Get Cyber Safe Awareness Tracking Survey

Final Report

Prepared for Communications Security Establishment

Supplier: Ekos Research Associates Inc.

Contract Number: 2L165-200745/001/CY

Contract Value: $82,958.08

Award Date: March 2, 2020

Delivery Date: March 31, 2020

Registration Number: POR 086-19

For more information on this report, please contact CSE at:

Ce rapport est aussi disponible en français

Get Cyber Safe Awareness Tracking Survey

Final Report

Prepared for Communications Security Establishment

Supplier name: Ekos Research Associates Inc.

Date: March 31, 2020

This public opinion research report presents the results of an online survey conducted by Ekos Research Associates Inc. on behalf of the Communications Security Establishment. The research study was conducted with 2,700 Canadians between March 16, and 29, 2020.

Cette publication est aussi disponible en français sous le titre Sondage de suivi sur la connaissance de la campagne Pensez cybersécurité.

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Related publications (registration number: POR 086-19):

© Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Public Works and Government Services, 2020

Table of Contents

List of Tables

List of Charts

1. Executive Summary

A. Background and Objectives

As the most frequent Internet users in the world, it is important for Canadians to have a strong understanding of – and dedication to – cyber security and safety. This includes knowing how to identify an online threat, knowing the actions that should be taken to combat these threats, knowing where to find reliable information about how to stay safe online, and a commitment to protecting identities and safeguarding Internet-enabled devices. It is for this reason that Canada’s Cyber Security Strategy includes assessing public awareness and engagement with cyber security, as well as implementing the Get Cyber Safe public awareness campaign, which aims to boost general knowledge and understanding.

The objectives of the proposed research are as follows:

B. Methodology

The sample consists of 2,710 completed interviews with Canadians 16 years of age or older who use the Internet on a regular basis, including 350 interviews with youth between the ages of 16 and 24, and 350 with Canadians who own or act in a managerial position in a small- to medium-sized business employing between one and 100 individuals. The sample is based on a random selection of Probit panel members from across the country. Probit panellists were selected using a random-digit dial (RDD) landline-cell phone hybrid sample frame. This panel of more than 120,000 individuals can be considered representative of the general public in Canada (meaning that the incidence of a given target population within our panel very closely resembles the public at large) and margins of error can be applied.

In this survey, a sample of 15,312 was drawn from the online only portion of the Probit panel and survey cases were completed online only, since this is the specific portion of the Canadian public that would be targeted by the communications campaign. The participation rate was 18 per cent. The final survey sample of 2,710 yields a level of precision of +/-1.9 per cent for the sample overall and +/-3 to 6 per cent for most sub-groups that could be isolated in the analysis (including all regions, age, education, and income segments).

Prior to conducting the survey, the instrument was tested with 14 cases in English and 10 cases in French. The bilingual survey was administered online between March 16 and 29, 2020. The database was subsequently reviewed for data quality, outliers, coding requirements, weighting and construction of independent variables, and was used to explore sub-group patterns (e.g., by age, gender and so on) in the analysis. Weighting of the sample was based on population parameters according to the latest Census on age, gender and region of the country.

C. Key Findings

Level of Concern

Most Canadians do not feel it is likely they will be affected by a cyber threat. Less than one in five are concerned that they will be affected by a cyber threat causing their personal information to be compromised and less than one in ten are concerned they would experience a threat that results in financial loss or the loss of files or photos. Combining the likelihood across the three areas, however, one in five Canadians believe it is likely that they will experience a cyber threat in the next year, largely driven by the higher likelihood of compromised personal information. Just over one in three believe they are unlikely to experience a threat in any of the three areas. Slightly more, over one-quarter, believe it is likely that a friend of family member will be affected by a cyber threat in the next year. When thinking about cyber threats, three in four Canadians are concerned about identity theft. Other threats on the mind of Canadians are financial loss, followed by general viruses, spyware or malware.


For most Canadians who say they are not concerned about cyber threats, it is because they say they take steps to protect themselves online or that they do not do anything risky online. A portion of Canadians are aware of some steps to take to verify that a website is secure. The majority look for a website from a trustworthy source, such as a well-known software provider or a government website. Less than half only use websites that they know well, look for the "https" address as their method of verifying that a website is secure, verify a site through the security lock symbol or a checkmark or VeriSign authentication.

One in four Canadians feel they are not prepared to face cyber threats, primarily because they feel one can never really be protected online. In fact, two in five say they have been the victim of a virus, spyware, or malware on their computer and over one-quarter have been victimized by an email scam. Other cyber attacks experienced have included text scams, social media account hacks, or identity theft.

In the event of a cyber attack, four in five Canadians would change their passwords. Over two in three would reach out to their bank if they were the victim of a cyber attack. Slightly fewer say they would delete suspicious material or update security software.


Similar to 2018, nearly nine in ten Canadians take precautions to protect their online and social media accounts, devices and networks. However, nearly two in three admit that they change some passwords more than others. One in four change passwords at least a few times a year, but one in ten never change their password. Passwords for online bank accounts are changed most often (by three in five). The majority say it is best to make passwords complex with a combination of letters, numbers and symbols.

Over half of Canadians use a multi-factor authentication in some form of their online activity. For these Canadians, authentication most often involves a code received by text (for four in five), followed by passwords, a code received by email, or PINs for two in three. Most Canadian households, nine in ten, secure their Wi-Fi with a unique password; however, only one in six use a separate password for visitors.

Nearly three in four Canadians save their files on a computer hard drive. Over half store their data on an external hard drive and fewer, although higher than in 2018, have implemented a virtual server or cloud. For one in five, data and personal files stored on the computer, smartphone, or other mobile device are automatically saved to the cloud. A similar proportion manually back up their files once or twice per year; one in six never back up their files.


Just under half of Canadians have looked up information on how to tell if an email is a scam or other information about types of cyber security threats. Over one-third have looked for information on securing home Wi-Fi or how to protect mobile devices. This information was found by three in five Canadians by using a search engine. About three in ten found information through the media, including a news organization’s website, a government website, a software or hardware vendor’s website, or through friends and family. An employer’s IT department was a source of information for one-quarter of those who searched for information. Just over one in four found the information helpful because of their confidence in the source of the information.

Over half of Canadians prefer to get information on cyber security protection through websites. Three in ten prefer check lists on what to do or fact sheets and infographics. One in five say they prefer instructional videos, social media, stories of how people have been affected, or newsletters such as email subscriptions.

Three in ten Canadians help others with their cyber security. For six in ten, this includes parents or friends. Less than half help other relatives. About three in ten help co-workers or their children.

As found in 2018, if provided trustworthy information, two in three Canadians feel confident that they could protect themselves online. Over three in five agree it is up to individuals to protect their own personal privacy or are confident they know how to find practical information online to protect against cyber threats.

Very few have heard of the Get Cyber Safe campaign. Of the nearly one in ten who stated awareness when prompted with the name, three in ten read about it on social media. One quarter saw a segment on the news or social media. Nearly one in five heard about it through a radio show or podcast, saw a video online, visited the websites, or was told about it by someone.

Experience of Business

Among the concerns business owners or managers have in daily operations, only about one in four are concerned about work disruptions, financial loss, or damage to the organization’s reputation due to a cyber threat. Similar to 2018, two in five are not concerned because they feel the threat for their type of company is very low. One in five have researched and taken steps to protect their business online. Just over half of business owners or managers report that their business has implemented password protection on all devices, use password or user authentication for wireless and remote access, or kept security software up to date on all machines.

Two in five business owners or managers say that their organization would benefit from a list of the types of threats that exist and clues to look out for, guidelines for reacting to a cyber attack, or steps to protect mobile devices in a public setting. Over three in ten would see value in information on best practices for safe cloud computing, resources on how to encrypt computers, laptops, and storage devices, best practices for use of storage devices, or guidelines on use of personal devices for work. About one in four indicate their organization would benefit from tips on the type of software/hardware to make networks secure, best practise for employees on how to handle passwords, guidelines to establish rules for safe email usage policies, guidelines on how to establish strong social media policy, tips on communicating the importance of following cyber security to employees, best practices on a clear internet usage policy, or having information on steps for handling work-related information possessed by departing employees.

D. Note to Readers

Detailed findings are presented in the sections that follow. Overall results are presented in the main portion of the narrative and are typically supported by graphic or tabular presentation of results. Bulleted text is also used to point out any statistically and substantively significant differences between sub-groups of respondents. If differences are not noted in the report, it can be assumed that they are either not statistically significant[1] in their variation from the overall result or that the difference was deemed to be substantively too small to be noteworthy. The programmed survey instrument can be found in Appendix A. Details of the methodology and sample characteristics can be found in Appendix B.

