POR Registration Number: POR 015-17
PSPC Contract Number: G9292-189455/001/CY
Contract Award Date: August 9, 2017
Delivery Date: November 14, 2017
Contracted Cost: $112,169.45 (taxes included) for
both phase I (qualitative) and phase II (quantitative) of the research

2017-2018 Education and Skills Youth Campaign Research and Evaluation (Phase I: Creative Testing)

Final Report

Prepared by: Corporate Research Associates Inc.

Prepared for: Employment and Social Development Canada

Ce rapport est aussi disponible en français.

For more information on this report, please email: nc-por-rop-gd@hrsdc-rhdcc.gc.ca

Suite 5001, 7071 Bayers Road
Halifax NS B3L 2C2


A series of new measures were announced in the 2017 budget to assist young Canadians in achieving their full potential. As such, the Government of Canada is committed to ensuring a high level of awareness and visibility of several programs and services that benefit youth, and it is currently in the process of developing an advertising campaign to reach out to young Canadians 18 to 24 years old, in addition to influencers of youth. The goal of the campaign is to raise awareness, as well as maintain and increase uptake of ESDC youth-related programs and services that assist young Canadians in getting the education, skills and experience they need to prepare for the jobs of today and tomorrow. The campaign’s call to action is to direct young Canadians to Canada.ca/leaderstoday and Canada.ca/leadersaujourdhui to get more information on post-secondary education, jobs and skills, and encourage them to take action and own their path to success. This advertising campaign will launch in October 2017 and run until March 2018.

To direct the final development of the campaign prior to launch, ESDC commissioned Corporate Research Associates to conduct qualitative research with the target audience. The overall objective of the creative pre-testing was to ensure the advertising campaign resonates with its intended target audience and meets its overall objectives.

More specifically, the testing aimed to:

To achieve the research objectives, a total of 12 Netfocus groups (online, real-time) were conducted with youth 18 to 24 years old and key influencers from August 22nd to 28th, 2017. Both Indigenous and non-Indigenous youth were included in the study. Additional information on the research methodology is provided in the next section of this report.

This report presents a high level executive summary and description of the detailed methodology used, the detailed findings of the focus group discussions, and a series of conclusions and recommendations stemming from the research findings. All working documents are appended to the report, including the recruitment screener, the moderator’s guide, and the creative campaigns that were tested.

Research Methodology

Given the geographic reach and the target audience under study, a series of 12 Netfocus groups (simultaneous online and telephone discussion in real-time) were conducted from August 22nd to 28th, 2017, with cross-country representation. The target audiences included:

The following table provides an overview of the group breakdown by language, audience, and location.

Target Audience English French Total
Non-Indigenous 18 to 24 years old 5 groups
(Western; Prairies; Ontario; Atlantic; Mix of locations)
2 groups (Quebec) 7 groups
18 to 24 years old
2 groups (West/Prairies and Ontario/Atlantic) 1 group (Quebec) 3 groups
Key influencers 1 group (Mix of locations) 1 group (Quebec) 2 groups
Total 8 groups 4 groups 12 groups

As is normal practice, those who attended at least one focus group in the past six months, who have been to three or more focus groups in the past five years, or who participated in a group on advertising testing were excluded from participation. At the same time, people working in a sensitive occupation, including marketing, market research, media, a political party or partisan organization, or a federal or provincial government department were also excluded from the study. All participants had lived in Canada for at least two years. Participants in each group included a mix of gender, as well as a mix of employment status and household income where possible.

Nine individuals were recruited in each group, and a total of 83 individuals took part in the discussions across groups. A $75 token of appreciation was provided to youth participants, while key influencers received $100 in appreciation for their time, consistent with standard market research practice. Each group discussion lasted approximately two hours.

Context of Qualitative Research

Qualitative discussions are intended as moderator-directed, informal, non-threatening discussions with participants whose characteristics, habits and attitudes are considered relevant to the topic of discussion. The primary benefits of individual or group qualitative discussions are that they allow for in-depth probing with qualifying participants on behavioural habits, usage patterns, perceptions and attitudes related to the subject matter. This type of discussion allows for flexibility in exploring other areas that may be pertinent to the investigation. Qualitative research allows for more complete understanding of the segment in that the thoughts or feelings are expressed in the participants’ “own language” and at their “own levels of passion.” Qualitative techniques are used in marketing research as a means of developing insight and direction, rather than collecting quantitatively precise data or absolute measures. As such, results are directional only and cannot be projected to the overall population under study.

Executive Summary

Corporate Research Associates Inc.
Contract Number: G9292-189455/001/CY
POR Registration Number: POR 015-17
Contract Award Date: August 9, 2017

Background and Objectives

To inform the final development of a youth advertising campaign aimed at increasing awareness and uptake of its youth-related programs and services, Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) commissioned a series of 12 Netfocus groups (simultaneous online and telephone discussions in real-time) with Canadian youth 18 to 24 years old (including both Indigenous and non-Indigenous audiences) and key influencers (including parents, caregivers, teachers, youth group leaders or coaches, and high school career counselors). Of those, eight groups were conducted in English with participants from various locations across Canada, while four groups were conducted in French with Quebec residents. Group discussions were conducted from August 22nd to 28th, 2017. Each focus group lasted approximately two hours and a $75 token of appreciation was provided to youth participants, while key influencers received $100 in appreciation for their time, as per standard market research practice. A total of 83 participants took part across groups.

The research assessed overall reactions to three advertising concepts being considered in terms of message clarity and comprehension, the creative’s impact in retaining attention, and the overall relevance to the target audiences. Caution must be exercised when interpreting the results from this study, as qualitative research is directional only. Results cannot be attributed to the overall population under study, with any degree of statistical confidence. The total contracted value of the research was $112,169.45 (taxes included) for both the qualitative and quantitative phases of the research combined. This report presents the findings from the qualitative research only.

Political Neutrality Certification

I hereby certify as a Representative of Corporate Research Associates Inc. that the deliverables fully comply with the Government of Canada political neutrality requirements outlined in the Directive on the Management of Communications. Specifically, the deliverables do not include information on electoral voting intentions, political party preferences, standings with the electorate or ratings of the performance of a political party or its leaders.

Signed signature of Margaret Brigley

Margaret Brigley, President & COO | Corporate Research Associates
Date: August 31, 2017

Key Findings

Findings from the ESDC Education and Skills Youth Campaign Research and Evaluation (Creative Testing) suggest that the ‘Our Way’ campaign should be further developed with some modifications. The positive, upbeat and empowering tone of the concept holds strong appeal, particularly among English-speaking participants and when looking at all of the campaign components together, the message of young people taking control of their future with the government assisting in the process is compelling with the target audience. That being said, the video on its own, and to a lesser extent, the social media post, do not clearly convey the campaign message at a glance.

At the same time, visuals of young adults that look more like they are in their twenties, and the idea that young people have determined that ‘old ways’ are not working for them, imply an older audience leaving high school students and recent graduates feeling excluded from the campaign. This issue could easily be addressed by featuring a broader age range of individuals in the campaign visuals, and using in the video action shots that are more relevant to them personally. This may include visuals of groups of peers interacting, usage of technology such as mobile phones or tablets, feature common activities like biking or travelling, and set the scenes in familiar settings such as school or workplace. This approach should also reinforce the message communicated by the narrative by visually indicating that the reference to ‘trace your path’ relates to education and employment. These modifications would enhance the concept’s appeal and relevance among the French-speaking residents, thus making this concept the best approach to reach audiences across languages.

In terms of having a broad appeal, the ‘Our Way’ campaign was best at showing Canada’s ethnic and gender diversity. That being said, consideration should be given to showing ethnically diverse groups of people rather than focusing on any individual culture. At the same time, adjusting the sequence of the presentation of people featured in the video would alleviate any discomfort that exists with focusing on more evident cultural signs. The use of live actors rather than animation will also allow for a more realistic representation of ethnic and age diversity, in addition to making the ads more compelling.

In terms of the other two campaigns, the ‘Mute the Noise’ idea was also well received, particularly among French-speaking participants. Despite the campaign being liked, it requires more extensive creative edits to ensure appeal and relevance to the broader target audience. On a positive note, the concepts’ realistic account of young people’s questioning and anxiety, as well as the video’s clear messaging strongly resonated with the target audience. That said, the stressful tone of the video, the negative stereotypical portrayal of a young ‘flustered’ girl, and the fact that it is perceived to target primarily high school students are seen as important challenges to overcome. While expanding the scenarios outside of the school system may prove effective in widening the target audience, care should be taken in how youth react to adults so as to avoid portraying them as disrespectful or rude. Another issue with the campaign is the inability of the website to stand on its own without the video. Indeed, visuals included on the website lacked context to be fully appreciated and meaningful.

Findings clearly demonstrate that the ‘Your Move’ concept should not be further developed. This concept holds minimal appeal and is most relevant to a niche audience of young people who play video games. At the same time, the campaign’s graphic appeal of the three scenarios presented was deemed most appealing to youth in elementary or junior high school. Though the message is clearly communicated by the campaign, the gaming aspect overshadows it, thus reducing its effectiveness. In terms of the website search function, findings suggest that the ‘Google-style’ approach is well liked for its flexibility, though it lacks clear direction to begin the search and its appeal is highly dependent on the quality of the algorithm. Likewise, reactions were positive towards the ‘drop-down’ menu approach as an easy way to find out about the website content, despite not providing as much flexibility as the Google-type search engine. Given these findings, it is recommended that the ‘drop-down menu’ search engine be implemented, inclusive of a comprehensive list of options. The ‘step-by-step’ search function held minimal appeal.

Young people are open to the idea of the government using Internet tools on the website to personalize the user experience, notably Internet cookies. They are also agreeable to sharing personal information on the website, as long as it is pertinent to personalizing the experience. Finally, young adults and influencers are comfortable with being re-directed to third-party website from the government website to access programs and benefits, as long as a warning is posted.

Finally, the five terms that were briefly discussed, namely programs, resources, information, services, and tools, were considered similar in nature, despite each having a unique focus.

In conclusion, research shows that both youth and key influencers strongly endorse the concept of a youth targeted campaign and consider the presented concepts to be a notable improvement over the current website applications. While two of the three concepts offer notable potential, findings suggest the ‘Our Way’ Concept is most easily adaptable to effectively meet youth’s needs. That said, results show that care must be taken to ensure any search engine effectively communicates what the website includes in a clear, concise, yet comprehensive manner. Further, given that the needs and expectations are vastly different for those in or graduating from high school, those in post-secondary, and those entering the workforce, any concept must include messaging and scenarios that are mindful of the various needs and realities of young people, while still being relevant and compelling.


Corporate Research Associates Inc.
Numéro de contrat : G9292-189455/001/CY
Numéro ROP : ROP 015-17
Date du contrat : 9 août 2017

Contexte et objectifs

Pour aider à établir la version définitive d’une campagne publicitaire visant à augmenter la sensibilisation et les connaissances des différents programmes et services offerts aux jeunes, Emploi et Développement social Canada (EDSC) a demandé la tenue de douze groupes de discussion (simultanément en ligne et au téléphone, en temps réel) formés de jeunes adultes canadiens âgés de 18 à 24 ans (populations autochtones et non autochtones confondues) et d’influenceurs (incluant parents, tuteurs, enseignants, responsables ou entraîneurs de groupes de jeunes et conseillers en orientation dans des écoles secondaires). Huit de ces groupes ont été menés en anglais, avec des participants provenant de différentes régions de partout au Canada, alors que les quatre autres ont été menés en français, avec des résidents du Québec. Les discussions de groupe ont eu lieu entre le 22 et le 28 août 2017. Chacune d’entre elles durait environ deux heures et les jeunes participants recevaient une rétribution de 75 $ alors que les influenceurs en recevaient une de 100 $ en guise de remerciement pour leur temps, conformément aux normes en matière d’études de marché. Un total de 83 participants était réparti dans les douze groupes.

