CRA 2016 Annual Corporate Survey General Population Results
October 2016

Contract # 46558-171473/001/CY
Produced by Environics
Contract Award Date: July 7, 2016
Report Date: October, 2016

Ce rapport est aussi disponible en français.

1. Objectives

The CRA requires data on corporate-wide issues to provide public opinion context for:

Research was designed and conducted with the general public, business decision makers and tax intermediaries to gauge:

2. Methodology

3. Overall perceptions of CRA

For tracking purposes and comparability over time, a questionnaire similar to the one used for the Spring 2016 POR was developed along with new questions designed to obtain additional information.

3.1. Overall performance of CRA

QB1. How would you rate the overall performance of the CRA? Please use a scale from 0 to 10, where 0 means “terrible” and 10 means “excellent”.
Base: all respondents (n=1,600)
Poor (0 to 3) Neutral (4 to 7) Good (8 to 10)Don't know
5% 47% 44% 4%

3.2. Reasons for performance rating

QB2. Why do you rate the performance of the CRA as [insert rating] out of 10?
Base: all respondents who provided a valid response at QB1 (n=1,537)
Good (8 to 10)Neutral (4 to 7)Poor (0 to 3)
Have never had a problem 51% 14% --
Always room for improvement 13% 16% 4%
Dislike government organizations 2% 12% 28%
Not satisfied with interactions 2% 10% 21%
Not familiar with them/not a lot of interaction 3% 10% 1%
Poor service – difficult to contact 3% 8% 13%
Dislike paying taxes 2% 8% 19%
Poor service – too slow 2% 7% 13%
Good service from employees 6% 1% --
Efficient/easy/simple process 6% 1% --

3.3. Agreement with attributes: general public

QB3. I would now like you to rate the CRA on a series of statements. Please use a scale of 0 to 10, where 0 means completely disagree and 10 means completely agree.
Base: all respondents (n=1,600)
Disagree (0 to 3) Neutral (4 to 7) Agree (8 to 10)DK
Treats taxpayer information with confidentiality 4% 19% 74% 3%
Honest in dealing with taxpayers 8% 29% 60% 3%
Treats taxpayers with respect 6% 31% 61% 1%
Can be trusted to do what is right in administering taxes/benefits 8% 38% 52% 2%
Treats taxpayers fairly 10% 36% 52% 2%
Is efficient in its operations 8% 41% 47% 4%
Works hard at helping Canadians with tax/benefit matters 10% 41% 46% 3%
It is easy to understand the information the CRA provides 12% 44% 42% 2%

4. Experience with CRA – Income Tax Filing

4.1. Completion of 2015 tax return

QC1 Have you sent in your personal [Quebec only: federal] income tax return for 2015?
Base: all respondents (n=1,600)

4.2. Assistance with completing return

QC2. Did you complete your 2015 tax return on your own, or did you receive help from someone else? (Using tax software does not count as receiving help)
Sub-sample: Those who filed their 2015 return (n=1,488)

QC3. From whom did you get help?
Sub-sample: Those who received help to file their return (n=1,106)
*Percentages shown are calculated out of the total who filed a 2015 return (n=1,488)

4.3. How did you file your taxes

QC4a. How did you file your taxes? [If needed: That is, for example, did you file by mail or online?]

[If filed by someone else]: Do you know how they filed your taxes?

[If needed: That is, for example, did the individual/tax preparer file your taxes by mail or online?]

Sub-sample: Those who filed their 2015 return (n=1,488)

Percentages shown are based on those who filed a tax return in 2015

File by mail: 13%

File online: 80%

4.4. Reasons for not filing taxes online

QC5. What would you say is the main reason you did not file your 2015 return online
Sub-sample: Those who filed their return by mail (n=203)
Accustomed to doing the process by paper 20%
Someone else is responsible for filing it 19%
Feelings that electronic is too complicated 15%
Do not have access to a computer at home 13%
Concerns about security of sending tax information electronically 9%
Not comfortable with online technology in general 9%
Seems easier to do and submit it by paper 8%
Want to be able to send tax receipts and other documentation 5%
Tax situation is fairly straightforward 4%
Tax preparation software too expensive 4%
Computer/internet access is too slow 3%
Other 11%
No reason 5%
Don't know 3%

4.5. Recent shift to online filing

QC7. Did you start filing your tax return online within the past three years?
Sub-sample: Those who filed their return online (n=1,184)

4.6. Main reason for changing to online filing

QC7B. What would you say is the main reason that you changed to online filing?
Sub-sample: Those who began filing online in past 3 years (n=737)
Convenient/easier to use 50%
Faster/quicker/more efficient 36%
Accountant/bookkeeper recommended 19%
Dislike physical paperwork 8%
More accessible (general) 7%
Family/friend recommended 4%
Other 2%
No reason 2%
Don't know 1%

4.7. Likelihood of moving to online in future

QC6. On a scale of 0 to 10, with 0 meaning “not at all likely” and 10 meaning “very likely,” how likely are you to start sending your returns into the CRA online within, say, the next three years?
Sub-sample: Those who filed their return by mail (n=203)

4.8. Picked up copy of General Income Tax Guide

QC4b. Did you pick up a paper copy of this year’s General Income Tax and Benefits Guide to help you complete your 2015 income tax and benefit return?
Sub-sample: Those who filed their 2015 return (n=1,488)

26% picked it up.

