Contract Number

C1111-190127/001/CY                                                                                                                                                        POR # 013-19


Contract Award Date



Contract Value



Delivery Date



Supplier name

Vox Pop Labs Inc.


Study on the Appreciation and Perception of Canada’s Two Official Languages Among Official Language Minority Communities


Prepared for the Department of Canadian Heritage Government of Canada





Executive Summary


Canadian Heritage

Table of Contents

Certificate of Political Neutrality. 3

Executive Summary. 4

Context, Objectives and Methodology. 4

Main Results. 5

Questionnaire for English-speaking Quebecers. 8




Certificate of Political Neutrality




I hereby certify as founder and Executive Director of Vox Pop Labs that the deliverables fully comply with the Government of Canada political neutrality requirements outlined in the Communications Policy of the Government of Canada and Procedures for Planning and Contracting Public Opinion Research.


Specifically, the deliverables do not include information on electoral voting intentions, political party preferences, and standings with the electorate or ratings of the performance of a political party or its leaders.













Clifton van der Linden

Founder and Executive Director

Vox Pop Labs Inc.


Executive Summary


Context, Objectives and Methodology


In the past 10 years, the Department of Canadian Heritage has had the opportunity to survey the Canadian population on different occasions (TNS-2012, Vox Pop Labs 2018) on topics related to their appreciation of Canada’s two official languages. These surveys targeted the general Canadian population with an effort to better understand their views and attitudes towards official languages. The current survey targets and oversamples minority-language Canadians 18 years of age and over. For the purpose of this study, minority status was established through the combination of province of residence and the respondent’s main official language.[1]


To that end, from June 27 to July 16, 2019 Vox Pop Labs conducted a web survey

among 2000 Canadians. The median duration of the questionnaire was 15 minutes.


This survey is constituted of closed- ended questions and discusses issues and themes such as the vitality of official-language minority communities, linguistic duality and second-language learning and official languages policy issues.


The information collected with this survey will allow the Official-Languages Branch to fulfill the requirements associated with the deliverology approach of the Treasury Board Secretariat in the matter of program evaluation and performance results framework. The data will therefore allow Canadian Heritage to update a series of program indicators.



Main Results


The key findings to emerge from the analysis are as follows:


Francophones living outside Quebec and English-speaking Quebecers alike feel a strong sense of belonging toward their respective language communities; however, their lived experiences as a linguistic minority differ starkly.


Compared to English-speaking Quebecers, Francophones living outside Quebec tend to feel more supported by their network of community leaders and non-government organizations, and are more likely to believe that the state of their linguistic community has improved in the last two decades. Despite all of this, English-speaking Quebecers still experience less obstacles when conducting their daily activities in their official language.


On majority-minority relations, English-speaking Quebecers are more likely than Francophones living outside Quebec to feel that their interests and activities are not being prioritized by their language majority counterparts. In particular, English-speaking Quebecers are more likely to believe that the language majorities in their regions do not recognize their community’s societal contributions. Almost half of Francophones living outside Quebec and half of English-speaking Quebecers have also not seen any changes in the language majority's attitude towards them. There are nevertheless higher proportions of people among both groups who say that the majority’s attitude towards them has become more positive than those who say it has become more negative, in the last five years.


With regard to their perspectives on the future, Francophones living outside Quebec tend to be more optimistic than English-speaking Quebecers. Francophones living outside Quebec, for example, have a more positive outlook on the future use and status of their official language. This is fuelled in part by their stronger sense of obligation towards their community, as well as their belief that the French language is threatened in Canada and should therefore be protected.


On the topic of government support and representation, Francophones living outside Quebec and English-speaking Quebecers alike view their access to federal services in a favourable light, but view current levels of federal support for community-based groups that serve their interests as being less than they should be. When prompted about the federal government’s efforts to represent their interests, the two groups diverge; a plurality of Francophones living outside Quebec rate these efforts as good, while a plurality of English-speaking Quebecers rate them as not good. Compared to how they view their interactions with the federal government, both groups are decidedly less satisfied with their level of representation, and access to services in their official languages, at the provincial and municipal levels. It should be noted that this dissatisfaction is especially felt by English-speaking Quebecers.