It should be noted that the survey asks a number of questions about behaviours that may have a tendency to exert social desirability pressure for respondents to underreport risky online practices[2]. Results for the proportion of respondents in the sample who either said "don’t know" or did not provide a response may not be indicated in the graphic representation of the results in all cases, particularly where they are not sizable (e.g., 10% or less). Results may also not total to 100% due to rounding.

E. Contract Value

The contract value for the POR project is $82,958.08 (including HST).

Supplier Name: Ekos Research Associates

PWGSC Contract Number: 086-19

Contract Award Date: March 2, 2020

To obtain more information on this study, please email ??

F. Political Neutrality Certification

I hereby certify as Senior Officer of Ekos Research Associates Inc. that the deliverables fully comply with the Government of Canada political neutrality requirements outlined in the Communications Policy of the Government of Canada and Procedures for Planning and Contracting Public Opinion Research.

Specifically, the deliverables do not include information on electoral voting intentions, political party preferences, standings with the electorate, or ratings of the performance of a political party or its leaders.

Signed by:

Susan Galley (Vice President)

2. Detailed Findings

A. Level of Concern/Likelihood of Incident

Over the next year, nearly one in five (17%) feel it is likely that they will be affected by a cyber threat causing their personal information to be compromised; two in five (41%) feel it is unlikely. Most Canadians feel that cyber threats will not affect them, with less than one in ten believing they would experience a threat that results in financial loss (7%) or the loss of files or photos (7%). Overall, combining the likelihood across the three areas, one in five Canadians (19%) believe it is likely that they will experience a cyber threat in the next year, largely driven by the higher likelihood of compromised personal information. Just over one in three (35%) believe they are unlikely to experience a threat in any of the three areas.

Chart 1: Likelihood of Threats

In the next year, how likely do you feel that you will be affected by a cyber threat...?

Q11abc. In the next year, how likely do you feel that you will be affected by a cyber threat...?

Base: n=2710

Don’t Unlikely Moderately Likely

know (1-2) (3) (4-5)

Causing your personal information to be compromised 7% 41% 35% 17%

Causing you the loss of files, photos 8% 59% 26% 7%

Causing you financial loss 7% 63% 23% 7%

Combined 12% 35% 38% 19%

Among those who are not concerned, the majority say that it is because they take steps to protect themselves online (62%) or that they do not do anything risky online (58%). Two in five (41%) indicate they feel unlikely to be affected because they stay informed about viruses. About one-quarter feel they are unlikely to be affected because they perceive the chances of being affected are very small (27%) or that they use Apple/iOS which is not as susceptible to viruses (26%).

Chart 2: Why Unlikely to Be Affected

Why don't you think that it is likely that you will be affected by a cyber threat?

QK8a. Why don't you think that it is likely that you will be affected by a cyber threat?

Base: n=1941 (Indicated unlikely to be affected by financial or file loss, or have personal information compromised), 2018: n=492 (Unlikely to be affected by online threat (in general)

2020 2018

Take steps to protect ourselves online 62% 73%

Do not do anything risky online 58% 67%

Stay up to date/knowledgeable/educated about information/viruses 41% --

Think the chances are just very small 27% 42%

Use Apple/iOS which is not as susceptible to viruses 26% --

Work in computer/information technology 11% --

Do not use Microsoft OS 9% --

Online threats only apply to businesses and people with a lot of money 3% 6%

Use apple/mac/linux which not as susceptible to viruses 3% 1%

Think I am at risk, risk even with precautions, all susceptible 1% --

Other 2% --

Don't know 3% --

Over one-quarter (27%) of Canadians believe it is likely that a friend of family member will be affected by a cyber threat in the next year. This is lower than the 32% reported in 2018, although in 2018 the question asked about "you or a family member". More often, Canadians are concerned about a friend (54%) or a parent (48%). About one-third feels that a co-worker (35%) or neighbour (33%) will be affected, while one-quarter are concerned about children (26%) or a grandparent (23%).

Table 1: Likelihood of Others Affected
Col1 Total 2020 Total 2018*
Q12. And how likely is it that a friend or family member will be affected by a cyber threat in the next year? n=2710 n=2072
Unlikely (1-2) 22% 23%
Moderately (3) 37% 34%
Likely (4 5) 27% 32%
Do not know 13% 12%
Q13. Who do you think will be affected? n=740
Friend 54%
Parent 48%
Co-worker 35%
Neighbour 33%
Children 26%
Grandparent 23%
Other family 5%
Spouse/partner 2%
Anyone can be affected 2%
Other 3%
Do not know 9%
Q14. Why do you think they will be affected? n=740
Careless usage, do not have security/take precautions 18%
Happens all the time/everyone is at risk, frequent 17%
Not tech-savvy, knowledgeable about precautions 16%
Elderly are susceptible/more at risk/too trusting 4%
Too trusting, naïve 3%
Hackers/scams are becoming increasingly sophisticated 2%
Use Internet for all transactions, use many sites 2%
Personally experienced/know someone who has been a victim of fraud 2%
Personal data not protected enough government/ business, lack of law enforcement/accountability when breaches occur 2%
Other 11%
Do not know 17%
No response 7%

*In 2018 the question asked about "you or a family member".

Three in four (76%) Canadians are concerned about identity theft. When thinking about cyber threats, Canadians are also concerned about financial loss (63%), and general viruses, spyware or malware (58%). Roughly two in five are concerned about privacy violations (44%), that personal data will be erased, changed or lost (43%), that information or files will be lost (37%), or their personal data will be held for ransom (35%). Three in ten (29%) Canadians are concerned about phishing scams.

Chart 3: Nature of Concern

What kinds of cyber threats are you most concerned about?

Q15. What kinds of cyber threats are you most concerned about?

Base: n=2710


Identity theft 76%

Financial loss 63%

Viruses/spyware/malware 58%

Privacy violations 44%

Personal data erased/changed/lost 43%

Loss of information/files 37%

Personal data held for ransom 35%

Phishing scams 29%

Other 2%

None of these 2%

Don't know 2%

B. Awareness

Three in five (60%) Canadians say they look for a website from a trustworthy source, such as a well-known software provider or a government website. Just under half (48%) indicate they only use websites that they know well, while slightly fewer (43%) specifically look for the "https" address as their method of verifying that a website is secure. About one-third verify a site through the security lock symbol (39%) or that the website has a checkmark or VeriSign authentication (32%). One-quarter say it is difficult to guarantee that a site is secure as any site can be hacked (26%), or that they conduct research as to whether a site is legitimate (24%). Over one in ten indicate that it is impossible to know for sure if a website is secure (14%) or that they read comments about privacy or reputation of a website (11%).

Although a different question was asked in the 2018 survey (How do you know if a website is secure?), results show a relative parallel insofar as most know about and taken steps in terms of trusted or familiar sites and even the https, although the VeriSign is less apt to be checked relative to awareness in 2018.

Chart 4: Steps to Verify Website Is Secure

What steps do you take to verify that a website is secure?

2020 2018

Website is from a trustworthy source 60% 67%

Only use websites that I know well 48% 46%

The website uses has an "https" address 43% 56%

Displays security lock symbol 39% --

The website has a checkmark or VeriSign authentication 32% 56%

Difficult to guarantee: any site can be hacked 26% --

Conduct research as to whether site is legitimate/safe 24% --

Impossible: cannot fully know/know for sure 14% --

Read comments about privacy/reputation 11% --

Use whois 4% --

Use security software 2% --

Other 2% --

None of these 2%

Don't know 4% 9%

QK11a. What steps do you take to verify that a website is secure?

Base: n=2710, 2018 – How do you know if a website is secure? Base: n=1880

Only one in five (19%) Canadians feel they are prepared to face cyber threats. Over one in four (27%) say they are unprepared, and another 45% claim to be somewhat prepared. Among those who are not prepared, 44% say it is because you can never really protect yourself online. Three in ten (31%) have a back up and can recover in the event of a cyber threat. About one in five cite a variety of other reasons, including a lack on information on the steps to take (23%), lack of awareness of the different types of threats (22%), a feeling that it is unlikely to happen (18%), lack of time to prepare (18%), or that the information they do find is not straightforward enough to be helpful (18%).

