Client Experience Feedback on New Service Channel Involving Phone: The Service Canada Outreach Support Center (OSC)


Supplier Name: Kantar TNS

Contract Number: G9292-217567/001/CY

Contract Value: $71,936.94 (Tax incl.)

Award Date: March 1, 2021

Delivery Date: June 14, 2022

POR Registration #: POR # 125-20

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Prepared for: Employment and Social Development Canada

Ce rapport est aussi disponible en français

Client Experience Feedback on New Service Channel Involving Phone: The Service Canada Outreach Support Center (OSC)

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Cat. No. : Em4-32/2022E-PDF

ISBN: 978-0-660-44501-4

Rétroaction sur l’expérience client concernant un nouveau mode de prestation téléphonique : le Centre d’appui des services mobiles de Service Canada (Centre d’appui des services mobiles ) - Rapport méthodologique

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Nº de cat. : Em20-105/2018F-PDF

ISBN: 978-0-660-26912-2

1. Executive Summary

1.1. Summary

The Citizen Service Branch (CSB) has developed a Client Experience (CX) Survey Measurement Model to understand how clients perceive their experience with Service Canada. The CX Survey Measurement Model informs exit survey design to allow clients to provide feedback at the point of service. Client feedback immediately after a service interaction provides Service Canada with a pulse check on how well each channel is working and allows for course correction throughout the year.

This project collected data from clients experiencing a new person-to-person service. This new toll-free telephone service, The Service Canada Outreach Support Center (OSC), offers service and additional support for Indigenous communities and vulnerable clients facing barriers to accessing Employment and Social Development Canada’s (ESDC) programs and services. Research was conducted with clients who call into the OSC system using Integrated Voice Response (IVR) survey methodology.

The overall objectives for the research are:

The questionnaire was designed by Service Canada and updated by Kantar to reflect an IVR appropriate approach and to ensure it complied with all industry and Public Opinion Research Directorate (PORD) requirements including those of the Government of Canada Standards for the Conduct of Public Opinion Research – Quantitative Research (Telephone and Online). The survey was designed to have a maximum estimated length of 5 minutes and was available in English or French.

All respondents were routed from existing OSC call centres to the IVR survey between December 2021 and May 2022. Respondents were recruited by OSC outreach workers by asking if clients would be willing to complete a feedback questionnaire about their service experience. Clients who consented, were transferred to the IVR software platform. The IVR component was conducted using Kantar’s partner Logit.

A pre-test was undertaken on December 13-20, 2021 obtaining 20 completions, no changes were required and as such the results of the 20 completes were included in the final data set.

Fieldwork was conducted using IVR technology from December 13th, 2021, to May 31st, 2022, and the total number of interviews included the results of the pre-test. In total, 155 surveys were completed. The average survey length was 4:17 minutes with the shortest being 2:58 minutes and the longest being 7:10 minutes. No weighting was applied to the final data.

1.2. Contract Value

The total contract value for this project was $71,936.94 including HST.

1.3. Statement of Political Neutrality

I hereby certify as Senior Research Director & Public-Sector Practice Lead of Kantar TNS that the deliverables fully comply with the Government of Canada political neutrality requirements outlined in the Policy on Communications and Federal Identity and the Directive on the Management of Communications. Specifically, the deliverables do not include information on electoral voting intentions, political party preferences and standings with the electorate or ratings of the performance of a political party or its leaders.

Signature of Tanya Whitehead

Tanya Whitehead
Kantar TNS
Vice President & Public-Sector Practice Lead

2. Methodology

2.1. Background and Objectives

A fundamental part of the Employment and Social Development Canada’s (EDSC) mandate is service delivery, which contributes to policy and program results. To this end, the Citizen Service Branch (CSB) has developed a Client Experience (CX) Survey Measurement Model to understand how clients perceive their experience with Service Canada.

The annual CX survey examines the service experience delivered by all channels interacting together for results tracking. In addition to the annual CX survey, the CSB collects ongoing feedback from clients on the service experience via service channels. These shorter questionnaires allow clients to provide feedback at the point of service, and provides a pulse check on how well each channel is working for clients and for course correction during the year. Currently, feedback questionnaires are in place in the web channel and for My Service Canada Account (MSCA), eServiceCanada and 1800 O-Canada. Feedback mechanisms are also in development for the in-person network.