La recherche a permis d’analyser la réponse des participants aux trois concepts publicitaires, en ce qui a trait à la clarté et la compréhensibilité du message, à la capacité des éléments créatifs à retenir l’attention et à la pertinence générale pour le public cible. Il faut être prudent quant à l’interprétation des résultats de cette étude puisque la recherche qualitative ne donne qu’une idée de l’orientation. Les résultats ne peuvent être attribués, avec précision statistique, à l’ensemble du groupe étudié. La valeur totale de l’étude menée était de 112 169,45 $, taxes incluses pour l’ensemble de la recherche qualitative et quantitative. Ce rapport présente les résultats de la recherche qualitative.

Preuve de neutralité politique

J’atteste par la présente et à titre de représentant de Corporate Research Associates Inc. que les résultats attendus sont entièrement conformes aux exigences en matière de neutralité décrites dans la directive sur la gestion des communications. Plus précisément, les résultats attendus n’incluent pas de renseignements sur les intentions de vote électoral, les préférences quant aux partis politiques ou les positions des partis, et les cotes de performance d’un parti politique ou de ses dirigeants.

Signée Signée Margaret Brigley

Margaret Brigley, Présidente et chef des opérations | Corporate Research Associates
Date : le 31 août 2017


Les résultats obtenus par l’étude de marché d’EDSC : Recherche et évaluation de la campagne de l’éducation et des compétences chez les jeunes (Test de créatifs), indiquent que la campagne « Notre voie » vaut la peine d’être développée, mais que quelques améliorations sont de mise. Le ton positif, énergique et encourageant adopté par la campagne la rend fort intéressante, surtout auprès des participants anglophones. En examinant la campagne dans son ensemble, on y voit le message de jeunes prenant leur avenir en main avec l’aide du gouvernement, ce qui interpelle le public visé. Cela dit, la vidéo à elle seule et, dans une moindre mesure, la publication sur les réseaux sociaux ne communique pas clairement et rapidement le message véhiculé par la campagne.

D’un autre côté, les images montrant de jeunes adultes qui semblent être dans la vingtaine et l’idée voulant que les jeunes ne croient pas que les « vieilles méthodes » soient adaptées à leurs besoins laissent entendre que l’on s’adresse à un public plus vieux; les élèves du secondaire et les récents diplômés se sentant ainsi exclus de la campagne. Ce problème peut être facilement résolu en élargissant la tranche d’âge des individus apparaissant dans les images et en montrant des scènes qui les représentent; par exemple, une interaction de groupe avec des pairs, l’utilisation d’appareils technologiques tels que les cellulaires ou les tablettes, la pratique d’activités courantes telles que le vélo et les voyages. Ces scènes se dérouleraient dans des endroits qui leur sont familiers comme l’école ou le lieu de travail. Cette approche permettrait de renforcer le message véhiculé à la narration, en le transmettant visuellement également. La référence à « tracer sa voie » se rapporte à l’éducation et à l’emploi. Ces changements rendraient le concept plus pertinent et attrayant pour les Canadiens francophones, et le concept engloberait alors un public plus large, malgré la différence linguistique.

En matière d’attrait général, la campagne « Notre voie » a été la plus efficace à démontrer la diversité en matière de culture et de sexe. Ceci étant dit, il faut s’assurer de bien représenter des groupes de personnes d’ethnies diverses plutôt que de mettre l’accent sur une culture en particulier. D’un autre côté, modifier la séquence de présentation des gens qui figurent dans la vidéo diminuerait l’inconfort possible relativement à la mise en évidence de signes culturels plus évidents. Le fait qu’on ait opté pour l’utilisation de vrais acteurs plutôt que d’avoir recours à une animation permet une représentation plus réaliste de la diversité d’ethnies et d’âges, tout en rendant la campagne publicitaire plus éloquente.

Pour ce qui est des deux autres campagnes, l’idée de « Silence le bruit » a également bien été reçue, particulièrement de la part de participants francophones. Malgré la réception positive, ce concept requiert des stratégies créatives plus approfondies afin d’assurer un attrait et une pertinence auprès d’un public cible plus large. Sur une note plus positive, les questionnements et l’anxiété des jeunes ont bien été dépeints et le message clair transmis par la vidéo a très bien passé auprès du public cible. Par contre, il faudrait revoir le ton inquiétant de la vidéo, le portrait stéréotypé et négatif d’une jeune fille perturbée et le fait qu’il semble cibler principalement les étudiants du secondaire. Présenter des scénarios se déroulant hors du contexte scolaire peut permettre d’atteindre un plus grand public, mais il faut également porter attention à la façon dont les jeunes agissent envers les adultes afin d’éviter de les dépeindre comme étant irrespectueux et impolis. Le site Web de la campagne présente également un problème, car il perd son sens sans la vidéo. Les aspects visuels du site manquent de contexte ce qui en diminue l’intérêt et le sens.

Les résultats démontrent que le concept « À toi de jouer » ne devrait manifestement pas être développé. Il manque de pertinence et il rejoint un public limité : des jeunes qui jouent à des jeux vidéo. Tout de même, l’aspect graphique des trois scénarios présentés dans cette campagne a été jugé plus attrayant pour les jeunes du primaire et du début du secondaire. Même si le message véhiculé par la campagne est clair, il a été éclipsé par les jeux vidéo ce qui l’a rendu moins efficace. Les recherches ont démontré que les fonctions du moteur de recherche « de type Google » sont appréciées pour la flexibilité qu’elles offrent. Cependant, il y a un manque d’instructions claires quant au démarrage d’une recherche et son attrait dépend de la qualité de l’algorithme. De même, le menu de type déroulant a reçu une rétroaction positive puisqu’il facilite la découverte du contenu du site Web, même s’il offre moins de flexibilité que les moteurs de recherche de type Google. Compte tenu des résultats, l’instauration d’un menu déroulant comprenant une liste d’options complète a été recommandée. La fonction de recherche par étapes présentait moins d’intérêt.

Les jeunes sont réceptifs à l’idée que le gouvernement utilise des outils Internet, par exemple les témoins «cookies», afin de personnaliser leur expérience sur le site. Ils sont également prêts à partager leurs renseignements personnels sur le site, tant que celles-ci sont utilisées pour personnaliser leur expérience. Enfin, les jeunes adultes et les influenceurs ne sont pas réticents à être redirigés vers un site Web tiers du site du gouvernement pour accéder à des programmes, tant qu’ils sont prévenus.

Finalement, cinq sujets, discutés brièvement, ont été considérés comme similaires, malgré leur intérêt unique. Il s’agit des programmes, des ressources, de l’information, des services et des outils.

En conclusion, les recherches ont démontré que les jeunes et les influenceurs appuient fortement la tenue d’une campagne qui cible les jeunes et qu’ils trouvent que les concepts présentés constituent une amélioration marquée par rapport au site Internet actuel. Alors que deux concepts des trois présentés ont un potentiel significatif, on peut déduire des résultats de l’étude que le concept « Notre voie » est le plus adapté pour répondre aux besoins des jeunes. Toutefois, il faut s’assurer que le moteur de recherche inclut bien tout le contenu du site de manière concise et claire, tout en étant complet. Étant donné la différence de besoins et d’attentes entre les élèves et les finissants du secondaire, les étudiants de niveau postsecondaire et les jeunes entrant sur le marché du travail, les concepts doivent comprendre un message et des scénarios adaptés aux divers besoins et réalités des jeunes, tout en demeurant pertinents et éloquents.

Detailed Analysis

Creative Testing Overview

Of the three campaigns tested, two are considered contenders for further development with some modifications (namely ‘Mute the Noise’ and ‘Our Way’), while the third concept (‘Your Move’) should be avoided. Results suggest that ‘Our Way’ could perhaps be more easily adaptable to the broader age group within the target audience.

Findings suggest there are different opinions by language that warrant consideration. In addition, results underscore that any final concept must effectively speak to the full age spectrum of young adults.

The following table outlines a breakdown of concept preference by audience and language. Note, this reflects opinions across focus group participants and not across the target population.

Preferred Concept

  Your Move Our Way Mute the Noise
Youth 5
(25 English; 6 French)
(14 English; 13 French)
Key Influencers 1
(4 English; 4 French)
(8 English; 3 French)

The following sections provide a detailed account of participants’ reactions to each of the three campaigns presented.

Our Way / Notre voie

The ‘Our Way’ campaign was well liked for its inspirational and positive tone, despite targeting an older youth audience.

Overall Reactions

This creative approach was well liked, particularly among English-speaking participants. Both the positive tone and the serious approach were appealing when speaking of young people’s future and considered empowering and inspirational. This concept positively positioned today’s youth, without passing judgement, or reinforcing typical (and often negative) stereotypes.

French-speaking participants were less likely than English-speaking participants to identify this concept as most effective at communicating to youth, primarily given the perceived older audience and the message that was considered vague compared to the ‘Mute the Noise’ concept. Nonetheless, the positive, upbeat tone was lauded and the creative approach was generally liked, despite not being the preferred of the three concepts reviewed. Overall, they did not dislike this approach, but rather found the ‘Mute the Noise’ concept more compelling comparatively.

Message and Tone

The main message of this campaign was viewed as encouraging young people to ‘trace their path’ and shape their future on their own terms, while accessing government support and resources to help them achieve those goals. There is a sense of immediacy that appeals to youth and reinforces the importance of the topic at hand.

“You want to change or move forward with your life, go to this webpage and there will be answers for you. We will help you build your future.”


“It is promoting that youth are able to reach out and figure it out themselves. It suggests the government really want youth to succeed.”


For some, however, it was believed that the message is clarified only near the end of the video or through the website and Instagram post, which could create confusion regarding the intent of the campaign. This was primarily attributed to a lack of immediate visual association to the topic, particularly given the outdoor activity-based visuals reinforced in the video. Indeed, while the video is deemed inspirational, it does not provide sufficient clues regarding the website’s content.

“Avec la vidéo avant qu’on voit le texte à la fin de la vidéo, je pensais que c’était quelque chose de plus récréatif. Ça fait penser aux plaisirs, aux sorties.” (Before seeing the text at the end of the video, I thought that it was something about recreation. It made you think of pleasure, going out.)


The tone of the campaign was described as both professional and upbeat, a combination that held high appeal. On one hand, the concept presents young people’s decisions about their future as a serious event, with the process to be respected. On the other hand, this is done in a positive, respectful manner that is engaging and empowering. The tone is confident, driven, focused, high-energy and uplifting.

Many even found the campaign inspirational, notably the video.

“It focuses on the positive and good and not on stress and anxiety; more on possibilities.”


“Le message donne de l’espoir, c’est ouvert, prometteur. On pourrait recevoir des subventions, des stages, des compagnies qui vont être en partenariat qui acceptent des étudiants qui viennent de finir leurs études.” (The message gives hope; it’s open, promising. We could receive subsidies, internships from partner companies that welcome students who just graduated.)


The music in the video was also well received, and considered both attention-getting and exhilarating. Some felt it energized viewers and created a sense of excitement, encouraging them to take note.

Several participants, particularly males, likened the pace and tone of the video to that of a sports- related campaign, and considered it especially attractive.

“It is so energetic. It pumps you up and empowers you to reach out.”


“It hypes you up and speaks to opportunity. It makes you feel like ‘I can do it’!”


While most participants appreciated this approach, a few felt that the tone is unnatural and that implying that the ‘old ways’ are no longer working is a bit arrogant.

“Le message ne parle pas à ma génération. Pourquoi les anciennes façons ne fonctionnent plus? Ça sonne un peu faux.” (The message doesn’t speak to my generation. Why are ‘old ways’ no longer working? It sounds a bit fake.)


