Quantitative Research Study on Special Voting Rules 2019

Special Ballot Voters

Prepared for:
Elections Canada
Office of the Chief Electoral Officer

Supplier name:
Advanis Inc.

Contract number: 05005-190331/001/CY

Contract value: $35,030 incl taxes

Award date: July 18, 2019

Delivery date: January 21, 2020

Registration number: POR 036-19

For more information on this report, please contact Elections Canada at rop-por@elections.ca

Ce rapport est aussi disponible en français.

Quantitative Research Study on Special Voting Rules 2019


Prepared for: Office of the Chief Electoral Officer

Supplier name: Advanis Inc.

Contract number: 05005-190331/001/CY

Contract value: $35,030 incl taxes

Award date: July 18, 2019

Delivery date: January 21, 2020

This public opinion research report presents the results of the Special Ballot Voters survey conducted by Advanis Inc. on behalf of Elections Canada. The research was conducted between September 16 and November 4, 2019, with 3,512 respondents participating.

This publication may be reproduced for non-commercial purposes only. Prior written permission must be obtained from Elections Canada. For more information on this report, please contact rop-por@elections.ca.

Catalogue number:


International Standard Book Number (ISBN):


Related publications (registration number: POR 036-19):

Catalogue number SE3-107/3-2020F-PDF (Final report, French)

ISBN 978-0-660-34467-6

© Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by Elections Canada, 2019


1. Executive Summary

2. Political Neutrality Certification

3. Appendices

3.1. Sample Size, Sampling Procedures, and Dates of Research Fieldwork

3.2. Response Rates and Discussion of the Potential for Non-Response Bias

3.3. Weighting Procedures, the Confidence Interval, and the Margin of Error

3.4. Banners

3.5. Other Relevant Information about Execution of Fieldwork

3.5.1. Questionnaire Development and Testing

3.5.2. Survey Administration

3.5.3. Database Management

3.6. Research Instrument Used (Survey Questionnaire)

1. Executive Summary

As part of its post-mortems following general elections, Elections Canada seeks to obtain reliable survey data to evaluate electors' opinions, attitudes, and knowledge of the Agency's services along with various aspects of their experience with the electoral process. The Agency also asks campus administrators to share their experiences hosting voting places at post-secondary institutions. The Quantitative Research Study on Special Voting Rules 2019 project is made up of three separate surveys:

This report describes the methodology of the Survey of Special Ballot Voters.

The target population was Canadian electors who voted by special ballot during the 2019 federal general election. This includes electors who voted in the following ways:

Elections Canada designed the survey, which included questions around the following themes:

  1. awareness of the election and the different voting methods (including where, when, and the ways to vote)
  2. sources of information about the election
  3. reasons for using or not using different methods of voting
  4. experiences with using different voting methods (including time it took to vote, ease of voting, satisfaction with voting)
  5. socio-demographics and characteristics of target populations

After survey design and programming were complete, individuals who voted by special ballot were provided with a bilingual postcard that contained access information to the survey hosted by Advanis, using the Elections Canada website. While the postcard was supplied to a large number of special ballot voters, due to a shortage of postcards not all received an invitation to the survey. Elections Canada assembled a total of 85,373 voter kits for mail-in voters; 51,700 survey postcards were available. This resulted in a shortage of around 34,000 postcards for mail-in voters. Of the 51,700 individuals who received the postcard, 3,512 respondents completed the survey. The survey was in field from September 16 to November 4, 2019.

After closing the survey, Advanis was responsible for cleaning and preparing the survey data, which was provided to Elections Canada in SPSS format. Elections Canada completed all open-ended coding. Tabulated data were produced for this study; results were categorized and presented by demographic information such as age, gender, level of education, employment status, language, and region. Results were also tabulated by subpopulation groups such as the following:

Finally, results were tabulated by level of interest in politics and the voting method they used in the 2019 election (if applicable). There is a potential for non-response bias, as response rates can vary by the type of special ballot voting method used and among electors with certain demographic characteristics. To adjust for this possible source of error, Advanis weighted the data to reflect the composition of the sampling frame on the main known characteristics. The results of this survey will be used to inform future Elections Canada programs and services as they relate to special ballot voters.

2. Political Neutrality Certification

I hereby certify as Senior Officer of Advanis that the deliverables fully comply with the Government of Canada political neutrality requirements outlined in the Policy on Communications and Federal Identity and the Directive on the Management of Communications.

Specifically, the deliverables do not include information on electoral voting intentions, political party preferences, standings with the electorate, or ratings of the performance of a political party or its leaders.


Nicolas Toutant

Vice-President, Research and Evaluation


3. Appendices

3.1 Sample Size, Sampling Procedures, and Dates of Research Fieldwork

The target population was Canadian electors who voted by special ballot during the 2019 federal general election. This includes electors who voted in the following ways:

Most special ballot voters were provided with a bilingual postcard that contained access information for the survey, hosted by Advanis, through an Elections Canada website. The postcard was supplied to a large number of electors.

Due to an unforeseen shortage, not all mail-in voters (within and outside of Canada) received a survey postcard. Once the shortage became known, between 1,500 and 2,000 survey postcards were disseminated every Wednesday that followed, until the end of the fielding period. There was a shortage of around 34,000 survey postcards.

3.2 Response Rates and Discussion of the Potential for Non-Response Bias

The postcard was supplied to a large number of electors. Of those who received the postcard, 3,512 respondents completed the survey. There is the potential for non-response bias, as response rates can vary by the type of special ballot voting method used and among electors with certain demographic characteristics. To adjust for this possible source of error, Advanis weighted the data to reflect the composition of the sampling frame on the main known characteristics. Within some voting method categories, limited responses were received; as a result, it was agreed that weighting would not be applied in those situations.