Table 2: Preparedness
Col1 Total 2020
Q16. How well prepared are you to face cyber threats? n=2710
Unprepared (1-2) 27%
Somewhat (3) 45%
Prepared (4-5) 19%
Do not know 8%
Q17. Why is that? n=1959
You can never really protect yourself online 44%
I have a back up and can recover 31%
I don't know where to get information about the steps to take 23%
I don't know what the different type of threats are 22%
I don't think it's likely to happen to me 18%
I don't have the time/ never get around to it 18%
The information I find is not straightforward enough to help me 18%
There's no point in trying 4%
Nothing 2%
Other 3%
Do not know 6%

Two in five (39%) Canadians indicate they have been the victim of a virus, spyware, or malware on their computer. Over one-quarter (26%) report they have been victimized by an email scam. Other cyber attacks experienced have included text scams (13%), or a social media account hack (12%). Just less than one in ten (8%) have been the victim of identity theft. About four in ten in total said they do not know if they have been a victim (16%) or would not provide a response (24%).

Chart 5: Incidence of Victimization

Have you ever been a victim of any of the following cyber attacks?

Q18. Have you ever been a victim of any of the following cyber attacks?

Base: n=2710


Virus/spyware/malware on your computer 39%

Email scam 26%

Text scam 13%

Social media account hack 12%

Identity theft 8%

Do not know 16%

No response 24%

If they knew or suspected that they had been a victim of a cyber attack, most (79%) Canadians say they would change their passwords. Over two in three (69%) would prudently contact their bank. Over half would delete suspicious material (58%) or update security software (50%). Other steps anticipated include contacting Canada’s main credit agencies (such as Trans Union or Equifax) (41%) or shutting down the affected computer (38%). One-third would contact an IT specialist (32%) or call the police (32%). Just less than one in four (22%) would solicit the support of a friend or family member.

Chart 6: Steps Taken to Protect if Victim of Cyber Attack

If you knew or suspected that you'd been a victim of a cyber attack, what steps would you take to protect yourself?

Q19. If you knew or suspected that you'd been a victim of a cyber attack, what steps would you take to protect yourself?

Base: n=2710


Change my passwords 79%

Contact my bank 69%

Delete suspicious material 58%

Update my security software 50%

Contact Canada's main credit agencies 41%

Shutdown my computer 38%

Contact an IT specialist 32%

Call the police 32%

Contact a friend or family member for help 22%

Other 4%

Don't know 2%

C. Precautions – Behaviour

Nearly nine in ten Canadians (88%, similar to the 89% reported in 2018) report they take precautions to protect their online accounts, social media accounts, devices and networks.

Chart 7: Take Actions to Protect Online Accounts

Do you take precautions to protect your online accounts, social media accounts, devices, and networks?

Q1. Do you take precautions to protect your online accounts, social media accounts, devices, and networks?

Base: n=2710

2020 2018

Yes 88% 89%

No 6% 5%

Don’t know 6% 5%

One step Canadians can take to protect themselves includes changing account passwords; however, only about one-quarter do this at least a few times a year (19%) or more (7%). One in ten (12%) say they change their passwords once per year, while 15% estimate that they do this every few years. One in five (19%) change a password whenever they are prompted to and 14% change a password when ever they think of it with no set pattern. Nearly one in ten (9%) say they never change their password and 3% change their password only when they hear about a security breach in the news.

Almost two in three (64%) change some passwords more than others. Highest on the priority list is online banking accounts (62%). Fewer change their work email (34%) or home email (26%) more often. One-quarter change their online shopping accounts (25%) or social media accounts (24%) more often.

Table 3: Changing Passwords
Col1 Total 2020
Q2. In general, how often do you change your account passwords? n=2710
Never 9%
Every few years 15%
Once a year 12%
A few times a year 19%
More often than a few times a year 7%
Whenever I am prompted to 19%
Whenever I think of it, no set pattern 14%
When I learn about a security breach in the news 3%
Do not know 2%
Q3. Do you change some passwords more often than others? n=2457
Yes 64%
No 28%
Do not know 6%
No response 2%
Q4. Which passwords do you change more often? n=1569
Online banking accounts 62%
Email at work 34%
Email at home 26%
Online shopping accounts 25%
Social media accounts 24%
Work network accounts 2%
School network accounts, university email 1%
As prompted/password manager, when password is forgotten 1%
Other 5%
Do not know 3%

When it comes to passwords, most (70%) Canadians say that they try to make their passwords complex, with a combination of letters, numbers and symbols. Two in five (41%) use the same password for multiple accounts. About one-third write down passwords (37%), allow a browser or app to remember or store passwords (35%), or use a different, unique password for each account (32%). Fewer than one in five use a password manager (16%), keep passwords simple and easy to remember (16%), or use a passphrase with at least four words and 15 characters (14%).

Chart 8: Actions Taken Regarding Passwords

When it comes to your passwords, which of the following actions do you take?

Q5. When it comes to your passwords, which of the following actions do you take?

Base: n=2710

2020 2018

Make your passwords complex with a combination of letters, numbers

and symbols 70% 82%

Use the same password for multiple accounts 41% 46%

Write down your passwords 37% 43%

Allow your browser or app to remember/store your passwords 35% 38%

Use a different, unique password for each account 32% --

Use a password manager 16% 16%

Keep your passwords simple and easy to remember 16% 15%

Use a passphrase with least 4 words and 15 characters 14% --

Share a password with others 3% 3%

Other 3% 3%

None of these 1% 2%

No response 1% 2%

Just over half (53%) of Canadians use a multi-factor authentication. This most often involves a code received by text message (79%). Three in five use passwords (65%), a code received by email (64%), or PINs (63%). Over half (57%) use fingerprints. Two in five (41%) use a code received by an authentication application and three in ten (29%) use a code received by phone call. One in five use facial recognition (23%) or passphrases (20%). Fewer use token devices (14%), voice verification (9%), smart cards (7%), or USB devices (4%).

Table 4: Multi-Factor Authentication
Col1 Total 2020
Q6. Do you use multi-factor authentication? n=2710
Yes 53%
No 31%
Do not know 14%
No response 2%
Q7. Which of the following authentication factors have you used? n=1423
Code received by text message 79%
Passwords 65%
Code received by email 64%
PINs 63%
Fingerprints 57%
Code received by an authentication application 41%
Code received by phone call 29%
Facial recognition 23%
Passphrases 20%
Token devices 14%
Voice verification 9%
Smart cards 7%
USB drives 4%
Other 2%
Do not know 1%
No response 1%

For nearly half (46%), operating system updates happen automatically. For others, updates are typically enabled within a day (14%), week (15%), month (9%) or year (4%). A small proportion (3%) claim that they never enable updates.

Chart 9: Frequency of OS Updates

Devices often prompt you to update the operating system (OS). When do you enable this update?

Q8. Devices often prompt you to update the operating system (OS). When do you enable this update?

Base: n=2710


Automatically 46%

Within a day/daily 14%

Within a week/weekly 14%

Within a month/monthly 9%

Less than once per year 4%

Never 3%

Do not know 8%

No response 2%

Nine in ten (90%) Canadians secure their home Wi-Fi with a unique password, although 29% used the default password. Seven in ten (68%) created the password. Only 17% use a guest network with a separate password for visitors.

Table 5: Securing WiFi
Col1 Total 2020 Total 2018
QB2B. Do you secure your home Wi-Fi with a unique password? n=2710 n=1801
Yes 90% 96%
No 4% 3%
Do not have Wi-Fi at home 3% --
Do not know 2% 1%
No response 1% --
Q9. Was the password you used the default one that came with the device (e.g. a router) or is it a new one you created yourself? n=2430
Yes, default password 29%
No, I created it myself 68%
Do not know 2%
No response 1%
Q10. Do you use a guest network with a separate password for your smart devices and/or for visitors? n=2710
Yes 17%
No 77%
Do not know 4%
No response 3%

Nearly three in four (71%) Canadians save their files on a computer hard drive. Over half (54%) store their data on an external hard drive and fewer (46%) have implemented a virtual server or cloud. Results were very similar in 2018, although slightly higher proportions of Canadians rely on the cloud in 2020.

Chart 10: Data Storage

Thinking about data storage of information for personal use, do you save information on your computer hard drive, an external hard drive (i.e., extra storage / back up), or on a 'virtual server' (i.e., cloud computing)?

QD1B. Thinking about data storage of information for personal use, do you save information on your computer hard drive, an external hard drive (i.e., extra storage / back up), or on a "virtual server" (i.e., cloud computing)?

Base: n=2710

QD1B. Thinking about data storage of information for personal use, do you save information on your computer hard drive, an external hard drive (i.e., extra storage / back up), or on a "virtual server" (i.e., cloud computing)?

