POR Registration Number: POR 030-14
PWGSC Contract Number: G9292-151383/001/CY
Contract Award Date: December 23, 2014
Delivery Date: December 3, 2015
Contract Value: $199,998.70

Nunavut Inuit Survey

Data Tables

A_01. Are you between the ages of 18 and 64 years old?

  Counts Percentage (%)
Total 500 100
Yes 500 100

A_02. Are you a Nunavut Land Claims Agreement (NLCA) beneficiary?

  Counts Percentage (%)
Total 500 100
Yes 500 100

SC04. Which of the following apply to you? (Select all that apply)

  Counts Percentage (%) Percent of Cases (%)
Total 1196 100 239
I work for the government or hamlet 189 16 38
I am a paid employee in a private company or business or an Inuit organization. 108 9 22
I earn money through my own business 32 3 6
I am currently enrolled in an education or training program 105 9 21
I have family responsibilities, such as caring for a child, parent or elder 351 29 70
I engage in activities such as hunting, fishing, clam digging, trapping, sewing, carving, berry picking, and making other arts and crafts. 396 33 79
Other – specify: 1 0 0
Unemployed 11 1 2
Don’t know/ No Response 3 0 1

[If SC_04 = 1, skip to PR_01.  In other words, if the respondent is currently a government employee, then skip the ‘interest’ and ‘availability’ sections and go to the ‘preparedness’ section]


IN_01. Please answer the following question using a scale of 1-5 where 1 is not at all interested, 5 is very interested, and the mid-point, 3, is neutral.  Can you tell me if working in the following areas would be something that would interest you? What about…

a. Working for you hamlet or the City of Iqaluit?
  Counts Percentage (%)
Total 311 100
Not At All Interested 52 17
Not Very Interested 24 8
Neutral 85 27
Somewhat Interested 55 18
Very interested 84 27
Don’t know/ No response 11 4
b. Working for the Government of Nunavut
  Counts Percentage (%)
Total 311 100
Not At All Interested 44 14
Not Very Interested 13 4
Neutral 66 21
Somewhat Interested 68 22
Very interested 113 36
Don’t know/ No Response 7 2
c. Working for the Government of Canada
  Counts Percentage (%)
Total 311 100
Not At All Interested 47 15
Not Very Interested 24 8
Neutral 71 23
Somewhat Interested 75 24
Very interested 83 27
Don’t know/ No response 11 4

IN_02.[ASK IF IN_01 a, IN_01 b, IN_01c, is neutral or interested] What type of work in the government or hamlet might interest you? (Select all that apply)

  Counts Percentage (%) Percent of Cases (%)
Total 1551 100 558
Management work such as a director, senior manager, superintendent, assistant deputy minister or deputy minister 106 7 38
Research, policy or program development 130 8 47
Finances 103 7 37
Administrative assistance or support 143 9 51
Law enforcement 70 5 25
Working in jobs that involve outdoor work. 189 12 68
Being a heavy equipment operator. 111 7 40
Working in social services or mental health services 109 7 39
Being a principal, a teacher, or  a teacher’s assistant 111 7 40
Health care work 129 8 46
Working in trucked services. 106 7 38
Court work 76 5 27
Teaching traditional cultural activities 168 11 60

IN_03. Have you ever worked in the government or hamlet, and by government I mean working for the Government of Canada, the Government of Nunavut, a hamlet or the City of Iqaluit?

  Counts Percentage (%)
Total 311 100
Yes 212 68
No 95 31
Don’t Know/ No response 4 1

IN_04. Have you looked for a job in the government or hamlet?

  Counts Percentage (%)
Total 311 100
Yes 163 52
No 145 47
Don’t know/ No response 3 1

IN_05. Have you applied for a job in the government or hamlet?

  Counts Percentage (%)
Total 163 100
Yes 129 79
No 34 21

IN_06. [ASK IF IN_01 a, IN_01 b, IN_01 c, is neutral, or interested] What interests you in working for the government or hamlet?