On services more generally, both minorities are satisfied with the availability of services that are offered in their official languages in their regions; however, their levels of satisfaction may differ depending on the particular type of service, their province of residence or their region across Quebec. Among the myriad types of services that are offered in their official language, Francophones living outside Quebec are more likely to be satisfied with their regions’ primary and secondary education, daycare services, and media and communications, while English-speaking Quebecers tend to be more satisfied with their regions’ post-secondary education, media and cultural offerings. Despite being satisfied with the French-language primary and secondary education in their regions, Francophones living outside Quebec still believe that their overall access to primary and secondary education in their official language could be improved upon. They also prioritize other areas, such as higher education and daycare services offered in their official language. English-speaking Quebecers, meanwhile, prioritize improved access to English-language health services, legal services, and primary and secondary education.


Supplier Name

Vox Pop Labs Inc.


Contract Number



POR Number



Contract Award Date



Fieldwork Dates

27/06/19 – 16/07/19


Contract Amount (including taxes)












For more information, please contact Canadian Heritage:












Questionnaire for English-speaking Quebecers


Heritage Canada Official Language Minority Community Survey


Q1 The Government of Canada is conducting this research survey on Canada's official languages: English and French. Vox Pop Labs has been hired to administer the survey.


Si vous préférez répondre au sondage en français, veuillez cliquer sur FRANÇAIS en utilisant le menu défilant.


The survey takes about 15 minutes to complete and is voluntary and completely confidential. Your answers will remain anonymous.


Q2 What is your MOTHER TONGUE, that is the first language that you learned and can still understand?

o   English  (1)

o   French  (2)

o   Other  (3)

o   Don't know  (4)


Q3 Which language do you speak MOST OFTEN at home?

o   English  (1)

o   French  (2)

o   Other  (3)

o   Don't know  (4)


Q4 Regardless of the other languages you speak, which of the two languages English or French, do you consider your first official language or your main official language?

o   English  (1)

o   French  (2)

o   Don't know  (3)


Q5 Do you speak English or French well enough to conduct a conversation?

o   English only  (1)

o   French only  (2)

o   Both English and French  (3)

o   Neither English nor French  (4)


Display This Question:

If Language = EN


Q6 In which province or territory do you currently reside?

o   Alberta (1)

o   British Columbia (2)

o   Manitoba (3)

o   New Brunswick (4)

o   Newfoundland and Labrador (5)

o   Northwest Territories (6)

o   Nova Scotia (7)

o   Nunavut (8)

o   Ontario (9)

o   Prince Edward Island (10)

o   Quebec (11)

o   Saskatchewan (12)

o   Yukon (13)

o   Don’t know (14)


Q8 Were you born in Canada?

o   Yes  (1)

o   No  (2)

o   Don't know  (3)


Display This Question:

If Language = EN

And Q8 = Yes


Q9 In which province or territory were you born?

o   Alberta (1)

o   British Columbia (2)

o   Manitoba (3)

o   New Brunswick (4)

o   Newfoundland and Labrador (5)

o   Northwest Territories (6)

o   Nova Scotia (7)

o   Nunavut (8)

o   Ontario (9)

o   Prince Edward Island (10)

o   Quebec (11)

o   Saskatchewan (12)

o   Yukon (13)

o   Don’t know (14)


Q11 How long have you lived in the province or territory in which you currently reside?

o   Less than a year  (1)

o   1 year to 5 years  (2)

o   5 years to 10 years  (3)

o   10 years to 20 years  (4)

o   20 years to 30 years  (5)

o   30 years to 40 years  (6)

o   More than 40 years  (7)


Q12 5 years from now, do you think that you will still be living in the same province?

o   Yes  (1)

o   No  (2)

o   Don't know  (3)


Display This Question:

If Q12 = No


Q13 Why do you think you will not be living in the same province in 5 years' time?

