Advertising Public Opinion Research – Education and Skills Adult Campaign (Phase 1: Creative Testing)

Executive Summary

Supplier Name: Corporate Research Associates Inc.

Contract Number: G9292-191440

Contracted Cost: $85,541.00 (taxes included) for both phase I (qualitative $36,662.85) and phase II (quantitative $48,878.15) of the research

Actual Cost: $26,154.73 (Phase 1 only)

Award Date: July 20, 2018

Delivery Date: August 2018

POR Registration #: 020-18

Contact Information:

Prepared for: Employment and Social Development Canada

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Title: Advertising Public Opinion Research – Education and Skills Adult Campaign (Phase 1: Creative Testing).

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Cat. No.: Em20-112/2018E-PDF

ISBN/ISSN: 978-0-660-27649-6


Cat. No.: POR-102-08-18E

Titre : Recherche sur l’opinion publique sur la publicité – Campagne Éducation et compétences chez les adultes (phase 1 : test de concept publicitaire).

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No de cat. : Em20-112/2018F-PDF

ISBN/ISSN : 978-0-660-27650-2


No de cat. : POR-102-08-18F


The 2018 budget introduced measures to help Canadian workers get the skills they need to succeed in an evolving economy. As such, the Government of Canada will be launching the Education and Skills - Helping Working Adults Upgrade Their Skills campaign in the fall of 2018. This campaign will inform adults of the changing nature of work, encourage this audience to pursue continuous learning, gain new professional skills and provide information about the Department’s skills training programs that support training and education of adult workers and unemployed people. The upcoming advertising campaign will be composed of a multiple media mix, and maintain a budget in excess of $1,000,000.

The overall objective of the creative pre-testing was to ensure the advertising campaign resonates with its intended target audience and meets its objectives. Specifically, the pre-testing aimed to:

Further, there were three (3) concepts evaluated for this study.  For each of these concepts, the following was discussed:

To achieve the research objectives, a total of 8 Netfocus groups (online, real-time) were conducted from July 31st to August 2nd, 2018. Additional information on the research methodology is provided in the next section of this report.

This report presents a high-level executive summary and description of the detailed methodology used, the detailed findings of the focus group discussions, and a series of conclusions and recommendations stemming from the research findings. All working documents are appended to the report, including the recruitment screener, the moderator’s guide, and the presentation that was shown to participants during each session.

Research Methodology

Given the geographic reach and the target audience under study, a series of 8 Netfocus groups (simultaneous online and telephone discussion in real-time), namely six English groups and two French groups, were conducted from July 31st to August 2nd, 2018, with cross-country representation. The target audience included adults aged 35 to 55 years old. The following table provides an overview of the group breakdown by language and location.

Number of Netfocus Groups by Language and Region

English French Total
West (BC, AB) Prairies (MB, SK) East (ON) Atlantic (NB, NS, PE, NL) QC
1 1 2 2 2 8

As is normal practice, those who attended at least one focus group in the past six months, who have been to three or more focus groups in the past five years, or who participated in a group on advertising were excluded from participation. At the same time, people working in a sensitive occupation, including marketing, market research, media, a political party or partisan organization, or a federal or provincial government department were also excluded from the study. All participants had lived in Canada for at least two years. Participants in each group included a mix of age, region, gender, household income, employment, and education status where possible. In addition, each focus group included indigenous participants as well as a few participants employed in industries that are typically more affected by the changing nature of work. Each group also included a mix of participants from across targeted provinces, encompassing both urban and rural residents.

Ten individuals were recruited in each group, and a total of 55 individuals took part in the discussions across groups. Consistent with standard market research practice, a $75 token of appreciation was provided to each participant. Each group discussion lasted approximately 90 minutes.

Context of Qualitative Research

Qualitative discussions are intended as moderator-directed, informal, non-threatening discussions with participants whose characteristics, habits and attitudes are considered relevant to the topic of discussion. The primary benefits of individual or group qualitative discussions are that they allow for in-depth probing with qualifying participants on behavioural habits, usage patterns, perceptions and attitudes related to the subject matter. This type of discussion allows for flexibility in exploring other areas that may be pertinent to the investigation. Qualitative research allows for more complete understanding of the segment in that the thoughts or feelings are expressed in the participants’ “own language” and at their “own levels of passion.”  Qualitative techniques are used in marketing research as a means of developing insight and direction, rather than collecting quantitatively precise data or absolute measures. As such, results are directional only and cannot be projected to the overall population under study.

Executive Summary

Corporate Research Associates Inc.
Contract Number: G9292-191440
POR Registration Number: 020-18
Contract Award Date: July 20, 2018

Background and Objectives

In order to ensure the 2018 Education and Skills – Helping Working Adults Upgrade Their Skills campaign resonates with its target audience and meets its objectives, ESDC commissioned a series of eight Netfocus groups (simultaneous online and telephone discussions in real-time) with Canadian adults 35 to 55 years old (including both employed and non-employed, and indigenous and non-Indigenous audiences). Of those, six groups were conducted in English with participants from various locations across Canada, while two groups were conducted in French with Quebec residents. Group discussions were conducted from July 31st to August 2nd, 2018. Each focus group lasted approximately ninety minutes and a $75 token of appreciation was provided to each participant, as per standard market research practice. A total of 55 participants took part across groups.

The research assessed public opinion regarding continuing education and skills development. Caution must be exercised when interpreting the results from this study, as qualitative research is directional only. Results cannot be attributed to the overall population under study, with any degree of statistical confidence. The actual cost of the qualitative phase of the research was $26,154.73 (excluding taxes).

Political Neutrality Certification

I hereby certify as a Representative of Corporate Research Associates Inc. that the deliverables fully comply with the Government of Canada political neutrality requirements outlined in the Directive on the Management of Communications. Specifically, the deliverables do not include information on electoral voting intentions, political party preferences, standings with the electorate or ratings of the performance of a political party or its leaders.

Signed Signed by Margaret Brigley

Margaret Brigley, President & COO | Corporate Research Associates

Date: August 14, 2018

Key Findings

Findings from the Education and Skills Adult Campaign Public Opinion Research Study suggest that as ESDC moves forward with its final campaign development, no one campaign is best suited as presented, without modifications. More so, findings suggest any campaign should effectively portray a clear benefit or outcome of furthering education and enhancing skills.

In a review of a variety of terms related to education and skills enhancement, findings show that most terms are perceived to appropriately define the concept of getting the education, skills and experience you need to stay relevant in the labour market.  Two terms were deemed less effective including ‘upskilling’ and ‘personal development/ développement personnel’. This provides ESDC with some latitude in positioning its concept going forward.

When considering the three presented advertising campaigns [Midlife, Invested in You, and Breathe In, Breathe Out], participant preference was split between the Midlife and Breathe In, Breathe Out concepts. Both concepts were considered clear, simple, and encouraging and displayed the end result of augmenting one’s education or skills – something that is evidently important in this respect.

More specifically, the Midlife campaign was well liked for presenting a single storyline with an optimistic outcome.  The message of this campaign clearly suggested that changing careers midlife is possible, although the term ‘midlife’ was perceived as derogatory and negative by many English participants, and across languages, narrow in its implied target audience. Participants also felt there was a disconnect between this concept’s video and its social media ad design. Findings suggest that ESDC would be best served by avoiding use of the terms ‘midlife’ and ‘breakthrough’ in its campaign given the potential risks associated with the terms.

The Breathe In, Breathe Out campaign clearly communicated that there are education and skills training resources available for anyone looking for change and that you can better yourself.  This concept was well liked for the diversity presented in its characters, the professions / scenarios included, and in its wider target audience. That said, participants were confused by the video’s multiple storylines that did not have a clear relationship between each other, questioning what was happening and what the proposed outcomes were. Further, there was some concern that the video and social media ad were inconsistent in terms of tone and message.

The Invested in You concept received mixed reactions and was most criticized among English participants.  Although many participants commented positively on how the campaign positions skills enhancement as a manageable endeavor, criticism toward the campaign was common. Notably, participants disliked how the results of the characters’ hard work were not displayed, which was found to be discouraging.

Participants were shown the landing page of the Skills Boost current website and offered mixed reactions towards the page. While the white background and chosen images / icons were noted as visually appealing, participants found the page too cluttered. Further, the title ‘Skills Boost’ was considered misleading in both English and French, as participants believed it did not accurately represent the information presented.

Among the three different website concepts shown, participants indicated a clear preference for the Breathe In, Breathe Out campaign website design for its simplicity, clean design, and clear buttons. Participants appreciated the site’s single page design and colour palette, although the font was considered small to some.

Regardless of concept preference, findings suggest an overall preference for a website that is simple and clear with direct navigation. Webpages are well liked with visuals perceived as clean and uncluttered and section headers that clearly outline what information they can expect to find.

Finally, when considering site navigation, results suggest that participants are far more likely to use a desktop or laptop computer when accessing information online concerning continuing education or skill development. That said, a smartphone was often mentioned as a tool for an initial, high level search to identify resources. These findings highlight the importance for site designs to be compliant across multiple modes of access.


Corporate Research Associates Inc.
Numéro de contrat : G9292-191440
Numéro d’enregistrement de la ROP : 020-18
Date d’octroi du contrat : 20 juillet 2018

Contexte et objectifs

Afin de s’assurer que la campagne Éducation et compétences – Aider les adultes en âge de travailler à perfectionner leurs compétences de 2018-2019, rejoint le public cible et respecte ses objectifs, l’EDSC a demandé la tenue d’une série de huit groupes Netfocus (des groupes de discussion menés à la fois en ligne et au téléphone en temps réel) avec des Canadiens de 35 à 55 ans (Autochtones et non‑Autochtones, avec ou sans emploi). En tout, six groupes ont été menés en anglais avec des participants de diverses villes canadiennes et deux en français avec des résidents du Québec. Les groupes de discussion ont eu lieu entre le 31 juillet et le 2 août 2018. Chaque discussion a duré environ 90 minutes et une récompense de 75 $ a été offerte à chaque participant comme il est de pratique courante dans le secteur des études de marché. Un total de 55 personnes ont participé aux différents groupes.

L’étude a sondé l’opinion publique sur la formation continue et le développement des compétences. Notons qu’il convient d’interpréter les résultats de la présente étude avec précaution, car les recherches qualitatives ne fournissent qu’une orientation. On ne peut attribuer les résultats à l’ensemble de la population étudiée avec un degré suffisant de fiabilité statistique. Le coût total de la phase qualitative de l’étude s’est chiffré à 26 154,73 $ (taxes non-incluses).

Preuve de neutralité politique

À titre de représentante de Corporate Research Associates Inc., j’atteste que les résultats livrés sont entièrement conformes aux exigences en matière de neutralité politique du gouvernement du Canada énoncées dans la Directive sur la gestion des communications. Plus précisément, les résultats n’incluent pas de renseignements sur les intentions de vote électoral, les préférences quant aux partis politiques ou les positions des partis, et les cotes de performance d’un parti politique ou de ses dirigeants.

Signature Signature Margaret Brigley

Margaret Brigley, présidente et directrice de l’exploitation | Corporate Research Associates

Date : le 14 août 2018

Principales constatations

Les résultats de la recherche sur l’opinion du public concernant la campagne Éducation et compétences chez les adultes semblent indiquer qu’EDSC poursuive le développement de sa campagne, aucune campagne présentée n’est viable sans modifications. De plus, les résultats laissent penser que toute campagne doit démontrer efficacement les avantages et les résultats indéniables de la poursuite de l’éducation et du développement des compétences.

Lors de la révision d’une variété de termes associés à l’éducation et au développement des compétences, les résultats indiquent que la plupart des termes sont perçus comme étant appropriés pour définir le concept d’obtenir l’éducation, les compétences et l’expérience dont vous avez besoin pour rester au fait des besoins du marché du travail. Deux termes ont été jugés moins efficaces, notamment « perfectionnement » et « développement personnel ». Cela fournit une certaine latitude à EDSC lors du développement de son concept.

Quand les trois campagnes publicitaires ont été présentées (Le mi-temps de la vie, Investissez dans votre avenir et Inspiration, expiration), les participants ont préféré les concepts des campagnes Le mi‑temps de la vie et Inspiration, expiration. Les deux concepts ont été perçus comme étant clairs, simples et encourageants tout en montrant le résultat final de la poursuite de l’éducation ou du développement des compétences – un élément qui est de toute évidence important.

La campagne Le mi-temps de la vie a été bien aimée en particulier parce qu’elle présente un seul scénario avec une issue positive. Cette campagne a indiqué clairement dans son message qu’il est possible de changer de carrière au mi-temps de la vie, bien que le terme « mi-temps de la vie » était perçu comme étant désobligeant et négatif par de nombreux participants anglophones, et restrictif en ce qui a trait au public cible parmi tous les participants indépendamment de la langue. Les participants ont également eu l’impression qu’il n’y avait pas de lien entre la vidéo de ce concept et sa publicité pour les médias sociaux. Les résultats semblent indiquer qu’il vaudrait mieux qu’EDSC évite d’utiliser les termes « mi-temps de la vie » et « percée » dans sa campagne à cause des risques associés aux termes.