  Counts Percentage (%) Percent of Cases (%)
Total 391 100 141
Good pay 73 19 26
Good benefits (like vacation travel allowance (VTA), pension, health, and dental coverage 37 10 13
Subsidized housing 12 3 4
Training or career development opportunities 25 6 9
Opportunity to advance/be promoted 10 3 4
Doing work that makes a difference to the economy, the environment, or the community 42 11 15
Doing challenging/interesting work 39 10 14
Flexible work arrangements (start/stop times, able to work full or part-time) 7 2 3
Predictable work schedule (e.g. only 9-5, never on-call, no shift work) 7 2 3
Job security 25 6 9
Transportation, travel, or moving allowance 7 2 3
Access to day care at work or close to work 7 2 3
Working in an office/at desk 25 6 9
Lack of other employment opportunities in the community 8 2 3
Other – specify: 9 2 3
Don’t know/ No response 58 15 21

IN_07. [ASK IF IN_01 a, IN_01 b, IN_01 c is not interested] Why aren’t you interested in working for the government or hamlet?

  Counts Percentage (%) Percent of Cases (%)
Total 39 100 118
Don’t want to or cannot work full-time/permanent 18 46 55
*Other – specify (includes, Satisfied where I am, in a non-government sector employment; Lack of awareness of job advertisements or job openings/vacancies; Lack of access to workplace for persons with physical disabilities; Mobility – lack of employment in home community for those who do not want to relocate; Lack of family support or difficulty adjusting to change; Conflict of interest (real or appearance of favoring assignment/selection of jobs); Education requirements of government work too high; Language skills requirements too high; Language skills requirements too high; Insufficient child care services or child care is too expensive; Lack of housing; Government work doesn’t accommodate my hunting/fishing/trapping/traditional lifestyle): 19 49 57
Don’t Know 2 5 6

*Due to small sample sizes, data has been merged into the “Other” category to protect the privacy of respondents

IN_08. Do you plan to apply for a job in the government or hamlet over the next year?

  Counts Percentage (%)
Total 311 100
Yes 178 57
No 111 36
Don’t know/ No response 22 7

IN_09. [ASK if IN_08 is not = 1] Would you apply for a job in the government or hamlet over the next year if the job was located in your community?

  Counts Percentage (%)
Total 133 100
Yes 77 58
No 50 38
Don’t know/ No response 6 5

IN_10: How important is it for you to work somewhere where people speak Inuktitut and/or Inuinnaqtun most of the time?

  Counts Percentage (%)
Total 311 100
Important (Very/ Somewhat) 249 80
Neutral. 42 14
Not Important (Not very/ Not at all)  7 2
Don’t know/ No response 13 4

IN_13a: How important is it for you to work somewhere where people have an understanding of Inuit culture, society and economy?

  Counts Percentage (%)
Total 311 100
Important (Very/Somewhat) 267 86
Neutral 24 8
Not Important (Not very/ Not at all)   8 3
Don’t know/ No response 12 4

IN_15: [Ask if IN_08 is not = 1 (i.e.  They do not plan to apply for a government job)] would you apply for a job in government if you knew that it was a workplace where Inuit culture was supported?

  Counts Percentage (%)
Total 133 100
Yes 110 83
No 12 9
Don’t know/ No response 11 8


AV_01. Please state whether you agree or disagree with the following statements using the following scale, where 1 is strongly disagree, 5 is strongly agree, and the mid-point, 3, is neutral.

AV_01a. I am busy with activities that prevent me from being available to work for the government or a hamlet.

  Counts Percentage (%)
Total 311 100
Disagree (Strongly/ Somewhat) 113 36
Neutral 99 32
Agree (Strongly/ Somewhat) 94 30
Don’t know/ No response 5 2

AV_01b. I have health problems that make it impossible to work in the government or hamlet.

  Counts Percentage (%)
Total 311 100
Disagree (Strongly/ Somewhat) 173 56
Neutral 59 19
Agree (Strongly/ Somewhat) 73 23
Don’t know/ No response 6 2

AV_02.  Would you be available to work in the government or hamlet…?

