Appendix C – Survey of candidates 2019 – Questionnaire

Phone Intro (PINTRO)

Note: split samples for questions asking about satisfaction levels should follow one track; either "a" or "b". A respondent should only be presented with either a 5 point scale or 4 point scale response choices.

Name: ______

Hello, my name is ________. I'm calling on behalf of Ekos Research Associates, a public opinion research company. We have been commissioned by Elections Canada to conduct a survey with candidates who ran in the october 21st, 2019 federal election.

If asked: the purpose of this survey is to explore the candidate's experiences during the election, including their perceptions of the services and products provided by Elections Canada.

The Chief Electoral Officer of Canada, Stéphane Perrault [Pronounce: per-ro], recently sent a letter to each candidate about this initiative.

A) May I please speak with ____? If speaking with candidate, continue to b.

B) Your participation in the survey is voluntary and all responses will be kept strictly confidential - no individuals or organizations will be identified in any way. The interview takes about 15 minutes. Are you willing to take part? We can do it now or at a time more convenient for you.

[If asked how we got their information]: Elections Canada shared with Ekos the contact information solely as a part of this research. The information was extracted from the candidates' nomination papers provided to the returning officers. This use of personal information is consistent with the purpose for which it was obtained by Elections Canada, and is also consistent with the Privacy Act.

P1 [0,1]


Refused Paragraphs C*/D**
*Include C only if the respondent/gatekeeper seems to question the validity of this project, otherwise go directly to D. Include D if it seems the respondent would be open to an alternative means to collect the information.

C) May I re-send you the letter sent by Elections Canada that provides background information about this study? I can send this by email or fax.

[If still unsure about the legitimacy of the survey]: If you would like to ensure that this survey is run by Elections Canada, you can call their toll-free number at 1-800-463-6868. Their hours of operation are monday to friday, from 9:00 a.m. To 5:00 p.m. (Eastern time). You can also contact susan galley, from Ekos Research Associates, at 613-235-7215 extension #123. Ekos is conducting this study on behalf of Elections Canada.

P2 [0,1]


D) Would you like me to give you a 1-800 number that can be called to schedule an interview at your convenience?

P3 [0,1]


E) If more convenient, the survey could also be completed online. In this case, we would send you an email with a password and link to the questionnaire.


Please note that this call may be recorded for quality control or training purposes. Any personal information collected is subject to the federal Privacy Act and will be held in strict confidence. By taking part in this survey, you consent to the use of your answers for research and statistical purposes. The anonymous database of all responses may be shared with external researchers under the strict condition that no personal information is ever distributed or made public.

[If asked about privacy]: any personal information collected is subject to the federal Privacy Act and will be held in strict confidence. If you have any reason to believe that your personal information has not been handled in accordance with the Privacy Act, you have a right to complain to the Privacy Commissioner of Canada. Would you like me to give you the contact information?

[If asked]

Toll-free: 1-800-282-1376

Tty: (819) 994-6591

Web: go to and click "report a concern"

Section 1 – Overall satisfaction

To begin, I'd like to ask you some general questions about the recent federal election.

Q.1 satisfaction with EC's administration of the GE

Split sample (Track a or b)

a. overall, how satisfied were you with the way the federal election was administered by Elections Canada in your riding? Please use a 5-point scale, where '1' is very dissatisfied, '5' is very satisfied, and '3' is neither satisfied nor dissatisfied.

b. overall, how satisfied were you with the way the federal election was administered by Elections Canada in your riding? Were you...(Read list)

Q.2 Satisfaction with RO's running of the GE in candidate's riding

Split sample (Track a or b)

a. How satisfied were you with the way the returning officer ran it in your riding? Please use the same 5-point scale.

[If asked: '1' is very dissatisfied, '5' is very satisfied, and '3' is neither satisfied nor dissatisfied.]

b. How satisfied were you with the way the returning officer ran it in your riding? Would you say that you were ...(Read list)

Q.3 Reasons for dissatisfaction with the way the RO ran the election

If Q.2a. = 1, 2 Or Q.2b. = 3,4

Why were you dissatisfied with the way the returning officer ran the election in your riding?

