Qualitative Research on CRA’s Secure Portals with Tax Intermediaries

Executive Summary

Prepared for the Canada Revenue Agency

Supplier name: Sage Research Corporation
Contract Number: # CW2239380
Contract value: $62,381.65
Award date: August 31, 2022
Delivery date: January 2023

Registration number: POR 032-22

For more information on this report, please email cra-arc.media@cra-arc.gc.ca.
Ce rapport est aussi disponible en français.

Qualitative Research on CRA’s Secure Portals with Tax Intermediaries

Executive Summary

Prepared for the Canada Revenue Agency by Sage Research Corporation

Supplier name: Sage Research Corporation

January 2023

The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) commissioned Sage Research Corporation to conduct a qualitative public opinion research study on various aspects of the CRA’s secure online portals. Five two-hour online focus groups were conducted between November 3 and 15 2022, with one group in each of the following regions: Atlantic, Quebec, Ontario, Prairies and Pacific. For all focus groups, the qualified participant was a tax intermediary professional working in a small or medium-sized firm who acts as a representative for small or medium business clients or individual clients on tax matters.

Cette publication est aussi disponible en français sous le titre: Recherche qualitative sur les portails sécurisés de l’Agence avec des intermédiaires fiscaux.

This publication may be reproduced for non-commercial purposes only. Prior written permission must be obtained from Canada Revenue Agency. For more information on this report, please contact Canada Revenue Agency at: cra-arc.media@cra-arc.gc.ca or at:

101 Colonel By Drive
Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0K2

Catalogue Number: Rv4-164/2-2022E-PDF

International Standard Book Number (ISBN): 978-0-660-46406-0

Related Publication (Registration Number: POR 032-22):
Catalogue number Rv4-164/2-2022F-PDF (Executive Summary, French)
ISBN: 978-0-660-46408-4

© His Majesty the King in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of the Canada Revenue Agency, 2022

Executive Summary

Given the current environment and as more Canadians make use of online services, the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) is reaching out to tax intermediaries to explore channel preferences for tax filing and capturing their experiences when accessing and using the CRA’s secure portals (My Account, My Business Account, and Represent a Client). This research project is intended to identify and explore barriers that may impact the ability to effectively use the secure portals and determine which services/assistance could increase the overall client experience.

1. Research Purposes and Objectives

The objectives of this research were to:

2. Methodology

Five two-hour online focus groups were conducted between November 3 and 15, 2022, with one group in each of the following regions: Atlantic, Quebec, Ontario, Prairies and Pacific. For all focus groups, the qualified participant was a tax intermediary professional working in a small or medium-sized firm who acts as a representative for small or medium business clients or individual clients on tax matters. Additionally, all used the CRA’s secure portals at least several times per week, either on average during the year or during tax filing season. There were five to six participants in each group, for a total of 28 participants. Participants were paid an honorarium of $225.

3. Limitations and use of the findings

This research was qualitative in nature, not quantitative. As such, the results provide an indication of participants’ views about the topics explored, but cannot be statistically generalized to represent the full population. Qualitative research does, however, produce a richness and depth of response not readily available through other methods of research. It is the insight and direction provided by qualitative research that makes it an appropriate tool for exploring participants’ opinions on the CRA’s secure portals.

Results from the research will be used to support and influence business decisions, to inform the design, development, and enhancements of digital services. The findings will be shared with program areas to identify opportunities where programs, services, and large-scale projects can be adapted to better address user needs digitally.

4. Key Findings

4.1 Single Sign-in

Reaction to the single sign-in concept depended on whether the participants were considering their usage as a tax intermediary or as a business client user of the CRA’s secure portals. In terms of their usage as a tax intermediary, the majority did not see a benefit to single sign-in, as most of their usage is through Represent a Client. However, most said this would be good for business clients who have both a personal My Account (MyA) and one or more businesses – and therefore one or more My Business Accounts (MyBA). The perceived benefits for business clients included:

Small numbers of participants (one or several participants each) voiced concerns or made suggestions:

Participants were shown mock-ups of the single sign-in log-in page, the Welcome page that provides access to the user’s accounts, and a demonstration of how to switch to a different account after selecting a particular account.

Log-in page: Participants liked the design, and some particularly liked putting log-in options side-by-side, thereby reducing the need to scroll.

Welcome page and account switching: There was widespread positive reaction to the Welcome page and to the process for switching accounts from a particular account page. Positive perceptions included:

Participant suggestions included:

4.2 Communications Hub

Participants made a variety of suggestions, including:

4.3 Mail

Overall reaction among virtually all participants to the proposed design and features was positive, and often very positive. This included both the overall look of the page, and the various features. Of particular note:

5. Contract Value

Contract value:$62,381.65 including HST

6. Political Neutrality Certification

I hereby certify as Senior Officer of Sage Research Corporation that the deliverables fully comply with the Government of Canada political neutrality requirements outlined in the Communications Policy of the Government of Canada and Procedures for Planning and Contracting Public Opinion Research. Specifically, the deliverables do not include information on electoral voting intentions, political party preferences, and standings with the electorate or ratings of the performance of a political party or its leaders.

Rick Robson
Sage Research Corporation