  Counts Percentage (%)
Total 311 100
At any time throughout the year (except holidays and vacation time)? 144 46
For most months of the year? 62 20
For only a few months of the year? 40 13
Probably would not? 34 11
Never 17 6
Don’t know/ No response 14 5

AV_03.  [DO NOT ASK OF AV_02=4,5,8,9] Would you be available to work in the government or hamlet…? [ACCEPT ALL]

  Counts Percentage (%)
Total 317 100
Full time? 182 57
Part time? 54 17
On call? 33 10
On a casual basis? 46 15
Don’t know/ No response 2 1


PR_01a. Which languages are you comfortable speaking? [Accept all]

  Counts Percentage (%) Percent of Cases (%)
Total 770 100 154
Inuktitut 377 49 75
Inuinnaqtun 13 2 3
English 370 48 74
French/Other* 6 1 1
Don’t Know/No Response/None** 4 1 1

*Due to small sample sizes, data has been merged into the “French/Other” category to protect the privacy of respondents

**Due to small sample sizes, data has been merged into the “Don’t Know/No Response/None” category to protect the privacy of respondents

PR_01b. Which languages are you comfortable reading? [Accept all]

  Counts Percentage (%) Percent of Cases (%)
Total 673 100 135
Inuktitut 224 33 45
Inuinnaqtun 9 1 2
English 429 64 86
French/Other* 7 1 1
Don’t Know/No Response/None** 4 1 1

*Due to small sample sizes, data has been merged into the “French/Other” category to protect the privacy of respondents

**Due to small sample sizes, data has been merged into the “Don’t Know/No Response/None” category to protect the privacy of respondents

PR_01c. Which languages are you comfortable writing?

  Counts Percentage (%) Percent of Cases (%)
Total 680 100 136
Inuktitut 232 34 46
Inuinnaqtun 8 1 2
English 432 64 86
French/Other* 4 1 1
Don’t Know/No Response/None** 4 1 1

*Due to small sample sizes, data has been merged into the “French/Other” category to protect the privacy of respondents

**Due to small sample sizes, data has been merged into the “Don’t Know/No Response/None” category to protect the privacy of respondents

PR_02.  Which of the following statements apply to you? (Select all that apply)

  Counts Percentage (%) Percent of Cases (%)
Total 4420 100 884
I am confident speaking to clients or the public 363 8 73
I am confident making speeches in front of groups of people 281 6 56
I work well as part of a team 445 10 89
I have managerial skills 287 7 57
I have financial administration/planning/budgeting or accounting skills 209 5 42
I have research or analytical skills 231 5 46
I have field or site inspection or site protection skills 193 4 39
I have instructing or teaching skills 288 7 58
I know computer and internet skills (Microsoft Word, Excel, internet research) 357 8 71
I have information technology skills 208 5 42
I have data entry skills or file organization skills 258 6 52
I have typing, document, and letter writing skills 337 8 67
I am able to operate or repair small or heavy equipment (interview ask: PLEASE SPECIFY) 158 4 32
I have specialized driving skills such as bus driving 64 1 13
I have carpentry or woodworking skills 172 4 34
I have interpreting or translating skills 244 6 49
I have skills I’ve gained through volunteering (e.g., search and rescue, radio, sport, fundraising, recreation and community work) 320 7 64
None of the above 5 0 1

PR_03: Do you have a high school diploma or a high school equivalency certificate such as General Educational Development (GED), Adult Basic Education (ABE), or Pathway to Adult Secondary School (PASS)?

  Counts Percentage (%)
Total 500 100
Yes 235 47
No 263 53
Don’t know/ No response 2 0

PR_04:  What was the highest grade you completed (for example, Grade 8)?

  Counts Percentage (%)
Total 265 100
Grade 11 56 21
Grade 10 84 32
Grade 9 48 18
Grade 8 26 10
Grade 7 18 7
Grade 6 or lower 28 11
Don’t know/ No response 5 2

PR_05:  Did you complete any other education, training or courses?

  Counts Percentage (%)
Total 500 100
Yes 298 60
No 201 40
Don’t know/ No response 1 0

PR_06: What diplomas, degrees or certificates have you completed?