[Phone] (Do not read. Accept up to three responses. Do not probe for more responses.)

[Web] (Open question)

Pre-coded responses

Section 2 – Nomination process

I'd now like to ask you some questions about your experience with the nomination process with Elections Canada during the recent federal election.

Q.4 Ease of nomination requirements compliance

How easy was it to comply with the nomination requirements? Would you say this was...(Read list)

[If asked: this refers to the Elections Canada nomination process with the returning officer (RO) for any eligible candidate wishing to run in the 43rd general election, either as an independent candidate or as a candidate endorsed by a political party.]

Q.5 reason it was not easy

If Q.4 = 3,4

Why was this not easy?

[Phone] (Do not read. Accept up to three responses. Do not probe for more responses.)

[Web] (Open question)

Pre-coded answers

Q.6 satisfaction with RO's timeliness processing nomination

Split sample (Track a or b)

a. How satisfied were you with the returning officer's timeliness in processing your nomination? Please use the same 5-point scale, where '1' is very dissatisfied, '5' is very satisfied, and '3' is neither satisfied nor dissatisfied.

Q.7 Finding an official agent/auditor

Split sample

a. Did you encounter any difficulties in finding an official agent?

b. Did you encounter any difficulties in finding an auditor?

Q.8 Difficulties in finding official agent/auditor

If Q.7a = 1 or Q.7b = 1

What were they?

[Phone] (Do not read items. Accept up to three responses. Do not probe for more responses.)

[Web] (Open question)

Pre-coded answers

Q.9 Informed level about becoming a candidate

Overall, how well informed did you feel about Elections Canada's nomination process? Would you say that you were...(Read list)

(If asked: this refers to the Elections Canada nomination process with the returning officer (RO) for any eligible candidate wishing to run in the 43rd general election, either as an independent candidate or as a candidate endorsed by a political party.)

Section 3 – Political Entity Service Centre (Online portal)

In 2019, Elections Canada introduced the Political Entities Service Centre (PESC), commonly known as the portal, providing candidates the opportunity to file electronically their nomination and financial reports.

Q.10 Use of Political Entities Service Centre

Did you, or any of your representative, use the portal? (Select all that apply)

Q.11 Nature of use of political entities services centre

What did you, or your representative, use the portal for? (Randomize) (Select all that apply)

Q.12 Characteristics of the Political Entities Service Centre

[Phone] Do you strongly agree, somewhat agree, somewhat disagree or strongly disagree with the following statements about the portal? (Do not read items; only if needed)

[Web] How strongly do you agree or disagree with the following statements?

Q.13 Satisfaction with overall user experience of the Political Entity Service Centre

How satisfied were you, or your representative, with the overall user experience of the portal? Were you ...(Read list)

[If the candidate did not use it personnally: how satisfied was your representative with the overall user experience of the portal? Was he or she...]

Q.14 reasons for not using the Political Entities Service Centre

If Q.10 = 4

Why did you not use the portal?

[Phone] (Do not read. Accept up to three responses. Do not probe for more responses.)

[Web] (Open question)

Pre-coded answers

Section 4 – Elections Canada's products and services

I'd now like to ask you some questions about the products and services provided by Elections Canada during the election.

Q.15 Use of EC's products

Which of the following Elections Canada products did you use? Did you use...(Randomize, read list and select all that apply)

(If asked: A Statement of the electors who voted on polling day, also called the "bingo sheet", was made available to candidates and their representatives. This form was used to record the identifier number of electors who came to vote. It was provided on a regular basis on Election Day and at the end of advance voting days.)

(If asked: Under the "Spread the Word" initiative, Elections Canada provided various tools, including booklets, infographics, videos, informational flyers, icons for websites and advertising, on voting and registration, for the general population, youth and electors with a disability.)

(If asked: The Maps of Polling Place Service Areas included maps of the polling sites, the advance polling districts, and electoral geography documents.)

Q.16 Most useful format of lists of polling stations

If Q.15 = 1

In your opinion, which format of the updated lists of polling stations was most useful?

