Figure 20: Differences in experience, attitudes and support for action by Third Language Communities - text version

Figure 20: Differences in experience, attitudes and support for action by Third Language Communities

Base: All Respondents (n=1809), Third language communities (n=195)

There is one icon chart and three tables in this figure comparing responses from all respondents and those who speak a language other than English or French most often in their household (Third Language Communities) and show the proportion who experienced sales practices they consider aggressive or misleading, those who experienced a specific set of sales practices, those who agree to five attitudinal statements and those who support a series of potential actions to address aggressive or misleading sales practices. The first table titled ‘Experienced aggressive or misleading sales practices’ shows the proportion who said yes they experienced sales practices they consider aggressive or misleading and among those who have experienced such sales practices the proportion who indicate it took place within the last 12 months. All 1809 respondents and 195 Third Language Community respondents answered as follows:

The second table titled ‘Personally experienced any of these situations’ shows the proportions who said yes to a series of five types of sales practices. All 1809 respondents and 195 Third Language Community respondents answered as follows:

The third table titled ‘Attitudes and opinions towards aggressive or misleading sales practices’ shows the proportion who strongly agree or somewhat agree to five attitudinal statements. All 1809 respondents and 195 Third Language Community respondents answered as follows:

The forth table titled ‘Support for the following actions being taken’ shows the proportion who said they strongly or somewhat support each potential action presented. All 1809 respondents and 195 Third Language Community respondents answered as follows:

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