Employment and Social Development Canada [ESDC]

Service Canada

Client Experience Survey 2022-23

January 26, 2024

POR # 006-23

Supplier: Ipsos Limited Partnership


CONTRACT #CW2303967 (G9292-23-3716)

Contract value: $299,851.15 (including HST)

Ce rapport est aussi disponible en français.

For more information on this report, please contact nc-por-rop-gd@hrsdc-rhdcc.gc.ca

Service Canada Client Experience Survey 2022-23

This public opinion research report presents the results of a telephone survey conducted on behalf of Service Canada with a sample of 4,200 Service Canada clients across the five major programs. The study was conducted between June 9 and July 26, 2023.

It is available upon request in multiple formats (large print, MP3, braille, e-text, DAISY), by contacting 1 800 O-Canada (1-800-622-6232). By teletypewriter (TTY), call 1-800-926-9105.

© His Majesty the King in Right of Canada, 2024

For information regarding reproduction rights: droitdauteur.copyright@HRSDC-RHDCC.gc.ca


Cat. No. : Em4-23/2023E-PDF

ISBN: 978-0-660-68227-3

Service Canada sondage sur l'expérience client 2022-2023

Ce rapport de recherche sur l’opinion publique présente les résultats d’un sondage téléphonique mené pour le compte de Service Canada auprès d’un échantillon de 4 200 clients de Service Canada dans les cinq principaux programmes. L’étude a été menée entre le 9 juin et le 26 juillet 2023.

Ce document offert sur demande en médias substituts (gros caractères, MP3, braille, fichiers de texte, DAISY) auprès du 1 800 O-Canada (1-800-622-6232). Si vous utilisez un téléscripteur (ATS), composez le 1-800-926-9105.

© Sa Majesté le Roi du Chef du Canada, 2024

Pour des renseignements sur les droits de reproduction : droitdauteur.copyright@HRSDC-RHDCC.gc.ca


Nº de cat. : Em4-23/2023F-PDF

ISBN : 978-0-660-68228-0

Political Neutrality Statement

I hereby certify as Senior Officer of Ipsos that the deliverables fully comply with the Government of Canada political neutrality requirements outlined in the Policy on Communications and Federal Identity and the Directive on the Management of Communications. Specifically, the deliverables do not include information on electoral voting intentions, political party preferences, standings with the electorate or ratings of the performance of a political party or its leaders.

President of IPSOS Public Affairs Signature

Mike Colledge
Ipsos Public Affairs

Additional information

Supplier Name: Ipsos Limited Partnership

PSPC Contract Number: CW2303967 (G9292-23-3716)

Contract Award Date: 2023-05-05

Executive Summary

Service Canada CX Survey 2022-23 – Results at a Glance

4,200 interviews conducted (between 750 and 1035 per program)

Methodology: Telephone survey

Fieldwork: June 9 and July 26, 2023 Client experiences that reached initial decision: Jan to Mar 2023

Overall Service Experience Across Programs (% Rated 4 or 5)
Figure long description

Overall Service Experience Across Programs (% Rated 4 or 5)

  • Satisfaction
    • 2017-18, 86%
    • 2018-19, 85%
    • 2019-20, 84%
    • 2020-21, 86%
    • 2021-22, 81%
    • 2022-23, 83%, significantly higher than previous wave
  • Ease
    • 2017-18, 84%
    • 2018-19, 85%
    • 2019-20, 84%
    • 2020-21, 86%
    • 2021-22, 82%
    • 2022-23, 87%, significantly higher than previous wave
  • Effectiveness
    • 2017-18, 82%
    • 2018-19, 84%
    • 2019-20, 82%
    • 2020-21, 85%
    • 2021-22, 82%
    • 2022-23, 84%
  • Emotion
    • 2017-18, 76%
    • 2018-19, 78%
    • 2019-20, 78%
    • 2020-21, 77%
    • 2021-22, 73%
    • 2022-23, 75%
Satisfaction with clients Experience by Program (% rated 4 or 5)
Figure long description

Satisfaction with clients Experience by Program (% rated 4 or 5)

  • EI
    • 2017-18, 83%
    • 2018-19, 80%
    • 2019-20, 77%
    • 2020-21, 84%
    • 2021-22, 76%
    • 2022-23, 78%
  • CPP
    • 2017-18, 87%
    • 2018-19, 87%
    • 2019-20, 88%
    • 2020-21, 86%
    • 2021-22, 86%
    • 2022-23, 85%
  • CPP-D
    • 2017-18, 64%
    • 2018-19, 62%
    • 2019-20, 60%
    • 2020-21, 63%
    • 2021-22, 60%
    • 2022-23, 58%
  • SIN
    • 2017-18, 94%
    • 2018-19, 92%
    • 2019-20, 94%
    • 2020-21, 89%
    • 2021-22, 89%
    • 2022-23, 94%, significantly higher than previous wave
    • 2017-18, 86%
    • 2018-19, 87%
    • 2019-20, 87%
    • 2020-21, 88%
    • 2021-22, 81%
    • 2022-23, 94%
 Top Satisfaction Drivers (% Rated 4 Or 5)
Figure long description

Top Satisfaction Drivers (% Rated 4 or 5)

Top satisfaction drivers are attributes that have the strongest impact on overall satisfaction, listed either as attributes to reinforce/protect or as attributes with the greatest opportunity for improvement.+ 

2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23
In-person staff helpful - 97% 91% 88% 92%
Consistent info 82% 80% 84% 79% 81%
Specialized call centre reps helpful - 73% 85% 82% 83%
2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23
Client journey took reasonable time 76% 77% 81% 75% 75%
Confidence in issue resolution 78% 78% 77% 73% 75%
Ease of getting help on application - - 65% 64% 68%

+Ref. Service Canada CX Survey report 2022-23 / Overall Priority Matrix: Impact vs. Performance

Channel Use: Overall+
Figure long description

Channel Use: Overall+

  • In-person
    • 2017-18, 59%
    • 2019-20, 62%
    • 2020-21, 30%
    • 2021-22, 33%
    • 2022-23, 39%, significantly higher than previous waves
  • Telephone
    • 2017-18, 29%
    • 2019-20, 32%
    • 2020-21, 30%
    • 2021-22, 31%
    • 2022-23, 35%, significantly higher than previous waves
  • eServiceCanada
    • 2020-21, 13%
    • 2021-22, 13%
    • 2022-23, 12%
  • Online
    • 2017-18, 66%
    • 2019-20, 60%
    • 2020-21, 78%
    • 2021-22, 77%
    • 2022-23, 76%
  • Mail
    • 2017-18, 18%
    • 2019-20, 17%
    • 2020-21, 19%
    • 2021-22, 21%
    • 2022-23, 22%

+ ‘Overall’ refers to results among all clients across all programs

Satisfaction with each channel (% Rated 4 or 5)
Figure long description

Satisfaction with each channel (% Rated 4 or 5)

  • In-person
    • 2017-18, 89%
    • 2018-19, 87%
    • 2019-20, 86%
    • 2020-21, 86%
    • 2021-22, 81%
    • 2022-23, 83%
  • My Service Canada Account
    • 2019-20, 75%
    • 2020-21, 75%
    • 2021-22, 70%
    • 2022-23, 73%
  • Online
    • 2017-18, 79%
    • 2018-19, 79%
    • 2019-20, 73%
    • 2020-21, 78%
    • 2021-22, 74%
    • 2022-23, 75%
  • 1 800 O-Canada
    • 2018-19, 72%
    • 2019-20, 69%
    • 2020-21, 72%
    • 2021-22, 59%
    • 2022-23, 70%
  • Specialized Call Centre
    • 2017-18, 82%
    • 2018-19, 76%
    • 2019-20, 60%
    • 2020-21, 72%
    • 2021-22, 64%
    • 2022-23, 72%, significantly higher than previous wave
  • eServiceCanada
    • 2020-21, 82%
    • 2021-22, 76%
    • 2022-23, 72%,

ǂ Excludes SIN clients

Client Groups Satisfaction
Figure long description

Client Groups Satisfaction

  • Clients with disabilities
    • 2018-19, 79%
    • 2019-20, 76%
    • 2020-21, 76%
    • 2021-22, 69%
    • 2022-23, 71%
  • Client with restrictions to accessing service
    • 2019-20, 79%
    • 2020-21, 80%
    • 2021-22, 72%
    • 2022-23, 77%
  • Indigenous clients
    • 2018-19, 85%
    • 2019-20, 79%
    • 2020-21, 83%
    • 2021-22, 80%
    • 2022-23, 83%
  • E-vulnerable clients
    • 2018-19, 84%
    • 2019-20, 85%
    • 2020-21, 82%
    • 2021-22, 79%
    • 2022-23, 85%, significantly higher than previous wave

Background and Objectives



Throughout the report, subgroup results have been compared to the average of all clients (i.e., total) and statistically significant differences at the 95% confidence level noted using green and red boxes.

Where subgroup results are statistically higher than the total a green box has been used and where results are statistically lower than the total a red box has been used. Where applicable, yellow boxes are used to indicate drivers of satisfaction which are in the top five most impactful.

Additionally, arrows have been used to identify where results in 2022-23 are statistically higher or lower than 2021-22.

Small sample sizes of less than n=40 have been identified throughout the report using an asterisk symbol (*) and caution should be used when interpreting these results. Sample sizes less than n=25 are considered very small and results for these measures have not been included in the report and have been identified using a double asterisk (**) where applicable.

Where applicable, “-” is used in tabulations to indicate that an attribute or statement was not asked/did not exist during the given year.

Throughout this report, the term “overall” is used to describe the specific attribute related to satisfaction with service received from Service Canada as a whole (“overall satisfaction”), or to refer to results for the total sample/all client groups (“Trust in Service Canada: Overall”), where indicated.

Executive Summary: Overall Satisfaction

Executive Summary: Trust

Executive Summary: Service Attribute Performance

Executive Summary: Service Attribute Performance by Program

Executive Summary: Change in Client Experience by Program

Executive Summary: Key Drivers of Satisfaction

Executive Summary: Drivers of Satisfaction by Program

Executive Summary: Change in Channel Use

Executive Summary: Channel Use by Stage

Executive Summary: Number of Channels and Multi-Channel Use

Executive Summary: Service Channel Assessment

Executive Summary: Barriers to Accessing Service

Executive Summary: Client Groups

Service Canada Client Experience Survey Model

Service Canada Client Experience (CX) Survey Measurement Model

Service Canada Client Experience (CX) Survey Measurement Model
Figure long description

Service Canada Client Experience (CX) Survey Measurement Model

  • Service Dimensions
    • Ease
      • Service Attributes
        • Simplicity
        • Clarity
        • Convenience
    • Effectiveness
      • Service Attributes
        • Access
        • Timeliness
        • Consistency
        • Efficiency
    • Emotion
      • Service Attributes
        • Attitude
        • Assurance
  • Service attributes to Overall Experience
    • Aware – Seek general information
    • Apply –Submit application
    • Follow-up – Seek/receive/provide info re: application submitted
    • Decision – Receive service outcome (first decision)
  • Overall Experience to Client Satisfaction

Note: The Model was drawn from a combination of existing models to suit Service Canada context and validated through consultation with internal stakeholders. The existing models include: The Common Measurements Tool (CMT), owned and licensed by the Institute for Citizen-Centred Service (ICCS), the client survey model used by the Government of Quebec, and Forrester’s approach to client experience measurement.

Service Canada CX Survey Measurement Model: Service Attributes

The following was the full set of detailed service attributes in the model that guided the development of the baseline questionnaire.