Q.17 satisfaction with the quality of the lists of electors

If Q.15 = 2

Split sample (Track a or b)

a. How satisfied were you with the overall quality of the list of electors? Please use a 5-point scale, where '1' is very dissatisfied, '5' is very satisfied, and '3' is neither satisfied nor dissatisfied.

b. How satisfied were you with the overall quality of the lists? Would you say that you were ...(Read list)

Q.18 Most useful tools to communicate with electors

If Q.15 = 4

Which of the following EC's tools to communicate with electors were the most useful for your campaign? (Randomize, read list and select all that apply.)

Q.19 Format of maps of polling place service areas

If Q.15 = 6

Which format of the maps of polling place service areas did you use? Did you use ...(Check all that apply.)

(If asked: the Event Map Viewer is the interactive online version of the polling place service areas which allows candidates to view geographic elements including polling divisions, polling districts and municipalities, as well as print polling division maps.)

Q.20 Satisfaction with Event Map Viewer

If Q.19 = 3

Split sample (Track a or b)

a. How satisfied were you with the Event Map Viewer? Please use a 5-point scale, where '1' is very dissatisfied, '5' is very satisfied, and '3' is neither satisfied nor dissatisfied.

b. How satisfied were you with the Event Map Viewer? Were you ...(Read list)

Q.21 reasons for dissatisfaction with the Event Map Viewer

If Q.20a. = 1, 2 Or Q.20b. = 3,4

Is there a specific reason why you were dissatisfied?

[Phone] (Do not read. Accept up to three responses. Do not probe for more responses.)

[Web] (Open question)

Pre-coded responses

Q.22 Usefulness of EC's products

Thinking about what you needed to run your campaign, how useful were Elections Canada's products? Were they ...(Read list)

Q.23 EC's products that were not useful

If Q.22 = 3,4

Which Elections Canada's products did you think were not useful?

[Phone] (Do not read. Do not probe for more responses.)

[Web] (Select all that apply)

Pre-coded responses

Q.24 All candidates briefing

The returning officer in your riding organized an "all candidates briefing" for the general election. Could you tell us if...:

[Phone] (Read list. Select all that apply)

[Web] (Select all that apply)

Q.25 Usefulness of all candidates briefing

If Q.24 = 1, 2, 3

How useful was the briefing? Was it ...(Read list)

Q.26 Contact with Elections Canada

Split sample

During the election, did you, or any of your representatives, contact...:

a. Elections Canada with the 1-800 support line for candidates?

b. The local Elections Canada office?

Q.27a Satisfaction with services received – contact with EC's local Elections Canada office

If Q.26a = 1

Split sample (Track a or b)

a. How satisfied were you, or your representative, with the services you received from the local Elections Canada office? Please use a 5-point scale, where '1' is very dissatisfied, '5' is very satisfied, and '3' is neither satisfied nor dissatisfied.

b. How satisfied were you, or your representative, with the services you received from the local Elections Canada office? Were you ...(Read all)

Q.27b Satisfaction with services received – contac with EC's 1-800 support line for candidates

If Q.26b = 1

Split sample (Track a or b)

a. How satisfied were you, or your representative, with the services you received from the 1-800 support line for candidates? Please use a 5-point scale, where '1' is very dissatisfied, '5' is very satisfied, and '3' is neither satisfied nor dissatisfied.

b. How satisfied were you, or your representative, with the services you received from the 1-800 support line for candidates? Were you ...(Read list)

Section 5 – Candidates' electoral campaign

I'd now like to ask you some questions about some dimensions of your electoral campaign.

Q.28 List of names of election staff

Did you provide a list of names of election staff to work at the polling stations to the returning officer?

[If asked: the list concerns individuals that the candidate proposes to the returning officer to be hired to work at advance polling stations and at polling stations on Election Day. This does not include candidates' campaign staff members.]

Q.29 Reason for not providing list of names

If Q.28 = 2

Why did you not provide a list of names?

[Phone] (Do not read. Accept up to three responses. Do not probe for more responses.)

[Web] (Open question)

Pre-coded responses

Q.30 Candidates' protection of personal information contained in the voters' lists

Did you take any measures to ensure the protection of personal information contained in the voters' lists that you received?

