All respondents (n=2,301) *For analysis purposes, the original answer options were grouped into four brackets.

Description of above image
Figure 2: Average monthly food spending
Low spending: 3,000,000 vnd or less ($170 or less) 19%
Moderate spending: Between 3,000,001 and 7,500,000 vnd ($171-$420) 55%
Moderate spending: Between 7,500,001 and 15,000,000 vnd ($421-$830) 23%
High spending: More than 15,000,000 vnd (More than $830) 3%

While men, consumers from Can Tho, higher-earning consumers, and those who have experience abroad were more likely to spend more on their food shopping, women, younger consumers and Khanh Hoa residents spent less. Detailed breakdown is as follows:

Types of establishments for buying food products

Major grocery store chains were the most popular type of establishment to buy groceries from (82%), followed by local markets (76%) and traditional grocery stores (63%). Shopping online for home delivery (52%) and at department stores (49%) are also popular. Ordering online for curbside pickup is the least popular option (9%).

Figure 3: Types of establishments forbuying food products

Q2: In the past three months have you purchased foodat the following: (click as many as apply) Base: All respondents (n=2,301)
*Because respondents were able to give more than oneanswer, total mentions may exceed 100%.

Description of above image
Figure 3: Types of establishments for buying food products
Total in-store 100%
Total online/delivery 56%
In store at a major grocery store chain 82%
At a local market 76%
In store at an independent traditional grocery store 63%
Online for home delivery 52%
In store at a department store 49%
In store at a convenience store 43%
In independent branded food store 27%
In special food store 24%
By telephone for delivery 24%
Online for pickup in store (or curbside) 9%

While in-store shopping remains the most popular way to shop, online/delivery shopping is especially popular among men (65% versus 52% among women), those who have children living in their household (59% versus 46%), those who went to college/university (65%) or beyond (70%), those who live in Ho Chi Minh (62%) or Da Nang (72%), and other urban areas (61%), those with moderate to high incomes (61% and 71% respectively), those who have travelled abroad (70%) compared to those who don’t (39%), and among those who purchased Canadian food products in the past year (71%).

Other significant differences include:

Preferred establishment for buying food

Local markets (44%) and major grocery store chains (33%) are the preferred establishments for buying food for respondents. Department stores come third with less than one in ten (7%) respondents who reported buying the majority of their food from them. Online/delivery shopping methods are not popular among Vietnamese consumers, as only 6% of them prefer shopping either online for home delivery (5%) or by telephone for delivery (1%).

Figure 4: Preferred establishment forbuying food

Q2A: And out of the same list, where do you buy themajority of your food? Base: All respondents (n=2,301)

Description of above image
Figure 4: Preferred establishment for buying food
Total in-store 94%
Total online/delivery 6%
At a local market 44%
In store at a major grocery store chain 33%
In store at a department store 6%
Online for home delivery 5%
In store at a convenience store 4%
In independent branded food store 3%
In special food store 2%
In store at an independent traditional grocery store 2%
By telephone for delivery 1%
Online for pickup in store (or curbside) 0%

For analysis purposes, the answers “Online for home delivery”, “By telephone for delivery” and “Online for pickup in store (or curbside) were grouped in “Total online/delivery”. All other answers are grouped under “Total in-store”.

While the majority of respondents preferred shopping in-store, some subgroups were more likely to purchase the majority of their food online or for delivery (cf. Total online/delivery). Those that were more likely to purchase the majority of the food online or for delivery were:

Other significant differences include:

Frequency of shopping for specific food items

Vegetables, fruits, and pork came at the top of the list of the most frequently purchased food items, as over nine people out of ten buy them at least once a week. Fish, chicken, and beef follow as the second most frequently bought food items (84%, 82% and 75% respectively). Dairy products (milk: 57% and cheese and other dairy: 49%), grains (35%) and flour (27%) are the items bought the least frequently. Fish is bought at least weekly by over eight Vietnamese consumers out of ten (84%), while seafood is somewhat less popular as it is bought at least weekly by six out of ten consumers (61%).

Figure 5: Most purchased food items on a weekly basis

Q4: How often do you buy the following foods for yourhousehold… Base: All respondents (n=2,301)

Description of above image
Figure 5: Most purchased food items on a weekly basis
  Total Weekly
Vegetables 96%
Fruits 93%
Pork  92%
Fish 84%
Chicken or other poultry products (eggs, etc.) 82%
Beef 75%
Bread or baked treats (such as cookies, donuts, etc.) 73%
Seafood 61%
Dairy milk 56%
Cheese and other dairy products 49%
Grains (rice, cereal, etc.) 35%
Flour 28%
Figure 6: Frequency of shopping forspecific food items

Q4: How often do you buy the following foods for your household. Base: All respondents (n=2,301)

Description of above image
Figure 6: Frequency of shopping for specific food items
  Every day Several times a week Once a week A couple of times per month Once a month Less than once a month Very rarely Never
Vegetables 63% 25% 8% 3% 1% 0% 0% 0%
Fruits 42% 39% 12% 5% 1% 0% 0% 0%
Pork  19% 57% 16% 6% 1% 0% 0% 0%
Fish 9% 47% 28% 12% 3% 1% 1% 0%
Chicken or other poultry products (eggs, etc.) 7% 44% 31% 14% 2% 1% 1% 0%
Beef 5% 41% 29% 17% 4% 2% 2% 0%
Bread or baked treats (such as cookies, donuts, etc.) 11% 39% 23% 17% 5% 2% 2% 0%
Seafood 3% 28% 30% 23% 9% 4% 2% 0%
Dairy milk 8% 24% 24% 20% 12% 4% 4% 2%
Cheese and other dairy products 4% 18% 27% 27% 10% 5% 6% 2%
Grains (rice, cereal, etc.) 11% 10% 14% 26% 29% 8% 1% 0%
Flour 3% 10% 15% 20% 15% 17% 16% 4%

For analysis purposes, a total of consumers who purchased food on a weekly basis has been computed by summing the first three answer options: every day, several times a week, and once a week.

Overall, men, along with respondents with children living in their household, and respondents with higher incomes, were more likely to purchase their food items weekly at least, compared to the rest. For instance, beef is bought on a weekly basis by three in four respondents with children (78% versus 62%). Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh, and Da Nang residents are also among consumers who purchase their food on a weekly basis: for example, around six in ten residents of Hanoi (58%) Ho Chi Minh (62%) and Da Nang (65%) residents of purchase dairy milk on a weekly basis at least.

Vietnamese consumers who have travelled abroad also show some significant differences in their weekly food purchasing habits. They are more likely to purchase chicken (86% versus 75%), beef (81% versus 67%), and seafood (65% versus 56%) on a weekly basis.

Attitudes toward food buying and cooking

The vast majority of Vietnamese consumers consider themselves health-conscious and think carefully about what they eat (94%) and regularly read the lists of ingredients (90%). However, fewer Vietnamese consumers pay attention to food coming from abroad (65%). Around half (52%) of respondents say they strongly agree with trying out new foods, flavours, recipes and ingredients, and around a third (33%) somewhat agree. Although they love trying out new food, around eight in ten (82%) people still prefer to stay with Vietnamese foods.

Figure 7: Attitudes towards food buying and cooking

Q5: Please indicate how you agree or disagree with the following statements… Base: All respondents (n=2,301)

Description of above image
Figure 7: Attitudes towards food buying and cooking
  Strongly agree Somewhat agree Neither agree nor disagree Somewhat disagree Strongly disagree
I am very health conscious and think carefully about what I eat. 70% 24% 4% 1% 0%
I regularly read the lists of ingredients of the food I buy. 61% 29% 8% 2% 0%
I enjoy cooking. 55% 31% 11% 3% 0%
I like trying out new foods, recipes, flavours and ingredients. 52% 33% 12% 2% 1%
I think about environmental sustainability when purchasing food. 50% 33% 15% 2% 1%
I prefer to stay with the food that is made or comes from Vietnam. 47% 35% 16% 2% 0%
I pay attention to foods coming from abroad. 29% 36% 24% 8% 2%

Overall, respondents who travelled abroad were more likely to agree with five out of the seven statements: they are health conscious (96% versus 92%), they regularly read ingredient lists (93% versus 86%), they like trying out new foods (91% versus 77%), they care about environmental sustainability (84% versus 80%), and they pay attention to foods coming from abroad (72% versus 56%). They are also less likely to prefer sticking to food that is made or comes from Vietnam (79% versus 86%).

Women were also more likely to agree with the majority of the statements compared to men: they enjoy cooking more (88% versus 82%), they pay attention to the foods coming from abroad (67% versus 61%), they think more about environmental sustainability (84% versus 79%), and they are also more likely to prefer sticking to Vietnamese foods (85% versus 75%).

International experiences

Travelling abroad

Around six out of ten (%) Vietnamese consumers have travelled abroad, whether for work, education or vacation. Inversely, around four in ten have never been abroad (43%).

Figure 8: Travelled abroad

Q12: Have you orsomeone in your household ever been abroad (for work, education or vacation)? Base: All respondents (n=2,301). 

Description of above image
Figure 8: Travelled abroad
Yes 57%
No 43%

The following subgroups were more likely to have travelled abroad:

Interest in different aspects of other countries

Travel, food and cuisine are the most interesting aspects of other countries for Vietnamese consumers, as eight out of ten said they are interested in them (80% and 78% respectively). Around three out of four are interested in education (73%). Vietnamese consumers are the least interested in fashion (60%), and movies/music/artists (59%).

Around a third of respondents said they are extremely interested in food and cuisine (35%) and around two out of five are somewhat interested (44%). This interest in food and cuisine indicates an opportunity to market Canadian food products to the Vietnamese market.

Figure 9: Interest in different aspects of other countries

Q13: To what extent are you interested or not inforeign countries when it comes to … Base: All respondents (n=2,301)

Description of above image
Figure 9: Interest in different aspects of foreign countries
  Extremely interested Somewhat interested Neutral Somewhat uninterested Not interested at all
Travel 37% 43% 14% 3% 3%
Food and cuisine 35% 44% 16% 3% 3%
Education (that is studying abroad) 35% 38% 19% 4% 4%
History and culture 27% 41% 23% 5% 4%
Nature and wildlife 26% 40% 26% 5% 3%
Fashion 21% 40% 30% 6% 4%
Movies/music/artists 19% 39% 32% 5% 3%

Some subgroups stood out for showing more interest in aspects of other countries compared to the average. Men, respondents with children, Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh residents, along with respondents who have experience abroad and those who purchased Canadian products in the past year were especially likely to say they are interested in the various aspects.

The following subgroups were especially like to be interested in foreign countries when it comes to food and cuisine:

International food purchasing

Importance of various criteria when buying international food products

All criteria were considered important to some degree by Vietnamese consumers. Nine in ten Vietnamese consumers consider high food safety standards (87%), the healthy and wholesome aspect (87%), and high quality (86%) to be important criteria when buying international food products. Sustainability, diversity, and innovation were followed closely as they were rated as important by over three out of four respondents (77%, 76%, and 75% respectively). A diverse range of products as well as new technologies and innovative processes were considered extremely important by around one third of respondents (34% and 35% respectively).

