Advertising Public Opinion Research – Education and Skills Adult Campaign (Phase 1: Creative Testing)

Final Report

Supplier Name: Corporate Research Associates Inc.

Contract Number: G9292-191440

Contracted Cost: $85,541.00 (taxes included) for both phase I (qualitative $36,662.85) and phase II (quantitative $48,878.15) of the research

Actual Cost: $26,154.73 (Phase 1 only)

Award Date: July 20, 2018

Delivery Date: August 2018

POR Registration #: 020-18

Contact Information:

Prepared for: Employment and Social Development Canada

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Title: Advertising Public Opinion Research – Education and Skills Adult Campaign (Phase 1: Creative Testing).

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Cat. No.: Em20-112/2018E-PDF

ISBN/ISSN: 978-0-660-27649-6


Cat. No.: POR-102-08-18E

Titre : Recherche sur l’opinion publique sur la publicité – Campagne Éducation et compétences chez les adultes (phase 1 : test de concept publicitaire).

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No de cat. : Em20-112/2018F-PDF

ISBN/ISSN : 978-0-660-27650-2


No de cat. : POR-102-08-18F


The 2018 budget introduced measures to help Canadian workers get the skills they need to succeed in an evolving economy. As such, the Government of Canada will be launching the Education and Skills - Helping Working Adults Upgrade Their Skills campaign in the fall of 2018. This campaign will inform adults of the changing nature of work, encourage this audience to pursue continuous learning, gain new professional skills and provide information about the Department’s skills training programs that support training and education of adult workers and unemployed people. The upcoming advertising campaign will be composed of a multiple media mix, and maintain a budget in excess of $1,000,000.

The overall objective of the creative pre-testing was to ensure the advertising campaign resonates with its intended target audience and meets its objectives. Specifically, the pre-testing aimed to:

Further, there were three (3) concepts evaluated for this study.  For each of these concepts, the following was discussed:

To achieve the research objectives, a total of 8 Netfocus groups (online, real-time) were conducted from July 31st to August 2nd, 2018. Additional information on the research methodology is provided in the next section of this report.

This report presents a high-level executive summary and description of the detailed methodology used, the detailed findings of the focus group discussions, and a series of conclusions and recommendations stemming from the research findings. All working documents are appended to the report, including the recruitment screener, the moderator’s guide, and the presentation that was shown to participants during each session.

Research Methodology

Given the geographic reach and the target audience under study, a series of 8 Netfocus groups (simultaneous online and telephone discussion in real-time), namely six English groups and two French groups, were conducted from July 31st to August 2nd, 2018, with cross-country representation. The target audience included adults aged 35 to 55 years old. The following table provides an overview of the group breakdown by language and location.

Number of Netfocus Groups by Language and Region

English French Total
West (BC, AB) Prairies (MB, SK) East (ON) Atlantic (NB, NS, PE, NL) QC
1 1 2 2 2 8

As is normal practice, those who attended at least one focus group in the past six months, who have been to three or more focus groups in the past five years, or who participated in a group on advertising were excluded from participation. At the same time, people working in a sensitive occupation, including marketing, market research, media, a political party or partisan organization, or a federal or provincial government department were also excluded from the study. All participants had lived in Canada for at least two years. Participants in each group included a mix of age, region, gender, household income, employment, and education status where possible. In addition, each focus group included indigenous participants as well as a few participants employed in industries that are typically more affected by the changing nature of work. Each group also included a mix of participants from across targeted provinces, encompassing both urban and rural residents.

Ten individuals were recruited in each group, and a total of 55 individuals took part in the discussions across groups. Consistent with standard market research practice, a $75 token of appreciation was provided to each participant. Each group discussion lasted approximately 90 minutes.

Context of Qualitative Research

Qualitative discussions are intended as moderator-directed, informal, non-threatening discussions with participants whose characteristics, habits and attitudes are considered relevant to the topic of discussion. The primary benefits of individual or group qualitative discussions are that they allow for in-depth probing with qualifying participants on behavioural habits, usage patterns, perceptions and attitudes related to the subject matter. This type of discussion allows for flexibility in exploring other areas that may be pertinent to the investigation. Qualitative research allows for more complete understanding of the segment in that the thoughts or feelings are expressed in the participants’ “own language” and at their “own levels of passion.”  Qualitative techniques are used in marketing research as a means of developing insight and direction, rather than collecting quantitatively precise data or absolute measures. As such, results are directional only and cannot be projected to the overall population under study.

Executive Summary

Corporate Research Associates Inc.
Contract Number: G9292-191440
POR Registration Number: 020-18
Contract Award Date: July 20, 2018

Background and Objectives

In order to ensure the 2018 Education and Skills – Helping Working Adults Upgrade Their Skills campaign resonates with its target audience and meets its objectives, ESDC commissioned a series of eight Netfocus groups (simultaneous online and telephone discussions in real-time) with Canadian adults 35 to 55 years old (including both employed and non-employed, and indigenous and non-Indigenous audiences). Of those, six groups were conducted in English with participants from various locations across Canada, while two groups were conducted in French with Quebec residents. Group discussions were conducted from July 31st to August 2nd, 2018. Each focus group lasted approximately ninety minutes and a $75 token of appreciation was provided to each participant, as per standard market research practice. A total of 55 participants took part across groups.

The research assessed public opinion regarding continuing education and skills development. Caution must be exercised when interpreting the results from this study, as qualitative research is directional only. Results cannot be attributed to the overall population under study, with any degree of statistical confidence. The actual cost of the qualitative phase of the research was $26,154.73 (excluding taxes).

Political Neutrality Certification

I hereby certify as a Representative of Corporate Research Associates Inc. that the deliverables fully comply with the Government of Canada political neutrality requirements outlined in the Directive on the Management of Communications. Specifically, the deliverables do not include information on electoral voting intentions, political party preferences, standings with the electorate or ratings of the performance of a political party or its leaders.

Signed Signed by Margaret Brigley

Margaret Brigley, President & COO | Corporate Research Associates

Date: August 14, 2018

Key Findings

Findings from the Education and Skills Adult Campaign Public Opinion Research Study suggest that as ESDC moves forward with its final campaign development, no one campaign is best suited as presented, without modifications. More so, findings suggest any campaign should effectively portray a clear benefit or outcome of furthering education and enhancing skills.

In a review of a variety of terms related to education and skills enhancement, findings show that most terms are perceived to appropriately define the concept of getting the education, skills and experience you need to stay relevant in the labour market.  Two terms were deemed less effective including ‘upskilling’ and ‘personal development/ développement personnel’. This provides ESDC with some latitude in positioning its concept going forward.

When considering the three presented advertising campaigns [Midlife, Invested in You, and Breathe In, Breathe Out], participant preference was split between the Midlife and Breathe In, Breathe Out concepts. Both concepts were considered clear, simple, and encouraging and displayed the end result of augmenting one’s education or skills – something that is evidently important in this respect.

More specifically, the Midlife campaign was well liked for presenting a single storyline with an optimistic outcome.  The message of this campaign clearly suggested that changing careers midlife is possible, although the term ‘midlife’ was perceived as derogatory and negative by many English participants, and across languages, narrow in its implied target audience. Participants also felt there was a disconnect between this concept’s video and its social media ad design. Findings suggest that ESDC would be best served by avoiding use of the terms ‘midlife’ and ‘breakthrough’ in its campaign given the potential risks associated with the terms.

The Breathe In, Breathe Out campaign clearly communicated that there are education and skills training resources available for anyone looking for change and that you can better yourself.  This concept was well liked for the diversity presented in its characters, the professions / scenarios included, and in its wider target audience. That said, participants were confused by the video’s multiple storylines that did not have a clear relationship between each other, questioning what was happening and what the proposed outcomes were. Further, there was some concern that the video and social media ad were inconsistent in terms of tone and message.

The Invested in You concept received mixed reactions and was most criticized among English participants.  Although many participants commented positively on how the campaign positions skills enhancement as a manageable endeavor, criticism toward the campaign was common. Notably, participants disliked how the results of the characters’ hard work were not displayed, which was found to be discouraging.

Participants were shown the landing page of the Skills Boost current website and offered mixed reactions towards the page. While the white background and chosen images / icons were noted as visually appealing, participants found the page too cluttered. Further, the title ‘Skills Boost’ was considered misleading in both English and French, as participants believed it did not accurately represent the information presented.

Among the three different website concepts shown, participants indicated a clear preference for the Breathe In, Breathe Out campaign website design for its simplicity, clean design, and clear buttons. Participants appreciated the site’s single page design and colour palette, although the font was considered small to some.

Regardless of concept preference, findings suggest an overall preference for a website that is simple and clear with direct navigation. Webpages are well liked with visuals perceived as clean and uncluttered and section headers that clearly outline what information they can expect to find.

Finally, when considering site navigation, results suggest that participants are far more likely to use a desktop or laptop computer when accessing information online concerning continuing education or skill development. That said, a smartphone was often mentioned as a tool for an initial, high level search to identify resources. These findings highlight the importance for site designs to be compliant across multiple modes of access.


Corporate Research Associates Inc.
Numéro de contrat : G9292-191440
Numéro d’enregistrement de la ROP : 020-18
Date d’octroi du contrat : 20 juillet 2018

Contexte et objectifs

Afin de s’assurer que la campagne Éducation et compétences – Aider les adultes en âge de travailler à perfectionner leurs compétences de 2018-2019, rejoint le public cible et respecte ses objectifs, l’EDSC a demandé la tenue d’une série de huit groupes Netfocus (des groupes de discussion menés à la fois en ligne et au téléphone en temps réel) avec des Canadiens de 35 à 55 ans (Autochtones et non‑Autochtones, avec ou sans emploi). En tout, six groupes ont été menés en anglais avec des participants de diverses villes canadiennes et deux en français avec des résidents du Québec. Les groupes de discussion ont eu lieu entre le 31 juillet et le 2 août 2018. Chaque discussion a duré environ 90 minutes et une récompense de 75 $ a été offerte à chaque participant comme il est de pratique courante dans le secteur des études de marché. Un total de 55 personnes ont participé aux différents groupes.

L’étude a sondé l’opinion publique sur la formation continue et le développement des compétences. Notons qu’il convient d’interpréter les résultats de la présente étude avec précaution, car les recherches qualitatives ne fournissent qu’une orientation. On ne peut attribuer les résultats à l’ensemble de la population étudiée avec un degré suffisant de fiabilité statistique. Le coût total de la phase qualitative de l’étude s’est chiffré à 26 154,73 $ (taxes non-incluses).

Preuve de neutralité politique

À titre de représentante de Corporate Research Associates Inc., j’atteste que les résultats livrés sont entièrement conformes aux exigences en matière de neutralité politique du gouvernement du Canada énoncées dans la Directive sur la gestion des communications. Plus précisément, les résultats n’incluent pas de renseignements sur les intentions de vote électoral, les préférences quant aux partis politiques ou les positions des partis, et les cotes de performance d’un parti politique ou de ses dirigeants.

Signature Signature Margaret Brigley

Margaret Brigley, présidente et directrice de l’exploitation | Corporate Research Associates

Date : le 14 août 2018

Principales constatations

Les résultats de la recherche sur l’opinion du public concernant la campagne Éducation et compétences chez les adultes semblent indiquer qu’EDSC poursuive le développement de sa campagne, aucune campagne présentée n’est viable sans modifications. De plus, les résultats laissent penser que toute campagne doit démontrer efficacement les avantages et les résultats indéniables de la poursuite de l’éducation et du développement des compétences.

Lors de la révision d’une variété de termes associés à l’éducation et au développement des compétences, les résultats indiquent que la plupart des termes sont perçus comme étant appropriés pour définir le concept d’obtenir l’éducation, les compétences et l’expérience dont vous avez besoin pour rester au fait des besoins du marché du travail. Deux termes ont été jugés moins efficaces, notamment « perfectionnement » et « développement personnel ». Cela fournit une certaine latitude à EDSC lors du développement de son concept.

Quand les trois campagnes publicitaires ont été présentées (Le mi-temps de la vie, Investissez dans votre avenir et Inspiration, expiration), les participants ont préféré les concepts des campagnes Le mi‑temps de la vie et Inspiration, expiration. Les deux concepts ont été perçus comme étant clairs, simples et encourageants tout en montrant le résultat final de la poursuite de l’éducation ou du développement des compétences – un élément qui est de toute évidence important.

La campagne Le mi-temps de la vie a été bien aimée en particulier parce qu’elle présente un seul scénario avec une issue positive. Cette campagne a indiqué clairement dans son message qu’il est possible de changer de carrière au mi-temps de la vie, bien que le terme « mi-temps de la vie » était perçu comme étant désobligeant et négatif par de nombreux participants anglophones, et restrictif en ce qui a trait au public cible parmi tous les participants indépendamment de la langue. Les participants ont également eu l’impression qu’il n’y avait pas de lien entre la vidéo de ce concept et sa publicité pour les médias sociaux. Les résultats semblent indiquer qu’il vaudrait mieux qu’EDSC évite d’utiliser les termes « mi-temps de la vie » et « percée » dans sa campagne à cause des risques associés aux termes.

