Corporate Climate and Culture Employee Survey

Executive Summary

Prepared for Canada Revenue Agency

Prepared by: Career Joy

Contract Number: 2021000484

Contracted Value: $17,628.00

Award Date: July 14, 2020

Delivery Date: March 2021

Registration Number: N/A

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Ce rapport est aussi disponible en français

Corporate Climate and Culture Employee Survey

Executive Summary

Prepared for: Canada Revenue Agency

Supplier Name: Career Joy

March 2021

This summary presents the results for the Corporate Climate and Culture Employee quantitative study conducted by Career Joy, on behalf of the Canada Revenue Agency. The quantitative study was conducted by an online survey with employees in the Canada Revenue Agency’s Scientific Research & Experimental Development Directorate. The survey was administered February 17 – 26, 2021.

Cette publication est aussi disponible en français sous le titre:
Sondage auprès des employés sur le climat et la culture d’entreprise

This publication may be reproduced for non-commercial purposes only. Prior written permission must be obtained from Canada Revenue Agency. For more information on this report, please contact Canada Revenue Agency at: or at:

101 Colonel By Drive
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0K2

Catalogue Number: Rv4-148/2-2021E-PDF

International Standard Book Number (ISBN): 978-0-660-38673-7

Related publications:
Catalogue Number: Rv4-148/1-2021E-PDF (Final Report, English)
ISBN: 978-0-660-38672-0

© Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of the Canada Revenue Agency, 2021

Statement of Political Neutrality

Political Neutrality Statement

I hereby certify as Director of Government Solutions of CareerJoy (legal name 1101417 Ontario Inc.) that the deliverables fully comply with the Government of Canada political neutrality requirements outlined in the Communications Policy of the Government of Canada and Procedures for Planning and Contracting Public Opinion Research.

Specifically, the deliverables do not include information on electoral voting intentions, political party preferences, standings with the electorate, or ratings of the performance of a political party or its leaders.

Erin Patchell
Director of Government Solutions

Executive Summary


Contract Number: 2021000484

Contract Award Date: July 14, 2020

Contracted Cost: $17,628.00

Background and Research Objectives

In 2019, the SR&ED Program had undertaken significant work and consultation to better understand the needs of claimants. In response, the SR&ED Program Strategy 2020-2023 was developed to outline a claimant-first vision and strategic priorities for the next three years (i.e., Clear Eligibility, Service by Design, Efficient Operations). The present circumstances (Covid-19 crisis) have reinforced the need for the type of service-based transformation contemplated by the Program Strategy. More specifically, the next 6 to 12 months provide a unique opportunity to accelerate the implementation of key strategic initiatives aimed at enhancing business confidence in submitting claims for eligible work and improving claimants’ overall experience with the program. In turn, this will encourage businesses to undertake more SR&ED, contribute to technological innovation and build economic resiliency.

In February 2021, the Scientific Research & Experimental Development (SR&ED) Directorate conducted an online staff engagement survey, through CareerJoy, in which 302 employees (45% of staff) responded to a series of questions – designed and directed with input from the Program Transformation Office (PTO), the SR&ED Senior Management Committee and CRA’s Public Affairs Branch (PAB).

The objectives of the research were to support the CRA’s Service Transformation Strategy in the SR&ED Directorate by:

The report that follows presents all results, as received, anonymous and privately, in a series of categories, as discussed and approved in advance. These categories breakdown the results into manageable segments for review and provide a picture of employee sentiment around different themes. A note about reporting methodology: staff were given a choice of five responses - Strongly agree, Somewhat agree, Neither agree nor disagree, Somewhat disagree, Strongly disagree. In addition, they were encouraged to share open-ended response feedback which has been summarized into key themes.

Research Methodology

The target audience for the survey were employees of the SR&ED Directorate of the CRA. An email invitation containing a link to participate in the online survey was sent by CRA to all employees with 302 completed responses. This results in a response rate of 45%. Fieldwork was conducted from February 17-26, 2021.

The online survey was programmed by CareerJoy in both English and French, using Simple Survey. The survey was tested to ensure question order and skip patterns were properly programmed.

One reminder email was sent from SR&ED PTO general mailbox on February 24, 2021.

No weighting was applied to the data and the dataset was cleaned of incomplete responses that provided no useful information.

Additional details on research methodology can be found under Appendix B of the full report.

Key Findings

Category 1 - National Discussion Forum Feedback

In brief, the forum format was deemed to be an effective method for sharing information and engaging with the employees. The topics were relevant, employees took advantage of opportunities to pose questions and generally believed it was a format they would like to see repeated. Suggestions for improvement, such as adding more question formats (anonymous, advanced, etc.) were made.

Category 2 - Understanding the Three Priorities

Based on the results, there is a strong degree of understanding of the three individual priorities, and respondents recognize the need for change. Roadblocks to the implementation were gathered and included areas such as needing more clarity around policy, technology, training and addressing the gap between HQ and regions in terms of information flow.

Category 3 - Implementing the Three Priorities

In terms of implementation, the vast majority of respondents believe the three strategic priorities will support the overall service transformation underway at CRA. While there are areas that will need to be addressed (similar to the roadblock noted above), suggestions were offered around specific training initiatives that could be undertaken.

Category 4 - Communications

Communication issues were identified throughout, with the majority focusing around gaps between regions, and hierarchical levels. A snapshot of tools revealed email and managers were the two vehicles most relied upon for gathering information on the transformation initiatives.