  Counts Percentage (%) Percent of Cases (%)
Total 354 100 118
Nunavut Sivuniksavut (NS) diploma or certificate 15 4 5
Nunavut Arctic College diploma or certificate 117 33 39
Trade or apprenticeship certificate or diploma 47 13 16
Municipal Government Certificate (from the Nunavut Municipal Training Organization/Nunavut Arctic College) 23 7 8
Workplace health and safety certificates (e.g. WHMIS, First Aid/CPR, food handling, fire safety) 50 14 17
University degree from a southern institution 34 10 11
University degree associated with Nunavut Arctic College (Nursing – Dalhousie, NTEP – McGill or University of Regina, others?) 11 3 4
Other* – (includes Degree or Certificate from Northern Institution outside Nunavut; Upgrading Certificate) 57 16 19

*Due to small sample sizes, data has been merged into the “Other” category to protect the privacy of respondents

PR_08. [Exclude those not interested in Government work: IN_01 a,b,c = not at all/not very interested] Which of the following statements best describes your current situation?

  Counts Percentage (%)
Total 163 100
I feel that I have the right skills to work for a government or hamlet employer. 70 43
I feel that I would need more training to work for a government or hamlet employer. 93 57

PR_09: Are you currently taking any courses either through work or on your own to upgrade your skills and/or training?

  Counts Percentage (%)
Total 500 100
Yes 71 14
No 428 86
Don’t know/ No response 1 0

PR_10a: [IF PR_09 = Yes] What is the name of your program or course?

PR_10b:  [IF PR_09 = Yes] Are you taking your course: [Accept all]

  Counts Percentage (%) Percent of Cases (%)
Total 84 100 118
In your home community? 32 38 45
In another community in Nunavut 15 18 21
Outside Nunavut 15 18 21
Online 14 17 20
No Response 8 10 11

PR_11: [Ask if PR_09 = No] And what is the main reason why you are not taking any courses right now? 

  Counts Percentage (%)
Total 428 100
Lack of post-secondary education and/or training opportunities in my community 48 11
Lack of post-secondary education and/or training opportunities in Nunavut 5 1
The cost, including travel costs 9 2
Lack of awareness of available courses or programs (unsure of existing courses or where to find information of courses available) 24 6
Lack of time 39 9
Lack of interest in going back to school 17 4
Wouldn’t really benefit me/no need/already feel highly qualified 68 16
Not sure what courses or program I would take 5 1
Family responsibilities 91 21
Lack of support from the employer 7 2
Conflicts with other activities you engage in (for example hunting, fishing, clam digging, trapping, sewing , berry picking, or making arts or crafts,). 9 2
Health Issues 31 7
Courses not in sessions 26 6
Lack of prerequisites/denied 8 2
Other*, specify (includes No real financial pay-off to doing so; Prefer to learn in other ways than through formal education; Lack of self-confidence) 10 2
Don’t know/ Refuse 31 7

*Due to small sample sizes, data has been merged into the “Other” category to protect the privacy of respondents

PR_12. Would you be willing to:

a. Take post-secondary education or training if it was available in your community and did not cost you money?
  Counts Percentage (%)
Total 500 100
Yes 448 90
No 39 8
Don’t know/ No response 13 3
b. Take post-secondary education or training if it was available elsewhere in Nunavut and did not cost you money?
  Counts Percentage (%)
Total 500 100
Yes 376 75
No 105 21
Don’t know/ No response 19 4
c. If [PR_12a = 1] Take training if the course was available online?
  Counts Percentage (%)
Total 448 100
Yes 328 73
No 110 25
Don’t know/ No response 10 2

[THOSE WHO SAID SC_04=1, continue. Everyone else, SKIP TO DE_01]

Current Government Employees (Ask If SC_04=1 Only)

SE_ 01a.  Who is your employer?

  Counts Percentage (%)
Total 189 100
Hamlet or City of Iqaluit 51 27
Government of Nunavut 115 61
Government of Canada 16 9
No Response 7 4

SE_01b. Are you currently in a management or supervisory position? Please note that “management” also includes senior management such as director, director general, assistant deputy minister and deputy minister, senior administrative officer or assistant senior administrative officer?

  Counts Percentage (%)
Total 188 100
Yes 49 26
No 139 74

SE_02. Which department/agency or municipal sector do you currently work in?

SE_03. What type of work do you do? Please specify.

  Counts Percentage (%)
Total 189 100
Management work such as a director, senior manager, superintendent, assistant deputy minister or deputy minister, senior administrative officer 12 6
Research, policy analysis, program development 6 3
Financial administration 11 6
Administrative support and clerical services 30 16
Law enforcement, such as RCMP, by-law officer, conservation officer 6 3
Working in jobs that involve outdoor work such as airport maintenance, field or site inspections 10 5
Working in social services or mental health services 9 5
Working with the public such as delivering services at a service centre. 10 5
Working as a principal, a teacher, a teacher’s assistant, or school administrator 37 20
Health care work such as doctor, nurse, midwife, lab/X-ray technician or being a health care assistant 9 5
Working in municipal services, such as administration, or in areas such electricity, water, and sewage 13. 21 11
Working in as a college instructor or in college administration 5 3
Other*, specify (includes Operating heavy machinery; Working in probation services or corrections; Working as a lawyer, paralegal, court worker, victims assistance, or judicial officer; No response) 23 12

*Due to small sample sizes, data has been merged into the “Other” category to protect the privacy of respondents

SE_04. In your opinion, what are the advantages of working in the government or hamlet? (Select all that apply)

  Counts Percentage (%) Percent of Cases (%)
Total 324 100 171
Only available employment opportunity in community 7 2 4
Good pay 71 22 38
Good benefits (like vacation travel allowance (VTA), pension, health and dental coverage ,) 47 15 25
Subsidized housing 13 4 7
Training/learning opportunities 21 7 11
Opportunities for career development/promotion 13 4 7
Doing work that makes a difference to the economy, the environment, or the community 28 9 15
Doing challenging/interesting work 19 6 10
Flexible work arrangements (start/stop times, able to work full or part-time) 8 3 4
Predictable work schedule (e.g. only 9-5, never on-call, no shift work) 7 2 4
Job security 20 6 11
Transportation, travel, or moving allowance 6 2 3
Working in an office/at desk 5 2 3
Learning or acquiring new skills on the job 11 3 6
Training opportunities not otherwise available in community or territory 9 3 5
Other – specify: 15 5 8
Don’t know/ No response 24 7 13

SE_05.In your opinion, what are the disadvantages of working in government or hamlet? (Select all that apply)

  Counts Percentage (%) Percent of Cases (%)
Total 215 100 114
Lack of flexible work arrangements 18 8 10
Lack of formal education makes it difficult to perform duties 6 3 3
Limited staff housing/ Lack of housing 10 5 5
Lack of career advancement opportunities 8 4 4
Lack of supervisory support 8 4 4
Discrimination 6 3 3
Lack of respect for Inuit culture and values 15 7 8
Other* – specify (includes, Too many vacancies, often requires coverage of the responsibilities of two positions; Competing job market makes it less attractive for me to stay in government; Don’t want to work in an office/as a desk; Don’t want to work full-time/permanent; Requires too much travelLack of interest in management roles (stressful); Lack of family support or difficulty adjusting to change; Technical skills requirements too high (trades, accounting, administrative, engineering, etc.); Language skills requirement too high; Insufficient child care services or child care is too expensive; Government work doesn’t accommodate my hunting/fishing/trapping/traditional lifestyle/):  67 31 35
Don’t know/ No response 77 36 41

*Due to small sample sizes, data has been merged into the “Other” category to protect the privacy of respondents

SE_06.For the following statement, please tell me whether you agree or disagree, using a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 means you strongly disagree, 5 means you strongly agree, and the mid-point 3 means you neither agree nor disagree.

SE_06a. Because of my job, I have less time available than I would like to do activities such as hunting, fishing, clam digging, trapping, sewing, berry picking, carving, or other arts and crafts.

