Report on the Survey of Registered Third Parties for the 43rd General Election: Wave 1 Final Report - Reporting Regulated Activities

Ease of Determining Regulated Activities

Financial agents were asked to state their level of agreement (or disagreement) with various statements related to regulated activities.

When asked about their agreement with the statement "It was clear which of my third party's activities were regulated under the Canada Elections Act," over six in ten (34 out of 55) said they disagreed with the statement (see Figure 38). About a third (17 out of 55) said they strongly disagreed, and another third (17 out of 55) said they somewhat disagreed that it was clear which of their third party's activities were regulated under the Canada Elections Act. In contrast, almost four in ten (21 out of 55) said they agreed with this statement. A fifth (11 out of 55) said they somewhat agreed, and almost a fifth (10 out of 55) said they strongly agreed.

Figure 38: Level of agreement with "It was clear which of my third party's activities were regulated under the Canada Elections Act"

Q40. Please rate your level of agreement or disagreement with the following statements:It was clear which of my third party's activities were regulated under the Canada Elections Act.
Base: All respondents (n=55)

Figure 38: Level of agreement with 'It was clear which of my third party's activities were regulated under the Canada Elections Act'

Text version of "Figure 38: Level of agreement with 'It was clear which of my third party's activities were regulated under the Canada Elections Act'"

The stacked horizontal bar chart above displays the respondents' reported level of agreement that it was clear which of their third party's activities were regulated under the Canada Elections Act. The breakdown is as follows:

The majority of financial agents (30 out of 55) said they disagreed with the statement "Reporting my third party's regulated spending under the right category (e.g. Partisan activity, election survey, election advertising) was easy" (see Figure 39). About a third (19 out of 55) said they somewhat disagreed with this statement, and a fifth (11 out of 55) said they strongly disagreed. Over four in ten (24 out of 55) said they agreed that it was easy to report their third party's regulated spending under the right category. A little over a third (20 out of 55) said they somewhat agreed with the statement, and a few (4 out of 55) said they strongly agreed.

Figure 39: Level of agreement with "Reporting my third party's regulated spending under the right category was easy"

Q41. Please rate your level of agreement or disagreement with the following statements: "Reporting my third party's regulated spending under the right category (e.g. Partisan activity, election survey, election advertising) was easy."
Base: All respondents (n=55)

Figure 39: Level of agreement with 'Reporting my third party's regulated spending under the right category was easy'

Text version of "Figure 39: Level of agreement with 'Reporting my third party's regulated spending under the right category was easy'"

The stacked horizontal bar chart above displays the respondents' reported level of agreement that reporting their third party's regulated spending under the right category was easy. The breakdown is as follows:

Lastly, financial agents agreed that the reporting time periods were clear. Almost eight in ten (43 out of 55) said they agreed, with over four in ten (24 out of 55) saying they strongly agreed and about a third (19 out of 55) saying they somewhat agreed (see Figure 40). Only about a fifth (12 out of 55) said they disagreed that reporting time periods were clear.

Figure 40: Level of agreement with "The reporting time periods were clear"

Q42. Please rate your level of agreement or disagreement with the following statements: "The reporting time periods were clear."
Base: All respondents (n=55)

Figure 40: Level of agreement with 'The reporting time periods were clear'

Text version of "Figure 40: Level of agreement with 'The reporting time periods were clear' "

The stacked horizontal bar chart above displays the respondents' reported level of agreement that the reporting time periods were clear. The breakdown is as follows: