Appendix B: Screener

Experiences of OLMCs
-- Screener --

This is a research project for Elections Canada. It's about getting a better understanding of people's experiences with trying to register and vote during the most recent federal general election, which ended on September 20, 2021. The results of the research will be used to improve the programs and services offered by Election Canada.

If you qualify for this project, you would take part in a 25–30 minute telephone interview and you would receive a cash honorarium as a thank-you for your time.

Please take approximately 3 minutes to answer some questions to see if you qualify. Your responses will be treated in confidence.

1a) Which one of the following best describes what you did in the most recent federal general election that ended on September 20 of this year? (Accept one answer only)

You did not vote in this election 1 Thank you for your cooperation! Based on the information you have provided, unfortunately you are not eligible to participate in this project
You tried to vote, but you ended up not voting because service was not available in your preferred official language 2 Go to Q.1b
You voted in this election 3 Skip to Q.2a

1b) Are you a citizen of Canada?

Yes, I am a citizen 1 Assign to "Dissatisfied" quota
No, I am not a citizen 2 Thank you for your cooperation! Based on the information you have provided, unfortunately you are not eligible to participate in this project

2a) Which one of the following methods did you use to vote? Was it...? (Accept one answer only)

By mail 1 Go to Q.2b
At an advance poll 2

Skip to Q.3

At a poll on election day, September 20 3
At a local Elections Canada office 4

2b) Did you go to your local Elections Canada office in order to speak with someone about questions you had?

Yes, went to an Elections Canada office 1
No, did not go to an Elections Canada office 2 Thank you for your cooperation! Based on the information you have provided, unfortunately you are not eligible to participate in this project

3) Which of the following languages do you speak well enough to have or to conduct a conversation?

English only 1
French only 2
Both English and French 3

FRENCH OLMCS: MUST ANSWER CODE 2 OR 3; OTHERWISE Thank you for your cooperation! Based on the information you have provided, unfortunately you are not eligible to participate in this project.

ENGLISH OLMCS: MUST ANSWER CODE 1 OR 3; OTHERWISE Thank you for your cooperation! Based on the information you have provided, unfortunately you are not eligible to participate in this project.

4) When registering or voting, you may interact with election officials. For example, a person may call Elections Canada with questions about how to register to vote or how to vote, or a person who votes in-person will speak with a poll worker. What would be your preferred official language for these types of conversations with election officials? (Accept one answer only)

English 1
French 2
It does not matter to you, that is you will use either English or French 3

FRENCH OLMCS: MUST ANSWER CODE 2 OR 3; OTHERWISE Thank you for your cooperation! Based on the information you have provided, unfortunately you are not eligible to participate in this project.

ENGLISH OLMCS: MUST ANSWER CODE 1 OR 3; OTHERWISE Thank you for your cooperation! Based on the information you have provided, unfortunately you are not eligible to participate in this project.

5) And in this election, in what language were you served in your conversations with Election Canada officials? (Accept one answer only)

English 1
French 2
OR, both English and French 3

6) Thinking about your voting experience including registration and voting, were you completely satisfied with the official language in which you were served, or were you less than completely satisfied?

Completely satisfied 1 Qualifies for 'Satisfied' quota
Less than completely satisfied 2 Qualifies for 'Dissatisfied' quota

7) We would like to include people in this research from different types of communities across Canada. Which one of the following best describes the community you live in? (Accept one answer only)

A large city or a suburb near a large city 1
A small city or town 2
A rural area 3


Thank you. Just a few more questions to see if you qualify for an interview.

8) Do you describe yourself as a man, a woman or in some other way? (Accept one answer only)

Man 1
Woman 2
OR, in some other way 3

9) In what province or territory do you currently live? (Accept one answer only)

Alberta 1
British Columbia 2
Manitoba 3
New Brunswick 4
Newfoundland & Labrador 5
Nova Scotia 6
Northwest Territories 7
Nunavut 8
Ontario 9
Prince Edward Island 10
Quebec 11
Saskatchewan 12
Yukon 13

10) What is your age? Are you .....? Accept one answer only)

Under 18 years of age 1 Thank you for your cooperation! Based on the information you have provided, unfortunately you are not eligible to participate in this project
18 to 34 years of age 2
35 to 54 years of age 3
55 years of age or older 4  

11a) Do you or does anyone in your immediate household work for Elections Canada or any other government department or agency involved in elections at any level of government?

Yes 1 Thank you for your cooperation! Based on the information you have provided, unfortunately you are not eligible to participate in this project.
No 2

11b) Do you or does anyone in your immediate household work for a radio or television station, newspaper or magazine, or an online media outlet?

Yes 1 Thank you for your cooperation! Based on the information you have provided, unfortunately you are not eligible to participate in this project.
No 2

11c) Did you work at the polls in either the most recent federal general election that ended on September 20 of this year or in the federal general election that took place in 2019?

Yes 1 Thank you for your cooperation! Based on the information you have provided, unfortunately you are not eligible to participate in this project.
No 2

12) In the interview you will be asked some questions about your experiences with Elections Canada officials during the recent federal election that ended on September 20. We will not be asking any questions about which candidate or party you voted for.

The interview will last 25 to 30 minutes, and following your participation we will send you an honorarium of $75. The interview would be conducted by telephone or via Zoom, whichever you prefer.

There may be some people from Elections Canada who have been involved in this project listening in on the interview. However, they will not take part in the interview in any way, and they will not be given your name. Is this acceptable to you?

Yes 1
No 2 Thank you for your cooperation! Based on the information you have provided, unfortunately you are not eligible to participate in this project.

13) The interview will be recorded. These recordings are used to help with analyzing the findings and writing the report. Your name will not appear in the research report. Is this acceptable to you?

Yes 1
No 2 Thank you for your cooperation! Based on the information you have provided, unfortunately you are not eligible to participate in this project.

14) Thank you. Please select a date and time for the interview from the schedule below. SCHEDULE TO BE INSERTED

15) The plan is to do the interview by telephone, but there are two other options. Which do you prefer?

Phone 1
Zoom 2
Text-only chat 3

16) Please provide the telephone number where we can reach you.

Telephone number:____________________________

17) We'll send you an email confirming the date and time, and who will be interviewing you. Please give me the email address to use for this purpose.


Thank you very much for agreeing to participate in this study!

Record Language of Interview: French [ ] English [ ]