Figure 10: Importance of various criteriawhen buying international food products

Q11: Please indicate how important each of thesefollowing criteria are when buying food or seafood products from foreigncountries. Base: Respondents who remember purchasing international foodproducts and knew at which frequency (n=1,769)

Description of above image
Figure 10: Importance of various criteria when buying foreign food products
  Extremely important Somewhat important Neutral Somewhat not important Not important at all
High food safety standards 67% 20% 5% 2% 6%
Healthy and wholesome  66% 21% 5% 2% 6%
High quality  61% 25% 6% 2% 6%
Sustainability  44% 32% 15% 4% 4%
Diverse range of food and seafood products  34% 42% 16% 4% 4%
New technologies and innovative processes  35% 39% 18% 4% 4%

Overall, some subgroups stand out as they are significantly more likely to agree with most of the statements: namely, women and respondents who have previously travelled abroad along with those who are interested in international food and cuisine. The detailed breakdown is as follows:

The following subgroups were more likely to think that high food safety standards are important:

The following subgroups were especially likely to think that the healthy and wholesome aspect is important:

The following subgroups were especially likely to think that high quality is important:

The following subgroups were especially likely to think that sustainability is important:

The following subgroups were especially likely to think that a diverse range of products is important:

The following subgroups were especially likely to think that new technologies and innovative processes are important:

International food purchase

A vast majority of Vietnamese consumers have purchased international food products in the past year (85%). The proportion was higher among those who had been abroad (97%), men (94%), residents of Hanoi (93%), Da Nang (96%) and Ho Chi Minh (91%), and high income earning individuals (93%).

Figure 11: Proportion of Vietnamese consumers who purchased internationalfood or seafood products in the past year

Q6: Out of the total amount your household spends on food in a year,about how much of it, in percentage, is spent on food and seafood imported fromother countries?
Base: All respondents (n=2,301)
*Note: This variable has been calculated by grouping the originalanswer options into two categories: Yes (if the proportion of food budget spenton international food products is strictly higher than 0%), and No (if theproportion is 0%).

Description of above image
Figure 11: Proportion of Vietnamese consumers who purchased international food or seafood products in the past year
Yes 85%
No 15%

Proportion of food budget spent on international food products

A majority of Vietnamese consumers (85%) purchased international food products. Around a third (37%) of Vietnamese consumers spend between 1% and 10% of their yearly household food budget on international food products. Around half (47%) spend between 10% and 75%, with less than one in ten spending more than 30% (9%).

Figure 12: Proportion of food budget spent on international food and seafood products

Q6: Out of the total amount your household spends onfood in a year, about how much of it, in percentage, is spent on food andseafood imported from other countries? Base: All respondents (n=2,301) 

Description of above image
Figure 12: Proportion of food budget spent on foreign products
0% 15%
1% to less than 5% 16%
5% to less than 10% 21%
10% to less than 15% 15%
15% to less than 20% 12%
20% to less than 30% 11%
30% to less than 40% 6%
40% to less than 50% 2%
50% to less than 75% 1%
75% and above 0%

Hai Phong and Can Tho residents (38% and 37% respectively), respondents with low household incomes (31%), respondents who did not have any experience abroad (29% versus 3%), along with older respondents (45 years  and older: 21% versus 12% among 20 to 34), and women (19% versus 6% among men) were especially likely to not spend any of their budgets on imported foods.

Respondents who are 20 to 34 years old (68% versus 60% among those aged 45 and older), respondents with children (65% versus 60%), residents of Ho Chi Minh (69%), those with moderate incomes (69%), respondents who are interested in international food and cuisine (67% versus 33%), as well as respondents who bought Canadian food products (69% versus 63%), were more likely to spend between 1 and 20% of their yearly food budget on foreign products.

Subgroups who spend 20 to 40% of their food budget on international food products include men (24% versus 14% among women), respondents with children (19% versus 14%), Ha Noi and Da Nang residents (23% and 28%), respondents with high household incomes (30%), respondents with experience abroad (25% versus 7%), respondents interested in international food (21% versus 2%), and respondents who purchased Canadian products (26% versus 15%).

Finally, residents of Da Nang (9%), respondents who have high monthly food spending (12%), and respondents with experience abroad (5% versus 1%) were more likely to spend between 40% and 75% of their food budget on international foods.

Frequency of purchasing international food products

Six in ten (60%) Vietnamese consumers who purchased international food products say they purchased them at least once a month, with around 45% having bought them once or twice a month. One in four consumers bought international food products less than once a month (26%), and around one in ten only bought international food products very rarely (14%).

Figure 13: Frequency of purchasing international food products

Q8: Thinking of the last 1 year, how often have youpurchased food or seafood from other countries? Base: Respondents who rememberbuying food from other countries (n=1,775).

Description of above image
Figure 13: Frequency of purchasing international food products
Every week or more 15%
Once or twice a month 45%
Less than once a month 26%
Very rarely 14%

Overall, residents of Ho Chi Minh and Da Nang, respondents who have previously travelled abroad, along with those with higher incomes were more likely to purchase international food items on a more frequent basis (weekly or monthly). On the other hand, residents of Khanh Hoa, respondents with no experience abroad, and lower-income respondents were more likely to buy international foods less than once a month or rarely. Details about significant differences and frequency of purchase of international foods are presented below.

The following subgroups were more likely to have bought food or seafood from other countries every week or more  in the past year:

The following subgroups were especially likely to have bought food or seafood from other countries once or twice a month:

The following subgroups were especially likely to have bought food or seafood from other countries less than once a month:

The following subgroups were especially likely to have bought food or seafood from other countries very rarely:

Origin of purchased international food products

For analysis purposes, countries were grouped by continent.

The vast majority of Vietnamese consumers have bought food products from other Asian countries within the last year (81%), around six in ten (62%) have bought food from North America, including one in four (26%) from Canada. Oceania (Australia and New Zealand) came out third with just under half (48%) of Vietnamese consumers saying they purchased food from there. Europe and South America came in last (16% and 8% respectively). While American products were twice as popular as Canadian ones (52% versus 26%), Canada performed better than European countries.

Figure 14: Originof purchased international food products

Q7: Thinking of the last 1 year, did you purchase foodor seafood coming from … Base: Respondents who spend more than 0% of their foodbudget on foreign products (n=1,853)
*Because respondents were able to give more than oneanswer, total mentions may exceed 100%.

Description of above image
Figure 14: Origin of purchased foreign foods
Total Asia 82%
Total North America 62%
Total Oceania 48%
Total Europe 16%
Total South America 8%
South Korea 63%
United-States of America 52%
Japan 49%
Australia 34%
China 33%
Thailand 30%
New Zealand 29%
Canada 26%
France 10%
Italy 8%
Brazil 6%
Argentina 4%
Other countries 4%
None 2%
Don't know/ Don't remember 2%

Some subgroups were more likely to have purchased food from Canada in the past year than others. Consumers aged 35 to 44 (34% compared to 22% among those aged 20 to 34 years old), women (33% compared to 15% among men), residents of Hanoi (39% versus 11% and 14% among residents of Khanh Hoa and Canh Tho), those who had moderate to high food spending (28% and 39% respectively), and those who were interested in international food and cuisine (29% versus 6%), were all more likely to have purchased food from Canada in the past year than others.

On the other hand, those who were 20 to 34 years old (22%), men (15%), residents of Khanh Hoa and Can Tho (11% and 14% respectively), respondents with low incomes (17%), and respondents with low monthly food spending (15%) were more likely to have not purchased food or seafood coming from Canada in the past year.

Frequency of purchasing Canadian food products

Four in ten (42%) respondents who purchased Canadian products in the past year did so once or twice a month. Around one in four consumers bought Canadian products less than once a month (25%), and the same proportion a few times per year (26%). Around 6% of Vietnamese consumers who have bought food from Canada have done so once a year or less (6%).

Figure 15: Frequency of purchasing Canadian food products

Q9: In the last 1 year, approximately how often do you recall buyingfood and seafood made in Canada? Base: Respondents who have purchased food fromCanada in the past year (n=666)

Description of above image
Figure 15: Frequency of purchasing Canadian food products
Once or twice a month 42%
Less than once a month 25%
A few times per year 26%
Once a year or less 6%

Subgroups with higher incomes, older respondents, and those with experience abroad were more likely to buy Canadian food products on a more frequent basis. On the other hand, respondents with lower incomes, younger respondents (20 to 34), and those who have never been abroad bought Canadian products less frequently (a few times per year or less). The detailed breakdown is presented below.

The following subgroups were more likely to have bought food or seafood from Canada once or twice a month in the past year:

The following subgroups were especially likely to have bought food or seafood from Canada less than once a month in the past year:

The following subgroups were especially likely to have bought food or seafood from Canada a few times per year in the past year:

The following subgroups were more likely to purchase food and seafood made in Canada once a year or less:

Types of purchased Canadian food products

Beef, pork and other meat were the most purchased Canadian products (70%), followed by fruits and vegetables (50%) and seafood (47%). Dairy, alcohol, bread and cereal were bought by around a third of respondents (34%, 33% and 31% respectively). Honey, jam and flour were the least popular Canadian products (14% and 10% respectively). Canadian maple syrup, while world-famous, was not at the top of the list, as it was bought by around one in five consumers (27%).

Figure 16: Types of purchased Canadian food products

Q10: From the following list, please indicate whichCanadian products you have purchased in Vietnam in the last 1 year. (Check allthat apply) Base: Respondents who purchased food from Canada in the past year (n=666)
*Because respondents were able to give more than oneanswer, total mentions may exceed 100%.

Description of above image
Figure 16: Types of purchased Canadian food products
Beef, pork, other meat 70%
Fruits and vegetables 50%
Seafood 47%
Cheese, yogurt, dairy 34%
Wine, beer and other alcohol 33%
Bread, cereals 31%
Maple syrup 27%
Condiments, seasonings 20%
Honey, jam 14%
Flour 10%
Other 1%

Significant differences in Canadian food products purchasing behaviour include:

Profile of Canadian food product purchasers

Vietnamese consumers who purchased Canadian food products have some specific characteristics that set them apart from the rest of the sample:

Table A.1: Profile of Canadian food product purchasers

Measure Response Total
Canadian food purchasers
Significant difference for Canadian food purchasers (Y)
Gender Male 33% 20% Y
Female 67% 80% Y
Age 20 to 24 13% 10% Y
25 to 29 17% 16%  
30 to 34 17% 14% Y
35 to 39 16% 22% Y
40 to 44 14% 17% Y
45 to 49 13% 9% Y
50 to 54 11% 12%  
Region Hanoi 25% 41% Y
HCM 45% 46%  
Da Nang 5% 6%  
Hai Phong 5% 2% Y
Khanh Hoa 3% 1% Y
Can Tho 3% 1% Y
Nam Dinh 1% 0% Y
Son La 1% 0%  
Nghe An 2% 0% Y
Dak Lak 2% 0% Y
Vinh Long 1% 0% Y
Dong Nai 6% 1% Y
Community size Large city 84% 92% Y
Suburban of large city 11% 6% Y
In a small town 5% 2% Y
In a rural area 0% 0%  
Children at home Yes 79% 83% Y
No 21% 17% Y
Monthly household income Low income - vnd 7,500,000 or less ($420 or less) 13% 5% Y
Low income - vnd 7,500,001 to 10,000,000 ($421 to $560) 12% 8% Y
Moderate income - vnd 10,000,001 to 15,000,000 ($561 to $830) 19% 10% Y
Moderate income - vnd 15,000,001 to 20,000,000 ($831 to $1,110) 18% 23% Y
Moderate income - vnd 20,000,001 to 30,000,000 ($1,111 to $1,670) 20% 32% Y
High income - Above vnd 30,000,000 (Above $1,670) 18% 22% Y
Education level Primary education complete 2% 1%  
Middle school education complete 7% 1% Y
High school education complete 20% 23% Y
Vocational training 7% 5%  
Some college or university, but not complete 4% 2% Y
College or University complete 55% 65% Y
Beyond college or university 4% 2% Y
Employment status Working full time 66% 69% Y
Working part time 9% 8%  
Self-employed / freelance work 16% 17%  
Student 3% 1% Y
Homemaker 5% 5%  
Unemployed 1% 0%  
Retired 0% 0%  
I prefer not to answer 0% 0%  

The competitive set

The next section presents how Canada performs compared to other anglophone countries in terms of interest, and top-of-mind mentions.

