Appendix, Survey of electors following the June 19, 2023, by-election in the districts of Winnipeg South Centre, Portage-Lisgar, Oxford, and Notre-Dame-de-Grâce-Westmount and the July 24, 2023, by-election in the district of Calgary Heritage

Annex 1: Methodological Details


An overlapping dual-frame (landline and wireless) sample was used to minimize coverage error. To ensure that the sample was representative, and that the results reflected the distribution of electors by age and gender, the sampling frame was based on Statistics Canada census data and stratified by age.

The RDD sample (landline and wireless) was supplied by ASDE, and the wireless panel sample was provided by Advanis. Using wireless RDD was only feasible in the rural ridings of Portage-Lisgar and Oxford. Therefore, a sample of wireless numbers was drawn from Advanis' proprietary General Population Random Sample (GPRS) to survey electors in the ridings of Calgary Heritage, Winnipeg South Centre, and Notre-Dame-de-Grâce-Westmount. The GPRS sample has been recruited via RDD using both wireless and landline telephone numbers as well as interactive voice response (IVR) calling and live interviewers.

The following table provides a breakdown of the number completes obtained from each electoral district by sample source:

Sample Source, Wave 1, Wave 2
Wave 1:
June 19 by-election
Wave 2:
July 24 by-election
Sample Source Winnipeg South Centre Oxford Portage-Lisgar Notre-Dame-de-Grâce-Westmount Calgary Heritage
Landline RDD (n) 232 215 144 205 103
Wireless RDD (n) -- 186 258 -- --
Wireless GPRS (n) 175 -- -- 195 299

Respondents were randomly selected using landline and wireless samples. Wireless samples were used to reach younger electors and to ensure cell-phone-only households were included in the sampling frame. For landlines, interviewers asked to speak to the youngest person in the household who is a Canadian citizen and who is at least 18 years old. If that was not the initial individual answering the telephone, but another individual in the household, interviewers asked to speak to the eligible respondent. If that person was not available over the interview period, interviewers asked to speak to the person with the next most recent birthday or (when needed) the youngest person in the household 18 years of age or older. No selection procedures were used for the cell phone sample.

Once an appropriate adult was reached, voter eligibility was verified by the interviewer. To be eligible for the survey, respondents had to be Canadian citizens of at least 18 years of age on polling day, and to have had an address of ordinary residence in the electoral district from the first day of the revision period until election day.


To pre-test the questionnaire, respondents were first administered the survey and then asked about the clarity of the questionnaire. The short debrief following the survey provided an opportunity for respondents to offer feedback on the questionnaire and was conducted by telephone on June 20, 2023, following the June 19 by-election and on July 25, 2023, following the July 24 by-election. Respondents had the choice of participating in the official language of their choice. The pre-test interviews were digitally recorded and reviewed by Phoenix SPI team members and Elections Canada officials.

Data collection

All fieldwork was conducted using computer-assisted telephone interviewing (CATI) and computer-assisted web interviewing (CAWI) technology. To minimize non-response, those who declined to complete the survey over the telephone were given the option to complete the survey online. Based on a sample of this size (n=2,012), the overall results would have a maximum margin of error of ±2.2%, 19 times out of 20. The results for each electoral district would have a maximum margin of error of ±4.9%, 19 times out of 20.

The following specifications applied:

The table below provides a summary of the interviews by riding:

Wave 1, Wave 2
Wave 1:
June 19 by-election
Wave 2:
July 24 by-election
Winnipeg South Centre Oxford Portage-Lisgar Notre-Dame-de-Grâce-Westmount Calgary Heritage
Total (n) 407 401 402 400 402
CATI (n) 391 390 377 387 377
Web (n) 16 11 25 13 25
English (n) 407 401 402 177 402
French (n) -- -- -- 223 --
Start date June 20, 2023 June 20, 2023 June 20, 2023 June 20, 2023 July 25, 2023
End date July 10, 2023 July 9, 2023 July 4, 2023 July 12, 2023 August 8, 2023
Survey length (in minutes):
Telephone 14.4 13.9 14.3 15.5 13.9
Web 9.0 10.0 8.5 8.1 13.1

Response Rate

The table below presents information about the final call dispositions for this survey and the response rate, first overall and then for each of the different sample sources: landline and wireless sample.