  Counts Percentage (%)
Total 189 100
Disagree (Somewhat/ strongly) 47 25
Neither agree nor disagree 38 20
Agree (Somewhat /Strongly) 99 52
Don’t know/ No response 5 3

SE_08. Please answer yes or no to the following statements:

SE_08b.  Most of the skills I use at work I learned in school or through training that led to a certificate

  Counts Percentage (%)
Total 189 100
Yes 162 86
No 25 13
Don’t know/ No response 2 1

SE_08c. I have received training since I started working for a government or hamlet employer

  Counts Percentage (%)
Total 189 100
Yes 141 75
No 46 24
Don’t know/ No response 2 1

SE_08d.[ASK IF YES to SE_08c]: Did your employer provide this training?

  Counts Percentage (%)
Total 141 100
Yes 125 89
No 14 10
Don’t know/ No response 2 1

SE_09a.How can government or hamlet employers motivate Nunavut Inuit to obtain government or hamlet jobs? (Accept up to three responses)

  Counts Percentage (%) Percent of Cases (%)
Total 255 100 135
Provide training 59 23 31
Provide mentoring 19 8 10
Have Inuktitut and/or Inuinnaqtun speaking management 12 5 6
Provide more job opportunities 29 11 15
Promote government or hamlet jobs among high school students 16 6 9
Provide support for post-secondary education 20 8 11
Increase community position advertising 17 7 9
Increase salary and benefits 9 4 5
Other*, specify (includes Provide flexible work hours; Provide child or Elder care support; Provide assistance with résumé/cv/interview process) 28 11 15
Don’t know/ No response 46 18 24

*Due to small sample sizes, data has been merged into the “Other” category to protect the privacy of respondents

SE_09b. How can government or hamlet employers motivate Nunavut Inuit to advance in government or hamlet jobs? (Accept up to three responses)

  Counts Percentage (%) Percent of Cases (%)
Total 254 100 134
Provide training 77 30 41
Provide mentoring 23 9 12
Provide more job opportunities 29 11 15
Provide flexible work hours 7 3 4
Provide child or Elder care support 5 2 3
Promote government or hamlet jobs among high school students 12 5 6
Provide support for post-secondary education 11 4 6
Other*, specify (includes Have Inuktitut and/or Inuinnaqtun speaking management; Provide assistance with résumé/cv/interview process) 51 20 27
Don’t know/ No response 39 15 21

*Due to small sample sizes, data has been merged into the “Other” category to protect the privacy of respondents

SE_10: How important is it for you to be able to use Inuktitut and/or Inuinnaqtun at work?

  Counts Percentage (%)
Total 189 100
Important (Very/ Somewhat) 165 87
Neutral 14 7
Not important (Not very/ Not at all) 10 5

SE_11: At your workplace, how often are you able to do your work in Inuktitut and/or Inuinnaqtun?

  Counts Percentage (%)
Total 189 100
Always 66 35
Most of the time 59 31
Sometimes 38 20
Rarely 13 7
Never 13 7

SE_12: At your workplace, how often a translator or interpreter is available when one is needed

  Counts Percentage (%)
Total 189 100
Always 77 41
Most of the time 40 21
Sometimes 31 16
Rarely 13 7
Never 23 12
Don’t know 5 3

SE_13a: How important is it for you that your supervisor supports Inuit culture in the workplace?

  Counts Percentage (%)
Total 189 100
Important (Very/ Somewhat) 164 87
Neutral 15 8
Not important (Not very/ Not at all) 9 5
Don’t know/ No response 1 1

SE_13b: How important is it for you that your supervisor speaks Inuktitut and/or Inuinnaqtun?

  Counts Percentage (%)
Total 189 100
Important (Very/ Somewhat) 142 75
Neutral 25 13
Not important (Not very/ Not at all) 18 10
Don’t know/ No response 4 2

SE_14a: How important is it for you that your co-workers support Inuit culture in the workplace?

  Counts Percentage (%)
Total 189 100
Important (Very/ Somewhat) 168 89
Neutral 14 7
Not important (Not very/ Not at all) 5 3
Don’t know/ No response 2 1

SE_14b: How important is it for you that your co-workers speak Inuktitut and/or Inuinnaqtun?

