Naming of New Skills Innovation Organization

Qualitative Research - Executive Summary

Submitted to
Employment and Social Development Canada

Prepared by

Ce rapport est aussi disponible en français.
Contract number G9292-180525/001/CY
POR #097-17
Awarded 2018-02-12
Study Cost: $ 30,408.30 (HST included).

Project 15782-001

507 Place d’Armes, Suite 700
Montréal, Québec

H2Y 2W8 Phone: 514-982-2464
Fax: 514-987-1960

1. Executive Summary

Leger is pleased to present Employment and Social Development Canada with this report on findings from qualitative research aimed at naming the new Skills Innovation organization.
This report was prepared by Leger who was contracted by Employment and Social Development Canada (contract number G9292-180525/001/CY awarded February 12, 2018).

1.1 Background and Objectives


The Government is investing significantly in skills development and training at all stages of Canadians’ careers.

The 2017 Budget announced “the Government will establish a new organization which, in collaboration with willing provinces and territories and other stakeholders, will identify skill gaps with employers, explore new and innovative approaches to skills development and share information so that Canadians are well equipped for opportunities in the new economy.”

The goals of the new organization are to work in partnership with willing provinces and territories, the private sector, educational institutions and not-for-profit organizations to:

Research was proposed to test potential options for naming this new organization and how to best communicate with Canadians about the organization.


This research was designed to check whether proposed names resonate with the Canadian public. The research objectives are as follows:

1.2 Qualitative Methodology

Online Focus Groups

Leger conducted a series of 4 focus groups with members of the general population 18 and older between February 15 and February 16, 2018. All four sessions were held online via the ITracks video chat platform with participants from different regions of Canada.

The groups lasted approximately 120 minutes, and consisted of between 7 and 9 participants (out of 10 people recruited for each group).

A total of 34 persons participated in the groups. Two sessions were conducted in English and two sessions were conducted in French. The sessions were distributed as follows:

Participants were recruited using a hybrid methodology. A first wave of recruitment occurred online. This recruitment was done using the LegerWeb panel. A second wave of recruitment was done over the phone by professional recruiters to validate the recruitment and eligibility of the persons.

All recruits with an Internet connection, as well as a webcam, were eligible to participate in the group. Leger adhered to all MRIA and Government of Canada standards for conducting qualitative research. To thank them for their time and to show our appreciation for their participation, participants received a financial incentive of $100 each.

Table 1. Detailed Recruitment

Group number Date and time Number of
1 15 February
17:30 EST
7 General public in
2 15 February
19:30 EST
9 General public in
3 16 February
17:30 EST
9 General public in
4 16 February
19:30 EST
9 General public in

1.3 Study Limitations

Qualitative research provides insight into the opinions of a population, rather than providing a measurement of the opinions held, in percentage, as you would obtain in a quantitative study. The results of this type of research should be viewed as directional only. No inference to the general population can be done with the results of this research.

1.4 Report

This report begins with an executive summary outlining key findings and conclusions, followed by a detailed analysis of the focus group findings. Details of the research methodology, the recruitment guide and moderator’s guide are included in the appendices.

1.5 Intended Use of the Results

The findings of this research help ESDC and the Government of Canada in finding a name for the new organization which resonates with Canadians and facilitate communications activities.

1.6 Qualitative Phase – Key Findings

First impressions of the new organization and of its main purpose are largely positive. Most of the participants agree that this kind of organization would be beneficial in today’s labor market given an ever-changing economy. Some participants felt that it would greatly benefit Canadian youth.

It is also understood by the general public that this organization would need to be closely aligned with Canadian employers in order to have a deep understanding of their particular needs and that conducting research abroad on best practices would be required.

Participants described (unprompted) this new organization as being "future-oriented" or "emergent" (avenir and émergent in French) as well as one which would involve "development" and/or "training and improvement" of Canadians (développement, formation, amélioration in French). The new organization strongly evokes the concept of “acquisition of skill” rather than focusing just on jobs and the workforce.

Thinking about the scope of the new organization, the preferred words are: "emerging/émergent"; "future/avenir" and "tomorrow/demain". These words describe the scope of the organization correctly as they evoke the theme of the near future, of the future that is at hand; themes of change, trends and innovation. The word « new » was not perceived as a good fit for the new organization. Many thought that the word "new" conveyed a negative connotation due to it being associated with marketing terms as, in marketing, in one way or another, everything can be labeled as "new". Also, some pointed out that nothing can stay "new" all the time.

The preferred words to describe the mandate of the new organization are: skills/compétence », « modernization/modernisation », « innovation » and « development/développement ». These words clearly communicate the ideas of action, progress, and the growth of what is needed to succeed in an ever-changing economy.

The words that were preferred to describe the initiative are « strategy/stratégie », « vision » and « centre ». The word strategy/stratégie conveys the idea of a « vision in motion » while the word « vision » conveys “forward-thinking”. The word « center » suggests that this is a real place, making the idea feel more concrete. The word "lab/labo" was rejected completely. Most didn't see a link between the organization and the word. They felt it was completely inappropriate to describe this new organization regardless of whether the word was presented on its own or in combination with other words. No one thought it was a good fit to name the organization.

The following are the three proposed names that performed best with the participants in both languages.

In English:

In French:

When finalizing the final name for the organization, ESDC should focus on simplicity. There is no need for a complex name because people like a name that is short and straightforward. It should be able to clearly describe what the organization is and does. The organization name must absolutely be oriented towards the future while still remaining accessible for the general public. The name should also be centered on the mission and role of the organization that is skills development, learning, and innovation.

1.8 Political Neutrality Statement and Contact Information

I hereby certify as Senior Officer of Leger that the deliverables fully comply with the Government of Canada’s political neutrality requirements outlined in the Directive on the Management of Communications.

Specifically, the deliverables do not include information on electoral voting intentions, political party preferences, standings with the electorate, or ratings of the performance of a political party or its leaders.

Christian Bourque
Executive Vice-President and Associate Leger

Additional information

Supplier name: Leger
Leger: PBN 103038444PG0001
Contract Number: G9292-180525/001/CY
Contract Award Date: 2018-02-12
Study Cost: $ 30,408.30 (HST included).

For more information, contact:

Appendix A – Detailed Research Methodology

Qualitative Methodology

Leger organized, hosted and moderated 4 (four) online focus groups (2 in English and 2 in French) with the general Canadian public 18 years and olderto validate a selection of branding names. Given the specific context of online focus groups, Leger recruited 10 participants in order to have at least 7 or 8 participants in each session. The recruitment process ensured that all participants came from all regions of Canada and with a good mix of income and education levels, as well as a good distribution of males and females. The only screening criterion was that every participant needed a high-speed internet connection as well as a webcam in order to access the online platform.


Online screening was used first, followed by a final screening over the phone. The first round to recruit participants was done using the LegerWeb panel. Online recruitment enabled Leger to find a large number of potential candidates that fit participant criteria across all regions of Canada. Then, these potential candidates were contacted by phone by professional recruiters to confirm their eligibility and that they have access to a computer, an online connection, as well as a webcam, in order to participate in the online focus group. This hybrid recruitment method was best to reach the general Canadian public quickly.

The LegerWeb Panel

The LegerWeb panel uses a multi-method approach to refresh and grow the online panel. The main method (over 60%) for new panelists remains RDD recruitment via a traditional CATI methodology (either recruitment sprints or by including a question after demos in our standard questionnaires, asking if respondents would also volunteer to answer surveys online). The second method remains partner programs (25% of panelists), while social media campaigns (5%), recommendations from other panel members (5%) and other forms of offline recruiting (4%) make up the rest of the panel. Partner programs include Amia (Aeroplan) Lists and advertisements.

The Standards for the Conduct of Government of Canada Public Opinion Research – Qualitative and Standards established by the MRIA for recruitment of qualitative research participants were followed during the course of this research.


Each participant received a financial incentive of $100 for their participation in the session.


English focus groups were moderated by Christian Bourque and Sebastien Poitras was responsible for moderating groups in French.

Online Technology

Leger used the Itracks video chat solution for these online focus groups. Itracks allows for remote observation and recording, and provides a technician who works live during all sessions in order to handle any troubleshooting in both English and French. Leger has been using their services for over 8 years.

Itracks’ Video Chat service is video-based online focus groups that combine the convenience of the Web with the comfort of an in-person discussion. Participants were able to see each other and the moderator as they speak. Participants were also able to add a comment or quote in the open chat box, if they wished to do so while someone else was speaking. Client observers could discuss the group session and provide the moderator with feedback privately, while the discussion was taking place.

Date and Time

The following table details the number of recruits and the actual number of participants for each group session.

GR Language Recruited Participants Dates Online Groups
1 FR 10 7 February 15,
2018 17h30 EST
* ITracks
2 FR 10 9 February 15,
2018 19h30 EST
* ITracks
3 EN 10 9 February 16,
2018 17h30 EST
* ITracks
4 EN 10 9 February 16,
2018 19h30 EST
* ITracks
- - 40 34 - -

Appendix B –Screening Guide

Screening Guide ESDC 2018 SKILLS – English version

Hello, I'm [ insert name ] of Léger, a marketing research company. We are organizing a research project on behalf of the Government of Canada. This research project is about some topics relevant to the federal government.

We are preparing to hold a few research sessions with people like yourself. In these sessions, individuals are asked to sit down with several others and give their opinions and share their ideas. We are organizing several of these group discussions, and would be interested in possibly having you participate.

Your participation is voluntary. All information collected, used and/or disclosed will be used for research purposes only and the research is entirely confidential. The names of participants will not be provided to the government or any third party. May I continue?

I need to ask you a few questions to see if you fit the profile of the type of people we are looking for in this research.

The groups of discussion we are organizing are going to be held over the Internet. They are going to be "online focus groups". Participants will need to have a computer, an Internet connection and a WebCam in order to participate in the group. Would you be able to participate under these conditions?

Note to recruiter: When terminating a call with someone, say: Thank you for your cooperation. We already have enough participants who have a similar profile to yours, so we are unable to invite you to participate.

  1. Record gender:
    • Male 1 Equal number of men and women in groups
    • Female 2 Equal number of men and women in groups
  2. Do you, or does anyone in your household, work in any of the following areas? (Read list)
    • A marketing research firm No Yes
    • A magazine or newspaper No Yes
    • An advertising agency or graphic design firm No Yes
    • A political party No Yes
    • A radio or television station No Yes
    • A public relations company No Yes
    • Federal or provincial government (Crown Corporations count as NO) No Yes

If ‘yes’ to any, thank and terminate.

  1. Sometimes participants are asked to watch videos, read a document and/or write out their answers to a questionnaire during the discussion. Is there any reason why you could not participate?
    • No 2


  1. In which province or territory do you live? (Recruit a good distribution of province of residence)
    • British Columbia BC
    • Alberta AB
    • Saskatchewan SK
    • Manitoba MB
    • Ontario ON
    • Quebec QC
    • New Brunswick NB
    • Nova Scotia  NS
    • Prince Edward Island  PE
    • Newfoundland NF
    • Northwest Territories  NT
    • Yukon YK
    • Nunavut  NU
  2. We would like to talk to people in different age groups. Into which oneof the following groups should I place you? (Read List - Good distribution of age groups)
    • Under 18 1 Thank and terminate
    • 18-24 2 Recruit cross-section
    • 25-34 3 Recruit cross-section
    • 35-44 4 Recruit cross-section
    • 44-54 5 Recruit cross-section
    • 55-64 6 Recruit cross-section
    • 65 or over 7 Recruit cross-section
  3. What is the highest level of education you have attained? (Do not read list – Good distribution of education levels)
    • Some high school or less 1
    • Completed high school 2
    • Post-secondary technical training 3
    • Some college/university 4
    • Completed college/university 5
    • Post-graduate studies 6
  4. What is your current employment status? (Recruit a good distribution of occupation)
    • Working full time  1
    • Working part time 2
    • Self-employed / freelance work 3
    • Student  4
    • Homemaker 5
    • Unemployed 6
    • Retired 7
    • I prefer not to answer 9
  5. What was your household’s income for 2017? Was it.. (Recruit a good distribution of household income)
    • $19,999 or less 1
    • Between $20,001 and $39,999 2
    • Between $40,000 and $59,999 3
    • Between $60,00 and $79,999 4
    • Between $80,00 and $99,999 5
    • $100,000 and above 6
  6. As I mentioned to you earlier, we are organizing some discussion groups among people like yourself. Have you ever taken part in such discussion groups?
    • Yes 1
    • No 2 Go to Q.12
  7. And when was the last time you attended a discussion group?
    • 6 months ago or less 1 Thank and terminate
    • OR more than 6 months ago 2
  8. How many times did you attend a discussion group or an in-depth interview in the last five years?
    • Less than 5 times 1
    • OR 5 times or more 2 Thank and terminate
  9. Thank you. We would like to invite you to participate in one of our group discussions. The discussion group will last 2 hours. Refreshments will be provided at the meeting, and you will be paid $100 for your participation.
    Would you be willing to participate in one of these sessions?
    • Yes 1 Go to invitation
    • No 2 Thank and terminate