3.3 Weighting Procedures, the Confidence Interval, and the Margin of Error

When analyzing data, it is important to align the analysis plan with the weighting scheme. The weights adjust the data so they better reflect the population. This adjustment is based on parameters chosen to maximize the level of detail without creating distortions due to extreme weights. An extreme weight will occur when a population group is represented by a disproportionately small subset of respondents compared to other population groups, thus introducing a risk of bias. No margin of error or confidence interval can be estimated or reported since the sampling was not random. There is also a potential impact of sampling error due to non-response. Since the population is unknown, we cannot analyze potential biases. The tables below show the weighting that was used.

Count Age/gender  
  1 2 3 4 5  
Voting method 18-24 25-34 35-54 55-74 75+ Total
Campus 80,394 15,383 9,454 5,447 430 111,108
EC office 31,793 50,962 96,471 203,214 57,427 439,867
International mail-in 4,162 18,374 24,726 7,732 527 55,521
National mail-in 9,815 8,782 4,904 4,193 537 28,231
Total 126,164 93,501 135,555 220,586 58,921 634,727

Count Age/gender  
  1 2 3 4 5  
Voting method 18-24 25-34 35-54 55-74 75+ Total
Campus 291 71 52 33 2 449
EC office 38 56 106 199 23 422
International mail-in 124 477 800 335 30 1,766
National mail-in 155 102 92 124 17 490
Total 608 706 1,050 691 72 3,127

Count Age/gender  
  1 2 3 4 5  
Voting method 18-24 25-34 35-54 55-74 75+ Total
Campus 276.27 216.66 181.81 165.06 215.00 247.46
EC office 836.66 910.04 910.10 1,021.18 2,496.83 1,042.34
International mail-in 33.56 38.52 30.91 23.08 17.57 31.44
National mail-in 63.32 86.10 53.30 33.81 31.59 57.61

3.4 Banners

Tabulated data were produced and provided in three main banner tables. A cleaned and labelled dataset that contained all survey variables, as well as open-ended verbatim responses, was also provided in SPSS format. Results were presented split by demographic information such as age, gender, level of education, employment status, language, and region. Results were also tabulated by subpopulation groups such as the following:

Finally, results were tabulated by level of interest in politics and the voting method used in the 2019 election (if applicable).

3.5 Other Relevant Information about Execution of Fieldwork

3.5.1 Questionnaire Development and Testing

As part of the analysis it completes after general elections, Elections Canada fields several surveys to electors. The purpose of the Survey of Special Ballot Voters was to collect special ballot voters' opinions, attitudes, and knowledge of the Agency's services and their experience with the electoral process.

Elections Canada was responsible for the design and translation of the survey instruments. Advanis was responsible for programming the survey instruments. During this process, Advanis also provided feedback on survey design and structure to optimize the experience of electors taking the survey. After survey programming was complete, Elections Canada and Advanis pre-tested the survey extensively. The questionnaire testing included checks to ensure that all questions in the online version matched those in the questionnaire provided to Advanis, and that all skip logic and branching in the survey worked as intended. After the pre-test was completed, the necessary revisions to the survey instruments were made and approved by Elections Canada.

The survey included questions around the following themes:

  1. awareness of the election and the different voting methods (including where, when, and ways to vote)
  2. sources of information about the election
  3. reasons for using or not using different voting methods
  4. experiences with using different methods of voting (including time it took to vote, ease of voting, satisfaction with voting)
  5. socio-demographics and characteristics of target populations

Since many of the potential respondents could answer on a mobile device, the survey was optimized for mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. Potential respondents were also able to complete the survey using a desktop computer or laptop, as the survey size adjusts to the user's device. Of the survey logins, 56% were from a smartphone, 39% were from a computer, and 5% were from a tablet.

3.5.2 Survey Administration

The majority of special ballot voters were provided with a bilingual postcard by Elections Canada that contained a QR code and website address along with a unique reference code (created by Elections Canada). Once voters scanned the QR code or visited the website, they were provided with a link to the Advanis survey. They were required to enter their unique reference code to enter the survey. Each reference code could be used to complete only one survey. If an elector started the survey but was unable to finish, they could log in to the survey again later and finish where they left off using their unique reference code. Here is what the login page looked like:

Text description of this image

The average survey length was 5.7 minutes. The postcards that were distributed included Elections Canada's contact information in case electors had questions.

The distribution of the bilingual postcards began on September 16, 2019. The survey was open from September 16 to November 4, 2019. Advanis began seeing survey activity on the first day the survey was open. The following graph illustrates the average survey completes by week throughout the field time period:

Text description of this image

3.5.3 Database Management Data coding and cleaning procedure

Advanis used SPSS statistical software for the detailed data work. All data-cleaning tasks were performed in syntax files, with intermediate data files saved throughout the process. This ensured that the original raw data files were never overwritten and that each time data were produced, all changes were incorporated (unlike manual procedures).

To ensure that data cleaning and tabulation were accurate, Advanis first cleaned and checked the data. Advanis developed syntax that, among other things, handled the following:

Syntax was run on pre-test data. This ensured that data coming from the final survey would be accurate. During the fielding period, checking and cleaning continued. This was done regularly to ensure that the data continued to be valid and correct and to identify any issues that might arise as more data were collected. At the end of fielding, Elections Canada completed coding for open-ended responses, which Advanis then merged into banner files.