The CX Feedback on New Service Channel Involving Phone: The Outreach Support Center (OSC) project collected data from clients experiencing a new person-to-person service. This was previously delivered via in-person service delivery and is currently delivered by phone due to the pandemic measures including COVID-19 social distancing measures. This new toll-free telephone service, The Service Canada Outreach Support Center (OSC), offers service and additional support for Indigenous communities and vulnerable clients facing barriers to accessing ESDC’s programs and services. Research was conducted with clients who call into the OSC system using Integrated Voice Response (IVR) survey methodology.

The overall objectives for the research are:

2.2. Survey Design

The questionnaire was designed by Service Canada, consulting other versions of feedback questionnaires drafted for use by Service Canada in consultation with the OSC team. The questionnaire was then updated by Kantar to reflect an IVR appropriate approach and to ensure it complied with all industry and Public Opinion Research Directorate (PORD) requirements including those of the Government of Canada Standards for the Conduct of Public Opinion Research – Quantitative Research (Telephone and Online).

The survey was designed to have an average maximum estimated the length of 5 minutes. The questionnaire consisted of exclusively closed ended and scale questions, with no coding required.

Once an approved final English version of the survey was ready, it was professionally translated to French.

Final questionnaires used for this research can be found in the Appendix of this report.

2.3. Programming

Once the questionnaires were finalized, they were programmed into the IVR system. This was done by experienced programmers. After programming, the questionnaires underwent extensive testing to ensure that everything was working as intended.

2.4. Pretest

A pre-test was undertaken on December 13-20, 2021, obtaining 20 completions. The results were reviewed to ensure the survey was working as expected and that the questions were being interpreted as expected. Based on the results of the pre-test, no changes were required and as such the results of the 20 completes were included in the final data set.

2.5. Sampling

All respondents were routed from existing OSC call centres to the IVR survey between December 2021 and May 2022. Respondents were recruited by OSC outreach workers by asking if they would be willing to complete a feedback questionnaire about their service experience. Clients who consented, were transferred to the IVR software platform. The IVR component was conducted using our partner Logit.

2.6. Data Collection

Fieldwork was conducted using IVR technology. This technology allows a computer to interact with humans using voice and keypad input tones. This ensured that the interview flowed as it should with pre-programmed skip patterns where necessary. It also controlled responses to ensure appropriate ranges and data validity.

As discussed previously, outreach workers recruited respondents during their service call. Clients who agreed to participate were forwarded to the IVR survey where they were offered the opportunity to respond to the survey in the official (English or French) language of their choice.

All participants were informed of the general purpose of the research, they were informed of the sponsor and the supplier and that all their responses would be confidential.

The IVR surveys were conducted from December 13th, 2021 to May 31st, 2002 and the total number of interviews included the results of the pre-test that took place December 13-20th, 2021. In total, 155 surveys were completed. The average survey length was 4:17 minutes with the shortest being 2:58 minutes and the longest being 7:10 minutes. Another 75 surveys were partially completed by respondents.

2.7. Completed Interviews

The following outlines the number of interviews completed by language.

Table 2.7: IVR completed interviews

Total English French
Total connections 230 189 41
Completions 155 141 14
Partial completions 75 48 27

2.8. Non-Response Bias

As with all samples, there is a possibility of non-response bias. For example, persons who were too busy or declined to participate in the survey were not included in the survey. In addition, some groups within the population are systematically less likely to answer surveys.

2.9. 2.9. Weighting

Population level data about clients who contact OSC outreach workers was not available at the time of tabulation and as such no weighting was applied to the final data.

2.10. Tabulated Data

Detailed tables are included under separate cover.

3. Appendix: IVR Survey Instrument

3.1. English Survey

OSC Feedback Questionnaire

S1A - [ROC number] Would you like to continue in English [press1] or French? [press2] Préférez-vous continuer en français [press2] ou en anglais[press1]?

S1B - [QUEBEC number] Préférez-vous continuer en français [press2] ou en anglais[press1]? Would you like to continue in English [press1] or French? [press2]?