o   Work/looking for work  (1)

o   School  (2)

o   Government/political situation  (3)

o   Linguistic concerns  (4)

o   Travel/don’t like it here/climate  (5)

o   Move back to home province  (6)

o   Cost of living/taxes  (7)

o   Personal reasons (e.g., health, marriage, etc.)  (8)

o   Retired/age  (9)

o   Other (Please specify):  (10) ______

o   Don't know  (11)


Q14 How would you describe your sense of belonging to the Anglophone community in your region?

o   0 (1) – Very weak

o   1 (2)

o   2 (3)

o   3 (4)

o   4 (5)

o   5 (6)

o   6 (7)

o   7 (8)

o   8 (9)

o   9 (10)

o   10 (11) – Very strong

o   Don’t know (12)


Q15 Is it possible for you to live in English in your region, that is anywhere within an hour drive from your home? By “live,” we mean participate in such activities as practicing sports, attending social events or shopping.

o   Yes  (1)

o   No  (2)

o   Don't know  (3)


Q16 How important is it to you to be able to live in English in your region?

o   0 (1) – Not important at all

o   1 (2)

o   2 (3)

o   3 (4)

o   4 (5)

o   5 (6)

o   6 (7)

o   7 (8)

o   8 (9)

o   9 (10)

o   10 (11) – Extremely important

o   Don’t know (12)


Q17 Again, just thinking of your region, how would you rate your capacity to live in English in 5 years' time? Will it be...

o   Much more difficult  (1)

o   Somewhat more difficult  (2)

o   About the same  (3)

o   Somewhat easier  (4)

o   Much easier  (5)

o   Don't know  (6)


Q18 How confident are you in…


Q19 The capacity of the Anglophone community in your region to remain strong in the future?

o   0 (1) – Not confident at all

o   1 (2)

o   2 (3)

o   3 (4)

o   4 (5)

o   5 (6)

o   6 (7)

o   7 (8)

o   8 (9)

o   9 (10)

o   10 (11) – Totally confident

o   Don’t know (12)


Q20 The ability of the Anglophone community to keep young people in the region?

o   0 (1) – Not confident at all

o   1 (2)

o   2 (3)

o   3 (4)

o   4 (5)

o   5 (6)

o   6 (7)

o   7 (8)

o   8 (9)

o   9 (10)

o   10 (11) – Totally confident

o   Don’t know (12)


Q21 Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with the following statements:


Q22 The future of the Anglophone community is important to me.

o   0 (1) – Totally disagree

o   1 (2)

o   2 (3)

o   3 (4)

o   4 (5)

o   5 (6)

o   6 (7)

o   7 (8)

o   8 (9)

o   9 (10)

o   10 (11) – Totally agree

o   Don’t know (12)


Q23 I will do my part to ensure the continuance of my language and culture.

o   0 (1) – Totally disagree

o   1 (2)

o   2 (3)

o   3 (4)

o   4 (5)

o   5 (6)

o   6 (7)

o   7 (8)

o   8 (9)

o   9 (10)

o   10 (11) – Totally agree

o   Don’t know (12)


Q24 My generation is committed to transmitting our language and culture to the next generation.

o   0 (1) – Totally disagree

o   1 (2)

o   2 (3)

o   3 (4)

o   4 (5)

o   5 (6)

o   6 (7)

o   7 (8)

o   8 (9)

o   9 (10)

o   10 (11) – Totally agree

o   Don’t know (12)


Q25 The Anglophone community in my province has strong and effective leadership to represent its interests.

o   0 (1) – Totally disagree

o   1 (2)

o   2 (3)

o   3 (4)

o   4 (5)

o   5 (6)

o   6 (7)

o   7 (8)

o   8 (9)

o   9 (10)

o   10 (11) – Totally agree

o   Don’t know (12)


Q26 The Anglophone community in my province is welcoming towards Anglophones from outside Canada.