3.6 Research Instrument Used (Survey Questionnaire)

Landing Page:

Text description of this image


Text description of this image

© 2019 Advanis Privacy Policy (http://www.advanis.ca/privacy_policy2.html)


How did you receive your ballot from Elections Canada?

1 In the mail

2 At an office on campus at a post-secondary institution

3 At a polling station set up at a Canadian Forces unit or base

4 At an acute care hospital

5 During a home visit from an election officer

6 At an Elections Canada office

7 I did not receive a ballot

Q2 Show if Q1 Mail OR Campus OR EC office (Q1=1 or 2 or 6)

How did you return your ballot to Elections Canada?

1 In the mail

2 [I voted immediately at an office on campus at a post-secondary institution or returned my ballot there at a later time / In person, at an office on campus at a post-secondary institution]

3 [I voted immediately at an Elections Canada office or returned my ballot there at a later time / In person, at an Elections Canada office]

4 I did not return my ballot

Q3 Show if Q1Q2 Campus OR Q1Q2 EC office (Q1=2 and Q2=2) OR (Q1=2 and Q2=3)

Did you vote immediately, or did you take your ballot with you to return it a later time?

1 I voted immediately

2 I took my ballot with me to return it at a later time

Q4 Show if Q3 Took ballot with me (Q3=2)

Why did you take your ballot with you to return it at a later time?

1 Candidates were not confirmed *

2 I needed time to make my choice *

3 I was in a rush *

4 I couldn't remember the names of the candidates for my electoral district *

5 Other: (please specify)

Levels marked with * are randomized

Q5 Show if Q1 Mail AND Q2 Mail (Q1=1 and Q2=1)

Was your home address outside Canada when you received your ballot in the mail?

1 Yes

2 No

Q6 Show if Q5 Yes (Q5=1)

Had your home address been outside Canada for five years or longer when you received your ballot in the mail?

1 Yes

2 No

-9 Don't know / Not sure

Q7 Show if Q5 Yes (Q5=1)

In order to receive your ballot for this election, did you need to apply and send documentation to Elections Canada once the election was called or were you already on the International Register of Electors?

1 I applied and sent documentation to Elections Canada once the election was called

2 I was already on the International Register of Electors

Q8 Show if Q1 Acute care Hospital (Q1=4)

Did you request a visit from an election officer or did they simply come to your hospital room and ask if you would like to vote?

1 I requested a visit

2 They came on their own

3 Not sure

Q9new Show if Condition Q9Q10 (Q1=2 and (Q2=1 or Q2=2 or Q2=3)) OR ((Q1=1 or Q1=2 or Q1=6) and Q2=2)

At which post-secondary institution and campus did you receive and/or return your ballot?

Type-in the first few letters of the institution in the box below


1 Acadia University

2 Algonquin College

3 Bow Valley College

4 British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT)

5 Brock University

6 Capilano University

7 Carleton University

8 Cégep de Sainte-Foy

9 Cégep de Sherbrooke

10 Cégep du Vieux-Montréal

11 Cégep Édouard-Montpetit

12 Cégep Garneau

13 Cégep Marie-Victorin

14 Centennial College

15 Champlain Regional College

16 Collège Ahuntsic

17 Collège de Maisonneuve

18 Collège Lionel-Groulx

19 Collège Montmorency

20 Concordia University

21 Conestoga College

22 Confederation College

23 Dalhousie University

24 Dawson College

25 Douglas College

26 École de technologie supérieure

27 École Polytechnique de Montréal

28 Fanshawe College

29 Fleming College

30 George Brown College

31 Georgian College

32 HEC Montréal

33 Holland College

34 Humber College

35 John Abbott College

36 Kenjgewin Teg Educational Institute

37 Kwantlen Polytechnic University

38 La Cité

39 Lakehead University

40 Lambton College Sarnia

41 Langara College

42 Laurentian University

43 MacEwan University

44 McGill University

45 McMaster University

46 Memorial University

47 Mohawk College

48 Mount Royal University

49 NAIT (Northern Alberta Institute of Technology)

50 Niagara College

51 Nicola Valley Institute of Technology (NVIT)

52 Nipissing University

53 Nunavut Arctic College

54 Okanagan College

55 Queen's University

56 Red River College

57 Ryerson University

58 Saint Mary's University

59 Seneca College

60 Sheridan College

61 Simon Fraser University

62 St. Clair College

63 St. Francis Xavier University

64 St. Thomas University

65 Thompson Rivers University

66 Trent University

67 Université de Montréal

68 Université de Sherbrooke

69 Université du Québec à Chicoutimi (UQAC)

70 Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM)

71 Université du Québec à Rimouski (UQAR)

72 Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières (UQTR)

73 Université du Québec en Outaouais (UQO)

74 Université Laval

75 University College of the North

76 University of Alberta

77 University of British Columbia

78 University of Calgary

79 University of Guelph

80 University of King's College

81 University of Lethbridge

82 University of Manitoba

83 University of Moncton

84 University of New Brunswick

85 University of Ottawa

86 University of Prince Edward Island

87 University of Regina

88 University of Saskatchewan

89 University of the Fraser Valley

90 University of Toronto

91 University of Victoria

92 University of Waterloo

93 University of Windsor

94 University of Winnipeg

95 Vanier College

96 Western University

97 Wilfrid Laurier University

98 York University

99 Yukon College

999 None of the above *

Levels marked with * are randomized

Q10 Show if Condition Q9Q10 (Q1=2 and (Q2=1 or Q2=2 or Q2=3)) OR ((Q1=1 or Q1=2 or Q1=6) and Q2=2)

Are you currently a student at that post-secondary institution?