Base: n=2710

2020 2018

Save files on computer hard drive 71% 74%

Save files to an external hard drive 54% 53%

Save files on a "virtual server"/in a cloud 46% 39%

Don’t recall 6% --

For one in five (20%), data and personal files stored on a computer, smartphone, or other mobile device are automatically saved to the cloud. A similar proportion (23%) manually back up their files once or twice per year, while fewer have implemented the practice of backing up files every few months (16%), once a month (8%), a few times a month (5%) or weekly or more (8%). A portion of Canadians never (15%) back up their files.

Chart 11: Frequency of Backing Up Devices

How often do you back up data/personal files stored on your computer, smartphone or other mobile device?

QB5X. How often do you back up data/personal files stored on your computer, smartphone or other mobile device?

Base: n=2710

QB5X. How often do you back up data/personal files stored on your computer, smartphone or other mobile device?

Base: n=2710


Never 15%

Once or twice a year 23%

Every few months 16%

Once a month 8%

A few times a month 5%

Weekly or more often 8%

Automatically (e.g. as the files are created) to the cloud 20%

Don't recall 6%

In the past month, eight in ten (81%) Canadians claim not to have participated in behaviour that may threaten cyber security. Fewer than one in ten have entered financial information while using public Wi-Fi (7%), entered personal information on a pubic computer (5%), opened an email attachment from an unknown source (4%), clicked on a link from an unknown email or text (4%), entered personal information on an unsecure site (3%) or replied to a phishing, spoofing or spam email unknowingly (2%).

A similar question was posed in 2018, although it asked about behaviour that had "ever" occurred, rather than in the past month. While not strictly comparable, it provides a sense of the degree of behaviour in some areas (e.g., opening an attachment or clicking a link, replying to phishing/spam, forwarding an email from unknown source). Use of public Wi-Fi and personal information on a public device are still at relatively higher occurrences, even in the past month.

Chart 12: Types of Risks Taken

In the past month, have you...?

QB11. In the past month, have you...?

Base: n=2710, 2018 Base: 2072

QB11. In the past month, have you...?

Base: n=2710, 2018 Base: 2072

2020 2018

Entered financial information while using public Wi-Fi 7% 15%

Entered personal information on a public computer 5% 10%

Opened an email attachment from an unknown source 4% 17%

Clicked on a link from an unknown email or text 4% 16%

Entered personal information on an unsecure site 3% --

Replied to spoof or phishing email unknowingly 2% 10%

Forwarded an email or text attachment from an unknown source 1% 6%

None of these 81% 55%

Do not know 2% 4%

D. Information

Fewer than half of Canadians have looked up information on how to tell if an email is a scam (44%) or other information about types of cyber security threats (44%). Over one-third have looked for information on securing home Wi-Fi (39%) or how to protect mobile devices (36%). One-quarter have looked for information on using social networking sites safely (27%), steps to take to use public Wi-Fi safely (26%), or to protect other internet connected devices (such as smart TVs, home security systems, fitness monitors, voice activated devices (25%). Just over one in ten have looked for cyber security advice for children (15%) or seniors (14%). One in five (22%) have not looked for any cyber security information.

Although responding to a slightly different question, 2020 results suggest that several topics are more likely to have been researched than they were in 2018 (determining email scams, how to use public Wi-Fi safely, and steps to protect other internet connected devices).

Chart 13: Type of Information Looked For

Have you ever looked for the following types of cyber security information?, 2018 – Which of the following types of online threats, if any, have you looked for information for?

QIC5a. Have you ever looked for the following types of cyber security information?, 2018 – Which of the following types of online threats, if any, have you looked for information for?

Base: n=2710, 2018: n=2072

2020 2018

How to tell if an email is a scam 44% 38%

Information about types of cyber security threats 44% --

Securing your home Wi-Fi 39% 38%

How to protect your mobile devices 36% --

Steps you can take to use social networking sites safely 27% 24%

Steps you can take to use public wifi safely 26% 20%

Steps you can take to protect other internet connected devices 25% 17%

Cyber security advice for children 15% 11%

Cyber security advice for seniors 14% 10%

Other 2% 3%

None of these 22% 26%

Don't know 5% 3%

For 44% of Canadians, information on cyber security was found by using a search engine. About three in ten found information through the media, including a news organization’s website (37%), a government website (36%), a software or hardware vendor’s website (35%), or through friends and family (31%). One-quarter (28%) found information through their employer’s IT department. One in five sourced information through social media (20%), a law enforcement website (20%), the website of a non-profit group (19%), or YouTube (17%). Ten percent found information in a newsletter.

Chart 14: Information Source

Where did you find that information?

QIC5b. Where did you find that information?

Base: n=1977 (Anyone searching for information on one of the listed topics in Chart 13)


Search engine 44%

Media 37%

Government website 36%

Web site of software or hardware vendor 35%

Friends and family 31%

My employer's IT department 28%

Social media 20%

Law enforcement website 20%

Website of a non-profit group 19%

YouTube 17%

Newsletter 10%

Other 5%

Don't recall 4%

Just over one in four (28%) found the information helpful because of their confidence in the source of the information. Other reasons for confidence include information that was found to helpful because it was clear and straightforward (16%), or because it offers a practical guide with specific steps and detailed examples (14%). Fewer than one in ten had confidence because the information covered precisely the topics they were interested in (8%) or that the information was easy to find (6%).

Chart 15: Reasons Information is Helpful

What was it about this information that made it helpful?

QIC8b. What was it about this information that made it helpful?

Base: n=2710


I had confidence in the source of the information 28%

It was clear and straightforward (easy to understand) 16%

Practical guide, with specific and detailed examples 14%

It covered exactly the topics I wanted to know about 8%

It was easy to find 6%

Nothing 12%

Don’t know 15%

Over half (55%) of Canadians prefer to get information on cyber security protection through websites. Three in ten prefer check lists on what to do (38%) or fact sheets or infographics (30%). One in five say they prefer instructional videos (23%), social media (21%), newsletters such as email subscriptions (21%), or stories of how people have been affected (20%). Fewer cite print brochures (15%), podcasts (8%) or blogs (7%) as their preferred vehicle for getting the information.

Chart 16: Preferred Type/Method of Information

How do you prefer to get information to protect yourself from cyber threats?

Q20. How do you prefer to get information to protect yourself from cyber threats?

Base: n=2651


Information on websites 55%

Check lists on what to do 38%

Fact sheets or infographic 30%

Instructional videos 23%

Social media 21%

Newsletter 21%

Stories of how people have been affected 20%

Print brochures 15%

Blogs 8%

Podcasts 7%

Other 4%

None of these 5%

Don't know 8%

Nearly one-third (30%) of Canadians reportedly help others with cyber security. This most often includes assistance they give to parents (61%) or friends (59%). Nearly half (48%) of those who help others with cyber security assist other relatives. One-third (33%) listed co-workers and three in ten (29%) help their children. About one in five help neighbours (21%) or grandparents (17%). Nine percent help small business owners.

Table 6: Helping Others with Cyber Security
Col1 Total 2020
Q21. Do you help others with cyber security? n=2710
Yes 30%
No 64%
Do not know 4%
No response 2%
Q22. Who do you help? n=803
Parents 61%
Friends 59%
Other relatives 48%
Co-workers 33%
Children 29%
Neighbours 21%
Grandparents 17%
Small business owners 9%
Other 2%

Nearly two-thirds (65%) of Canadians feel confident that they could protect themselves online, as long as basic and trustworthy information is available on steps to take. Slightly fewer agree that it is up to individuals to protect their own personal privacy (63%) or feel confident that they know how to find practical information to protect themselves online (62%). Only half (49%), however, feel they have enough information on how to take steps to protect against cyber threats. Two in five (39%) are confident that businesses and other organizations have adequate security safeguards to protect personal information.

Results from 2018 are similar for three of the four repeated questions, although Canadians are less apt to agree in 2020 that it is up to individuals to protect their own personal privacy compared with the 76% who agreed in 2018.

Chart 17: Attitudes About Information

Please rate the degree to which you agree or disagree with the following statements.

QA13, A11B, A118, Q120, A110 . Please rate the degree to which you agree or disagree with the following statements.

Base: n=2710, 2018 – n=2072

DK/NR Disagree Neither Agree Agree

(1-2) (3) (4-5) (4-5)

2020 2020 2020 2020 2018

Confident could protect myself online if have basic, trustworthy information on steps 2% 18% 15% 65% 66%

It’s up to individuals to protect their own personal privacy 2% 19% 17% 63% 76%

Confident know how to find practical information to protect oneself 2% 21% 15% 62% 58%

Have enough information on steps to protect self & devices against threats 2% 29% 20% 49% --

Confident that businesses have adequate security safeguards to protect my personal information 3% 39% 19% 39% 39%

Very few (2%) Canadians can name the Government of Canada awareness campaign created to inform Canadians about cyber security and the simple steps they can take to protect themselves online. Once prompted, slightly more (8%) reported familiarity with the Get Cyber Safe campaign from the Government of Canada.