La campagne Inspiration, expiration a indiqué clairement qu’il existe des ressources en matière d’éducation et de formation professionnelle pour quiconque a besoin de changement et qu’il est possible de s’améliorer. Ce concept a été bien aimé parce que les personnages, les professions et les scénarios sont variés et parce qu’il vise un public plus vaste. Cela dit, les participants ont trouvé les nombreux scénarios de la vidéo déroutants, car ils n’avaient pas de liens entre eux, et ils ont posé des questions sur ce qui se passait et les issues suggérées. Par ailleurs, certains se sont dits inquiets du fait que la vidéo et la publicité pour les médias sociaux étaient incohérentes en ce qui concerne le ton et le message.

Le concept Investissez dans votre avenir a suscité des réactions mitigées et a été le plus critiqué par le groupe de participants anglophones. Même si de nombreux participants ont approuvé le fait que la campagne présente le développement des compétences comme un objectif réalisable, elle a été tout de même fortement critiquée. Les participants n’ont pas aimé précisément le fait que la campagne n’a pas montré les résultats des efforts fournis par les personnages et cela les a découragés.

On a présenté aux participants la page de renvoi actuel du site Web « Actions Compétences » et elle a suscité des réactions mitigées. Même si les participants ont jugé la toile de fond blanche et les images/icônes choisies visuellement attrayantes, ils ont souligné que la page était trop chargée. En outre, les participants ont indiqué que le titre « Actions Compétences » était trompeur en anglais et en français, car il ne présente pas correctement les renseignements présentés.

À propos des trois concepts différents du site Web qui ont été présentés, les participants ont nettement préféré le style de la campagne Inspiration, expiration à cause de sa simplicité, son allure épurée et ses icônes claires. Les participants ont aimé que le site soit sur une page et avec une palette de couleurs, même si certains ont jugé la police trop petite.

Mis à part les préférences en matière de concepts, les résultats semblent indiquer une préférence nette pour un site Web simple, clair et qu’on peut explorer directement. Les participants aiment bien les pages Web aux images claires et non chargées ainsi que des en-têtes de section qui affichent clairement les renseignements qu’ils s’attendent à trouver.

Enfin, concernant la navigation du site, les résultats laissent penser que les participants sont plus susceptibles d’utiliser un ordinateur de bureau ou un ordinateur portable quand ils cherchent des informations en ligne sur la formation continue ou le développement des compétences. Cela dit, le téléphone intelligent a souvent été cité comme étant l’outil pour entamer une recherche efficace des ressources. Ces résultats soulignent à quel point il est important de s’assurer que les conceptions des sites soient conformes aux nombreux modes d’accès.


The following key conclusions are drawn from the detailed analysis of the study’s findings.


The following recommendations are based on the study’s conclusions and offered for consideration.

  1. ESDC should move forward with development of a variation of the Midlife and Breathe In, Breathe Out concepts. Any final concept should ensure clear messaging and diversity, while demonstrating a relatable outcome.
    • Research results suggest that no one campaign is best suited, as presented.  While the Midlife campaign was well liked for its clear, single storyline and optimistic outcome, its English tagline presents a risk with the use of the term ‘midlife’ and should be avoided. Of the video storylines presented in the Midlife campaign, the Construction Electrician Workshop concept appeared strongest, but would create a single emphasis on the trades. By contrast, the Breathe In, Breathe Out campaign was clear in messaging but lacked clarity in its multiple storylines and outcomes.
    • As ESDC moves forward with its final campaign development, findings suggest any video should effectively and clearly demonstrate the end result, benefit or outcome of furthering education / skills, while depicting diversity in characters and situations.  Wherever possible, a final campaign should include a range of professions.
  2. Ensure the messaging, design and tone is consistent between the video and social media components of any advertising campaign.
    • Across locations, participants perceived a disconnect between the tone, messaging and design of each campaign’s video and social media component. In particular, it was felt that the two elements appeared to be separate campaigns and not intrinsically linked. While any final campaign will likely include multiple scenarios across components, it is imperative that care be taken to ensure that a strong alignment is evident between the two.
  3. Final website design should use a simple, clear webpage with direct navigation, consistent with the Breathe In, Breathe Out campaign website. Further, text should be limited as participants associate too many words with a cluttered look.
    • Findings clearly show that ESDC would be best served to move forward with development of a design layout similar to that presented in the Breathe In, Breathe Out campaign. This site’s simplicity, white space, single page layout, effective use of icons and limited text was well received and deemed conducive to easy site navigation.  The mobile view was also considered particularly effective for those accessing information on their mobile device, especially given that they are likely to be conducting an initial search rather than a detailed search on their mobile. Accordingly, any website design must be conducive for use on multiple devices.

Detailed Analysis

The following provides a detailed analysis of focus group discussions, with differences of opinions noted by region or audiences, where relevant.


All terms presented, with the exception of ‘upskilling’ and ‘personal development’ or ‘développement personnel’ were considered appropriate.

To begin discussions, in five of the eight groups, participants were asked to define terms used to describe the concept of getting the education, skills and experience needed to stay relevant in the labour market.

Terms mentioned spontaneously by participants among the English groups generally included professional development, training and skills development.  Among the French groups ‘formation continue’, ‘mise à niveau’, amélioration des compétences’, ‘développement des connaissances’, ‘avancement de carrière’, and acquérir de nouvelles connaissanceswere spontaneously mentioned.

Participants were then presented with seven different terminologies for the concept of getting the education, skills and experience you need to stay relevant in the labour market, including: continuing education, skills development, personal development, lifelong learning, continuous learning, professional development, and upskilling.  Subsequently, they wereasked which terms they considered best to describe the topic.

Across locations, participants were generally receptive to all terms presented.  That said, consistently, lifelong learning, continuous learning, skills development, professional development and continuing education were considered the broadest and more encompassing terms among English participants. 

“Continuous learning and professional development suggest that you are always learning.”

Across English groups, the term ‘personal development’ was deemed more generic and potentially not job related.  Further, ‘upskilling’ was generally not considered relevant in the context discussed, with many considering it to be an uncommon or unfamiliar term that is more of a slang or ‘made up’ term.

“I haven’t heard upskilling before – it sounds like it could be a made-up word.”

“It doesn’t sound professional at all. More slang.”

“Upskilling is like upselling. It just doesn’t work with all ages.”

Within the French groups terminologies discussed included: formation continue, développement des compétences, développement personnel, éducation permanente, apprentissage continu, développement professionnel, and amélioration des compétences. With the exception of the term développement personnel, all terms were deemed appropriate to describe the concept of getting education, skills and experience needed for the workplace. That being said, formation tout au long de la vie, développement des compétences, and développement professionnel were the terms most commonly considered relevant.

Creative Testing

Three different campaign concepts were presented for evaluation, with each concept including a video (animatics), a tagline and a social media ad.  The order of concepts was rotated across groups to prevent order bias. The following presents results for each of the three concepts under study.

Midlife Campaign

This campaign was considered clear, simple and encouraging, though the term ‘midlife’ received a mixed response, with some believing it less inclusive and aligned with negative connotations.

This campaign was generally well liked and elicited positive reactions for its ability to clearly communicate that changing careers mid-life is possible. The primary target audience for this concept was considered to be those aged 40-55 years, as well as any individual considering a change of career. 

The main message associated with this campaign was that it is not too late for a change or that you are never too old to start a new trade.  Participants appreciated the clarity in messaging and simplicity of the ad and liked that it clearly presented the notion that making a change mid-career is attainable.

Je pense qu‘il y a beaucoup de personnes qui arrivent à leurs 40 ans qui sont là [dans un même emploi] depuis 30 ans et qu’ils pensent qu’il n’y a pas mieux. [La campagne suggère que] tu peux le faire, tu es capable, tu peux changer pour quelque chose que tu aimes. C’est positif. Tu peux avancer, c’est pas fini si tu as 40-45 ans.” (I think of lot of people get to their 40s and have had the same job for 30 years and they think that there isn’t anything better out there. The campaign suggests that you can do it, you can change for something you like. It is positive. You can move forward, it is not over if you are 40 or 45 years old.)

J’ai perdu mon emploi à 40 ans et je me suis recyclée. Dans mon travail je suis toujours en apprentissage donc ça (la campagne) me rejoint.” (I lost my job at 40 years old and I had to retrain. In my work, I am always in learning mode so this campaign speaks to me.)

“It says it is never too late to start again, to switch to a more fulfilling career.”

“It targets midlife people – those who want to change their career. It’s encouraging and gives hope to people like me.”

Showing the final outcome – namely securing a new employment - was encouraging. The social media ad was especially well liked and deemed clear and concise in its messaging.  Another key strength of this campaign included the racial diversity shown.

There were a number of criticisms of this concept that warrant mention. Some criticized the scenario for being too vague or generic and lacking personal relevance.  Others felt the office scenario was unrealistic showing a welcome banner or that it was not necessarily correct to assume that any new career alternative would be in an office setting at a desk, using a computer.

“The welcome banner is not credible – you’re just not going to get that.”

Showing a mix of industries (namely an office setting, plus the trades in the social media ad) was appreciated, although participants were often confused by the lack of linkage between the two campaign components.

In most English groups the word midlife received a mixed response.  While some felt it was relatable and effective at targeting a middle-aged audience, others considered it derogatory and potentially negative, consistently associating it to ‘midlife crisis’ or a time where people make sporadic or irrational decisions. This term, however, did not prove problematic in French.

“The term midlife sticks out.  It brings to mind a midlife crisis – a time when people make rash decisions.”

That being said, across languages, many felt the target audience was too targeted at those in their forties and did not effectively speak to a broader age group. 

À 35 ans je ne considère pas avoir fait la moitié de ma vie.” (At 35, I don’t consider being at midlife.)

The idea of increasing your potential (“augmentez votre potentiel”) was considered as pejorative by a couple of French-speaking participants for implying that someone is “not as good as they can be”. To some, it also did not align with the concept of changing careers, as they did not relate the concept of increased potential with a new endeavour, but rather improving within existing functions. As such, it was suggested to rephrase to expand your horizons (“élargissez vos horizons”) to be more inclusive of various life changing professional situations and communicate potential in a more positive way. Other suggested expressions included “exercez un nouveau métier”, “augmentez votre productivité” and “changez de cap”.

[Le mot] potentiel  me chicotte un peu. Augmenter vos possibilités déjà là ce serait mieux. Potentiel c’est péjoratif. Ça fait ‘si tu ne fais pas ça t’as pas grand choses’.” (I don’t like the word ‘potential’. Enhance your possibilities would be better. The word potential is pejorative. It says, ‘if you do not do it, you are not worth much’.)

When considering the concept’s tagline (Midlife is a perfect time for a breakthrough.  Expand your potential with education, skills and job resources), participants consistently felt that the use of the word ‘midlife’ limited the concept’s target audience and the likelihood of a viewer’s personal relevance.  

As mentioned, the terms midlife and midlife breakthrough proved problematic across English locations with some English participants deeming the terms derogatory or negative. Some, in fact, questioned what age ‘midlife’ actually referred to and were unsure if it was speaking of someone in their age group. Further, they felt a change is good at any time in life.

“By saying Midlife, you limit your scope in terms of who this is speaking to.  How do you define that? It implies that is the time for a change.  Any time in life is a perfect time for a change.”

Others felt that the term breakthrough was perhaps over dramatic given the topic at hand.

“In science you have a medical breakthrough. It’s a ‘wow’ moment.  Changing your career or job doesn’t necessarily fit with that term.”

When comparing the expression used in the French alternate campaign scenarios, “aller de l’avant”, and that used in the original tagline, “nouvel élan”, participants felt that “aller de l’avant” was more dynamic and implied action, while “nouvel élan“ primarily related to renewal, change, or newness.

Aller de l’avant, c’est se donner un coup de pied pour avancer, prendre les choses en main; tandis que nouvel élan on sent moins la force.” (‘Move forward’, it gives a kick to move ahead, to take things in hand; while with ‘fresh start’, we feel less strength.)

Nouvel élan sous-entend qu’on est en train de plafonner dans notre carrière et que si on va chercher une formation supplémentaire ça nous donne un coup de pied pour aller de l’avant.” (Fresh start implies that we have reached the peak of our career and that if we go for additional training, it gives us a push to move forward.)

Allez de l’avant ça veut dire investir, prendre des risques; prendre l’initiative; c’est plus dynamique; se prendre en main.” (‘Move forward’ means investing, taking risks; taking initiative; it's more dynamic; take charge.)

Nouvel élan c’est un renouvellement; un changement de carrière; du renouveau. Se relancer dans un marché de l’emploi.” (‘Fresh start’ is a renewal; a career change; revival. Revive yourself in the job market.)

Three different words or phrases were presented throughout the Midlife campaign (midlife, midlife breakthrough and a new beginning / mi-temps de la vie, percée de la quarantaine, and nouveau départ). 

It was generally felt that although the three terms explored (midlife, midlife breakthrough and a new beginning) could be similarly understood, a new beginning / nouveau départ was considered more positive, optimistic and less age specific across groups.  Indeed, it was felt that it is never too early or too late for a new beginning and appreciated that this could be relevant to any person at any stage in life. 

Nouveau départ ça me parle plus parce que tu peux le faire à 30 ans ou 50 ou 60 ans. Nouveau et départ suggère que tu commences quelque chose de nouveau.” (A new beginning speaks more to me because you can do that when you are 30, 50 or 60 years old. New beginning suggests that you start something new.)

Un nouveau départ n’a pas rapport avec l’âge.  C’est neutre. Pas d’âge de rattaché à ça et c’est positif et dynamique.” (A new beginning doesn’t have an age associated with it. It is neutral. No age relationship and it is positive and dynamic.)