Interest in buying food from different countries

Vietnamese consumers were asked about their interest in purchasing food from Canada, the United States, Australia and New Zealand. Canada comes in third place with a total of 71% of respondents being very interested (38%) or somewhat interested (33%) in buying food from this country.

A vast majority (81%) of respondents have mentioned being very interested (47%) or somewhat interested (34%) in buying food from the United States. About three quarters (75%) have mentioned being very interested (36%) or somewhat interested (39%) in buying food from Australia. Lastly, seven out of ten (70%) respondents are very interested (33%) or somewhat interested (37%) in buying food from New Zealand.

While five in ten respondents (47%) state they are extremely interested in buying food from the United States, around four in ten (38%) say the same thing about Canada, which seems to confirm previous findings that Canadian products are not as well known compared to American ones. However, Canada still compares well to Australia and New Zealand as interest levels are similar across all three countries.

Figure 17: Interest in buying food from different countries

Q22: To what extent would you say you are interestedin buying food products from the following countries in the future: Base: All respondents (n=2,301) 

Description of above image
Figure 17: Interest in buying food from different countries
  Very interested Somewhat interested Neutral Somewhat not interested Not interested at all
United-States of America 47% 34% 13% 2% 3%
Australia 36% 39% 17% 4% 4%
Canada 38% 33% 21% 4% 5%
New Zealand 33% 37% 21% 4% 5%

The following subgroups were more likely to be interested in buying food products from Canada:

Recall of “United Tastes of America” food products

About half (48%) recall seeing the tagline “United Tastes of America”, while almost the same proportion (44%) do not recall seeing the tagline. The same trend as Canadian product recall can be noted for American products as well: the recall proportion is higher in urban areas and among higher household incomes.

Figure 18: Recall of “United Tastes of America” food products

Q21: Do you recall seeing an ad, poster or productwith the tagline ‘United Tastes of America’? Base: All respondents (n=2,301) 

Description of above image
Figure 18: Recall of “United Tastes of America” food products
Yes 48%
No 44%
Don’t know 8%

The following subgroups were more likely to remember seeing a “United Tastes of America” product or ad:

Recall of maple leaf on food products

Half of the respondents (50%) recall seeing food products with a red maple leaf in a store or online, while about four in ten (42%) do not recall seeing it. Less than one respondent out of ten (7%) do not know if they have seen the red maple leaf or not. The regions of Da Nang (71%), Ho Chi Minh (60%) and Hanoi (55%), had significantly higher recall rates than Khanh Hoa (38%), Can Tho (34%) and Hai Phong (31%), where on average one respondent out of three said they remembered seeing a product with a maple leaf. Other regions (aside from the six main regions), on the other hand, had the lowest recall rate (14%).

Figure 19: Recall of maple leaf on food products

Q19: Do you recall ever seeing food products with ared maple leaf in a store or online? Base: All respondents (n=2,301)

Description of above image
Figure 19: Recall of maple leaf on food products
Yes 50%
No 42%
Don’t know 7%

The following subgroups were more likely to have remembered seeing food products with a red maple leaf on them:

Recall of “Made in Canada” food products

Six in ten (60%) Vietnamese consumers recall seeing food products in store or online that specified it was from Canada, while a third (34%) did not recall seeing any product from Canada.

Figure 20: Recall of “Made in Canada” food products

Q20: Do you recall seeing food products in a store oronline that specified that it was from Canada? Base: All respondents (n=2,301)

Description of above image
Figure 20: Recall of “Made in Canada” food products
Yes 60%
No 34%
Don’t know 6%

The following subgroups were more likely to recall seeing a food product specifying it was from Canada:

Top of mind mentions – Australian food

When it comes to Australian food, a quarter of respondents (26%) have mentioned beef/beefsteak, followed by Kangaroo meat (10%) and milk (6%). On the other hand, about one in ten (17%) of respondents did not know what food comes to their mind when thinking about Australia.

Figure 21: Top of mind mentions – Australian food

Q16: When it comes to food, what is the first thingthat comes to your mind when you think of Australia? Base: All respondents(n=2,301)
*Because respondents were able to givemore than one answer, total mentions may exceed 100%.

Description of above image
Figure 21: Top of mind mentions – Australian food
Beef / Beefsteak 26%
Kangaroo Meat 10%
Milk 6%
Apple 3%
Grapes 3%
Fruit 3%
Beer 2%
Grilled BBQ 2%
Cherry 2%
Bread 2%
Wine 2%
Seafood 2%
Parmigiana chicken 2%
Pizza 1%
Alaskan shrimp 1%
Lamb grill 1%
Other 15%
Don't know 17%

Top of mind mentions – New Zealand food

Regarding New Zealand food, respondents think of milk (13%) and apples (11%). Other products, such as beef/beefsteak (8%), lamb grill (7%), kiwi (6%), and fruit (5%) were mentioned by fewer respondents. On the other hand, almost two in ten (19%) respondents did not know what food comes to their mind when thinking about New Zealand.

Figure 22: Top of mind mentions – New Zealand food

Q17: When it comes to food, what is the first thingthat comes to your mind when you think of New Zealand? Base: All respondents(n=2,301)
*Because respondents were able to give more than oneanswer, total mentions may exceed 100%.

Description of above image
Figure 22: Top of mind mentions – New Zealand food
Milk 13%
Apple 11%
Beef / Beefsteak 8%
Kiwi 7%
Lamb grill 7%
Fruit 6%
Bread 2%
Seafood 2%
Alcohol 1%
Cherry 1%
Cakes 1%
Cheese 1%
Grapes 1%
Wine 1%
Pavlova 1%
Other 15%
Don't know 19%

Top of mind mentions – American food

When thinking about American food, almost one fifth (18%) of respondents have mentioned beef or beefsteak. This is followed by hamburgers (9%) and apples (6%), and fast-food. While one in ten (14%) of respondents did not know what food comes to their mind when thinking about the United States.

Figure 23: Top of mind mentions – American food

Q18: When it comes to food, what is the first thingthat comes to your mind when you think of the United States? Base: Allrespondents (n=2,301)
*Because respondents were able to givemore than one answer, total mentions may exceed 100%.

Description of above image
Figure 23: Top of mind mentions – American food
Beef / Beefsteak 18%
Hamburger 9%
Apple 6%
Fastfood/ McDonald/ KFC 6%
Grapes 5%
Pizza 3%
Chocolate 3%
Alcohol 3%
Grilled BBQ 3%
Bread 2%
Cheese 2%
Fried chicken 2%
Fruit 2%
Coke 2%
Milk 1%
Wine 1%
Other 17%
Don't know 14%

Top of mind mentions - Canada

Vietnamese consumers were asked what came to mind when thinking of Canada in general, and then Canadian food specifically. When thinking about Canada in general, the main things that comes to mind for are maple tree (13%), followed by a beautiful landscape (8%), cuisine (7%), the education system (7%), and cold weather (7%). One respondent out of ten (13%) does not know what comes to mind when thinking of Canada.

Figure 24: Top ofmind mentions – Canada

14: In general, when you think of Canada, what is thefirst thing that comes to mind? Base: All respondents (n=2,301)
*Becauserespondents were able to give more than one answer, total mentions may exceed100%.

Description of above image
Figure 24: Top of mind mentions - Canada
Maple tree 13%
Beautiful landscape 8%
Cuisine 7%
Education/Good place to study 7%
Cold weather 7%
Tourism industry/Ideal tourist destination 6%
Developed country 4%
Big country/The 2nd largest country in the world 3%
High living standards 2%
Clean air/Clean environment 2%
Civilized country 2%
Beef 2%
Friendly people 2%
Maple leaf in the flag 1%
Maple syrup 1%
Shrimp/Lobster 1%
Rich country/ High income 1%
Rich seafood resources 1%
Rich culture/ Age-old culture 1%
Other 15%
None/ Don't know 13%

Respondents who have had travelled abroad are more likely to have mentioned the following things when thinking of Canada:

Top of mind mentions – Canadian food

When thinking about Canadian food, one respondent out of ten (9%) have mentioned beef/beefsteak, followed closely by maple syrup (7%), smoked ham/bacon (6%) and seafood (5%). All top of mind responses were mentioned by a low proportion of Vietnamese consumers, which points to a superficial knowledge of Canadian food and seafood products: no single Canadian product stands out.

A quarter (25%) of respondents did not know what food product comes to mind when thinking about Canada, which is higher than for other countries (Australia: 17%, New Zealand: 19%, and the United States: 14%). This further supports the observation that Canadian food products are not well known by Vietnamese consumers. This suggests there is a large opportunity to market Canadian products and increase their awareness among Vietnamese consumers.

Figure 25: Top of mind mentions – Canadian food

Q15: When it comes to food, what is the first thingthat comes to your mind when you think of Canada? Base: All respondents(n=2,301)
*Becauserespondents were able to give more than one answer, total mentions may exceed100%.

Description of above image
Figure 25: Top of mind mentions – Canadian food
Beef / Beefsteak 9%
Maple syrup 7%
Smoked ham/bacon 6%
Seafood 5%
Alaskan shrimp 4%
Pizza 3%
Alcohol 3%
Cakes 3%
Salmon 3%
Poutine cake 3%
Bread 2%
Snow fish 2%
Snow crab 2%
Fruit 2%
Dry bean soup 2%
Chocolate 1%
Milk 1%
Apple 1%
Beer 1%
Cherry 1%
Cheese 1%
Wine 1%
Alaskan crab 1%
Tart 1%
Other 11%
Don't know 25%

Respondents who have purchased Canadian products in the past are more likely to have mentioned:

Rating Canada on various food related criteria

For every criterion, Canada is perceived as better than or similar to other countries. More specifically, more than half of respondents believe Canada is better than other countries for high food safety standards (57%), high quality (55%), the healthy and wholesome food (54%), and sustainability (53%). Slightly fewer respondents believe Canada is better than other countries regarding new technologies and innovative processes (50%). With regards to the diverse range of food and seafood products, less than half (45%) think Canada is better, while the remainder (52%) believe Canada is similar to other countries.