Chart 18: Awareness of Get Cyber Safe Campaign

There is a Government of Canada awareness campaign created to inform Canadians about cyber security and the simple steps they can take to protect themselves online. Can you name this campaign?

Q23. There is a Government of Canada awareness campaign created to inform Canadians about cyber security and the simple steps they can take to protect themselves online. Can you name this campaign?

Base: n=2683

QGOCAD. Have you seen, heard or read anything from the Government of Canada with the title Get Cyber Safe that talked about online threats and how to protect yourself?

Base: n=2710

Don’t Know No Yes

Can you name this campaign? 10% 2% 87%

Have you seen, heard or read anything from the Government of Canada with the title Get Cyber Safe? 7% 8% 85%

Of those who indicated familiarity with the Get Cyber Safe campaign, 31% say they read about Get Cyber Safe on social media and 28% saw a segment on the news or in the newspaper. Fewer than one in five heard about it through a radio show or podcast (19%), saw an online video (18%), visited the website (18%), or heard from someone else (16%).

Chart 19: Awareness of Get Cyber Safe Campaign

Where did you see, hear, or read this?

QGOCADA. Where did you see, hear, or read this?

Base: n=210


Read about it on social media 31%

Saw a segment on the news or in the newspaper 28%

Heard about it through a radio show, podcast 19%

Saw an online video 19%

Visited the website 18%

Someone told me about it 16%

Other 4%

Don’t know 9%

E. Experience of Businesses

Nearly half (47%) of business owners or managers are responsible for their company’s IT. More than one in five (23%) cite an employee of the organization dedicated to IT. Over one in ten (14%) outsource this function to an IT firm and five percent do not have anyone responsible for IT.

Chart 20: Responsibility for IT

Who is responsible for your company's IT?

QBUS4. Who is responsible for your company's IT?

Base: n=356

2020 2018

Me 47% 38%

An employee of the organization dedicated to IT 23% 30%

Outsource to an IT firm 14% 19%

No one 5% --

Another employee 4% 5%

Other 1% 2%

None of these 2% 4%

Do not know 10% 6%

Prefer not to say 3% 4%

When thinking about the various concerns of daily operations, over one-quarter of business owners or managers are concerned about work disruptions (27%) or financial loss (27%) in the event of a cyber threat. Slightly fewer (23%) are concerned about damage to the organization’s reputation.

Chart 21: Level of Concern

Thinking about the various concerns of daily operations of your organization, how concerned are you that a cyber threat will cause...?

QBUS5A1-A3. Thinking about the various concerns of daily operations of your organization, how concerned are you that a cyber threat will cause...?

Base: n=360

2020 Don’t Not

Know Concerned Moderately Concerned

(1-2) (3) (4-5)

Work disruptions 5% 42% 24% 27%

Financial loss 4% 43% 23% 27%

Damage to your organization's reputation 5% 49% 21% 23%

Among those who are not concerned, over two in five (42%) cite their perception of minimal threat for their type of company. One in five (23%) say they have conducted research and taken steps to protect their business. One in ten (9%) report they have never really thought about cyber security. Other mentions include having bigger issues than cyber attacks to worry about (5%), that there is not much that can be done to prevent a cyber attack (4%), or unsure of what issues there are to be concerned about (3%).

Chart 22: Reasons for Lack of Concern

Why is this?

QBUS5b. Why is this?

Base: n=203

2020 2018

The threat for a company like ours is very low 42% 43%

We have researched this and taken steps to protect ourselves 23% 30%

I never really thought about it 9% 7%

There are bigger issues to worry about than cyber attacks 5% 3%

You can't really protect yourselves against cyber attacks if it's going to happen, there's isn't much you can do 4% 2%

I don't know what the issues are to be concerned about 3% 2%

Other 1% --

None of these 4% 4%

Don’t know 6% --

Prefer not to say 3% 3%

Over half of business owners or managers report that their business has implemented password protection on all devices (57%), use password or user authentication for wireless and remote access (52%), or kept security software up to date on all machines (51%). Just under half (49%) have taken the steps to back up information on all devices while two in five (39%) have set spam filters to protect against online threats. About one in five have implemented encryption software (23%), followed information removal protocols when employees have left the organization (18%), adopted a cyber security policy for employees (18%), provided cyber security training for employees (15%), or refrain from using an administrator account when accessing the web (15%).

Chart 23: Steps Taken to Prevent/Protect Against Attacks

Turning to your work as a business owner/manager, which of the following steps has your business taken to protect itself against online threats?

QBUS1. Turning to your work as a business owner/manager, which of the following steps has your business taken to protect itself against online threats?

Base: n=360

2020 2018

Require password protection on all devices 57% 71%

Use a password or user authentication for wireless and remote access 52% 67%

Keep security software up-to-date on all machines 51% 69%

Back up information on all devices 49% 60%

Set spam filters 39% 54%

Use encryption software 23% 36%

Follow information removal protocols when employees leave the organization 18% 37%

Adopting a cyber security policy for employees 18% --

Providing cyber security best practices training for employees 15% --

Do not use administrator account when accessing the web 15% 25%

None of these 9% 5%

Do not know 10% 5%

Prefer not to say 7% 4%

About two in five business owners or managers report that employees are instructed to only download from trusted sources (44%), to only click on attachments or URLs from trusted sources (41%), or to use passwords that contain random numbers and letters that are difficult to guess (41%). About one-third instruct employees to use caution when responding to solicitations from strangers (36%) or to not give out passwords without calling to verify that the request is legitimate (31%). Just over one-quarter have directed employees to change default passwords (27%) or to not allow computer browsers to remember passwords for websites (27%). One in five ask employees to read terms of service of a website, app, or social media platform (19%), to use encryption software (18%), or to check privacy policies of websites (17%). One in five (20%) do not provide any instructions to employees to protect the organization against cyber threats.

Chart 24: Instructions to Employees

Which of the following instructions do you provide to employees to protect the organization against cyber threats and to protect your personal information?

QBUS2. Which of the following instructions do you provide to employees to protect the organization against cyber threats and to protect your personal information?

Base: n=360

2020 2018

To only download from trusted sources 44% 50%

To only click on attachments or URLs from trusted sources 41% 49%

To use passwords that contain random numbers and letters that are difficult to guess 41% 49%

To use caution when responding to solicitations from strange 36% 45%

Not to give out password without calling to verify that the request is legitimate 31% 47%

To change my default password 27% 42%

Not to allow my computer browser to remember passwords for websites 27% 32%

To read terms of service/use of a website, app or social media platform 19% 22%

To use of encryption software 18% 27%

To check privacy policies on the website 17% 23%

None of these 20% 11%

Do not know 13% 4%

Prefer not to say 9%s 18%

Two in five business owners or managers say that their organization would benefit from a list of the types of threats that exist and clues to look out for (41%), guidelines for reacting to a cyber attack (40%), or steps to protect mobile devices in a public setting (39%). Over three in ten would see value in information on best practices for safe cloud computing (36%), resources on how to encrypt computers, laptops, and storage devices (34%), best practices for use of storage devices (34%), or guidelines on use of personal devices for work (31%). About one in four indicate their organization would benefit from tips on the type of software/hardware to make networks secure (29%), best practise for employees on how to handle passwords (29%), guidelines to establish rules for safe email usage policies (28%), best practices on a clear internet usage policy (27%), guidelines on how to establish strong social media policy (26%), or tips on communicating the importance of following cyber security to employees (25%). Slightly fewer see value in having information on steps for handling work-related information possessed by departing employees (22%).