“This is more generalized.  It works for any age.”

A few participants mentioned that a new beginning could be interpreted as starting over and abandoning what you’ve already accomplished, with a suggestion that ‘the next step’ might be more appropriate. Of note, one Indigenous participant took exception to the concept of a new beginning, indicating that an individual is the sum of their past experiences and a new beginning suggests you are starting over and ignoring the past. This was the only notable difference expressed among Indigenous participants across locations.

“I struggle with this.  It is dismissive of all the learnings and life experiences that you bring to the table.  As an Indigenous person I think this minimizes my whole person and what I bring to the table.”

While not perceived negatively by French participants, the idea of ‘mi-temps de la vie’ and ‘percée de la quarantaine’ referred to a narrow age group namely those between 40-50 years old. Further, ‘mi-temps de la vie’ was perceived as less specifically referring to a professional life, but could encompass personal aspects of life as well.

Mi-temps de la vie; c’est flou. De ta vie professionnelle ou humaine? Ce n’est pas clair. Mais c’est plus poétique.” (Midlife is vague; is it of your professional or personal life? It isn’t clear. But it is more poetic.)

Alternate Scenarios

Two other scenarios for the Midlife Campaign video were also presented:

The Acceptance Letter Scenario was deemed problematic and flawed, with the storyline being inappropriate and unrealistic.  To many the scenario was described as dated, indicative of a family setting in the 50s.  Further, participants considered it unacceptable and illegal for a boy to open his mother’s mail. As presented, the scenario was also criticized for implying that post-secondary education is necessary to make a change - which some did not agree with.

One participant working in the post-secondary environment commented that the notion of receiving an acceptance letter in the mail is dated and unrealistic, as most acceptance letters are distributed online. Further, some questioned what the desired outcome was for the mother, as the story did not present the end goal from a career perspective.

In addition, in the French groups there was some confusion as to why the government would feature a scenario presenting post-secondary education as an option, given that education is of provincial jurisdiction. The message of government programs being available for continuous education and skills development was therefore weakened or even unclear to some. Accordingly, this approach lacked linkage with the desired message. 

Le premier faisait référence à un changement de carrière. Ici on parle d’améliorer les compétences.” (The first one referred to a change in career while this one suggests skills improvement.)

That said, participants appreciated the inclusion of family in the concept and the strong suggestion of family support, though some felt it did not speak to those living in a non-traditional family setting.  Across groups participants liked that the concept recognized that an entire family feels the stress when an individual is going through change and that enhancing skills impacts the whole family. 

The Construction Electrician Workshop scenario was very well received across groups and was often the preferred of all three approaches in this concept.  Participants considered the approach refreshing and liked the plot or twist of the story line and that it challenged stereotypical thinking (i.e. a female in a leadership role, and teaching a trade; a younger person mentoring an older one). This approach effectively grabbed attention and spoke to a wide range of audiences across gender and age. 

Aside from the clear messaging that it is never too late to make a change and pursue skills development, this concept was deemed interesting and fun to watch, offering a refreshing approach.  Further it clearly communicated that government programs are available and encouraged people to consider their options.

Avec celui-là je comprends bien que c’est quelqu’un dans le mi-temps de la vie qui veut essayer quelque chose de nouveau.” (With this scenario, I understand that it is someone who is in midlife who wants to try something new.)

C’est le même message (que l’original) mais c’est plus précis. Quand on voit que la jeune fille qui est la professeure et que le monsieur est en train d’apprendre on sait qu’il est retourné à l’école pour apprendre. Revenir à l’école pour développer des compétences.” (It’s the same thing as the original video but the message is clearer. When we see the young lady who is the teacher and the man learning, we know that he went back to school to learn. Going back to school to improve your skills.)

“This breaks the standard social norms.  It has the potential to get rid of barriers that need to be gone. If it starts to be seen in the broader context, people will be more accepting of it.”

Breathe In, Breathe Out Campaign

The Breathe In, Breathe Out concept was well liked for its inclusivity and encouraging / reassuring approach.  The campaign clearly communicated that assistance in the pursuit of education and skills training is available.

This campaign was generally liked and considered reassuring, offering a promise of assistance. It was clear to participants that the Breathe In, Breathe Out campaign communicated that, for anyone looking for change, there are education and skills training resources available; you can better yourself.  Participants widely believed the concept suggested that you are never too old for change and that help is available to relieve stress. It also recognized that changing careers is a life changing event that can be stressful, but it is manageable with the assistance of government programs. 

Participants liked that this concept showed the beginning, as well as the end result of undertaking continuous education.  It was believed that the campaign offers a hopeful and positive tone, hits all age groups, and demonstrates that changing careers is possible and doable.  The video incorporated multiple scenarios for continuous learning, suggesting that it can apply to a wider range of people.  Participants liked the ads’ inclusiveness and diversity of people (racial, age and gender) and it was appreciated that one character was not readily gender-identified.

Changer de métier ou aller chercher un diplôme. Nouvelles occasions qui s’appliquent à un nouvel emploi ou retourner aux études. Ça englobe plus de situations.” (Changing career or getting an education. New occasions that applies to a new job or going back to school. It encompasses more situations.)

Je considère qu’on ratisse plus large pour les groupes d’âge – plus hétéroclite et élargi.” (It covers a wider age range; more diversified and larger.)

While this concept elicited a positive response from participants, not all parts of the video were considered equally strong. The gentleman on the sofa was confusing to some, in that his story was not clear.  While they liked the idea that the other man had received his diploma, some questioned if that would lead to employment, suggesting that ultimately, any education or training must be able to translate to employment. Accordingly, showing a scenario that ended in a job was desirable.

“I like that this shows a beginning and an end result.  It’s hopeful. But it tried to cover a lot of different stories, and was a little bit confusing.  I’m not sure what the older guy on the sofa is doing?”

Some questioned if too many scenarios were included in the campaign. Further, it was felt that there was less of a focussed message in this concept, with the campaign lacking a unifying message and tone between the different components. The tone of the campaign was viewed as inconsistent, with the video offering a hopeful, positive, and reassuring option, while the social media ad was more alarmist and serious. It presented the situation differently – easy and simple in the video and arduous and stressful in the social media ad.

“It’s a lot to take in versus one personal story.  You lose focus on what it’s trying to say.”

“La partie médias sociaux j’ai l’impression que c’est une autre campagne. Et je n’aime pas le texte sérieux et qui fait peur. C’est alarmiste et on n’est plus dans le positif.” (I feel as though the social media ad is part of another campaign. I don’t like the text; it’s serious and scary. It is alarmist and we are no longer in a positive tone.)

For many, the video’s message was not clear until the words on the screen appeared at the end.  Participants questioned why the person was applying online and what the application was for (school, employment, etc.).

There was also uncertainty regarding how getting a diploma in the mail translated into a new job.  Nonetheless, everything comes together in the end, suggesting that while the overall message was understood when looking at all of the components, it wan not obvious when looking at single elements.

“Ce n’est pas clair que c’est une campagne pour susciter les gens à se former. Il n’y a pas de lien entre chacune des images et il n’y a pas de liens avec la formation.” (It’s unclear that this is a campaign to entice people to get skills development. There is no relationship between the images and no link with education.)

Le message quand on arrive à la fin de la publicité je comprends mais si je prends une partie de la publicité je ne comprends pas trop. C’est vraiment de la formation. Prenez-vous en main, c’est important d’aller chercher de la formation.” (I understand the message at the end of the video but if you take only a part of it, the message is unclear. It’s really about training. Take charge; it’s important to get training.)

The tagline for this concept (Open Yourself to Opportunity…) was considered clear, concise and easily understood. That said, it was felt that the tagline was not consistently implied in the video across all scenarios, primarily because viewers were not able to see the end outcome or opportunities presented as a result of their continued learning.

In the social media ad, inclusion of the word ‘big’ in the headline ‘pursuing a trade is a big decision’ was considered off-putting, frightening or discouraging to some, suggesting that a better approach would be a ‘great’, ‘smart’ or ‘exciting’ decision.

“This sounds overwhelming, especially if they are questioning if they should do it or not.  It would be better to say ‘Pursuing a trade is an exciting decision.”

“This could be off putting or an intimidating statement. It needs to be more energizing rather than just shutting them down.”

“The terminology needs to be kicked up a notch.  I prefer to see language that is more empowering.  It has to capture my attention.You need to get people engaged.  Things like ‘opportunity’ and ‘potential’ – ‘unlock your potential’.  You need to be loud and proud.”

As a result, the social media ad was often perceived as more alarmist or stressful. That said, inclusion of the ad’s tagline (Take Control of Your Future – Access grants and loans) provided some clarity in terms of government assistance for skills enhancement.

“I love that line (take control of your future). Sometimes when you get a little older you feel like you are stuck.”

Invested in You Campaign

While the Invested in You campaign portrayed skills enhancement as a manageable endeavour, this concept was criticized for not showing the final outcome.

The ‘Invested in You’ concept received mixed reactions and was least appealing of the three concepts, particularly among English participants.  The campaign effectively portrayed that you can change your life if you want to, and suggested you can take charge/ take control. Overall, it positioned skills enhancement as a manageable endeavour for a variety of people.

“It tells me if you are willing to put in the hard work, the government is going to support you.”

This campaign provided two distinctly different messages across groups.  While some recognized that it spoke of incorporating flexibility in your lifestyle as you develop new skills or education, others felt that it simply portrayed working hard with little benefit.  The concept was seen as very straightforward in saying that to make changes you have to make sacrifices and that to enhance your skills you may need to compromise your personal life. 

Participants liked the diversity of people and experiences shown in the concept, although a few commented that showing a typical family (e.g., two-parent household, male and female, and children) was not necessarily reflective of many people’s reality.  Showing the tattooed woman was well received as it challenged stereotypes.

“As a single mom, I wonder if I’d be able to do more without the [family] support.”

The social media ad was considered pointed, clear and direct, although participants felt the social media ads needed to profile more than one pursuit. French participants commented on how the campaign presents the idea that continuous education is accessible and can be incorporated to various life situations (being employed; taking care of a family).

Je trouve que ça fait appel au concept de travail-famille. Même si tu as une famille tu peux trouver du temps pour parfaire tes connaissance soit en ligne ou une autre façon  - tout en travaillant ou en s’occupant de ta famille.” (It relates to work-life balance. Even if you have a family, you can find time to enhance your skills online or otherwise, while still working or taking care of your family.)

Ça ne nécessite pas de tout quitter ou de tout abandonner.” (You don’t need to leave everything behind, to abandon everything.)

By contrast, a number of consistent criticisms were shared, particularly among English participants.  Most notably, the video did not finish the story and was missing demonstration of the payoff for the hard work.  Although the video displayed characters’ pursuit of additional education, there was no indication of what they were working towards or what the end result would be of their hard work.

“The video’s message was all about working harder and working more.  A lot of us are working hard now.  This is missing the payoff.  It needs to finish the story.”

“This wouldn’t encourage me to want to put more on my plate.  Showing the mom tucking in her child on the phone makes me really sad.”

“Working an extra shift doesn’t mean you’re investing in your skills.”

“They all have taken on extra things to make a better future – at the same time.  There is a complete disconnect here, I couldn’t tie the story with what it is saying.”

To many, the concept was depressing, discouraging and a demotivator to pursue education or further skills development. 

“This approach doesn’t do it for me.  I’m waiting to see the reward for working overtime.”

“What are we working towards here?  This is depressing!  It’s a bit cryptic.  Why is he getting up early?  To pay for school? There is not positive outcome – no payoff shown.”

Participants were confused as to what the video was trying to portray.  Further, once again it was felt the campaign lacked a strong linkage between the video and the social media ad.

The tagline for this concept (You’re invested in your future.  We’re invested in you…) also received a mixed response.  While some appreciated that it suggested that the Government of Canada is prepared to assist those who are willing to invest in their own future, others felt the campaign implied that you have to be prepared to make a sacrifice to better yourself, often times by compromising your family.

“This tagline is better.  I see that you can get some support with education from the government.  It’s straightforward.”

“It’s direct – if you need help the government is there to help you.”

“I don’t want government to take credit for my future.  Nobody is invested in you until you start or take action.”

Concept Preference

Preference was split between the Midlife and the Breathe In, Breathe Out concepts.

After seeing all concepts, participants were asked to choose which one was most compelling to them personally. Overall, the Midlife and Breathe In, Breathe Out concepts were equally preferred over the Invested in You concept. While the number of participants who preferred each campaign is presented in the table at the right, caution must be exercised in interpreting these numbers given the qualitative nature of the study. These figures are presented for directional purpose only.

  Preferred Concept
Midlife 20
Breathe In, Breath Out 21
Invested in you 12

Those who noted a preference for the Midlife concept often commented on how the concept resonates with them personally, typically because they fall within the perceived target audience age range, or because they could see a successful accomplishment or outcome associated with the concept.

Je suis moi-même à la mi-temps; début quarantaine donc je suis inspiré par le slogan.” (I am in midlife, early forties so I am inspired by the tagline.)

”It made more sense than others and resonates with me.”

“It relates to me and my life.”

“Because I am middle aged and it really encourages me to not give up on my career dreams, it's not too late to find and do what I will love.”

Moreover, these participants found the campaign to be clear and encouraging with respect to the pursuit of a new career or visiting the government’s website for more information.

Cette campagne me semble plus concrète et on voit la finalité où l'homme d'un certain âge (auquel je peux m'identifier) intègre un nouvel emploi.” (This campaign seems more practical and we see the final results where a man of a certain age (to which I identify) starts a new job.)

“For me it shows that it’s never too late to start a new career and succeed no matter what the obstacles could be.”

Le message est concis et m'indique que le gouvernement offre des programmes de formation continue. C'est assez pour m'inciter à visiter le site” (The message is concise and states there are government programs for continuous education. It’s enough to entice me to visit the website

Participants who preferred the Breathe In, Breathe Out campaign reflected on its inclusivity, simplicity, and clarity. Further, participants commented on the campaign’s accomplishment of presenting the achievement of results.

”Because it hits all age groups, and gender. You can change your life at any age.”

Je considère que cette campagne ratisse beaucoup plus large en terme de population cible.” (I think this campaign has wider appeal in terms of its target audience.)

Je la trouve plus inclusive et plus complète car elle parle de plusieurs types de travailleurs (jeunes, vieux, professionnels, techniques ...). Et dans tous les cas c'est positif!” (I find it more inclusive and complete because it speaks to many types of workers (young people, older people, professionals, trades…). And in any case it’s positive.)

“It’s straight to the point and you see results.”

“The message of career change seems more possible. No mention of sacrifices. It appeals to everyone.”

Though fewer participants indicated a preference towards the Invested in You campaign, those who did frequently commented on the portrayed flexibility of continuing education.

J'ai déjà un emploi à temps plein et l'option de m'aider dans un nouveau départ est rassurant.” (I already have a full time job and the idea of receiving help for a new beginning is reassuring.)

Parce que [elle suggère que] la formation est flexible et permet de s'intégrer avec la conciliation travail-famille.  Elle peut se faire  de façon continue et tout au long de la vie.” (Because the campaign suggests that education is flexible and considers work-life balance. It can be done continuously throughout your life.)

Regardless of preference, participants consistently reported that any final concept should:

Website Concepts

Skills Boost Webpage

After reviewing the creative concepts, participants were shown a screenshot of the current Skills Boost website landing page and asked for their top-of-mind perceptions on the webpage layout.

At a glance, participants offered mixed reactions regarding the current website’s landing page. Some participants liked its clean, simple visual look rendered by the use of a white background, images, and simple icons.

“I like the simplicity of the icons and the menu.  It is simple and easy to find what I need to.”

By contrast, others felt that the page’s wordiness creates visual clutter, notably by the use of long sentences for links and the inclusion of personal stories.

Across languages, it was mentioned that the title did not adequately represent the information included, and thus could potentially mislead users about the site’s content.

 “Skills boost doesn’t tell me what it is all about.  It doesn’t grab your attention. It should say upgrade your skills, not skills boost.”

In general, the colours used on this page were well liked.  Some, however, felt the visual at the top of the page was too cluttered.

Il y a trop d’information, trop d’affaires qui se passe en même temps pour identifier s’il y a quelque chose qui m’intéresse.” (There is too much information, too many things that happen at once to allow me to identify if there is anything of interest.)

Les couleurs sont belles, vives, et elles captent l’attention.” (Colours are pretty, bright, and they attract attention.)

“The tools of different trades are not properly represented in the visual.  Arts is not a skilled trade.”

“It’s inviting, happy and promising.  It’s easy to use.  I enjoyed the stories.”

The personal stories presented at the bottom of the page were generally deemed useful and of interest, as they present an actual account of how people incorporated skills development and continuous education in their lives and what the outcomes might be. These become a source of information, but most notably a source of inspiration for those interested in undertaking this kind of endeavour. Some felt that the inclusion of more stories would help to ensure greater inclusion, showing different types of people / family makeups. It was, however, mentioned that to remove visual clutter from the home page, the personal stories should be located in subpages, to align with relevant programs and services. Some also suggested that stories could be presented as videos where real people are featured.

On se retrouve à travers d’autres gens qui ont vécu les même parcours que nous.” (We see ourselves through other people that have the same path as we do.)

“I loved the personal stories.  You can relate it to your own situation.”

“If these were video stories there would be even more of a personal connection.”

Campaign Websites

Participants voiced preference for a webpage that is simple and clear with uncluttered visuals and section headers that clearly outline what information they can expect to find. The Breathe In, Breathe Out campaign website was by far the preferred approach.

Following the discussion of the current website, three new website layouts were presented for consideration:

Midlife Campaign Website

Participants expressed mixed reactions towards the navigation of this website. Some liked the simplicity of the landing page and the direct single path to various sections of the site, considering it clean, straightforward and attractive. Others found that insufficient information was included on the landing page to effectively direct their search. Most felt that the subpage included too much information. While the colours were considered outdated, the colour-coding of sections on the website was considered helpful with navigation.

Je trouve qu’au niveau de la première page on n’a pas beaucoup d’information, mais ensuite il y en a trop.” (I find that on the first page there isn’t a lot of information, but afterwards there is too much.)

“The muted citrus palate is not exciting.  The colours are bland.”

While some felt the use of black lettering on yellow was visually attention-getting and effective, one participant considered the use of yellow and black to be a poor choice of colour when considering the topic.

“In the trades, yellow and black mean caution – take care. I don’t think it’s a good choice.”

Overall, the mobile view of the page was appreciated for its brevity, limited text and use of colour.

Participants were asked to briefly describe what they would expect to find in each section of the website based on the labelling on the landing page. The following provides a description of what is expected in each section:

Learn a trade / Apprentissage d’un métier:
what trades exist and how we can learn a trade (education needed).
Further education / Développement des compétences:
lists government services, and programs as well as tools and resources available to people to help them with continuous education; education required to access trades, including information such as the cost, how long it takes, and where it is available.
Get a new job / Recherche d’emploi:
provides information on how to look for work and what jobs are available; main employers in each industry.

Breathe In, Breathe Out Campaign Website

This was the preferred navigation approach for its simplicity and ease of use. The white background, use of simple images, limited text, and the limited number of links contributed to its overall appeal. Participants appreciated having everything all on one page and generally liked the colours used throughout the site.

Of note, a few participants commented that the order of the three icons on the main page was misplaced, in that the first icon should be ‘explore in demand jobs’ (rather than ‘become an apprentice’).  This, in turn, would help someone determine what their next course of action should be.

“Step one should be where is the demand!?  Then you figure out how to proceed.”

Being redirected below on the landing page made the landing page ‘cleaner’ and simpler, providing access to more information on the landing page without being visually cluttered. The mobile view the site was well liked for its simplicity and clarity.

On se perd pas dans les grands titres. Il semble simple de rechercher l’information.” (We don’t get lost with long titles and it looks easy to find information.)

Participants appreciated the diversity shown in the site’s pictures, both in terms of age, gender and having tattoos displayed.  The images were considered inclusive, personally relevant and reflective of real life.  Some commented that they liked having the direct eye contact in the visual of the man with the beard. That said, a few participants questioned the relevance of showing images of people not in action as a means to illustrate the site’s topics.

“The picture should be more engaging and action-oriented.”

A few participants found being redirected below on the landing page more cumbersome than if they were redirected in section pages, while others questioned if the navigation tool with the continuum (dots on line) was necessary or particularly useful.

The site’s single page was generally well liked, with many participants voicing preference for scrolling versus having to click through multiple subpages or layers.  That said, some commented that care needed to be taken to ensure the font size and design is best suited for the target audience.

“If this is for more middle-aged people, they need to make sure fonts are large enough.  Some of the fonts are too small and script is hard to read.  The older you get, the more challenging it is.”

Participants liked the fact that the subheads provided a brief description of what they could find below.  When asked to briefly describe what they would expect to find in each section of the website based on the labelling on the landing page, the following provides a description of what is expected in each section:

Become an apprentice / Devenez un apprenti:
what trades exist; information on the type of schooling required to become an apprentice and how long it takes; information on how to become an apprentice; programs and schools available
Go back to school / Retournez à l’école:
what schools are available; where they are located; what programs they offer; information on becoming an apprentice; grants, bursaries, and loans available.
Explore in demand jobs / Découvrez les emplois en demande:
industries or sectors looking for employees; statistics on those employment; descriptions of those jobs including wages; number of jobs available.

Invested in You Campaign Website

For the most part, the landing page of the Invested in You campaign website was considered cluttered which made it difficult to quickly locate a topic of interest. The inclusion of too many links and the large headers contributed to this feeling.

Il y a des liens en haut et des liens en bas. J’aurais tendance à me demander si je dois cliquer aux deux places pour m’assurer que je ne manque rien.” (There are links above and then below. I would ask myself if I have to click on both to make sure that I am not missing out on information I am looking for.)

The graphic of the main section headers was disliked and considered too big. Across multiple groups a number of participants criticized the font used, as they felt that having it in all caps presented an aggressive tone and the feeling that they were being screamed at.  Further, the repetitive nature of the headlines added to a crowded landing page and subpage.

“It’s so repetitive [having headlines repeat Your / Your / Your or At a Glance / At a Glance / At a Glance]. It doesn’t look polished or finished to me.”

“It feels very ‘in your face’.  It looks like it’s shouting at me. It’s intimidating by design.”

The use of ‘highlighting’ with the colouring was considered dated and ‘old school’ to some, and, as mentioned previously, a few mentioned that the use of yellow and black as a colour combination were indicative within the trades of caution or alert and perhaps not appropriate.

The mobile view was also criticized and considered too crowded, and confusing as presented.

“The picture doesn’t give me any information. The print is too small, and it’s too difficult to navigate on a small screen.  Most people when accessing this on their phone will get very frustrated.  It’s much easier if there is a button approach where it’s designed for a touch screen.”

The few who preferred this version indicated that having multiple ways to access information, as well as listing multiple topics on the landing pages through links, provided them with a quick snapshot of what the site would include. The simplicity of the main titles also held appeal for those people, as well as the colour coding and use of arrows.

C’est clair et tu choisi si tu veux aller étudier; tu veux aller en formation; tu veux une nouvelle carrière; c’est direct.” (It’s clear and you choose if you want to go to school, if you want to get trained, if you want a new career; it’s straight to the point.)

C’est mieux organisé. Les gens sont habitués à avoir toute l’information tout de suite.” (It is better organized. People are used to have access to all of the information right away.)

Participants were asked to briefly describe what they would expect to find in each section of the website based on the labelling on the landing page. The following provides a description of what is expected in each section:

Your future / Votre avenir:
education programs available; employment trends; growing industries.
Your education / Vos études:
education programs offered by government.
Your training / Votre formation:
training programs available and length, where they are offered
Your career / Votre carrière:
statistics on job placement; what profession or career are available based on education or training you undertake

Website Preferences

After seeing all website concepts, participants were asked to choose which one is most compelling to them personally. Overall, the Breathe In, Breathe Out navigation design was clearly preferred, primarily for its simplicity, clean design and clear buttons.  While the number of participants who preferred each campaign is presented in the table at the right, caution must be exercised in interpreting these numbers given the qualitative nature of the study. These figures are presented for directional purpose only.

  Preferred website design
Midlife 9
Breathe In 38
Invested in you 8

The layout of the Breathe In, Breathe Out design was considered user friendly, and aesthetically appealing. As mentioned, participants liked the simplicity of the site and found it to be inviting and unintimidating.

J'aime la configuration des onglet déroulants qui rend facile de trouver l'information. Les couleurs utilisées pour chaque groupe des sujets sont aussi très nuancées et j'aime bien ces couleurs !” (I like the set up with scrolling down links which makes it easier to find the information. The colours used for each topic are also nuanced and I like these colours.)

“It is "softer" and easier to navigate. The others are too busy. I have a visual impairment and for me less busy is better.”

“Love it - very straightforward to use, welcoming. Breathe In, Breathe Out is a clever way to keep people's attention and continue to delve in to the opportunities on the site.”

Je trouve le mode de navigation plus simple, dans le sens où nous n'avons pas besoin de faire de marche arrière pour revenir sur un sujet.” (I find navigation simpler since you don’t need to backtrack to go back to a topic.)

Le site est plus contemporain. Les couleurs sont plus jolies. Il est moins encombré; mieux adapté aux appareils mobiles. Je n'aime pas le look des autres sites avec des encadrés sur les titres.” (The site is more modern. Colours are prettier. It is less busy; better suited for mobile use. I don’t like the look of the other websites with boxed in titles.)

“Message is clearly displayed. The text is simple, the colour palate is soothing, and the website appears to be more navigable. I like the option of either scrolling or clicking.”

At the same time, there were some participants who indicated a preference for the Midlife website concept due to the website’s layout and ease of navigation.

“Clean, easy access to information layout draws attention and modern.”

“The format is easy, clarity with the choices, the black and white photo makes a point but isn’t loud.”

Il me semble plus facile à naviguer, surtout si on doit revenir en arrière (plus facile de cliquer sur le bouton "recul" que de défiler jusque vers le haut). Et c'est plus clair de diviser les liens par sujets.” (It appears easier to navigate, especially if we need to go back. It’s easier to click on the back button than to have to scroll up to the top. And it is clearer to group the links by topics.)

La première page ne comporte que 3 étapes faciles avant de se trouver (possiblement) un emploi.” (The first page includes only 3 easy steps before you can potentially find a job.)

While there was very little preference towards the Invested in You website, those who reported such a preference commented on the layout and ease of navigation.

“The layout easy to read and understand.”

“Because I can see at a glance where each main section will take me without having to guess. Gives you the information without looking too busy.”

“The most stimulating and easy to navigate.”

Method of Search

A desktop or laptop computer were preferred means of accessing online information regarding continuous education and skills development, though an initial search may be done by mobile device.

In concluding the discussion, participants were asked how they would most often access online information regarding continuous education and skills development, namely by using a desktop, laptop computer, tablet, or a smartphone. While a reliance on mixed modes was apparent, there was general agreement that when looking for more detailed information, participants primarily rely on a desktop or laptop, namely because a bigger screen is more conducive to searching for detailed information.  Further, many mentioned that as they age, they prefer a larger screen when reading materials.

Most participants indicated that they would likely use a desktop or laptop computer, as this type of research activity would require time. In each group a few participants expressed preference for a tablet.  Although no French participants indicated that they would use a smartphone to search for this type of information, a good number of English participants did.  That said, the use of a smartphone was primarily for an initial, high level search (often while on the go) to identify resources, rather than for a deep dive for extensive information.  Many indicated that their search could involve both a smartphone and their laptop / desktop.  All said, findings underscore the importance of any site being designed with multi-mode access in mind.

Appendix A:English Research Documents

Appendix A1: Recruitment Screener

Education & Skills Campaign Screener – Final

Name: [ ]

Community: [ ]

Province: [ ]

Daytime phone: [ ]

Evening phone: [ ]


Netfocus Groups (Login instructions will be emailed to participants):
Specification Summary
Complete screener in language answered [French or English].

Hello, my name is [insert name] and I am with Corporate Research Associates, a market research company. We are conducting a series of small online group discussions on behalf of the Government of Canada in the coming weeks and are looking for people to take part. We would like to speak with someone in your household who is at least 35 years of age. Would that be you? IF NO, ASK TO SPEAK TO SOMEONE ELSE AND REPEAT INTRO

Would you prefer that I continue in English or in French? Préférez-vous continuer en français ou en anglais? IF FRENCH, CONTINUE IN FRENCH OR ARRANGE CALL BACK WITH FRENCH INTERVIEWER: Nous vous rappellerons pour mener cette entrevue de recherche en français. Merci. Au revoir.

The purpose of this study is to hear people’s views on continuing education and skills enhancement. Those who qualify and take part in the group discussion will receive $75.

May I ask you a few quick questions to see if you are the type of participant we are looking for? This should take about 6 or 7 minutes. The information you provide will remain confidential and you are free to opt out at any time. Thank you

  1. Do you, or anyone in your household, currently work or have worked in any of the following areas?
    • Marketing/Market Research 1
    • Public relations 2
    • Advertising 3
    • Media (TV, Radio, Newspaper) 4
    • Political party or partisan organization 5
    • Federal or provincial government 6


  1. So we can include a diversity of people in the research, we would like to know what is your current age? IF RESPONDENT REFUSES TO GIVE EXACT AGE, ACCEPT A RANGE, AS OUTLINED BELOW RECORD AGE: [ ] THANK & TERMINATE IF LESS THAN 35 OR MORE THAN 55 – SEE QUOTAS
Age Quotas:
  1. What is the highest level of education you have finished?
    • High School or less 1 RECRUIT MIX                     
    • Some trade school, college or university 2 RECRUIT MIX
    • Completed trade school, college or university 3 RECRUIT MIX           
    • Graduate studies 4 RECRUIT MIX  
  2. What is your current employment status? Are you currently? READ RESPONSES IN ORDER—CODE ONE ONLY
    • Employed full Time 1 See quotas
    • Employed part Time 2 See quotas
    • Self-Employed 3 See quotas
    • Unemployed, looking for work 4 See quotas
    • Unemployed, not looking for work 5 See quotas
    • Stay-at-home 6 See quotas
Employment Quotas:
  1. IF EMPLOYED, ASK: In what industry or sector do you currently work? [ ] TERMINATE IF SIMILAR OCCUPATIONS AS IN Q1
Industry quotas:

Recruit 3-4 participants per group who are employed in one these Vulnerable Industries:

Construction, public administration, supply chain, manufacturing, mining, agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting, transportation, retail and wholesale trade, and/or other services. Also consider: transportation (autonomous vehicles) and logistics occupations, office and administrative support workers, construction and production (manufacturing) occupations, extraction (mining), retail sales and related (Internet shopping), simpler service jobs, and farming, fishing and forestry.

  2. Were you born in Canada?
    • Yes 1 Skip to Q9
    • No 2
  3. How many years have you lived in Canada?
    • Less than 5 years 1 Recruit 1-2 per group
    • At least 5 years or more 2
  4. In what community do you currently live? [ ] IN EACH GROUP, RECRUIT MIX BY REGION IN EACH GROUP, RECRUIT 5 URBAN/SUBURBAN & 5 RURAL
  5. How many years have you lived in this community?
    • Less than 2 years 1 THANK AND TERMINATE
    • At least 2 years 2
  6. In the past ten years, have you considered the possibility of continuing your education or taking part in skills upgrading?
    • Yes 1 Recruit 1-2 per group
    • No 2

We would like to include a good cross-section of people in this research. The next few questions ask about your socio-demographic and ethnic profile.

  1. Do you identify yourself as Indigenous, that is are you of First Nations, Inuit or Métis descent?
    • Yes, First Nations 1 Recruit 1-2 per group
    • Yes, Inuit 2 Recruit 1-2 per group
    • Yes, Métis 3 Recruit 1-2 per group
    • No 4
  2. [IF FIRST NATIONS – CODE 1 IN Q12] Do you live most of the time on- or off-reserve?
    • On-reserve 1
    • Off-reserve 2
    • Prefer not to say 3
  3. Do you consider yourself to have a disability?
    • Yes 1 Recruit 1-2 participants per group
    • No 2
  4. Which of the following best describes your total household income before taxes last year? Would you say…? READ RESPONSES IN ORDER—CODE ONE ONLY
    • Less than $30,000 1 Aim for a mix in each group
    • At least $30,000 but less than $50,000 2 Aim for a mix in each group
    • At least $50,000 but less than $75,000 3 Aim for a mix in each group
    • At least $75,000 but less than $100,000 4 Aim for a mix in each group
    • $100,000 or more 5 Aim for a mix in each group
    • Refused 6
  5. The discussion groups for this project will be conducted over the phone and online and will require the use of a laptop or desktop computer. The use of a tablet or smartphone is not permitted. Do you have access to a laptop or desktop computer with high-speed Internet to take part in this focus group?
    • Yes 1
  6. How comfortable are you with using a computer? Are you…
    • Very comfortable 1
    • Somewhat comfortable 2
    • Somewhat uncomfortable 3 THANK AND TERMINATE
    • Very uncomfortable 4 THANK AND TERMINATE
  7. Once you are online for the actual group you will also be required to join a telephone conference call to be connected to the discussion. Will you have access to a dedicated telephone (separate from your computer) for the 1.5-hour discussion?
    • Yes 1

I just have a few more questions…

  1. Have you ever attended a group discussion or interview for which you received a sum of money?
    • Yes 1 Continue
    • No 2 Go To Invitation
  2. How many groups and interviews have you attended in the past 5 years? [ ]
  3. When was the last time you attended a group discussion or interview? [ ]
  4. What was / were the subject(s) of the group(s)? [ ]




  1. The next question will ask you to use your imagination a bit. If you won a million dollars what would be the first two things you would do with the money? TERMINATE IF FLIPPANT, COMBATIVE OR EXHIBITS DIFFICULTY IN RESPONDING.
Invitation – Netfocus Groups

I would like to invite you to participate in a small group discussion that will be conducted over the telephone and on the Internet on [INSERT DATE] from [INSERT TIME] to [INSERT TIME]. This conference call will be used to gather your thoughts and opinions on training or skillsimprovement. You would simply log on to a secure website from your computer either from home or work and at the same time join in a group discussion via conference call. The discussion will consist of 8 to 10 people and will be very informal. It will last 1.5 hours and you will receive $75 in appreciation for your time.


Could we please confirm the email address where we can send you the detailed conference call instructions for logging in to the group? 

Record email address (and verify): [ ]

We will send you the instructions at least 1 day in advance of the group. When joining the discussion, please call in 15 minutes before the beginning of the conference call to allow time to install any plug in that are required. If you arrive late, we will not be able to include you in the discussion, and will not provide you with the incentive. 

As mentioned, we will be pleased to provide everyone who participates with receive $75 and you can choose to receive your incentive by cheque or through PayPal. Please note it takes approximately 2-3 weeks following your participation to receive an incentive by cheque and 5-7 days to receive an incentive through PayPal. If you do choose to receive your incentive through PayPal you will need to have a PayPal account. 

IF REQUIRED: To learn more about PayPal or to setup a PayPal account you can visit their website at PayPal]. Would you prefer to receive your incentive through PayPal or by cheque?


A few days after the group discussion you will receive an email from Corporate Research Associates indicating that your incentive is ready. You will simply need to log in to your PayPal account and the incentive will go into your PayPal balance. Once you’re logged into your account you can click “Withdraw” to view your withdrawal options. 


Could I have the mailing address where you would like the cheque mailed to following your participation?

Mailing address:[ ]

City:[ ]

Province: [ ]

Postal Code: [ ]

And please confirm the spelling of your name: [ ]

As these are very small groups and with even one person missing, the overall success of the group may be affected, I would ask that once you have decided to attend that you make every effort to do so. If you are unable to take part in the group discussion, please call [ ] (collect) at [ ] as soon as possible so we can find a replacement.

Thank you for your interest in our study. We look forward to hearing your thoughts and opinions!

Attention Recruiters
  1. Recruit 10 participants for each focus group
  2. Confirm that they have access to a desktop or laptop computer for the focus group and NOT a tablet or smartphone
  3. Do not put names on profile sheet unless you have a firm commitment.
  4. Repeat the date, time and email address before hanging up.
  1. Confirm at the beginning of the day prior to the day of the groups
  2. Verify date and time
  3. Confirm they received the email detailed login instructions
  4. REMIND participants that the groups will be over the phone AND online and that they need to use a laptop or desktop computer (and NOT a tablet or smartphone)
  5. Remind them to log into the discussion 15 minutes prior to the start time

Appendix A2: Moderator’s Guide

Netfocus Moderator’s Guide – Final

Employment and Social Development Canada – Education and Skills Campaign Testing

Research Objectives (Confidential – Do not read to participants)
Introduction 5 minutes
Terminology 5 minutes

[SLIDE 3] Introduction to topic:‟In today’s fast-paced changing labour market, it is important to stay relevant by continuous learning and gaining new professional skills. Lifelong learning becomes indispensable throughout Canadians’ working lives.

Tonight the ads you will see relate to this idea of continuous learning by getting the education, skills and experience you need to stay relevant in the labour market. We will be referring to all formal and informal education and training activities people take part in, in order to maintain or improve knowledge and learn new skills for a current or a future job.”

Discuss as a Group (2 MIN):

[SLIDE 4] I’d like to show you a number of alternatives SHOW WORDS ON SCREEN: Continuing education; Skills development; Personal development; Lifelong learning; Continous learning; professional development; Upskilling

Discuss as a Group (2 MIN):
Creative Testing 55 minutes

[SLIDE 5] Now I’d like to get your opinion of government advertising that is being considered on continuing education/skill development. We will look at three different ad campaigns, each including a video (for online) and ads for social media.

Keep in mind that the campaigns I will show you are currently in development, so the ads are not final but just ideas for your consideration. For example, I will show you a video that include only pictures, with a voice telling you what words would be heard if it was developed. The voices used are not final, but just prepared for your review. Also, the images would show as a video with movement and real people/actors, not drawings. You’ll have to imagine what it would be like in its final form. Let’s have a look at the first campaign.


For Each Concept, Discuss As A Group (15 Min Per Campaign):

FOR THE MIDLIFE CAMPAIGN (5 MIN): I’d like to show you two alternate scenarios for this campaign. These are not animated, so as I read the scenario, try to imagine what it would look like once the video is finalized. READ OUT LOUD EACHSCENARIOS ONE AT A TIME – ROTATE ORDER OF ALTERNATIVE SCENARIOS

For Each, Ask:
For The Midlife Campaign (2 Min):

I’m going to show on the screen a number of alternative words or expressions for this campaign.

Let’s have a look at the next campaign. REPEAT DISCUSSION FOR THE OTHER CAMPAIGNS


[POLL 1] You’ve seen three different ideas, now I’d like to know which one you think works best. In the window that just opened on your screen, indicate which of the three campaigns you think is strongest at making you want to consider your options for continuing education or skills development. Please explain why you think this one works better.

Discuss after the Exercise:
Website Concepts 25 minutes

[SLIDES 25-26] I’d like to show you a website that is available right now. SHOW SKILLS BOOST LANDING PAGE

Discuss as a Group (5 Min):

The ads we saw tonight mention a website and I’d like to show you three examples of what that website could look like. These websites are not developed yet so I will show you an image of what the landing page could look like, and a few other pages on the site. We are not going to focus on the content or the web pages, but rather on how the information is presented, and how users could navigate on the site. Let’s begin with the first idea…


For Each Concept, Discuss As A Group (5 Min Per Concept):

Let’s have a look at the next concept. REPEAT DISCUSSION FOR OTHER CONCEPTS

[POLL 2] You’ve seen three different approaches to website navigation. I’d like to know which one works best for you. In the window that just opened on your screen, indicate your choice and explain why this one works best.