Service Canada CX Survey Measurement Model: Service Attributes
Figure long description


  • Simplicity
    • Overall ease
    • Service/Information is easy to find/it is easy to figure out where to go
    • Clients tell story once/input personal information only once
  • Clarity
    • Information is easy to understand
    • Process is easy to determine (e.g. how to get assistance, steps to follow, documents required)
  • Convenience
    • Can get to the required information easily (in-person, online)


  • Access
    • Receive relevant information without asking (e.g. proactive service, bundling)
    • Able to get help when needed (for example, information available, agent available)
    • Service in official language of choice/documents available in official language of choice in person
    • Providing feedback is easy
    • Process/Stage/Status are transparent
  • Timeliness
    • Reasonable amount of time to access the service, complete service task, wait to receive information and service/product, or resolve issue
  • Consistency
    • Consistent information received from multiple Service Canada sources (e.g. two separate call centre agents)
  • Efficiency
    • Process is easy to follow to complete task. (e.g. procedures are straight-forward)
    • Able to get tasks completed/issues resolved with few contacts
    • Clients know what to do if they run into a problem
    • Move smoothly through the steps (not stuck, bounced around or caught in a loop)


  • Attitude
    • The interaction with service agents is respectful, courteous and helpful
    • The service agents demonstrate understanding and ability to address client’s concerns/urgency
  • Assurance
    • Client’s personal information is protected
    • Client confident that he/she is following the right steps (i.e. not concerned about the process)
    • Client knows when information/decision will be received or the next step will be completed
    • Confident that any problem that arises will be resolved

Client perception

  • Satisfaction with overall service experience
  • Trust in Service Canada to deliver services effectively

Research Approach

Overview: Quantitative Approach

Data Collection: Quantitative Approach

Calibration of the Data: Quantitative Approach

Qualitative Approach

Method Program Language Number of participants
Focus Groups 3 x EI groups English 20
1 x EI group French 5
2 x SIN groups English 12
1 x CPP-D group English 11
In-depth Interviews 3 x EI interviews English 3
4 x SIN interviews English 4
1 x SIN interview French 1
13 x CPP-D interviews English 13
6 x CPP interviews English 6
8 x OAS or OAS/GIS interviews English 8
2 x OAS or OAS/GIS interviews French 2

Detailed Findings

End-to-End Client Experience By Program

Impact of Service Changes on the Client Experience by Program

Impact of Service Changes on the Client Experience by Program
Figure long description


  • Strengths to maintain
    • The helpfulness of in-person and call centre representatives
    • Ease of completing the application form
    • Provided service in a way that protected their health during pandemic
  • Areas for improvement
    • Timeliness of service
    • Ease of getting help on the application
    • Receiving consistent information
    • Clarity of process


  • Strengths to maintain
    • Understanding requirements of the application
    • Moving smoothly through all steps
    • Confidence that personal information was protected
  • Areas for improvement
    • Ease of follow-up
    • Ease of finding information on the program
    • Ease of finding what information you need to provide when applying
    • Timeliness of service


  • Strengths to maintain
    • The helpfulness of call centre representatives
  • Areas for improvement
    • Timeliness of service
    • Moving smoothly through all steps
    • Ease of gathering the information needed to apply
    • Ease of getting help on their application
    • Ease of follow-up


  • Strengths to maintain
    • Helpfulness of Service Canada in-person representatives
    • Timeliness of service
    • Understanding the requirements of the application
    • Ease of applying
    • Ease of getting help when needed
    • Being able to complete the application in a reasonable time
    • Confidence in issue resolution
  • Areas for improvement
    • Ease of getting help on their application.
    • Ease of figuring out eligibility


  • Strengths to maintain
    • Provided service in their choice of English or French
    • Accessing service in a language clients understand
    • Moving smoothly through all steps
    • Ease of completing the application form
    • Timeliness of service
  • Areas for improvement
    • Ease of follow-up
    • Ease of finding the steps to apply
    • Ease of finding info needed when applying
    • Ease of finding info on the program
    • Travelling a reasonable distance to access service
    • Ease of getting help on their application

Overall Satisfaction

Satisfaction, Ease, Effectiveness and Emotion Over Time

Change in Overall Performance of Service Attributes (% Rated 4 or 5) – Trending
Figure long description

Change in Overall Performance of Service Attributes (% Rated 4 or 5) – Trending

  • Satisfaction
    • 2017-18, 86%
    • 2018-19, 85%
    • 2019-20. 84%
    • 2020-21, 86%
    • 2021-22, 81%
    • 2022-23, 83%, significantly higher than previous wave
  • Ease (For the first time in 2021-22, the overall ease metric was asked among SIN clients. SIN data has therefore been included in calculations from 2021-22 onward)
    • 2017-18, 84%
    • 2018-19, 85%
    • 2019-20. 84%
    • 2020-21, 86%
    • 2021-22, 82%
    • 2022-23, 87%, significantly higher than previous wave
  • Effectiveness
    • 2017-18, 82%
    • 2018-19, 84%
    • 2019-20. 82%
    • 2020-21, 85%
    • 2021-22, 82%
    • 2022-23, 84%
  • Emotion (The questionnaire was improved to pose ‘You were confident that any issues or problems would have been easily resolved’ to all survey respondents in 2018-19 and 2019-20, whereas in 2017-18 it was posed only to clients who did not experience a problem, therefore comparable data are not available.)
    • 2018-19, 78%
    • 2019-20. 78%
    • 2020-21, 77%
    • 2021-22, 73%
    • 2022-23, 75%

Base: All answering (n=Base varies)

+ The overall ease metric was first asked to SIN clients in 2021-22 and is included in calculations for 2021-22 and 2022-23

× The questionnaire was improved to pose ‘You were confident that any issues or problems would have been easily resolved’ to all survey respondents in 2018-19 and 2019-20, whereas in 2017-18 it was posed only to clients who did not experience a problem, therefore comparable data are not available.

Overall Satisfaction with Service Experience

Satisfaction with service experience – trending
Figure long description

Satisfaction with service experience – trending

  • 2022-23 (n=4200)
    • 5 – very satisfied, 56%, significantly higher than previous wave
    • Rated 4, 27%, significantly lower than previous wave
    • Rated 3, 10%
    • Rated 2, 3%
    • 1 – very dissatisfied, 3%
    • % Rated 4 or 5, 83%, significantly higher than previous wave
  • 2021-22 (n=4200)
    • 5 – very satisfied, 51%
    • Rated 4, 30%
    • Rated 3, 12%
    • Rated 2, 4%
    • 1 – very dissatisfied, 3%
    • % Rated 4 or 5, 81%
  • 2020-21 (n=4200)
    • 5 – very satisfied, 57%
    • Rated 4, 28%
    • Rated 3, 10%
    • Rated 2, 2%
    • 1 – very dissatisfied, 2%
    • % Rated 4 or 5, 86%
  • 2019-20 (n=2431)
    • 5 – very satisfied, 55%
    • Rated 4, 29%
    • Rated 3, 11%
    • Rated 2, 2%
    • 1 – very dissatisfied, 2%
    • % Rated 4 or 5, 84%
  • 2018-19 (n=4401)
    • 5 – very satisfied, 58%
    • Rated 4, 27%
    • Rated 3, 9%
    • Rated 2, 3%
    • 1 – very dissatisfied, 2%
    • % Rated 4 or 5, 85%
  • 2017-18 (n=4001)
    • 5 – very satisfied, 63%
    • Rated 4, 24%
    • Rated 3, 9%
    • Rated 2, 3%
    • 1 – very dissatisfied, 2%
    • % Rated 4 or 5, 86%

Weighting Scheme by Program

  • EI, 48%
  • CPP, 10%
  • CPP-D, 2%
  • SIN, 29%
  • OAS/GIS, 11%

Q38a. Again, thinking about the overall service from getting information about [INSERT ABBREV] to receiving a decision. How satisfied were you with the service you received from Service Canada? Please use a 5-point scale, where 1 means very dissatisfied, and 5 means very satisfied.

Base: All respondents (n=4200)

Ease, Effectiveness and Emotion: Overall

Ease, Effectiveness and Emotion: Overall
Figure long description

Ease, Overall, it was easy for you to apply for

  • 2022-23 (n=3807)
    • 5 - Strongly agree, 64%, significantly higher than previous wave
    • Rated 4, 23%
    • Rated 3, 8%
    • Rated 2, 3%
    • 1 - Strongly disagree, 2%
    • % Rated 4 or 5, 87%
  • 2021-22, (n=3795)
    • 5 - Strongly agree, 60%
    • Rated 4, 25%
    • Rated 3, 10%
    • Rated 2, 3%
    • 1 - Strongly disagree, 3%
    • % Rated 4 or 5, 85%
  • 2020-21, (n=3048)
    • 5 - Strongly agree, 59%
    • Rated 4, 27%
    • Rated 3, 9%
    • Rated 2, 3%
    • 1 - Strongly disagree, 2%
    • % Rated 4 or 5, 86%
  • 2019-20, (n=1741)
    • 5 - Strongly agree, 59%
    • Rated 4, 25%
    • Rated 3, 11%
    • Rated 2, 3%
    • 1 - Strongly disagree, 1%
    • % Rated 4 or 5, 84%
  • 2018-19, (n=3073)
    • 5 - Strongly agree, 63%
    • Rated 4, 23%
    • Rated 3, 9%
    • Rated 2, 3%
    • 1 - Strongly disagree, 3%
    • Don't know, 0%
    • % Rated 4 or 5, 85%
  • 2017-18, (n=3043)
    • 5 - Strongly agree, 59%
    • Rated 4, 25%
    • Rated 3, 10%
    • Rated 2, 3%
    • 1 - Strongly disagree, 3%
    • % Rated 4 or 5, 84%

Effectivness, You were able to move smoothly through all of the steps

  • 2022-23 (n=3807)
    • 5 - Strongly agree, 60%
    • Rated 4, 24%
    • Rated 3, 9%
    • Rated 2, 4%
    • 1 - Strongly disagree, 3%
    • % Rated 4 or 5, 84%
  • 2021-22, (n=3795)
    • 5 - Strongly agree, 58%
    • Rated 4, 24%
    • Rated 3, 11%
    • Rated 2, 4%
    • 1 - Strongly disagree, 3%
    • % Rated 4 or 5, 82%
  • 2020-21, (n=3797)
    • 5 - Strongly agree, 62%
    • Rated 4, 23%
    • Rated 3, 10%
    • Rated 2, 3%
    • 1 - Strongly disagree, 2%
    • % Rated 4 or 5, 85%
  • 2019-20, (n=2103)
    • 5 - Strongly agree, 58%
    • Rated 4, 24%
    • Rated 3, 12%
    • Rated 2, 3%
    • 1 - Strongly disagree, 2%
    • % Rated 4 or 5, 82%
  • 2018-19, (n=3993)
    • 5 - Strongly agree, 62%
    • Rated 4, 22%
    • Rated 3, 9%
    • Rated 2, 4%
    • 1 - Strongly disagree, 2%
    • % Rated 4 or 5, 84%
  • 2017-18, (n=3639)
    • 5 - Strongly agree, 59%
    • Rated 4, 22%
    • Rated 3, 12%
    • Rated 2, 3%
    • 1 - Strongly disagree, 3%
    • Don't know, 1%
    • % Rated 4 or 5, 82%

Emotion, You were confident that any issues or problems would have been easily resolved

  • 2022-23 (n=4200)
    • 5 - Strongly agree, 51%
    • Rated 4, 24%
    • Rated 3, 14%
    • Rated 2, 5%
    • 1 - Strongly disagree, 5%
    • Don't know, 1%
    • % Rated 4 or 5, 75%
  • 2021-22, (n=4200)
    • 5 - Strongly agree, 49%
    • Rated 4, 25%
    • Rated 3, 15%
    • Rated 2, 6%
    • 1 - Strongly disagree, 4%
    • Don't know, 1%
    • % Rated 4 or 5, 73%
  • 2020-21, (n=4200)
    • 5 - Strongly agree, 52%
    • Rated 4, 25%
    • Rated 3, 13%
    • Rated 2, 5%
    • 1 – Strongly disagree, 4%
    • Don't know, 1%
    • % Rated 4 or 5, 77%
  • 2019-20, (n=2431)
    • 5 - Strongly agree, 53%
    • Rated 4, 25%
    • Rated 3, 14%
    • Rated 2, 4%
    • 1 – Strongly disagree, 3%
    • Don't know, 1%
    • % Rated 4 or 5, 78%
  • 2018-19, (n=4401)
    • 5 - Strongly agree, 51%
    • Rated 4, 26%
    • Rated 3, 13%
    • Rated 2, 5%
    • 1 - Strongly disagree, 3%
    • Don't know, 2%
    • % Rated 4 or 5, 78%

+ The overall ease metric was first asked to SIN clients in 2021-22 and is included in calculations for 2021-22 and 2022-23

× The questionnaire was improved to pose ‘You were confident that any issues or problems would have been easily resolved’ to all survey respondents in 2018-19 and 2019-20, whereas in 2017-18 it was posed only to clients who did not experience a problem, therefore comparable data are not available.

