Figure 27: Perceptions of Elections Canada’s Fairness

Q36a [LEFT]. Thinking about the February 25th, 2019, federal by-election, would you say that Elections Canada ran the election ...? Base: n = 624. SPLIT SAMPLE
Q36b [RIGHT]. Thinking about federal by-elections in general, would you say that Elections Canada runs elections ...? Base: n = 578. SPLIT SAMPLE
Note: Percentages may not add up to 100% due to rounding.

The vertical bar chart (left) shows attitudes, among those who were aware of the by-election, toward how fairly Elections Canada ran the by-election. Half the respondents were asked Q36a, while the other half were asked Q36b. The breakdown is as follows:

The vertical bar chart (right) shows the attitudes toward how fairly Elections Canada runs federal by-elections in general. The breakdown is as follows: