Figure 8: Experiences with specific aggressive or misleading sales practices - text version
Base: All Respondents (n=1809)
Q21. Have you ever personally experienced any of these situations?
This horizontal bar chart shows the proportion of respondents who indicated experiencing a series of specific sales practices. All 1809 respondents answered as follows:
- Salespeople pushing telecommunications products or services you are not interested in, 55% Yes, 45% No
- Technical support representatives trying to sell you products or services during the support call or interaction, 39% Yes, 62% No
- Rebate/discount offers where terms differ from the original information provided by the providers, 32% Yes, 68% No
- Salespeople providing details of telecommunications products or services which end up being false, 31% Yes, 69% No
- Rebate/discount offers where terms are not disclosed before purchase, 28% Yes, 72% No
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