Quantitative Research Study on Special Voting Rules 2019

Campus Administrators

Prepared for:
Elections Canada
Office of the Chief Electoral Officer

Supplier name:
Advanis Inc.

Contract number: 05005-190331/001/CY

Contract value: $35,030 incl taxes

Award date: July 18, 2019

Delivery date: December 2, 2019

Registration number: POR 036-19

For more information on this report, please contact Elections Canada at rop-por@elections.ca

Ce rapport est aussi disponible en français.

Executive Summary

As part of its post-mortems following general elections, Elections Canada seeks to obtain reliable survey data to evaluate electors' opinions, attitudes, and knowledge of the Agency's services along with various aspects of their experience with the electoral process. The Agency also asks campus administrators to share their experiences hosting voting places at post-secondary institutions. The Quantitative Research Study on Special Voting Rules 2019 project is made up of three separate surveys:

This report describes the methodology of the Survey of Campus Administrators.

Elections Canada designed the Survey of Campus Administrators. Campus administrators are individuals who helped set up a voting place at post-secondary institutions across Canada that were participating in Elections Canada's Vote on Campus program. The survey included questions around the following themes:

  1. role(s) in setting up the voting place (including where)
  2. experiences setting up the voting place (level of difficulty)
  3. timing of communications and set-up
  4. satisfaction with Elections Canada staff and communications
  5. likelihood of being involved in voting place set-up in the future
  6. level of political interest

After survey design and programming were completed, Elections Canada created an email list of all campus administrators who provided their contact information. This list contained 106 email addresses for campus administrators at 99 post-secondary institutions. Elections Canada sent email invitations and reminders to everyone on the list. The survey was in field from October 30 to November 13, 2019. Of the 106 individuals who received the email invitation:

This resulted in a response rate of 42%.

After closing the survey, Advanis was responsible for cleaning and preparing the survey data, which was provided to Elections Canada in SPSS format. No tabulated data were produced, given the number of respondents. Frequencies were provided for this study in Microsoft Excel. Weights were not applied to the data. Any results with an unweighted base of 30 respondents or fewer should not be reported on, due to statistical robustness. Results with more than 30 but fewer than 50 respondents should be interpreted with caution and considered as directional guidelines only. The results of this survey will be used to inform future Elections Canada programs and services as they relate to campus administrators.

Political Neutrality Certification

Political neutrality certification

I hereby certify as Senior Officer of Advanis that the deliverables fully comply with the Government of Canada political neutrality requirements outlined in the Policy on Communications and Federal Identity and the Directive on the Management of Communications.

Specifically, the deliverables do not include information on electoral voting intentions, political party preferences, standings with the electorate, or ratings of the performance of a political party or its leaders.



Nicolas Toutant

Vice-President, Research and Evaluation