o   0 (1) – Totally disagree

o   1 (2)

o   2 (3)

o   3 (4)

o   4 (5)

o   5 (6)

o   6 (7)

o   7 (8)

o   8 (9)

o   9 (10)

o   10 (11) – Totally agree

o   Don’t know (12)


Q27 The state of my linguistic community has improved in the past 20 years.

o   0 (1) – Totally disagree

o   1 (2)

o   2 (3)

o   3 (4)

o   4 (5)

o   5 (6)

o   6 (7)

o   7 (8)

o   8 (9)

o   9 (10)

o   10 (11) – Totally agree

o   Don’t know (12)


Q28 The state of my linguistic community will be strong and more stable 20 years from now.

o   0 (1) – Totally disagree

o   1 (2)

o   2 (3)

o   3 (4)

o   4 (5)

o   5 (6)

o   6 (7)

o   7 (8)

o   8 (9)

o   9 (10)

o   10 (11) – Totally agree

o   Don’t know (12)


Q29 The French-language media are interested in the activities of the Anglophone community in my region.

o   0 (1) – Totally disagree

o   1 (2)

o   2 (3)

o   3 (4)

o   4 (5)

o   5 (6)

o   6 (7)

o   7 (8)

o   8 (9)

o   9 (10)

o   10 (11) – Totally agree

o   Don’t know (12)


Q30 Francophones recognize the contribution of the Anglophones to the vitality of my region.

o   0 (1) – Totally disagree

o   1 (2)

o   2 (3)

o   3 (4)

o   4 (5)

o   5 (6)

o   6 (7)

o   7 (8)

o   8 (9)

o   9 (10)

o   10 (11) – Totally agree

o   Don’t know (12)


Q31 There is good collaboration between Francophones and Anglophones on shared issues affecting our region.

o   0 (1) – Totally disagree

o   1 (2)

o   2 (3)

o   3 (4)

o   4 (5)

o   5 (6)

o   6 (7)

o   7 (8)

o   8 (9)

o   9 (10)

o   10 (11) – Totally agree

o   Don’t know (12)


Q32 The future of the French language is threatened in Canada.

o   0 (1) – Totally disagree

o   1 (2)

o   2 (3)

o   3 (4)

o   4 (5)

o   5 (6)

o   6 (7)

o   7 (8)

o   8 (9)

o   9 (10)

o   10 (11) – Totally agree

o   Don’t know (12)


Q33 In your region, how would you describe the attitude of the Francophones toward the Anglophones now, compared to 5 years ago? Is it...

o   Much more negative  (1)

o   Somewhat more negative  (2)

o   About the same  (3)

o   Somewhat more positive  (4)

o   Much more positive  (5)

o   Don't know  (6)


Q34 Do you feel comfortable speaking English in a Government of Canada office where it is indicated that bilingual services are available?

o   Yes  (1)

o   No  (2)

o   Don't know  (3)


Q35 In the past 12 months, have you done any unpaid volunteer work?

o   Yes  (1)

o   No  (2)

o   Don't know  (3)


Display This Question:

If In the past 12 months, have you done any unpaid volunteer work? = Yes


Q36 What is the main language that you use in your volunteer activities?

o   English  (1)

o   French  (2)

o   English and French equally  (3)

o   Another language  (4)

o   Don't know  (5)


Q37 Now, we will ask you some questions about the provision of services in English your region. By "region," we mean anywhere within an hour drive from your home. How satisfied are you, in general, with the services offered in English in your region?

o   0 (1) – Totally dissatisfied

o   1 (2)

o   2 (3)

o   3 (4)

o   4 (5)

o   5 (6)

o   6 (7)

o   7 (8)

o   8 (9)

o   9 (10)

o   10 (11) – Totally satisfied

o   Don’t know (12)



Q38 And how satisfied are you with the services offered in English in your region in the following areas?