Figure 26: Rating Canada on various food related criteria

Q23: When it comes to food or seafood products, howwould you rate Canada compared to other foreign countries who sell food andseafood in Vietnam? Base: All respondents (n=2,301)

Description of above image
Figure 26: Rating Canada on various food related criteria
  Better than other countries Similar or same than other countries Worse than other countries
High food safety standards 57% 39% 3%
High quality  55% 43% 3%
Healthy and wholesome food  54% 43% 2%
Sustainability  53% 45% 2%
New technologies and innovative processes  50% 47% 2%
Diverse range of food and seafood products  45% 52% 3%

Overall, men, older respondents (over 45 years old), those with high monthly food spending – roughly 1,640 cad, along with those who are interested in international food and cuisine, and respondents who purchased Canadian food or seafood products, were more likely to rate Canada better than other countries on all the criteria. The detailed breakdown is presented below.

The following subgroups were more likely to rate Canada better than other countries on high food safety standards:

The following subgroups were more likely to rate Canada better than other countries on high quality:

The following subgroups were especially likely to rate Canada better than other countries on healthy and wholesome food:

The following subgroups were especially likely to rate Canada better than other countries on sustainability:

The following subgroups were especially likely to rate Canada better than other countries on new technologies and innovative processes:

The following subgroups were especially likely to rate Canada better than other countries on diverse range of food and seafood products:

Purchasing locations and inspiration

In-person purchasing of Canadian food

More than a third (37%) of respondents mentioned VinMart as the in-person store they would visit to buy Canadian food and a quarter mentioned Aeon (24%) and Co.op mart/Co.op food mart (24%). Those who purchased Canadian food and seafood products were especially likely to purchase from Lotte mart (24% versus 17%), and Homefarm (6% versus 0%).

Figure 27: In-person purchasing of Canadian food

Q24B: Which specific in-person stores would you visitto purchase Canadian food? Please specify the names of stores. Base: Allrespondents (n=2,301)
*Becauserespondents were able to give more than one answer, total mentions may exceed100%.

Description of above image
Figure 27: Canadian in-person food stores
Vinmart 37%
Aeon 24%
Co.op mart/ Co.op food mart 24%
Lotte mart 19%
Big C/ Go 12%
Bach Hoa Xanh 2%
Homefarm 1%
Mega mart 1%
None/ Don't know 5%
Other 6%

The following subgroups were especially likely to shop at VinMart:

The following subgroups were especially likely to shop at Aeon:

The following subgroups were especially likely to shop at Co.op mart/Co.op food mart:

Online purchasing of Canadian food

When it comes to purchasing Canadian food products online, a third (34%) of Vietnamese consumers said they would visit Shopee to purchase Canadian food followed by Lazada (22%) and Facebook (18%). Those who purchased Canadian food or seafood products were more likely to shop on Facebook (24% versus 16%) and Lazada (26% versus 20%).

Figure 28: Onlinestore purchasing of Canadian food

Q24A: Which specific online stores would you visit topurchase Canadian food? Base: All respondents (n=2,301)
*Becauserespondents were able to give more than one answer, total mentions may exceed100%.

Description of above image
Figure 28: Online store purchasing of Canadian food
Shopee 34%
Lazada 22%
Facebook 18%
Tiki 11%
Website of store 9%
Zalo's shop 5%
Amazon 2%
Aeon mall's web 2%
Big C's web 1%
None/ Don't know 13%
Other 10%

The following subgroups were especially likely to shop at Shopee:

The following subgroups were especially likely to shop at Lazada:

The following subgroups were especially likely to shop on Facebook:

Sources of inspiration and information for food products

The majority (70%) of respondents have mentioned YouTube as a source of inspiration and information when it comes to cooking and food. While other sources respondents turn to or look for inspiration and information are friends and family (65%), cooking shows on television (50%), Google or other search engines (48%) and Facebook (48%). Only 1% of respondents do not consult any sources for cooking inspiration.

Figure 29: Sources of inspiration and information for food products

Q25: When it comes to cooking and food, where do youturn to for inspiration and/or to look for information of food and seafood? Checkall that apply. Base: All respondents (n=2,301)
*Because respondents were able to givemore than one answer, total mentions may exceed 100%.

Description of above image
Figure 29: Sources of inspiration and information for food products
YouTube 70%
Friends or family 65%
Cooking shows on television 50%
Google or other search engine 48%
Facebook 48%
Lifestyle magazines who talk about food 29%
Cookbooks you have at home 27%
Vietnam news outlets (physical newspapers or online) 15%
Zalo 12%
Instagram 12%
International news outlets (physical newspapers or online) 11%
Pinterest 6%
None of the above 1%

While higher income earning, younger, Ho Chi Minh residents were more likely to turn to YouTube for inspiration, those who mainly shopped at traditional local markets turned to friends and family for information and inspiration about Canadian food products.

The following subgroups were more likely to turn to YouTube for cooking or food inspiration:

The following subgroups were more likely to turn to friends and family for cooking or food inspiration:

The following subgroups were more likely to consult no source for inspiration:

Influence of various sources on food purchasing decisions

Friends and family (51%) and YouTube (48%) are not only the most popular sources of information, but they also influence respondents when it comes to buying food or seafood products imported into Vietnam. On the other hand, about one in ten (14%) respondents mentioned not consulting any sources.

Figure 30: Influence of various sources on food purchase decisions

Q26: And have you ever bought a food or seafoodproduct imported into Vietnam after seeing/reading/hearing something about iton… (check all that apply) Base: All respondents (n=2,301)

Description of above image
Figure 30: Influence of various sources on food purchase decisions
Friends or family 51%
YouTube 48%
Facebook 38%
Cooking shows on television 36%
Google or other search engine 31%
Lifestyle magazines who talk about food 24%
Cookbooks you have at home 18%
Vietnam news outlets (physical newspapers or online) 12%
Zalo 10%
International news outlets (physical newspapers or online) 10%
Instagram 9%
Pinterest 3%
None of the above 14%

Respondents who bought a food product after seeing, reading or hearing something about it through friends or family were likely to be:

The following subgroups were more likely to buy food or seafood products after seeing, reading or hearing something about it on YouTube:

The following subgroups were more likely to not consult any sources:


Several key trends relating to Vietnamese consumer perceptions about Canadian food and seafood products have been highlighted throughout the study.

Vietnamese consumers shop for food several times a week and spend on average around $164 to $409 (3,000,001 to 7,500,000 vnd) monthly. Purchasing in-store at local markets and major grocery store chains are the most popular ways to buy groceries. 

Although Vietnamese consumers shop mainly in local markets, a vast majority of them have bought international food products in the past year, and they are open to experimenting with food and cuisine. A majority of them have also travelled abroad, for work, education, or vacation.

A significant opportunity, therefore, exists to leverage Vietnamese interest in international food products. A majority of them are interested in buying food products from Canada, right behind the United States and Australia.

Canadian products benefit from a positive reputation among consumers in Vietnam, as it is rated better than other countries on almost all criteria asked about, including food safety standards, high quality, healthy and wholesome food, sustainability, new technologies and innovative processes and a diverse range of food and seafood products. Furthermore, the interest in Canadian food products is high even among those who have not bought any in the past year, as around two thirds of respondents declared being interested in purchasing food from Canada.

When thinking of Canadian products, no single item came out on top of the spontaneous mentions, which shows a shallow knowledge of Canadian food products. However, beef/beefsteak, maple syrup and ham/bacon were the top Canadian food products that Vietnamese consumers thought of.

But even though unaided knowledge of Canadian food products might be low, a majority of Vietnamese consumers remember seeing a Canadian food product in the past year. Canada also benefits from a widely positive opinion, as it is rated better than other countries on all criteria that were important for Vietnamese consumers.

Around one in five consumers have purchased Canadian food products in the past year. Most of them are located in Ho Chi Minh and Hanoi and make over 15,000,000 vnd monthly (roughly $825 – which is a moderate to high income). They spent more than average on groceries monthly and are more likely to shop at major grocery chains. Stores like VinMart, Aeon and Coopmart could be great channels to reach these purchasers.

While this study has enabled us to draw an overall portrait of the attitudes of Vietnamese consumers towards Canadian food and seafood products, further qualitative studies could be conducted in order to unravel deeper insights into the subject. Namely, taking a closer look into the motivations of Vietnamese consumers to purchase Canadian food and seafood products, as well as their needs in terms of food and seafood products, could provide invaluable additional knowledge on this foreign market.


Quantitative methodology

Quantitative research was conducted through a hybrid method combining online internet panel surveys using Computer Aided Web Interviewing Technology (CAWI) and face-to-face (F2F) interviews. F2F interviews were conducted to balance out the lack of panel coverage in certain regions.

As a Canadian Research Insights Council (CRIC) member, Leger adheres to the most stringent guidelines for quantitative research. The survey was conducted in accordance with Government of Canada requirements for quantitative research, including the Standards of the Conduct of Government of Canada Public Opinion Research—Series D—Quantitative Research.

Respondents were assured of the voluntary, confidential and anonymous nature of this research. As with all research conducted by Leger, all information that could allow for the identification of participants was removed from the data, in accordance with the Privacy Act.

The questionnaire is available in Appendix A2.

Sampling procedure

Computer Aided Web Interviewing (CAWI) and face-to-face interviewing

Leger conducted a panel-based internet survey and face-to-face survey with a sample of Vietnamese consumers, between the ages of 20 and 54 years, who are responsible for grocery shopping in their household. Data was collected by Leger’s supplier, Indochina Research, based in Vietnam. The survey questionnaire was translated and adapted to Vietnamese by the supplier, in order to ensure optimal understanding of the survey questions by Vietnamese consumers.

A total of 2,301 respondents participated in the survey. The exact distribution is presented in the following section. For the online portion, participant selection was done randomly from Indochina Research’s online panel. Panel members were recruited from previous market research projects and social media advertisement.

For the face-to-face portion, a number of wards were randomly selected in each city. The following table details the regional distribution of respondents and the data collection method used for each region. Since some regions were poorly covered by the web panel, face-to-face interviews were conducted in those regions to ensure representativeness and optimal sample distribution. The baseline sample attempted to replicate as closely as possible the actual distribution of the Vietnamese population.

Table A.2: Regional distribution of respondents and data collection method

Region Cities Main urban Main rural Booster urban Total (n=)
Online F2F F2F F2F
North Hanoi 300   100 150 550
North Hai Phong 100   50   150
North Nam Dinh (Nam Dinh)   100     100
North Son La (Son La)   100     100
Center Da Nang 100   50   150
Center Nha Trang (Khanh Hoa) 100   50   150
Center Vinh (Nghe An)   100     100
Center Buon Ma Thuot (Dak Lak)   100     100
South Ho Chi Minh City 300   100 150 551
South Can Tho 100   50   150
South Vinh Long (Vinh Long)   100     100
South Bien Hoa (Dong Nai)   100     100
  Total sample 1,000 600 400 300 2,301

Data Collection

Fieldwork for the survey was conducted from February 26 to March 15, 2022. The participation rate for the survey was 16%. A pre-test of 22 interviews was completed on February 22, 2022.

To achieve data reliability in all subgroups, a total sample of 2,301 Vietnamese consumers were surveyed, in the targeted regions of the country. The sample included 2,000 Vietnamese consumers with demographic characteristics representative of the population, and a booster of 301 Vietnamese consumers who purchased Canadian food or seafood products in the past year.

Since a sample drawn from an internet panel is not probability-based, the margin of error cannot be calculated for this survey. Respondents for this survey were selected from among those who have volunteered to participate/registered in online surveys. The results of such surveys cannot be described as statistically projectable to the target population. The data have been weighted to reflect the demographic composition of the target population. Because the sample is based on those who initially self-selected for participation, no estimates of sampling error can be calculated.