  Counts Percentage (%)
Total 189 100
Important (Very/ Somewhat) 159 84
Neutral 23 12
Not important (Not very/ Not at all) 7 4

Which statements about the Inuktitut and/or Inuinnaqtun languages reflect your workplace? 

SE_15: At least some of my co-workers:

  Counts Percentage (%)
Total 189 100
Speak Inuktitut and/or Inuinnaqtun all the time 44 23
Speak Inuktitut and/or Inuinnaqtun most of the time 69 37
Speak Inuktitut and/or Inuinnaqtun some of the times 61 32
Never speak or are unable to speak Inuktitut and/or Inuinnaqtun 12 6
Don’t know/ No response 3 2

SE_16a: My supervisor:

  Counts Percentage (%)
Total 189 100
Speak Inuktitut and/or Inuinnaqtun all the time 26 14
Speak Inuktitut and/or Inuinnaqtun most of the time 21 11
Speak Inuktitut and/or Inuinnaqtun some of the times 29 15
Never speak or are unable to speak Inuktitut and/or Inuinnaqtun 106 56
Don’t know/ No response 7 4

SE_16b: Is your direct supervisor Inuk?

  Counts Percentage (%)
Total 189 100
Yes 69 37
No 117 62
Don’t know/ No response 3 2

SE_18: Are there opportunities at your workplace to learn about Inuit culture and values?

  Counts Percentage (%)
Total 189 100
Yes 135 71
No 49 26
Don’t know/ No response 5 3

SE_19: Would you be interested in working in a position that is higher than the one you occupy now (for example, manager, supervisor or director)?

  Counts Percentage (%)
Total 189 100
Yes 128 68
No 58 31
Don’t know/ No response 3 2

SE_20: [If SE_19 = 1] Are you aware of what steps you would need to take to move up to a position with more responsibility?

  Counts Percentage (%)
Total 128 100
Yes 107 84
No 18 14
Don’t know/ No response 3 2

SE_21: To what extent do you agree with the following statements about your workplace?

a) There are training opportunities available in my language of choice.
  Counts Percentage (%)
Total 189 100
Disagree (Strongly/ Somewhat) 50 27
Neither agree nor disagree 19 10
Agree (Strongly/ Somewhat) 113 60
Don’t know/ No response 7 4
b) There are training opportunities to improve my Inuktitut and/or Inuinnaqtun language skills.
  Counts Percentage (%)
Total 189 100
Disagree (Strongly/ Somewhat) 45 24
Neither agree nor disagree 17 9
Agree (Strongly/ Somewhat) 118 63
Don’t know/ No response 9 5
c) Supervisors encourage employees to take advantage of new opportunities
  Counts Percentage (%)
Total 189 100
Disagree (Strongly/ Somewhat) 39 21
Neither agree nor disagree 20 11
Agree (Strongly/ Somewhat) 124 66
Don’t know/ No response 6 3
d) Supervisors help employees achieve their job goals
  Counts Percentage (%)
Total 189 100
Disagree (Strongly/ Somewhat) 28 15
Neither agree nor disagree 16 9
Agree (Strongly/ Somewhat) 142 75
Don’t know/ No response 3 2
e) The materials and documents I use in my job are available in a language I understand.
  Counts Percentage (%)
Total 189 100
Disagree (Strongly/ Somewhat) 22 12
Neither agree nor disagree 8 4
Agree (Strongly/ Somewhat) 158 84
Don’t know/ No response 1 1
f) I enjoy working in my current workplace
  Counts Percentage (%)
Total 189 100
Disagree (Strongly/ Somewhat) 12 6
Neither agree nor disagree 10 5
Agree (Strongly/ Somewhat) 167 89

SE_22: To what extent do you agree with the following statements?