By contrast, in some instances, the reference to ‘old ways’ was associated with how things are done today compared to in the past, by previous generations. Most notably, the message of doing it ‘our way’ implied ‘new ways’, a shift or change. In other instances, youth understood the reference to ‘old ways’ as being unique ways of doing this, thus leading them to understand the campaign’s message as there are many ways to shape one’s future.

“It suggests there isn’t just one way to do things, that there are different ways to get things done. It’s not black and white.”


“Doing it in your own unique way is ok.”


Target Audience

Although well received, there were several challenges identified with the campaign. Perhaps the main issue with this campaign is the perceived narrow and ‘older’ audience than with the other concepts. Most notably, people illustrated in the ads appear closer to their early to mid-twenties than to young people finishing high school.

“Cette campagne je trouve que j’ai l’impression que c’est pour des gens en réorientation de carrière. À 16 ans ça ne m’aurait pas interpellé. J’ai l’impression que c’est plus pour des personnes qui ont déjà essayé des affaires et qu’ils disent ce n’est pas ça que je veux et je vais trouver ma voie.” (This campaign gives me the impression that it is for people who are in the process of redirecting their career. At 16 years old, it would not have spoken to me. I feel as though it is intended for people who already tried things and they are saying that it is not what they want and that they want to find their own way.)


At the same time, the concept’s serious and confident tone speaks more readily to young people who have ‘experienced life’ a little. Further, saying that ‘old ways’ do not necessarily work implies that these young people have sufficient life experience to determine that how things were or are done is not suited to their needs. All of these elements together led many participants to identify an older audience for this campaign.

“Ces jeunes-à sont décidés. Ça communique des gens matures, responsables qui savent ce qu’ils veulent faire.” (These youth are decided. It shows mature, responsible people who know what they want to do.)


“Je trouve ça dynamique mais ça s’adresse plus à des gens post-secondaire. Mon fils n’est pas du genre à foncer. Il est décidé et concerné par son avenir mais pas au point de dire je vais changer les choses.” (I find it dynamic but it speaks to post-secondary level people. My son is not the type that will ‘go for it’. He is decided and involved in his future but not to the point of saying that he will change things.)


“I would not be able to envision a younger person already having the experience to say we can do it the older way I would question them saying how do you know what the old way"


On a positive side, Canada’s diversity is widely and well represented in this campaign. Several Indigenous participants appreciated that the campaign spoke of youth collectively, rather than suggesting that specific groups needed special attention.

“I like that there is not segregation. Not one way or one program for one type of person. This speaks to all walks of life.”


One participant mentioned that the diversity shown is incomplete, and needs to better reflect less able- bodied persons.

“This needs to show less able-bodied youth too!”


It warrants mention that some participants considered the campaign to have too deliberate of a diversity mix present. While they appreciated and liked the diverse mix presented, it was felt that it might be too overt. In fact, the prominent focus on ethnic diversity created discomfort among a few participants, notably showing the hijab at the forefront.

“Déjà en partant la diversité est plus visible; le voile met l’accent sur ça. C’est plus adulte, plus sérieux. Ça fait pas fin secondaire.” (Diversity is more visible; the headscarf focuses on that. It is more adult-like, more serious. It does not speak to the end of secondary school.)


“It may be too over the top on the diversity side. It could be unsettling for some. Someone who is more conservative may be drawn to make comments (on the social media post), if the only visual is someone in a hijab.”


Creative Approach


The concept’s simplicity, clean look and inclusion of people were well-liked and considered trendy, cool and confident. At the same time, zooming in on the faces of people helped grab attention and appealed to young people. Consistently, the use of live actors held greater appeal than animated scenes, as it makes it easier to convey a diversity of emotions and expressions, show diversity, and clarify the targeted audience’s age groups. Real people were generally seen as more relatable.

“When you show a real person it’s more relevant to me.”

Figure 1

figure 1

Text description of figure 1


As mentioned, many questions were raised with the choice of action visuals in the video. Participants struggled to understand why only activity-based and sports-related scenes were shown, particularly swinging and snowshoeing. It was mentioned that these are not common activities among young people, and findings from the research show that they do not strongly convey a sense of empowerment or achievement. The scene showing a man jumping in the water was more relatable, though still considered unrelated to the campaign.

“Les anciennes façons ne marchent plus trouvons les nôtre mais la pub n’a pas rapport, les images n’ont pas rapport. Ce serait plus inspirant de les voir travailler et être à l’école.” (Old ways do not work anymore; let’s find ours. But the ad doesn’t make sense. Images don’t make sense. It would be more inspiring to see them working and at school.)


When asked what images would better illustrate ‘our ways’, many recommended showing groups of people interacting rather than individuals, as well as young people using technology. Other more youth-related activities identified included playing music, dancing (notably hip hop), social gatherings and artistic settings. Other activities that are more common and suggest moving forward, such as biking and travelling, were also mentioned. Many also felt that some visuals should relate to academic or work settings to reinforce the campaign’s message.

“The activities do not jive with what youth do and going to the website. It would have to be something relatable like what they are doing when talking among themselves. More of them with their cell phones and tablets and communicating with each other.”


“People swinging, diving, snowshoeing, I did not understand why these images are there. They should get a pat on the back from their parents or a cheer from the boss.”


“I think the activity images in supporting ‘Our Way’ message could be travel, walking or biking. Forging ahead and images of moving forward.”


When asked to identify visuals that would show youth success or achievements, suggestions included images of school graduation (wearing a graduation gown; throwing the graduation cap in the air; receiving a diploma), having successfully concluded a job interview, winning a sought-after contract or dream job, working in a position that you love (e.g. a welder), and other life events, such as buying a house.

“Un étudiant qui étudie fort et il réussit à avoir son diplôme. Il a travaillé fort pour arriver à quelque chose. Que tu ne vas pas y arriver juste en cliquant sur le site web. Quelqu’un qui gagne un concours, qui obtient une bonne note.” (A student who works hard and received their diploma. They worked hard to achieve something. That you won’t just get [your diploma] by clicking on the website. Someone who wins a contest; who gets a good mark.)


Importantly, participants did not suggest that all outdoor visuals should be excluded, but rather that a more accurate mix or balance of imagery should be included that encompasses a wider and more relevant spectrum of activities pertinent to the programs and services offered.


The clean and simple look of the website, with a focus on people and limited text, was well liked. Moreover, many young people appreciated that a diversity of people were shown, with ethnic, gender, and various style representation. Incorporating someone with piercings and tattoos was considered important in recognizing the diversity of young people, and broke from the typical ‘clean’ look typically represented in government marketing.

“Simple, but effective. Straightforward and easy to get around.”

Figure 2

figure 2

Text description of figure 2

Figure 3

figure 3

Text description of figure 3

The section links titled, ‘Further Your Education’, ‘Find A Job’, and ‘Build Your Skills’ were deemed an important consideration in understanding what the site offers, thus it was felt that they should be given greater prominence. In fact, the section links often went unnoticed, and increased prominence both in terms of font size and colour was suggested to more clearly identify the type of information available.

The main landing page was deemed boring and bland, with young people expressing interest for increased colour. That said, the design was considered a notable improvement over the government’s current site, with clear alignment to a younger audience. It should be noted that many positively commented on showing the hashtag on the landing page.

Social Media Post

To improve relevance and appeal, as well as somewhat clarify the message, it was suggested that the video be incorporated as a social media post rather than a still image. A number of youth mentioned that they are more likely to share social media posts when it includes a video they like.

At the same time, it was mentioned that the campaign’s message is unclear if only reading the ad’s headline ‘We can’t do it the old way, so we’ll find out way’, thus suggesting a video would provide a broader account of the campaign’s intent. As mentioned, inclusion of only one visual was considered too broad in focus, and some felt showing only a woman in a hijab was not ideal.

Figure 4

figure 4

Text description of figure 4


Findings suggest that further development of this campaign should include key modifications:

Mute the Noise / Silence le bruit

The ‘Mute the Noise’ concept was liked for its realistic account of the process young people go through when deciding about their future, though the stressful tone was disliked by some and the concept is viewed as most relevant to high school students.

Overall Reactions

This campaign was also well liked, more so among French-speaking participants, for its realistic account of the situation young people face when finishing high school, its clear message, and its humor. While English participants appreciated this concept’s relevance to high school students, it was considered too closely aligned to a younger audience. Regardless of personal appeal, all could relate to the situation presented.

“This campaign was more effective than the [‘Our Way’ concept]. In the short amount of time it plays it tackles many questions that might intrigue more people. It’s a good way to catch attention.”


“Realistic and relatable. This portrays how we feel (when in high school).”


Message and Tone

This campaign sent a message that the government offers assistance to help young people address any questions they might have about their future, and that it provides part of the solution in times of uncertainty. There is a clear understanding that the video asks viewers to look for assistance on the campaign website, thus creating a strong call to action. Moreover, the campaign sends the message to young people that it is acceptable to feel unsure about their future and to have all of these questions; the concept shows appreciation for what young people feel and it appreciates the stress they go through.

“They are getting people to go to the website so you can find information easily to some of the questions you have.”


“J’aime que la fille parle vite parce que ça montre qu’elle est pressée et ils montrent le gars sur le iPad qui est relaxe. Donc ça dit d’arrêter d’être stressé parce qu’il y a des solutions.” (I like that the girl speaks quickly because it shows that she is in a rush. They show the guy on the iPad who is relaxed. So it says to stop being stressed because there are solutions.)


“Les jeunes sont un peu dépassés devant leurs doutes et leurs insécurités. Ce sont de grandes décision et ils ne savent plus où se tourner pour les aider à prendre la bonne décision.” (Young people are a bit overwhelmed by their doubts and insecurities. These are important decisions and they do not know where to turn for assistance to help them make good choices.) Influencer

“It’s understanding and empathetic.”


The tone of the campaign was often described as anxious and stressed (by all) as much as fun, positive, excited, humorous, and upbeat (by those who liked the concept). In fact, on one hand, some felt that the creative approach focused on the negative aspects of young people planning their future, while others felt that it recognized and appreciated that this is a stressful time for young people. For some, it elicited anxiety and stress, making them worried for the future, while for others it provided assistance to address their anxiety. It should be noted that some considered the fast paced, high pitched voice of the female to be irritating and an immediate turn-off to the concept.

“The tone is positive and it speaks of accountability. It gives control to the youth where they have control.” Influencer

“As soon as I heard that voice I’d be gone.”


“This whole campaign makes me feel stressed and scared about the future.”


“C’est humoristique mais en même temps dramatique. La personne qui écoute est stressée par rapport à son avenir.” (It is humourous but dramatic at the same time. The person listening is stressed when thinking about her future.)


Target Audience

This concept was deemed as most appealing to high school students, given the setting in the video (i.e. a sports game at a school gymnasium) and the type of behaviour demonstrated (i.e. a young girl asking multiple questions quickly without waiting for responses). It did not effectively reach older youth (e.g.21yrs+). Not surprising then, younger participants (those 18-20 years) typically found this approach more personally relevant to them.

“I was like that in high school so it appeals to me. I like the video and ad because of that.”


“The message is more directed at high school students going into post-secondary rather than job seekers out of high school or out of college.”


“Celle-ci me rejoint plus, ce sont des questions que moi et mes amis on se pose en ce moment. Comment les choix qu’on peut faire ont un impact.” (This one speaks to me more; these are questions that I and my friends are asking ourselves right now. How choices we make will have an impact.)


Because the scenario in the video is in a school setting, and speaks of the realities of young people currently studying, it was mentioned that youth who have dropped out of school or taken a break to work or travel may not be compelled by the message.

“Je suis d’accord que les réalités sociales sont différentes. Les jeunes qui ne vont pas à l’école et que ça va pas bien, ils n’auront pas le message.” (I agree that social realities are different. Young people who do not go to school and whose life isn’t going well will not get this message.)


Creative Approach


The overall design was described as light and colourful, while strongly contributing to reinforcing the message and the target audience. That being said, a few youth participants mentioned that the light pink and powder blue colours were too ‘girly’, thus perhaps being less attractive to a male audience.

As with the other concept, participants generally preferred the use of live actors over animated scenes for the video. This approach was deemed best to show diversity and make the ad more compelling.

“Real people are always better and by using real people you are able to reflect diversity better.”


“If they are real people I can relate more.”



Overall, the video’s setting was deemed highly relevant to school-age youth, notably those in high school. Showing a young person asking questions and being concerned with her future was considered realistic and appealed to those who experienced those same feelings when finishing high school. Many influencers who interact with youth have also witnessed those behaviours.

“I do see students having these conversations with me and with each other and it weighs very heavily on their minds.”

Figure 5

figure 5

Text description of figure 5

Further, the manner in which the young person asked multiple questions and spoke quickly grabbed viewers’ attention, though some admitted to ‘tuning out’ due to the speed at which she is speaking and the stressful tone it creates. That being said, it was mentioned that the scenario introduces the stereotypical perception of young girls being too verbose and inconsiderate to others they are speaking to, something that was perceived as negative.

The primary target audience of this campaign was deemed to be high school students, with little relevance to those above the age of 21 years. To broaden the campaign’s appeal in terms of age and gender, it was suggested that the video presents a different setting – e.g. school cafeteria; shopping centre; dinner table at home; in the car with parents – while retaining core creative approach of endless questioning. At the same time, using a broader spectrum of colours (not only pink and powder blue) was suggested.


While bright, colourful, simple, and informative, questions were raised regarding the design of the website. More specifically, it was mentioned that a stronger link between the video and the website images was needed, particularly to explain the meaning of the visuals on the website (i.e. bubble or ‘pink ball’ and mascot head). Indeed, someone landing on those images online but who had not seen the video may lack the context needed to understand the visuals’ significance.

“In one panel of the website there was a picture of a woman with the mask on. If you are just going from the government website to that part of the government website they may not understand since they have not seen the video.”

Figure 6

Figure 6

Text description of figure 6

Figure 7

Figure 7

Text description of figure 7

Many participants also noted that the menu item labelled, ‘Further Your Education’, ‘Find A Job’, and ‘Build Your Skills’ were important topics indicative of what could be found on the site, though they were not given the proper prominence in terms of placement and font size.

Social Media Post

The social media post clearly and quickly communicated the intended message through the header and image combined, although without seeing the video it could prove challenging for someone to interpret completely. Once again, participants voiced a preference for a post that consisted of a video rather than a still image.

Figure 8

figure 8

Text description of figure 8

Video Alternatives

Participants were asked to comment on the appeal of three alternative scenarios for the video, each briefly described in a paragraph.

First Scenario: Bubble Head

Reactions to this scenario were generally consistent with those from the original campaign concept. In fact, many participants believed that it was just another way to communicate the same thing and they appreciated now understanding the visual on the website. That being said, questions were at times raised regarding the relevance of a gum’s bubble covering someone’s head as a means of ‘muting the noise’. On that front, the original concept of hiding behind a mascot’s head was considered more realistic.

Bubble Head Scenario Description:

Two girls stand at their lockers waiting for class. One girl is talking extremely fast, rambling on with questions about their future. Other girl is chewing gum and blows a bubble that gets bigger and bigger until she can put it over her head … to ‘Mute the Noise’.

“It is exactly the same idea but executed differently. The mascot head is a bit clearer. She is trying to tune out the person while the bubble over the head is weird.”


“Using bubble gum makes it young – most appealing to the high school crowd.”


“Ça passe mieux avec la tête de chien; j’ai compris le message tout de suite.” (It works better with the dog’s head; I understood the message right away.)


“J’aime l’idée des filles qui parlent près du casier mais la gomme, surtout que ça enveloppe la tête, j’aurais plus pensé que c’est que je ne veux pas t’écouter; je ne te donne pas d’importance.” (I like the idea of girls talking next to their locker but the chewing gum, especially the part where it covers the head, I thought that it meant, ‘I don’t want to listen to you. I am not giving you importance.’)


As mentioned, the bubble head scenario helped many contextualize the related image on the website, improving its relevance to the overall concept. Finally, several participants suggested using the image of a young person ‘muting the noise’ around them by putting on their headphones or putting in earbuds, as that was general practice when trying to tune someone out.

Snow Diving

Mixed opinions were offered regarding this scenario. While some enjoyed its humour (notably among French-speaking participants), others felt it portrayed young people as being disrespectful to adults. Indeed, the scenario implied to them that the neighbour only wanted to help, and as such, the youth’s reaction would be impolite and show rudeness. It was believed that this type of reaction may be more relevant as it relates to peers, parents or siblings.

Snow Diving Scenario Description:

A young person is shovelling the driveway. A nosy neighbour comes out to talk to him mentioning that he heard he needs a job. The neighbour continues his pitch with advice and offers him a job helping him around his house. As the neighbour gives his speech, the youth dives head first into a snowbank … to ‘Mute the Noise’.

“Quand il planche la tête dans la neige il en a marre de l’écouter et il est découragé. Mais il faut être sympa avec ses voisins.” (When they dive in the snow, they are fed up listening and they are discouraged. But we have to be nice to our neighbours.)


“This reinforces what people think of youth today – not positively. The neighbor is just trying to help. It’s a bit rude.”


“It is an offensive way to respond to your neighbor who is trying to offer a helping hand. So should say no thanks before heading head first into the snow.”


“I think it is a level of disrespect to react that way with someone older compared with a peer.”


Something else that bothered a number of participants is the manner in which it portrays the young man as snubbing the work offer, an attitude that was deemed ungrateful. Similarly, it may suggest laziness on the part of the young man, which bothered some people.

“I don’t like it; it plays into the notion that young people don’t want to work or do anything. Young people are portrayed negatively in that one.”



Mixed opinions were offered with this scenario; with some (most notably French-speaking participants) liking the humour and original approach, while others felt the youth’s reaction is still disrespectful.

H2Ocoustics Scenario Description:

A young person is in a waiting room. The receptionist rambles on that the student should get an internship since according to her “it’s the only way to get ahead”. As the receptionist chatters on, the student sticks his head in the fish tank, blowing bubbles and startling the fish … to ‘Mute the Noise’.

“C’est un peu comique. Je crois que ça communique le message aussi bien que les autres [concepts].” (It’s a little bit funny. I think it communicates the message as well as the other concepts.)


“La deuxième le voisin il donnait les conseils et je n’ai pas compris pourquoi le jeune veut se cacher mais une réceptionniste qui ne nous connait même pas et nous donne des conseils sur la vie je comprends pourquoi il aimerait s’isoler.” (The second one with the neighbour giving advice, I did not understand why the youth wanted to hide. But a receptionist who does not know us and gives us life advice, I understand why they want to hide.)


“I find this one offensive. The young person is waiting to start their career why would they stick their head in the fish tank to mute what they are saying? It lacks respect for not listening.”


Findings suggest that if ‘Mute the Noise’ is further developed, the following should be considered:

Your Move / À toi de jouer

The concept ‘Your Move’ was least preferred and although the topic was relevant to high school and post-secondary age young adults, the design was viewed as appealing to too narrow of an audience.

Overall Reactions

Across audiences and locations, this approach was the least liked. In fact, this campaign was deemed the weakest of the three concepts tested, for its narrow appeal and younger audience. That being said, this concept held high appeal to gamers and considered a refreshing approach to the typical government ad campaign to some.

“It’s very childish. The cartoons did not feel professional or something I would click on.”


“I’m a gamer – I love it. Not sure others will, but I do!”


“I thought it was neat. It grabbed my eye and would grab the younger viewers with the cartoonish and colourful approach.”


Message and Tone

While the visual aspects of the video clearly communicated the message that young people have decisions to make about their future, the message was somewhat overshadowed by the game aspect. Moreover, viewers not paying close attention to the fast-paced visual may not understand the video’s intent.

“The video got into the message quickly: you are looking for a job or education, right away.”


“Does this mean the government will be making a game? I’d go back to the site just to play it if it’s good!”


“On comprend moins le message on se perd entre le jeu et l’information. Si j’avais vu la vidéo à la télé je ne suis pas sûr que j’aie compris l’information.” (We understand less the message; we get lost in the game and the information. If I saw the video on TV, I am not sure I would have understood the information.)


In addition, the overall approach was considered to lack seriousness in presenting a topic that young people take very seriously (namely decisions about their future), and making light of an important time in their lives.

“The video and the webpage simplify current struggles that people are having. It’s unrealistic. Life is not as simple as doing a, b and c.” Youth

“This suggests life is a game. It’s not. This is not treating us as adults.”


“It downplays the hard work you need to put in to these different things. It makes it seem like it is so easy because it is like a game but it is actually hard work.”


The tone of the campaign was deemed to be fun, light, humorous and interactive, but overall, not considered appropriate for a government ad campaign. Many also labeled it ‘naïve’ or childish, given the graphic depiction of the video game. It should be noted that altogether, this concept was described as unrealistic or utopic by a number of participants.

“It makes the whole topic feel fictional. You should promote experiencing life through a game.”


“La page web vu que c’est un jeu je n’ai pas trouvé ça sérieux et ça ne va pas avec le sérieux de la situation. Le sujet du futur est quand même sérieux même si on va pas mettre la pression.” (I did not find the web page with the game very serious and it does not go with the seriousness of the topic. Our future is serious even if we don’t want to get pressured.)


Target Audience

Perhaps one of the most negative aspects of this campaign is its perceived younger and narrower target audience. In fact, many believed that only youth who enjoy playing video games would be attracted to this concept. Others felt that it would hold highest appeal to those in younger grades (prior to high school). Accordingly, it was felt the campaign missed the target audience.

“Ça m’a moins rejoint à cause des jeux vidéo. Ça m’a moins touché. C’est plus pour les jeunes entre 12 et 16 ans.” (It was less compelling because of the video game. It did not move me as much. It is more intended for youth between 12 and 16 years old.)


“C’est pour les amoureux des jeux vidéo; ça parle plus à ces gens-là.” (It’s for those who love video games; it speaks more to those people.)


At the same time, the type of game illustrated, and the simplistic nature of the graphics and the situations depicted (i.e. simple choices; slow speed) gave the impression to nearly all participants that youth as young as 10 would be interested by the graphic elements of this campaign, and that appeal would dwindle quickly as youth got older. This perception created confusion, however, since the message of the campaign was perceived to be more relevant to young adults finishing high school, or currently in post-secondary education. At the same time, the lighthearted and entertaining nature of video games reduced the message’s credibility.

“I can see elementary school kids using this; it would be appealing for them. The other [campaigns] were more for high school students. This one is more geared to younger [kids] because of the game aspects. To me the message isn’t the same; you lose the seriousness that you had with the other two [campaigns].”


Creative Approach


In general, the choice of video game graphics appeared to hold widespread appeal, though to a very narrow audience of younger gamers. It reminded some of games such as Zelda and the original Mario Brothers, which was considered as ‘retro’ and perhaps as having the widest audience reach.

Nonetheless, caution was expressed regarding the use of a video game theme, as the quality of the final product would highly impact its perceived credibility. Indeed, it was mentioned that to be credible and appealing, the depiction of the game and its various steps must be realistic and engaging, something that was deemed very difficult to achieve and keep up-to-date.


The fast pace of the music and scenes grabbed attention, though it was unclear if viewers would pay attention to the end. The lack of narrative was considered as weakening the message, particularly given that young people are often multi-tasking when watching TV or on the Internet.