Q36b. Thinking about the overall service you received, from getting information about [INSERT ABBREV] to receiving a decision, how much do you agree or disagree with the following statements, using a 5-point scale (where 1 means strongly disagree, and 5 means strongly agree)?

Base: All respondents/answering (n= Base varies)

Ease, Effectiveness and Emotion: by Program

 Agreement with Ease, Effectiveness and Emotion Statements (%Rated 4 or 5) – Trending
Figure long description

Agreement with Ease, Effectiveness and Emotion Statements (%Rated 4 or 5) – Trending

Ease, Overall, it was easy for you to apply for
  • Total
    • 2017-18, (n=3043), 84%
    • 2018-19, (n=3073), 85%
    • 2019-20, (n=1741), 85%
    • 2020-21, (n=3048), 86%
    • 2021-22, (n=3795), 82%
    • 2022-23, (n=3807), 87%, significantly higher than previous wave
  • EI
    • 2017-18, (n=3043), 84%
    • 2018-19, (n=3073), 86%
    • 2019-20, (n=1741), 86%
    • 2020-21, (n=3048), 87%
    • 2021-22, (n=3795), 83%
    • 2022-23, (n=3807), 85%, significantly lower than total
  • CPP
    • 2017-18, (n=3043), 88%
    • 2018-19, (n=3073), 88%
    • 2019-20, (n=1741), 88%
    • 2020-21, (n=3048), 85%
    • 2021-22, (n=3795), 85%
    • 2022-23, (n=3807), 85%
  • CPP-D
    • 2017-18, (n=3043), 57%
    • 2018-19, (n=3073), 60%
    • 2019-20, (n=1741), 55%
    • 2020-21, (n=3048), 56%
    • 2021-22, (n=3795), 55%
    • 2022-23, (n=3807), 54%, significantly lower than total
  • SIN
    • 2021-22, (n=3795), 90%
    • 2022-23, (n=3807), 93%, significantly lower than total, significantly higher than previous wave
    • 2017-18, (n=3043), 84%
    • 2018-19, (n=3073), 87%
    • 2019-20, (n=1741), 87%
    • 2020-21, (n=3048), 88%
    • 2021-22, (n=3795), 80%
    • 2022-23, (n=3807), 87%, significantly higher than previous wave
Effectiveness, You were able to move smoothly through all the steps
    • 2017-18, (n=3639), 82%
    • 2018-19, (n=3993), 84%
    • 2019-20, (n=2103), 82%
    • 2020-21, (n=3797), 85%
    • 2021-22, (n=3795), 82%
    • 2022-23, (n=3807), 84%
  • EI
    • 2017-18, (n=3639), 77%
    • 2018-19, (n=3993), 81%
    • 2019-20, (n=2103), 76%
    • 2020-21, (n=3797), 83%
    • 2021-22, (n=3795), 78%
    • 2022-23, (n=3807), 79%, significantly lower than previous wave
  • CPP
    • 2017-18, (n=3639), 84%
    • 2018-19, (n=3993), 83%
    • 2019-20, (n=2103), 85%
    • 2020-21, (n=3797), 80%
    • 2021-22, (n=3795), 81%
    • 2022-23, (n=3807), 83%
  • CPP-D
    • 2017-18, (n=3639), 55%
    • 2018-19, (n=3993), 62%
    • 2019-20, (n=2103), 57%
    • 2020-21, (n=3797), 58%
    • 2021-22, (n=3795), 58%
    • 2022-23, (n=3807), 56%, significantly lower than previous wave
  • SIN
    • 2017-18, (n=3639), 90%
    • 2018-19, (n=3993), 91%
    • 2019-20, (n=2103), 91%
    • 2020-21, (n=3797), 91%
    • 2021-22, (n=3795), 91%
    • 2022-23, (n=3807), 93%, significantly higher than previous wave
    • 2017-18, (n=3639), 79%
    • 2018-19, (n=3993), 84%
    • 2019-20, (n=2103), 88%
    • 2020-21, (n=3797), 87%
    • 2021-22, (n=3795), 78%
    • 2022-23, (n=3807), 84%
Emotion, you were confident that any issues or problems would have been easily resolved
    • 2017-18, (n=3221), 82%
    • 2018-19, (n=4401), 78%
    • 2019-20, (n=2431), 78%
    • 2020-21, (n=4200), 77%
    • 2021-22, (n=4200), 73%
    • 2022-23, (n=4200), 75%
  • EI
    • 2017-18, (n=3221), 79%
    • 2018-19, (n=4401), 74%
    • 2019-20, (n=2431), 72%
    • 2020-21, (n=4200), 73%
    • 2021-22, (n=4200), 69%
    • 2022-23, (n=4200), 70%, significantly lower than total
  • CPP
    • 2017-18, (n=3221), 81%
    • 2018-19, (n=4401), 76%
    • 2019-20, (n=2431), 81%
    • 2020-21, (n=4200), 76%
    • 2021-22, (n=4200), 73%
    • 2022-23, (n=4200), 75%
  • CPP-D
    • 2017-18, (n=3221), 63%
    • 2018-19, (n=4401), 57%
    • 2019-20, (n=2431), 51%
    • 2020-21, (n=4200), 56%
    • 2021-22, (n=4200), 57%
    • 2022-23, (n=4200), 52%, significantly lower than total
  • SIN
    • 2017-18, (n=3221), 88%
    • 2018-19, (n=4401), 86%
    • 2019-20, (n=2431), 87%
    • 2020-21, (n=4200), 84%
    • 2021-22, (n=4200), 85%
    • 2022-23, (n=4200), 86%, significantly higher than total
    • 2017-18, (n=3221), 80%
    • 2018-19, (n=4401), 78%
    • 2019-20, (n=2431), 77%
    • 2020-21, (n=4200), 82%
    • 2021-22, (n=4200), 68%
    • 2022-23, (n=4200), 73%

+ The overall ease metric was first asked to SIN clients in 2021-22 and is included in calculations for 2021-22 and 2022-23

× The questionnaire was improved to pose ‘You were confident that any issues or problems would have been easily resolved’ to all survey respondents in 2018-19 and 2019-20, whereas in 2017-18 it was posed only to clients who did not experience a problem, therefore comparable data are not available.

Q36b. Thinking about the overall service you received, from getting information about [INSERT ABBREV] to receiving a decision, how much do you agree or disagree with the following statements, using a 5-point scale (where 1 means strongly disagree, and 5 means strongly agree)?

Base: All respondents (n=Base varies)

Overall Satisfaction by Region (% Rated 4 or 5)

 Overall Satisfaction by Region (% Rated 4 or 5)
Figure long description

Overall Satisfaction by Region (% Rated 4 or 5)

  • Overall satisfaction
    • 2022-23, 83%
    • 2021-22, 81%
    • 2020-21, 86%
    • 2019-20, 84%
    • 2018-19, 85%
    • 2017-18, 85%, significantly higher than previous wave
  • West/Territories
    • 2022-23, 82%
    • 2021-22, 80%
    • 2020-21, 83%
    • 2019-20, 82%
    • 2018-19, 82%
    • 2017-18, 82%
  • Ontario
    • 2022-21, 84%
    • 2021-22, 81%
    • 2020-21, 89%
    • 2019-20, 85%
    • 2018-19, 85%
    • 2017-18, 87%, significantly higher than previous wave
  • Atlantic
    • 2022-21, 91%
    • 2021-22, 82%
    • 2020-21, 89%
    • 2019-20, 79%
    • 2018-19, 85%
    • 2017-18, 90%, significantly higher than total, significantly higher than previous wave
  • Quebec
    • 2022-21, 81%
    • 2021-22, 80%
    • 2020-21, 83%
    • 2019-20, 88%
    • 2018-19, 88%
    • 2017-18, 90%

Q38a. Again thinking about the overall service from getting information about [INSERT ABBREV] to receiving a decision. How satisfied were you with the service you received from Service Canada? Please use a 5-point scale, where 1 means very dissatisfied, and 5 means very satisfied.

2022-23 Base: All respondents (n=4200), Ontario (n=1701), Quebec (n=570), West/Territories (n=1524), Atlantic (n=405)

Emotion – Overall and by Channel, Program and Region

Emotion – Overall and by Channel, Program and Region
Figure long description

Agreement with emotion statement – trending

  • 2022-23 (n=4200)
    • 5 – strongly agree, 51%
    • Rated 4, 24%
    • Rated 3, 14%
    • Rated 2, 5%
    • 1 – strongly disagree,5%
    • Don’t know, 1%
    • % Rated 4 or 5, 75%
  • 2021-22 (n=4200)
    • 5 – strongly agree, 49%
    • Rated 4, 25%
    • Rated 3, 15%
    • Rated 2, 6%
    • 1 – strongly disagree, 4%
    • Don’t know, 1%
    • % Rated 4 or 5, 73%
  • 2020-21 (n=4200)
    • 5 – strongly agree, 52%
    • Rated 4, 25%
    • Rated 3, 13%
    • Rated 2, 5%
    • 1 – strongly disagree, 4%
    • Don’t know, 1%
    • % Rated 4 or 5, 77%
  • 2019-20 (n=2431)
    • 5 – strongly agree, 53%
    • Rated 4, 25%
    • Rated 3, 14%
    • Rated 2, 4%
    • 1 – strongly disagree, 3%
    • Don’t know, 1%
    • % Rated 4 or 5, 78%
  • 2018-19 (n=4401)
    • 5 – strongly agree, 51%
    • Rated 4, 26%
    • Rated 3, 13%
    • Rated 2, 5%
    • 1 – strongly disagree, 3%
    • Don’t know, 2%
    • % Rated 4 or 5, 78%

% Rated 4 or 5

  • Channel
    • In-person
      • 2022-23, 80%, significantly higher than total
      • 2021-22, 80%
      • 2020-21, 82%
    • Online
      • 2022-23, 74%
      • 2021-22, 72%
      • 2020-21, 76%
    • Telephone
      • 2022-23, 70%, significantly lower than total
      • 2021-22, 67%
      • 2020-21, 73%
    • Mail
      • 2022-23, 76%
      • 2021-22, 72%
      • 2020-21, 79%
    • eServiceCanada
      • 2022-23, 71%, significantly lower than total
      • 2021-22, 72%
      • 2020-21, 75%
  • Program
    • EI
      • 2022-23, 70%, significantly higher than total
      • 2021-22, 69%
      • 2020-21, 73%
    • CPP
      • 2022-23, 75%
      • 2021-22, 73%
      • 2020-21, 76%
    • CPP-D
      • 2022-23, 52%, significantly lower than total
      • 2021-22, 57%
      • 2020-21, 56%
    • SIN
      • 2022-23, 86%, significantly higher than total
      • 2021-22, 85%
      • 2020-21, 84%
    • OAS/GIS
      • 2022-23, 73%
      • 2021-22, 68%
      • 2020-21, 82%
  • Region
    • West/Territories
      • 2022-23, 74%
      • 2021-22, 71%
      • 2020-21, 77%
    • Ontario
      • 2022-23, 75%
      • 2021-22, 75%
      • 2020-21, 79%
    • Quebec
      • 2022-23, 74%
      • 2021-22, 73%
      • 2020-21, 74%
    • Atlantic
      • 2022-23, 82%, significantly higher than total, significantly higher than previous wave
      • 2021-22, 76%
      • 2020-21, 79%

Q36b. Thinking about the overall service you received, from getting information about [INSERT ABBREV] to receiving a decision, how much do you agree or disagree with the following statements, using a 5-point scale (where 1 means strongly disagree, and 5 means strongly agree)? You were confident that any issues or problems would have been easily resolved.

