Appendix E – New 4-point satisfaction scale questions

Half of the sample was offered satisfaction questions with five levels of satisfaction (as reported in this report and in 2015). The other half were offered four levels of satisfaction for comparability with the future iterations of the Survey of Candidates, which will transition to 4 point scale questions to align with other surveys (National Electors Study, Survey of Election Officers, etc.). Results of the 4-points scale are presented here for each applicable question.

Table 22: Satisfaction (4 Points)
Q1BX. Overall, how satisfied were you with the way the federal election was administered by Elections Canada in your riding? Total
n= 611
Very satisfied 48%
Somewhat satisfied 37%
Somewhat dissatisfied 9%
Very dissatisfied 5%
Q2BX. How satisfied were you with the way the returning officer ran it in your riding? Total
n= 611
Very satisfied 65%
Somewhat satisfied 25%
Somewhat dissatisfied 6%
Very dissatisfied 2%
Q6BX. How satisfied were you with the returning officer's timeliness in processing your nomination? Total
n= 611
Very satisfied 80%
Somewhat satisfied 12%
Somewhat dissatisfied 3%
Very dissatisfied 4%
Q17BX. How satisfied were you with the overall quality of the lists? Total
n= 355
Very satisfied 27%
Somewhat satisfied 52%
Somewhat dissatisfied 8%
Very dissatisfied 3%
Q20B. How satisfied were you with the Event Map Viewer? Total
n= 69
Very satisfied 27%
Somewhat satisfied 49%
Somewhat dissatisfied 8%
Very dissatisfied 0%
Q27B. How satisfied were you or your representatives with the services you received from the 1-800 support line for candidates? Total
n= 185
Very satisfied 42%
Somewhat satisfied 32%
Somewhat dissatisfied 11%
Very dissatisfied 11%
Q36BX. How satisfied were you with the locations chosen as polling sites for advance polls and Election Day? Total
n= 611
Very satisfied 44%
Somewhat satisfied 40%
Somewhat dissatisfied 6%
Very dissatisfied 3%
Q38BX. How satisfied were you with the way the voting process went on advance polls and Election Day? Total
n= 611
Very satisfied 45%
Somewhat satisfied 36%
Somewhat dissatisfied 8%
Very dissatisfied 3%
Q46BX. Overall, how satisfied were you with your interactions with the returning officer? Total
n= 611
Very satisfied 70%
Somewhat satisfied 19%
Somewhat dissatisfied 3%
Very dissatisfied 3%
Q47BX. How satisfied were you with the overall quality of service you received from Elections Canada in the most recent federal election? Total
n= 611
Very satisfied 51%
Somewhat satisfied 38%
Somewhat dissatisfied 6%
Very dissatisfied 2%