As we are only inviting a small number of people to take part, your participation is very important to us. If for some reason you are unable to participate, please call so that we can get someone to replace you. You can reach us at [ ] at our office. Please ask for [ ].

To ensure that the focus groups run smoothly, we remind you:

Group specifications:

Screening Guide ESDC 2018 SKILLS – French version

Je suis [ ] de la firme de recherche Léger. Nous organisons un projet de recherche pour Ressources naturelles Canada. Ce projet porte essentiellement sur différents sujets impliquant le gouvernement fédéral.

Nous nous préparons à mener une série de discussion avec des gens comme vous. Durant ces discussions, les participants sont appelés à partager leurs opinions et leurs idées avec les autres personnes présentes. Nous organisons présentement ces groupes et nous serions intéressés à vous compter parmi nos participants.

Votre participation est entièrement volontaire, et toute l’information que vous fournirez est entièrement confidentielle. Les noms complets des participants ne seront pas fournis à quiconque. Est-ce que je peux poursuivre?

J’aimerais maintenant vous poser quelques questions pour voir si vous rencontrez nos critères d’éligibilité pour participer.

Les groupes de discussion que nous organisons se dérouleront sur Internet. Ce seront des "groupes de discussion en ligne". Pour participer au groupe, les participants auront besoin d'un ordinateur, d'une connexion Internet et d'une WebCam. Pourriez-vous participer au groupe de discussion dans ces conditions?

Note au recruteur : Terminez dès qu’un répondant refuse de répondre à une question. Lorsque vous terminez, dites : Merci de votre coopération. Nous avons déjà atteint le nombre de participants qui ont un profil similaire au vôtre. Nous ne pouvons donc pas vous inviter à participer.

  1. Indiquez le sexe :
    • Homme 1 Bon mixte
    • Femme 2 Bon mixte
  2. Est-ce que vous ou quelqu’un dans votre foyer travaille dans un des domaines suivants? (lire)
    • Une compagnie de recherche marketing Non Oui
    • Une revue ou un journal Non Oui
    • Une agence de publicité ou une firme de graphisme Non Oui
    • Un parti politique Non Oui
    • Une station de radio ou de télévision Non Oui
    • Une compagnie de relations publiques Non Oui
    • Gouvernement fédéral ou provincial (si Société d’État, inscrire NON) Non Oui


  1. Parfois les participants à un groupe de discussion doivent regarder des vidéos, lire des documents ou répondre à un questionnaire durant la discussion. Y a-t-il une raison pour laquelle vous ne pourriez pas participer ?
    • Non