Discuss After The Exercise:
Thanks & Closure

[SLIDE 37] That’s all my questions! On behalf of the Government of Canada, thank you for your time and input. We’ll send out your incentive within the next 2-3 weeks.

Appendix A3: Presentation During Discussions

Welcome to the focus group discussion

The image above contains the Corporate Research Associates logo and accreditation label are shown in the right bottom corner of the slide. This image also contains the following information:

Welcome to the focus group discussion

We’ll be starting soon….

Please login using a desktop or laptop computer.

If you are logging in early, and have not yet been prompted to enter your phone number, please wait just a few minutes….you should receive the prompt shortly.


The image above contains the following information:


  • Where you live
  • Occupation

Wording discussion

The image above contains the following information:

Wording discussion…

Wording discussion

The image above contains the following information:

Wording discussion…

  • Continuing education
  • Skills development
  • Personal development
  • Lifelong learning
  • Continuous learning
  • Professional development
  • Upskilling


The image above contains the following information:


  • 3 ad campaigns, each with:
    • One video
    • One tagline
    • One social media ad

Campaign A

The image above contains the following information:

Campaign A


The image above contains the following information:



The image above contains the following information:


Midlife is a perfect time for a breakthrough.

Expand your potential with education, skills and job resources.

Social Media

The image above contains an image of a social media advertisement. This image also contains the

following information:

Social Media

Campaign A

The image above contains an image of a social media advertisement and stills from a video concept. This image also contains the following information:

Campaign A

Midlife is a perfect time for a breakthrough. Expand your potential with education, skills and job resources.

Alternate scenario 1

The image above contains the following information:

Alternate scenario 1

Acceptance Letter:

An adolescent boy checks the mailbox. He walks into the kitchen with an envelope where his mom, dad and sister are sitting around the table. As he opens and starts reading the letter, his face lights up. The camera cuts to his sister, father and him embracing and congratulating his mom, revealing that his mom received an acceptance letter to post-secondary school. The voiceover says: Midlife is a perfect time for a breakthrough.

Alternate scenario 2

The image above contains the following information:

Alternate scenario 2

Construction Electrician Workshop:

An older man and young woman are working on an electrical panel in a workshop environment. The older man takes the lead, stripping a wire, making it seem as if he’s instructing the younger woman. Once the older man connects two wires the camera zooms out to show that the workshop is full of other students. The young woman walks to assist another student, revealing that the older man is, in fact, her student. The voiceover says: Midlife is a perfect time for a breakthrough.


The image above contains the following information:


  • Midlife
  • Midlife Breakthrough
  • A New Beginning

Campaign B

The image above contains the following information:

Campaign B


The image above contains the following information:



The image above contains the following information:


Open yourself to opportunity and continue learning with education, skills and job resources at

Social Media

The image above contains an image of a social media advertisement. This image also contains the

following information:

Social Media

social media advertisement

The image above contains an image of a social media advertisement and stills from a video concept. This image also contains the following information:

Open yourself to opportunity and continue learning with education, skills and job resources at

Campaign C

The image above contains the following information:

Campaign C


The image above contains the following information:



The image above contains the following information:


You’re invested in your future. We’re invested in you. Get support with education, skills and job resources at

Social Media

The image above contains an image of a social media advertisement. This image also contains the following information:

Social Media

Social Media

The image above contains an image of a social media advertisement and stills from a video concept. This image also contains the following information:

You’re invested in your future. We’re invested in you. Get support with education, skills and job resources at

Campaign A, B and C

Collection of images comparing Campaigns A, B, and C. This image also contains the following information:

Campaign A

Midlife is a perfect time for a breakthrough. Expand your potential with education, skills and job resources.

Campaign B

Open yourself to opportunity and continue learning with education, skills and job resources at

Campaign C

You’re invested in your future. We’re invested in you. Get support with education, skills and job resources at


The image above contains the following information:


Skills Boost

The image above shows part of ESDC’s Skills Boost webpage.

Skills Boost

The image above shows part of ESDC’s Skills Boost webpage.

Skills Boost

The image above shows part of ESDC’s Skills Boost webpage.

Skills Boost

The image above contains the following information:

Website A – Landing Page

Midlife Breakthrough

Programs, tools, and resources can make breaking through to a new life more possible than ever before.

Explore your options to transform your future

Breakthrough to the life you want

Choose your path

Learn a trade

Get a new job

Further education

Website A – Sub-page

The image above contains the following information:

Website A – Sub-page

Midlife Breakthrough

All the resources you need to apply, get funding, and become trade certified.

Reimagine your future with an apprenticeship

Follow these steps

Find a trade

Explore Red Seal designated trades here.

Find a college

Discover an accredited school near you

Apply for funding

Get up to $2,000 in grants while you train.

Earn once certified

Complete your training and get a $2,000 grant.

Did you know

You may be eligible to receive Employment insurance benefits while you train full-time. Learn more

If you have children and become a student, you may be eligible for a grant that can provide up to $1,920 a year. Learn more

Breakthrough to the life you want

Website A-Mobile View

The image above contains two images of cellular phone screens and the information “Website A-Mobile View”. The following information is on the left-hand sidecellular screen:

Breakthrough to the life you want

Programs, tools and resources can make breaking through to a new life more possible than ever before.

Explore your options to transform your future. Choose your path.

The following information is on the right-hand side cellular screen:

Choose your path

Learn a trade

Further education

Get a new job

Website B – Landing Page

The image above contains the following information:

Website B – Landing Page

Breath In Breath Out

Become an Apprentice

Go Back to School

Explore in Demand Jobs

You’ve taken the first step toward the life you want. Now take a breath before you explore available resources to help you pursue education, skills and job opportunities.

Become an apprentice

Grants, loans and extended EI benefits can be the tools of your trade.

Go back to school

Financial assistance to help you focus on learning something new.

Explore in demand jobs

Up-and-coming professions and tools to help you qualify for another career.

Website B – Landing Page (continued)

The image above contains the following information:

Website B – Landing Page (continued)

Breath In Breath Out

Become an apprentice

Go back to school

Explore in demand jobs

Become an Apprentice

If you want to pursue a trade, discover everything you need to know about applying, earning while you learn, red seal certified trades and opportunities near you.

How to become an apprentice

Feature content here 1

Feature content here 2

Feature content here 3

Canada Apprentice Loan

Feature content here 1

Feature content here 2

Feature content here 3

Apprenticeship Grants

Feature content here 1

Feature content here 2

Feature content here 3

Website B – Landing Page (continued)

The image above contains the image of three cellular phone screens and “Website B – Mobile View”. The following information is one the left-hand side cellular screen:

You’ve taken the first step toward the life you want.

Now take a breath before you explore available resources to help you pursue education, skills and job opportunities.

Become an apprentice. Grants, loans and extended EI benefits can be the tools of your trade.

The following information is on the middle cellular screen:

Become an apprentice. Grants, loans and extendedEI benefits can be the tools of your trade.

Go back to school. Financial assistance to help you focus on learning something new.

Explore in demand jobs. Up-and-coming professions and tools to help you qualify.

The following information is on the right-hand side cellular screen:

Explore in demand jobs. Up-and-coming professions and tools to help you qualify for another career.

Become an Apprentice

If you want to pursue a trade, discover everything you need to know about applying, earning while you learn, red seal certified trades and opportunities near you.

Website C – Landing Page

The image above contains the following information:

Website C – Landing Page

Breath In Breath Out

Invested in your future, your education, your training, your career

If you want to make a change to invest in the life you want, we’re invested in you. Start by exploring resources to help you set out on a new educational path, pursue a trade or navigate new professional opportunities.

Learning at a glance

Find the resources you need to learn something new so you can invest in the education you want.

Canada Student Loans and Grants

Extended EI Benefits

Post-Secondary Programs Search

Apprenticeships at a glance

Find the resources you need to pursue a trade so you can invest in the training you want

How to Become an Apprentice

Apprenticeship Grants and Loans

Tax Deductions and Credits for Apprentices

Jobs at a glance

Find the resources you need to explore in-demand professions so you can invest in the career you want.

Job Bank

Job Market Trends

Labour Market Information

Website C – Sub-page

The image above contains the following information:

Website C – Sub-page

Breath In Breath Out

Invested in

Your Future

Your Education

Your Training

Your Career

Find resources to apply for a trade, get funding through grants and loans, and everything in between so you can invest in the training you want

Get in-training support with Canada Apprentice Loan

Discover More

Apply for an Apprenticeship Grant

Discover More

Discover How to Become an Apprentice

Discover More

Website C – Mobile View

The image above contains two cellular phone screens. The following information is one the left-hand side screen:

Website C – Mobile View

Invested in

Your Education

Your Training

Your Career

If you want to make a change to invest in the life you want, we’re invested in you. Start by exploring resources to help you set out on a new educational path, pursue a trade or navigate new professional opportunities.

The following information is on the right-hand side screen:

Learning at a glance

Find the resources you need to learn something new so you can invest in the education you want.

Canada Student Loans and Grants

Extended EI Benefits

Post-Secondary Program Search

Website A, B and C

The image above shows a visual summary of previous slides, along with the following information:

Website A

Website B

Website C

Thank you

The image above contains the Corporate Research Associates logo and accreditation label are shown in the right bottom corner of the slide. This image also contains the following information:

Thank you!

Annexe B – Documents de recherché en français

Annexe B1 : Questionnaire de recrutement

Apprentissage continu – Questionnaire de recrutement version finale

Nom : [ ] 

Communauté : [ ]

Province : [ ]

Numéro de téléphone de jour : [ ]

Numéro de téléphone de soir : [ ]


Groupes Netfocus (les instructions d’ouverture de session seront envoyées aux participants par courriel)
Sommaire des exigences
Remplir le questionnaire dans la langue du répondant [français ou anglais]

Bonjour, je m’appelle [ ] et je travaille pour Corporate Research Associates, une société d’étude de marché. Nous effectuons une série de discussions en ligne en petits groupes pour le compte du gouvernement du Canada dans les prochaines semaines et nous recherchons des personnes qui pourraient y participer. J’aimerais parler à une personne de votre foyer qui a au moins 35 ans. Est-ce votre cas? SINON, DEMANDER DE PARLER À QUELQU’UN D’AUTRE ET RÉPÉTER L’INTRODUCTION.

Préférez-vous continuer en français ou en anglais? Would you prefer that I continue in English or in French? [SI LA PERSONNE RÉPOND EN ANGLAIS, CONTINUER EN ANGLAIS OU PRÉVOIR UN RAPPEL AVEC UN INTERVIEWEUR ANGLOPHONE : In order to continue in English, we will have to call you back. Thank you. Good bye.

Cette étude a pour but de connaître le point de vue des gens sur la formation continue et le développement des compétences. Ceux qui sont admissibles et qui participeront à la discussion de groupe recevront 75 $.

Puis-je vous poser quelques questions très brèves pour voir si vous faites partie du type de participant que nous recherchons? Cela devrait prendre 6 ou 7 minutes. Les renseignements que vous fournissez demeureront strictement confidentiels et vous avez toute liberté de refuser de participer en tout temps. Merci.

  1. Parmi les membres de votre foyer, y compris vous-même, y a-t-il quelqu’un qui travaille actuellement ou qui a déjà travaillé dans l’un des secteurs suivants?
    • Marketing ou études de marché 1
    • Relations publiques 2 
    • Publicité 3
    • Médias (télévision, radio, journaux) 4
    • Parti politique ou organisation partisane 5
    • Gouvernement fédéral ou provincial 6


    • Contingents par rapport à l’âge :
      • 35-45 ans : Recruter 4 à 6 répondants par groupe
      • 46-55 ans : Recruter 4 à 6 répondants par groupe
  2. Quel est le plus haut niveau de scolarité que vous avez atteint?
    • Études secondaires ou moins 1 Recruter un mélange
    • École de métier ou études collégiales ou universitaires non terminées 2 Recruter un mélange
    • École de métier ou études collégiales ou universitaires terminées 3 Recruter un mélange
    • Cycles supérieurs 4 Recruter un mélange
  3. Quelle est votre situation professionnelle? Êtes-vous actuellement LIRE LES RÉPONSES DANS L’ORDRE – CODER UNE SEULE RÉPONSE
    • Employé à temps plein 1 Voir les contingents
    • Employé à temps partiel 2 Voir les contingents
    • Travailleur indépendant 3 Voir les contingents
    • Sans emploi, mais à la recherche d’un emploi 4 Voir les contingents
    • Sans emploi, et pas à la recherche d’un emploi 5 Voir les contingents
    • Personne au foyer 6 Voir les contingents
Contingents face à l’emploi :

Dans chaque groupe, recruter max 7 qui ont un emploi (codes 1, 2 ou 3) et max 6 qui sont sans emploi (codes 4, 5 ou 6)

  1. SI LE PARTICIPANT A UN EMPLOI, DEMANDER : Dans quelle industrie ou dans quel secteur travaillez-vous actuellement? [ ] TERMINER L’ENTREVUE SI LA PROFESSION EST SEMBLABLE À CELLES DE LA Q1
Contingents face au secteur d’emploi :

Recruter 3-4 participants par groupe qui ont un emploi dans l’une des industries vulnérables suivantes :

Construction, administration publique, chaîne d’approvisionnement, fabrication, exploitation minière, agriculture, foresterie, chasse et pêche, transport, vente et commerce de gros et autres services. Considérer aussi : professions dans le transport (véhicules autonomes) et la logistique, personnel de bureau et de soutien administratif, professions dans la construction et la production (fabrication), extraction (exploitation minière), ventes au détail et domaines liés (magasinage en ligne), emplois de services plus simples, agriculture, pêche et foresterie.

