CRA 2016 Annual Corporate Survey Business and Tax Intermediary Results
October 2016

Contract # 46558-171473/001/CY
Produced by Environics
Contract Award Date: July 7, 2016
Report Date: October, 2016

Ce rapport est aussi disponible en français.

1. Objectives

The CRA requires data on corporate-wide issues to provide public opinion context for:

Research was designed and conducted with the general public, business decision makers and tax intermediaries to gauge:

2. Methodology

3. Overall perceptions of CRA

For tracking purposes and comparability over time, a questionnaire similar to the one used for the Spring 2016 POR was developed along with new questions designed to obtain additional information.

3.1. Overall performance of CRA

QB1. How would you rate the overall performance of the CRA? Please use a scale from 0 to 10, where 0 means “terrible” and 10 means “excellent”.
Base: all respondents
Poor (0 to 3) Neutral (4 to 7) Good (8 to 10)Don't know
Business (n=303) 8% 51% 35% 7%
Tax intermediaries (n=300) 11% 58% 28% 3%

3.2. Reasons for performance rating

QB2. Why do you rate the performance of the CRA as [insert rating] out of 10?
Base: those who provided a valid response at QB1
Business (n=283) Tax intermediary (n=290)
Good customer service 9% 8%
Average service 8% 8%
No problems 8% 6%
Difficult to deal with 8% 7%
Efficient/knowledgeable 7% 7%
Inefficient 7% 5%
Poor customer service 6% 7%
Slow 5% 7%
Not easily accessible 6% 3%
Unfair tax collection process 4% 5%
Lack of knowledge 1% 4%
Other 7% 9%
Don't know 21% 20%

3.3. Agreement with attributes: business

QB3. I would now like you to rate the CRA on a series of statements. Please use a scale of 0 to 10, where 0 means completely disagree and 10 means completely agree.
Base: all business respondents (n=303)
Disagree (0 to 3) Neutral (4 to 7) Agree (8 to 10)Don't know
Treats taxpayer information with confidentiality 6% 30% 52% 12%
Honest in dealing with taxpayers 12% 41% 37% 9%
Treats taxpayers with respect 16% 44% 33% 8%
Can be trusted to do what is right in administering taxes/benefits 18% 46% 31% 6%
Treats taxpayers fairly 21% 42% 31% 8%
Works hard at helping Canadians with tax/benefit matters 19% 49% 26% 9%
Is efficient in its operations 22% 45% 26% 9%
It is easy to understand the information the CRA provides 28% 48% 23% 1%

3.4. Agreement with attributes: Intermediaries

QB3. I would now like you to rate the CRA on a series of statements. Please use a scale of 0 to 10, where 0 means completely disagree and 10 means completely agree.
Base: all tax intermediary respondents (n=300)
Disagree (0 to 3) Neutral (4 to 7) Agree (8 to 10)Don't know
Treats taxpayer information with confidentiality 7% 33% 52% 9%
Honest in dealing with taxpayers 12% 45% 38% 5%
Treats taxpayers with respect 14% 47% 37% 3%
Can be trusted to do what is right in administering taxes/benefits 16% 49% 31% 6%
Works hard at helping Canadians with tax/benefit matters 19% 46% 30% 4%
Treats taxpayers fairly 16% 50% 29% 5%
Is efficient in its operations 20% 48% 28% 4%
It is easy to understand the information the CRA provides 22% 51% 26% 2%

4. Income Tax Filing and Planning

4.1. Resources used for filing and tax planning

QC1. When filing business income taxes, does your business use:
QC2. And what about tax planning? Does your business use…
Base: all business respondents (n=303)
Tax filing Tax planning
In-house resources 33% 38%
Outside service 41% 30%
Combination of in-house and outside services 24% 23%
Don’t know 2% 9%

4.2. Paperwork burden

QSM1 On a scale of 0 to 10, how burdensome for your business is paperwork for the CRA?
Base: all respondents  
Burdensome (8 to 10) Neutral (4 to 7) Not burdensome (0 to 3)Don't know
Business (n=303) 25% 52% 21% 1%
Tax intermediaries (n=300) 26% 59% 12% 2%

4.3. Perception of burden of paperwork

QSM2 Over the past couple of years, do you think the burden of dealing with paperwork for the CRA has…?
Base: all respondents
Business (n=303) Tax intermediaries (n=300)
Increased 20% 25%
Stayed the same 64% 56%
Decresed 10% 10%

4.4. Interest in online transactions

QSM3 On a scale of 0 to 10, what is your level of interest in increased availability of online business transactions with the CRA, in order to reduce the paper burden?
Base: all respondents  
Not interested (0 to 3) Neutral (4 to 7) Interested (8 to 10)Don't know
Business (n=303) 14% 47% 29% 9%
Tax intermediaries (n=300) 13% 45% 36% 7%

4.5. Use of services in past year

QSM4. Which of the following online services have you used in the past three years? Please choose all that apply.
Base: all respondents
Business (n=303) Tax intermediary (n=300)
GST/HST Netfile 53% 63%
Electronic payments 54% 56%
MyBusiness Account 41% 47%
T4 Internet filing 29% 47%
Business registration online 25% 33%
None of the above 16% 11%

5. Experience with CRA - Contacts

5.1. Contacted CRA in the last 12 months and method

QD1. In the last 12 months, have you contacted the CRA, other than for sending in personal or business tax returns?

