2022–2023 ePayroll Public Opinion Research

Executive Summary

Prepared for the Canada Revenue Agency

Supplier Name: Nanos Research

Contract Number: CW2274121

Contract Value: $200,111.17 (including HST)

Award Date: 2023-02-16

Delivery Date: September 2023

Registration Number: POR-135-22

For more information on this report, please contact the Canada Revenue Agency at:


Ce rapport est aussi disponible en français.


2022–2023 ePayroll Public Opinion Research

Executive Summary

Prepared for the Canada Revenue Agency
Supplier name: Nanos Research
September 2023

This public opinion research report presents the results from both the quantitative and qualitative studies conducted by Nanos Research on behalf of the Canada Revenue Agency. Both research components featured a sample of adults from the general population who are in the workforce or looking to join/rejoin the workforce. The quantitative study was conducted online in English and in French between March 31 and May 28, 2023, while the in-person focus groups were held from May 27 – June 15, 2023.

Cette publication est aussi disponible en français sous le titre : Recherche sur l’opinion publique concernant la paie électronique de 2022-2023.

This publication may be reproduced for non-commercial purposes only. Prior written permission must be obtained from the Canada Revenue Agency.

For more information on this report, please contact the Canada Revenue Agency at: cra-arc.media@cra-arc.gc.ca

101 Colonel By Drive

Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0K2


Catalogue Number: Rv4-189/2023E-PDF

International Standard Book Number (ISBN): 978-0-660-49951-2

Related publications (registration number)

Catalogue Number: Rv4-189/2023F-PDF (Final report, French)

ISBN: 978-0-660-49952-9

© His Majesty the King in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of the Canada Revenue Agency, 2023

Printed in Canada Recycle

Executive summary

A. Research Purpose and objectives

The Government of Canada has begun an initiative called ePayroll to develop a recommendation to modernize the way employers send payroll, employment and demographic information to government departments and agencies. The objective is to reduce the administrative burden for Canadian employers and streamline the delivery of government benefits and services. The initiative is being led by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) in partnership with Employment and Social Development Canada and Treasury Board Secretariat – Office of the Chief Information Officer and is part of the government’s Budget 2021 commitment to propose a near real-time solution to better service Canadian businesses.

The project will result in a costed implementation plan, including the following:

The first phase of the research at hand provided the CRA with a quantitative measure of public opinions and perceptions, while the second phase (qualitative) will complement the results from the quantitative phase and provides the CRA with better contextual information regarding public opinion towards the ePayroll solution. Both phases will inform strategic decision-making by helping to gauge the comfort level, biases and misconceptions Canadians have towards an ePayroll solution, as well as identify new challenges and opportunities that could impact Canadians.

The specific research objectives were as follows:

B. Methodology

Quantitative Methodology

The survey is comprised of 1,717 Canadians, between 18 and 65 years of age who are in the workforce or looking to join/rejoin the workforce. This sample of Canadians includes an oversample of 75 individuals in the Territories.

The survey sample was drawn from two sources:

  1. the Nanos Probability Panel, which contains about 40,000 Canadians who were randomly recruited to join the panel by land and cell lines with live agents
  2. a supplemental random recruitment of adults by land and cell lines to ensure coverage of the Territories

The resulting sample contains individuals who were all randomly recruited by telephone, thus allowing a margin of error to be associated with the research. All respondents self-administered the survey online.

The online survey was conducted between March 31 and May 28, 2023, in English and in French. The survey programming was tested extensively online in both languages.

The margin of error for a random survey of 1,717 Canadians connected to the workforce, between 18 and 65 years old is plus or minus 2.4 percentage points, 19 times out of 20 (95% confidence interval). It is important to note that the results for subgroups have a larger margin of sampling error than for the overall sample because of their smaller sample sizes. Also, the margin of sampling error is highest for questions where 50% of the respondents gave one answer and the other 50% gave another answer. The margin of sampling error decreases for questions where the observed percentage for a particular response approaches 0% or 100%.

Qualitative Methodology

The qualitative component of this research program featured in-person focus groups among Canadians, 18 to 65 years of age, connected to the workforce (excluding retirees or those permanently out of the workforce).

Focus groups were conducted in the following communities:

The two (2) Quebec groups and one (1) Moncton group were conducted in French and the remainder were in English. Each session was up to 120 minutes in length.

Each group had between 4 and 10 participants, with 10 being recruited per group to achieve this target. A total of 79 participants attended the focus groups out of a total of 100 individuals recruited.

Readers should note that qualitative research is designed to reveal a rich range of opinions and interpretations rather than to measure what percentage of the target population holds a given opinion. These results must not be used to estimate the numeric proportion or number of individuals in the population who hold a particular opinion because they are not statistically projectable. The focus group research will allow the CRA to gauge the views and gather in-depth insights from specific communities of interest.

C. Contract value

The total contract value was $200,111.17 (HST included).

Supplier name: Nanos Research

Public Work and Government Services Canada’s contract number: CW2274121

Original contract date: 2023-02-16

For more information, contact the CRA at cra-arc.media@cra-arc.gc.ca.

D. Key findings by theme


The ePayroll project is a Government of Canada initiative to modernize how employers send payroll, employment and demographic information to government departments and agencies – with the end goal of reducing the administrative burden for Canadian employers and streamlining the delivery of government benefits and services. As such, themes covered in the survey range from personal work experiences (for example, experience with loss of pay, obtaining T4 slips and filing income taxes) to thoughts and attitudes towards a potential ePayroll service.

Interruption of earnings

Income tax preparation

The ePayroll project


The ePayroll project is a Government of Canada initiative to modernize how employers send payroll, employment and demographic information to government departments and agencies – with the end goal of reducing the administrative burden for Canadian employers and streamlining the delivery of government benefits and services. The qualitative component of the research program seeks to complement the results from the quantitative phase and provide the CRA with better contextual information regarding public opinion towards the ePayroll solution. As such, themes covered in the qualitative research program include awareness of the ePayroll initiative, opportunities and concerns related to the ePayroll initiative, ideas for an ePayroll user platform, and recommendations and communications.

Awareness and understanding of an ePayroll solution

Opportunities and concerns related to the ePayroll initiative

Ideas for an ePayroll user platform

Recommendations and communications

E. Political neutrality statement and contact information

This certification is to be submitted with the final report submitted to the Project Authority.

I hereby certify, as a Representative of Nanos Research, that the deliverables fully comply with the Government of Canada political neutrality requirements outlined in the Government of Canada’s Policy on Communications and Federal Identity and Directive on the Management of Communications. Specifically, the deliverables do not include information on electoral voting intentions, political party preferences, party standings with the electorate, or ratings of the performance of a political party or its leaders.

Signature of Nik Nanos

Nik Nanos

Chief Data Scientist and President

Nanos Research


613‑234-4666, extension 237