Base: All respondents (n=4200)

Trust in Service Canada

Trust in Service Canada (% Rated 4 or 5) – Trending
Figure long description

Trust in Service Canada (% Rated 4 or 5) – Trending

    • 2018-19, n=4401, 83%
    • 2019-20, n=2431, 83%
    • 2020-21, n=4200, 84%
    • 2021-22, n=4200, 78%
    • 2022-23 ,n=4200, 82%, significantly higher than previous wave
  • EI
    • 2018-19, n=4401, 80%
    • 2019-20, n=2431, 77%
    • 2020-21, n=4200, 82%
    • 2021-22, n=4200, 75%
    • 2022-23 ,n=4200, 78%, significantly lower than total
  • CPP
    • 2018-19, n=4401, 81%
    • 2019-20, n=2431, 86%
    • 2020-21, n=4200, 81%
    • 2021-22, n=4200, 74%
    • 2022-23 ,n=4200, 81%, significantly higher than previous wave
  • CPP-D
    • 2018-19, n=4401, 64%
      2019-20, n=2431, 64%
      2020-21, n=4200, 67%
      2021-22, n=4200, 61%
    • 2022-23 ,n=4200, 65%, significantly lower than total, significantly higher than previous wave
  • SIN
    • 2018-19, n=4401, 91%
    • 2019-20, n=2431, 93%
    • 2020-21, n=4200, 90%
    • 2021-22, n=4200, 89%
    • 2022-23 ,n=4200, 92%, significantly higher than total
    • 2018-19, n=4401, 79%
    • 2019-20, n=2431, 81%
    • 2020-21, n=4200, 82%
    • 2021-22, n=4200, 70%
    • 2022-23 ,n=4200, 76%, significantly lower than total, significantly higher than previous wave

There was a strong correlation between trust in Service Canada and overall satisfaction (0.64).

Q38b. How much would you say you trust Service Canada to deliver services effectively to Canadians? Please use a 5-point scale, where 1 means do not trust at all, and 5 means trust a great deal.

Base: All respondents (n=4200)

Trust in Service Canada: Overall

Just over eight in ten clients expressed trust in Service Canada to deliver services effectively to Canadians. Ratings on trust have increased compared to 2021-22 and returned to levels observed in 2019-20. A directionally higher proportion of clients provided a rating of 4 out of 5 and fewer provided a rating of 3. 

Trust in Service Canada – Trending
Figure long description

Trust in Service Canada – Trending

  • 2022-23, (n=4200)
    • 5 - Trust a great deal, 50%
    • Rated 4, 31%
    • Rated 3, 12%, significantly lower than previous wave
    • Rated 2, 4%
    • 1 - Do not trust at all, 2%
    • % Rating 4 or 5, 82%, significantly higher than previous wave
  • 2021-22, (n=4200)
    • 5 - Trust a great deal, 49%
    • Rated 4, 29%
    • Rated 3, 14%
    • Rated 2, 4%
    • 1 - Do not trust at all, 3%
    • % Rating 4 or 5, 78%
  • 2020-21, (n=4200)
    • 5 - Trust a great deal, 54%
    • Rated 4, 30%
    • Rated 3, 12%
    • Rated 2, 3%
    • 1 - Do not trust at all, 1%
    • % Rating 4 or 5, 84%
  • 2019-20, (n=2431)
    • 5 - Trust a great deal, 52%
    • Rated 4, 31%
    • Rated 3, 13%
    • Rated 2, 3%
    • 1 - Do not trust at all, 2%
    • % Rating 4 or 5, 83%
  • 2018-19, (n=4401)
    • 5 - Trust a great deal, 54%
    • Rated 4, 29%
    • Rated 3, 11%
    • Rated 2, 3%
    • 1 - Do not trust at all, 2%
    • % Rating 4 or 5, 83%

Q38b. How much would you say you trust Service Canada to deliver services effectively to Canadians? Please use a 5-point scale, where 1 means do not trust at all, and 5 means trust a great deal.

Base: All respondents (n=4200)

Assessment of Duration of End-to-End Journey

Figure long description

The Amount Of Time It Took, From When You Started Gathering Information To When You Got A Decision On Your Application, Was Reasonable (% Rated 4 Or 5) – Trending

    • 2017-18, n=4001, 77%
    • 2018-19, n=4401, 76%
    • 2019-20, n=2431, 77%
    • 2020-21, n=4200, 81%
    • 2021-22, n=4200, 75%
    • 2022-23, n=4200, 75%
  • EI
    • 2017-18, n=4001, 73%
    • 2018-19, n=4401, 69%
    • 2019-20, n=2431, 68%
    • 2020-21, n=4200, 80%
    • 2021-22, n=4200, 69%
    • 2022-23, n=4200, 66%, significantly lower than total
  • CPP
    • 2017-18, n=4001, 80%
    • 2018-19, n=4401, 83%
    • 2019-20, n=2431, 83%
    • 2020-21, n=4200, 81%
    • 2021-22, n=4200, 82%
    • 2022-23, n=4200, 79%, significantly higher than total
  • CPP-D
    • 2017-18, n=4001, 47%
    • 2018-19, n=4401, 49%
    • 2019-20, n=2431, 49%
    • 2020-21, n=4200, 57%
    • 2021-22, n=4200, 48%
    • 2022-23, n=4200, 45%, significantly lower than total
  • SIN
    • 2017-18, n=4001, 85%
    • 2018-19, n=4401, 87%
    • 2019-20, n=2431, 89%
    • 2020-21, n=4200, 85%
    • 2021-22, n=4200, 82%
    • 2022-23, n=4200, 87%, significantly higher than total, significantly higher than previous wave
    • 2017-18, n=4001, 75%
    • 2018-19, n=4401, 80%
    • 2019-20, n=2431, 85%
    • 2020-21, n=4200, 85%
    • 2021-22, n=4200, 77%
    • 2022-23, n=4200, 81%, significantly higher than total

Q36b. Thinking about the overall service you received, from getting information about [INSERT ABBREV] to receiving a decision, how much do you agree or disagree with the following statements, using a 5-point scale (where 1 means strongly disagree, and 5 means strongly agree)?

Base: All answering (n=4200)

The Amount Of Time It Took, From When You Started Gathering Information To When You Got A Decision On Your Application, Was Reasonable
Figure long description

The Amount Of Time It Took, From When You Started Gathering Information To When You Got A Decision On Your Application, Was Reasonable

    • 5 - Strongly agree, 52%
    • Rated 4, 23%
    • Rated 3, 12%
    • Rated 2, 6%
    • 1 - Strongly disagree, 6%
    • Not applicable,
    • % Rating 4 or 5, 75%
  • EI
    • 5 - Strongly agree, 42%
    • Rated 4, 25%
    • Rated 3, 15%
    • Rated 2, 9%
    • 1 - Strongly disagree, 9%
    • % Rating 4 or 5, 66%, significantly lower than total
  • CPP
    • 5 - Strongly agree, 56%
    • Rated 4, 23%
    • Rated 3, 11%
    • Rated 2, 4%
    • 1 - Strongly disagree, 4%
    • Not applicable, 1%
    • Don't know, 1%, significantly higher than previous wave
    • % Rating 4 or 5, 79%, significantly higher than total
  • CPP-D
    • 5 - Strongly agree, 25%
    • Rated 4, 20%
    • Rated 3, 19%
    • Rated 2, 13%
    • 1 - Strongly disagree, 21%
    • Not applicable, 1%
    • % Rating 4 or 5, 45%, significantly lower than total
  • SIN
    • 5 - Strongly agree, 66%, singificantly higher than previous wave
    • Rated 4, 21%
    • Rated 3, 8%
    • Rated 2, 2%, significantly lower than previous wave
    • 1 - Strongly disagree, 2%
    • % Rating 4 or 5, 87%, significantly higher than total, significantly higher than previous wave
    • 5 - Strongly agree, 64%, significantly higher than previous wave
    • Rated 4, 17%, significnatly lower than previous wave
    • Rated 3, 9%
    • Rated 2, 3%
    • 1 - Strongly disagree, 4%
    • Not applicable, 3%
    • % Rating 4 or 5, 81%, significantly higher than total

Q36b. Thinking about the overall service you received, from getting information about [INSERT ABBREV] to receiving a decision, how much do you agree or disagree with the following statements, using a 5-point scale (where 1 means strongly disagree, and 5 means strongly agree)?

Base: All respondents (n=4200)

Reported Duration of End-to-End Journey

Reported Duration of End-to-End Journey
Figure long description

Reported Duration of End-to-End Journey

One day

  • Total
    • 2018-19, 15%
    • 2021-22, 12%
    • 2022-23, 13%
  • EI
    • 2018-19, 4%
    • 2021-22, 4%
    • 2022-23, 3%, significantly lower than total
  • CPP
    • 2018-19, 7%
    • 2021-22, 3%
    • 2022-23, 3%, significantly lower than total
  • CPP-D
    • 2022-23, 1%, significantly lower than total
  • SIN
    • 2018-19, 40%
    • 2021-22, 30%
    • 2022-23, 37%, significantly higher than total, significantly higher than previous wave
    • 2018-19, 10%
    • 2021-22, 8%
    • 2022-23, 6%, significantly lower than total

Between one day and 2 weeks,

  • Total
    • 2018-19, 29%
    • 2021-22, 29%
    • 2022-23, 27%
  • EI
    • 2018-19, 32%
    • 2021-22, 33%
    • 2022-23, 30%
  • CPP
    • 2018-19, 17%
    • 2021-22, 13%
    • 2022-23, 10%, significantly lower than total
  • CPP-D
    • 2018-19, 3%
    • 2021-22, 3%
    • 2022-23, 5%, significantly lower than total
  • SIN
    • 2018-19, 36%
    • 2021-22, 36%
    • 2022-23, 36%, significantly higher than total
    • 2018-19, 16%
    • 2021-22, 13%
    • 2022-23, 9%, significantly lower than total

Between 2 to 4 weeks

  • Total
    • 2018-19, 22%
    • 2021-22, 24%
    • 2022-23, 23%
  • EI
    • 2018-19, 31%
    • 2021-22, 31%
    • 2022-23, 31%, significantly higher than total
  • CPP
    • 2018-19, 22%
    • 2021-22, 19%
    • 2022-23, 22%
  • CPP-D
    • 2018-19, 10%
    • 2021-22, 7%
    • 2022-23, 6%, significantly lower than total
  • SIN
    • 2018-19, 10%
    • 2021-22, 19%
    • 2022-23, 15%, significantly lower than total
    • 2018-19, 18%
    • 2021-22, 14%
    • 2022-23, 17%, significantly lower than total

Between 4 to 6 weeks

  • Total
    • 2018-19, 13%
    • 2021-22, 10%
    • 2022-23, 11%
  • EI
    • 2018-19, 16%
    • 2021-22, 10%
    • 2022-23, 13%
  • CPP
    • 2018-19, 20%
    • 2021-22, 18%
    • 2022-23, 16%, significantly higher than total
  • CPP-D
    • 2018-19, 12%
    • 2021-22, 11%
    • 2022-23, 9%
  • SIN
    • 2018-19, 5%
    • 2021-22, 6%
    • 2022-23, 5%, significantly lower than total
    • 2018-19, 14%
    • 2021-22, 12%
    • 2022-23, 13%

Between 6 to 8 weeks

  • Total
    • 2018-19, 6%
    • 2021-22, 6%
    • 2022-23, 7%
  • EI
    • 2018-19, 7%
    • 2021-22, 6%
    • 2022-23, 9%, significantly higher than total
  • CPP
    • 2018-19, 10%
    • 2021-22, 15%
    • 2022-23, 14%, significantly higher than total
  • CPP-D
    • 2018-19, 9%
    • 2021-22, 11%
    • 2022-23, 12%, significantly higher than total
  • SIN
    • 2018-19, 3%
    • 2021-22, 3%
    • 2022-23, 2%, significantly lower than total, significantly lower than previous wave
    • 2018-19, 7%
    • 2021-22, 7%
    • 2022-23, 9%

More than 8 weeks (NET)

  • Total
    • 2018-19, 10%
    • 2021-22, 14%
    • 2022-23, 14%
  • EI
    • 2018-19, 8%
    • 2021-22, 12%
    • 2022-23, 12%, significantly lower than total
  • CPP
    • 2018-19, 18%
    • 2021-22, 25%
    • 2022-23, 25%, significantly higher than total
  • CPP-D
    • 2018-19, 63%
    • 2021-22, 65%
    • 2022-23, 65%, significantly higher than total
  • SIN
    • 2018-19, 3%
    • 2021-22, 5%
    • 2022-23, 3%, significantly lower than total
    • 2018-19, 20%
    • 2021-22, 30%
    • 2022-23, 34%, significantly higher than total

Between 8 weeks to 6 months

  • Total
    • 2021-22, 11%
    • 2022-23, 10%
  • EI
    • 2021-22, 10%
    • 2022-23, 10%
  • CPP
    • 2021-22, 21%
    • 2022-23, 18%, significantly higher than total
  • CPP-D
    • 2021-22, 40%
    • 2022-23, 33%, significantly higher than total, significantly lower than previous wave
  • SIN
    • 2021-22, 4%
    • 2022-23, 3%, significantly lower than total
    • 2021-22, 20%
    • 2022-23, 21%, significantly higher than total

More than 6 months

  • Total
    • 2021-22, 3%
    • 2022-23, 4%
  • EI
    • 2021-22, 2%
    • 2022-23, 2%, significantly lower than the total
  • CPP
    • 2021-22, 4%
    • 2022-23, 7%, significantly higher than total, significantly higher than previous wave
  • CPP-D
    • 2021-22, 25%
    • 2022-23, 32%, significantly higher than total, significantly higher than previous wave
  • SIN
    • 2021-22, 1%
    • 2022-23, 0%, significantly lower than total
    • 2021-22, 10%
    • 2022-23, 13%, significantly higher than total

Don't know

  • Total
    • 2018-19, 4%
    • 2021-22, 4%
    • 2022-23, 5%
  • EI
    • 2018-19, 2%
    • 2021-22, 4%
    • 2022-23, 3%
  • CPP
    • 2018-19, 7%
    • 2021-22, 8%
    • 2022-23, 8%, significantly higher than total
  • CPP-D
    • 2018-19, 3%
    • 2021-22, 4%
    • 2022-23, 3%, significantly lower than total
  • SIN
    • 2018-19, 4%
    • 2021-22, 2%
    • 2022-23, 2%, significantly lower than total
    • 2018-19, 14%
    • 2021-22, 15%
    • 2022-23, 13%, significantly higher than total

Note: In 2021-22, additional response options were included in the survey question for ‘Between 8 to 6 months’ and ‘More than 6 months’ while in 2018-19 the longest option provided was ‘More than 8 weeks’.

Q38d. And how long did your entire experience take from getting information about how to apply for [INSERT ABBREV] to receiving a decision on your application?

Base: All respondents (n=4200)

Highlights By Program

Satisfaction with Service Experience by Program

Satisfaction With Service Experience (% Rated 4 Or 5) – Trending
Figure long description

Satisfaction With Service Experience (% Rated 4 Or 5) – Trending

  • EI
    • 2017-18, n=4001, 83%
    • 2018-19, n=4401, 80%
    • 2019-20, n=2431, 77%
    • 2020-21, n=4200, 84%
    • 2021-22, n=4200, 76%
    • 2022-23, n=4200, 78%, significantly lower than total
  • CPP
    • 2017-18, n=4001, 87%
    • 2018-19, n=4401, 87%
    • 2019-20, n=2431, 88%
    • 2020-21, n=4200, 86%
    • 2021-22, n=4200, 86%
    • 2022-23, n=4200, 85%
  • CPP-D
    • 2017-18, n=4001, 64%
    • 2018-19, n=4401, 62%
    • 2019-20, n=2431, 60%
    • 2020-21, n=4200, 63%
    • 2021-22, n=4200, 60%
    • 2022-23, n=4200, 58%, significantly lower than total
  • SIN
    • 2017-18, n=4001, 94%
    • 2018-19, n=4401, 92%
    • 2019-20, n=2431, 94%
    • 2020-21, n=4200, 89%
    • 2021-22, n=4200, 89%
    • 2022-23, n=4200, 94%, significantly higher than total, significantly higher than previous wave
    • 2017-18, n=4001, 86%
    • 2018-19, n=4401, 87%
    • 2019-20, n=2431, 87%
    • 2020-21, n=4200, 88%
    • 2021-22, n=4200, 81%
    • 2022-23, n=4200, 84%

Q38a. Again thinking about the overall service from getting information about [INSERT ABBREV] to receiving a decision. How satisfied were you with the service you received from Service Canada? Please use a 5-point scale, where 1 means very dissatisfied, and 5 means very satisfied.

Base: All respondents (n=4200)

CX Performance and Service Attributes – EI

Figure long description

CX Performance and Service Attributes – EI

  • Overall Satisfaction
    • 78% rated 4 or 5
    • Stable with previous wave (76%) but lower than in 2020-21 (84%)
    • Satisfaction was higher among Seniors 60+ (87%) and clients in Atlantic Canada (90%).
  • Channel Satisfaction
    • Increase for specialized call centres (71% vs. 63%) from 2021-22. In-person service rated lower compared to all clients (73% vs. 83%)
  • Aware
    • Ease of understanding info about program: 73% (+4 pts)            
      • 2021-22: 69%
      • 2020-21: 75%
      • 2019-20: 72%
    • Ease of figuring out eligibility: 68% (-1 pt) , significantly lower than total
      • 2021-22: 69%
      • 2020-21: 73%
      • 2019-20: 66%
    • Find the info you needed within reasonable amount of time: 74% (+5 pts)
      • 2021-22: 69%
      • 2020-21: 73%
      • 2019-20: 70%
  • Apply
    • Ease of putting together the information needed to apply: 75% (-2 pts) , significantly lower than total
      • 2021-22: 77%
      • 2020-21: 81%
      • 2019-20: 75%
    • Ease of MSCA registration: 61% (+10 pts), significantly higher than previous wave
      • 2021-22: 51%
      • 2020-21: 65%
      • 2019-20: 73%
    • Ease of getting help on your application: 63% (+5 pts) , significantly lower than total, top five driver of satisfaction
      • 2021-22: 58%
      • 2020-21: 58%
    • Ease of completing the form: 82% (+1 pt) , significantly lower than total, top five driver of satisfaction
      • 2021-22: 81%
      • 2020-21: 84%
      • 2019-20: 82%
  • Follow-up
    • Ease of following up on application: 57% (+4 pts)
      • 2021-22: 53%
      • 2020-21: 59%
      • 2019-20: 57%
  • Overall
    • Duration of client journey reasonable: 66% (-3 pts), significantly lower than total, top five driver of satisfaction            
      • 2021-22: 69%
      • 2020-21: 80%
      • 2019-20: 68%
    • Process was clear: 70% (-3 pts), significantly lower than total, top five driver of satisfaction
      • 2021-22: 67%
      • 2020-21: 77%
      • 2019-20: 65%
    • Overall effectiveness: 79% (+1 pts), significantly lower than total
      • 2021-22: 78%
      • 2020-21: 83%
      • 2019-20: 76%
    • Received consistent information: 78% (+2 pts), significantly lower than total, top five driver of satisfaction
      • 2021-22: 76%
      • 2020-21: 82%
      • 2019-20: 76%
    • Ease of getting help when needed: 70% (+7 pts), significantly higher than previous wave
      • 2021-22: 63%
      • 2020-21: 65%
      • 2019-20: 70%
    • Completing steps online made it easier: 89% (+3 pts) , significantly higher than total, significantly higher than previous wave
      • 2021-22: 86%
      • 2020-21: 86%
      • 2019-20: 86%
    • Confidence in issue resolution: 70% (+1 pt), significantly lower than total
      • 2021-22: 69%
      • 2020-21: 73%
      • 2019-20: 72%
    • Needed to explain situation once: 70% (no change), significantly lower than total
      • 2021-22: 70%
      • 2020-21: 72%
      • 2019-20: 71%

Base: EI clients (n=1035)

Margin of Error +/- 3.0 percentage points. Within this, sample size varies by statement.

Qualitative Highlights on the EI Client Journey

There were several negative emotions expressed by participants who had lower satisfaction and/or experienced a barrier during the application process for EI. Specifically, these participants felt confused, angry, disappointed, helpless and painful.

These emotions were a result of difficulties encountered including: receipt of conflicting information from different Service Canada representatives; needed to repeat their story; delayed payments and/or being “ignored”, i.e., having to wait several weeks for answers.

Some participants expressed gratitude for having access to the EI program in a time of need; relief for the ease of applying and connecting with a helpful Service Canada representative.

A few participants had accessed EI on several occasions and therefore were very familiar with the process and felt that it was easy owing to their repeated experiences.