  1. Quelle est votre province/territoire de résidence ?
    • Colombie-Britannique BC
    • Alberta AB
    • Saskatchewan SK
    • Manitoba  MB
    • Ontario ON
    • Québec QC
    • Nouveau-Brunswick NB
    • Nouvelle-Écosse (NS) NS
    • Ile-du-Prince-Édouard  PE
    • Terre-Neuve NF
    • Territoires du Nord-Ouest NT
    • Yukon YK
    • Nunavut  NU
  2. Nous aimerions parler à des gens de différents groupes d’âge. Dans lequel de ces groupes vous situez-vous? (Lire)
    • Moins de 18 ans1  Remercier et terminer.
    • 18-24 2 Bon mixte
    • 25-34 3 Bon mixte
    • 35-44 4 Bon mixte
    • 44-54 5 Bon mixte
    • 55-64 6 Bon mixte
    • 65 et plus 7 Bon mixte
  3. Quel est le plus haut niveau d’éducation que vous avez reçu? (Ne pas lire - s’assurer d’une bonne répartition)
    • École secondaire partiellement ou moins 1
    • École secondaire complétée 2
    • École technique, postsecondaire professionnel (cégep) 3
    • Université partiellement 4
    • Diplômé de premier cycle universitaire 5
    • Diplôme de cycle universitaire supérieur 6
  4. Quelle est votre situation d’emploi actuelle?
    • Employé à temps plein 1
    • Employé à temps partiel 2
    • À votre compte / travailleur autonome 3
    • Étudiant 4
    • Au foyer 5
    • Sans emploi 6
    • Retraité 7
    • (NE PAS LIRE) Je préfère ne pas répondre 9
  5. Quel était le revenue annuel de votre ménage au cours de l’année 2017? Était-ce…
    • $19,999 ou moins 1
    • Entre $20,001 et $39,999 2
    • Entre $40,000 et $59,999 3
    • Entre $60,000 et $79,999 4
    • Entre $80,000 et $99,999 5
    • $100,000 et plus 6
  6. Comme je vous l’ai mentionné plus tôt, nous organisons des groupes de discussion avec des Canadiens. Avez-vous déjà participé à de tels groupes de discussion?
    • Oui 1
    • Non 2 Aller à Q.12
  7. Quand avez-vous participé à un groupe de discussion pour la dernière fois?
    • Il y a 6 mois ou moins 1 Remercier et terminer
    • OU il y a plus de 6 mois 2
  8. Combien de fois avez-vous participé à un groupe de discussion ou à une entrevue en profondeur (aussi appelée entrevue individuelle) au cours des cinq dernières années? (Ne pas lire)
    • Moins de 5 fois 1
    • OU 5 fois ou plus 2 Remercier et terminer
  9. Merci. Nous aimerions vous inviter à participer à un de nos groupes de discussion. Ce groupe durera environ 2 heures. Des rafraîchissements seront fournis durant la rencontre, et vous serez payés 100 $ pour votre participation.
    Acceptez-vous de participer à un de ces groupes?
    • Oui 1 Inviter
    • Non 2 Remercier et terminer

Comme nous avons sélectionné un nombre limité de participants, votre participation est très importante pour nous. Si pour une raison particulière vous n’êtes plus en mesure de participer à ce groupe, s’il vous plaît appelez-nous pour nous en faire part afin que nous puissions vous remplacer. Vous pouvez nous joindre au [ ] à nos bureaux et demandez pour [ ].

Pour assurer le bon déroulement du groupe de discussion, nous vous rappelons :

Description des groupes :

Appendix C – Moderator Guide

Moderator Guide ESDC 2018 SKILLS – English version

Section 1: Introduction (5 Minutes)



Describe how a discussion group functions

Tonight's groups are mandated by the Government of Canada, specifically ESDC.

I remind you that your participation in this group will not affect your relationship with the Government of Canada.

Section 2: Description of the New Initiative (5 minutes)

The skills Canadians need have evolved and our economy is poised to undergo a significant shift. The introduction of new technologies such as automation, robotics and artificial intelligence is creating challenges for workers, employers and skills and training systems to keep up and stay ahead of the curve. Given the pace of change, Canada needs to better understand the skills that are driving the economy in “real time” and how to develop these skills.

In response, the Government of Canada through Employment and Social Development Canada, wants to set up a new organization to support skills development and measurement in Canada.

The new organization will work in partnership with willing provinces and territories, the private sector, educational institutions, labour and not-for-profit organizations to:

More concretely, the organization could fund a project led by a group of employers on emerging clean energy technologies. The Lab would research which skills are needed to support competiveness and growth, then carry out an analysis of the current labour force in the sector to identify skills gaps, and establish training priorities for the clean energy sector. The Lab could also curate information on best-practices and innovative approaches to skills training to serve the needs of academics, individuals and employers.

This is a complex and important initiative. Before the Government and ESDC launch this new organization, they need to understand how to better communicate it and need guidance on a name. And, that’s why I need your help today.


Budget 2017 announced $225 million over four years, starting in 2018-19, and $75 million per year thereafter, to establish a new organization to support skills development and measurement in Canada.

Budget 2017 stated:

“As recommended by the Advisory Council on Economic Growth and the Forum of Labour Market Ministers, new approaches are needed to address skills gaps and support lifelong learning throughout Canadians’ working lives. To that end,

Budget 2017 proposes to provide $225 million over four years, starting in 2018– 19, and $75 million per year thereafter, to establish a new organization to support skills development and measurement in Canada.