  2. Êtes-vous né au Canada?
    • Oui 1 Allez à la Q9
    • Non 2
  3. Depuis combien d’années vivez-vous au Canada?
    • Moins de 5 ans 1 Recruter 1-2 par groupe
    • Au moins 5 ans ou plus 2
  5. Depuis combien d’années vivez-vous dans cette communauté?
    • Au moins 2 ans ou plus 2
  6. Au cours des dix dernières années, avez-vous envisagé de poursuivre vos études ou d’améliorer vos compétences?
    • Oui 1 Recruter 1 ou 2 participants par groupe
    • Non 2

Nous aimerions obtenir un échantillon représentatif de gens dans le cadre de cette recherche. Les prochaines questions portent sur votre profil sociodémographique et ethnique.

  1. Appartenez-vous à un groupe autochtone? En d’autres mots, faites-vous partie des Premières Nations ou êtes-vous Inuit ou Métis?
    • Oui, Premières nations 1 Recruter 1 ou 2 participants par groupe
    • Oui, Inuit 2 Recruter 1 ou 2 participants par groupe
    • Oui, Métis 3 Recruter 1 ou 2 participants par groupe
    • Non 4
  2. [SI PREMIÈRES NATIONS – CODE 1 À LA Q12] Habitez-vous la plupart du temps sur une réserve ou hors réserve?
    • Sur une réserve 1
    • Hors réserve 2
    • Préfère ne pas répondre 3   
  3. Selon vous, avez-vous un handicap?
    • Oui 1 Recruter 1 ou 2 participants par groupe
    • Non 2
  4. Laquelle des catégories suivantes décrit le mieux le revenu total avant impôts de votre foyer pour l’an dernier? Serait-ce... LIRE LES RÉPONSES DANS L’ORDRE – CODER UNE SEULE RÉPONSE
    • Moins de 30 000 $ 1 Viser un mélange dans chaque groupe
    • Au moins 30 000 $, mais moins de 50 000 $ 2 Viser un mélange dans chaque groupe
    • Au moins 50 000 $, mais moins de 75 000 $ 3 Viser un mélange dans chaque groupe
    • Au moins 75 000 $, mais moins de 100 000 $ 4 Viser un mélange dans chaque groupe 
    • 100 000 $ ou plus 5 Viser un mélange dans chaque groupe
    • Refus 6
  5. Les discussions en groupe dans le cadre de ce projet se feront par téléphone et en ligne et nécessiteront l’utilisation d’un ordinateur de bureau ou d’un ordinateur portable. L’utilisation d’une tablette ou d’un téléphone intelligent n’est pas possible. Avez-vous accès à un ordinateur portatif ou un ordinateur de bureau doté d’une connexion Internet haute vitesse pour prendre part à la discussion?
    • Oui 1
  6. À quel point vous sentez-vous à l’aise avec un ordinateur? Êtes-vous….
    • Très à l’aise 1 
    • Plutôt à l’aise 2
    • Plutôt mal à l’aise 3 REMERCIER ET TERMINER L’ENTREVUE
    • Très mal à l’aise 4 REMERCIER ET TERMINER L’ENTREVUE
  7. Lorsque vous serez en ligne pour une discussion en groupe, vous devrez également participer à une conférence téléphonique pour prendre part à la discussion. Aurez-vous accès à un téléphone séparé de votre ordinateur pour participer à la discussion qui durera une heure et demie?
    • Oui 1

J’ai quelques questions supplémentaires...

  1. Avez-vous déjà participé à une discussion de groupe ou à une entrevue pour laquelle vous avez été rémunéré?
    • Oui 1 Continuer
    • Non 2 Passer à l’invitation
  2. À combien de groupes et entrevues avez-vous participé au cours des 5 dernières années? [ ]
  3. Quand avez-vous participé à un groupe de discussion ou à une entrevue pour la dernière fois? [ ]
  4. Quel était/quels étaient le ou les thèmes du ou des groupes? [ ]




  1. Pour la prochaine question, nous vous demandons de faire preuve d’imagination. Si vous gagniez un million de dollars, quelles seraient les deux premières choses que vous feriez avec l’argent? TERMINER SI LE RÉPONDANT RÉPOND D’UNE FAÇON DÉSINVOLTE, D’UNE FAÇON COMBATIVE OU S’IL A DE LA DIFFICULTÉ À RÉPONDRE.
Invitation – groupes Netfocus

J’aimerais vous inviter à participer à une petite discussion de groupe qui sera tenue par téléphone et par Internet le [INSÉRER LA DATE] de [INSÉRER L’HEURE] à [INSÉRER L’HEURE]. Cette conférence téléphonique nous permettra de recueillir vos commentaires et votre opinion sur la formation ou le développement des compétences. Vous n’aurez qu’à ouvrir une session sur un site Web sécurisé depuis votre ordinateur, soit chez vous, soit au travail, et à vous joindre à la discussion dans une conférence téléphonique en même temps. De huit à dix personnes participeront à la discussion, qui sera très informelle. La discussion durera une heure et demie et vous recevrez 75 $ en guise de remerciement.


Pourriez-vous nous confirmer votre adresse électronique afin que nous puissions vous envoyer des instructions précises sur la façon de participer à la conférence téléphonique de votre groupe?

Noter l’adresse électronique (et la vérifier) : [ ]

Nous vous enverrons les instructions au moins un jour avant la discussion. Nous vous prions de vous joindre à la session 15 minutes avant le début afin d’avoir le temps nécessaire pour installer les modules nécessaires. Si vous êtes en retard, nous ne pourrons pas vous inclure dans la discussion ni vous verser le montant d’argent.

Comme nous vous l’avons mentionné, nous aurons le plaisir de remettre à tous les participants 75 $, que vous pourrez recevoir soit par chèque, soit par PayPal. Veuillez noter que vous devrez allouer de deux à trois semaines après la participation pour recevoir un chèque et de cinq à sept jours pour recevoir le paiement par PayPal. Si vous optez pour le paiement par PayPal, vous devrez avoir un compte PayPal.

Si le répondant choisit Paypal :

Quelques jours après la discussion de groupe, vous recevrez un courriel de la part de Corporate Research Associates vous avisant que votre récompense en argent est prête. Vous n’aurez qu’à ouvrir votre compte PayPal afin que l’argent soit crédité à votre solde. Une fois dans votre compte, vous pourrez cliquer sur « Virer de l’argent » pour voir comment vous pouvez retirer votre argent.

Si le répondant choisit le versement par chèque :

Pourrais-je avoir l’adresse postale où vous aimeriez que ce chèque soit envoyé après votre participation?

Adresse postale : [ ]

Ville : [ ]

Province : [ ]

Code postal : [ ]

Veuillez également confirmer l’orthographe de votre nom : [ ]

Puisqu’il s’agit de très petits groupes, le succès pourrait être compromis si une des personnes invitées manquait à l’appel. C’est pourquoi je vous demande, si vous avez décidé de participer, de faire tout votre possible pour y assister. Si vous êtes dans l’impossibilité d’être présent à la discussion de groupe, veuillez communiquer avec [ ] (appel à frais virés) au [ ] le plus tôt possible afin que nous puissions trouver une autre personne pour vous remplacer.

Nous vous remercions de l’intérêt que vous témoignez à notre étude. Nous avons hâte de connaître vos pensées et vos opinions.

Avis aux recruteurs
  1. Recruter 10 participants par groupe de discussion.
  2. Confirmer qu’ils ont accès à un ordinateur de bureau ou un ordinateur portable pour le groupe de discussion et NON une tablette ou un téléphone intelligent.
  3. Ne pas inscrire les noms sur la feuille de profils à moins d’avoir obtenu un engagement ferme.
  4. Confirmer la date, l’heure et l’adresse courriel avant de raccrocher.
  1. Confirmer en début de journée, la veille de la discussion.
  2. Vérifier la date et l’heure
  3. Confirmer que le participant a reçu les instructions de connexion détaillées par courriel.
  4. RAPPELER aux participants que la discussion aura lieu par téléphone ET en ligne et qu’ils doivent utiliser un ordinateur portable ou de bureau (et NON une tablette électronique ou un téléphone intelligent)
  5. Leur rappeler de se joindre à la discussion 15 minutes avant le début de celle-ci.

Annexe B2 : Guide de l’animateur

Guide de l’animateur Netfocus – Version finale

Emploi et Développement social Canada – Mise à l’essai de la campagne Éducation et compétences

Objectifs de la recherche (confidentiel, ne pas lire aux participants)
Introduction 5 minutes
Terminologie 5 minutes

[DIAPOSITIVE 3] Introduction au sujet : Dans l’évolution rapide du marché du travail, il est important de rester pertinent par l’apprentissage continu et l’acquisition de nouvelles compétences professionnelles. L’apprentissage tout au long de la vie devient indispensable dans la vie professionnelle des Canadiens.

Les publicités que nous visionnerons ce soir ont un lien avec cette idée d’apprentissage continue par le biais de l’éducation, des habiletés et de l’expérience dont vous avez besoin afin de rester à jour pour le marché du travail. Nous faisons ici référence à toutes les activités d’éducation et de formation continues formelles et informelles auxquelles les gens prennent part afin de maintenir ou améliorer leurs connaissances et d’apprendre de nouvelles compétences pour un emploi actuel ou futur.

[DIAPOSITIVE 4] J’aimerais vous présenter un certain nombre d’alternatives. MONTRER LES MOTS À L’ÉCRAN : formation continue; développement des compétences; développement personnel; éducation permanente; apprentissage continu; développement professionnel; amélioration des compétences.

Test de concepts publicitaires 55 minutes

[DIAPOSITIVE 5] J’aimerais maintenant avoir votre opinion sur les publicités gouvernementales prises en considération pour l’éducation/le développement des compétences. Nous allons regarder trois différentes campagnes publicitaires comprenant chacune une vidéo (en ligne) de même que des publicités destinées aux médias sociaux.

Gardez en tête que les campagnes que je vais vous présenter sont en cours d’élaboration; il ne s’agit donc pas de versions finales, mais plutôt d’idées qui vous sont soumises. Par exemple, je vais vous montrer une vidéo avec images seulement ainsi que des voix disant les mots qui seront probablement utilisés et entendus si le concept est retenu et approfondi. Les voix ne sont pas finales; elles ne sont là que pour vous donner une meilleure idée de ce dont le concept aurait l’air. Notez aussi que les images prendraient la forme d’une vidéo en mouvement avec de vraies personnes/acteurs, et non des dessins. Vous devrez donc imaginer à quoi ressemblera le concept sous sa forme finale. Passons maintenant à la première campagne.



POUR LA CAMPAGNE LE MI-TEMPS DE LA VIE (5 MIN) : J’aimerais vous présenter deux autres scénarios pour cette campagne. Ceux-ci ne sont pas animés, alors lorsque je lirai les scénarios, essayez d’imaginer ce à quoi cela pourrait ressembler une fois la vidéo terminée. LIRE CHACUN DES SCÉNARIOS À VOIX HAUTE UNE À LA FOIS – ALTERNER L’ORDRE DES SCÉNARIOS ALTERNATIFS



Je vais vous montrer à l’écran quelques mots ou expressions différentes pour cette campagne.

Passons maintenant à la prochaine campagne. REPRENDRE LA DISCUSSION POUR LES AUTRES CAMPAGNES

[DIAPOSITIVE 24] UNE FOIS TOUTES LES CAMPAGNES PASSÉES EN REVUE (2MIN) :[QUESTION 1] Trois différentes idées vous ont été présentées. Laquelle est la mieux adaptée selon vous? Dans la fenêtre qui vient tout juste de s’afficher à l’écran, indiquez quelle est la meilleure campagne pour vous faire prendre en considération vos options en matière de formation continue ou de développement des compétences parmi les trois qui vous ont été présentées. Veuillez expliquer pourquoi.


Concepts du site Web 25 minutes

[DIAPOSITIVES 25 et 26] J’aimerais vous présenter un site Web existant. PRÉSENTER LA PAGE DE RENVOI ACTIONS COMPÉTENCES


Les publicités que vous avez vues ce soir mentionnaient un site Web et j’aimerais vous présenter trois exemples de la forme que pourrait prendre ce site Web. Ces sites Web n’ont pas encore été développés alors je vais vous montrer une image de ce à quoi pourrait ressembler la page de renvoi et quelques autres pages du même site. Nous n’allons pas nous concentrer sur le contenu ou les pages Web, mais plutôt sur la façon dont les données sont présentées et dont les utilisateurs pourraient naviguer sur le site. Commençons par la première idée...



Passons maintenant au prochain concept. REPRENDRE LA DISCUSSION POUR LES AUTRES CONCEPTS

[DIAPOSITIVE 36] UNE FOIS TOUS LES CONCEPTS PASSÉS EN REVUE (5 MINUTES) : [QUESTION 2] Nous avons maintenant vu trois différents concepts possibles pour la navigation sur le site Web. Lequel vous convient le mieux? Dans la fenêtre qui vient tout juste de s’afficher à l’écran, indiquez votre choix et justifiez votre réponse.