I was just thankful that we were able to apply for EI. Just for the fact that, you know, there’s no income coming in, but you have that option. You put into it and you’re able to collect something, right. Something’s better than nothing while you’re unemployed.
EI participant
But for me when I left from sick benefits, and I still had weeks left and I said to myself, I'm ready to go back to work now. My doctor didn't want me to, but I said that's it. I was done. So, when I called and I transferred from sick benefits to the regular benefits, that was when my nightmare started. Every time I called…I know I had to give them a couple of weeks to get everything set up. And then it was like nothing, nothing. I escalated my claims 17 times.
EI participant

EI Claimant Frequency

 Overall satisfaction (% rated 4 or 5)
Figure long description

Overall satisfaction (% rated 4 or 5)

  • 2022-23
    • First time EI claimant, 78%, significantly lower than total
    • More than 2 years, 78%, significantly lower than total
    • Less than 2 years, 77%, significantly lower than total
Service Channel Satisfaction (% Rated 4 or 5)
Figure long description

Service Channel Satisfaction (% Rated 4 or 5)

  • In person
    • First time EI claimant, 70%, significantly lower than total
    • More than 2 years, 80%
    • Less than 2 years, 71%, significantly lower than total
  • Online
    • First time EI claimant, 72%
    • More than 2 years, 73%
    • Less than 2 years, 72%
  • Specialized Call Centre
    • First time EI claimant, 79%
    • More than 2 years, 71%
    • Less than 2 years, 64%, significantly lower than total
  • 1 800 O-Canada
    • First time EI claimant, 64%
    • More than 2 years, 72%
    • Less than 2 years, 63%
  • My Service Canada Account
    • First time EI claimant, 72%
    • More than 2 years, 75%
    • Less than 2 years, 78%
  • eServiceCanada
    • First time EI claimant, 69%
    • More than 2 years, 63%
    • Less than 2 years, 71%

Base: First time EI claimants (n=335); Previous claim more than 2 years (n=292); Previous claim less than 2 years (n=408)

Widest gap vs. Total in service attributes (% rated 4 or 5)
Figure long description

Widest gap vs. Total in service attributes (% rated 4 or 5)

  • The amount of time it took was reasonable
    • First time EI claimant, 64%, significantly lower than total
    • Previous claim less than 2 years, 67%, significantly lower than total
    • Previous claim more than 2 years, 69%, significantly lower than total
  • Service Canada representatives that you dealt with in person were helpful
    • First time EI claimant, 81%, significantly lower than total
    • Previous claim less than 2 years, 85%, significantly lower than total
    • Previous claim more than 2 years, 89%
  • You needed to explain your situation only once.
    • First time EI claimant, 68%, significantly lower than total
    • Previous claim less than 2 years, 70%, significantly lower than total
    • Previous claim more than 2 years, 71%
  • Throughout the process it was clear what would happen next and when it would happen.
    • First time EI claimant, 68%, significantly lower than total
    • Previous claim less than 2 years, 72%
    • Previous claim more than 2 years, 70%, significantly lower than total
  • You were confident that any issues or problems would have been easily resolved.
    • First time EI claimant, 73%
    • Previous claim less than 2 years, 68%, significantly lower than total
    • Previous claim more than 2 years, 69%, significantly lower than total
  • You were able to move smoothly through all of the steps
    • First time EI claimant, 77%, significantly lower than total
    • Previous claim less than 2 years, 81%
    • Previous claim more than 2 years, 80%
  • Overall, it was easy for you to apply
    • First time EI claimant, 83%, significantly lower than total
    • Previous claim less than 2 years, 86%
    • Previous claim more than 2 years, 85%
  • 1-800 O-Canada phone representatives were helpful
    • First time EI claimant, 68%, significantly lower than total
    • Previous claim less than 2 years, 88%
    • Previous claim more than 2 years, 91%
  • Understand the information
    • First time EI claimant, 69%, significantly lower than total
    • Previous claim less than 2 years, 73%
    • Previous claim more than 2 years, 77%
  • Understanding the requirements
    • First time EI claimant, 76%, significantly lower than total
    • Previous claim less than 2 years, 77%, significantly lower than total
    • Previous claim more than 2 years, 79%
  • Putting together the information you needed to apply
    • First time EI claimant, 76%
    • Previous claim less than 2 years, 72%, significantly lower than total
    • Previous claim more than 2 years, 76%
  • Completing the application form
    • First time EI claimant, 82%
    • Previous claim less than 2 years, 80%, significantly lower than total
    • Previous claim more than 2 years, 86%
  • Getting help on your application when you needed it
    • First time EI claimant, 65%
    • Previous claim less than 2 years, 59%, significantly lower than total
    • Previous claim more than 2 years, 64%
  • It was easy to get help when you needed it.
    • First time EI claimant, 76%
    • Previous claim less than 2 years, 66%, significantly lower than total
    • Previous claim more than 2 years, 70%
  • Being able to complete steps online made the process easier for you.
    • First time EI claimant, 87%
    • Previous claim less than 2 years, 89%, significantly higher than total
    • Previous claim more than 2 years, 90%, significantly higher than total

Base: First time EI claimants (n=335); Previous claim more than 2 years (n=292); Previous claim less than 2 years (n=408)

CX Performance and Service Attributes – CPP

CX Performance and Service Attributes – CPP
Figure long description
  • Overall Satisfaction
    • 85% rated 4 or 5
    • Stable with previous waves
    • There were no significant differences by age, gender, or region.
  • Channel Satisfaction
    • Stable with previous wave but satisfaction with eServiceCanada is lower than in 2020-21 (64% vs. 82%).
  • Aware
    • Ease of finding what info you need to provide: 76% (+2 pts), top five driver of satisfaction
      • 2021-22: 74%
      • 2020-21: 78%
      • 2019-20: 81%
    • Ease of finding info about program: 75% (-1 pt), top five driver of satisfaction
      • 2021-22: 76%
      • 2020-21: 76%
      • 2019-20: 82%
    • Ease of figuring out eligibility: 78% (-3 pts), significantly higher than total
      • 2021-22: 81%
      • 2020-21: 80%
      • 2019-20: 83%
  • Apply
    • Ease of getting help on application: 61% (+2 pts), significantly lower than total
      • 2021-22: 59%
      • 2020-21: 63%
  • Follow-up
    • Ease of following up on application: 73% (+9 pts), significantly higher than total, significantly higher than previous wave, top five driver of satisfaction
      • 2021-22: 64%
      • 2020-21: 68%
      • 2019-20: 68%
  • Overall
    • Duration of client journey reasonable: 79% (-3 pts), significantly higher than total, top five driver of satisfaction
      • 2021-22: 82%
      • 2020-21: 81%
      • 2019-20: 83%
    • Overall effectiveness: 83% (+2 pts) , top five driver of satisfaction
      • 2021-22: 81%
      • 2020-21: 80%
      • 2019-20: 85%
    • Trust: 81% (+7 pts), significantly higher than previous wave
      • 2021-22: 74%
      • 2020-21: 81%
      • 2019-20: 83%
    • Completing steps online made it easier: 73% (+12 pts), significantly lower than total, significantly higher than previous wave
      • 2021-22: 61%
      • 2020-21: 62%
      • 2019-20: 60%
    • Protected your safety during COVID: 77% (-7 pts), significantly lower than total, significantly lower than previous wave
      • 2021-22: 84%
      • 2020-21: 82%
    • eService Canada reps were helpful: 63% (-21 pts), significantly lower than total, significantly lower than previous wave
      • 2021-22: 84%
      • 2020-21: 83%
    • Process was clear: 70% (-5 pts), significantly lower than total
      • 2021-22: 75%
      • 2020-21: 80%
      • 2019-20: 80%
    • Clear process if had issue: 74% (no change), significantly lower than total
      • 2021-22: 74%
      • 2020-21: 78%
      • 2019-20: 81%
    • Ease of getting help: 67% (-1 pt), significantly lower than total
      • 2021-22: 68%
      • 2020-21: 70%
      • 2019-20: 73%

Base: CPP clients (n=768)

Margin of Error +/- 3.5 percentage points. Within this, sample size varies by statement.

Qualitative Highlights on CPP and OAS/GIS Client Journey

For some participants, the transition to retirement is a “scary” process. Compounding this is the general belief that CPP is inadequate in covering living expenses thus creating anxiety and stress in participants.

Some participants found the process of applying cumbersome, confusing and fraught.

Feelings of uncertainty and stress were common after submitting their applications due to lack of clarity on the amount they would be entitled to.

That said, participants tended to report positive experiences. This was particularly true for participants who were less financially reliant on CPP and OAS/GIS or had others in their lives to help them (e.g., financial planner). They were more likely to view the entire process as an administrative task and experienced few issues with the application forms.

Several participants encountered Service Canada representatives that were helpful, nice and cooperative. This left them feeling confident, as well as happy and relieved when the process was done.

When my husband passed, I was very lucky that I had my financial planner, and he said to me, “just leave this with me”, because I don't think I would have been emotionally able to do it. So I think it can be a kind of a scary process, and I was happy that my financial planner knew all the processes to make it quicker.
CPP participant
You just had to fill out an online form and yeah, they asked us some questions and the CPP one was easy.
CPP participant
[Service Canada representatives] were nice and very cooperative to me. It’s got to be there for me. But I wasn’t scared or nervous.
OAS participant
Frustration because I did it online and they either received the papers and lost them or they didn't receive them. I had to call in, in order to get it straightened out, and I had to get the information from somebody else where to call. I didn't know where to get an application to apply in person. I didn't know where to go. I felt like it was a good thing and then I waited, and I didn't get my old age and so then I went through trying to get a hold of somebody and they got it straightened out. Loss of income on my CPP and the old age picks up a little bit of it, but it isn't enough to live on. The income on the pensions ain't high enough for seniors. You don't even meet the cost of living.
OAS participant

CX Performance and Service Attributes – CPP-D

CX Performance and Service Attributes – CPP-D
Figure long description
  • Overall satisfaction
    • 58% rated 4 or 5
    • Stable with previous waves
    • Satisfaction was higher among men (63%) and lower among women (53%).
  • Channel satisfaction
    • Increased for eServiceCanada (73% vs. 49%) from 2021-22. In-person (65%), online (56%) and specialized call centres (62%) rated lower compared to all clients.
  • Aware
    • Ease of understanding information about program: 55% (+7 pts), significantly lower than total
      • 2021-22: 48%
      • 2020-21: 60%
      • 2019-20: 48%
    • Ease of figuring out eligibility: 42% (-2 pts), significantly lower than total
      • 2021-22: 44%
      • 2020-21: 46%
      • 2019-20: 39%
  • Apply
    • Ease of putting together the information needed to apply: 45% (+1 pt), significantly lower than total
      • 2021-22: 44%
      • 2020-21: 44%
      • 2019-20: 43%
    • Ease of getting help on your application: 46% (-2 pts), significantly lower than total
      • 2021-22: 48%
      • 2020-21: 45%
    • Ease of MSCA registration: 38% (+3 pts), significantly lower than total
      • 2021-22: 35%
      • 2020-21: 43%
      • 2019-20: 48%
  • Follow-up
    • Ease of following up on application: 52% (+4 pts), significantly lower than total
      • 2021-22: 48%
      • 2020-21: 52%
      • 2019-20: 48%
  • Overall
    • Duration of client journey reasonable: 45% (-3 pts), significantly lower than total, top five driver of satisfaction
      • 2021-22: 48%
      • 2020-21: 57%
      • 2019-20: 49%
    • Overall effectiveness: 56% (-2 pts), significantly lower than total, top five driver of satisfaction
      • 2021-22: 58%
      • 2020-21: 58%
      • 2019-20: 57%
    • Confidence in issue resolution: 52% (-5 pts), significantly lower than total, top five driver of satisfaction
      • 2021-22: 57%
      • 2020-21: 56%
      • 2019-20: 51%
    • Specialized call centre reps were helpful: 73% -1 pt), significantly lower than total, top five driver of satisfaction
      • 2021-22: 74%
      • 2020-21: 68%
      • 2019-20: 68%
    • Needed to explain situation once: 51% (-6 pts), significantly lower than total
      • 2021-22: 57%
      • 2020-21: 55%
      • 2019-20: 58%
    • Completing steps online made it easier: 52% (no change) , significantly lower than total, significantly higher than previous wave
      • 2021-22: 52%
      • 2020-21: 56%
      • 2019-20: 51%
    • Process was clear: 48% (-4 pts), significantly lower than total
      • 2021-22: 52%
      • 2020-21: 56%
      • 2019-20: 51%
    • Ease of getting help: 55% (+2 pts), significantly lower than total
      • 2021-22: 53%
      • 2020-21: 53%
      • 2019-20: 58%

Base: CPP-D clients (n=752)

Margin of Error +/- 3.6 percentage points. Within this, sample size varies by statement.

Qualitative Highlights on CPP-D Client Journey

Many participants struggled with completing and gathering all the paperwork on top of the health condition they were dealing with. Several also faced challenges with accessing documentation from their doctors.

The delay in hearing back on an application and decision also contributed to frustration, fear of being denied and feeling “at the mercy” of the process.

These negative experiences reflected emotions of disappointment, feeling nervous, helpless, upset, lost and worthless.

A few participants mentioned feeling supported, lucky and thankful. One participant said they were “treated like gold” and another said they felt relieved and confident once the process was successfully completed.