Overall, Wave 1, Wave 2
Overall Wave 1:
June 19 by-election
Wave 2:
July 24 by-election
Winnipeg South Centre Oxford Portage-Lisgar Notre-Dame-de-Grâce-Westmount Calgary Heritage
Out-of-scope – Invalid (I)
Not in service, fax/modem, business 17,697 11,075 3,894 10,475 6,492
Unresolved (U)
Busy, voicemail, no answer 14,059 17,756 18,148 12,502 6,649
In-scope - Non-responding (IS)
Language problem, illness 87 44 84 83 49
Selected respondent not available 8 6 13 14 9
Household refusal 1,949 2,809 5,033 1,736 799
Respondent refusal 1,653 1,230 1,987 1,550 1,058
Qualified respondent break-off/partial complete 39 66 91 34 34
In-scope - Responding units (R)
Does not qualify - Age 5 4 8 7 3
Does not qualify - Citizenship 3 1 2 8 3
Does not qualify - Not in riding 174 88 205 218 215
Terminate - Age stratum filled 449 85 79 175 264
Completed the survey 407 401 402 400 402
Total numbers dialed 36,530 33,565 29,946 27,202 15,977
Response Rate1 = R / (U + IS + R) 5.5% 2.6% 2.7% 4.8% 9.4%
Landline Sample, Wave 1, Wave 2
Landline Sample Wave 1:
June 19 by-election
Wave 2:
July 24 by-election
Winnipeg South Centre Oxford Portage-Lisgar Notre-Dame-de-Grâce-Westmount Calgary Heritage
Out-of-scope – Invalid (I)
Not in service, fax/modem, business 17,641 10,419 3,333 10,387 6,299
Unresolved (U)
Busy, voicemail, no answer 13,093 9,270 7,439 11,409 5,052
In-scope - Non-responding (IS)
Language problem, illness 81 29 23 77 39
Selected respondent not available 6 1 3 8 4
Household refusal 1,862 1,872 1,422 1,530 627
Respondent refusal 1,496 729 548 1,192 793
Qualified respondent break-off/partial complete 29 36 21 25 15
In-scope - Responding units (R)
Does not qualify - Age 5 3 1 5 1
Does not qualify - Citizenship 0 0 0 2 0
Does not qualify - Not in riding 125 26 17 57 52
Terminate - Age stratum filled 390 74 38 141 194
Completed the survey 232 215 144 205 103
Total numbers dialed 34,960 22,674 12,989 25,038 13,179
Response Rate = R / (U + IS + R) 4.3% 2.6% 2.1% 2.8% 5.1%
Wireless Sample, Wave 1, Wave 2
Wireless Sample Wave 1:
June 19 by-election
Wave 2:
July 24 by-election
Winnipeg South Centre Oxford Portage-Lisgar Notre-Dame-de-Grâce-Westmount Calgary Heritage
Out-of-scope – Invalid (I)
Not in service, fax/modem, business 56 656 561 88 193
Unresolved (U)
Busy, voicemail, no answer 966 8,486 10,709 1,093 1,597
In-scope - Non-responding (IS)
Language problem, illness 6 15 61 6 10
Selected respondent not available 2 5 10 6 5
Household refusal 87 937 3,611 206 172
Respondent refusal 157 501 1,439 358 265
Qualified respondent break-off/partial complete 10 30 70 9 19
In-scope - Responding units (R)
Does not qualify - Age 0 1 7 2 2
Does not qualify - Citizenship 3 1 2 6 3
Does not qualify - Not in riding 49 62 188 161 163
Terminate - Age stratum filled 59 11 41 34 70
Completed the survey 175 186 258 195 299
Total numbers dialed 1,570 10,891 16,957 2,164 2,798
Response Rate = R / (U + IS + R) 18.9% 2.6% 3.0% 19.2% 20.6%

Survey Weighting

The survey data were weighted via calibration to accurately reflect the separate age and gender distributions of eligible electors in the Winnipeg South Centre, Oxford, Portage-Lisgar, Notre-Dame-de-Grâce-Westmount, and Calgary Heritage ridings. Specifically, the nested census populations of males and females residing in each federal electoral district who were 18–24, 25–34, 35–44, 45–64, and 65 or older were compiled as weighting frames. The survey results were then compared to the same age and gender proportions to generate survey weights that sum to the size of the sample of respondents in each electoral district independent of the other electoral districts. Any respondents who refused to provide their age and/or gender were given a neutral weight so as not to skew the weighting proportions. Weights were based on 2021 Statistics Canada census data2.

The tables below show the weighted and unweighted proportions for the variables used to create the weights by electoral district:

Weighted and unweighted proportions - Winnipeg South Centre, Oxford, Portage-Lisgar
Winnipeg South Centre Oxford Portage-Lisgar
Unweighted Weighted Unweighted Weighted Unweighted Weighted
Total (n) 407 407 401 401 402 402
Male  45%  47%  49%  48%  48%  49%
Female  53%  51%  50%  51%  52%  50%
Other  1%  1%  0%  0%  0%  0%
Refusal  1%  1%  1%  1%  0%  0%
 18 to 24  8%  12%  10%  10%  11%  12%
 25 to 34  11%  19%  12%  16%  17%  17%
 35 to 44  14%  16%  11%  16%  13%  17%
 45 to 64  37%  29%  29%  33%  33%  32%
 65 or older  31%  25%  37%  25%  27%  22%
Weighted and unweighted proportions - Notre-Dame-de-Grâce-Westmount, Calgary Heritage
Notre-Dame-de-Grâce-Westmount Calgary Heritage
Unweighted Weighted Unweighted Weighted
Total (n) 400 400 402 402
Male  42%  46%  42%  49%
Female  57%  53%  56%  50%
Other  1%  1%  0%  1%
Refusal  1%  1%  1%  0%
 18 to 24  10%  12%  6%  10%
 25 to 34  9%  17%  7%  18%
 35 to 44  12%  17%  16%  18%
 45 to 64  34%  31%  38%  35%
 65 or older  35%  24%  33%  18%

Annex 2: Survey Questionnaire


Good afternoon/evening. My name is ... and I am calling from [...], a public opinion research company. Today we are conducting a study on behalf of Elections Canada. Please be assured that we are not selling or soliciting anything.

[IF ASKED]: The survey will take about 15 minutes to complete.

[IF ASKED ABOUT THE LEGITIMACY OF THE SURVEY]: If you would like to ensure that this survey is run by Elections Canada, you can call their toll-free number at 1-800-463-6868. Their hours of operation are Monday to Friday, from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (Eastern time). You can also contact Alethea Woods, from Phoenix Strategic Perspectives, at 613-260-1700.

[IF ASKED ABOUT THE NATIONAL DO NOT CALL LIST]: Calls made for the purpose of market research, polls or surveys are not considered telemarketing calls. Organizations making these types of calls are not required to register with the National Do Not Call List. The National Do Not Call List toll-free telephone number is 1-866-580-3625.

[IF ASKED ABOUT ELECTIONS CANADA]: The Elections Canada website is at The toll-free telephone number for Elections Canada is 1-800-463-6868. Their hours of operation are Monday to Friday, from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (Eastern time).

Landline Protocol

I would like to speak to the youngest person in your household who is a Canadian citizen and who is at least 18 years old. Would that be you?

Cell Protocol

I would like to speak to someone who is a Canadian citizen and is at least 18 years old. Does that describe you?


Please note that this call may be recorded for quality control or training purposes. By taking part in this survey, you consent to the use of your answers for research and statistical purposes. Any personal information collected is subject to the federal Privacy Act and will be held in strict confidence. Elections Canada will not use your responses to identify you, and none of your opinions will be attributed to you personally in any way. The anonymous database of all responses may be shared with external researchers under the strict condition that no personal information is ever distributed or made public.

Section 1: Screening/Quotas


Between [May 15, 2023 and June 19, 2023/June 19, 2023 and July 24, 2023] did you live in the federal riding of [Insert based on ED: Winnipeg South Centre/Oxford/Portage-Lisgar/Notre-Dame-de-Grâce-Westmount/Calgary Heritage]?

If no: Unfortunately, this survey must be completed by Canadian citizens who lived in this riding and were eligible to vote in the July 24, 2023 federal by-election. Thank and discontinue.

If answers spontaneously that lived in riding for only part of revision period: Unfortunately, this survey must be completed by Canadian citizens who lived in this riding for the entire revision period ([May 15, 2023 through June 19, 2023/June 19, 2023 through July 24, 2023]), and were eligible to vote in the [June 19/July 24], 2023 federal by election. Thank and discontinue.

If unsure: Review list of communities in the riding with respondent to determine if he/she was a resident of the riding. If so, continue. If not, discontinue using language in code 02. List of communities attached.

If unsure (2): Interviewer to use elections canada's online voter information service to verify riding by postal code (

  1. Yes
  2. No [Terminate and go to THNK2]


May I confirm that you are a Canadian citizen?

[If Landline] If no: This survey must be completed by Canadian citizens who were at least 18 years old on [June 19/July 24], 2023. Would there be someone in your household who is a Canadian citizen and was at least 18 years old on [June 19/July 24], 2023? If yes ask to speak to that person.

  1. Yes
  2. No [Terminate and go to THNK2]
  3. Don't know [Terminate and go to THNK2]
  4. Prefer not to say [Terminate and go to THNK2]


In what year were you born?

[Do not read]

Record year: [4- digit number; min. 1905, max. 2023]

  1. Prefer not to say

[Compute Age=2023-YOB]

[If Age<18, Terminate and go to THNK2]

[Show if YOB=99]


Would you be willing to indicate in which of the following age categories you belong?

  1. Under 18 [Terminate]
  2. 18 to 24
  3. 25 to 34
  4. 35 to 44
  5. 45 to 54
  6. 55 to 64
  7. 65 or older

[Do not read]

100................................................................ Prefer not to say [Terminate and go to THNK2]


[Show if Age=18 or AgeGroup=01]

May I confirm that you were at least 18 years old on [June 19/July 24], 2023?

[If Landline] If no: This survey must be completed by Canadian citizens who were at least 18 years old on [June 19/July 24], 2023. Would there be someone in your household who is a Canadian citizen and was at least 18 years old on [June 19/July 24], 2023? If yes ask to speak to that person.

[Do not read]

  1. Yes
  2. No Go to THNK2

Section 2: Electoral Awareness and Knowledge

[Ask all]


Did you know that a federal by-election took place on [June 19/July 24], 2023 in your riding?

[Do not read]

  1. Yes
  2. No
  3. Don't know
  4. Prefer not to say


To the best of your knowledge, what are the current ways that electors can vote in a federal election?

[Do not read] – select all that apply (multiple mentions). Probe carefully to avoid suggesting answers that would give away the list. After each answer, probe "Anything else?"

  1. In person at a polling station on election day ([June 19/July 24], 2023)
  2. At advance polls, in person ([June 9, 10, 11, 12/July 14, 15, 16, 17])
  3. By mail (either within Canada or outside Canada)
  4. At a local Elections Canada office/office of the returning officer, before election day
  5. At home (for electors with a disability)
  6. Special ballot, write-in ballot, absentee ballot (non-specific)
  7. On some post-secondary campuses
  8. Online (non-specific)
  9. Through the telephone
  10. Computer, electronically (non-specific)
  11. By proxy
  12. Other, please specify: [Text]
  13. None of the above
  14. Don't know
  15. Prefer not to say


Section 3: Voting Option Message Testing

Programming Instructions: Randomly assign respondents based on the indicated chance of selection so they are tested on one of the message options for voting at the polls, one message for voting at the RO office, and one message for voting by special ballot.

The random assignment for PollMessage, OfficeMessage, and SpecialBallotMessage must be done independently of each other, so that it is possible for some respondents to see all old messages, some all new messages, and some a mix of old and new.


  1. on election day [1 in 4 chance of selection]
  2. on advance polling days [1 in 4 chance]
  3. at your assigned polling station on election day or advance polling days [1 in 2 chance]


  1. at a local Elections Canada office [1 in 2 chance]
  2. at the office of the returning officer [1 in 2 chance]


  1. by mail [1 in 2 chance]
  2. by special ballot [1 in 2 chance]


We would like to get your impressions of some of the different ways of voting in a federal election. It is not a problem if you have not heard of certain voting methods, we would still like to know your impressions.

Notes: [If respondent does not understand the voting method, say: "It is not a problem if you have not heard of certain voting methods, we would still like to know your impressions."] [If respondent continues to have difficulty answering, interviewer can inform respondent that they can answer that they "don't know".]


Do you strongly agree, somewhat agree, somewhat disagree or strongly disagree with the following statements about voting [PollMessage]?

[Grid] [Rows] _Clear It is clear to you what voting [PollMessage] means. _Reliable You would trust voting [PollMessage] as a secure and reliable way to vote. _Easy Voting [PollMessage] seems like an easy or convenient way to vote.

[Columns] [Do not read]

  1. Strongly agree
  2. Somewhat agree
  3. Somewhat disagree
  4. Strongly disagree
  5. Don't know


Next, do you strongly agree, somewhat agree, somewhat disagree or strongly disagree with the following statements about voting [OfficeMessage]?

[Grid] [Rows] _Clear It is clear to you what voting [OfficeMessage] means. _Reliable You would trust voting [OfficeMessage] as a secure and reliable way to vote. _Easy Voting [OfficeMessage] seems like an easy or convenient way to vote.

[Columns] [Do not read]

  1. Strongly agree
  2. Somewhat agree
  3. Somewhat disagree
  4. Strongly disagree
  5. Don't know

[Show if OfficeMessageTesting_Clear=03 or 04]


What do you find unclear about the meaning of voting [OfficeMessage]? [Open-ended]


Finally, do you strongly agree, somewhat agree, somewhat disagree or strongly disagree with the following statements about voting [SpecialBallotMessage]?

[Grid] [Rows] _Clear It is clear to you what voting [SpecialBallotMessage] means. _Reliable You would trust voting [SpecialBallotMessage] as a secure and reliable way to vote. _Easy Voting [SpecialBallotMessage] seems like an easy or convenient way to vote.

[Columns] [Do not read]

  1. Strongly agree
  2. Somewhat agree
  3. Somewhat disagree
  4. Strongly disagree
  5. Don't know

[Show if SpecialBallotMessageTesting_Clear=03 or 04]


What do you find unclear about the meaning of voting [SpecialBallotMessage]? [Open-ended]

[Show if SpecialBallotMessageTesting_Reliable=03 or 04]


What makes you think that voting [SpecialBallotMessage] would not be secure or reliable?


If AwareBy IS 02 OR 98 OR 99; GO TO ByFairness

Section 4: Aided recall of EC advertising and communications


Now I would like to ask a few questions about the information you may have received in advance of the federal by election.


During the campaign, did you receive a voter information card addressed to you personally and telling you where and when to vote?

[Do not read]

  1. Yes
  2. No
  3. Don't know
  4. Prefer not to say


Overall, how well informed do you feel you were about when, where and how to vote in the by-election?

Read scale

  1. Very informed
  2. Somewhat informed
  3. Not very informed
  4. Not at all informed

Do not read

  1. Don't know
  2. Prefer not to say

AdRecallA to E

During the federal by-election campaign, did you see or hear advertising from Elections Canada about where, when and how to vote...

Rotate AdRecallA to AdRecallD


...on social media such as Facebook, Instagram or YouTube?

Do not read

  1. Yes
  2. No
  3. Don't know
  4. Prefer not to say


... when you were browsing websites or on a mobile application?

Do not read. Includes mentions of online newspapers and articles, "on my phone," weather network.

  1. Yes
  2. No
  3. Don't know
  4. Prefer not to say


... on the radio or an audio platform (such as Spotify)?

Do not read

  1. Yes
  2. No
  3. Don't know
  4. Prefer not to say


... in a local newspaper?


  1. Yes
  2. No
  3. Don't know
  4. Prefer not to say

AdRecallE other

... in any other format?


  1. Yes: [Specify formats]
  2. No
  3. Don't know
  4. Prefer not to say

Section 5: Voter participation


Many people don't or can't vote for a variety of reasons. Which of the following statement describes you?

  1. I did not vote in the by-election
  2. I thought about voting this time but didn't vote
  3. I usually vote but didn't this time
  4. I am sure I voted in the by-election

[Do not read]

  1. Don't know
  2. Prefer not to say


Show if Voted IS 01 or 02 or 03

What is the main reason you did not vote?

[Do not read – Code 1 Answer]

Everyday life or health reasons

  1. Too busy
  2. Out of town / away from home
  3. Illness or disability

Political reasons

  1. Not interested in politics
  2. Lack of information about campaign issues or parties' positions
  3. Did not like the candidates, parties, or campaign
  4. Felt voting would not make a difference
  5. Did not know who to vote for

Electoral process-related reasons

  1. Could not prove identity or address
  2. Not on voters list
  3. Transportation problem / polling station was too far
  4. Lack of information about the voting process (e.g., when or where to vote)
  5. Lineups were too long
  6. Issues with the voter information card
  7. Missed the mail-in ballot deadline
  8. Tried to vote by mail but did not receive ballot in time
  9. Polling place was not accessible
  10. Voting process was not accessible

All other reasons

  1. Forgot to vote
  2. Religious or other beliefs
  3. Other reason, please specify: [Text]
  4. No particular reason
  5. Don't know
  6. Prefer not to say


Show if ReasonDidNotVote IS 01 (Too busy)

You said you were too busy to vote. If you had to choose, which of the following most closely reflects your situation? Would it be...

[Randomize 01-03]


  1. There isn't time in my normal schedule to vote
  2. Something came up and I had to change my plans
  3. I had other priorities that day

[Do not read]

  1. Other, please specify: [TEXT]
  2. Don't know
  3. Prefer not to say

If Voted IS 01, 02, 03, 98 OR 99; GO TO ByFairness


Show if Voted IS 04

Which method did you use to vote? Was it...

[Read in order until respondent provides a response – code one answer only]

  1. At the polling station on election day on [June 19/July 24], 2023?
  2. At the advance polling station (on [June 9, 10, 11, 12/July 14, 15,16, 17])?
  3. At the local Elections Canada office before election day?
  4. By mail?
  5. At home (if disabled)
  6. Other, please specify: [Text]

[Do not read]

  1. Don't know
  2. Prefer not to say

If respondent asks for clarification at answer 03 "at the local elections canada office"

Whenever there is an election, the official in charge of conducting the election in a riding opens an office. That office is open to the public for the duration of the campaign. Did you vote there before election day?

If respondents say they voted online, ask for clarification. Voters can apply online to receive a ballot in the mail at home.

Section 6: Going to the Polling Place

Show section if VoteMethod IS 01, 02, 03


Do you remember approximately what time it was when you went to vote at the [Insert based on VoteMethod=01,02,03: polling station/advance polling station/local Elections Canada office]?

Do not read

Read only if necessary; code only one response

  1. [Hide always] Between 7 and 8 a.m.
  2. [Show if VoteMethod=01 and (ED <> Oxford or NDG-Westmount)] Between 8 and 9 a.m.
  3. Between 9 and 10 a.m.
  4. Between 10 and 11 a.m.
  5. Between 11 a.m. and noon
  6. Between noon and 1 p.m.
  7. Between 1 and 2 p.m.
  8. Between 2 and 3 p.m.
  9. Between 3 and 4 p.m.
  10. Between 4 and 5 p.m.
  11. Between 5 and 6 p.m.
  12. Between 6 and 7 p.m.
  13. Between 7 and 8 p.m.
  14. Between 8 and 9 p.m.
  15. [Show if VoteMethod=01 and (ED=Oxford or NDG-Westmount] Between 9 and 9:30 p.m.
  16. Don't know
  17. Prefer not to say


To the best of your knowledge, how long did it take you to travel to the [Insert based on VoteMethod=01,02,03: polling station/advance polling station/local Elections Canada office]?

[Do not read]

  1. Record time in minutes: [Number]
  2. Don't know
  3. Prefer not to say


Was the [Insert based on VoteMethod=01,02,03: polling station/advance polling station/local Elections Canada office] a very reasonable, somewhat reasonable, somewhat unreasonable, or very unreasonable distance from your home?

[Do not read]

  1. Very reasonable
  2. Somewhat reasonable
  3. Somewhat unreasonable
  4. Very unreasonable
  5. Don't know
  6. Prefer not to say


Would you say that the building where you voted was...?

Read scale

  1. Very suitable
  2. Somewhat suitable
  3. Not very suitable
  4. Not suitable at all

Do not read

  1. Don't know
  2. Prefer not to say


To the best of your knowledge, how long did it take you to vote once you arrived at the [Insert based on VoteMethod=01,02,03: polling station/advance polling station/local Elections Canada office]?

Do not read; record time in minutes

  1. Record time in minutes: [Number]
  2. Don't know
  3. Prefer not to say


[Show if VoteTime=01 (i.e., if it's a number)]

Would you say that this was a reasonable amount of time?

Do not read. Question refers to time spent to vote

  1. Yes
  2. No
  3. Don't know
  4. Prefer not to say

Section 7: Voter Identification

[Show If GotVIC=01 and VoteMethod=01,02,03]


Did you bring your voter information card with you to the [insert based on VoteMethod: 01 polling station, 02 advance polling station or 03 local Elections Canada office]?

Do not read. Code one answer only

  1. Yes
  2. No
  3. Don't know / don't remember
  4. Prefer not to say


[Show if VoteMethod=01 to 96]

Overall, was it very easy, somewhat easy, somewhat difficult or very difficult to meet the identification requirements when you voted?

[Do not read]

Note: this question refers to respondent's own experience

  1. Very easy
  2. Somewhat easy
  3. Somewhat difficult
  4. Very difficult
  5. Don't know
  6. Prefer not to say

Section 8: Satisfaction with Voting Experience

[Show if VoteMethod=01,02,03,05]


Overall, were you very satisfied, somewhat satisfied, somewhat dissatisfied or very dissatisfied with the services provided by Elections Canada staff when you voted?

Do not read

  1. Very satisfied
  2. Somewhat satisfied
  3. Somewhat dissatisfied
  4. Very dissatisfied
  5. Don't know
  6. Prefer not to say


If ECStaffSat IS 03 OR 04

Is there a specific reason why you were not satisfied with the services provided by Elections Canada staff?


  1. No particular reason
  2. Don't know
  3. Prefer not to say


Show if VoteMethod IS 01 to 96

Thinking about the paper ballot you used to vote in the by-election, was it very easy, somewhat easy, somewhat difficult or very difficult to complete your ballot?

[Do not read]

  1. Very easy
  2. Somewhat easy
  3. Somewhat difficult
  4. Very difficult
  5. Don't know
  6. Prefer not to say


If BallotEase IS 03 OR 04

Why was it difficult to complete your ballot?

[Do not read; accept multiple responses]

  1. List of candidates was too long/hard to find my choice of candidate in the list
  2. Ballot was difficult to read/understand
  3. Ballot paper was too large to handle/difficult to fold
  4. Ballot was hard to put in the ballot box
  5. Other, please specify: [Text]
  6. No particular reason
  7. Don't know
  8. Prefer not to say


Show if VoteMethod IS 01 to 96

Overall, was it very easy, somewhat easy, somewhat difficult or very difficult to vote?

[Do not read]

  1. Very easy
  2. Somewhat easy
  3. Somewhat difficult
  4. Very difficult
  5. Don't know
  6. Prefer not to say


Show if VoteMethod=01-96

Overall, how satisfied were you with your voting experience? Would you say that you were...?

Read scale

  1. Very satisfied
  2. Somewhat satisfied
  3. Somewhat dissatisfied
  4. Very dissatisfied

Do not read

  1. Don't know
  2. Prefer not to say

Section 9: Trust and Confidence in EC

[Ask all]


Thinking about the [June 19/July 24] federal by-election, would you say that Elections Canada ran the election...?

Emphasize "Elections Canada"

Read scale

  1. Very fairly
  2. Somewhat fairly
  3. Somewhat unfairly
  4. Very unfairly

Do not read

  1. Don't know
  2. Prefer not to say


ByFairness IS 03 or 04

Is there a specific reason why you think Elections Canada ran the election unfairly?

Do not read


  1. No particular reason
  2. Don't know
  3. Prefer not to say


What level of trust do you have in the accuracy of the election results in your riding? Is it...?

Read scale

  1. Very high
  2. Somewhat high
  3. Somewhat low
  4. Very low

Do not read

  1. Don't know
  2. Prefer not to say


ByTrust IS 03 or 04

Is there a specific reason your trust in the accuracy of the election results is low?

Do not read


  1. No particular reason
  2. Don't know
  3. Prefer not to say

Section 10: Background Characteristics

[Ask All]

These last few questions will allow us to compare the survey results among different groups of respondents. Your answers will remain anonymous and confidential.


For the purposes of this survey, could you please provide your gender?

Read list

  1. Female
  2. Male
  3. Or please specify: [TEXT]
  4. [Do not read] Prefer not to say


What language do you speak most often at home?

Read list

  1. English
  2. French
  3. Or please specify. [TEXT]
  4. [Do not read] Prefer not to say


Are you First Nations, Métis or Inuk (Inuit)?

[Do not read list; if multiple identities, ask "Which do you primarily identify as"]

  1. No, not First Nations, Métis or Inuk (Inuit)
  2. Yes, First Nations
  3. Yes, Métis
  4. Yes, Inuit
  5. Prefer not to answer


Indigenous IS 01 (No, not FN, Métis or Inuit (Inuk))

Were you born in Canada?

[Do not read]

  1. Yes
  2. No
  3. Don't know
  4. Prefer not to answer


CanBorn IS 02 (Not born in Canada)

In what year did you come to live in Canada?

[Do not read]

Record year: [4-digit number; validate that (CanYear >= YOB and CanYear<=2023) or CanYear=98-99]

  1. Don't know / don't remember
  2. Prefer not to say


What is your ethnic or cultural background?