“La vidéo demande trop de porter attention. Quand je regarde la vidéo je suis sur mon téléphone ou je fais autre chose donc j’aurais manqué le début, la première phrase.” (The video requires too much attention. When I watch videos, I am on my phone or I do something else so I would have missed the beginning, the first sentence.)

Figure 9

figure 9

Text description of figure 9

On a positive note, the video clearly outlined options for young people which may help them consider options available to them that they may not have thought about.

That being said, it was pointed out that near the end of the video, the character was positioned as having to select only one of three life choices (either job, education, or skills), rather than having the ability to select multiple options together. This approach sent the message that only one path can be taken at a time.

“Le gros côté positif de la vidéo c’est qu’ils montrent les différentes options – apprentis, chercheurs d’emplois, … quand il y avait les portes, ils montrent les autres options.” (The most positive part of the video is that they show the different options – apprentice; job seekers… where there were doors, they show other options.)



The website content and purpose were somewhat overshadowed by the references to the video games, both visually and in the content (e.g. reference to choices or steps using video game terminology). Some appreciated the simplistic search approach and liked the ability to create their character and edit it later.

Figure 10

figure 10

Text description of figure 10

Social Media Post

The design of the social media post was considered weak, notably due to the visual’s inability to communicate the campaign’s message and for being unappealing overall. Although again the inclusion of a video was viewed as more attractive than a still or animated image, it was believed that the theme (video game) reduced appeal overall.

Figure 11

figure 11

Text description of figure 11

Video Alternatives

Two alternative graphic designs for a game were presented to participants for their review: a cartoon-style approach and a more realistic-looking game. Both the ‘cartoon’ and the ‘realism’ approaches were seen as targeting even younger children (due to the simplistic and colourful graphics and the manner in which characters are dressed), and as such, did not improve participants’ opinions of the overall campaign concept.

The ‘cartoon’ style was most notably seen as a game for young kids, given how the characters are dressed (overalls and backpack), their overly simplistic features, and the use of animals as characters. A person mentioned that it made them think of a game called ‘Crash’.

“It makes it quite a bit younger especially if they are using animals instead of people.”

Figure 12

figure 12

Text description of figure 12

“Ça me fait penser aux émissions pour enfants de 4-5 ans.” (It makes me think of shows for kids 4 or 5 years old.)


The ‘realistic’ approach was viewed as still having a cartoonish look, despite the introduction of more realistic features and settings. Some compared the overall look to games such as Clash of Clans, the updated Mario Brothers and Zelda, and felt it was a ‘knock off’.

“It could be too juvenile if it is not done right and young people could lose interest.”

Figure 13

figure 13

Text description of figure 13


Results clearly suggest that ‘Your Move’ should not be further developed.

Website Functionality

Both the ‘Google-style’ and ‘drop-down menu’ search functions were liked, though they held different appeal.

Search Function

Three search approaches were discussed for the Canada.ca/leaderstoday (Canada.ca/leadersaujourdhui) website page mock up: a ‘Google-style’ search function (as illustrated in ‘Our Way’), a step-by-step approach (as illustrated in ‘Your Move’), and a drop-down menu selection process (as illustrated in ‘Mute the Noise’). Of the three approaches, the ‘step-by-step’ way was the least liked, as it does not provide an overview of the overall search (i.e. what the next steps are and how many steps there are). Preferences were divided between the two other approaches.

The following presents reactions to each of those approaches.

Drop-Down Menu (Mute the Noise)

This approach to searching the website was well liked for its simplicity and the ability to understand the extent of the information available on the website. Being able to see all of the possible choices provided a better idea of what topics are included, thus helping users narrow their search quickly. That being said, some felt that it limits search opportunities as a result. Questions were also raised regarding the ease of using this type of tool on mobile devices.

“Most kids won’t access [the website] from a drop down menu; a drop down menu is so 2010. Most kids will access it on a small screen.”


“By limiting your options in a drop-down menu you won’t be thrown off. It gives you more direction.”

Figure 14

figure 14

Text description of figure 14

‘Google-Style’ (Our Way)

There appears to be a high degree of familiarity with the ‘Google-style’ search function, thus making it appealing to many young adults. This type of search engine is widely used and considered effective. Overall, it gives the impression of allowing more diverse searches, and a greater sense of control, though the relevance of the search results was perceived as being highly influenced by the quality of the algorithm used. While providing flexibility in what can be searched, many saw potential issues with not being provided sufficient insight on the information included on the site to be able to conduct an effective search.

Figure 15

figure 15

Text description of figure 15

“J’aime, c’est simple. Ça donne une impression que tu arrives tout de suite au moteur de recherche, tu as rapidement l’information que tu recherches." (I like it; it’s simple. It gives the impression that you get to the search function right away; you have the information you need very quickly.)


“The search is good if the algorithm is good.”


“This is a great approach – I’m just not convinced that the government will have it developed to a point where it will be really effective.”


“Ils auraient pu mettre des petits points pour montrer quels genres de recherche tu peux faire. Donner des suggestions; des exemples de recherche ou par quoi commencer.” (They could have included different options to show the types of search you could do. Giving suggestions; examples of searches, where to begin.)


This approach also enables a clean-looking design, limiting the need for additional menus or links to be shown.

“It leaves the rest of the page clean-looking without too many drop down menus. Kids will be drawn to those faces and see the search box.”


Step-By-Step (Your Move)

This search approach was the least liked among young adults, notably as it does not provide an overview of possibilities for the search. Most notably, users are only privy to one choice without knowing what other steps are involved in the search, thus making a choice in isolation. At the same time, those with short attention spans may not have the patience to go through the different steps if they feel the process is too long. Despite these reactions, it was believed that this was the simplest of the three search functions.

“They are an instant generation, they want their answers now not wait for ten clicks.”


“Le jeune est plus dirigé pour se rendre là où il veut se rendre.” (The young person is more guided to go where they want to go.)


“It is not intuitive to me. I just want more option, everything laid out so I can compare.”

Figure 16

figure 16

Text description of figure 16

As mentioned, for gamers, having the ability to select your character held appeal, as did the ability to come back later and make adjustments.

Being Redirected

Participants were informed that some of the programs offered by the Government of Canada were administered by third party organizations. To obtain more information and access benefits, individuals would need to be re-directed from the Government of Canada website to the third party organization’s website. In general, youth and influencers were comfortable with this approach, as long as they are informed of it when on the government website.

“As long as the resources are helpful and easy to access and not too convoluted to access whether they are from third party or the Government of Canada does not matter in my book.”


“Ce serait important que l’Internaute soit avisé sinon il ne comprendra pas. Les ressources vont être régionales donc c’est normal qu’il y ait une redirection.” (It would be important that the user be informed otherwise they will not understand. Resources will be regional so it is normal that the user be redirected.)


Personalizing the Website Experience

Both youth and influencers were open to the idea of the Government of Canada using cookies on the website discussed during the session, to enable a more personalized experience on future visits. It was mentioned that the use of cookies is common practice on the Internet, and there was an expectation that it would be reasonably used by the Government.

“I don’t think youth have nearly as many privacy concerns as older people do. From their perspective not having to re-enter information again they are going to appreciate that.”


“C’est la norme pour beaucoup de site web aujourd’hui que ce soit Facebook, Google ou whatever. Je ne pense pas que ça change grand-chose que le gouvernement le fasse. Même que ça va faciliter la vie de beaucoup de monde.” (It is the norm for a lot of web sites today whether Facebook, Google, or whatever. I don’t think that it changes much that the government does this. It will even facilitate a lot of people’s lives.)


When asked what they thought of having to enter personal information on the website to access even more personalized options, most were agreeable to this idea assuming that need for the information requested was founded. Knowing how their personal information will be used, and understanding the relevance of asking for such information was important to young adults. While they understood how providing their age, city of residence, school year, program, and interests may help direct them to the appropriate resources, they questioned the relevance of providing their name and gender, especially when only seeking information about programs and services.

“I feel like most of the sites are pretty onboard with that. Even phones use location information. I feel like it would help.”


“It would just make my experience a better one.”


“Si je veux chercher un emploi par exemple ça ne me dérangerait pas de mettre mon CV, mon nom, où je vis.” (If I want to search for a place for example, I would not mind putting in my resume, my name, where I live.)


The words ‘programs’, ‘resources’, ‘information’, ‘services’, and ‘tools’ are considered as similar, though each one has a focused meaning.

Participants were asked to quickly share their top-of-mind associations with five words, including programs, resources, information, services, and tools. For the most part, these words are considered as interchangeable, as they are sharing similar meaning. Most notably, the terms ‘resources’, ‘information’, and services.

“You can draw a relationship between pretty much all of them.”


“On peut utiliser chaque mot pour décrire les autres, ils se ressemblent pas mal.” (We can use each of the words to describe the others; they are very similar.)


Despite this impression of similarities, each term was described as having a slightly different meaning than the others. The following provides an overview of the specific word associations for each of the five terms reviewed.


This term evoked curriculum concepts such as schooling, courses, structure, organization, systems, work placement, scholarships, bursaries, and subsidies. It also evoked other concepts such as those related to options, steps, leading you through resources, support, communications, process, opportunities, choices, and offers.


This word implies guidance, people, education, funding support, sharing, assistance, possibilities. It also speaks of more tangible aspects such as tools, programs, books, information, organization, and resource person. Finally, it encompasses an element of education, notably learning, teaching, and knowledge.


This term is primarily associated with knowledge, details, answers, descriptions, assistance, subject matter, communications, and ideas. It also refers to steps, choices, education, and other more tangible aspects such as library and resources.


This word was most notably associated with help, assistance, and support, which led some to also identify resources, procedures and options as synonyms. It speaks to gatherings or meetings and an offering to help individuals with their specific needs or going through a process. It suggests possibilities, and for many, it also speaks of government offerings.


This term most notably referred to systems, instruments, toolbox, and applications or something that helps lead users through resources or sift through information. Some identified books or Internet applications as examples of tools.


The following conclusions are drawn from the detailed analysis of the study’s findings.


The following recommendations are based on the study’s conclusions and offered for consideration.