Q39 Primary and secondary education in English

o   0 (1) – Totally dissatisfied

o   1 (2)

o   2 (3)

o   3 (4)

o   4 (5)

o   5 (6)

o   6 (7)

o   7 (8)

o   8 (9)

o   9 (10)

o   10 (11) – Totally satisfied

o   Don’t know (12)


Q40 Media and communications (e.g., radio, television, Internet and newspapers) in English

o   0 (1) – Totally dissatisfied

o   1 (2)

o   2 (3)

o   3 (4)

o   4 (5)

o   5 (6)

o   6 (7)

o   7 (8)

o   8 (9)

o   9 (10)

o   10 (11) – Totally satisfied

o   Don’t know (12)


Q41 Health and social services in English

o   0 (1) – Totally dissatisfied

o   1 (2)

o   2 (3)

o   3 (4)

o   4 (5)

o   5 (6)

o   6 (7)

o   7 (8)

o   8 (9)

o   9 (10)

o   10 (11) – Totally satisfied

o   Don’t know (12)


Q42 Sports and recreation services in English

o   0 (1) – Totally dissatisfied

o   1 (2)

o   2 (3)

o   3 (4)

o   4 (5)

o   5 (6)

o   6 (7)

o   7 (8)

o   8 (9)

o   9 (10)

o   10 (11) – Totally satisfied

o   Don’t know (12)


Q43 Post-secondary education and training in English

o   0 (1) – Totally dissatisfied

o   1 (2)

o   2 (3)

o   3 (4)

o   4 (5)

o   5 (6)

o   6 (7)

o   7 (8)

o   8 (9)

o   9 (10)

o   10 (11) – Totally satisfied

o   Don’t know (12)


Q44 Arts and culture (e.g., movies, theatre, books and literature) in English

o   0 (1) – Totally dissatisfied

o   1 (2)

o   2 (3)

o   3 (4)

o   4 (5)

o   5 (6)

o   6 (7)

o   7 (8)

o   8 (9)

o   9 (10)

o   10 (11) – Totally satisfied

o   Don’t know (12)


Q45 Employment services in English

o   0 (1) – Totally dissatisfied

o   1 (2)

o   2 (3)

o   3 (4)

o   4 (5)

o   5 (6)

o   6 (7)

o   7 (8)

o   8 (9)

o   9 (10)

o   10 (11) – Totally satisfied

o   Don’t know (12)


Q46 Daycares/preschool services in English

o   0 (1) – Totally dissatisfied

o   1 (2)

o   2 (3)

o   3 (4)

o   4 (5)

o   5 (6)

o   6 (7)

o   7 (8)

o   8 (9)

o   9 (10)

o   10 (11) – Totally satisfied

o   Don’t know (12)


Q47 Legal services or court proceedings in English

o   0 (1) – Totally dissatisfied

o   1 (2)

o   2 (3)

o   3 (4)

o   4 (5)

o   5 (6)

o   6 (7)

o   7 (8)

o   8 (9)

o   9 (10)

o   10 (11) – Totally satisfied

o   Don’t know (12)


Q48 Again, thinking of your region, how has access to services in English changed overall over the past 5 years? Has it become...

o   Much worse  (1)

o   Somewhat worse  (2)

o   About the same  (3)

o   Somewhat better  (4)

o   Much better  (5)

o   Don't know  (6)


Q49 And how has access to services in English in the following areas changed over the past 5 years?


Much worse (1)

Somewhat worse (2)

About the same (3)

Somewhat better (4)

Much better (5)

Don’t know (6)

Access to services offered in English for primary and secondary education has become… (1)









Access to services offered in English for media and communications (e.g., radio, television, Internet and newspapers) has become... (2)







Access to services offered in English for health and social services has become... (3)







Access to services offered in English for sports and recreation services has become... (4)







Access to services offered in English for post-secondary education and training has become... (5)







Access to services offered in English for arts and culture (e.g., movies, theatre, books and literature) has become... (6)







Access to services offered in English for employment services has become... (7)







Access to services offered in English for daycares/preschool services has become... (8)







Access to services offered in English for legal services or court proceedings has become... (9)









Q50 Using a scale from 0 to 10, where 0 means not at all committed and 10 means totally committed, please indicate the extent to which...


