Assessment of the 2016-2017 CRA Advertising Campaign
Executive Summary

Prepared for the Canada Revenue Agency

Contract Award Date: December 2, 2016

Delivery Date: September, 2017

Contract Number: 46558-183593/001/CY

POR Number: POR 076-16

Produced by: EKOS Research Associates Inc.

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In 2017 the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) undertook two advertising campaigns aimed at:

The ad campaigns were primarily digital, with print, social media and radio advertising, and ran from February to March 2017. Target audiences for these campaigns included all Canadians, including new Canadians, low income individuals, high income individuals, Indigenous peoples, seniors, and the self-employed.

The CRA commissioned Ekos Research Associates to conduct research to test possible creative approaches, as well as to assist in evaluating the effectiveness of these advertising campaigns.


The evaluation involved three research components:


The Concept testing was conducted between December 15 and 19, 2016 using an online survey of 567 members of the general public (including quotas for high income individuals, low income individuals, Indigenous peoples, the self-employed, seniors, and immigrants to Canada).

The Pre-Campaign Baseline survey was conducted between January 10 and 19, 2017 with 2,044 members of the general public (including quotas for low income individuals, and the self-employed).

The Post Campaign online survey was conducted between April 6 and 20, 2017 with 2,097 members of the general public (with quotas for low income individuals, Indigenous peoples, and parents of children under 18 years of age).

Use of Findings

The findings from the research were used to assist in the determination of which creative approaches and messages to proceed with, as well as to assist in evaluating the effectiveness of the campaigns.


The contract amount for this project was $54,240.00 (including HST).

Political Neutrality Certification

I hereby certify as Senior Officer of EKOS Research Associates Inc. that the deliverables fully comply with the Government of Canada political neutrality requirements outlined in the Communications Policy of the Government of Canada and Procedures for Planning and Contracting Public Opinion Research. Specifically, the deliverables do not include information on electoral voting intentions, political party preferences, standings with the electorate or ratings of the performance of a political party or its leaders.

Derek Jansen
Vice President
EKOS Research