  1. ESDC should move forward with the development of the ‘Our Way’ concept, with some modifications.
    • Study findings suggest that the ‘Our Way’ concept offers the greatest potential for further development, assuming greater message clarity and a wider target audience. To improve the campaign’s effectiveness, the message should be clarified in the video through the use of a broader range of visuals youth relate to (e.g. groups of friends; use of technology; more common activities) in settings that are related to school or work. Demonstrating success, whether it be by achieving a personal or professional goal, would also strengthen the ‘can do’ attitude that strongly support this concept. At the same time, it will reflect what is important to young adults, thus reinforcing the idea that they are in charge of their own future.
    • Widening the target audience is another area of the campaign that needs improvement. Specifically, younger adults should be shown in the ads, both as an individual featured and through activities that appeal to them. This is of particular importance given that the narrative implies a certain life experience that is not necessarily common among high school students. The use of live actors will also help clarify the age diversity.
    • Finally, while the inclusion of ethnic diversity is one of the concepts’ strengths, how diversity is shown should be softened. This could be done by showing groups of people of different ethnic backgrounds, rather than focusing on single individuals. At the same time, reviewing the sequencing of individuals in the video may alleviate any perception of prominence on any ethnicity. Consideration should also be given to include disabled or less able-bodied people.
    • Finally, results suggest that incorporating a video in the social media post, rather than a still or animated image, may be more effective and would encourage sharing among youth.
  2. The use of live actors should be considered in advertisements to enhance appeal and clarify the target audience.
    • Regardless of the concept that is further developed, findings suggest that the use of live actors rather than animated scenes would contribute to more effectively representing the age diversity of the audience and in increasing personal relevance. This approach would also be best to show ethnic diversity and highlight different youth profiles.
  3. The use of a comprehensive drop-down search menu on the website should be considered.
    • While both the Google-style and drop-down menu approaches to searching the website were well liked, the use of a comprehensive drop-down menu may prove more effective in providing a useful tool. On one hand, providing a finite number of options will help users narrow their search, particularly if they are not familiar with the website content. On the other hand, there will likely be less frustrations with the search results if the options provided give a clear indication or better direction of what content can be expected. If a Google-style search function is the preferred approach by the project team, it should be careful to develop a strong search algorithm in addition to providing an idea of site content on the main page to lead users’ search.
    • At the same time, other relevant menu items included on the screen, in particular the three links titled ‘Further Your Education’, ‘Find A Job’, and ‘Build Your Skills’ should be given more prominence to increase their visibility. Better positioning those links on the webpage, or increasing the font size should be considered.
  4. Consideration should be given to personalize the website experience through the use of cookies and select profiling of web users.
    • There is an interest for a website that provides information tailored to individuals’ unique situation or profile, thus the use of Internet cookies and user information are recommended. That being said, including a warning of Internet cookies being used is recommended to instill trust. At the same time, if personal information is requested, it must remain optional and its intended use must be clearly explained, particularly for information such as name and gender.
  5. Website users should be warned if they are being re-directed to a third-party website from the government website.
    • While there is trust in the government’s choice of service providers to administer their programs and distribute benefits, a warning should be posted if users of the government website are re- directed to a third-party website. At the same time, consideration should be given to explaining the reasons users are re-directed to strengthen confidence, especially if the user’s personal information is requested on the third party website.
  6. The social media post should include the campaign video.
    • Findings suggest that young people are most attracted to social media posts that incorporate a video, and as such, they may be more likely to share the video with others if they like its content. At the same time, a video would provide greater insight into the ad’s message than a still or animated visual.

Appendix A:English Research Documents

Appendix A1:Recruitment Screener

Youth Campaign Screener FINAL

Name: [ ]

Community: [ ]

Province: [ ]

Daytime phone: [ ]

Evening phone: [ ]

Group 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

NETFOCUS GROUPS (Login instructions will be emailed to participants):
Specification Summary
Complete screener in language answered [French or English].

Hello, my name is [insert name] and I am with Corporate Research Associates, a market research company. We are conducting a series of small online group discussions on behalf of the Government of Canada in the coming weeks and are looking for people to take part. We would like to speak with someone in your household who is at least 18 years of age [ONCE KEY INFLUENCERS GROUPS ARE FILLED, SAY: who is 18 to 24 years of age]. Would that be you? IF NO, ASK TO SPEAK TO SOMEONE ELSE AND REPEAT INTRO

Would you prefer that I continue in English or in French? Préférez-vous continuer en français ou en anglais? [IF FRENCH, CONTINUE IN FRENCH OR ARRANGE CALL BACK WITH FRENCH INTERVIEWER: Nous vous rappellerons pour mener cette entrevue de recherche en français. Merci. Au revoir.

The purpose of this study is to hear people’s views on youth and advertising. Those who qualify and take part in the group discussion will receive [Youth Groups: $75] [key influencers: $100].

May I ask you a few quick questions to see if you are the type of participant we are looking for? This should take about 6 or 7 minutes. The information you provide will remain confidential and you are free to opt out at any time. Thank you

Gender (By Observation):

  1. To begin, into which of the following age groups do you currently fall? Please stop me when I reach your age category. Are you…?
    • Less than 18 1   THANK AND TERMINATE
    • 18-20 2 Min 4 per group 3-10 & 12
    • 21-24 3 Min 4 per group 3-10 & 12
    • 25-30 4 Consider for groups 1, 2, 11
    • 31-39 5 Consider for groups 1, 2, 11
    • 40-49 6 Consider for groups 1, 2, 11
    • 50-59 7 Consider for groups 1, 2, 11
    • Over 60 8 Consider for groups 1, 2, 11
  2. How many years have you been living in your community?
    • Less than 2 years 1 THANK AND TERMINATE
    • At least 2 years or more 2
  3. Do you, or anyone in your household, currently work or have worked in any of the following areas?
    • Marketing/Market Research 1
    • Public relations 2
    • Advertising 3
    • Media (TV, Radio, Newspaper) 4
    • Political party or partisan organization 5
    • Federal or provincial government 4
  1. What is your employment status? Are you currently … ? READ RESPONSES IN ORDER—CODE ONE ONLY
    • Employed full Time 1 Aim for a mix
    • Employed part Time 2 Aim for a mix
    • Self-Employed 3 Aim for a mix
    • Unemployed 4 Aim for a mix
    • Student 5 Aim for a mix
    • Home maker 6 Aim for a mix
    • Retired 7 Aim for a mix
    • Refused 8
  2. IF EMPLOYED, ASK: What is your current occupation?
  3. IF RETIRED, ASK: What was your occupation before you retired?
  4. [IF AT LEAST 25 YEARS OLD IN Q1, AND NOT MENTIONED IN Q5, ASK] Are you working or volunteering as a…?
    • Teacher; 1 Consider for groups 1, 2, 11 – Recruit min 4 per
    • High school career counselor; 2 Consider for groups 1, 2, 11 – Recruit min 4 per
    • Youth group leader or coach; or 3 Consider for groups 1, 2, 11 – Recruit min 4 per
    • None of the above4
  5. [IF AT LEAST 25 YEARS OLD IN Q1, ASK] Are you a parent or guardian of a child between the ages of 16 and 30 years old?
    • Yes 1   Consider for groups 1, 2, 11 – Recruit min 4 – GO TO Q10
    • No 2
  6. [IF 18-24 YEARS OLD IN Q1, ASK] Do you identify yourself as Indigenous, that is are you of First Nations, Inuit or Métis descent?
    • Yes, First Nations 1 Consider for groups 6 & 9 – Aim for mix
    • Yes, Inuit 2 Consider for groups 6 & 9 – Aim for mix
    • Yes, Métis 3 Consider for groups 6 & 9 – Aim for mix
    • No 4 Consider for Non-Indigenous groups (3-5, 7-8, 10 & 12)

9A. [IF FIRST NATIONS – CODE 1 IN Q9, ASK] Do you live most of the time on- or off-reserve?

  1. What is the highest level of education you have finished?
    • High School or less 1 Aim for a mix in groups 1, 2, 11
    • Some college or university 2 Aim for a mix in groups 1, 2, 11
    • Completed college or university 3 Aim for a mix in groups 1, 2, 11
    • Graduate studies 4
    • Other [ ] 5
  2. We would like to include a good cross-section of people of different income levels. Which of the following best describes your total household income before taxes last year? Would you say…? READ RESPONSES IN ORDER—CODE ONE ONLY
    • Less than $30,000 1 Aim for a mix in each group
    • At least $30,000 but less than $50,000 2 Aim for a mix in each group
    • At least $50,000 but less than $75,000 3 Aim for a mix in each group
    • At least $75,000 but less than $100,000 4
    • $100,000 or more 5
    • Refused 6
  3. The discussion groups for this project will be conducted over the phone and online and will require the use of a laptop or desktop computer. The use of a tablet or smartphone is not permitted. Do you have access to a laptop or desktop computer with high-speed Internet to take part in this focus group?
    • Yes 1
  4. How comfortable are you with using a computer? Are you…
    • Very comfortable 1
    • Somewhat comfortable 2
    • Somewhat uncomfortable 3THANK AND TERMINATE
    • Very uncomfortable 4 THANK AND TERMINATE
  5. Once you are online for the actual group you will also be required to join a telephone conference call to be connected to the discussion. Will you have access to a dedicated telephone (separate from your computer) for the 2-hour discussion?
    • Yes 1

I just have a few more questions…

  1. Have you ever attended a group discussion or interview for which you received a sum of money?
    • Yes 1 Max of 5
    • No 2 Go To Invitation
  2. How many groups and interviews have you attended in the past 5 years? [ ]
  3. When was the last time you attended a group discussion or interview? [ ]
  4. What was / were the subject(s) of the group(s)? [ ]




  1. The next question will ask you to use your imagination a bit. If you won a million dollars what would be the first two things you would do with the money?


Invitation – Netfocus Groups

I would like to invite you to participate in a small group discussion that will be conducted over the telephone and on the Internet on [INSERT DATE] from [INSERT TIME] to [INSERT TIME]. This conference call will be used to gather your thoughts and opinions on a new national advertising campaign being considered. You would simply log on to a secure website from your computer either from home or work and at the same time join in a group discussion via conference call. The discussion will consist of 6 to 8 people and will be very informal. It will last 2 hours and you will receive [YOUTH GROUPS: $75] [INFLUENCERS: $100] in appreciation for your time.

Are you interested and available to participate?

The discussion in which you will be participating will be audio recorded for use by the research team only. Please be assured your comments and responses are strictly confidential. Are you comfortable with the discussion being recorded?

There may also be observers from the Government of Canada who will only listen to the discussion, for research purposes only. They will not be given the last names of participants. Are you comfortable with having observers?

During the group discussion, participants will be asked to read materials on the computer screen and type short responses. Is it possible for you to take part in these activities in English (French) without assistance?


Could we please confirm the email address where we can send you the detailed conference call instructions for logging in to the group?

Record email address (and verify): [ ]

We will send you the instructions at least 1 day in advance of the group. When joining the discussion, please call in 15 minutes before the beginning of the conference call to allow time to install any plug in that are required. If you arrive late, we will not be able to include you in the discussion, and will not provide you with the incentive.

As mentioned, we will be pleased to provide everyone who participates with receive [YOUTH GROUPS: $75] [INFLUENCERS: $100] and you can choose to receive your incentive by cheque or through PayPal. Please note it takes approximately 2-3 weeks following your participation to receive an incentive by cheque and 5-7 days to receive an incentive through PayPal. If you do choose to receive your incentive through PayPal you will need to have a PayPal account.

[IF REQUIRED: To learn more about PayPal or to setup a PayPal account you can visit their website at www.paypal.ca]. Would you prefer to receive your incentive through PayPal or by cheque?


A few days after the group discussion you will receive an email from Corporate Research Associates indicating that your incentive is ready. You will simply need to log in to your PayPal account and the incentive will go into your PayPal balance. Once you’re logged into your account you can click “Withdraw” to view your withdrawal options.


Could I have the mailing address where you would like the cheque mailed to following your participation?

Mailing address:[ ]

City:[ ]

Province:[ ]

Postal Code:[ ]

And please confirm the spelling of your name: [ ]

As these are very small groups and with even one person missing, the overall success of the group may be affected, I would ask that once you have decided to attend that you make every effort to do so. If you are unable to take part in the group discussion, please call[ ] (collect) at [ ] as soon as possible so we can find a replacement.

Thank you for your interest in our study. We look forward to hearing your thoughts and opinions!

Attention Recruiters
  1. Recruit 9 participants for each focus group
  2. Do not put names on profile sheet unless you have a firm commitment.
  3. Repeat the date, time and location before hanging up.
  1. Confirm at the beginning of the day prior to the day of the groups
  2. Confirm all qualifying questions: Q1, Q3, Q7, Q8, Q9, Q12, Q14
  3. Verify date and time
  4. Confirm they received the email detailed login instructions
  5. REMIND participants that the groups will be over the phone AND online and that they need to use a laptop or desktop computer (and NOT a tablet or smartphone)
  6. Remind them to log into the discussion 15 minutes prior to the start time

Appendix A2: Moderator’s Guide

Netfocus Moderator’s Guide – FINAL

Employment and Social Development Canada – Youth Campaign Research

Research Objectives (Confidential – Do not read to participants)
Introduction 5 minutes
Campaign Testing 90 minutes

[SLIDE 3] To begin, I’d like to get your opinion of three different advertising campaigns that are being considered on youth employment and education programs. A campaign is a family of ads that have the same theme. Each campaign includes a video, images that could be used in different ads, a Web treatment and social media posts. Keep in mind the campaigns are currently in development; that means what you are going to see is not final. You’ll have to imagine what the ads would be like in their final form. Let’s have a look at the first campaign.


