POR Registration Number: 087-22

Public Opinion Research with Food Businesses on Food Safety Regulations: 2022-2023

Prepared for the Canadian Food Inspection Agency



Supplier name: Pollara Strategic Insights Inc.
Contract number: CW2249206
Contract value: $194,908.05
Award date: November 30, 2022
Delivery date: March 31, 2023
Catalogue number: A104-150/2023E-PDF
ISBN : 978-0-660-48121-0


For more information on this report, please contact information@inspection.gc.ca

Ce rapport est aussi disponible en français.


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Public Opinion Research with Food Businesses on Food Safety Regulations: 2022-2023


This public opinion research report presents the results of a telephone survey and focus groups conducted by Pollara Strategic Insights Inc. on behalf of the Canadian Food Inspection Agency.

Cette publication est aussi disponible en français sous le titre : Recherche sur l'opinion publique auprès des entreprises alimentaires à l'appui de la conformité à la réglementation sur la salubrité des aliments : 2022-2023

This publication may be reproduced for non-commercial purposes only. Prior written permission must be obtained from the Canadian Food Inspection Agency. For more information on this report, please contact the CFIA at: information@inspection.gc.ca or at:

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency
1400 Merivale Road
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0Y9

© His Majesty the King in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Health, 2023


Executive Summary

Pollara Strategic Insights (Pollara) is pleased to present this report to the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) regarding qualitative and quantitative public opinion research undertaken to support food businesses' compliance with food safety regulations.

As part of the CFIA's mandate, the agency regularly interacts with Canadian food businesses. Public opinion research among decision-makers in these organizations is an effective way for the CFIA to stay connected to these businesses. Now is an especially crucial time to conduct this research, as the Canadian food business sector faced extraordinary pressures during COVID-19. The sector is evolving as a result of the pandemic, and dealing with new trends such as the growth of e-commerce.

Moreover, the Safe Food for Canadians Regulations (SFCR) have been coming into force in stages since 2018, so it is important to fully understand how these regulations are being viewed by the sector. Building off this, this research project was an opportunity to explore how the industry feels about other food safety regulations, including federal food regulations around online sales and importing, and labelling requirements (including the labelling tools and resources available to the industry from the CFIA).

This research also looked at the relationship between the CFIA and the businesses they serve, with a close focus on the Ask CFIA tool.

In the focus groups, many businesses spoke of a desire for a "partnership" between themselves and the CFIA – we hope the findings of this research will help the CFIA strengthen this partnership by better communicating with and responding to the needs of the businesses they serve.
To meet the research objectives, Pollara conducted a telephone survey of 902 Canadians who own or hold a managerial role at a business in the food sector and are responsible for regulatory compliance, and an online survey with 200 past Ask CFIA users.

The phone survey was conducted by our fieldwork subcontractor, Elemental DCI, through their centralized call-centre using their Computer Aided Telephone Interviewing (CATI) system. Sample was drawn based on a selected list of NAICS codes provided by CFIA. Interviews were fielded between February 2 and March 16, 2023, in English and French, and took an average time of 15.3 minutes to conduct.

Sample for the online survey was drawn based on a list of previous Ask CFIA users who had provided their e-mail address to CFIA and consent to be contacted. The CFIA sent them invitations to participate in an online survey in either English or French. Pollara collected responses between February 2 and 19, 2023. The median response time for the survey was 7.0 minutes.

The qualitative phase of the research included a series of 6 online focus groups with owners and employees of Canadian food businesses, and 2 in-depth-interviews (IDI) with industry consultants, all of whom were responsible for regulatory compliance. The groups were approximately 90 minutes in length with the IDIs 45 minutes in length. All participants received an honorarium of $350.

It is important to note that qualitative research is a form of scientific, social, policy and public opinion research. Focus group research is not designed to help a group reach a consensus or to make decisions, but rather to elicit the full range of ideas, attitudes, experiences and opinions of a selected sample of participants on a defined topic. Because of the small numbers involved the participants cannot be expected to be thoroughly representative in a statistical sense of the larger population from which they are drawn and findings cannot reliably be generalized beyond their number.
The key findings of the qualitative and quantitative research are summarized below:

General awareness and impressions of the CFIA and CFIA services

SFCR and other regulations

Outcome based regulations

CFIA website and communications

Creative testing


Supplier name: Pollara Strategic Insights Inc.
Contract number: CW2249206
Contract value: $194,908.05
Award date: November 30, 2022
Delivery date: March 31, 2023

I hereby certify as a representative of Pollara Strategic Insights Inc. that the final deliverables fully comply with the Government of Canada political neutrality requirements outlined in the Communications Policy of the Government of Canada and Procedures for Planning and Contracting Public Opinion Research. Specifically, the deliverables do not include information on electoral voting intentions, political party preferences, standings with the electorate or ratings of the performance of a political party or its leaders.

Signed:                                                                                                         Date: March 31, 2023

signature of Dan Arnold

Dan Arnold, Chief Strategy officer, Pollara