My workplace makes good use of my [INSERT ITEM]:

a) Knowledge of Inuit culture, society and economy
  Counts Percentage (%)
Total 189 100
Disagree (Strongly/ Somewhat) 20 11
Neither agree nor disagree 20 11
Agree (Strongly/ Somewhat) 145 77
Don’t know/ No response 4 2
b) Nunavut community awareness
  Counts Percentage (%)
Total 189 100
Disagree (Strongly/ Somewhat) 21 11
Neither agree nor disagree 20 11
Agree (Strongly/ Somewhat) 145 77
Don’t know/ No response 3 2
c) Inuktitut and/or Inuinnaqtun language fluency
  Counts Percentage (%)
Total 189 100
Disagree (Strongly/ Somewhat) 25 13
Neither agree nor disagree 16 9
Agree (Strongly/ Somewhat) 144 76
Don’t know/ No response 4 2
d) Knowledge of Nunavut’s environment and land
  Counts Percentage (%)
Total 189 100
Disagree (Strongly/ Somewhat) 19 10
Neither agree nor disagree 26 14
Agree (Strongly/ Somewhat) 139 73
Don’t know/ No response 5 3
e) English language fluency
  Counts Percentage (%)
Total 189 100
Disagree (Strongly/ Somewhat) 6 3
Neither agree nor disagree 12 6
Agree (Strongly/ Somewhat) 168 89
Don’t know/ No response 3 2
f) Formal education qualifications* (Schooling)
  Counts Percentage (%)
Total 189 100
Disagree (Strongly/ Somewhat) 18 10
Neither agree nor disagree 16 9
Agree (Strongly/ Somewhat) 151 80
Don’t know/ No response 4 2
g) Reading, writing, math, problem solving skills
  Counts Percentage (%)
Total 189 100
Disagree (Strongly/ Somewhat) 14 7
Neither agree nor disagree 10 5
Agree (Strongly/ Somewhat) 161 85
Don’t know/ No response 4 2
h) French language fluency
  Counts Percentage (%)
Total 189 100
Disagree (Strongly/ Somewhat) 75 40
Neither agree nor disagree 17 9
Agree (Strongly/ Somewhat) 17 9
Don’t know/ No response 80 42

SE_25: Do you intend to leave your job in the next two years?

  Counts Percentage (%)
Total 189 100
Yes 45 24
No 116 61
Don’t know/ No response 28 15

SE_26: [If SE_25= 1 (yes)] Why do you intend to leave government?

  Counts Percentage (%)
Total 45 100
Retiring 8 18
Contract ending 5 11
Found a job outside government or hamlet; Found job at other government or hamlet employer 9 20
Other*, specify (includes Health reasons; Moving; No longer want to work) 19 42
Don’t know/ No response 4 9

*Due to small sample sizes, data has been merged into the “Other” category to protect the privacy of respondents



  Counts Percentage (%)
Total 500 100
Female 316 63
Male 184 37

DE_02: In what year were you born? (Note: grouped by age)

  Counts Percentage (%)
Total 500 100
18 to 19 15 3
20 to 24 51 10
25 to 29 66 13
30 to 54 279 57
55 + 80 16
Refused 9 2

DE_03: In which community do you live? (Note: Grouped into Regions)

  Counts Percentage (%)
Total 500 100
Iqaluit 66 13
Baffin Region 207 41
Kitikmeot Region 94 18
Kivalliq Region 130 26
Other 3 1

DE_04: Where would you look to find information about current job opportunities? (Select all that apply)

  Counts Percentage (%) Percent of Cases (%)
Total 826 100 165
Direct contact with possible employers 31 4 6
Friends or family 26 3 5
Newspaper ads 109 13 22
Community bulletin boards 115 14 23
Radio 40 5 8
Magazine 10 1 2
Internet [If selected, PROBE “Where?] 128 16 26
Facebook 14 2 3
Community Liaison Officers; Economic Development Officers 10 1 2
Employment agency 11 1 2
Government of Canada [If selected, PROBE “Where? Government office? Service Canada? Websites? Flyers?”] 28 3 6
Government of Nunavut [If selected, PROBE “Where? Websites? Flyers?”] 102 12 20
Local hamlet Office 112 14 22
School guidance/career counsellor 16 2 3
Recruiting firms/HR specialists 5 1 1
Other* – specify (includes Nunavut Tunngavik Incorporated (NTI)) 27 3 5
Don’t know 22 3 4
No response 20 2 4

*Due to small sample sizes, data has been merged into the “Other” category to protect the privacy of respondents