S2A - “Kantar is conducting research on behalf of the Government of Canada on your experience today with Service Canada. Participation is voluntary and confidential. Your responses will remain anonymous and the information you provide will be administered according to the requirements of the Privacy Act, the Access to Information Act, and any other pertinent legislation. It will take no more than 5 minutes to complete.”

Should you wish to verify the legitimacy of this survey you may contact Carole at

S2B - « Kantar effectue actuellement un sondage au nom du gouvernement du Canada au sujet de votre expérience aujourd’hui auprès de Service Canada. La participation au sondage est volontaire et confidentielle. Vos réponses demeureront anonymes et les renseignements que vous fournirez seront protégés conformément aux exigences de la Loi sur la protection des renseignements personnels, de la Loi sur l’accès à l’information et de toute autre loi pertinente. Le sondage ne devrait pas prendre plus de 5 minutes de votre temps. »

Si vous souhaitez vérifier la légitimité de ce sondage, vous pouvez communiquer avec Carole à

Attribute from CX Model Scope of Assessment Proposed Questions (DRAFT)
Overall Satisfaction Multi-channel Service Design

Q1 - Overall, how satisfied were you with your experience on the phone today? Press a number from 1 to 5 closest to your level of satisfaction, where 1 is very dissatisfied and 5 is very satisfied. Please press 9 for don’t know.

  • 1 - Very dissatisfied
  • 2 - Dissatisfied
  • 3 - Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
  • 4 - Satisfied
  • 5 - Very satisfied
  • 9 - Don’t know
General - purpose Multi-channel Service Design

Q2 - When you called today, which of the following was the main reason for your call?

  • Press 1 for Employment Insurance
  • Press 2 for Canada Pension Plan or Old Age Security
  • Press 3 for Social Insurance Number
  • Press 4 for Canada Revenue Agency
  • Or Press 5 for Other

Q3 - What specifically were you trying to do?

  • Press 1 for Get help with my application
  • Press 2 for Get general information
  • Press 3 for Update my information
  • Press 4 for Get the status of my application
  • Or Press 5 for Other
Effectiveness Multi-channel Service Design

Q4 - Were you able to do what you needed to do during your call?

  • Press 1 for Yes
  • Press 2 for No
  • Press 3 for Partially
  • Or Press 9 for Don’t know

Q5 - Which of the following would have most improved your experience?

  • Press 1 for More helpful service
  • Press 2 for Clearer information provided during the call
  • Press 3 for The Service Canada employee could do more with my request while they were on the phone with me
  • Press 4 for No selection. The service was great as is
  • Press 5 for Other

Q6_Trans For each of the following items please indicate if they apply to you. Press 1 for yes, 2 for no and 9 for prefer not to say

  • Q6_1 - You are uncomfortable in English and French
    • Press 1 for yes
    • Press 2 for No
    • Or press 9 for prefer not to say
  • Q6_2 - You are aged 18 to 30 (DO NOT READ - programming note: Selecting this age category precludes selection of the other age category)
    • Press 1 for yes
    • Press 2 for No
    • Or press 9 for prefer not to say
  • Q6_3 - [PN: If yes at Q6_2 skip Q6_3] You are aged 60 or over (DO NOT READ - programming note: Selecting this age category precludes selection of the other age category) – [IF QX=1, DO NOT ASK QXB]
    • Press 1 for yes
    • Press 2 for No
    • Or press 9 for prefer not to say
  • Q6_4 – You identify as Indigenous () (DO NOT READ - programming note: IF YES, ASK Q8)
    • Press 1 for yes
    • Press 2 for No
    • Or press 9 for prefer not to say
  • Q6_5 - You have access to the Internet
    • Press 1 for yes
    • Press 2 for No
    • Or press 9 for prefer not to say
  • Q6_6 - You live in a northern or remote area
    • Press 1 for yes
    • Press 2 for No
    • Or press 9 for prefer not to say
  • Q6_7 - You live on a First Nations reserve
    • Press 1 for yes
    • Press 2 for No
    • Or press 9 for prefer not to say
  • Q6_8 - You have a disability [IF YES, ASK Q7 QNEXT]
    • Press 1 for yes
    • Press 2 for No
    • Or press 9 for prefer not to say
Type of disability

Q7 - What type of disability?