Q51 GOVERNMENTAL organizations are committed to representing and serving the interests of Anglophones in your province?

o   0 (1) – Not at all committed

o   1 (2)

o   2 (3)

o   3 (4)

o   4 (5)

o   5 (6)

o   6 (7)

o   7 (8)

o   8 (9)

o   9 (10)

o   10 (11) – Totally committed

o   Don’t know (12)


Q52 COMMUNITY-BASED and NOT-FOR-PROFIT organizations outside of the government are committed to representing and serving the interests of Anglophones in your province?

o   0 (1) – Not at all committed

o   1 (2)

o   2 (3)

o   3 (4)

o   4 (5)

o   5 (6)

o   6 (7)

o   7 (8)

o   8 (9)

o   9 (10)

o   10 (11) – Totally committed

o   Don’t know (12)


Q53 Please indicate whether you agree or disagree with the following statements. In support of the development of the Anglophone community in your province, the priority should be to improve access to...


Q54 Primary and secondary education in English

o   0 (1) – Strongly disagree

o   1 (2)

o   2 (3)

o   3 (4)

o   4 (5)

o   5 (6)

o   6 (7)

o   7 (8)

o   8 (9)

o   9 (10)

o   10 (11) – Strongly agree

o   Don’t know (12)


Q55 Media and communications in English (e.g., radio, television, Internet and newspapers)

o   0 (1) – Strongly disagree

o   1 (2)

o   2 (3)

o   3 (4)

o   4 (5)

o   5 (6)

o   6 (7)

o   7 (8)

o   8 (9)

o   9 (10)

o   10 (11) – Strongly agree

o   Don’t know (12)


Q56 Health and social services in English

o   0 (1) – Strongly disagree

o   1 (2)

o   2 (3)

o   3 (4)

o   4 (5)

o   5 (6)

o   6 (7)

o   7 (8)

o   8 (9)

o   9 (10)

o   10 (11) – Strongly agree

o   Don’t know (12)


Q57 Sports and recreation services in English

o   0 (1) – Strongly disagree

o   1 (2)

o   2 (3)

o   3 (4)

o   4 (5)

o   5 (6)

o   6 (7)

o   7 (8)

o   8 (9)

o   9 (10)

o   10 (11) – Strongly agree

o   Don’t know (12)


Q58 Post-secondary education and training in English

o   0 (1) – Strongly disagree

o   1 (2)

o   2 (3)

o   3 (4)

o   4 (5)

o   5 (6)

o   6 (7)

o   7 (8)

o   8 (9)

o   9 (10)

o   10 (11) – Strongly agree

o   Don’t know (12)


Q59 Arts and culture in English (e.g., movies, theatre, books and literature)

o   0 (1) – Strongly disagree

o   1 (2)

o   2 (3)

o   3 (4)

o   4 (5)

o   5 (6)

o   6 (7)

o   7 (8)

o   8 (9)

o   9 (10)

o   10 (11) – Strongly agree

o   Don’t know (12)


Q60 Employment services in English

o   0 (1) – Strongly disagree

o   1 (2)

o   2 (3)

o   3 (4)

o   4 (5)

o   5 (6)

o   6 (7)

o   7 (8)

o   8 (9)

o   9 (10)

o   10 (11) – Strongly agree

o   Don’t know (12)


Q61 Daycares/preschool services in English

o   0 (1) – Strongly disagree

o   1 (2)

o   2 (3)

o   3 (4)

o   4 (5)

o   5 (6)

o   6 (7)

o   7 (8)

o   8 (9)

o   9 (10)

o   10 (11) – Strongly agree

o   Don’t know (12)


Q62 Legal services or court proceedings in English

o   0 (1) – Strongly disagree

o   1 (2)

o   2 (3)

o   3 (4)

o   4 (5)

o   5 (6)

o   6 (7)

o   7 (8)

o   8 (9)

o   9 (10)

o   10 (11) – Strongly agree

o   Don’t know (12)


Q63 Using a scale from 0 to 10, where 0 means poor and 10 means excellent, how would you rate the following?