Working in partnership with willing provinces and territories, the private sector, educational institutions and not-for-profit organizations, this organization will:

Further details on this new organization will be shared in the coming months.”

Section 3: Unaided Discussion around Name / Language (15 Minutes)

I would like to start by asking you, spontaneously: "What name would you give such an organization?"

Why do you think that name is a good fit for this kind of organization? What makes you say that?
Is there anything else?

Can you think of any other name or words that could describe this kind of organization? The others, what do you think of this name?

Do you like it?

Do you think it describes the organization as you understand it?

Section 4: Reaction to the organization (15 minutes)

Thinking about your place of employment, the changing nature of work and the rapidly evolving skills requirements, how might this organization:

Section 5: Structured Discussion around Language (15 minutes)

Now, we will look at a series of words and names that could be used. I need you to evaluate and give me your opinion of each one: What are telling you? What do you understand from them?

For each word:

What did this word mean/suggest to you? Why do you say that? Is it appealing or not? Why or why not?

Was it appropriate or not? Why or why not?

What, if anything, would you change about it? Can you think of anything more appropriate/appealing?

Scope (language around who this word is reaching and when it is taking place)

Mandate (language around the aim of the organization and what is it trying achieve)

Initiative (language to use more about the individual parts or overall, “what is this organization”?)

Section 6: Name Testing – Structured (30 minutes)

I will ask you to take a moment to review the words, names to tell me how appealing each one is on a 1-10 scale, where 10 means it is very appealing and 1 means it is not at all appealing. Once everyone has recorded their answer, we will discuss your thoughts on each one.

For each name:

Why did you provide that rating?

What did you like about it? What did you dislike about it? Why do you say that? What did this name say to you? Why do you say that?

Was it clear/understandable? Why or why not? Did it get your attention? Why or why not?

Is it memorable? Why or why not?

What, if anything, would you change about it? How could it be improved?

If enough time:

Section 7: Conclusion (5 minutes)

We have covered a lot of topics today and I really appreciate you taking the time and energy to give your opinion. Your input is very important and insightful!

Moderator Guide ESDC 2018 COMPÉTENCES – French version

Section 1: Introduction (5 Minutes)



Décrire comment fonctionne un groupe de discussion


Les groupes de ce soir sont mandatés par le gouvernement du Canada, plus précisément Emploi et Développement social Canada.

Je vous rappelle que votre participation à ce groupe n'affectera pas votre relation avec le gouvernement du Canada.

Le rapport de cette étude sera disponible Bibliothèque et Archives Canada

Section 2: Description de la nouvelle organisation (5 minutes)

L’innovation change la façon dont les Canadiens travaillent. L’introduction de nouvelles technologies telles que l’automatisation, la robotique et l’intelligence artificielle met au défi les travailleurs, les employeurs et les systèmes de compétences et de formations afin de demeurer à l’avant-garde. Étant donné le rythme du changement, les Canadiens doivent mieux comprendre les compétences qui stimulent l’économie en temps réel et savoir comment développer ces compétences.

En réponse, le gouvernement du Canada, par l’entremise d’Emploi et Développement social Canada, veut créer un nouvel organisme pour appuyer le développement des compétences et l’évaluation au Canada.

En partenariat avec les provinces et les territoires intéressés, le secteur privé, des établissements d'enseignement et des organismes à but non lucratif, cet organisme :

C'est une initiative complexe et importante. Avant que le gouvernement et EDSC ne lancent cette nouvelle organisation, ils doivent mieux comprendre comment la communiquer efficacement et nous avons besoin de conseils pour trouver un nom à cette organisation. Et, c'est pourquoi j'ai besoin de votre aide aujourd'hui.


Le budget de 2017 prévoit 225 millions de dollars sur quatre ans, à compter de 2018- 2019, et 75 millions par année par la suite, afin de mettre sur pied un nouvel organisme qui appuiera l'acquisition et la mesure des compétences au Canada.