Moderator shows one campaign material (video animatic, images, web, and social media posts) Rotate presentation order of campaign across groups

WHEN SHOWING THE VIDEO: This would be developed to appear on TV, in theatres or online. If produced, these would each be about 30 seconds long. Again, please remember these are concepts only.

AFTER THE PRESENTATION OF THE CAMPAIGN: Before we chat about this idea, I’d like you to complete an individual exercise. Take a moment to answer the questions you see on the screen. Remember that while I can see your responses, other participants will not.

Then, indicate on a 1-10 scale the extent to which you agree/disagree with the following statement (where 1 means “not at all” and 10 means “absolutely”):

AFTER THE EXERCISE: Now let’s talk about this campaign together…

Overall Reactions:
Intended Call-to-Action:
Creative Approach:

I’d like to show you different approaches to the video for this campaign. Moderator shows alternatives images/description of each on the screen and explain/read through.



Preferrence & Additional Topics 20 minutes

We’ve seen three different campaigns. Moderator shows summary of three campaigns on the screen

[POLL 7] If only one of these campaigns was further developed, please indicate which one works best for you/your child and explain why.

Thanks & Closure

[SLIDE 45] That’s all my questions! On behalf of the Government of Canada, thank you for your time and input. We’ll be sending out your incentive right away.

Appendix A3: Creative Material Presented

figure 1

Figure 1

Text description of figure 1

figure 2

Figure 2

Text description of figure 2

figure 3

Figure 3

Text description of figure 3

figure 4

Figure 4

Text description of figure 4

figure 5

Figure 5

Text description of figure 5

figure 6

Figure 6

Text description of figure 6

figure 7

Figure 7

Text description of figure 7

figure 8

Figure 8

Text description of figure 8

figure 9

Figure 9

Text description of figure 9

figure 10

Figure 10

Text description of figure 10

figure 11

Figure 11

Text description of figure 11

figure 12

Figure 12

Text description of figure 12

figure 13

Figure 13

Text description of figure 13

figure 14

Figure 14

Text description of figure 14

figure 15

Figure 15

Text description of figure 15

figure 16

Figure 16

Text description of figure 16

figure 17

Figure 17

Text description of figure 17

figure 18

Figure 18

Text description of figure 18

figure 19

Figure 19

Text description of figure 19

figure 20

Figure 20

Text description of figure 20

figure 21

Figure 21

Text description of figure 21

figure 22

Figure 22

Text description of figure 22

figure 23

Figure 23

Text description of figure 23

figure 24

Figure 24

Text description of figure 24

figure 25

Figure 25

Text description of figure 25

figure 26

Figure 26

Text description of figure 26

figure 27

Figure 27

Text description of figure 27

figure 28

Figure 28

Text description of figure 28

figure 29

Figure 29

Text description of figure 29

figure 30

Figure 30

Text description of figure 30

figure 31

Figure 31

Text description of figure 31

figure 32

Figure 32

Text description of figure 32

figure 33

Figure 33

Text description of figure 33

figure 34

Figure 34

Text description of figure 34

figure 35

Figure 35

Text description of figure 35

figure 36

Figure 36

Text description of figure 36

figure 37

Figure 37

Text description of figure 37

figure 38

Figure 38

Text description of figure 38

figure 39

Figure 39

Text description of figure 39

figure 40

Figure 40

Text description of figure 40

figure 41

Figure 41

Text description of figure 41

figure 42

Figure 42

Text description of figure 42

figure 43

Figure 43

Text description of figure 43

figure 44

Figure 44

Text description of figure 44

figure 45

Figure 45

Text description of figure 45

Appendix B: French Research Documents

Appendix B1: Recruitment Screener

Campagne pour les jeunes - Questionnaire de recrutement VERSION FINALE

Nom : [ ]

Communauté : [ ]

Province : [ ]

Numéro de téléphone de jour : [ ]

Numéro de téléphone de soir : [ ]

Groupe 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Groupes netfocus (les instructions d’ouverture de session seront envoyées aux participants par courriel) :
Sommaire des exigences
Remplir le questionnaire dans la langue du répondant [français ou anglais].

Bonjour, je m'appelle [ ] et je travaille pour Corporate Research Associates, une société d'étude de marché. Nous effectuons une série de discussions en ligne en petits groupes pour le compte du gouvernement du Canada dans les prochaines semaines et nous recherchons des personnes qui pourraient y participer. J’aimerais parler à une personne de votre foyer qui a au moins 18 ans [LORSQUE LE GROUPE D’INFLUENCEURS CLÉS EST REMPLI, DIRE : qui est âgée de 18 à 24 ans]. Est-ce votre cas? SINON, DEMANDER DE PARLER À QUELQU’UN D’AUTRE ET RÉPÉTER L’INTRODUCTION.

Préférez-vous continuer en français ou en anglais? Would you prefer that I continue in English or in French? [SI LA PERSONNE RÉPOND « EN ANGLAIS », CONTINUER EN ANGLAIS OU PRÉVOIR UN RAPPEL AVEC UN INTERVIEWEUR ANGLOPHONE : In order to continue in English, we will have to call you back. Thank you. Good bye.

Cette étude a pour but de connaître le point de vue des gens sur la publicité et les jeunes. Ceux qui sont admissibles et qui participeront à la discussion de groupe recevront [groupes de jeunes : 75 $] [influenceurs clés :100 $].

Puis-je vous poser quelques questions très brèves pour voir si vous faites partie du type de participant que nous recherchons? Cela devrait prendre 6 ou 7 minutes. Les renseignements que vous fournissez demeureront strictement confidentiels et vous avez toute liberté de refuser de participer en tout temps. Merci.

Sexe (par observation) :

  1. Pour commencer, dans laquelle des catégories d’âge suivantes vous situez-vous actuellement? Arrêtez-moi lorsque j’arrive à la catégorie dont vous faites partie. Êtes-vous âgé de...?
    • 18 à 20 ans 2 Min. de 4 par groupe 3-10, 12
    • 21 à 24 ans 3 Min. de 4 par groupe 3-10, 12
    • 25 à 30 ans 4 À considérer pour les groupes 1, 2, 11
    • 31 à 39 ans 5 À considérer pour les groupes 1, 2, 11
    • 40 à 49 ans 6 À considérer pour les groupes 1, 2, 11
    • 50 à 59 ans 7 À considérer pour les groupes 1, 2, 11
    • Plus de 60 ans 8 À considérer pour les groupes 1, 2, 11
  2. Depuis combien d'années vivez-vous dans votre collectivité?
    • 2 ans ou plus 2
  3. Parmi les membres de votre foyer, y compris vous-même, y a-t-il quelqu'un qui travaille actuellement ou qui a déjà travaillé dans l’un des secteurs suivants?
    • Marketing ou études de marché 1
    • Relations publiques. 2
    • Publicité 3
    • Médias (télévision, radio, journaux) 4
    • Parti politique ou organisation partisane 5
    • Gouvernement fédéral ou provincial 6


  1. Quelle est votre situation professionnelle? Êtes-vous actuellement... LIRE LES RÉPONSES DANS L'ORDRE – CODER UNE SEULE RÉPONSE
    • Employé à temps plein 1 Viser un mélange
    • Employé à temps partiel 2 Viser un mélange
    • Travailleur indépendant 3 Viser un mélange
    • Sans emploi 4 Viser un mélange
    • Étudiant. 5 Viser un mélange
    • Personne au foyer 6 Viser un mélange
    • Retraité 7 Viser un mélange
    • Refus 8
  2. SI LE RÉPONDANT EST UN EMPLOYÉ, DEMANDER : Quelle est votre profession actuelle?
  3. SI LE RÉPONDANT EST RETRAITÉ, DEMANDER : Quelle était votre profession avant de prendre votre retraite?
  4. [SI LE RÉPONDANT EST ÂGÉ D’AU MOINS 25 ANS À LA Q1 ET QUE L'ÉLÉMENT N’EST PAS MENTIONNÉ À LA Q5, DEMANDER :] Est-ce que vous travaillez ou faites du bénévolat comme...?
    • Enseignant; 1 Considérer pour les groupes 1, 2, 11 Recruter un minimum de 4par groupe
    • Conseiller d’orientation professionnelle dans une école secondaire; 2 Considérer pour les groupes 1, 2, 11 Recruter un minimum de 4par groupe
    • Leader de groupe de jeunes ou entraineur; 3 Considérer pour les groupes 1, 2, 11 Recruter un minimum de 4par groupe
    • Aucune de ces réponses 4
  5. [SI LE RÉPONDANT A DIT AVOIR AU MOINS 25 ANS À LA Q1, DEMANDER :] Êtes-vous le parent ou le tuteur d’un enfant âgé entre 16 et 30 ans?
    • Oui 1 Considérer pour les groupes 1, 2, 11 – Recruter min 4 – allez à la Q10
    • Non 2
  6. [SI LE RÉPONDANT A DIT ÊTRE ÂGÉ DE 18 À 24 ANS À LA Q1, DEMANDER :] Appartenez-vous à un groupe autochtone, soit Premières nations, Inuit ou Métis?
    • Oui, Premières nations 1 Considérer pour les groupes 6 et 9 Viser un mélange
    • Oui, Inuit 2 Considérer pour les groupes 6 et 9 Viser un mélange
    • Oui, Métis 3 Considérer pour les groupes 6 et 9 Viser un mélange
    • Non 4 Envisager pour les groupes non autochtones (3-5, 7-8, 10 & 12)

9A. [SI PREMIÈRES NATIONS – CODE 1 À LA Q9, DEMANDER] Habitez-vous la plupart du temps sur une réserve ou hors réserve?

  1. Quel est le plus haut niveau de scolarité que vous avez atteint?
    • Études secondaires ou moins 1 Viser un mélange pour les groupes 1, 2, 11
    • Études collégiales ou universitaires non terminées 2 Viser un mélange pour les groupes 1, 2, 11
    • Études collégiales ou universitaires terminées 3 Viser un mélange pour les groupes 1, 2, 11
    • Cycles supérieurs 4 Viser un mélange pour les groupes 1, 2, 11
    • Autre ( ) 5 Viser un mélange pour les groupes 1, 2, 11
  2. Nous aimerions obtenir un échantillon représentatif de gens en ayant des participants aux différents niveaux de revenu. Laquelle des catégories suivantes décrit le mieux le revenu total avant impôts de votre foyer pour l’an dernier? Serait-ce... LIRE LES RÉPONSES DANS L'ORDRE – CODER UNE SEULE RÉPONSE
    • Moins de 30 000 $ 1 Viser un mélange dans chaque groupe
    • Au moins 30 000 $, mais moins de 50 000 $ 2 Viser un mélange dans chaque groupe
    • Au moins 50 000 $, mais moins de 75 000 $ 3 Viser un mélange dans chaque groupe
    • Au moins 75 000 $, mais moins de 100 000 $ 4
    • 100 000 $ ou plus 5 Viser un mélange dans chaque groupe
    • Refus 6
  3. Chaque discussion en groupe dans le cadre de ce projet se fera par téléphone et en ligne et nécessitera l'utilisation d'un ordinateur de bureau ou d'un ordinateur portable. L'utilisation d'une tablette ou d’un téléphone intelligent n’est pas possible. Avez-vous accès à un ordinateur portatif ou un ordinateur de bureau doté d'une connexion Internet haute vitesse pour prendre part à la discussion?
    • Oui 1
  4. À quel point vous sentez-vous à l'aise avec un ordinateur?Êtes-vous….
    • Très à l'aise 1
    • Plutôt à l'aise 2
    • Plutôt mal à l'aise 3 REMERCIER ET TERMINER L'ENTREVUE
    • Très mal à l'aise 4 REMERCIER ET TERMINER L'ENTREVUE
  5. Lorsque vous serez en ligne pour une discussion en groupe, vous devrez également participer à une conférence téléphonique pour prendre part à la discussion. Aurez-vous accès à un téléphone séparé de votre ordinateur pour participer à la discussion qui durera deux heures?
    • Oui 1

J’ai quelques questions supplémentaires...