1 Yes

2 No, I am an employee on campus

3 No, I am not a student or an employee on campus

Q11 Show if Condition Q11 (Q1=1 and Q2=1 and Q5=1) OR (Q1=1 and Q2=1 and Q5=2) OR (Q1=6 and Q2=1) OR (Q1=1 and Q2=3) OR (Q1=6 and Q2=3 and Q3=1) OR (Q1=6 and Q2=3 and Q3=2) OR (Q1=5)

How did you find out you could use this voting method?

1 I voted like this in previous elections *

2 From a friend, family member or acquaintance *

3 I saw the Elections Canada office * (Show if Q1 EC office OR Q2 EC office)

4 I contacted Elections Canada *

5 I visited Elections Canada's website *

6 I visited another website (not Elections Canada) *

7 From Elections Canada's social media accounts *

8 From other social media accounts (not Elections Canada) *

9 From newspapers, television or radio *

10 From a political party or candidate *

11 From my voter information card *

12 Other: (please specify) _____________________

Levels marked with * are randomized

Q12 Show if Condition Q12 (Q1=2 and Q2=1) OR (Q1=2 and Q2=2 and Q3=1) OR (Q1=1 and Q2=2) OR (Q1=6 and Q2=2) OR (Q1=2 and Q2=3) OR (Q1=2 and Q2=2 and (Q3=2)

How did you find out you could use this voting method?

1 I voted like this in previous elections *

2 From a friend, family member or acquaintance *

3 I saw the Elections Canada office *

4 I contacted Elections Canada *

5 I visited Elections Canada's website *

6 I visited another website (not Elections Canada) *

7 From Elections Canada's social media accounts *

8 From other social media accounts (not Elections Canada) *

9 From newspapers, television or radio *

10 From a political party or candidate *

11 From my voter information card *

12 I was notified by the post-secondary institution *

13 I was notified by a student association, club, or group *

14 Other: (please specify) _____________________

Levels marked with * are randomized

Q13 Show if Q1 Polling station Canadian Forces (Q1=3)

How did you find out you could use this voting method?

1 I voted like this in previous elections *

2 From a friend, family member or acquaintance *

3 I contacted Elections Canada *

4 I visited Elections Canada's website *

5 I visited another website (not Elections Canada) *

6 From Elections Canada's social media accounts *

7 From other social media accounts (not Elections Canada) *

8 From newspapers, television or radio *

9 From a political party or candidate *

10 From my voter information card *

11 I was notified by the Canadian Forces *

12 Other: (please specify) _____________________

Levels marked with * are randomized

Q14 Show if Q1 Acute care Hospital (Q1=4)

How did you find out you could use this voting method?

1 An election officer visited me in my hospital room *

2 An information notice was distributed at the hospital *

3 A friend or family member was hospitalized and I was visiting them *

4 I voted like this in previous elections *

5 From a friend, family member or acquaintance *

6 I contacted Elections Canada *

7 I visited Elections Canada's website *

8 I visited another website (not Elections Canada) *

9 From Elections Canada's social media accounts *

10 From other social media accounts (not Elections Canada) *

11 From newspapers, television or radio *

12 From a political party or candidate *

13 From my voter information card *

14 Other: (please specify) _____________________

Levels marked with * are randomized

Q15 Show if Condition Q15 ((Q1<>3,4,5) AND (Q1<>7 and Q2<>4)) AND (Q5<>1))

What is the main reason you decided to use this voting method?

1 Unavailable on advance polling days and election day *

2 Location was more convenient * (Show if NOT Q1Q2 Mail AND Q5 Yes)

3 Timing was more convenient *

4 To avoid line-ups on advance polling days or on election day *

5 Concerns about bad weather on advance polling days and election day *

6 Other: (please specify) _____________________

Levels marked with * are randomized

Q16 Show if Condition Q16 ((Q1<>7 and Q2<>4) AND (Q1<>1 or Q2<>1 or Q5<>1) AND (Q1<>5))

If you had not been able to use this voting method, would you have voted otherwise?

1 Yes

2 No

-9 Not sure

Q17 Show if Condition Q17toQ19 (((Q1=1 and Q2=1) and Q5=1) and (Q7=1)) OR ((Q1=1 and Q2=1) and q5=2)

When applying to vote by mail, how long did it take you to complete and submit the documentation to Elections Canada?

Minimum: 1, Maximum: 50


-9 Don't know / Not sure

Q18 Show if Condition Q17toQ19 (((Q1=1 and Q2=1) and Q5=1) and (Q7=1)) OR ((Q1=1 and Q2=1) and q5=2)

Once you submitted the documentation, how long did it take to receive your ballot in the mail?

Minimum: 1, Maximum: 50

__________ days

-9 Don't know / Not sure

Q19 Show if Condition Q17toQ19 (((Q1=1 and Q2=1) and Q5=1) and (Q7=1)) OR ((Q1=1 and Q2=1) and q5=2)

Once you received your ballot, how long did it take before you put it back in the mail?

Minimum: 1, Maximum: 50


-9 Don't know / Not sure

Q20 Show if Q1Q2 Mail And Q5 Yes AND Q7 International register ((Q1=1 and Q2=1) and Q5=1) AND (Q7=2)

Once you received your ballot, how long did it take you to put it back in the mail?

Minimum: 1, Maximum: 50


-9 Don't know / Not sure

Q21 Show if Q1 EC office AND Q2 Mail (Q1=6 and Q2=1)

Before an election officer began serving you, how long did you wait at the Elections Canada office?