I was in a traumatic head-on collision. So, when you're in a lot of pain, it was very hard to focus, very hard to remember events, especially I spread this out over I think it was a six-year time period, over the four applications. And so, trying to express how you're feeling and how it’s affecting your life is a little difficult for me anyway.
CPP-D participant
I had phoned to say, some of these questions don’t pertain to what I am going through as far as brain cancer, and what I have to deal with. The woman that answered, she was very flip and kind of just said, “Oh well, just do the best you can.” I thought, well, that’s not very helpful.
CPP-D participant
I felt… I was a bit nervous because I didn’t know if they were going to approve me or not, […] But I was lucky enough, when I did, whoever the [representative] was, she was a very nice person,[…] at the time, you know, out of job for so long and all my finances had dwindled and everything. So, it was good to hear some positivity from a [representative]. […] she came and lifted my spirit a bit. So, I was thankful for that, I must say.
CPP-D participant

CX Performance and Service Attributes – OAS/GIS

CX Performance and Service Attributes – OAS/GIS
Figure long description
  • Overall satisfaction
    • 84% rated 4 or 5
    • Stable with previous waves
    • Satisfaction was lower among Seniors 70+ (67%), although this represents only 5% of OAS/GIS clients.
  • Channel satisfaction
    • Stable with previous wave. Online (64%) and MSCA (59%) rated lower compared to all clients.
  • Aware
    • Ease of finding out what info you need to provide: 72% (+6 pts), top five driver of satisfaction
      • 2021-22: 66%
      • 2020-21: 72%
      • 2019-20: 83%
    • Ease of finding info on program: 74% (+2 pts) , top five driver of satisfaction
      • 2021-22: 72%
      • 2020-21: 75%
      • 2019-20: 76%
    • Ease of finding out the steps to apply: 71% (-1 pt), significantly lower than total, top five driver of satisfaction
      • 2021-22: 72%
      • 2020-21: 80%
      • 2019-20: 76%
    • Ease of understanding info about program: 68% (+1 pt), significantly lower than total
      • 2021-22: 67%
      • 2020-21: 84%
      • 2019-20: 82%
    • Ease of figuring out eligibility: 80% (+7 pts), significantly higher than total
      • 2021-22: 73%
      • 2020-21: 82%
      • 2019-20: 84%
  • Apply
    • Ease of completing application form: 83% (+10 pts), significantly higher than previous wave
      • 2021-22: 73%
      • 2020-21: 76%
      • 2019-20: 85%
    • Ease of getting help on your application: 62% (+8 pts), significantly lower than total, significantly higher than previous wave
      • 2021-22: 54%
      • 2020-21: 61%
  • Follow-up
    • Ease of following up on application: 60% (+1 pt), top five driver of satisfaction
      • 2021-22: 59%
      • 2020-21: 70%
      • 2019-20: 77%
  • Overall
    • Overall ease: 87% (+7 pts), significantly higher than previous wave
      • 2021-22: 80%
      • 2020-21: 88%
      • 2019-20: 92%
    • Trust: 76% (+6 pts), significantly lower than total, significantly higher than previous wave
      • 2021-22: 70%
      • 2020-21: 82%
      • 2019-20: 81%
    • Completing steps online made it easier: 71% (+6 pts), significantly higher than previous wave
      • 2021-22: 65%
      • 2020-21: 69%
      • 2019-20: 67%
    • Ease of getting help when needed: 64% (+7 pts), significantly lower than total, significantly higher than previous wave
      • 2021-22: 57%
      • 2020-21: 71%
      • 2019-20: 74%
    • Duration of client journey reasonable: 81% (+4 pts), significantly higher than total
      • 2021-22: 77%
      • 2020-21: 85%
      • 2019-20: 85%
    • Clear process if had issue: 74% (no change), significantly lower than total
      • 2021-22: 74%
      • 2020-21: 84%
      • 2019-20: 80%
    • Confident personal info protected: 79% (+1 pt), significantly lower than total
      • 2021-22: 78%
      • 2020-21: 85%
      • 2019-20: 79%
    • Travelled reasonable distance: 72% (no change), top five driver of satisfaction
      • 2021-22: 72%
      • 2020-21: 74%
      • 2019-20: 83%

Base: OAS/GIS clients (n=862)

Margin of Error +/- 3.3 percentage points. Within this, sample size varies by statement.

OAS/GIS – Auto-Enroll and Non Auto-Enroll Clients

Overall Satisfaction (% Rated 4 Or 5) – Trending
Figure long description

Overall Satisfaction (% Rated 4 Or 5) – Trending

  • 2018-19
    • Auto-Enroll, 88%
    • Non Auto-Enroll, 86%
  • 2019-20
    • Auto-Enroll, 84%
    • Non Auto-Enroll, 92%
  • 2020-21
    • Auto-Enroll, 88%
    • Non Auto-Enroll, 88%
  • 2021-22
    • Auto-Enroll, 84%
    • Non Auto-Enroll, 78%
  • 2022-23
    • Auto-Enroll, 84%
    • Non Auto-Enroll, 84%, significantly higher than previous wave
Service Channel Satisfaction (% Rated 4 or 5)
Figure long description

Service Channel Satisfaction (% Rated 4 or 5)

  • In person
    • Auto-Enroll
      • 2018-19, 83%
      • 2019-20, 88%
      • 2022-23, 80% (Small sample size. Results should be interpreted with caution)
    • Non Auto-Enroll
      • 2018-19, 85%
      • 2019-20, 86%
      • 2020-21, 84%
      • 2021-22, 81%
      • 2022-23, 77%
  • Online
    • Auto-Enroll
      • 2018-19, 73%
      • 2019-20, 77%
    • Non Auto-Enroll
      • 2018-19, 75%
      • 2019-20, 72%
      • 2020-21, 78%
      • 2021-22, 66%
      • 2022-23, 64%, significantly lower than total
  • Specialized Call Centre
    • Auto-Enroll
      • 2018-19, 785
      • 2019-20, 68%
      • 2020-21, 80%
      • 2021-22, 71%
      • 2022-23, 70%
    • Non Auto-Enroll
      • 2018-19, 79%
      • 2019-20, 61%
      • 2020-21, 74%
      • 2021-22, 74%
      • 2022-23, 76%
  • 1 800 O-Canada
    • Auto-Enroll
      • 2018-19, 75%
      • 2019-20, 87%
    • Non Auto-Enroll
      • 2018-19, 71%
      • 2019-20, 63%
      • 2020-21, 67%
      • 2021-22, 67%
  • My Service Canada Account
    • Auto-Enroll
      • 2019-20, 77%
      • 2020-21, 64%
      • 2021-22, 70%
    • Non Auto-Enroll
      • 2019-20, 69%
      • 2020-21, 69%, (Small sample size. Results should be interpreted with caution)
      • 2021-22, 60%, (Small sample size. Results should be interpreted with caution)
  • eServiceCanada
    • Auto-Enroll
      • 2021-22, 69%
    • Non Auto-Enroll
      • 2020-21, 56%, (Small sample size. Results should be interpreted with caution)
      • 2021-22, 61%, (Small sample size. Results should be interpreted with caution)

* Small sample size. Results should be interpreted with caution. ** Sample sizes too small for reporting.

Base OAS/GIS Auto-enroll (n=393); OAS/GIS Non Auto-enroll (n=469)

Widest Gap Vs. Total & Change Vs. 2020-21 In Service Attributes (% Rated 4 Or 5)
Figure long description

Widest Gap Vs. Total & Change Vs. 2020-21 In Service Attributes (% Rated 4 Or 5)

  • It was easy to get help when you needed it
    • 2018-19
      • Auto-Enroll, 69%
      • Non Auto-Enroll, 74%
    • 2019-20
      • Auto-Enroll, 70%
      • Non Auto-Enroll, 80%
    • 2020-21
      • Auto-Enroll, 70%
      • Non Auto-Enroll, 72%
    • 2021-22
      • Auto-Enroll, 55%
      • Non Auto-Enroll, 59%
    • 2022-23
      • Auto-Enrol, 60%, significantly lower than total
      • Non Auto-Enroll, 67%, significantly lower than total, significantly higher than previous wave
  • Confident that your personal information was protected
    • 2018-19
      • Auto-Enroll, 82%
      • Non Auto-Enroll, 84%
    • 2019-20
      • Auto-Enroll, 75%
      • Non Auto-Enroll, 86%
    • 2020-21
      • Auto-Enroll, 86%
      • Non Auto-Enroll, 85%
    • 2021-22
      • Auto-Enroll, 79%
      • Non Auto-Enroll, 78%
    • 2022-23
      • Auto-Enroll, 78%, significantly lower than total
      • Non Auto-Enroll, 80%, significantly lower than total
  • It was clear what to do if you had a problem or question
    • 2018-19
      • Auto-Enroll, 78%
      • Non Auto-Enroll, 79%
    • 2019-20
      • Auto-Enroll, 75%
      • Non Auto-Enroll, 87%
    • 2020-21
      • Auto-Enroll, 85%
      • Non Auto-Enroll, 83%
    • 2021-22
      • Auto-Enroll, 75%
      • Non Auto-Enroll, 73%
    • 2022-23
      • Auto-Enroll, 71%, significantly lower than total
      • Non Auto-Enroll, 87%, significantly higher than total, significantly higher than previous wave
  • The amount of time, from start to finish, was reasonable
    • 2018-19
      • Auto-Enroll, 79%
      • Non Auto-Enroll, 80%
    • 2019-20
      • Auto-Enroll, 84%
      • Non Auto-Enroll, 88%
    • 2020-21
      • Auto-Enroll, 87%
      • Non Auto-Enroll, 82%
    • 2021-22
      • Auto-Enroll, 79%
      • Non Auto-Enroll, 74%
    • 2022-23
      • Auto-Enroll, 80%, significantly higher than total
      • Non Auto-Enroll, 81%, significantly higher than total, significantly higher than previous wave
  • You were provided service in a way that protected your health and safety during the COVID-19 pandemic
    • 2020-21
      • Auto-Enroll, 72%
      • Non Auto-Enroll, 67%
    • 2021-22
      • Auto-Enroll, 80%
      • Non Auto-Enroll, 79%
    • 2022-23
      • Auto-Enroll, 72%, significantly lower than total, significantly lower than previous wave
      • Non Auto-Enroll, 80%
  • You felt respected throughout the process
    • 2022-23
      • Auto-Enroll, 81%
      • Non Auto-Enroll, 89%, significantly lower than total
  • Being able to complete steps online made the process easier for you.
    • 2020-21
      • Non Auto-Enroll, 56%
    • 2021-22
      • Non Auto-Enroll, 52%
    • 2022-23
      • Non Auto-Enroll, 71%, significantly lower than total, significantly higher than previous wave
  • Completing the application form
    • 2020-21
      • Non Auto-Enroll, 76%
    • 2021-22
      • Non Auto-Enroll, 73%
    • 2022-23
      • Non Auto-Enroll, 83%, significantly higher than previous wave
  • Getting help on your application when you needed it
    • 2020-21
      • Non Auto-Enroll, 61%
    • 2021-22
      • Non Auto-Enroll, 54%
    • 2022-23
      • Non Auto-Enroll, 62%, significantly lower than total, significantly higher than previous wave
  • Overall, it was easy for you to apply
    • 2020-21
      • Non Auto-Enroll, 88%
    • 2021-22
      • Non Auto-Enroll, 80%
    • 2022-23
      • Non Auto-Enroll, 87%, significantly higher than previous wave