Based on data from General Statistics Office of Vietnam’s 2019 Census and internal analytics by Indochina Research projecting the population in urban and rural towns, the results of this survey were weighted by age, city and urban/rural.

Regional quotas were set in order to ensure a representative sample of the Vietnamese population. The following table details the set quotas and the final distribution of the sample.

Table A.3: Established quotas and final sample distribution by region

Region Key markets Main urban Main rural Booster urban Total quotas (n=) Final sample (n=)
North Hanoi 300 100 150 550 550
North Hai Phong 100 50   150 150
North Other Key cities - North 200     200 200
Center Da Nang 100 50   150 150
Center Nha Trang 100 50   150 150
Center Other Key cities - Center 200     200 200
South Ho Chi Minh 300 100 150 550 551
South Can Tho 100 50   150 150
South Other Key cities - South 200     200 200
  Total sample 1,600 400 300 2,300 2,301
   Community size distribution 80% 20%      

Participation rate

Below is the calculation of the survey’s participation rate. The overall participation rate for this study is 15.77%. The participation rate is calculated using the following formula: Participation rate = R ÷ (IS + R). The table below provides details of the calculation. Participation rate was calculated on the basis of the initial 2,000 Vietnamese consumers – excluding the booster sample.

Table A.4: Participation rate calculation - main sample

Sample Status Number
In-scope non-responding units (IS) Non-response from eligible respondents 38,160
Respondent refusals 5,814
Screen-outs 3,117
Early breakoffs 177
Responding units (R) Surveys disqualified – quota filled 6,127
Completed surveys disqualified for other reasons 730
Completed interviews 2,000
Final results Potentially eligible (IS+R) 56,143
Participation rate 15.77%

A participation rate of 16% is considered good in the Vietnamese context, and several factors explain such a positive rate: selection criteria were not strict, as all people from 20 to 54 and partly or fully in charge of grocery shopping were eligible, the study topic is of general interest, and the survey was short. Completion of the survey took between 10 to 15 minutes for online participants and 15 to 20 minutes for face-to-face respondents.

Unweighted and weighted samples

A basic comparison of the unweighted and weighted sample sizes was conducted to identify any potential non-response bias that could be introduced by lower response rates among specific demographic subgroups (see tables below).

The table below presents the geographic distribution of respondents, before and after weighting. The weighting adjusted for some discrepancies due to quotas that were placed on certain regions in order to have a sufficient sample in these regions.

Table A.5: Unweighted and weighted sample distribution by province

Region Unweighted Weighted
Hanoi 550 577
HCM 551 1,028
Hai Phong 150 113
Khanh Hoa 150 75
Da Nang 150 118
Can Tho 150 77
Other 600 312
Total 2,301 2,301

The following tables present the demographic distribution of respondents, according to community size and age.

First, regarding community size, weighting adjusted slightly the proportions of urban, suburban, and small town. The adjustments made by weighting are minor, and the small differences observed in the effective samples could not have introduced a non-response bias for either of these two sample subgroups.

Table A.6: Unweighted and weighted sample distribution by community size

Region Unweighted Weighted
Urban 1,824 1,922
Suburban 290 261
Small town 187 118
Total 2,301 2,301

Regarding age distribution, the weighting process has corrected some minor discrepancies. The actual distribution of the sample generally follows the distribution of age groups in the actual population. In this case, it is unlikely that the observed distributions introduce a non-response bias for a particular age group. Because the differences were so small, weighting allowed the weights to be corrected without further manipulation.

Table A.7: Unweighted and weighted sample distribution by age group

Region Unweighted Weighted
Between 20 and 34 1,131 1,079
Between 35 and 44 747 678
45 and over 423 544
Total 2,301 2,301

As demonstrated, the subgroup sizes were readjusted according to their importance in the general population. To do so, subgroups are multiplied by factors that balance their importance. Weighting factors enable to give certain groups a higher or lower importance in the sample. The relatively small weight factors (see section below) and differences in responses between various subgroups suggest data quality was not affected. The weight applied corrected the initial imbalance for data analysis purposes and no further manipulations were necessary.

The following tables present the weighting factors applied to the database according to the different respondent profiles. Respondents from Ho Chi Minh represent a large proportion of the sample: over half of the rural sample (57%) and around two fifths of the urban sample (42%).

Table A.8: Weight factors by city

Region  Cities Percent urban Percent rural
North Hanoi 24% 19%
North Hai Phong 6% 3%
North Nam Dinh (Nam Dinh) 2%  
North Son La (Son La) 1%  
Center Da Nang 6% 3%
Center Nha Trang (Khanh Hoa) 2% 11%
Center Vinh (Nghe An) 3%  
Center Buon Ma Thuot (Dak Lak) 3%  
South Ho Chi Minh City 42% 57%
South Can Tho 3% 6%
South Vinh Long (Vinh Long) 1%  
South Bien Hoa (Dong Nai) 7%  

Table A.9: Weight factors by age

Age group Percent
20 to 24 13%
25 to 29 17%
30 to 34 17%
35 to 39 15%
40 to 44 13%
45 to 49 13%
50 to 54 11%
Total 100%

Survey questionnaire

Section introduction

[Programmer notes:]


[CATI] Dear Mr/Mrs, Indochina Research is currently conducting interviews nationwide about food shopping. The interview will take approximately 15 minutes.

In this survey, food shopping includes buying eatable, drinkable products. This includes raw foods, processed, cooked, and canned foods.; both food and drink products.

If you would answer some questions and tell us what you think, your responses in this survey will provide valuable insight to develop better products.

Indochina Research absolutely guarantees that all answers you provide will be treated confidentially and will only be analyzed in a summarized form, so that identification of specific individuals is impossible.


[online] You are invited to participate in a research study conducted by Indochina Research Vietnam, an independent research company.

This study is looking to understand the food shopping habit of Vietnamese people. The survey will take approximately 15 minutes.

In this survey, food shopping includes buying eatable, drinkable products. This includes raw foods, processed, cooked, and canned foods.; both food and drink products.

Your individual answers will remain confidential and only be shown as aggregated with all other participants in the report. [See confidentiality terms]

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us through our representatives at vietnam@indochinaresearch.com

Thank you for your genuine participation in this study.

Giới Thiệu

[CATI] Xin chào anh/chị. Chúng tôi đến từ Công ty Nghiên cứu thị trường Đông Dương và chúng tôi đang thực hiện khảo sát về hành vi mua sắm đồ ăn, thực phẩm của người tiêu dùng Việt Nam. Khảo sát này sẽ mất khoảng 15 phút để hoàn thành.

Trong khảo sát này, mua sắm thực phẩm, đồ ăn bao gồm mua sắm các đồ có thể ăn, uống được. Những đồ này bao gồm cả đồ uống và thức ăn sống, đã được chế biến, hoặc đồ đóng hộp, đóng gói

Nếu anh/chị có thể dành thời gian trả lời các câu hỏi trong khảo sát này, câu trả lời của anh/chị sẽ cung cấp cho chúng tôi biết nhiều thông tin giá trị. Chúng tôi cam kết bảo mật thông tin đối với tất cả câu trả lời mà anh/chị cung cấp tại khảo sát.

[online] Anh/chị được mời tham gia vào khảo sát thực hiện bởi Indochina Research, là một công ty nghiên cứu thị trường độc lập ở Việt Nam.

Khảo sát này tìm hiểu về thói quen mua sắm thực phẩm, đồ ăn của người Việt Nam. Khảo sát này sẽ mất khoảng 15 phút để hoàn thành.

Trong khảo sát này, mua sắm thực phẩm, đồ ăn bao gồm mua sắm các đồ có thể ăn, uống được. Những đồ này bao gồm cả đồ uống và thức ăn sống, đã được chế biến, hoặc đồ đóng hộp, đóng gói.

Câu trả lời của anh/chị sẽ được hoàn toàn bảo mật và chỉ được biểu diễn, phân tích sau khi đã tổng hợp với thông tin của đáp viên khác. [Xem điều khoản bảo mật]

Nếu anh/chị có câu hỏi nào khác, liên hệ với chúng tôi tại vietnam@indochinaresearch.com

Cảm ơn anh/chị vì đã dành thời gian tham gia khảo sát này.

Do you agree to participate?

Anh/chị có đồng ý tham gia khảo sát không?

Label English Label Vietnamese Value Attribute Termination
Yes 1    
No Không 2   Terminate

Part 1. Screening
Phần 1. Gạn lọc
[Questions to include in this section: s1 to s8]
[Programmer notes:]


[All respondents]
[Single mention]
[list order: In orderIn order]
[programmer notes:]

S1. Are you responsible, in total or in part, for shopping for food products in your household?
S1. Anh/chị có phải là người chịu trách nhiệm trong việc mua sắm thực phẩm, đồ ăn cho gia đình không?

Label English Label Vietnamese Value Attribute Termination
All or most of it Tôi là người chịu trách nhiệm chính hoặc chịu trách nhiệm phần lớn 1    
In part Tôi là người chịu trách nhiệm một phần 2    
No Không 3   Terminate

S2. What is your year of birth?
S2. Anh/chị sinh năm nào?
[S3]      Scriptor: respondents submit year of birth, then calculate age for screening

  Value Attribute Termination
[Enter year of birth] Năm sinh Go to S4 if age from 20 to 54  
[Enter year of birth] Năm sinh   Terminate if outside 20 or 54

[all respondents]
[single mention]
[list order: In orderIn order]
[programmer notes: ]

S3. Where in Vietnam do you live?
S3. Hiện tại, anh/chị đang sống ở tỉnh/thành phố nào?

Label English Label Vietnamese Value Attribute Termination
Hà Nội Hà Nội 1    
Hồ Chí Minh City TP. Hồ Chí Minh 2    
Hải Phòng Hải Phòng 3    
Khánh Hòa Khánh Hòa 4    
Đà Nẵng Đà Nẵng 5    
Cần Thơ Cần Thơ 6    
[list of other provinces] [danh sách các tỉnh/ thành khác] 99    

[all respondents]
[list order: In order]
[programmer notes:]

S3A. In which District do you live?
S3A. Anh/chị đang sống ở quận/huyện nào

Label English Label Vietnamese Value Attribute Termination
[list of districts in (S5)] [danh sách các quận/huyện tương ứng với câu trả lời (S5)]   O  

[all respondents]
[list order: In order]
[programmer notes: optional question]

S3B. In which Ward do you live?
S3B. Anh/chị đang sống ở phường/xã nào

Label English Label Vietnamese Value Attribute Termination
[list of ward in (S5A)] [danh sách các phường/xã tương ứng với câu trả lời (S5A)]   O  

[all respondents]
[single mention]
[list order: In order]
[programmer notes:]

S4. And, do you live in a …
S4. Hiện tại, anh/chị đang sống ở…

Label English Label Vietnamese Value Attribute Termination
… large city … thành phố lớn 1 Move S7  
… suburb of large city … vùng ngoại ô của một thành phố lớn 2 Move S7  
… in a small town … thị trấn, thị xã 3 Move S7 terminate if not in 6 key markets only
… in a rural area … vùng nông thôn 4   terminate

[all respondents]
[single mention]
[list order: In order]
[programmer notes:]

S5. Including yourself, how many people live in your household, counting adults and children?
S5. Hiện tại, trong gia đình của anh/chị có bao nhiêu người, bao gồm cả người lớn, trẻ nhỏ và cả bản thân anh/chị?