  • Press 1 for Hearing/Communicating
  • Press 2 for Seeing
  • Press 3 for Mobility
  • Press 4 for Cognitive
  • Press 5 for Mental health-related
  • Press 6 for Other
  • Or press 9 for prefer not to say

Q8 – Do you identify as First Nations, Métis or Inuit? (DO NOT READ - programming note: ASK Q8 IF SAID YES AT Q6_4)

  • Press 1 for First Nations
  • Press 2 for Métis
  • Press 3 for Inuit
  • Or press 9 for prefer not to say

Q8A - “Thank-you for your participation. Your feedback is important to the Government of Canada and will be used to help improve service. Goodbye.”

Q8B - « Nous vous remercions de votre participation. Vos commentaires sont importants pour le gouvernement du Canada, et ils serviront à améliorer les services. Au revoir. »

3.2. French Survey

Centre d’appui des services mobiles – questionnaire de rétroaction

S1B - [Numéro pour le QUÉBEC] Préférez-vous continuer en français [appuyez sur le 2] ou en anglais [appuyez sur le 1]? Would you like to continue in English [press1] or French? [press2]?

S1A - [Numéro pour l’ensemble du Canada, sauf le Québec] Would you like to continue in English [press1] or French? [press2] Préférez-vous continuer en français [appuyez sur le 2] ou en anglais [appuyez sur le 1]?

S2B « Kantar effectue actuellement un sondage au nom du gouvernement du Canada au sujet de votre expérience aujourd’hui auprès de Service Canada. La participation au sondage est volontaire et confidentielle. Vos réponses demeureront anonymes et les renseignements que vous fournirez seront protégés conformément aux exigences de la Loi sur la protection des renseignements personnels, de la Loi sur l’accès à l’information et de toute autre loi pertinente. Le sondage ne devrait pas prendre plus de 5 minutes de votre temps. »

Si vous souhaitez vérifier la légitimité de ce sondage, vous pouvez communiquer avec Carole à

Caractéristique du modèle sur l’expérience client Portée de l’évaluation Questions proposées (VERSION PROVISOIRE)
Satisfaction globale Conception de services multimodes

Q1 - Dans l’ensemble, dans quelle mesure avez-vous été satisfait(e) de votre expérience au téléphone aujourd’hui? Appuyez sur un chiffre de 1 à 5 pour indiquer votre niveau de satisfaction, où 1 signifie Tout à fait insatisfait(e) et 5 signifie Tout à fait satisfait(e). Appuyez sur le 9 pour « Je ne sais pas ».

  • 1 - Très insatisfait ou insatisfaite
  • 2 - Insatisfait ou insatisfaite
  • 3 - Ni satisfait ou satisfaite, ni insatisfait ou insatisfaite
  • 4 - Satisfait ou satisfaite
  • 5 - Très satisfait ou satisfaite
  • 9 - Je ne sais pas
General - purpose Conception de services multimodes

Q2 - Quelle était la principale raison de votre appel aujourd’hui

  • Appuyez sur 1 pour Assurance emploi
  • Appuyez sur 2 pour Régime de pensions du Canada ou Sécurité de la vieillesse
  • Appuyez sur 3 pour Numéro d’assurance sociale
  • Appuyez sur 4 pour Agence du revenu du Canada
  • Ou Appuyez sur 5 pour Autre

Q3 - Que vouliez vous faire, exactement?

  • Appuyez sur 1 pour Obtenir de l’aide concernant ma demande.
  • Appuyez sur 2 pour Obtenir des renseignements généraux.
  • Appuyez sur 3 pour Mettre à jour mes renseignements.
  • Appuyez sur 4 pour Connaître l’état de ma demande.
  • Ou Appuyez sur 5 pour Autre
Efficacité Conception de services multimodes

Q4 - Avez vous réussi à faire ce que vous vouliez faire pendant l’appel?