  1. Avez-vous déjà participé à une discussion de groupe ou à une entrevue pour laquelle vous avez été rémunéré?
    • Oui 1 Maximum de 5
    • Non 2  Passer à l'invitation
  2. À combien de groupes et entrevues avez-vous participé au cours des 5 dernières années? [ ]
  3. Quand avez-vous participé à un groupe de discussion ou à une entrevue pour la dernière fois? [ ]
  4. Quel était/quels étaient le ou les thèmes du ou des groupes? [ ]




  1. Pour la prochaine question, nous vous demandons de faire preuve d’imagination. Si vous gagniez un million de dollars, quelles seraient les deux premières choses que vous feriez avec l'argent?


Invitation – Groupes Netfocus

J'aimerais vous inviter à participer à une petite discussion de groupe qui sera tenue par téléphone et par Internet le [INSÉRER LA DATE] de [INSÉRER L'HEURE] à [INSÉRER L'HEURE]. Cette conférence téléphonique nous permettra de recueillir vos commentaires et votre opinion sur une nouvelle campagne de publicité à l'échelle nationale actuellement à l'étude. Vous n'aurez qu'à ouvrir une session sur un site Web sécurisé depuis votre ordinateur, soit chez vous, soit au travail, et à vous joindre à la discussion dans une conférence téléphonique en même temps. De six à huit personnes participeront à la discussion, qui sera très informelle. La discussion durera deux heures et vous recevrez [GROUPES DE JEUNES : 75 $] [INFLUENCEURS : 100 $] en guise de remerciement.

Pouvez-vous et désirez-vous y participer?

La discussion à laquelle vous participerez sera enregistrée aux fins d'utilisation des membres d'une équipe de recherche uniquement. Soyez assuré que vos commentaires et réponses demeureront strictement confidentiels. Êtes-vous à l'aise avec le fait que la discussion soit enregistrée?

Certains observateurs du gouvernement du Canada pourraient également écouter la discussion pour des fins de recherche. Ils n'auront cependant pas accès au nom de famille des participants. Êtes-vous à l'aise avec la présence d'observateurs?

Les participants devront lire des textes et écrire des réponses courtes à l’ordinateur pendant la discussion de groupe. Est-il possible pour vous de prendre part à ces activités en (français/anglais) sans aide?


Pourriez-vous nous confirmer votre adresse électronique afin que nous puissions vous envoyer des instructions précises sur la façon de participer à la conférence téléphonique de votre groupe?

Noter l'adresse électronique (et la vérifier) : [ ]

Nous vous enverrons les instructions au moins un jour avant la discussion. Nous vous prions de vous joindre à la session 15 minutes avant le début afin d'avoir le temps nécessaire pour installer les modules nécessaires. Si vous êtes en retard, nous ne pourrons pas vous inclure dans la discussion ni vous verser le montant d'argent.

Comme nous vous l'avons mentionné, nous aurons le plaisir de remettre à tous les participants [GROUPES DE JEUNES : 75 $] [INFLUENCEURS : 100 $], que vous pourrez recevoir soit par chèque, soit par PayPal. Veuillez noter que vous devrez allouer de deux à trois semaines après la participation pour recevoir un chèque et de cinq à sept jours pour recevoir le paiement par PayPal. Si vous optez pour le paiement par PayPal, vous devrez avoir un compte PayPal.

[AU BESOIN : Pour en apprendre davantage au sujet de PayPal ou pour vous créer un compte, consultez le site Web www.paypal.ca] Voudrez-vous recevoir cette somme par PayPal ou par chèque?


Quelques jours après la discussion de groupe, vous recevrez un courriel de la part de Corporate Research Associates vous avisant que votre récompense en argent est prête. Vous n'aurez qu'à ouvrir votre compte PayPal afin que l'argent soit crédité à votre solde. Une fois dans votre compte, vous pourrez cliquer sur « Virer de l'argent » pour voir comment vous pouvez retirer votre argent.


Pourrais-je avoir l'adresse postale où vous aimeriez que ce chèque soit envoyé après votre participation?

Adresse postale : [ ]

Ville : [ ]

Province : [ ]

Code postal : [ ]

Veuillez également confirmer l'orthographe de votre nom : [ ]

Puisqu'il s'agit de très petits groupes, le succès pourrait être compromis si une des personnes invitées manquait à l'appel. C'est pourquoi je vous demande, si vous avez décidé de participer, de faire tout votre possible pour y assister. Si vous êtes dans l'impossibilité d'être présent à la discussion de groupe, veuillez communiquer avec [ ] (appel à frais virés) au [ ] le plus tôt possible afin que nous puissions trouver une autre personne pour vous remplacer.

Nous vous remercions de l’intérêt que vous témoignez à notre étude. Nous avons hâte de connaître vos pensées et vos opinions.

Avis aux recruteurs
  1. Recruter 9 participants par groupe de discussion.
  2. Ne pas inscrire les noms sur la feuille de profils à moins d’avoir obtenu un engagement ferme.
  3. Confirmer la date, l’heure et l’endroit avant de raccrocher.
  1. Confirmer en début de journée, la veille de la discussion.
  2. Confirmer toutes les questions de sélection : Q1, Q3, Q7, Q8, Q9, Q12, Q14
  3. Vérifier la date et l'heure.
  4. Confirmer que le participant a reçu les instructions détaillées par courriel.
  5. RAPPELER aux participants que la discussion aura lieu par téléphone ET en ligne et qu’ils doivent utiliser un ordinateur portable ou de bureau (et NON une tablette électronique ou un téléphone intelligent)
  6. Leur rappeler de se joindre à la discussion 15 minutes avant le début de celle-ci.

Appendix B2: Moderator’s Guide

Guide de l’animateur Netfocus – version finale

Emploi et Développement social Canada – Étude de campagne auprès des jeunes

Objectifs de la recherche (confidentiel, ne pas lire aux participants)
Introduction 5 minutes
Mise à l’essai de la campagne 100 minutes

[DIAPOSITIVE 3] Pour commencer, j’aimerais connaître votre opinion sur trois différentes campagnes publicitaires envisagées pour des programmes d’emploi et d’éducation pour les jeunes. Une campagne est un groupe de publicités qui partagent le même thème. Chaque campagne comporte une vidéo, des images qui pourraient être utilisées dans diverses publicités et des publications de médias sociaux. Gardez à l’esprit que les campagnes sont en cours de développement, ce qui signifie que le contenu que nous verrons n’est pas final. Vous devrez donc imaginer à quoi ressembleront les publicités une fois qu’elles seront sous leur forme finale. Passons maintenant à la première campagne.


L’animateur présente le matériel d’une campagne (animation vidéo, images, site web et publications pour les médias sociaux).

Alternez l’ordre de présentation des campagnes d’un groupe à l’autre.

AU MOMENT DE PRÉSENTER UNE VIDÉO : Ces vidéos, une fois terminées, apparaîtraient à la télévision, au cinéma ou en ligne. Si ces vidéos étaient produites, elles dureraient chacune une trentaine de secondes. Encore une fois, gardez en tête qu’il s’agit de concepts seulement.

À LA SUITE DE LA PRÉSENTATION DE LA CAMPAGNE : Avant de parler de cette idée, j’aimerais que vous complétiez un exercice individuel. Prenez quelques minutes pour répondre aux questions affichées à l’écran. Souvenez-vous que je serai le seul à pouvoir voir vos réponses; aucun autre participant ne les verra.

Ensuite, indiquez, à l’aide d’une échelle de 1 à 10, la mesure dans laquelle vous êtes d’accord ou en désaccord avec l’énoncé suivant (où 1 signifie « pas du tout » et 10 signifie « absolument ») :

À LA SUITE DE L’EXERCICE : Discutons maintenant de cette campagne ensemble.

Réactions générales :
Intention/message/pertinence :
Ton/clarté/justesse :
Appel à l’action voulu :
Approche de création :
Site Web :

J’aimerais vous présenter différentes options pour la vidéo qui fait partie de cette campagne.

L’animateur montre les différentes images/descriptions de chacun à l’écran et explique/lit de bout-en- bout


Préférence & Autres sujets 20 minutes

[DIAPOSITIVE 40-41] APRÈS AVOIR DISCUTÉ DES TROIS CAMPAGNES : Nous avons vu trois campagnes différentes. L’animateur présente un résumé des trois campagnes à l’écran.

[QUESTION 7] Si une seule de ces campagnes devait être développée davantage, veuillez indiquer laquelle conviendrait le mieux pour vous ou votre enfant et expliquez pourquoi.

Remerciements et clôture

Et voilà, je n’ai plus de questions pour vous. Au nom du gouvernement du Canada, je vous remercie de nous avoir accordé votre temps et de nous avoir fait part de vos commentaires. Nous vous enverrons de ce pas vos mesures incitatives.

Appendix B3: Creative Material Presented

figure 46

Figure 46

Text description of figure 46

figure 47

Figure 47

Text description of figure 47

figure 48

Figure 48

Text description of figure 48

figure 49

Figure 49

Text description of figure 49

figure 50

Figure 50

Text description of figure 50

figure 51

Figure 51

Text description of figure 51

figure 52

Figure 52

Text description of figure 52

figure 53

Figure 53

Text description of figure 53

figure 54

Figure 54

Text description of figure 54

figure 55

Figure 55

Text description of figure 55

figure 56

Figure 56

Text description of figure 56

figure 57

Figure 57

Text description of figure 57

figure 58

Figure 58

Text description of figure 58

figure 59

Figure 59

Text description of figure 59

figure 60

Figure 60

Text description of figure 60

figure 61

Figure 61

Text description of figure 61

figure 62

Figure 62

Text description of figure 62

figure 63

Figure 63

Text description of figure 63

figure 64

Figure 64

Text description of figure 64

figure 65

Figure 65

Text description of figure 65

figure 66

Figure 66

Text description of figure 66

figure 67

Figure 67

Text description of figure 67

figure 68

Figure 68

Text description of figure 68

figure 69

Figure 69

Text description of figure 69

figure 70

Figure 70

Text description of figure 70

figure 71

Figure 71

Text description of figure 71

figure 72

Figure 72

Text description of figure 72

figure 73

Figure 73

Text description of figure 73

figure 74

Figure 74

Text description of figure 74

figure 75

Figure 75

Text description of figure 75

figure 76

Figure 76

Text description of figure 76

figure 77

Figure 77

Text description of figure 77

figure 78

Figure 78

Text description of figure 78

figure 79

Figure 79

Text description of figure 79

figure 80

Figure 80

Text description of figure 80

figure 81

Figure 81

Text description of figure 81

figure 82

Figure 82

Text description of figure 82

figure 83

Figure 83

Text description of figure 83

figure 84

Figure 84

Text description of figure 84

figure 85

Figure 85

Text description of figure 85

figure 86

Figure 86

Text description of figure 86

figure 87

Figure 87

Text description of figure 87

figure 88

Figure 88

Text description of figure 88

figure 89

Figure 89

Text description of figure 89

figure 90

Figure 90

Text description of figure 90