Minimum: 1, Maximum: 50


-9 Don't know / Not sure

Q22 Show if Q1 EC office AND Q2 Mail (Q1=6 and Q2=1)

Once an election officer began serving you, how long did it take to obtain your ballot?

Minimum: 1, Maximum: 50

__________ minutes

-9 Don't know / Not sure

Q23 Show if Q1 EC office AND Q2 Mail (Q1=6 and Q2=1)

Once you obtained your ballot, how long did it take before you put it in the mail?

Minimum: 1, Maximum: 50


-9 Don't know / Not sure

Q24 Show if Q1 Campus AND Q2 Mail (Q1=2 and Q2=1)

Before an election officer began serving you, how long did you wait at the Elections Canada office on campus?

Minimum: 1, Maximum: 50


-9 Don't know / Not sure

Q25 Show if Q1 Campus AND Q2 Mail (Q1=2 and Q2=1)

Once an election officer began serving you, how long did it take to obtain your ballot?

Minimum: 1, Maximum: 50

__________ minutes

-9 Don't know / Not sure

Q26 Show if Q1 Campus AND Q2 Mail (Q1=2 and Q2=1)

Once you obtained your ballot, how long did it take before you put it in the mail?

Minimum: 1, Maximum: 50


-9 Don't know / Not sure

Q27 Show if Q1Q2 EC office AND Q3 voted immediately ((Q1=6 and Q2=3) and Q3=1)

Before an election officer began serving you, how long did you wait at the Elections Canada office?

Minimum: 1, Maximum: 50


-9 Don't know / Not sure

Q28 Show if Q1Q2 EC office AND Q3 voted immediately ((Q1=6 and Q2=3) and Q3=1)

Once an election officer began serving you, how long did it take to vote?

Minimum: 1, Maximum: 50

__________ minutes

-9 Don't know / Not sure

Q29 Show if Q1Q2 Campus AND Q3 Voted immediately ((Q1=2 and Q2=2) and Q3=1)

Before an election officer began serving you, how long did you wait at the Elections Canada office on campus?

Minimum: 1, Maximum: 50


-9 Don't know / Not sure

Q30 Show if Q1Q2 Campus AND Q3 Voted immediately((Q1=2 and Q2=2) and Q3=1)

Once an election officer began serving you, how long did it take to vote?

Minimum: 1, Maximum: 50

__________ minutes

-9 Don't know / Not sure

Q31 Show if Q1 Polling station Canadian Forces (Q1=3)

Before an election officer began serving you, how long did you wait at the Canadian Forces polling station?

Minimum: 1, Maximum: 50

__________ minutes

-9 Don't know / Not sure

Q32 Show if Q1 Polling station Canadian Forces (Q1=3)

Once an election officer began serving you, how long did it take to vote?

Minimum: 1, Maximum: 50

__________ minutes

-9 Don't know / Not sure

Q33 Show if Q1 Hospital OR Q1 Officer home visit (Q1=4 or Q1=5)

Once an election officer began serving you, how long did it take to vote?

Minimum: 1, Maximum: 50

__________ minutes

-9 Don't know / Not sure

Q34 Show if Q1 Mail AND Q2 EC office (Q1=1 and Q2=3)

When applying to vote by mail, how long did it take you to complete and submit the documentation to Elections Canada?

Minimum: 1, Maximum: 50


-9 Don't know / Not sure

Q35 Show if Q1 Mail AND Q2 EC office (Q1=1 and Q2=3)

Once you submitted the documentation, how long did it take to receive your ballot in the mail?

Minimum: 1, Maximum: 50

__________ days

-9 Don't know / Not sure

Q36 Show if Q1 Mail AND Q2 EC office (Q1=1 and Q2=3)

Once you received your ballot, how long did it take for you to return it to an Elections Canada office?

Minimum: 1, Maximum: 50


-9 Don't know / Not sure

Q37 Show if Q1 Mail AND Q2 Campus (Q1=1 and Q2=2)

When applying to vote by mail, how long did it take you to complete and submit the documentation to Elections Canada?

Minimum: 1, Maximum: 50


-9 Don't know / Not sure

Q38 Show if Q1 Mail AND Q2 Campus (Q1=1 and Q2=2)

Once you submitted the documentation, how long did it take to receive your ballot in the mail?

Minimum: 1, Maximum: 50

__________ days

-9 Don't know / Not sure

Q39 Show if Q1 Mail AND Q2 Campus (Q1=1 and Q2=2)

Once you received your ballot, how long did it take for you to return it to an Elections Canada office on campus?

Minimum: 1, Maximum: 50


-9 Don't know / Not sure

Q40 Show if Q1Q2 EC office AND Q3 Took ballot with me ((Q1=6 and Q2=3) and Q3=2)

Before an election officer began serving you, how long did you wait at the Elections Canada office?

Minimum: 1, Maximum: 50


-9 Don't know / Not sure

Q41 Show if Q1Q2 EC office AND Q3 Took ballot with me ((Q1=6 and Q2=3) and Q3=2)

Once an election officer began serving you, how long did it take to obtain your ballot?

Minimum: 1, Maximum: 50

__________ minutes

-9 Don't know / Not sure

Q42 Show if Q1Q2 EC office AND Q3 Took ballot with me ((Q1=6 and Q2=3) and Q3=2)

Once you obtained your ballot and left the office to vote at a later time, how long did it take you to return it to an Elections Canada office?