Q64 The efforts of the Government of Canada to represent your interests as an Anglophone in your province

o   0 (1) – Poor

o   1 (2)

o   2 (3)

o   3 (4)

o   4 (5)

o   5 (6)

o   6 (7)

o   7 (8)

o   8 (9)

o   9 (10)

o   10 (11) – Excellent

o   Don’t know (12)


Q65 The efforts of the provincial government to represent your interests as an Anglophone in your province

o   0 (1) – Poor

o   1 (2)

o   2 (3)

o   3 (4)

o   4 (5)

o   5 (6)

o   6 (7)

o   7 (8)

o   8 (9)

o   9 (10)

o   10 (11) – Excellent

o   Don’t know (12)


Q66 The efforts of the municipal government to represent your interests as an Anglophone in your province

o   0 (1) – Poor

o   1 (2)

o   2 (3)

o   3 (4)

o   4 (5)

o   5 (6)

o   6 (7)

o   7 (8)

o   8 (9)

o   9 (10)

o   10 (11) – Excellent

o   Don’t know (12)


Q67 To what extent do you agree or disagree that the Government of Canada SHOULD support the development of the Anglophone community in your province?

o   0 (1) – Totally disagree

o   1 (2)

o   2 (3)

o   3 (4)

o   4 (5)

o   5 (6)

o   6 (7)

o   7 (8)

o   8 (9)

o   9 (10)

o   10 (11) – Totally agree

o   Don’t know (12)


Q68 How involved would you say that the Government of Canada is in supporting the development of the Anglophone community now, compared to 5 years ago? Is it...

o   Much less involved  (1)

o   Somewhat less involved  (2)

o   About the same  (3)

o   Somewhat more involved  (4)

o   Much more involved  (5)

o   Don't know  (6)


Q69 How satisfied are you overall with the services in English provided by the Government of Canada in your province?

o   0 (1) – Totally dissatisfied

o   1 (2)

o   2 (3)

o   3 (4)

o   4 (5)

o   5 (6)

o   6 (7)

o   7 (8)

o   8 (9)

o   9 (10)

o   10 (11) – Totally satisfied

o   Don’t know (12)


Q70 How satisfied are you with the level of access to services in English provided by the Government of Canada in your province?

o   0 (1) – Totally dissatisfied

o   1 (2)

o   2 (3)

o   3 (4)

o   4 (5)

o   5 (6)

o   6 (7)

o   7 (8)

o   8 (9)

o   9 (10)

o   10 (11) – Totally satisfied

o   Don’t know (12)


Q71 How satisfied are you with the level of access to services provided in English by the provincial government in your province? 

o   0 (1) – Totally dissatisfied

o   1 (2)

o   2 (3)

o   3 (4)

o   4 (5)

o   5 (6)

o   6 (7)

o   7 (8)

o   8 (9)

o   9 (10)

o   10 (11) – Totally satisfied

o   Don’t know (12)


Q72 How satisfied are you with the level of access to services provided in English by the municipal government in your province? 

o   0 (1) – Totally dissatisfied

o   1 (2)

o   2 (3)

o   3 (4)

o   4 (5)

o   5 (6)

o   6 (7)

o   7 (8)

o   8 (9)

o   9 (10)

o   10 (11) – Totally satisfied

o   Don’t know (12)


Q73 5 years from now, access to programs and services from the Government of Canada in English will become…

o   Much worse  (1)

o   Somewhat worse  (2)

o   About the same  (3)

o   Somewhat better  (4)

o   Much better  (5)

o   Don't know  (6)


Q74 5 years from now, access to programs and services from the provincial government in English will become…

o   Much worse  (1)

o   Somewhat worse  (2)

o   About the same  (3)

o   Somewhat better  (4)

o   Much better  (5)

o   Don't know  (6)


