Figure 28: Trust in Accuracy of Results

Q37a [LEFT]. What level of trust do you have in the accuracy of the election results in your riding? Is it ...? Base: n = 613: all respondents. SPLIT SAMPLE
Q37b [RIGHT]. At the end of a federal election, poll workers in each riding count ballots by hand and report the results to Elections Canada. What level of trust do you have in the accuracy of the election results? Is it ...? Base: n = 589. SPLIT SAMPLE

The vertical bar chart (left) shows the level of trust, among those who were aware of the by-election, in the accuracy of the election results. Half the respondents were asked Q37a, while the other half were asked Q37b. The breakdown is as follows:

The vertical bar chart (right) shows the level of trust in the accuracy of election results generally. The breakdown is as follows: