Appendix E: Segmentation Analysis

The following table summarizes the secondary analysis of data from Elections Canada's National Electors Study 2019 (NES 2019) to provide insight into segments of electors and their reasoning behind voting or not voting. This analysis focused on 10 groups of electors, including voters in the 2019 federal general election and potential voters (those who were open to voting, in that they reported that they intended to vote during the election period survey, but did not end up voting according to the post-election survey). Each group was profiled in terms of responses to a set of indicators covering the electoral process, reasons for not voting, effort to vote and perceptions of difficulty, demographics and psychographics.

Electors open to voting (intended to vote in the 2019 election, but did not) Voted in the 2019 election
Reasons for not voting Electors with a disability Degree of difficulty of voting
Too busy/out of town Illness or disability Registration/ information issue Transportation/ distance to the polls Polling place issue Mild/ moderate disability Severe disability None (easy) Some High
Experience with the electoral process
Registered to vote Mixed/don't know Mixed No/don't know No/don't know No/don't know Mixed No/don't know Yes Don't know Don't know
Checked registration during the election Updated/no High High High High Average Registered/ updated Verified Registered/ updated Registered/ updated/none
Know about polling day registration Don't know No No Above average No Average Average Average Average Average
Received a Voter Information Card (variation from average) Very low/ don't know Very low/ don't know Very low/ don't know Very low Very low Below Below Slightly above Below Very low/don't know
Awareness of accessible tools and services Below average Below average Average Average Above average Average Very low Average Average Low
Visited EC website Low Very Low Average Average Average Average Average Average Average Average
Satisfaction with EC website Average Very low Low Low Very low Average Low Average low Very low
Contacted EC Low Low High High High Average High Average Above average Above average
Satisfaction with EC contact - - - - - Average Average Average Low Very low
Reason for not voting Everyday life Everyday life Process Process Process Political, everyday life Process - - -
Felt informed about:
Where to vote Low Low Very low Very low Very low Average Low Average Low Low
When to vote Low Below average Very low Low Very low Average Very low Average Low Very low
How to vote Very low Low Very low Low Low Low Very low Average Low Very low
Perceive it would be easy/difficult to:
Check if you are registered Very difficult Average Very difficult Average Very difficult Average Very difficult Average Very difficult Very difficult
Register to vote Somewhat/ very difficult Somewhat difficult Somewhat/ very difficult Very difficult Somewhat easy Somewhat difficult Somewhat/ very difficult Very easy Somewhat/ very difficult Somewhat/ very difficult
Get to the polling place Somewhat/ very difficult Somewhat/ very difficult Somewhat/ very difficult Very difficult Very difficult Somewhat difficult Somewhat/ very difficult/ don't know Very easy Somewhat difficult/ don't know Somewhat/ very difficult/ don't know
Vote once there Somewhat/ very difficult Somewhat difficult Somewhat difficult Somewhat/very difficult Somewhat difficult Somewhat difficult Somewhat/ very difficult/ don't know Very easy Somewhat/ very difficult/ don't know Somewhat/ very difficult/ don't know
Psychographics and cynicism toward politics
Voting is a duty or choice Choice Choice Choice Choice Choice Mix Choice Duty Choice Choice
Agree all political parties are basically the same High Average High High High Average High Low Average High
Agree government doesn't care much what people like me think Above average Average Above average Average High Average Above average Low Average Above average
Agree that politics/ government is too complicated to understand High Above average High Average High Above average Above average Average Above average Average
Lack of civic/political engagement (No/never/don't know)
No high school civics Average Above average Average, don't know High Average, don't know Average Don't know Average Average Average
Never talk politics/ government at home growing up High High Average High Average, don't know Average High Average Don't know Don't know
Never talk politics/ government at home now High High High High Average/ don't know Average High Low High Above average
Never talk politics/ government with friends High High High High High Average High Low High High
Socio-demographics (higher representation)
Male/female Female Female Female Female
Region Atlantic, Prairies Quebec, British Columbia Alberta, Ontario Atlantic, Quebec, Prairies Quebec, Prairies Atlantic Atlantic Quebec British Columbia
Age 18–34, 45–54 45–54, 65+ 18–34, 45–54 25–34, 45–54 25–44 18–24, 65+ 45–64 65+ 18–34 25–34, 75+
Marital status Single Single, divorced, widowed Single, divorced, widowed Single, divorced, widowed Single Divorced, widowed Single, divorced, widowed Widowed Single Divorced, widowed
Education High school or less High school or less, some post-secondary High school or less High school or less High school or less, some post-secondary High school or less, some post-secondary High school or less, some post-secondary Mixed Mixed Mixed
Employment Employed, unemployed, student, other Unemployed, home, retired, other Unemployed, home, student, other Unemployed, home, student, other Unemployed, student Unemployed, retired, other Unemployed, home, retired, other Retired Unemployed, student Unemployed, home, student, other
Indigenous Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Immigrant to Canada Yes Yes
Person with disability Severe disability Mild, severe Severe disability Mild, severe Severe disability Mild, moderate Severe, very severe Mild, moderate, severe Mild, moderate, severe