Q.31 Measures taken to protect personal information

If Q.30 = 1

What measures did you take to ensure the protection of personal information?

[Phone] (Do not read. Accept up to three responses. Do not probe for more responses.)

[Web] (Open question)

Pre-coded responses

Q.32 Accessibility of candidates' campaign

Did you take any measures to ensure that your campaign's materials, events or website were accessible to electors with a disability?

Q.33 Accessibility measures taken in candidate's campaign

If Q.32 = 1

Which measures did you take to make your campaign accessible?

[Phone](Do not read. Accept up to three responses. Do not probe for more responses)

[Web] (Open question)

Pre-coded responses

Q.34 Awareness of funding of candidate's election and personal expenses

The Canada Elections Act provides for partial reimbursement of elections expenses as well as some personal expenses like childcare costs and expenses related to a disability.

When deciding to run as a candidate, were you aware of these financial incentives?

Q.35 Impact of knowing about financial incentives

If Q.34 = 1

What impact, if any, did these financial incentives have on your decision to run in the last general election? Did they have a ...(Read list)

Section 6 – Voting and reporting process

I'd now like to ask you some questions about your experience with the voting process during the 43rd general election.

(Note: Candidate may have different views about some of the options available for voting and therefore be unsure of an overall rating.)

Q.36 satisfaction with chosen polling sites

Split sample (Track a or b)

a. What was your level of satisfaction with the locations chosen as polling sites for advance polls and Election Day? Please indicate your level of satisfaction using a 5-point scale, where '1' is very dissatisfied, '5' is very satisfied, and '3' is neither satisfied nor dissatisfied.

b. How satisfied were you with the locations chosen as polling sites for advance polls and Election Day? Were you ...(Read list)

Q.37 Reasons of dissatisfaction with chosen polling sites

If Q.36a. = 1, 2 Or Q.36b. = 3,4

Why were you dissatisfied with the location of the polling sites?

[Phone] (Do not read. Accept up to three responses. Do not probe for more responses.)

[Web] (Open question)

Pre-coded responses

Q.38 Satisfaction with voting process

Split sample (Track a or b)

a. What was your level of satisfaction with the way the voting process went on advance polls and Election Day? Please use a 5-point scale, where '1' is very dissatisfied, '5' is very satisfied, and '3' is neither satisfied nor dissatisfied

b. How satisfied were you with the way the voting process went on advance polls and Election Day? Were you ...(Read list)

Q.39 Reason dissatisfied with voting process

If Q.39a = 1, 2 or Q.39b = 3,4

Why were you dissatisfied with the voting process?

[Phone] (Do not read. Accept up to three responses. Do not probe for more responses.)

[Web] (Open question)

Pre-coded responses

Q.40 Voter identification requirements

Split sample

[If asked: this question is about voter identification at the polls, when the election officer is verifying the proof of identity and residence of an elector.]

[Note to interviewer: please select the option 'was/were not there' if a candidate's response is similar to 'i don't know, I wasn't present/there']

a. Did you, or your representative, witness any problems related to the voter identification requirements?

b. Did you, or your representative, witness any problems related to the use of the Voter Information Card (VIC) as a piece of identification?

Q.41 Voter identification problems witnessed

If Q.40a. = 1

What problems were witnessed?

[Phone] (Do not read. Accept up to three responses. Do not probe for more responses.)

[Web] (Open question)

Pre-coded responses

Q.42 Voter identification problems witnessed – use of VIC

If Q.40b. = 1

What problems did you witness regarding the use of the VIC (Voter Information Card) as a piece of identification?

[Phone] (Do not read. Accept up to three responses. Do not probe for more responses.)

[Web] (Open question)

Pre-coded responses

Q.43 voter identification requirements problems – Frequency of

How often did you observe those problems? (Read list)

Section 7 – Attitude towards Elections Canada

Q.44 Fairness of EC's GE administration

Thinking about the october 21, federal election, would you say that Elections Canada ran the election ? [Emphasize "Elections Canada"] ...(Read list)

Q.45 Trust in election results' accuracy

Q.46 Satisfaction with interactions with returning officer

Split sample (Track a or b)

a. overall, how satisfied were you with your interactions with the returning officer? Please use a 5-point scale, where '1' is very dissatisfied, '5' is very satisfied, and '3' is neither satisfied nor dissatisfied.

(Accept 'does not apply' if candidate had no interactions with returning officer)

b. Overall, how satisfied were you with your interactions with the returning officer? Were you ...(Read list)

(Accept 'does not apply' if candidate had no interactions with returning officer)

Q.47 Satisfaction with overall quality of service

Split sample (Track a or b)

a. all things considered, how satisfied were you with the overall quality of service you received from Elections Canada in the most recent federal election? Please use the same 5-point scale.

[If asked: '1' is very dissatisfied, '5' is very satisfied, and '3' is neither satisfied nor dissatisfied.]


Q.48 Suggestions to improve services received from Elections Canada

Thinking about the services you received from Elections Canada during the election, what is your main suggestion, if anything, to improve those services?

[Phone] (Do not read. Accept up to three suggestions. Do not probe for more responses.)

[Web] (Open question)

Pre-coded responses

Provide more information about available products or tools that are

Section 8 – Elections and technology

The next questions are about technology and the way federal elections are conducted.

Q.49 Foreign influence/interference/false information

[Phone] Split sample in 3

Based on what you have seen or heard recently, do you think [insert statement] was a problem in this election?

a. Hacking by foreign countries or groups into the computer systems that support the election.
b. Foreign countries or groups using social media and other means to influence the political opinions of canadians.
c. The spread of false information online.

[Web] (Grid. Rows/Rotate a-c.)

Based on what you have seen or heard recently, do you think any of the following were a problem in this election?

a. Hacking by foreign countries or groups into the computer systems that support the election.
b. Foreign countries or groups using social media and other means to influence the political opinions of canadians.
c. The spread of false information online.

Q.50 Impact of statement in the previous question

If Q.49a, 49b or 49c = 1

What impact, if any, do you think this had on the outcome of the election? (Read list)

Q.51 Technology at the polls

Split sample

a. In a canadian federal election, workers at the polls use paper lists to find a voter's name and keep track of who voted. In some provincial elections, poll workers use computers or tablets to do this electronically. Which method do you prefer?

[If asked: This refers to lists used by poll staff during the voter identification process, not the lists of electors that are provided to candidates.]

b. In canadian federal elections, each paper ballot is counted by hand. In some provincial elections, paper ballots are scanned into a machine that counts the votes. Which vote counting method do you prefer?

Q.52 Voting on the internet

Split sample

a. Do you think that electors should be able to vote by using the Internet?

b. Which statement comes closest to your own view? (Randomize)

Section 9 – Attitudes towards democracy in Canada

Now we'll move on to some questions about Canadian democracy.

Q.53 Satisfaction with democracy in Canada

Overall, how satisfied are you with the way democracy works in Canada? Are you...(Read list)

Q.54 Reason dissatisfied with democracy in Canada

If Q.53 = 3, 4

Is there a specific reason why you are dissatisfied with the way democracy works in Canada?

[Phone] (Do not read. Accept up to three responses. Do not probe for more responses.)

[Web] (Open question)

Pre-coded answers

Q.55 Attitude towards lowering the voting age

[Phone] Do you strongly agree, somewhat agree, somewhat disagree, or strongly disagree that the voting age in a federal election should be lowered from 18 to 16 years old? (Do not read items.)

[Web] How strongly do you agree or disagree that the voting age in a federal election should be lowered from 18 to 16 years old?

Q.56 Attitudes towards representation rules or incentives

Split sample

[Phone] Do you strongly agree, somewhat agree, somewhat disagree, or strongly disagree that ...(Do not read items.)

[Web] How strongly do you agree or disagree that

[If asked: in some countries, there are rules or incentives in place to ensure political parties run candidates from certain groups.]

a. Political parties should be required to have more women candidates?

b. political parties should receive a financial incentive for having more women candidates?

Section 10 – Socio-demographics

The last few questions are for classification purposes only. Please be assured that your answers will remain completely confidential.

Q.57 Number of times running as candidate

Including the october 2019 election, how many times have you run as a candidate at the federal level?

