Figure 2: Recall of Elections Canada Advertisements

Q29a. During the election period, did you see, hear or read any advertising or communications from Elections Canada about how, when and where to vote in the by-election? Base: n = 574: all respondents. SPLIT SAMPLE
Q30a–e [computed variable]. During the by-election campaign, have you seen or heard communications from Elections Canada about how, when and where to vote in the by-election? Base: n = 628: all respondents. SPLIT SAMPLE

The vertical bar chart (left) shows the percentage of respondents who recalled seeing ads from Elections Canada about how, when and where to vote during the election period. Half the respondents were asked Q29a; the other half were asked Q30. The breakdown is as follows:

The vertical bar chart (right) shows the percentage of respondents who answered individual questions about recalling seeing ads.