Label English Label Vietnamese Value Attribute Termination
____________ people ____________ người      

[all respondents]
[single mention]
[list order: In order]
[programmer notes:]
[validation: S6 < S5]

S6. Of these [pipe: S5] people who live in your household, how many are children under the age of 18?
S6. Trong số [S5] người trong gia đình của anh/chị, có bao nhiêu người là trẻ em dưới 18 tuổi?

Label English Label Vietnamese Value Attribute Termination
__________children under the age of 18 __________trẻ em dưới 18 tuổi      

Part 2: General shopping habits
Phần 2: Thói quen mua đồ ăn, thực phẩm

[questions to include in this section: Q1-Q5]
[programmer notes:]

General Shopping Habits

The following section will focus on your general shopping habits.
Phần khảo sát tiếp theo sẽ tìm hiểu về thói quen mua thực phẩm, đồ ăn của anh/chị

[all respondents]
[single mention]
[list order: In order]
[programmer notes:]
[validation: minimum value of 1,000,000 vnd]

Q1. Approximately how much does your household spend on food purchases per month?
Q1. Trung bình một tháng gia đình anh/chị chi bao nhiêu cho mua sắm thực phẩm?

Statements English Statements Vietnamese Value Attribute Termination
Less than 1,000,000 vnd Dưới 1,000,000 vnd 1
From 1,000.001 to 2,000,000 vnd Từ 1,000.001 vnd đến 2,000,000 vnd 2
From 2,000.001 to 3,000,000 vnd Từ 2,000.001 vnd đến 3,000,000 vnd 3
From 3,000.001 to 4,000,000 vnd Từ 3,000.001 vnd đến 4,000,000 vnd 4
From 4,000.001 to 5,000,000 vnd Từ 4,000.001 vnd đến 5,000,000 vnd 5
From 5,000.001 to 7.500,000 vnd Từ 5,000.001 vnd đến 7.500,000 vnd 6
From 7.500.001 to 10,000,000 vnd Từ 7.500.001 vnd đến 10,000,000 vnd 7
From 10,000.001 to 12.500,000 vnd Từ 10,000.001 vnd đến 12.500,000 vnd 8    
From 12.500.001 to 15,000,000 vnd Từ 12.500.001 đến  15,000,000 vnd 9    
From 15,000.001 to 20,000,000 vnd Từ 15,000.001 đến  20,000,000 vnd 10    
From 20,000.001 to 25,000,000 vnd Từ 20,000.001 đến  25,000,000 vnd 11    
From 25,000.001 to  30,000,000 vnd Từ 25,000.001 đến  30,000,000 vnd 12    
More than 30,000,000 vnd Trên 30,000,000 vnd 13    

[single mention: Grid table]
[list order: In order]
[ statement list order: In order]
[programmer notes:]

Q2. In the past three months have you purchased food at the following: (click as many as apply)
Q2. Trong vòng 3 tháng gần nhất, anh/chị có mua sắm thực phẩm, đồ ăn tại địa điểm nào sau đây hay không? Hãy chọn tất cả các phương án trả lời phù hợp

Statements English Statements Vietnamese Value Attribute Termination
In store at a major grocery store chain (like Big C, VinMart, Coopmart) Chuỗi siêu thị lớn (ví dụ BigC, VinMart, Coopmart,…) 1
In store at a department store (like LotteMart in Lotte Department Store, Aeon) Trung tâm thương mại (ví dụ LotteMart, Aeon) 2
In independent branded food store (like An Nam Gourmet, Homefarm, Soi Bien, v.v…) Cửa hàng thực phẩm có thương hiệu riêng (ví dụ An Nam Gourmet, Homefarm, Sói Biển v.v…) 3    
In special food store (eg: seafood store, imported fruit store) Cửa hàng thực phẩm chuyên biệt (ví dụ cửa hàng hải sản Daohaisan, v.v…, cửa hàng hoa quả nhập khẩu Klever Fruit, v.v… ) 4    
In store at a convenience store (like Circle K, 7 Eleven) Cửa hàng tiện lợi (ví dụ Circle K, 7Eleven, …) 5
In store at an independent traditional grocery store Cửa hàng tạp hóa truyền thống 6
In store at a local market Chợ gần nơi sống 7
Online for home delivery Mua qua mạng và đồ được giao đến tận nhà 8
Online for pickup in store (or curbside) Mua qua mạng sau đó đến lấy đồ trực tiếp 9
By telephone for delivery Mua qua điện thoại và đồ được giao đến tận nhà 10    

[all respondents]
[single mention grid table]
[list order: In order]
[statement  list order: In order]
[programmer notes: pipe in according to Q2 or auto fill if only one response to Q2]

Q2A. And out of the same list, where do you buy the majority of your food?
Q2A. Trong số các địa điểm đó, anh/chị thường mua sắm phần lớn thực phẩm, đồ ăn ở đâu?

Statements English Statements Vietnamese Value Attribute Termination Logic
In store at a major grocery store chain (like Big C, VinMart, Coopmart) Chuỗi siêu thị lớn (ví dụ BigC, VinMart, Coopmart,…) 1     If Q2 = 1
In store at a department store (like LotteMart in Lotte Department Store, Aeon) Trung tâm thương mại (ví dụ LotteMart, Aeon) 2     If Q2 = 2
In independent branded food store Cửa hàng thực phẩm có thương hiệu riêng (ví dụ An Nam Gourmet, Homefarm, v.v…) 3     If Q2 = 3
In special food store (eg: seafood store, imported fruit store) Cửa hàng thực phẩm chuyên biệt (ví dụ cửa hàng hải sản Daohaisan, v.v…, cửa hàng hoa quả nhập khẩu Klever Fruit, v.v… ) 4     If Q2 = 4
In store at a convenience store (like Circle K, 7 Eleven) Cửa hàng tiện lợi (ví dụ Circle K, 7Eleven, …) 5     If Q2 = 5
In store at an independent traditional grocery store Cửa hàng tạp hóa truyền thống 6     If Q2 = 6
In store at a local market Chợ gần nơi sống 7     If Q2 = 7
Online for home delivery Mua qua mạng và đồ được giao đến tận nhà 8     If Q2 = 8
Online for pickup in store (or curbside) Mua qua mạng sau đó đến lấy đồ trực tiếp 9     If Q2 = 9
By telephone for delivery Mua qua điện thoại và đồ được giao đến tận nhà 10     If Q2 = 10

[all respondents]
[single mention]
[list order: In order]
[programmer notes:]

Q3. How often does your household buy food or seafood …
Q3. Tần suất anh/chị mua thực phẩm, hải sản là…

Label English Label Vietnamese Value Attribute Termination
… Every day … Hàng ngày 1    
… Several times per week … Vài lần mỗi tuần 2    
… Once a week … Một lần mỗi tuần 3    
… Less than once a week … Ít hơn một lần mỗi tuần 4    

[all respondents]
[single mention grid table]
[list order: In order]
[statement list order: In order]
[programmer notes:]

Q4. How often do you buy the following foods for your household:
Q4. Tần suất anh/chị mua các loại thực phẩm dưới đây ra sao?

  List English / List Vietnamese Every day / Hàng ngày Several times a week / Vài lần một tuần Once a week / Một lần một tuần A couple of times per month / Vài lần một tháng Once a month / Một lần một tháng Less than once a month / Ít hơn một lần một tháng Very rarely / Rất hiếm khi Never / Không bao giờ
Statements English / Vietnamese Value 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Beef / Thịt bò Q4-A                
Pork / Thịt lợn Q4-B                
Chicken or other poultry products (eggs, etc.) / Gia cầm hoặc thực phẩm từ gia cầm (ví dụ gà, vịt, ngan, trứng, v.v…) Q4-C                
Fish / Cá Q4-D                
Seafood / Hải sản (Ngoại trừ cá, ví dụ tôm, cua, mực…) Q4-E                
Bread or baked treats (such as cookies, donuts, etc.) / Bánh mì, bánh ngọt Q4-F                
Grains (rice, cereal, etc.) / Hạt (gạo, ngũ cốc, lạc, v.v…) Q4-G                
Vegetables / Rau củ Q4-I                
Fruits / Hoa quả Q4-J                
Flour / Bột mì Q4-K                
Dairy milk / Sữa động vật Q4-L                
Cheese and other dairy products / Phomai và các sản phẩm từ sữa khác (ví dụ Váng sữa, sữa chua…) Q4-M                

[all respondents]
[single mention grid table]
[list order: In order]
[statement list order: In order]
[programmer notes:]

Q5. Please indicate how you agree or disagree with the following statements …
Q5. Anh/chị đồng ý hoặc không đồng ý như thế nào với các nhận định sau

  List English / List Vietnamese Strongly agree / Hoàn toàn đồng ý Somewhat agree / Tương đối đồng ý Neither agree nor disagree / Trung lập Somewhat disagree / Tương đối không đồng ý Strongly disagree / Hoàn toàn không đồng ý
Statements English / Statements Vietnamese Value 1 2 3 4 5
I like trying out new foods, recipes, flavours and ingredients. / Tôi thích thử đồ ăn mới, công thức nấu ăn mới, sử dụng hương vị và nguyên liệu mới Q5-A          
I regularly read the lists of ingredients of the food I buy. / Tôi thường xuyên xem kỹ thành phần của thực phẩm mình mua Q5-B          
I am very health conscious and think carefully about what I eat. / Tôi rất quan tâm tới sức khỏe và tôi suy nghĩ kỹ trước khi mua đồ ăn của mình Q5-C          
I enjoy cooking. / Tôi thích nấu nướng Q5-D          
I pay attention to foods coming from abroad. / Tôi quan tâm tới các loại thực phẩm có nguồn gốc từ nước ngoài Q5-E          
I prefer to stay with the food that is made or comes from Vietnam. / Tôi thích ăn đồ ăn thuần Việt hơn Q5-F          
I think about environmental sustainability when purchasing food. / Khi mua thực phẩm, đồ ăn, tôi thường nghĩ đến việc bảo vệ môi trường Q5-G          

Part 3: Shopping habits for international food
Phần 3: Thói quen mua thực phẩm, đồ ăn nước ngoài

[questions to include in this section: Q6 to Q11]
[programmer notes:]

Shopping Habits For International Food

The following section will focus on your international food shopping habits.
Phần khảo sát tiếp theo sẽ tìm hiểu về thói quen mua thực phẩm, đồ ăn từ nước ngoài của anh/chị

[all respondents]
[single mention]
[list order: In order]
[programmer notes:]

Q6. Out of the total amount your household spends on food in a year, about how much of it, in percentage, is spent on food and seafood imported from other countries?
Q6. Trong số tiền gia đình anh/chị chi cho thực phẩm, đồ ăn một năm, khoảng bao nhiêu phần trăm là anh/chị chi cho thực phẩm và hải sản được nhập khẩu từ nước ngoài?

English Vietnamese Value Attribute Termination
0% 0% 1   Move to part 4
1% to less than 5% Từ 1% đến dưới 5% 2    
5% to less than 10% Từ 5% đến dưới 10% 3    
10% to less than 15% Từ 10% đến dưới 15% 4    
15% to less than 20% Từ 15% đến dưới 20% 5    
20% to less than 30% Từ 20% đến dưới 30% 6    
30% to less than 40% Từ 30% đến dưới 40% 7    
40% to less than 50% Từ 40% đến dưới 50% 8    
50% to less than 75% Từ 50% đến dưới 75% 9    
75% and above Từ 75% trở lên 10    

[all respondents]
[single mention]
[list order: In order]
[programmer notes:]

Q7. Thinking of the last 1 year, did you purchase food or seafood coming from …

Select all that apply

Q7. Trong 1 năm qua, anh/chị có mua thực phẩm, đồ ăn đến từ quốc gia nào sau đây không? Hãy chọn tất cả các phương án trả lời phù hợp

English Vietnamese Value Attribute Termination
Australia Úc 1    
Canada Canada 2    
China Trung Quốc 3    
France Pháp 4    
Italy Ý 5    
Japan Nhật Bản 6    
New Zealand New Zealand 7    
United States of America Mỹ 8    
Brazil Brazil 9    
Argentina Argentina 10    
Thailand Thái Lan 11    
South Korea Hàn Quốc 12    
Other countries Các nước khác 13    
None Không mua đồ từ nước ngoài 14 move to part 4  
Don’t know / Don’t remember Không nhớ / Không biết 15 move to part 4  

[all respondents]
[single mention]
[list order: In order]
[programmer notes:]

Q8. Thinking of the last 1 year, how often have you purchased food or seafood from other countries?
Q8. Trong 1 năm qua, tần suất mua các thực phẩm, đồ ăn được nhập khẩu từ nước ngoài của anh/chị là gì?

Label English Label Vietnamese Value Attribute Termination
Every week or more Hàng tuần hoặc thường xuyên hơn 1    
Once or twice a month Một hoặc hai lần mỗi tháng 2    
Less than once a month Ít hơn một lần mỗi tháng 3    
Very rarely Rất hiếm khi 4    
Don’t Know Không nhớ/ không biết 5 move to part 4  

[if Q7-B=2]
[single mention]
[list order: In order]
[programmer notes:]

Q9. In the last 1 year, approximately how often do you recall buying food and seafood made in Canada?
Q9. Trong vòng 1 năm qua, anh/chị có thường xuyên mua thực phẩm, đồ ăn có xuất xứ từ Canada hay không?

Label English Label Vietnamese Value Attribute Termination
Once or twice a month Một hoặc hai lần mỗi tháng 1    
Less than once a month Ít hơn một lần mỗi tháng 2    
A few times per year Vài lần mỗi năm 3    
Once a year or less Một lần mỗi năm hoặc ít hơn 4    
Don’t know Không nhớ / không biết 5 move to Q11  

[if Q7-B=2]
[single mention]
[list order: In order]
[programmer notes:]

Q10. From the following list, please indicate which Canadian products you have purchased in Vietnam in the last 1 year. (Check all that apply)
Q10. Trong vòng 1 năm qua, anh/chị có mua các sản phẩm đến từ Canada dưới đây khi mua sắm tại Việt Nam hay không? Hãy chọn tất cả các phương án trả lời phù hợp.

English Statement Vietnamese Statement Value Attribute Termination
Maple syrup Si-rô cây phong 1    
Bread, cereals Bánh mì, ngũ cốc 2    
Seafood Hải sản 3    
Beef, pork, other meat Thịt bò, thịt lợn, hoặc các loại thịt khác 4    
Wine, beer and other alcohol Rượu vang, bia, hoặc đồ uống có cồn 5    
Honey, jam Mật ong, mứt 6    
Flour Bột mì 7    
Condiments, seasonings Nước sốt và gia vị 8    
Fruits and vegetables Hoa quả và rau củ 9    
Cheese, yogurt, dairy Phomai, sữa chua, sữa, các sản phẩm từ sữa 10    
Other, please specify:_____ Khác, vui lòng ghi rõ: _____ 11    

[all respondents]
[single mention grid table]
[list order: In order]
[statement list order: Rotated]
[programmer notes:]

Q11. Please indicate how important each of these following criteria are when buying food or seafood products from foreign countries?
Q11. Đối với anh/chị, mức độ quan trọng của các tiêu chí sau khi mua thực phẩm hoặc đồ hải sản từ nước ngoài như thế nào?

  List English / List Vietnamese Not important at all / Hoàn toàn không quan trọng Somewhat not important / Không quan trọng lắm Neutral / Bình thường Somewhat important / Hơi quan trọng Extremely important / Cực kỳ quan trọng
Statements English / Statements Vietnamese Value 1 2 3 4 5
High food safety standards / Có tiêu chuẩn vệ sinh an toàn thực phẩm cao Q11-A          
Sustainability / Bảo vệ môi trường Q11-B          
New technologies and innovative processes / Công nghệ mới và quy trình sáng tạo Q11-C          
High quality / Chất lượng cao Q11-D          
Healthy and wholesome / Lành mạnh và tốt cho sức khỏe Q11-E          
Diverse range of food and seafood products / Nhiều loại thực phẩm và hải sản đa dạng Q11-F          

Part 4: General opinion about other countries
Phần 4: Quan điểm về các quốc gia nước ngoài

[questions to include in this section: Q12 to Q19]
[programmer notes:]

General Opinion About Other Countries

The following section will focus on your general opinion about other countries.
Phần khảo sát tiếp theo sẽ tìm hiểu về quan điểm của anh/chị về các quốc gia nước ngoài

[all respondents]
[single mention]
[list order: In order]
[programmer notes:]

Q12. Have you or someone in your household ever been abroad (for work, education or vacation)?
Q12. Anh/chị hoặc có ai trong gia đình của anh/chị đã từng đến nước ngoài để đi làm, đi học hoặc du lịch hay chưa?

Label English Label Vietnamese Value Attribute Termination
Yes 1    
No Không 2    

[all respondents]
[single mention grid table]
[list order: In order]
[statement list order: In order]
[programmer notes:]

Q13. To what extent are you interested or not in foreign countries when it comes to …
Q13. Mức độ quan tâm của anh/chị đến những khía cạnh dưới đây của các quốc gia nước ngoài là như thế nào?

  List English / List Vietnamese Not interested at all / Không quan tâm chút nào Somewhat not interested / Không quan tâm lắm Neutral / Bình thường Somewhat interested / Hơi quan tâm Extremely interested / Đặc biệt quan tâm
Statements English / Statements Vietnamese Value 1 2 3 4 5
Food and cuisine / Ẩm thực và đồ ăn Q10-A          
History and culture / Lịch sử và văn hóa Q10-B          
Nature and wildlife / Thiên nhiên và cuộc sống hoang dã Q10-C          
Travel / Du lịch Q10-D          
Movies/music/artists / Phim ảnh / âm nhạc / nghệ sĩ Q10-E          
Fashion / Thời trang Q10-F          
>Education (in other words: studying abroad) / Giáo dục (ví dụ Du học ở nước ngoài) Q10-G          

[all respondents]
[programmer notes:]

Q14. In general, when you think of Canada, what is the first thing that comes to mind?
Q14. Khi nhắc đến Canada nói chung, điều đầu tiên anh/chị nghĩ đến là gì?

Label English Label Vietnamese Value Attribute Termination
Please specify [Câu trả lời của ĐV (PVV: Anh/chị vui lòng kể cụ thể…)] 96 O  
(do not read) I prefer not to answer [ĐV từ chối trả lời] 99    

[all respondents]
[programmer notes: rotate Q15 to Q18]

Q15. When it comes to food, what is the first thing that comes to your mind when you think of Canada?
Q15. Khi nhắc đến Canada, anh/chị nghĩ đến đồ ăn gì đầu tiên?

Label English Label Vietnamese Value Attribute Termination
Please specify [Câu trả lời của ĐV (PVV: Anh/chị vui lòng nêu cụ thể…)] 96 O  
(do not read) I prefer not to answer [ĐV từ chối trả lời] 99    

[all respondents]
[programmer notes:]

Q16. When it comes to food, what is the first thing that comes to your mind when you think of Australia?
Q16. Khi nhắc đến nước Úc, anh/chị nghĩ đến đồ ăn gì đầu tiên?

Label English Label Vietnamese Value Attribute Termination
Please specify [Câu trả lời của ĐV (PVV: Anh/chị vui lòng nêu cụ thể…)] 96 O  
(do not read) I prefer not to answer [ĐV từ chối trả lời] 99    

[all respondents]
[programmer notes:]

Q17. When it comes to food, what is the first thing that comes to your mind when you think of New Zealand?
Q17. Khi nhắc đến New Zealand, anh/chị nghĩ đến đồ ăn gì đầu tiên?

Label English Label Vietnamese Value Attribute Termination
Please specify [Câu trả lời của ĐV (PVV: Anh/chị vui lòng nêu cụ thể…)] 96 O  
(do not read) I prefer not to answer [ĐV từ chối trả lời] 99    

[all respondents]
[programmer notes:]

Q18. When it comes to food, what is the first thing that comes to your mind when you think of the United States?
Q18. Khi nhắc đến Mỹ, anh/chị nghĩ đến đồ ăn gì đầu tiên?

Label English Label Vietnamese Value Attribute Termination
Please specify [Câu trả lời của ĐV (PVV: Anh/chị vui lòng nêu cụ thể…)] 96 O  
(do not read) I prefer not to answer [ĐV từ chối trả lời] 99    

[all respondents]
[single mention]
[list order: In order]
[programmer notes:]

Q19. Do you recall ever seeing food products with a red maple leaf in a store or online?
Q19. Anh/chị đã từng nhìn thấy đồ ăn, đồ uống nào có hình ảnh lá phong đỏ khi đi mua sắm tại cửa hàng hoặc trên mạng hay chưa?

Label English Label Vietnamese Value Attribute Termination
Yes Đã từng nhìn thấy 1    
No Chưa từng nhìn thấy 2    
Don’t know Tôi không biết / không nhớ 3    

[all respondents]
[single mention]
[list order: In order]
[programmer notes:]

Q20. Do you recall ever seeing food products in a store or online that specified that it was from Canada?
Q20. Anh/chị đã từng nhìn thấy đồ ăn, đồ uống nào mà được ghi rõ hoặc thể hiện rõ rằng sản phẩm đó đến từ Canada, khi mua đồ tại cửa hàng hoặc trên mạng hay chưa?

Label English Label Vietnamese Value Attribute Termination
Yes Đã từng nhìn thấy 1    
No Chưa từng nhìn thấy 2    
Don’t know Tôi không biết / không nhớ 3    

[all respondents]
[single mention]
[list order: In order]
[programmer notes:]

Q21. Do you recall ever seeing an ad, poster or product with the tagline ‘United Tastes of America’?
Q21. Anh/chị đã từng nhìn thấy quảng cáo, áp phích hoặc sản phẩm có dòng chữ “United Tastes of America – Mỹ vị Hoa Kỳ” hay chưa?

Label English Label Vietnamese Value Attribute Termination
Yes Đã từng nhìn thấy 1    
No Chưa từng nhìn thấy 2    
Don’t know Tôi không biết / không nhớ 3    

Part 5: General opinion about foreign products
Phần 5: Quan điểm về các sản phẩm có xuất xứ từ nước ngoài

[questions to include in this section: Q12 to -Q19]
[programmer notes:]

Opinions On Buying Foreign Products

The following section will focus on your foreign products buying habits.
Phần khảo sát tiếp theo sẽ tìm hiểu về thói quen mua các sản phẩm có xuất xứ từ nước ngoài của anh/chị.