Business: 30% have contacted CRA in the last 12 months.

Tax intermediaries: 46% have contacted CRA in the last 12 months.

QD2.How did you contact the CRA?
Sub-sample: Those who contacted the CRA in the past 12 months (Business: n=90, Tax intermediary: n=139)
Business (n=90) Tax intermediaries (n=139)
Telephone 91% 89%
Mail 13% 24%
Fax 3% 15%
Other 6% 6%

5.2. Issues encountered contacting CRA: business

QSM5. Did you have any problems accessing the CRA during your most recent contact? (n=86)
Sub-sample: Those who contacted the CRA in the past 12 months

QSM6. What problem did you encounter?
Sub-sample: Those who experienced an issue (n=31)
Problem Percentage
On hold/long wait times 36%
Busy signal 16%
No answer 10%
Slow/inefficient service 10%
Difficulties contacting right department 6%
Incorrect/lack of information 3%
Other 10%
Can't recall 10%

5.3. Issues encountered contacting CRA: Intermediaries

QSM5. Did you have any problems accessing the CRA during your most recent contact? (n=133)
Sub-sample: Those who contacted the CRA in the past 12 months

QSM6. What problem did you encounter?
Sub-sample: Those who experienced an issue (n=63)
Problem Percentage
On hold/long wait times 25%
Busy signal 19%
No answer 10%
Slow/inefficient service 8%
Difficulties contacting right department 6%
Incorrect/lack of information 2%
Other 11%
Can't recall 14%

5.4. Purpose of most recent contact

QD4. Was the purpose of your MOST RECENT contact to…?
Sub-sample: Those who contacted the CRA in the past 12 months
Purpose Business (n=86) Tax intermediaries (n=133)
Seek clarification of information sent to you by CRA 43% 41%
Seek general information 23% 24%
Seek information about filing business taxes 17% 18%
Try to resolve a dispute you had with the CRA 16% 29%
Make a payment owing on business taxes 10% 13%
Update information 5% 5%
File tax/tax return 5% 5%
Other 1% 3%

5.5. Satisfaction with time to obtain service

QSM7. And how satisfied are you with the amount of time it took to get service during this most recent contact with CRA?
Sub-sample: Those who contacted the CRA in the past 12 months
Dissatisfied (0 to 3) Neutral (4 to 7) Satisfied (8 to 10)Don't know
Business (n=86) 25% 40% 33% 2%
Tax intermediaries (n=133) 29% 44% 26% 1%

5.6. Knowledge of staff: phone

QSM8 For the following question we are asking for your impression of the service you received from the CRA (on a scale of 0 to 10) during this most recent contact.
Sub-sample: Those who contacted the CRA in the past 12 months by telephone
Not knowledgeable (0 to 3) Neutral (4 to 7) Knowledgeable (8 to 10)Don't know
Business (n=77) 12% 30% 53% 4%
Tax intermediaries (n=113) 13% 52% 33% 2%

5.7. Quality of service

QD5. On a scale of 0 to 10, how satisfied are you with the overall quality of the service you received when you contacted the CRA (Insert response from D3, or from D2 if D3 wasn’t asked) on this most recent occasion?
Sub-sample: Those who contacted the CRA in the past 12 months
Dissatisfied (0 to 3) Neutral (4 to 7) Satisfied (8 to 10)Don't know
Business (n=86) 12% 43% 42% 2%
Tax intermediaries (n=133) 16% 49% 35% 0%

5.8. Received what they needed

QD6. Did you get what you needed from the CRA on this particular occasion?
Sub-sample: Those who contacted the CRA in the past 12 months
Yes No Can't recall
Business (n=77) 79% 18% 2%
Tax intermediaries (n=113) 66% 32% 2%

5.9. Preferred method for receiving information

QSM9 What about communications from the CRA to you? Would you prefer traditional paper-based communications, such as a letter in the mail, or an email indicating you have CRA correspondence within My Account, CRA’s secure online portal?
Base: all respondents
Business (n=303) Tax intermediaries (n=300)
Secure electronic communication 44% 50%
Traditional paper-based 43% 36%
No preference 13% 13%

5.10. Confidence in CRA to resolve issues: business

QSM10 Please state your level of confidence in the CRA in regards to the following statements:
Base: all business respondents (n=303)
Not confident (0 to 3) Neutral (4 to 7) Confident (8 to 10)Don't know
If I had a disagreement with the CRA, I would be able to get it resolved 21% 47% 20% 12%
The CRA holds itself accountable for the advice it gives 15% 40% 27% 19%