Table 7: Beneficial Information for Small and Medium Businesses
Col1 Total 2020 Total 2018
QBUS3. Which of the following types of information do you feel that your organization would benefit from having in order to protect itself against cyber threats? n=360 n=533
A list of the types of threats that exist and cues to look for 41% 47%
Guidelines for reacting to a cyber attack 40% 46%
Steps to protect mobile devices in a public setting 39% 40%
Best practices for safe cloud computing (with definition of cloud computing) 36% 35%
Resources on how to encrypt computers, laptops, and storage devices 34% 37%
Best practices for use of storage devices (e.g. USBs) 34% 40%
Guidelines on use of personal devices for work 31% 40%
Tips/resources for the type of software/hardware to make networks secure 29% 36%
Best practices for employees on how to handle passwords 29% 37%
Guidelines to establish rules for safe email usage policies 28% 39%
Best practices for a clear internet usage policy 27% 37%
Guidelines on how to establish strong social media policy 26% 37%
Tips on communicating the importance of ollowing cyber security policies to employees 25% 32%
Steps for handling work-related information possessed by departing employees 22% 33%
Other 3% 4%
None of these 9% 8%
Do not know 13% 12%
Prefer not to say 7% 7%

3. Appendices

A. Survey Questionnaire (English)



Ekos Research Associates is surveying people across the country on behalf of the federal Government about issues related to online security. The survey should take approximately 15 minutes to complete. Your participation is voluntary and your responses will be kept completely confidential. Any information you provide will be handled in accordance with the Privacy Act. This survey is registered with the Research Verification Service. A few reminders before beginning: - On each screen, after selecting your answer, click on the "Continue" button at the bottom of the screen to move forward in the questionnaire. - If you leave the survey before completing it, you can return to the survey URL later, and you will be returned to the page where you left off. Your answers up to that point in the survey will be saved. - If you have any questions about how to complete the survey, please call Probit at 866.211.8881 or send an email to Thank you in advance for your participation.


Which of the following categories best describes your current employment status? Are you ... ?

Working full-time (35 or more hours per week) 1

Working part-time (less than 35 hours per week) 2

Self-employed 3

Student attending full time school (not working) 4

Unemployed, but looking for work 5

Not in the workforce (for example, unemployed, but not looking for work, a full-time homemaker or parent) 6

On disability pension 7

Maternal/parental leave 8

Retired 9

Other (please specify) 77

No response 99


Employed, D2

How many employees are there at all locations in your organization, including those working full and part-time?

Please specify 77

None 98

Don't know/ No response 99



Do you believe the number of employees at all locations in your organization is over or under 100?

Over 100 1

Under 100 2

Don't know/ No response 99

QEMPB [1,2]

Full/part-time employed, D2; Fewer than 100 employees, QEMP

Do you have any of the following responsibilities:

Please select all that apply

Employees who report to you/ you oversee work of other employees 1

Involvement in decisions about processes and procedures followed by employees in your organization 2

None of these 99


Are there any children under the age of 18 currently living in your household?

Yes 1

No 2

No response 99


Parents, D5

What are the ages of children in the home?

Select all that apply

Under 5 1

6 to 12 2

13 to 15 3

16 to 18 4

19 to 24 5

25 or older 6

No response 9


In what year were you born?

Year 1

No response 9999


Hesitant, D4; <18 or NR, terminate

In which of the following age categories do you belong?

Less than 18 years old 1

18 to 24 2

25 to 34 3

35 to 44 4

45 to 54 5

55 to 64 6

65 or older 7

Prefer not to say 99



Do you take precautions to protect your online accounts, social media accounts, devices, and networks?

Yes 1

No 2

Do not know 98

No response 99



In general, how often do you change your account passwords?

Never 1

Every few years 2

Once a year 3

A few times a year 4

More often than a few times a year 5

Whenever I am prompted to 6

Whenever I think of it, no set pattern 7

When I learn about a security breach in the news 8

Do not know 99


Do you change some passwords more often than others?

Yes 1

No 2

Do not know 98

No response 99

Q4 [1,8]

Yes, Q3

Which passwords do you change more often?

Please select all that apply

Email at home 1

Email at work 2

Social media accounts 3

Online banking accounts 4

Online shopping accounts 5

Other (please specify) 77

Do not know 99

Q5 [1,13]

When it comes to your passwords, which of the following actions do you take?

Please select all that apply

Keep your passwords simple and easy to remember 1

Make your passwords complex with a combination of letters, numbers and symbols 2

Use a passphrase with least 4 words and 15 characters 3

Use the same password for multiple accounts 4

Use a different, unique password for each account 5

Share a password with others 6

Write down your passwords 7

Use a password manager 8

Allow your browser or an app to remember/ store your passwords 9

Other 77

None of these 98

Do not know 99



Do you use multi-factor authentication?

Mobile only:

Multi-factor authentication means that you need more than one authentication factor to log in to a device or an account. For example, to unlock your phone, you need to enter a passcode and scan your fingerprint

Yes 1

No 2

Do not know 98

No response 99

Q7 [1,15]

Yes, Q6

Which of the following authentication factors have you used?

Please select all that apply

Passwords 1

Passphrases 2

PINs 3

Code received by email 4

Code received by text message 5

Code received by phone call 6

Code received by an authentication application 7

Smart cards 8

USB drives 9

Token devices 10

Fingerprints 11

Facial recognition 12

Voice verification 13

Other (please specify) 77

Do not know 98

No response 99


Auto updates

Devices often prompt you to update the operating system (OS). When do you enable this update?

Automatically 1

Within a day/daily 2

Within a week/weekly 3

Within a month/monthly 4

Less than once per year 5

Never 6

Do not know 98

No response 99


Do you secure your home Wi-Fi with a unique password?

Yes 1

No 2

Do not have Wi-Fi at home 3

Do not know 98

No response 99


Yes, B2B

Was the password you used the default one that came with the device (e.g. a router) or is it a new one you created yourself?

Yes, default password 1

No, I created it myself 2

Do not know 98

No response 99


Do you use a guest network with a separate password for your smart devices and/or for visitors?

Yes 1

No 2

Do not know 98

No response 99

D1B [1,5]

Thinking about data storage of information for personal use, do you save information on your computer hard drive, an external hard drive (i.e., extra storage / back up), or on a "virtual server" (i.e., cloud computing)?

Please select all that apply

Save files on computer hard drive 1

Save files to an external hard drive 2

Save files on a "virtual server"/in a cloud 3

Don't recall 99


How often do you back up data/personal files stored on your computer, smartphone or other mobile device?

Never 1

Once or twice a year 2

Every few months 3

Once a month 4

A few times a month 5

Weekly or more often 6

Automatically (e.g. as the files are created) to the cloud 7

Don't recall 99

B11 [1,10]


In the past month, have you

Please select all that apply

Opened an email attachment from an unknown source 1

Clicked on a link from an unknown email or text 2

Forwarded an email from an unknown sender 3

Entered personal information on an unsecure site 4

Entered personal information on a public computer 5

Entered financial information while using public Wi-Fi 6

Replied to a phishing/spoofing or spam email unknowingly 7

None of these 97

Do not know 98

K11A [1,20]

What steps do you take to verify that a website is secure?

Please select all that apply

Only use websites that I know well 1

Website is from a trustworthy source (e.g. well known Internet Service Provider or software provider, government, etc) 2

The website uses has an "https" address 3

The website has a checkmark or VeriSign authentication 4

Displays security lock symbol 5

Conduct research as to whether site is legitimate/safe 6

Use whois 7

Read comments about privacy/reputation 8

Impossible: cannot fully know/know for sure 9

Difficult to guarantee: any site can be hacked 10

Other (please specify) 77

None of these 98

Do not know 99



In the next year, how likely do you feel that you will be affected by a cyber threat causing:

...your personal information to be compromised?

Not at all likely 1 1

2 2

Moderately likely 3 3

4 4

Extremely likely 5 5

Do not know 99



In the next year, how likely do you feel that you will be affected by a cyber threat causing: financial loss?

Not at all likely 1 1

2 2

Moderately likely 3 3

4 4

Extremely likely 5 5

Do not know 99



In the next year, how likely do you feel that you will be affected by a cyber threat causing: the loss of files, photos?

Not at all likely 1 1

2 2

Moderately likely 3 3

4 4

Extremely likely 5 5

Do not know 99


And how likely is it that a friend or family member will be affected by a cyber threat in the next year?

Not at all likely 1 1

2 2

Moderately likely 3 3

4 4

Extremely likely 5 5

Do not know 99

Q13 [1,9]

Likely (4-5), Q12

Who do you think will be affected?

Co-worker 1

Neighbour 2

Friend 3

Parent 4

Children 5

Grandparent 6

Other: 77

Do not know 99


Likely (4-5), Q12

Why do you think they will be affected?

Please specify: 77

Do not know 98

No response 99

K8A [1,11]

Unlikely (1-2), Q11

Why don't you think that it is likely that you will be affected by a cyber threat?

Please select all that apply

Take steps to protect ourselves online 1

Do not do anything risky online 2

Think the chances are just very small 3

Online threats only apply to businesses and people with a lot of money 4

Stay up to date/knowledgeable/educated about information/viruses 5

Work in computer/information technology 6

Use Apple/iOS which is not as susceptible to viruses 7

Use Linux which is not as susceptible to viruses 8

Do not use Microsoft OS 9

Other (please specify) 77

Do not know 99

Q15 [1,11]

What kinds of cyber threats are you most concerned about?