Minimum: 1, Maximum: 50


-9 Don't know / Not sure

Q43 Show if Q1 EC office AND Q2 Campus (Q1=6 and Q2=2)

Before an election officer began serving you, how long did you wait at the Elections Canada office?

Minimum: 1, Maximum: 50


-9 Don't know / Not sure

Q44 Show if Q1 EC office AND Q2 Campus (Q1=6 and Q2=2)

Once an election officer began serving you, how long did it take to obtain your ballot?

Minimum: 1, Maximum: 50

__________ minutes

-9 Don't know / Not sure

Q45 Show if Q1 EC office AND Q2 Campus (Q1=6 and Q2=2)

Once you obtained your ballot and left the office to vote at a later time, how long did it take you to return it to an Elections Canada office on campus?

Minimum: 1, Maximum: 50


-9 Don't know / Not sure

Q46 Show if Q1 Campus AND Q2 EC office (Q1=2 and Q2=3)

Before an election officer began serving you, how long did you wait at the Elections Canada office on campus?

Minimum: 1, Maximum: 50


-9 Don't know / Not sure

Q47 Show if Q1 Campus AND Q2 EC office (Q1=2 and Q2=3)

Once an election officer began serving you, how long did it take to obtain your ballot?

Minimum: 1, Maximum: 50

__________ minutes

-9 Don't know / Not sure

Q48 Show if Q1 Campus AND Q2 EC office (Q1=2 and Q2=3)

Once you obtained your ballot and left the office to vote at a later time, how long did it take you to return it to an Elections Canada office?

Minimum: 1, Maximum: 50


-9 Don't know / Not sure

Q49 Show if Q1Q2 Campus AND Q3 Took ballot with me ((Q1=2 and Q2=2) and Q3=2)

Before an election officer began serving you, how long did you wait at the Elections Canada office on campus?

Minimum: 1, Maximum: 50


-9 Don't know / Not sure

Q50 Show if Q1Q2 Campus AND Q3 Took ballot with me ((Q1=2 and Q2=2) and Q3=2)

Once an election officer began serving you, how long did it take to obtain your ballot?

Minimum: 1, Maximum: 50

__________ minutes

-9 Don't know / Not sure

Q51 Show if Q1Q2 Campus AND Q3 Took ballot with me ((Q1=2 and Q2=2) and Q3=2)

Once you obtained your ballot and left the office to vote at a later time, how long did it take you to return it to an Elections Canada office on campus?

Minimum: 1, Maximum: 50


-9 Don't know / Not sure

Q52 Show if Q1 receive OR Q2 return ballot (Q1<>7 and Q2<>4)

Overall, would you say that using this voting method was ...

1 Very easy

2 Somewhat easy

3 Somewhat difficult

4 Very difficult

Q53 Show if Q1Q2 Mail AND Q52 difficult (Q1=1 and Q2=1) and (Q52=3 or Q52=4)

What did you find difficult about the voting method you used?

Select all that apply

1 Waiting for my ballot in the mail *

2 Returning my ballot in the mail *

3 Purchasing a postage stamp *

4 Obtaining the names of the candidates for my electoral district *

5 Remembering the names of the candidates for my electoral district *

6 Proving my identity *

7 Proving my address *

8 The application process was complicated *

9 The overall voting process was complicated *

10 Other: (please specify) _____________________

11 Don't know / Not sure (Exclusive)

Levels marked with * are randomized

Q54 Show if Condition Q54 ((Q1=6 and Q2=1) and (Q52=3 or Q52=4)) OR ((Q1=2 and Q2=1) and (Q52=3 or Q52=4))

What did you find difficult about the voting method you used?

Select all that apply

1 Wait times *

2 Election officer helping me seemed confused, overwhelmed or rushed *

3 Returning my ballot by mail *

4 Purchasing a postage stamp *

5 Obtaining the names of the candidates for my electoral district *

6 Remembering the names of the candidates for my electoral district *

7 Proving my identity *

8 Proving my address *

9 The application process was complicated *

10 The overall voting process was complicated *

11 Other: (please specify) _____________________

12 Don't know / Not sure (Exclusive)

Levels marked with * are randomized

Q55 Show if Condition Q55 ((Q1=6 and Q2=3) and Q3=1) and (Q52=3 or Q52=4)) OR ((Q1=2 and Q2=2) and Q3=1) and (Q52=3 or Q52=4)) OR ((Q1=3) and (Q52=3 or Q52=4)) OR ((Q1=6 and Q2=3) and Q3=2) and (Q52=3 or Q52=4)) OR ((Q1=6 and Q2=2) and (Q52=3 or Q52=4)) OR ((Q1=2 and Q2=3) and (Q52=3 or Q52=4)) OR ((Q1=2 and Q2=2) and Q3=2) and (Q52=3 or Q52=4))

What did you find difficult about the voting method you used?

Select all that apply

1 Wait times *

2 Election officer helping me seemed confused, overwhelmed or rushed *

3 Obtaining the names of the candidates for my electoral district *

4 Remembering the names of the candidates for my electoral district *

5 Proving my identity *

6 Proving my address *

7 The application process was complicated *

8 The overall voting process was complicated *

9 Other: (please specify) _____________________

10 Don't know / Not sure (Exclusive)

Levels marked with * are randomized

Q56 Show if Condition Q56 (Q1=4 and (Q52=3 or Q52=4)) OR (Q1=5 and (Q52=3 or Q52=4))

What did you find difficult about the voting method you used?