5.11. Confidence in CRA to resolve issues: Intermediaries

QSM10 Please state your level of confidence in the CRA in regards to the following statements:
Base: all intermediaries respondents (n=300)
Not confident (0 to 3) Neutral (4 to 7) Confident (8 to 10)Don't know
If I had a disagreement with the CRA, I would be able to get it resolved 20% 48% 25% 5%
The CRA holds itself accountable for the advice it gives 16% 47% 27% 11%

5.12. How you would correct error in business taxes

QSM11. If you wanted to fix an error in your taxes, what would you do?
Base: all respondents
Business (n=303) Tax intermediaries (n=300)
Call CRA 17% 26%
Contact accountant/lawyer 28% 12%
Contact CRA 11% 11%
Refile 5% 9%
Send a letter 2% 4%
Go online/check website 2% 2%
File an appeal 1% 2%
Send email 1% 2%
Other 3% 6%
Don't know 29% 26%

5.13. Agreement with statements: Business

QSM12. I would now like to read you a list of statements. For each one, please use a scale from 0 to 10, where 0 means you completely disagree, and 10 means you completely agree.
Base: business respondents (n=303)

When contacting CRA by phone, able to receive service in Official Language of choice

CRA assumes taxpayers report taxes accurately unless evidence of the contrary

Information provided by the CRA is consistent

Information provided by the CRA is easy to understand

5.14. Agreement with statements: Intermediaries

QSM12. I would now like to read you a list of statements. For each one, please use a scale from 0 to 10, where 0 means you completely disagree, and 10 means you completely agree.
Base: intermediaries respondents (n=300)

When contacting CRA by phone, able to receive service in Official Language of choice

CRA assumes taxpayers report taxes accurately unless evidence of the contrary

Information provided by the CRA is consistent

Information provided by the CRA is easy to understand

5.15. Service comparison: Financial institutions

QD6. Based on your experience, would you say the level of customer service provided by the CRA is better, about the same, or worse than the service you might receive from financial institutions with which you currently do business.
Base: all respondents
Business (n=303) Tax intermediaries (n=300)
Better 10% 14%
Same 48% 58%
Worse 34% 25%

5.16. Service comparison: Government agencies

QD6. Based on your experience, would you say the level of customer service provided by the CRA is better, about the same, or worse than the service you might receive from financial institutions with which you currently do business.
Base: all respondents
Business (n=303) Tax intermediaries (n=300)
Better 11% 14%
Same 66% 70%
Worse 9% 9%
Don't know 15% 7%

6. CRA website

6.1. Visited the CRA website

QF1. Have you ever visited the CRA website to search for information on tax-related matters?
Base: all respondents
Business (n=303) Tax intermediaries (n=300)
Yes 80% 79%
No 17% 19%
Don't know 3% 2%

6.2. Agreement with statements: Business

QE2. Please state your level of agreement with the following statements about the CRA website.
Sub-sample: Those who have visited the website (n=241)
Disagree (0 to 3) Neutral (4 to 7) Agree (8 to 10)
The information provided on the CRA website is easy to understand 19% 56% 24%
It is easy to find the information I'm looking for 28% 57% 15%

6.3. Agreement with statements: Intermediaries

QE2. Please state your level of agreement with the following statements about the CRA website.
Sub-sample: Those who have visited the website (n=237)
Disagree (0 to 3) Neutral (4 to 7) Agree (8 to 10)
The information provided on the CRA website is easy to understand 13% 56% 30%
It is easy to find the information I'm looking for 17% 56% 27%

7. Compliance Burden

7.1. Agreement with attributes: Business

QF1. "Red tape" is defined as the unnecessary and undue compliance burden – that is, the time and resources spent by business to demonstrate compliance with the federal government regulations. The CRA has focused recent efforts on reducing tax-related burden for businesses. With respect to your business, please indicate the extent to which you agree with the following statements…
Base: all business respondents (n=303)
Disagree (0 to 3) Neutral (4 to 7) Agree (8 to 10)Don't know
Online services available on the website make it easy to comply 13% 49% 30% 8%
Able to understand information from CRA to help business meet reporting obligations 13% 54% 28% 5%
Over the past year, I have spent less time searching for needed information on reporting obligations 16% 50% 18% 16%
CRA develops new products/services that are in line with realities of doing business 14% 41% 15% 31%
CRA takes business needs into account when developing new products/services 17% 44% 16% 24%

7.2. Agreement with attributes: Intermediaries

QF1. "Red tape" is defined as the unnecessary and undue compliance burden – that is, the time and resources spent by business to demonstrate compliance with the federal government regulations. The CRA has focused recent efforts on reducing tax-related burden for businesses. With respect to your business, please indicate the extent to which you agree with the following statements…
Base: all Intermediaries respondents (n=300)
Disagree (0 to 3) Neutral (4 to 7) Agree (8 to 10)Don't know
Online services available on the website make it easy to comply 8% 51% 39% 3%
Able to understand information from CRA to help business meet reporting obligations 10% 55% 32% 3%
Over the past year, I have spent less time searching for needed information on reporting obligations 13% 52% 27% 8%
CRA develops new products/services that are in line with realities of doing business 12% 53% 22% 13%
CRA takes business needs into account when developing new products/services 15% 51% 23% 10%