Please select all that apply

Phishing scams 1

Viruses/spyware/malware 2

Identity theft 3

Privacy violations 4

Financial loss 5

Personal data held for ransom 6

Loss of information/files 7

Personal data erased/ changed/ lost 8

Other (please specify) 77

None of these 98

Do not know 99


How well prepared are you to face cyber threats?

Not at all prepared 1

Not prepared 2

Somewhat prepared 3

Prepared 4

Very well prepared 5

Do not know 99

Q17 [1,12]

Not prepared, Q16

Why is that?

Please select all that apply

I don't think it's likely to happen to me 1

I don't have the time/ never get around to it 2

I don't know what the different type of threats are 3

I don't know where to get information about the steps to take 4

The information I find is not straightforward enough to help me 5

You can never really protect yourself online 6

There's no point in trying 7

I have a back up and can recover 8

Nothing 9

Other (specify) 77

Do not know 99

Q18 [1,7]

Have you ever been a victim of any of the following cyber attacks?

Please select all that apply

Email scam 1

Text scam 2

Virus/spyware/malware on your computer 3

Identity theft 4

Social media account hack 5

Do not know 98

No response 99

Q19 [1,13]

If you knew or suspected that you'd been a victim of a cyber attack, what steps would you take to protect yourself?

Please select all that apply

Shutdown my computer 1

Delete suspicious material (email, text, downloaded content, etc.) 2

Update my security software 3

Change my passwords 4

Contact my bank 5

Contact Canada's main credit agencies (Trans Union, Equifax) 6

Contact an IT specialist 7

Contact a friend or family member for help 8

Call the police 9

Nothing 10

Other (specify) 77

Do not know 99

Q20 [1,13]

How do you prefer to get information to protect yourself from cyber threats?

Please select all that apply

Podcasts 1

Blogs 2

Fact sheets or infographics 3

Check lists on what to do 4

Instructional videos 5

Stories of how people have been affected 6

Information on websites 7

Print brochures 8

Newsletter (e.g. an email subscription) 9

Social media 10

Other (specify) 77

None of these 97

Do not know 99


Where do you go for Information

Do you help others with cyber security?

Yes 1

No 2

Do not know 98

No response 99

Q22 [1,11]

Yes, Q21

Who do you help?

Please select all that apply

Small business owners 1

Co-workers 2

Neighbours 3

Friends 4

Parents 5

Children 6

Grandparents 7

Other relatives 8

Other: 77

Do not know 99

IC5A [1,12]

Have you ever looked for the following types of cyber security information?

Please select all that apply

How to tell if an email is a scam 1

Steps you can take to use public wifi safely 2

Steps you can take to use social networking sites safely 3

Securing your home Wi-Fi 4

Steps you can take to protect other internet connected devices (e.g. smart TVs, home security systems, fitness monitors, voice activated devices and smart assistants) 5

How to protect your mobile devices 6

Cyber security advice for children 7

Cyber security advice for seniors 8

Information about types of cyber security threats (e.g. phishing scams, malware, etc.) 9

Other (specify): 77

None of these 98

Do not know 99

IC5B [1,14]

1-9,77, IC5A

Where did you find that information?

Please select all that apply

Search engine 1

Web site of software or hardware vendor 2

Friends and family 3

Media (e.g. news organizations' website) 4

Website of a non-profit group 5

Newsletter 6

Government website 7

Law enforcement website 8

My employer's IT department 9

Social media 10

YouTube 11

Other (please specify) 77

Don't recall 99


What was it about this information that made it helpful?

I had confidence in the source of the information 1

Practical guide, with specific and detailed examples 2

It covered exactly the topics I wanted to know about 3

It was clear and straightforward (easy to understand) 4

It was easy to find 5

Other (specify) 77

Nothing 97

Do not know 99


Who do you trust

Please rate the degree to which you agree or disagree with the following statements.

It's up to individuals to protect their own personal privacy.

Strongly disagree 1 1

2 2

3 3

Neither 4 4

5 5

6 6

Strongly agree 7 7

Do not know 99


Who do you trust

Please rate the degree to which you agree or disagree with the following statements.

I feel I have enough information on how to take steps to protect myself and my devices against cyber threats.

Strongly disagree 1 1

2 2

3 3

Neither 4 4

5 5

6 6

Strongly agree 7 7

Do not know 99


Who do you trust

Please rate the degree to which you agree or disagree with the following statements.

I am confident that I could protect myself online as long as I have basic and trustworthy information on steps to take.

Strongly disagree 1 1

2 2

3 3

Neither 4 4

5 5

6 6

Strongly agree 7 7

Do not know 99


Who do you trust

Please rate the degree to which you agree or disagree with the following statements.

I am confident that I know how to find practical information I can use to protect myself online

Strongly disagree 1 1

2 2

3 3

Neither 4 4

5 5

6 6

Strongly agree 7 7

Do not know 99


Who do you trust

Please rate the degree to which you agree or disagree with the following statements.

I am confident that businesses and other organizations have adequate security safeguards to protect my personal information.

Strongly disagree 1 1

2 2

3 3

Neither 4 4

5 5

6 6

Strongly agree 7 7

Do not know 99

BUS1 [1,20]

Responsible, QEMPB; Self-employed, D2

Turning to your work as a business owner/manager, which of the following steps has your business taken to protect itself against online threats?

Select all that apply

Keep security software up-to-date on all machines 1

Set spam filters 2

Require password protection on all devices 3

Back up information on all devices 4

Use encryption software 5

Do not use administrator account when accessing the web 6

Use a password or user authentication for wireless and remote access 7

Follow information removal protocols when employees leave the organization 8

Providing cyber security best practices training for employees 9

Adopting a cyber security policy for employees 10

None of these 97

Do not know 98

Prefer not to say 99

BUS2 [1,20]

Responsible, QEMPB; Self-employed, D2

Which of the following instructions do you provide to employees to protect the organization against cyber threats and to protect your personal information?

Select all that apply

To use passwords that contain random numbers and letters that are difficult to guess 1

To check privacy policies on the website 2

To read terms of service/use of a website, app or social media platform 3

To change my default password 4

Not to give out password without calling to verify that the request is legitimate 5

To only download from trusted sources 6

To only click on attachments or URLs from trusted sources 7

Not to allow my computer browser to remember passwords for websites 8

To use caution when responding to solicitations from strangers 9

To use of encryption software 10

None of these 97

Do not know 98

Prefer not to say 99

BUS3 [1,20]

Responsible, QEMPB; Self-employed, D2

Which of the following types of information do you feel that your organization would benefit from having in order to protect itself against cyber threats?

Select all that apply

A list of the types of threats that exist and cues to look for 1

Tips on communicating the importance of following cyber security policies to employees 2

Best practices for a clear internet usage policy 3

Guidelines to establish rules for safe email usage policies 4

Guidelines on how to establish strong social media policy 5

Tips/resources for the type of software/hardware to make networks secure 6

Best practices for employees on how to handle passwords 7

Steps to protect mobile devices in a public setting 8

Steps for handling work-related information possessed by departing employees 9

Guidelines for reacting to a cyber attack 10

Best practices for safe cloud computing (with definition of cloud computing) 11

Best practices for use of storage devices (e.g. USBs) 12

Resources on how to encrypt computers, laptops, and storage devices 13

Guidelines on use of personal devices for work 14

Other 77

None of these 97

Do not know 98

Prefer not to say 99

BUS4 [1,20]

Responsible, QEMPB; Self-employed, D2

Who is responsible for your company's IT?

Select all that apply

Me 1

Another employee (specify role in company) BOXBUS4 2

An employee of the organization dedicated to IT 3

Outsource to an IT firm 4

No one 5

Other 77

None of these 97

Do not know 98

Prefer not to say 99


Responsible, QEMPB; Self-employed, D2

Thinking about the various concerns of daily operations of your organization, how concerned are you that a cyber threat will cause... disruptions?

Not at all concerned 1 1

2 2

3 3

Moderately concerned 4 4

5 5

6 6

Extremely concerned 7 7

Do not know 98

Prefer not to say 99


Responsible, QEMPB; Self-employed, D2

Thinking about the various concerns of daily operations of your organization, how concerned are you that a cyber threat will cause...

...damage to your organization's reputation?

Not at all concerned 1 1

2 2

3 3

Moderately concerned 4 4

5 5

6 6

Extremely concerned 7 7

Do not know 98

Prefer not to say 99


Responsible, QEMPB; Self-employed, D2

Thinking about the various concerns of daily operations of your organization, how concerned are you that a cyber threat will cause... loss?