Select all that apply

1 Election officer helping me seemed confused, overwhelmed or rushed *

2 Obtaining the names of the candidates for my electoral district *

3 Remembering the names of the candidates for my electoral district *

4 My illness or injury made it difficult *

5 Proving my identity *

6 Proving my address *

7 The application process was complicated *

8 The overall voting process was complicated *

9 I didn't like that the election officer had to complete my ballot for me *

10 Other: (please specify) _____________________

11 Don't know / Not sure (Exclusive)

Levels marked with * are randomized

Q57 Show if Condition Q57 ((Q1=1 and Q2=3) and (Q52=3 or Q52=4)) OR ((Q1=1 and Q2=2) and (Q52=3 or Q52=4))

What did you find difficult about the voting method you used?

Select all that apply

1 Waiting for my ballot in the mail *

2 Returning my ballot by mail *

3 Purchasing a postage stamp *

4 Obtaining the names of the candidates for my electoral district *

5 Remembering the names of the candidates for my electoral district *

6 Wait times *

7 Election officer helping me seemed confused, overwhelmed or rushed *

8 Proving my identity *

9 Proving my address *

10 The application process was complicated *

11 The overall voting process was complicated *

12 Other: (please specify) _____________________

13 Don't know / Not sure (Exclusive)

Levels marked with * are randomized

Q58 Show if Q1 receive OR Q2 return ballot (Q1<>7 and Q2<>4)

For the following question, please consider only the step of marking the ballot and placing it in the envelopes.

More specifically, would you say that completing the ballot was...

1 Very easy

2 Somewhat easy

3 Somewhat difficult

4 Very difficult

Q59 Show if Condition Q59 ((Q1=1 and Q2=1) and (Q58=3 or Q58=4)) OR ((Q1=6 and Q2=1) and (Q58=3 or Q58=4)) OR ((Q1=2 and Q2=1) and (Q58=3 or Q58=4)) OR ((Q1=2 and Q2=2) and (Q58=3 or Q58=4)) OR ((Q1=6 and Q2=3) and (Q58=3 or Q58=4)) OR (Q1=3 and (Q58=3 or Q58=4)) OR ((Q1=1 and Q2=3) and (Q58=3 or Q58=4)) OR ((Q1=1 and Q2=2) and (Q58=3 or Q58=4)) OR ((Q1=6 and Q2=2) and (Q58=3 or Q58=4)) OR ((Q1=2 and Q2=3) and (Q58=3 or Q58=4))

What did you find difficult about completing the ballot?

Select all that apply

1 Instructions were confusing *

2 Writing out the candidate's name *

3 Knowing or remembering the names of the candidates for my electoral district *

4 Determining how the ballot and envelopes are supposed to fit together *

5 Putting the ballot in the inner envelope *

6 Putting the inner envelope in the outer envelope *

7 Other: (please specify) _____________________

8 Don't know / Not sure (Exclusive)

Levels marked with * are randomized

Q60 Show if Q1 Hospital or Home visit AND Q58 Difficult (Q1=4 or Q1=5) and (Q58=3 or Q58=4)

What did you find difficult about completing the ballot?

Select all that apply

1 Instructions were confusing *

2 Writing out the candidate's name *

3 Knowing or remembering the names of the candidates for my electoral district *

4 Determining how the ballot and envelopes are supposed to fit together *

5 Putting the ballot in the inner envelope *

6 Putting the inner envelope in the outer envelope *

7 My illness or injury made it difficult *

8 Other: (please specify) _____________________

9 Don't know / Not sure (Exclusive)

Levels marked with * are randomized

Q64v1 Show if Q1 receive OR Q2 return ballot AND Version1 ((Q1<>7 and Q2<>4) and version=1)

Please rate your level of agreement or disagreement with the following statement:

The secrecy of my vote was protected during the voting process.

1 Strongly agree

2 Somewhat agree

3 Somewhat disagree

4 Strongly disagree

Q62 Show if Condition Q62 (Q1<>1 and Q2<>1) and (Q1<>7 and Q2<>4)

Overall, how satisfied were you with the services provided by the election officer(s)?

1 Very satisfied

2 Somewhat satisfied

3 Somewhat dissatisfied

4 Very dissatisfied

Q61 Show if Q1 receive OR Q2 return ballot (Q1<>7 and Q2<>4)

Overall, how satisfied were you with your voting experience?

1 Very satisfied

2 Somewhat satisfied

3 Somewhat dissatisfied

4 Very dissatisfied

Q63 Show if Q1 receive OR Q2 return ballot (Q1<>7 and Q2<>4)

Based on your experience, how likely are you to recommend this voting method to friends and family?

1 Very likely

2 Somewhat likely

3 Somewhat unlikely

4 Very unlikely

Q64v2 Show if Q1 receive OR Q2 return ballot AND Version2 ((Q1<>7 and Q2<>4) and version=2)

Please rate your level of agreement or disagreement with the following statement:

The secrecy of my vote was protected during the voting process.

1 Strongly agree

2 Somewhat agree

3 Somewhat disagree

4 Strongly disagree

Q65 Show if Q1 Mail AND Q2 Did not return ballot (Q1=1 and Q2=4)

Was your home address outside Canada when you received your ballot in the mail?

1 Yes

2 No

Q66 Show if Q1 Did not receive ballot (Q1=7)

Were you trying to vote at any of the following types of voting opportunities?

1 At an office on campus at a post-secondary institution

2 At a polling station set up at a Canadian Forces unit or base

3 At an acute care hospital

4 At an Elections Canada office

5 I was not trying to vote

Q67 Show if Q1 Mail AND Q2 Did not return ballot (Q1=1 and Q2=4)

What is the main reason you were unable to vote?