[all respondents]
[single mention grid table]
[list order: In order]
[statement list order: In order]
[programmer notes:]

Q22. To what extent would you say you are interested in buying food products from the following countries in the future:
Q22. Trong tương lai, mức độ quan tâm của anh/chị đối với việc mua thực phẩm có xuất xứ từ các nước sau như thế nào?

List English / List Vietnamese Not interested at all / Không quan tâm chút nào Somewhat not interested / Không quan tâm lắm Neutral / Bình thường Somewhat interested / Hơi quan tâm Extremely interested / Đặc biệt quan tâm
Statements English / Statements Vietnamese Value 1 2 3 4 5
Australia / Úc Q17-A          
Canada / Canada Q17-B          
New Zealand / New Zealand Q17-C          
United States of America / Mỹ Q17-D          

[all respondents]
[single mention grid table]
[list order: In order]
[STATEMENT list order: In order]
[programmer notes:]

Q23. When it comes to food or seafood products, how would you rate Canada compared to other foreign countries who sell food and seafood in Vietnam?
Q23. Anh/chị đánh giá thực phẩm, hải sản Canada khác gì so với thực phẩm, hải sản của các quốc gia khác được bán tại Việt Nam?

List Englsih / List Vietnamese Better than other countries / Tốt hơn các quốc gia khác Similar or same than other countries / Giống các quốc gia khác Worse than other countries / Tệ hơn các quốc gia khác
Statements English / Statements Vietnamese Value 1 2 3
High food safety standards / Có tiêu chuẩn vệ sinh an toàn thực phẩm cao Q22-A      
Sustainability / Bảo vệ môi trường Q22-B      
New technologies and innovative processes / Công nghệ mới và quy trình sáng tạo Q22-C      
 High quality / Chất lượng cao Q22-D      
Healthy and wholesome food / Lành mạnh và tốt cho sức khỏe Q22-E      
Diverse range of food and seafood products / Nhiều loại thực phẩm và hải sản đa dạng Q22-F      

[all respondents]
[open ended – single answers]
[list order: In order]
[programmer notes:]
[validation: Text only]

Q24A. ‘Which specific online stores would you visit to purchase Canadian food?’
Please specify the names of online stores (for example, buy from stores on Shopee, Lazada, Tiki, Facebook, Zalo or on websites of local stores, v.v…)

Q24A. Nếu như anh/chị muốn mua thực phẩm, đồ ăn của Canada, anh/chị sẽ mua tại cửa hàng online nào?
Vui lòng ghi cụ thể cửa hàng trên các kênh bán hàng online (ví dụ mua hàng tại các cửa hàng trên Shopee, Lazada, Tiki, Facebook, Zalo hoặc tại website của các cửa hàng, v.v…)

Label English Label Vietnamese Value Attribute Termination
Online stores:________ Tên cửa hàng online:_______ 96 O  

[all respondents]
[open ended – single answers]
[list order: In order]
[programmer notes:]
[validation: Text only]

Q24B. ‘Which specific in-person stores would you visit to purchase Canadian food?’
Please specify the names of stores (for example, grocery, department or convenience store like Vinmart, Lottemart, Coopmart, Aeon, L’splace, v.v…)

Q24B. Nếu như anh/chị muốn mua thực phẩm, đồ ăn của Canada, anh/chị sẽ trực tiếp mua tại cửa hàng nào?
Vui lòng ghi cụ thể cửa hàng bán trực tiếp (ví dụ Vinmart, Lottemart, Coopmart, AEON, L’splace, v.v…)

Label English Label Vietnamese Value Attribute Termination
In-person stores:________ Tên cửa hàng bán trực tiếp:_______ 96 O  

Part 6: Source of information
Phần 6: Về nguồn thông tin

[questions to include in this section: Q12 to Q19]
[programmer notes:]

Source of information

The following section will focus on your information and media consumption.
Phần khảo sát tiếp theo sẽ tìm hiểu về cách anh/chị tìm kiếm, sử dụng các thông tin truyền thông liên quan đến thực phẩm, đồ ăn.

[all respondents]
[single mention]
[list order: In order]
[programmer notes:]

Q25. When it comes to cooking and food, where do you turn to for inspiration and/or to look for information of food and seafood? Check all that apply.
Q25. Khi nấu đồ ăn và hải sản, anh/chị thường tìm kiếm nguồn cảm hứng, thông tin từ nguồn nào sau đây? Hãy chọn tất cả các phương án trả lời phù hợp.

Statements English Statements Vietnamese Value Attribute Termination
Friends or family Gia đình hoặc bạn bè 1    
Cooking shows on television Chương trình nấu ăn trên TV 2    
Lifestyle magazines who talk about food Tạp chí về lối sống, ẩm thực 3    
Cookbooks you have at home Sách hướng dẫn nấu ăn 4    
Google or other search engine Google hoặc các công cụ tìm kiếm khác 5    
YouTube YouTube 6    
Zalo Zalo 7    
Vietnam news outlets (physical newspapers or online) Các kênh tin tức, báo (báo giấy hoặconline) của Việt Nam 8    
International news outlets (physical newspapers or online) Các kênh tin tức, báo (báo giấy hoặc online) của nước ngoài 9    
Facebook Facebook 10    
Pinterest Pinterest 11    
Instagram Instagram 12    
None of the above Không nguồn nào trong số trên 13    

[all respondents]
[single mention]
[list order: In order]
[programmer notes:]

Q26. And have you ever bought a food or seafood product imported into Vietnam after seeing/reading/hearing something about it on… (check all that apply)
Q26. Anh/chị đã bao giờ mua thực phẩm nhập khẩu hoặc hải sản nhập khẩu từ nước ngoài sau khi nhìn/nghe thấy/đọc được được thông tin về sản phẩm đó từ… (Hãy chọn tất cả các phương án trả lời phù hợp)

Statements English Statements Vietnamese Value Attribute Termination
Friends or family Gia đình hoặc bạn bè 1    
Cooking shows on television Chương trình nấu ăn trên TV 2    
Lifestyle magazines who talk about food Tạp chí về lối sống, ăn uống 3    
Cookbooks you have at home Sách hướng dẫn nấu ăn 4    
Google or other search engine Google hoặc các công cụ tìm kiếm khác 5    
YouTube Youtube 6    
Zalo Zalo 7    
Vietnam news outlets (physical newspapers or online) Các kênh tin tức, báo (báo giấy hoặc online) của Việt Nam 8    
International news outlets (physical newspapers or online) Các kênh tin tức, báo (báo giấy hoặc online) của nước ngoài 9    
Facebook Facebook 10    
Pinterest Pinterest 11    
Instagram Instagram 12    
None of the above Không nguồn nào trong số trên 13    

Sociodemographic questions
Phần câu hỏi nhân khẩu học

[questions to include in this section: ]
[programmer notes:]


The following questions are for statistical purposes only.
Phần khảo sát tiếp theo sẽ hỏi một số câu hỏi về thông tin của anh/chị. Các thông tin thu thập chỉ được phục vụ cho mục đích thống kê.

DM1.    Please indicate your gender:

To which gender do you most associate yourself.

DM1.    Giới tính của anh/chị là:

Label English Label Vietnamese Single Code
Male Nam 1
Female Nữ 2
I prefer not to answer Từ chối trả lời 99

[all respondents]
[single mention]
[list order: In order]
[programmer notes:]

DM2. What is your current employment status?
DM2. Tình trạng việc làm hiện tại của anh/chị là?

Label English Label Vietnamese Value Attribute Termination
Working full time Làm việc toàn thời gian 1    
Working part time Làm việc bán thời gian 2    
Self-employed / freelance work Tự kinh doanh / Freelance 3    
Student Học sinh – sinh viên 4    
Homemaker Nội trợ 5    
Unemployed Thất nghiệp 6    
Retired Nghỉ hưu 7    
I prefer not to answer Từ chối trả lời 8    

[all respondents]
[single mention]
[list order: In order]
[programmer notes:]

DM3. Among the following categories, which one best reflects the total average monthly income, after taxes, of all the members of your household in 2021?
DM3. Thu nhập sau thuế trung bình mỗi tháng của tất cả các thành viên trong gia đình anh/chị trong năm 2021 là bao nhiêu?

Label English Label Vietnamese Value Attribute Termination
Less than 3,000,000 vnd Ít hơn 3,000,000 vnd 1    
3,000.001 to 5,000,000 vnd Từ 3,000.001 đến 5,000,000 vnd 2    
5,000.001 to 7.500,000 vnd Từ 5,000.001 đến 7.500,000 vnd 3    
7.500.001 to10,000,000 vnd Từ 7.500.001 đến 10,000,000 vnd 4    
10,000.001 to 15,000,000 vnd Từ 10,000.001 đến 15,000,000 vnd 5    
15,000.001 to 20,000,000 vnd Từ 15,000.001 đến 20,000,000 vnd 6    
20,000.001 to 25,000,000 vnd Từ 20,000.001 đến 25,000,000 vnd 7    
25,000.001 to  30,000,000 vnd Từ 25,000.001 đến 30,000,000 vnd 8    
30,000.001 to  35,000,000 vnd Từ 30,000.001 đến 35,000,000 vnd 9    
35,000.001 to  40,000,000 vnd Từ 35,000.001 đến 40,000,000 vnd 10    
vnd 40,000,001 to  50,000,000 Từ 40,000.001 đến 50,000,000 vnd 11    
vnd 50,000,001 to  75,000,000 Từ 50,000.001 đến 75,000,000 vnd 12    
vnd 75,000,001 to 100,000,000 Từ 75,000.001 đến 100,000,000 vnd 13    
vnd 100,000,001 and above Trên 100,000,000 vnd 14    

[all respondents]
[single mention]
[list order: In order]
[programmer notes:]

DM4. What is the highest level of education that you have completed (with an obtained degree, diploma and/or certificate)?
DM4. Trình độ học vấn cao nhất của anh/chị là gì?

Label English Label Vietnamese Value Attribute Termination
No formal education Không được đi học 1    
Some primary education, but not complete Chưa hoàn thành bậc tiểu học 2    
Primary education complete Học hết tiểu học 3    
Some middle school education, but not complete Chưa hoàn thành bậc trung học cơ sở 4    
Middle school education complete Học hết trung học cơ sở 5    
Some high school education, but not complete Chưa hoàn thành bậc trung học phổ thông 6    
High school education complete Tốt nghiệp trung học phổ thông 7    
Vocational training Tốt nghiệp trường nghề 8    
Some college or university, but not complete Chưa hoàn thành bậc cao đẳng hoặc đại học 9    
College or University complete Tốt nghiệp cao đẳng hoặc đại học 10    
Beyond college or university Tốt nghiệp bậc sau đại học 11    

[questions to include in this section: ]
[programmer notes:]


This study was conducted on behalf of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. Thank you for your time and rest assured all your answers will remain confidential.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us through our representatives at vietnam@indochinaresearch.com

Khảo sát này được thực hiện thay mặt cho bộ Nông nghiệp Canada. Cảm ơn anh/chị đã dành thời gian và hãy yên tâm rằng tất cả các câu trả lời của anh/chị sẽ được bảo mật.

Nếu anh/chị có câu hỏi nào khác, liên hệ với chúng tôi tại vietnam@indochinaresearch.com