Q75 5 years from now, access to programs and services from the municipal government in English will become…

o   Much worse  (1)

o   Somewhat worse  (2)

o   About the same  (3)

o   Somewhat better  (4)

o   Much better  (5)

o   Don't know  (6)


Q76 Compared to 5 years ago, the Government of Canada's support for community-based groups, serving the interests of the Anglophone community in your province, is...

o   Less effective  (1)

o   About the same  (2)

o   More effective  (3)

o   Don't know  (4)


Q77 Is the Government of Canada's level of support for community-based groups that serve the interests of the Anglophone community in your province currently...

o   Less than it should be  (1)

o   At about the right level  (2)

o   More than it should be  (3)

o   Don't know  (4)


Q78 And in general, how would you evaluate the work done by the network of organizations that represent the interests, and support the community development, of the Anglophone community in your province? Would you say that it is…               

o   Very poor  (1)

o   Poor  (2)

o   Neither poor nor good  (3)

o   Good  (4)

o   Very good  (5)


Q79 To what extent do you agree or disagree that the Government of Canada and your province should work together to improve services in English in your province? 

o   0 (1) – Totally disagree

o   1 (2)

o   2 (3)

o   3 (4)

o   4 (5)

o   5 (6)

o   6 (7)

o   7 (8)

o   8 (9)

o   9 (10)

o   10 (11) – Totally agree

o   Don’t know (12)


Q146 Now, we'd like to ask you a few questions about yourself. Please note that all responses will be anonymized and reported only in aggregated form.  


Q148 What is the highest level of formal education that you have completed?

o   Grade 8 or less (1)

o   Some high school (2)

o   Completed high school (3)

o   Technical, vocational post-secondary, college, CEGEP (4)

o   Some university (5)

o   Completed university degree (6)

o   Post-graduate degree (Masters, Ph.D.) (7)

o   Don't know (8)


Q149 Do you have any children under the age of 18 living at home?

o   Yes  (1)

o   No  (2)

o   Don't know  (3)


Display This Question:

If Q4 = English

And Q149 = Yes


Q150 Are they attending an English-language primary or secondary school?

o   Yes  (1)

o   No  (2)

o   Don't know  (3)


Display This Question:

If Q4 = English

And Q150 = No


Q152 Why are they not attending an English-language school?

o   No minority education offered  (1)

o   Distance/proximity  (2)

o   Quality of education  (3)

o   No need to learn other language  (4)

o   Not eligible to attend schools in the Anglophone education system in ${Q6/ChoiceGroup/SelectedChoices}  (5)

o   Too young  (6)

o   Other (Please specify):  (7) ________

o   Don't know  (8)


Display This Question:

If Q149 = Yes


Q154 When you yourself speak to your children at home, is it...

o   Only in French  (1)

o   Only in English  (2)

o   Only in another language  (3)

o   Most often in French  (4)

o   Most often in English  (5)

o   Most often in another language  (6)

o   French and English equally  (7)

o   French and another language equally  (8)

o   English and another language equally  (9)

o   Don't know  (10)


Q155 What is your current employment status?

o   Working full-time (35 hours or more per week)  (1)

o   Working part-time ( less than 35 hours per week)  (2)

o   Self-employed  (3)

o   Not employed at the present time  (4)

o   Not able to work  (5)

o   A student  (6)

o   A homemaker  (7)

o   Retired  (8)

o   Other (Please specify):  (9) _______

o   Don't know  (10)


Q156 Which of the following categories best describes your total household income? 

o   Under $10,000  (1)

o   $10,000 to $19,999  (2)

o   $20,000 to $29,999  (3)

o   $30,000 to $39,999  (4)

o   $40,000 to $49,999  (5)

o   $50,000 to $59,999  (6)

o   $60,000 to $69,999  (7)

o   $70,000 to $79,999  (8)

o   $80,000 to $99,999  (9)

o   $100,000 or more  (10)

o   Don't know  (11)



[1] The main official language was determined by the following question: “Regardless of the other languages you speak, which of the two languages English or French, do you consider your first official language or your main official language?”