(Do not read. Accept absolute number only; not a range. If asked, include federal general elections and by-elections)

(Record number of times as candidate)

Q.58 language spoken at home

What language do you speak most often at home?

Q.59 Disability identification

For the purposes of this survey only, do you identify as having a disability?

Q.60 Type of disability

If Q.59= 1

Would you please provide whether you have any of the following conditions? (Select all that apply.)

Q.61 Canadian born

Were you born in Canada?

Q.62 Year became Canadian citizen

If Q.61 = 2

In what year did you become a citizen of Canada?

Q.63 Ethnic or cultural background

What is your ethnic or cultural background?

[Do not read. Accept only one reply; use 97 for mixed / multiple ethnicities and Jewish.]

Ethnic or cultural background
Group Includes
01 White / Caucasian English-Canadian, French-Canadian, Quebecois And Non-Visible Minority (Includes English, Irish, Scottish, German, French, Italian)
02 Chinese Chinese, Hong Kongese, Taiwanese
03 East Asian Japanese, Korean
04 South Asian / East Indian Bangladeshi, Bengali, Bruneian, Gujarati, East Indian, Indo Pakistani, Mauritian, Mayotte, Mongolian, Pakistani, Punjabi, Singhalese, Sri Lankan, Tamil
05 South East Asian Vietnamese, Cambodian, Malaysian, Laotian, Indonesian, Singaporean, Burmese, Kampuchean, Thai
06 Filipino
07 Black (Africa, Caribbean) Angolan, Anguillan, Antiguan, Aruba/Netherlands Antilles, Bahamian, Barbadian, Belizean, Beninese, Bermudan, Botswanan, Burkinabe, Burundian, Cameroonian, Cape Verde Islands, Cayman Islands, Central African, Chadian, Comoros Islands, Congolais, Dominican, Equatorial Guinean, Ethiopian, Gabonese, Gambian, Ghanaian, Grenadian, Guadeloupian, Guinean, Guinea-Bissauan, Guyanese, Haitian, Ivorian, Jamaican, Kenyan, Lesothan, Liberian, Malagasy, Malawian, Malian, Martinican / French Guiana, Montserratan, Mozambican, Namibian, Nevisitian, Nigerois, Nigerian, Rwandan, Vicentian / Grenadines, Saint Lucian, Senegalese, Trinidadian, Tobagonian, West Indian, Other Caribbean, Other African
08 Latin American All Central And South American Countries, Mexico, Cuba, Puerto Rico.
09 West Asian / North African /Arab Afghan, Algerian, Armenian, Bahrain, Bhutanese, Egyptian, Iranian, Iraqi, Israeli, Jordanian, Kurdish, Kuwaiti, Lebanese, Libyan, Maghrebi Origins, Mauritanian, Moroccan, Nepalese, Omani, Palestinian, Yemenite, Saudi Arabian, Syrian, Turk
10 Pacific Islands Fijian, Melanesian, Micronesian, Polynesian, Tongan, Tuvaluan, Wake Island, Samoan, American Samoa, Coral Sea Islands Territory, Kiribatian, Nauruan, Norfolk Island, Northern Mariana Island, Tokelau, Pitcairn Islands, Trust Territory Of The Pacific Islands, Vanuatuan, Wallis And Futuna Islands, Cook Islands, Johnston Atoll, Guam, Midway Islands, New Caledonian
11 Indigenous First Nations, Métis, Inuit
97 Other Visible Minorities Or Mixed Ethnicity (Including Jewish), Please Specify Record

Q.64 Level of education

What is the highest level of education that you have reached?

([Phone] Do not read – code one only)

Q.65 Annual income

What was the total annual income of all members of your household combined, before taxes, in 2018?


This concludes the survey. If you wish, we can inform you once the study is published on Elections Canada and library and archives' websites in 2020.

If interested: in this case, could you provide us with an e-mail address where we can send the notice?
email address: CandidateEmail2

No email address: Elections Canada will publish a report on its website once completed. You will be able to access the report there.

If asked: their website address is

If asked: Elections Canada did not indicate the exact date when the results would be published.

Thank you for your time and feedback.