Remerciements et clôture

[DIAPOSITIVE 37] Voilà qui conclut la période des questions. Au nom du gouvernement du Canada, je vous remercie de nous avoir accordé votre temps et de nous avoir fait part de vos commentaires. Votre récompense vous sera acheminée au cours des deux ou trois prochaines semaines.

Annexe B3 : Présentation lors des discussions

Bienvenue au groupe de discussion

L’image ci-dessus comprend le logo de Corporate Research Associates de même que l’étiquette d’accréditation qui sont inscrits dans le coin droit inférieur de la diapositive. L’image comprend aussi l’information suivante :

Bienvenue au groupe de discussion

Nous commencerons bientôt….

Veuillez utiliser un ordinateur portable ou de bureau.

Si vous vous êtes connecté tôt et que vous n’avez pas encore été invité à entrer votre numéro de téléphone, veuillez patienter quelques minutes… Vous devriez voir à l’écran l’invitation à vous joindre par téléphone sous peu.


L’image ci-dessus comprend l’information suivante :


  • Où habitez-vous?
  • Occupation?

Discussion terminologique

L’image ci-dessus comprend l’information suivante :

Discussion terminologique…

Discussion terminologique

L’image ci-dessus comprend l’information suivante :

Discussion terminologique…

  • Éducation permanente
  • Développement des compétences
  • Développement personnel
  • Formation tout au long de la vie
  • Formation continue
  • Développement professionnel
  • Amélioration des compétences


L’image ci-dessus comprend l’information suivante :


  • 3 campagnes publicitaires, chacune ayant :
  • Une vidéo (en format animé)
  • Un slogan
  • Une publicité pour les médias sociaux

Campagne A

L’image ci-dessus comprend l’information suivante :

Campagne A


L’image ci-dessus comprend l’information suivante :



L’image ci-dessus comprend l’information suivante :


Le mi-temps de la vie : le bon temps pour un nouvel élan. Augmentez votre potentiel grâce à nos programmes d’études et de formation.

Médias sociaux

L’image ci-dessus comprend une image de la publicité pour les réseaux sociaux. Cette image comprend aussi l’information suivante :

Médias sociaux

Campagne A

L’image ci-dessus comprend une image de la publicité pour les réseaux sociaux et quelques autres images statiques d’un concept vidéo. Cette image comprend aussi l’information suivante :

Campagne A

Le mi-temps de la vie : le bon temps pour un nouvel élan. Augmentez votre potentiel grâce à nos programmes d’études et de formation.

Scénario alternatif 1

L’image ci-dessus comprend l’information suivante :

Scénario alternatif 1

Lettre d’admission :

Un adolescent vérifie la boîte aux lettres. Il retourne dans la cuisine avec une enveloppe. Son père, sa mère et sa sœur sont assis autour de la table. Son visage s’illumine en parcourant la lettre qu’il vient d’ouvrir. Son père, sa sœur et lui-même embrassent la mère pour la féliciter. On découvre alors que c’est la mère qui vient de recevoir la lettre d’acceptation d’un établissement postsecondaire. L’annonceur déclare : « Le mi-temps de la vie, c’est le bon temps pour aller de l’avant. »

Scénario alternatif 2

L’image ci-dessus comprend l’information suivante :

Scénario alternatif 2

Atelier d’un électricien en construction :

Un homme plus âgé et une jeune femme travaillent sur un panneau électrique dans un atelier. L’homme prend l’initiative de l’opération en dénudant un fil. On dirait qu’il montre à la jeune femme comment faire. Une fois que l’homme a raccordé les deux fils, la caméra recule pour dévoiler d’autres étudiants présents dans l’atelier. La jeune femme va aider un autre étudiant. On comprend alors que l’homme plus âgé est en fait son étudiant. L’annonceur déclare : « Le mi-temps de la vie, c’est le bon temps pour aller de l’avant. »


L’image ci-dessus comprend l’information suivante :


  • Le mi-temps de la vie
  • La percée de la quarantaine
  • Un nouveau départ

Campagne B

L’image ci-dessus comprend l’information suivante :

Campagne B


L’image ci-dessus comprend l’information suivante :



L’image ci-dessus comprend l’information suivante :


Saisissez de nouvelles occasions grâce à nos programmes d’études et de formation et à nos services d’emploi à

Médias sociaux

L’image ci-dessus comprend une image de la publicité pour les réseaux sociaux. Cette image comprend aussi l’information suivante :

Médias sociaux

Campagne B

L’image ci-dessus comprend une image de la publicité pour les réseaux sociaux et quelques autres images statiques d’un concept vidéo. Cette image comprend aussi l’information suivante :

Campagne B

Saisissez de nouvelles occasions grâce à nos programmes d’études et de formation et à nos services d’emploi à

Campagne C

L’image ci-dessus comprend l’information suivante :

Campagne C


L’image ci-dessus comprend l’information suivante :



L’image ci-dessus comprend l’information suivante :

Vous vous investissez dans votre avenir. Et nous, nous vous appuyons avec nos programmes d’études et de formation, et nos services d’emploi à

Médias sociaux

L’image ci-dessus comprend une image de la publicité pour les réseaux sociaux. Cette image comprend aussi l’information suivante :

Médias sociaux

Campagne C

L’image ci-dessus comprend une image de la publicité pour les réseaux sociaux et quelques autres images statiques d’un concept vidéo. Cette image comprend aussi l’information suivante :

Campagne C

Vous vous investissez dans votre avenir. Et nous, nous vous appuyons avec nos programmes d’études et de formation, et nos services d’emploi à

Campagne A, B, C

Collection d’images comparant les campagnes A, B et C. Cette image comprend aussi l’information suivante :

Campagne A

Le mi-temps de la vie : le bon temps pour un nouvel élan. Augmentez votre potentiel grâce à nos programmes d’études et de formation.

Campagne B

Saisissez de nouvelles occasions grâce à nos programmes d’études et de formation et à nos services d’emploi à

Campagne C

Vous vous investissez dans votre avenir. Et nous, nous vous appuyons avec nos programmes d’études et de formation, et nos services d’emploi à

Site Web

L’image ci-dessus comprend l’information suivante :

Site Web

L’image ci-dessus présente une partie de la page Web Action Compétences d’EDSC.

L’image ci-dessus présente une partie de la page Web Action Compétences d’EDSC.

Site Web A – page de renvoi

L’image ci-dessus comprend l’information suivante :

Site Web A – page de renvoi

Le mi-temps de la vie

Des programmes, outils et ressources sont là pour vous permettre de changer de cap. Découvrez des façons de transformer votre avenir

Mettez le cap sur une nouvelle vie.

Suivez ces étapes

Apprentissage d’un métier

Développement des compétences

Recherche d’emploi

Site Web A – Page de suivi

L’image ci-dessus comprend l’information suivante :

Site Web A – Page de suivi

Le mi-temps de la vie

Tous les outils pour faire une demande, obtenir du financement et décrocher un certificat de qualification.

Repensez votre avenir grâce à l’apprentissage.

Suivez ces étapes

Trouvez un métier

Découvrez les métiers désignés par le Sceau rouge.

Trouvez un établissement d’enseignement collégial

Recherchez une école agréée près de chez vous

Demandez du financement

Jusqu’à 2 000 $ de subvention pendant votre formation.

Montant versé à la certification

Obtenez une subvention de 2 000 $ à la fin de votre formation.

Le saviez-vous?

Vous avez peut-être droit à des prestations d’assurance-emploi pendant votre formation à temps plein.


Si vous avez des enfants et retournez aux études, vous avez peut-être droit à une subvention pouvant atteindre 1 920 $ par an.


Site Web A – téléphone intelligent

L’image ci-dessus comprend deux images d’écrans de téléphone cellulaire et l’information « Site Web A – téléphone intelligent ». L’information suivante apparaît sur l’écran de gauche :

Mettez le cap sur une nouvelle vie.

Des programmes, outils et ressources sont là pour vous permettre de changer de cap. Découvrez des façons de transformer votre avenir.

Suivez ces étapes

L’information suivante apparaît sur l’écran de droite :

Suivez ces étapes

Apprentissage d’un métier

Recherche d’emploi

Développement des compétences

Site Web B – Page de renvoi

L’image ci-dessus comprend l’information suivante :

Site Web B – Page de renvoi

Inspiration. Expiration.

Devenez un apprenti

Retournez à l’école

Découvrez les emplois en demande

Vous avez fait le premier pas vers une nouvelle vie.

Prenez maintenant une grande inspiration et recherchez les outils qui vous aideront dans vos études, votre formation et vos recherches d’emploi.

Devenez un apprenti

Découvrez les trucs du métier : bourses, prêts et prestations d’assurance-emploi plus souples.

Retournez à l’école

Aide financière pour acquérir de nouvelles connaissances.

Découvrez les emplois en demande

Professions en vue et outils pour vous permettre de poursuivre une nouvelle carrière.

Site Web B – Page de renvoi (suite)

L’image ci-dessus comprend l’information suivante :

Site Web B – Page de renvoi (suite)

Inspiration. Expiration.

Devenez un apprenti

Retournez à l’école

Découvrez les emplois en demande

Devenez un apprenti

Pour exercer un métier, renseignez-vous sur les modalités de demande, la rémunération pendant l’apprentissage, les métiers désignés par le Sceau rouge et les occasions d’emploi dans votre région.

Comment devenir un apprenti

Feature content here 1

Feature content here 2

Feature content here 3

Prêts canadiens aux apprentis

Feature content here 1

Feature content here 2

Feature content here 3

Subventions aux apprentis

Feature content here 1

Feature content here 2

Feature content here 3

Site Web B – téléphone intelligent

L’image ci-dessus comprend trois images d’écrans de téléphone cellulaire et l’information « Site Web B – téléphone intelligent ». L’information suivante apparaît sur l’écran de gauche :

Vous avez fait le premier pas vers une nouvelle vie.

Prenez maintenant une grande inspiration et recherchez les outils qui vous aideront dans vos études, votre formation et vos recherches d’emploi.

Devenez un apprenti

Découvrez les trucs du métier : bourses, prêts et prestations d’assurance-emploi plus souples.

L’information suivante apparaît sur l’écran du milieu :

Devenez un apprenti

Découvrez les trucs du métier : bourses, prêts et prestations d’assurance-emploi plus souples.

Retournez à l’école

Aide financière pour acquérir de nouvelles connaissances.

Découvrez les emplois en demande

L’information suivante apparaît sur l’écran de droite :

Découvrez les emplois en demande

Professions en vue et outils pour vous permettre de poursuivre une nouvelle carrière.

Devenez un apprenti

Pour exercer un métier, renseignez-vous sur les modalités de demande, la rémunération pendant l’apprentissage, les métiers désignés par le Sceau rouge et les occasions d’emploi dans votre région.

Site Web C – Page de renvoi

L’image ci-dessus comprend l’information suivante :

Site Web C – Page de renvoi

Investir dans l’avenir

Investissez dans

votre avenir

votre formation

votre carrière

Si vous voulez investir dans un nouvel avenir, nous investirons avec vous. Nous avons des ressources pour vous permettre de retourner aux études, d’exercer un métier ou de découvrir de nouveaux horizons professionnels.

Coup d’œil sur les études

Découvrez les ressources qui vous permettront de vous investir dans de nouvelles études.

Subventions et prêts d’études canadiens

Prestations d’assurance-emploi plus souples

Recherche de programmes postsecondaires

Coup d’œil sur l’apprentissage

Découvrez les ressources qui vous permettront de vous investir dans l’apprentissage d’un nouveau métier.

Comment devenir un apprenti

Subventions et prêts pour apprentis

Déductions fiscales et crédits d’impôt pour apprentis

Coup d’œil sur les emplois

Découvrez les ressources qui vous permettront de vous investir dans l’une des professions en demande.


Tendances du marché du travail

Renseignements sur le marché du travail

Site Web A – Page de suivi

L’image ci-dessus comprend l’information suivante :

Site Web A – Page de suivi

Investir dans l’avenir

Investissez dans

Votre avenir

vos études

votre formation

votre carrière

Recherchez les ressources pour postuler pour un métier, obtenir des subventions, des prêts et autres outils pour vous investir dans une nouvelle formation.

Obtenez du soutien pendant la formation avec un prêt canadien aux apprentis

Plus d’info

Demandez une subvention aux apprentis

Plus d’info

Découvrez comment devenir apprenti

Plus d’info

Site Web C – téléphone intelligent

L’image ci-dessus comprend deux images d’écrans de téléphone cellulaire et l’information « Site Web C – téléphone intelligent ». L’information suivante apparaît sur l’écran de gauche :

Investir dans

votre avenir

vos études

votre formation

votre carrière

Si vous voulez investir dans un nouvel avenir, nous investirons avec vous. Nous avons des ressources pour vous permettre de retourner aux études, d’exercer un métier ou de découvrir de nouveaux horizons professionnels.

L’information suivante apparaît sur l’écran de droite :

Coup d’œil sur les études

Découvrez les ressources qui vous permettront de vous investir dans de nouvelles études.

Subventions et prêts d’études canadiens

Prestations d’assurance-emploi plus souples

Recherche de programmes postsecondaires

Site A,B,C

L’image ci-dessus présente un sommaire des images des diapositives précédentes, avec l’information suivante :

Site A

Site B

Site C


L’image ci-dessus comprend le logo de Corporate Research Associates de même que l’étiquette d’accréditation qui sont inscrits dans le coin droit inférieur de la diapositive. L’image comprend aussi l’information suivante :