La campagne Inspiration, expiration a indiqué clairement qu’il existe des ressources en matière d’éducation et de formation professionnelle pour quiconque a besoin de changement et qu’il est possible de s’améliorer. Ce concept a été bien aimé parce que les personnages, les professions et les scénarios sont variés et parce qu’il vise un public plus vaste. Cela dit, les participants ont trouvé les nombreux scénarios de la vidéo déroutants, car ils n’avaient pas de liens entre eux, et ils ont posé des questions sur ce qui se passait et les issues suggérées. Par ailleurs, certains se sont dits inquiets du fait que la vidéo et la publicité pour les médias sociaux étaient incohérentes en ce qui concerne le ton et le message.

Le concept Investissez dans votre avenir a suscité des réactions mitigées et a été le plus critiqué par le groupe de participants anglophones. Même si de nombreux participants ont approuvé le fait que la campagne présente le développement des compétences comme un objectif réalisable, elle a été tout de même fortement critiquée. Les participants n’ont pas aimé précisément le fait que la campagne n’a pas montré les résultats des efforts fournis par les personnages et cela les a découragés.

On a présenté aux participants la page de renvoi actuel du site Web « Actions Compétences » et elle a suscité des réactions mitigées. Même si les participants ont jugé la toile de fond blanche et les images/icônes choisies visuellement attrayantes, ils ont souligné que la page était trop chargée. En outre, les participants ont indiqué que le titre « Actions Compétences » était trompeur en anglais et en français, car il ne présente pas correctement les renseignements présentés.

À propos des trois concepts différents du site Web qui ont été présentés, les participants ont nettement préféré le style de la campagne Inspiration, expiration à cause de sa simplicité, son allure épurée et ses icônes claires. Les participants ont aimé que le site soit sur une page et avec une palette de couleurs, même si certains ont jugé la police trop petite.

Mis à part les préférences en matière de concepts, les résultats semblent indiquer une préférence nette pour un site Web simple, clair et qu’on peut explorer directement. Les participants aiment bien les pages Web aux images claires et non chargées ainsi que des en-têtes de section qui affichent clairement les renseignements qu’ils s’attendent à trouver.

Enfin, concernant la navigation du site, les résultats laissent penser que les participants sont plus susceptibles d’utiliser un ordinateur de bureau ou un ordinateur portable quand ils cherchent des informations en ligne sur la formation continue ou le développement des compétences. Cela dit, le téléphone intelligent a souvent été cité comme étant l’outil pour entamer une recherche efficace des ressources. Ces résultats soulignent à quel point il est important de s’assurer que les conceptions des sites soient conformes aux nombreux modes d’accès.


The following key conclusions are drawn from the detailed analysis of the study’s findings.


The following recommendations are based on the study’s conclusions and offered for consideration.

  1. ESDC should move forward with development of a variation of the Midlife and Breathe In, Breathe Out concepts. Any final concept should ensure clear messaging and diversity, while demonstrating a relatable outcome.
    • Research results suggest that no one campaign is best suited, as presented.  While the Midlife campaign was well liked for its clear, single storyline and optimistic outcome, its English tagline presents a risk with the use of the term ‘midlife’ and should be avoided. Of the video storylines presented in the Midlife campaign, the Construction Electrician Workshop concept appeared strongest, but would create a single emphasis on the trades. By contrast, the Breathe In, Breathe Out campaign was clear in messaging but lacked clarity in its multiple storylines and outcomes.
    • As ESDC moves forward with its final campaign development, findings suggest any video should effectively and clearly demonstrate the end result, benefit or outcome of furthering education / skills, while depicting diversity in characters and situations.  Wherever possible, a final campaign should include a range of professions.
  2. Ensure the messaging, design and tone is consistent between the video and social media components of any advertising campaign.
    • Across locations, participants perceived a disconnect between the tone, messaging and design of each campaign’s video and social media component. In particular, it was felt that the two elements appeared to be separate campaigns and not intrinsically linked. While any final campaign will likely include multiple scenarios across components, it is imperative that care be taken to ensure that a strong alignment is evident between the two.
  3. Final website design should use a simple, clear webpage with direct navigation, consistent with the Breathe In, Breathe Out campaign website. Further, text should be limited as participants associate too many words with a cluttered look.
    • Findings clearly show that ESDC would be best served to move forward with development of a design layout similar to that presented in the Breathe In, Breathe Out campaign. This site’s simplicity, white space, single page layout, effective use of icons and limited text was well received and deemed conducive to easy site navigation.  The mobile view was also considered particularly effective for those accessing information on their mobile device, especially given that they are likely to be conducting an initial search rather than a detailed search on their mobile. Accordingly, any website design must be conducive for use on multiple devices.