Not at all concerned 1 1

2 2

3 3

Moderately concerned 4 4

5 5

6 6

Extremely concerned 7 7

Do not know 98

Prefer not to say 99


Unconcerned, BUS5A

Why is this?

I never really thought about it 1

I don't know what the issues are to be concerned about 2

We have researched this and taken steps to protect ourselves 3

The threat for a company like ours is very low 4

There are bigger issues to worry about than cyber attacks 5

You can't really protect yourselves against cyber attacks if it's going to happen, there's isn't much you can do 6

Other 77

None of these 97

Do not know 98

Prefer not to say 99


Awareness of GCS

There is a Government of Canada awareness campaign created to inform Canadians about cyber security and the simple steps they can take to protect themselves online. Can you name this campaign?

Yes: 77

No 2

Do not know 98

No response 99


Have you seen, heard or read anything from the Government of Canada with the title GetCyberSafe that talked about online threats and how to protect yourself?

Yes 1

No 2

Do not know 99

GOCADA [1,8]


Where did you see, hear, or read this?

Visited the website 1

Heard about it through a radio show, podcast 2

Read about it on social media 3

Saw an online video 4

Someone told me about it 5

Saw a segment on the news or in the newspaper 6

Other (specify) 77

Do not know 99


These last questions are about you and will be used strictly for statistical purposes to understand the results of the survey.


With which gender do you identify?

Male 1

Female 2

Prefer to self-identify (Please specify): 77

Prefer not to say 99


What is the highest level of formal education that you have completed to date?

Elementary school or less 1

Secondary school 2

Some post-secondary 3

College, vocational or trade school 4

Undergraduate university program 5

Graduate or professional university program 6

Prefer not to say 99


Which of the following categories best describes your total household income? That is, the total income of all persons in your household, before taxes?

Under $20,000 1

$20,000 to just under $40,000 2

$40,000 to just under $60,000 3

$60,000 to just under $80,000 4

$80,000 to just under $100,000 5

$100,000 to just under $150,000 6

$150,000 and above 7

Prefer not to say 99


Children under 18, QCHILDA

Thank you for completing this survey. As part of this study, we would also like to speak with youth between the ages of 16 and 24. All participants aged 16-24 will receive a $10 Amazon gift card as our 'thank you' for their time and careful consideration. May we include your son or daughter, aged 16-24 in this study?

Yes 1

No 2


Children under 18, QCHILDA; Yes, THNKSP

We would like to send you an invitation to forward to your son or daughter, aged 16-24 to participate in this study. Please provide us with your email address.

Email : 1

Refuse 2


THNK: [THNKSP = 1 and QCHILDA = 4,5]We have sent you an invitation to forward to your son or daughter, aged 16-24 to participate in this study. If you have more than son or daughter, aged 16-24 at home, please forward the invitation to the young person aged 16-24 who most recently celebrated a birthday.[ELSE] The Government of Canada, and Ekos, thank you very much for your time.

That concludes the survey. This survey was conducted on behalf of the Communications Security Establishment. In the coming months, a report with the findings from this study will be available from Library and Archives Canada. Thank you very much for taking part. It is appreciated. Please press the "continue" button to submit your answers.


Screened out

Thank you for your cooperation! Based on the information you have provided, unfortunately you are not eligible to complete the remainder of this survey.

B. Methodology

The sample consists of 2,710 completed interviews with Canadians 18 years of age or older who use the Internet on a regular basis, including 350 interviews with youth between the ages of 16 and 24, and 350 with Canadians who own or act in a managerial position in a small- to medium-sized business employing between one and 100 individuals. The sample is based on a random selection of Probit panel members from across the country. Probit panellists were selected using a random-digit dial (RDD) landline-cell phone hybrid sample frame. This is the same sample frame and sampling process used to conduct telephone surveys, which are considered to be representative of the population. Once selected, they are contacted and recruited by telephone and asked to complete a basic profile (i.e. base survey instrument) including a range of demographic information about themselves. They are also asked if they would prefer to complete surveys online or by telephone. All sample members are eligible to participate, including those with cell phones only, those with no Internet access and those who simply prefer to respond by telephone rather than online. This panel represents a fully representative sample of Canadians, from which we can draw random samples and collect data in a more cost conscious and timely manner than would otherwise be possible in a traditional telephone survey. This panel of more than 120,000 individuals can be considered representative of the general public in Canada (meaning that the incidence of a given target population within our panel very closely resembles the public at large) and margins of error can be applied.

In this survey, a sample of 15,312 was drawn from the online only portion of the Probit panel and survey cases completed online only, since this is the specific portion of the Canadian public that would be targeted by the communications campaign. The participation rate was 18 per cent[3]. The final survey sample of 2,710 yields a level of precision of +/-1.9 per cent for the sample overall and +/-3 to 6 per cent for most sub-groups that could be isolated in the analysis (including all regions, age, education, and income segments).

Prior to conducting the survey, the instrument was tested with 14 cases in English and 10 cases in French. Additional questions were placed on the pretest version of the questionnaire asking about length, flow, clarity of wording and so on to elicit feedback from respondents. Minimal changes were made as a result of the testing, although a few questions were removed in order to reduce the survey length.

The survey was administered between March 16 and 29, 2020, using a bilingual questionnaire, installed on a secure web-server controlled by Ekos. The email invitation included a description and purpose of the survey (in both languages) along with a link to the survey website. The survey database was mounted using a Personalized Identification Number (PIN), so only individuals with a PIN were allowed access to the survey (the PIN was included in the email invitation). The questionnaire was prefaced with a brief introduction to the study and rationale for the research. The voluntary and confidential nature of the survey was also emphasized. Survey data collection adhered to all applicable industry standards. All invited panel members were informed of their rights under current Privacy legislation, as well as how to obtain a copy of their response and results of the survey.

The database was reviewed following data collection for data quality, outliers, coding requirements, weighting and construction of independent variables, and was used to explore sub-group patterns (e.g., by age, gender and so on) in the analysis. Weighting of the sample was based on population parameters according to the latest Census on age, gender and region of the country.

The following table presents a profile for the sample. This includes the unweighted distribution of demographic characteristics related to region, gender, and age (used in weighting the data), and weighted distribution for presence of children in the home, and ages of children, level of education and annual household income.

Table 8: Demographic Table

Table 8a: Province / Territory (unweighted)
Col1 Total
n= 2710
British Columbia and Yukon 13%
Alberta and Northwest Territories 12%
Saskatchewan and Manitoba 10%
Ontario 34%
Quebec and Nunavut 23%
Atlantic 9%

Table 8b: Gender (unweighted)
Col1 Total
Male 48%
Female 59%

Table 8c: Age (unweighted)
Col1 Total
16-24 13%
25-34 12%
35-44 16%
45-54 21%
55-64 19%
65 up 20%

Table 8d: Children under the age of 18 in the home
Col1 Total
n= 2710
Yes 27%
No 72%
Prefer not to say 1%

Table 8e: Age of children in the home
Col1 Total
n= 2710
Under 6 31%
6 to 12 48%
13 to 15 32%
16 or older 39%
Prefer not to say 1%

Table 8f: Level of education completed
Col1 Total
n= 2710
High school or less 10%
Some post secondary 10%
College, vocational or trade certificate or diploma 29%
Undergraduate university degree 30%
Graduate or professional degree 19%
Prefer not to say 1%

Table 8g: Annual household income
Col1 Total
n= 2710
<$20,000 5%
$20,000-$39,999 10%
$40,000-$59,999 12%
$60,000-$79,999 14%
$80,000-$99,999 13%
$100,000-$149,999 18%
$150,000 or more 14%
Don't know/No response 14%

A comparison of each unweighted sample with 2016 Census figures from Statistics Canada suggests there are similar sources of systematic sample bias in each survey, following patterns typically found in most general public surveys. There is a more educated sample in each survey than found in the population with 49 per cent reporting university degrees in the survey compared with 25 per cent in the population. Households with children under the age of 18 are also under represented in each sample (26 per cent compared with 35 per cent in the population). As previously described, each sample was weighted by age, gender, and region.

  1. [1] Chi-square and standard t-tests were applied as applicable. Differences noted were significant at the 95% level.
  2. [2] Ivar Krumpal, "Determinants of Social Desirability Bias in Sensitive Surveys: A Literature Review", Quality and Quantity, June 2013, Volume 47, Issue 4, pp. 2025-2047.
  3. [3] Among the sample of 16,178 cases, 596 bounced as undeliverable (15,582 valid sample) and 260 were screened out as out of scope.