  • Appuyez sur 1 pour Oui
  • Appuyez sur 2 pour Non
  • Appuyez sur 3 pour En partie
  • Ou Appuyez sur 9 pour Je ne sais pas

Q5 - Lequel des éléments suivants aurait le plus amélioré votre expérience? [Les réponses apparaissent dans un ordre aléatoire]

  • Appuyez sur 1 pour Un service plus utile
  • Appuyez sur 2 pour Renseignements plus clairs fournis pendant l’appel
  • Appuyez sur 3 pour La possibilité pour l’employé(e) de Service Canada d’en faire davantage avec ma demande pendant qu’il ou elle est au téléphone avec moi
  • Appuyez sur 4 pour Aucune de ces réponses – le service était excellent tel quel
  • Ou Appuyez sur 5 pour Autre
Données démographiques

Q6_1 Pour chacun des énoncés suivants, veuillez indiquer s’il s’applique à vous. Appuyez sur 1 pour Oui, sur 2 pour Non et sur 9 pour « Je préfère ne pas répondre ».

  • Q6_1 Vous n’êtes pas à l’aise en français ni en anglais.
    • Appuyez sur 1 pour oui
    • Appuyez sur 2 pour Non
    • Ou appuyez sur 9 pour ne pas dire
    • Ou appuyez sur 9 pour ne pas dire
  • Q6_2 - Vous avez entre 18 et 30 ans (NE PAS LIRE – note de programmation : la sélection de cette catégorie d’âge empêche la sélection de l’autre catégorie d’âge).
    • Appuyez sur 1 pour oui
    • Appuyez sur 2 pour Non
    • Ou appuyez sur 9 pour ne pas dire
  • Q6_3 - Vous avez plus de 60 ans (NE PAS LIRE – note de programmation : la sélection de cette catégorie d’âge empêche la sélection de l’autre catégorie d’âge) – [Si la réponse à la Q1 est oui, ne pas poser l’autre question]
    • Appuyez sur 1 pour oui
    • Appuyez sur 2 pour Non
    • Ou appuyez sur 9 pour ne pas dire
  • Q6_4 –Vous vous identifiez comme Autochtone. (NE PAS LIRE – note de programmation : Si la réponse est oui, poser la question 8)
    • Appuyez sur 1 pour oui
    • Appuyez sur 2 pour Non
    • Ou appuyez sur 9 pour ne pas dire
  • Q6_5 - Vous avez accès à Internet.
    • Appuyez sur 1 pour oui
    • Appuyez sur 2 pour Non
    • Ou appuyez sur 9 pour ne pas dire
  • Q6_6 - Vous habitez dans le Nord ou dans une région éloignée.
    • Appuyez sur 1 pour oui
    • Appuyez sur 2 pour Non
    • Ou appuyez sur 9 pour ne pas dire
  • Q6_7 - Vous habitez dans une réserve des Premières Nations.
    • Appuyez sur 1 pour oui
    • Appuyez sur 2 pour Non
    • Ou appuyez sur 9 pour ne pas dire
  • Q6_8 - Vous avez une incapacité [Si la réponse est oui, passez à la question suivante].
    • Appuyez sur 1 pour oui
    • Appuyez sur 2 pour Non
    • Ou appuyez sur 9 pour ne pas dire

Type d’incapacité

Q7 - Quel est le type d’incapacité?

  • Appuyez sur 1 pour Trouble de l’audition ou de la communication
  • Appuyez sur 2 pour Trouble de la vision
  • Appuyez sur 3 pour Trouble lié à la mobilité
  • Appuyez sur 4 pour Troubles cognitifs
  • Appuyez sur 5 pour Trouble de santé mentale
  • Appuyez sur 6 pour Autre
  • Ou appuyez sur 9 pour ne pas dire

Type d’incapacité

Q8 - Est-ce que vous vous identifiez comme un/une membre des Premières Nations, Métis ou Inuit? (DO NOT READ - programming note: ASK Q8 IF SAID YES AT Q6_4)

  • Appuyez sur 1 pour Premières Nations
  • Appuyez sur 2 pour Métis
  • Appuyez sur 3 pour Inuit
  • Ou appuyez sur 9 pour ne pas dire

Q8A - “Thank-you for your participation. Your feedback is important to the Government of Canada and will be used to help improve service. Goodbye.”

Q8B - « Nous vous remercions de votre participation. Vos commentaires sont importants pour le gouvernement du Canada, et ils serviront à améliorer les services. Au revoir. »