1 Voting by mail was too demanding or complicated *

2 Waiting for ballot materials in the mail takes too long *

3 Couldn't mail my ballot to Elections Canada by the deadline *

4 Didn't have a postage stamp / Didn't want to pay for a postage stamp *

5 Didn't know or couldn't remember the candidates' names for my electoral district *

6 Other: (please specify) _____________________

Levels marked with * are randomized

Q68 Show if Condition Q68 ((Q1=7 and Q66=4) or (Q1=6 and Q2=4))

What is the main reason you were unable to vote?

1 Problems with ID requirements *

2 Wait times were too long *

3 Accessibility issues with Elections Canada office *

4 Voting process was too demanding or complicated *

5 Couldn't mail my ballot to Elections Canada by the deadline *

6 Didn't have a postage stamp / Didn't want to pay for a postage stamp *

7 Didn't know or couldn't remember the candidates' names for my electoral district *

8 Other: (please specify) _____________________

Levels marked with * are randomized

Q69 Show if Condition Q69 ((Q1=2 and Q2=4) or (Q1=7 and Q66=1))

What is the main reason you were unable to vote?

1 Problems with ID requirements *

2 Wait times were too long *

3 Accessibility issues with Elections Canada office *

4 Voting process was too demanding or complicated *

5 Didn't know or couldn't remember the candidates' names for my electoral district *

6 I was not eligible to vote *

7 Other: (please specify) _____________________

Levels marked with * are randomized

Q70 Show if Q1 Not Receive AND Q66 Canadian Forces (Q1=7 and Q66=2)

What is the main reason you were unable to vote?

1 Problems with ID requirements *

2 Wait times were too long *

3 Accessibility issues with polling place *

4 Voting process was too demanding or complicated *

5 Didn't know or couldn't remember the candidates' names for my electoral district *

6 Other: (please specify) _____________________

Levels marked with * are randomized

Q71 Show if Q1 Not Receive AND Q66 Hospital (Q1=7 and Q66=3)

What is the main reason you were unable to vote?

1 Problems with ID requirements *

2 Voting process was too demanding or complicated *

3 Didn't know or couldn't remember the candidates' names for my electoral district *

4 My injury or illness made it too difficult *

5 The election officer came when I was unavailable *

6 Other: (please specify) _____________________

Levels marked with * are randomized


In what year were you born?

Minimum: 1909, Maximum: 2001


-8 I prefer not to answer


Could you please provide your gender?

1 Male

2 Female

3 Other: (please specify) _____________________

4 I prefer not to answer


What language do you speak most often at home?

1 English

2 French

3 Other: (please specify) _____________________

4 I prefer not to answer

Q75 Show if NOT Q1Q2 Mail AND Q5 Yes ((Q1<>1 and Q2<>1) and Q5<>1)

In which province or territory do you live?

1 Newfoundland and Labrador

2 Nova Scotia

3 Prince Edward Island

4 New Brunswick

5 Quebec

6 Ontario

7 Manitoba

8 Saskatchewan

9 Alberta

10 British Columbia

11 Nunavut

12 Northwest Territories

13 Yukon

14 I prefer not to answer

Q76 Show if Q1Q2 Mail AND Q5 Yes ((Q1<>1 and Q2<>2) and Q5<>1)

In which country is your home address?


-8 I prefer not to answer


What best describes your current employment status?

1 Working full-time (35 hours per week or more)

2 Working part-time (less than 35 hours per week)

3 Self-employed

4 Unemployed, but looking for work

5 A student attending school full-time

6 Retired

7 A caregiver or homemaker

8 Other: (please specify) _____________________

9 I prefer not to answer


Elections Canada is committed to accommodating the needs of all Canadians. For the purposes of this survey only, would you please provide whether you have any of the following conditions?

Select all that apply

1 Blind or visual impairment

2 Impaired coordination or dexterity

3 Deaf or hard of hearing

4 Impaired mobility

5 Speech impairment

6 Developmental or intellectual disability

7 Emotional/psychological/mental health condition

8 Chronic pain

9 Other: (please specify) _____________________

10 No disability (Exclusive)

11 I prefer not to answer (Exclusive)


Are you of First Nations, Métis or Inuit descent?

Select all that apply

1 First Nations

2 Métis

3 Inuit

4 None of the above (Exclusive)

5 I prefer not to answer (Exclusive)


What is the highest level of education that you have reached?

1 Some elementary

2 Completed elementary

3 Some high school

4 Completed high school

5 Some community college/vocational/trade school/commercial/CEGEP

6 Completed community college/vocational/trade school/commercial/CEGEP

7 Some university (no diploma or degree obtained)

8 Completed university (diploma or bachelor degree)

9 Post-graduate university/professional school (Master's, PhD, or any professional degree)

10 Other: (please specify) _____________________

11 I prefer not to answer


Overall, how interested are you in politics?

1 Very interested

2 Somewhat interested

3 Not very interested

4 Not interested at all

5 I prefer not to answer


Were you eligible to vote in the 2015 federal general election?

1 Yes

2 No, because I was not at least 18 and/or I was not a Canadian citizen on October 19, 2015

3 No, because on October 19, 2015 I was living outside of the country for more than 5 years

-9 Don't know / Not sure

Q83 Show if Q82new Yes (Q82new=1)

Did you vote in the 2015 federal general election?

1 Yes

2 No

-9 Don't know / Not sure


How can Elections Canada improve their services in the future?


-9 Don't know / Not sure



You have now completed this survey.

Thank you for your participation in this study!

Status Code: -1