Indigenous IS 01 (No, not FN, Métis or Inuit (Inuk))

[Do not read. Code only one reply.]

[Use 95 for multiple ethnicities that do not fall under one category; e.g., English-Chinese would be 95; German-Canadian would be 01.]

[If respondent will only say "Canadian", code as 01.]

[If unsure, code response in 96 "other"]

  1. White (e.g. English Canadian, Québécois, French, German, Italian, Scottish, etc.)
  2. South Asian (e.g., East Indian, Pakistani, Bangladeshi, Sri Lankan, Punjabi, Tamil)
  3. Chinese (e.g. China, Hong Kong, Taiwan)
  4. Black (e.g. Caribbean, West African, Central African, East African)
  5. Filipino
  6. Arab (e.g. North African, Egyptian, Palestinian, Lebanese, Iraqi, Jordanian, Syrian, Saudi)
  7. Latin American (e.g. South American, Central American, Mexican, Cuban, Puerto Rican)
  8. Southeast Asian (e.g., Vietnamese, Cambodian, Laotian, Thai, Indonesian)
  9. West Asian (e.g., Iranian, Afghan, Israeli, Turk, Kurdish)
  10. Korean
  11. Japanese
  12. Jewish
  13. Mixed background
  14. Other group, please specify: [TEXT]
  15. Don't know
  16. Prefer not to say


What is the highest level of education that you have reached?

[Do not read – code one response only]

  1. Some elementary
  2. Completed elementary
  3. Some high school
  4. Completed high school
  5. Some college/vocational/trade school/commercial/CEGEP
  6. Completed college/vocational/trade school/commercial/CEGEP
  7. Some university (No degree or diploma obtained)
  8. Completed university (Diploma or bachelor degree)
  9. Post-graduate university/professional school (Master's, PhD, or any professional degree)
  10. Other, please specify: [Text]
  11. Don't know
  12. Prefer not to answer


What best describes your current employment status?

[If asked to clarify: "Are you, for example, working full-time, or in school, or retired?"]

[Do not read]

  1. Working full-time (35 or more hours per week)
  2. Working part-time (less than 35 hours per week)
  3. Self-employed
  4. Unemployed, and looking for work
  5. A student attending school
  6. Training for a trade (e.g. apprenticeship)
  7. Retired
  8. A caregiver or homemaker
  9. Not working due to illness/disability, or not looking for work
  10. Temporarily not working (e.g. parental leave, seasonal worker, in the process of changing jobs)
  11. Other, please specify: [Text]
  12. Prefer not to answer


How often do you have to limit your daily activities due to a physical condition, a sensory impairment, pain, or a mental health issue?

[Read list]

  1. Never
  2. Sometimes
  3. Often
  4. Always

[Do not read]

  1. Don't know
  2. Prefer not to say


Do you identify as having a disability?

[Do not read]

  1. Yes
  2. No
  3. Don't know
  4. Prefer not to say


Including yourself, how many people usually live in your household?

[Do not read]

[Number; Min. value 1, max. value 20]

  1. Prefer not to say


Yob is more than 1900 and less than or equal to 2003

Finally, we would like to know if you voted in the September 20, 2021, federal general election?


  1. Yes
  2. No
  3. Not eligible to vote in 2021

[Do not read]

  1. Don't know
  2. Prefer not to say



That concludes the survey. This survey was conducted on behalf of Elections Canada. Thank you very much for your thoughtful feedback. It is much appreciated.

If you have any questions about this survey, you can contact Elections Canada through their website at or call toll-free at 1-800-463-6868.

If you have any reason to believe that your personal information is not being handled in accordance with the Privacy Act, you have a right to complain to the Privacy Commissioner of Canada.

[If asked for contact information for the Privacy Commissioner:]

Toll-free: 1-800-282-1376 TTY: (819) 994-6591 Web: Go to and click "Report a concern"



Thank you for your cooperation! Based on the information you have provided, unfortunately you are not eligible to complete the remainder of this survey.


 1 The response rate formula is as follows: [Response Rate=R/(U+IS+R)]. This means that the response rate is calculated as the number of responding units [R] divided by the number of unresolved [U] numbers plus in-scope [IS] non-responding households and individuals plus responding units [R].

 2 Statistics Canada. Census Profile. 2021 Census. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 98-401-X2021001.