5. Experience with CRA - Contacts

5.1. Contacted CRA in the last 12 months and method

QD1. In the last 12 months, have you contacted the CRA, other than for sending in personal or business tax returns? (Contact includes seeking information; business refers to corporate, GST/HST, or payroll)

23% have contacted CRA in the last 12 months.

QD1a.In which way have you most recently contacted the CRA in the past 12 months?
Sub-sample: Those who contacted the CRA in the past 12 months (n=353)

5.2. Problems encountered accessing the CRA

QSM1 Did you have any problems accessing the CRA during your most recent contact?
Sub-sample: Those who contacted the CRA in the past 12 months by telephone, fax, or mail (n=330)

QSM2. What problem did you encounter?
Sub-sample: Those who encountered a problem contacting the CRA in the past 12 months (n=112)
Problem Percentage
Had to wait too long/put on hold 46%
Line was busy/no answer 20%
Couldn't get through (general) 17%
Had to call multiple times 10%
Poor/unhelpful customer service 9%
Difficult to reach correct dept./had to be transferred 8%
Difficulty finding the right number 6%
Difficulty with automated menu 5%
Other 14%
Don't know 3%

5.3. Purpose of most recent contact

QD3. Was the purpose of your MOST RECENT contact to…?
Sub-sample: Those who contacted the CRA in the past 12 months by telephone, fax or mail (n=330)
Purpose Percentage
Seek general information 43%
Seek clarification of information sent to you by CRA 26%
Try to resolve a dispute you had with the CRA 17%
Seek information about filing your taxes 17%
Change information on file (i.e. address) 11%
Make a payment owing on your taxes 7%
Other 4%

5.4. General reason for most recent contact

QSM3. Was this most recent contact with CRA concerning:
Sub-sample: Those who contacted the CRA in the past 12 months by telephone, fax or mail (n=330)
Reason Percentage
Personal income tax 47%
GST/HST issue 17%
Child Tax Benefit Program 13%
Estate or trust tax issue 7%
Change of information 5%
Business income tax 3%
Notice of assessment 1%
Old age security/pension 1%
Other 10%
Don't know 10%

5.5. Satisfaction with time to obtain service

QSM4 And how satisfied are you with the amount of time it took to get service during this most recent contact with CRA? Please use a scale from 0 to 10 where 0 means that you are completely dissatisfied and 10 means that you are completely satisfied.
Sub-sample: Those who contacted the CRA in the past 12 months by telephone, fax, or mail (n=330)

5.6. Knowledge of staff: phone

QSM5. Level of knowledge: using a scale from 0 to 10, where 0 means the CRA employees are not at all knowledgeable, and 10 means they are extremely knowledgeable, how would you rate the CRA’s employees you spoke to?
Sub-sample: Those who contacted the CRA in the past 12 months by telephone (n=289)

QD4. How satisfied are you with the overall quality of the service you received when you contacted the CRA on this most recent occasion? Please use a scale from 0 to 10, where 0 means completely dissatisfied and 10 means completely satisfied.
Sub-sample: Those who contacted the CRA in the past 12 months by telephone (n=289)

5.7. Received what they needed

QD5. Did you get what you needed from the CRA on this particular occasion?
Sub-sample: Those who contacted the CRA in the past 12 months by telephone (n=289)

5.8. How would obtain information from CRA

QSM6. I would like to read you a list of situations where you may have to deal with the CRA. For each one, please tell me how you would PREFER to receive service or information from the CRA.
Base: all respondents (n=1,600)
Seeking basic information Needed clarification on document Needed advice on personal tax matter Information on how to pay income tax bill
CRA website 48% 11% 16% 35%
Call CRA 28% 64% 57% 39%
Send CRA a fax 1% less than 1% less than 1% 1%
Mail CRA 5% 5% 4% 4%
Email CRA 9% 14% 11% 11%
Other 1% 1% 1% 1%

5.9. Preferred method for receiving information

QSM7. What about communications from the CRA to you? Would you prefer traditional paper-based communications, such as a letter in the mail, or an email indicating you have CRA correspondence within My Account, CRA’s secure online portal.
Base: all respondents (n=1,600)

5.10. Confidence in CRA to resolve issue

QSM8. If you had a disagreement with the CRA about your taxes, how confident are you that you would be able to get it resolved? Please use a scale from 0 to 10 where 0 means that you are not at all confident and 10 means that you are extremely confident.
Base: all respondents (n=1,600)

5.11. How you would correct error

QSM9 If you wanted to fix an error in your taxes, what would you do?
Base: all respondents (n=1,600)
Action Percentage
Call them 33%
Contact my accountant 31%
Contact CRA by phone 15%
Refile - correct through mail 9%
Refile - correct online 8%
Contact CRA by email 6%
Contact CRA in general 4%
Business income tax 3%
Other 6%
Don't know 4%

5.12. Agreement with statements

QSM10. I would now like to read you a list of statements. For each one, please use a scale from 0 to 10, where 0 means you completely disagree, and 10 means you completely agree.
Base: all respondents (n=1,600)

When contacting CRA by phone, able to receive service in Official Language of choice

CRA assumes taxpayers report taxes accurately unless evidence of the contrary

Information provided by the CRA is consistent

Information provided by the CRA is easy to understand

5.13. Service comparison

QD6. Based on your experience, would you say the level of customer service provided by the CRA is better, about the same, or worse than the service you might receive from financial institutions with which you currently do business.
Base: all respondents (n=1,600)