Comme l'ont recommandé le Conseil consultatif en matière de croissance économique et le Forum des ministres du marché du travail, il est nécessaire d'adopter de nouvelles approches afin de combler les écarts de compétences et d'appuyer la formation continue tout au long de la vie professionnelle des Canadiens. À cette fin, le budget de 2017 prévoit 225 millions de dollars sur quatre ans, à compter de 2018-2019, et 75 millions par année par la suite, afin de mettre sur pied un nouvel organisme qui appuiera l'acquisition et la mesure des compétences au Canada.

En partenariat avec les provinces et les territoires intéressés, le secteur privé, des établissements d'enseignement et des organismes à but non lucratif, cet organisme :

Section 3: Discussion spontanée autour du nom / de la langue (15 Minutes)

Je voudrais commencer par vous demander, spontanément: "Prenez 30 secondes et notez autant de mots ou de noms qui vous viennent à l'esprit pour ce type d'organisation. Quels mots viennent à l'esprit? " Ne prenez pas trop de temps pour y réfléchir, j’aimerais avoir vos impressions les plus spontanées.

Discussion les réponses données

"Quel nom donneriez-vous à une telle organisation?"

Pourquoi pensez-vous que ce nom correspond bien à ce type d'organisation? Qu'est-ce qui vous fait dire ça?

Y a-t-il autre chose?

Pensez-vous à d'autres noms ou d’autres mots qui pourraient bien décrire ce genre d'organisation?

Les autres, que pensez-vous de ce nom?

Les autres, aimez-vous ces idées/mots/noms?

Pensez-vous que cela décrit bien l'organisation tel que vous le comprenez?

Section 4: Discussion autour de la pertinence / utilité de l'organisation. (15 minutes)

En pensant à votre lieu de travail, à la nature changeante du travail et à l'évolution rapide des besoins en compétences, comment cette organisation pourrait-elle:

Croyez-vous qu’une organisation pourrait vous aider dans votre cheminement de carrière?

Section 5: Discussion structurée autour de la langue (15 minutes)

Maintenant, nous allons regarder une série de mots qui pourraient être utilisés pour nommer l'organisation. J'ai besoin de vous pour évaluer chacun d'eux et donnez-moi votre opinion sur eux: Qu'est-ce que ces mots vous disent? Qu'est-ce que vous comprenez par ces mots, qu’est-ce qu’ils signifient pour vous?

Pour chaque mot.

Qu'est-ce que ce mot signifie / suggère pour vous? Pourquoi dites-vous cela? Est-ce attrayant ou non? Pourquoi ou pourquoi pas?

Était-ce approprié ou non? Pourquoi ou pourquoi pas?

Que changeriez-vous, le cas échéant? Pouvez-vous penser à quelque chose de plus approprié / attrayant?

Portée (langue autour de la portée et du moment )

Mandat (langage autour de l'objectif de l'organisation et ce qu’il essai d'atteindre?)

Initiative (langage à utiliser plus sur les parties distinctes ou l'ensemble, qu'est-ce que c'est?)

Section 6 : Test de nom – Structuré (30 minutes)

Je vais vous demander de prendre un moment pour revoir certains noms et pour me
dire à quel point chacun d’eux est attrayant sur une échelle de 1 à 10, où 10 signifie que c'est très attrayant et 1 signifie que ce n'est pas du tout attrayant. Une fois que tout le monde a enregistré sa réponse, nous allons discuter de vos évaluations sur chacun d'eux.

Pour chaque nom

Pourquoi avez-vous fourni l'évaluation que vous avez faite?

Qu'avez-vous aimé à ce sujet? Qu'est-ce que vous n'aimez pas à ce sujet? Pourquoi dites-vous cela?

Que t'a dit ce nom? Pourquoi dites-vous cela?

Est-ce que ce nom est clair / compréhensible? Pourquoi ou pourquoi pas? Est-ce que ça a attiré votre attention? Pourquoi ou pourquoi pas?

Est-ce mémorable? Pourquoi ou pourquoi pas?

Que changeriez-vous, le cas échéant? Comment cela pourrait-il être amélioré?

Essayer (idée de nouveau)

Laboratoire des nouveaux emplois

Centre des nouvelles compétences pour l’avenir Si le temps le permet

Section 7: Conclusion (5 minutes)

Nous avons couvert tous les sujets aujourd'hui et j'apprécie vraiment que vous preniez le temps pour donner votre opinion. Votre contribution est très importante pour nous et pour le gouvernement !