Survey of Electors Following the October 26, 2020, By-election in Toronto Centre and York Centre (Ontario)

Profile of Survey Respondents

Age Weighted
N %
18 to 24 79 10%
25 to 34 185 24%
35 to 54 237 31%
55+ 257 34%
Prefer not to answer* excluded from % column 46


Gender Weighted
N %
Male 390 49%
Female 400 50%
Non-binary/transgender 2 0.3%
Prefer not to answer* excluded from % column 12


Employment Status Weighted
N %
Employed 516 66%
Retired 146 19%
Student 48 6%
Unemployed and looking for work[1] 56 7%
Homemaker/caregiver 13 2%
Prefer not to answer* excluded from % column 25


Education[2] Weighted
N %
Less than high school 5 0.6%
Some high school 9 1%
Completed high school 69 9%
Some college 27 3%
Completed college 133 16%
Some university 49 6%
Completed university 306 38%
Post-graduate university 193 24%
Don't know 5 0.6%
I prefer not to answer 7 1%


Household Income Weighted
N %
Below $30,000 71 9%
$30,000 to just under $60,000 106 13%
$60,000 to just under $90,000 126 16%
$90,000 to just under $110,000 79 10%
$110,000 and over 258 32%
Don't know 73 9%
I prefer not to answer 91 11%


[1] Nearly two-thirds (65%) of those who are unemployed report that they have been temporarily unemployed or laid off due to COVID-19.

[2] Not included in the table – one respondent who indicated "Other."