CX Performance and Service Attributes – SIN

CX Performance and Service Attributes – SIN
Figure long description
  • Overall Satisfaction
    • 94% rated 4 or 5
    • Increase in overall satisfaction from 2021-22 (89%).
    • Satisfaction was highest among clients in Atlantic Canada (100%).
  • Channel satisfaction
    • Increased for in-person (90% vs. 85%) from 2020-21. In-person (90%) and online (86%) rated higher compared to all clients.
  • Aware
    • Ease of finding info on program: 87% (- pts), significantly higher than total
      • 2021-22: 87%
      • 2020-21: 86%
      • 2019-20: 81%
    • Ease of finding out the steps to apply: 85% (+3 pts), significantly higher than total
      • 2021-22: 82%
      • 2020-21: 85%
      • 2019-20: 81%
  • Apply
    • Able to complete application in reasonable time: 86% (+2 pts), top five driver of satisfaction
      • 2021-22: 84%
      • 2020-21: 88%
      • 2019-20: 87%
    • Ease of understanding requirements: 91% (+2 pts), significantly higher than total, top five driver of satisfaction
      • 2021-22: 89%
      • 2020-21: 90%
      • 2019-20: 85%
    • Ease of getting help on your application: 83% (+5 pts), significantly higher than total, significantly higher than previous wave
      • 2021-22: 78%
      • 2020-21: 78%
    • Ease of completing application form: 92% (+2 pts), significantly higher than total
      • 2021-22: 90%
      • 2020-21: 89%
  • Follow-up
    • Ease of following up on application: 76% (+12 pts), significantly higher than total
      • 2021-22: 64%
      • 2020-21: 72%
      • 2019-20: 73%
  • Overall
    • Duration of client journey reasonable: 87% (+5 pts), significantly higher than total, significantly higher, top five driver of satisfaction than previous wave
      • 2021-22: 82%
      • 2020-21: 85%
      • 2019-20: 89%
    • Overall ease: 93% (+3 pts), significantly higher than total, significantly higher than previous wave
      • 2021-22: 90%
    • Ease of getting help: 88% (+4 pts), significantly higher than total, significantly higher than previous wave
      • 2021-22: 84%
      • 2020-21: 83%
      • 2019-20: 83%
    • Service Canada in-person representatives were helpful: 96% (+4 pts), significantly higher than total, significantly higher than previous wave, top five driver of satisfaction
      • 2021-22: 92%
      • 2020-21: 95%
      • 2019-20: 96%
    • Travelled reasonable distance: 79% (+6 pts), significantly higher than previous wave
      • 2021-22: 73%
      • 2020-21: 83%
      • 2019-20: 79%
    • Confidence in issue resolution: 86% (+1 pt), significantly higher than total, top five driver of satisfaction
      • 2021-22: 85%
      • 2020-21: 84%
      • 2019-20: 87%
    • Clarity of process: 88% (+4 pts), significantly higher than total
      • 2021-22: 84%
      • 2020-21: 88%
      • 2019-20: 83%

Base: SIN clients (n=783)

Margin of Error +/- 3.5 percentage points. Within this, sample size varies by statement.

Qualitative Highlights on SIN Client Journey

SIN clients were typically informed by those around them of the importance of obtaining a SIN number in order to gain employment. Most participants found the process easy and straightforward, with feelings of happiness and relief upon receiving their SIN.

The main negative emotion participants experienced was frustration with the long queues at Service Canada Centres.

Among a small number of participants who were unable to obtain their SIN number upon their first visit, feelings of disappointment, anxiety and anger were evident. In an extreme case, a participant’s SIN application was referred for further investigation. Follow-up calls to Service Canada for updates and to find out more about the issue with the application or how the participant could resolve the situation came to no avail, which in turn exacerbated the already frustrating situation for the participant. The case was finally resolved after 6 weeks which resulted in great relief for the participant, however, he continued to be dismayed at the lack of transparency on the reasons behind the delay. Moreover, the participant reported loss of income as a result of delays in obtaining their SIN number.

When I finally got to see somebody after waiting for two hours only to be told you don’t have the right documents, and I left and I was crying. So, my emotions were… I just wasted two and a half hours of my life, I’ll never get that back, and I still don’t have a Social Insurance Number.
SIN participant
It took me six weeks of many, many different phone calls. The emotions were very challenging, because without a SIN, I was not able to work, even though Service Canada would say that legally, I’m entitled to be employed, which is great. But every other company that I was applying for jobs quite clearly said, without a SIN, we cannot legally employ you. So, it was like Service Canada saying, don’t worry, you can still work. But actually, the employer is going, sorry, you can’t without a SIN. So, I spent six weeks unemployed.
SIN participant
It was just kind of like really straightforward, like I just went there with my health card and my birth certificate, but I went really early in the morning, so right when they opened up. So, it was pretty fast, the process.
SIN participant

SIN vs. eSIN

Overall Satisfaction
Figure long description

Overall Satisfaction

  • SIN
    • 2022-23 (n=538)
      • 5 – very satisfied, 74%, significantly higher than previous wave
      • Rated 4, 21%
      • Rated 3, 4%
      • Rated 2, 0%
      • 1 – very dissatisfied, 1%
      • % Rated 4 or 5, 94%, significantly higher than total
    • 2021-222 (n=564)
      • 5 – very satisfied, 64%
      • Rated 4, 26%
      • Rated 3, 6%
      • Rated 2, 1%
      • 1 – very dissatisfied, 1%
      • % Rated 4 or 5, 90%
  • eSIN
    • 2022-23 (n=181)
      • 5 – very satisfied, 66%
      • Rated 4, 26%
      • Rated 3, 6%
      • Rated 2, 2%
      • 1 – very dissatisfied, 0%
      • % Rated 4 or 5, 92%, significantly higher than total
    • 2021-22 (n=278)
      • 5 – very satisfied, 58%
      • Rated 4, 29%
      • Rated 3, 9%
      • Rated 2, 2%
      • 1 – very dissatisfied, 1%
      • % Rated 4 or 5, 87%

** Sample sizes too small for reporting.

Base: SIN / eSIN clients (n=783)

Service channel satisfaction (% rated 4 or 5)
Figure long description

Service channel satisfaction (% rated 4 or 5)

  • SIN
    • In-person
      • 2021-22, 87%
      • 2022-23, 91%, significantly higher than total
    • Online
      • 2021-22, 88%
      • 2022-23, 83%, significantly higher than total
    • Specialized Call Centres
      • 2021-22, 87%
      • 2022-23, 88%, significantly higher than total, (Small sample size. Results should be interpreted with caution)
    • eServiceCanada
      • 2021-22, 90%
      • 2022-23, 83%, (Small sample size. Results should be interpreted with caution)
  • eSIN
    • In-person
      • 2021-22, 77%
      • 2022-23, 84%
    • Online
      • 2021-22, 88%
      • 2022-23, 89%, significantly higher than total
    • Specialized Call Centres
      • 2021-22, 88%
    • eServiceCanada
      • 2022-23, 79%, (Small sample size. Results should be interpreted with caution)
Widest gap in service attributes (% rated 4 or 5 vs. Total)
Figure long description

Widest gap in service attributes (% rated 4 or 5 vs. Total)

  • Ease of getting help on your application
    • SIN, 86%, significantly higher than total
      • GAP vs. Total, +18 points
    • eSIN, 80%, significantly higher than total, significantly higher than previous wave
      • GAP vs. Total, +12 points
  • It was easy to get help when you needed it
    • SIN, 92%, significantly higher than total, significantly higher than previous wave
      • GAP vs. Total, +18 points
    • eSIN, 76%
      • GAP vs. Total, +2 points
  • Specialized call centre representatives were helpful
    • SIN, 100%, (Small sample size. Results should be interpreted with caution)
      • GAP vs. Total, +17 points
    • eSIN, 89%
      • GAP vs. Total, +6 points
  • The amount of time, from start to finish, was reasonable
    • SIN, 89%, significantly higher than total
      • GAP vs. Total, +14 points
    • eSIN, 85%
      • GAP vs. Total, +10 points
  • Ease of understanding information about the program
    • SIN, 81%
      • GAP vs. Total, +5 points
    • eSIN, 89%, significantly higher than total
      • GAP vs. Total, +14 points
  • It was clear what would happen next and when
    • SIN, 89%, significantly higher than total
      • GAP vs. Total, +13 points
    • eSIN, 85%, significantly higher than total
      • GAP vs. Total, +9 points
  • Confident that any issues or problems would have been easily resolved
    • SIN, 88%, significantly higher than total
      • GAP vs. Total, +13 points
    • eSIN, 79%, significantly higher than total
      • GAP vs. Total, +4 points
  • Needed to explain your situation only once
    • SIN, 87%, significantly higher than total
      • GAP vs. Total, +12 points
    • eSIN, 84%, significantly higher than total
      • GAP vs. Total, +9 points
  • Ease of putting together the information you needed to provide when applying
    • SIN, 91%, significantly higher than total
      • GAP vs. Total, +12 points
    • eSIN, 97%, significantly higher than total
      • GAP vs. Total, +8 points
  • Ease of figuring out if you are eligible for benefits/ SIN card
    • SIN, 80%, significantly higher than total
      • GAP vs. Total, +7 points
    • eSIN, 85%, significantly higher than total
      • GAP vs. Total, +12 points
  • It was clear what to do if you had a problem or question
    • SIN, 89%, significantly higher than total
      • GAP vs. Total, +11 points
    • eSIN, 83%
      • GAP vs. Total, +5 points
  • You received consistent information
    • SIN, 92%, significantly higher than total, significantly higher than previous wave
      • GAP vs. Total, +11 points
    • eSIN, 84%
      • GAP vs. Total, +3 points

Base: SIN / eSIN (n=783); SIN (n=532), eSIN (n=241)

Ease Service Attributes: Overall (1/3)

Figure long description


% Rated 4 or 5
  • It was easy to access service in a language I could speak and understand well
    • 2022-23, 94%
    • 2021-22, 93%,
    • 2020-21, 95%
    • 2019-20, 94%
    • 2018-19, 94%
  • Overall, it was easy for you to apply for [PROGRAM], For the first time in 2021-22, the overall ease metric was asked among SIN clients. SIN data has therefore been included in calculations from 2021-22 onward. 2022-23, 87%, significantly higher than previous wave
    • 2021-22, 85%
    • 2020-21, 86%
    • 2019-20, 84%
    • 2018-19, 85%
    • 2017-18, 84%
  • Being able to complete steps online made the process easier for you
    • 2022-23, 84%
    • 2021-22, 82%
    • 2020-21, 84%
    • 2019-20, 82%
    • 2018-19, 82%
    • 2017-18, 81%
  • Throughout the process, it was clear what would happen next and when it would happen
    • 2022-23, 76%
    • 2021-22, 74%,
    • 2020-21, 81%
    • 2019-20, 73%
    • 2018-19, 77%
  • You need to explain your situation only once
    • 2022-23, 75%
    • 2021-22, 74%,
    • 2020-21, 77%
    • 2019-20, 78%
    • 2018-19, 77%
    • 2017-18, 77%

+ The overall ease metric was first asked to SIN clients in 2021-22 and is included in calculations for 2021-22 and 2022-23

Note: Statements asked differently with different scale in 2017-18, interpret with caution. Tracking data for “Being able to complete the steps online made the process easier for you” recalculated to be consistent with 2022-23, asked only to those who had used an online channel.

Q36b. Thinking about the service you received, how much do you agree or disagree with the following statements. Base: All answering (n=varies)

Ease Service Attributes: by Program (2/3)

Figure long description

Ease, % Rated 4 or 5

  • It was easy to access service in a language I could speak and understand well
    • TOTAL
      • 2018-19, 94%
      • 2019-20, 94%
      • 2020-21, 95%
      • 2021-22, 93%
      • 2022-23, 94%
    • EI
      • 2018-19, 96%
      • 2019-20, 94%
      • 2020-21, 95%
      • 2021-22, 94%
      • 2022-23, 95%
    • CPP
      • 2018-19, 92%
      • 2019-20, 95%
      • 2020-21, 92%
      • 2021-22, 93%
      • 2022-23, 95%
    • CPP-D
      • 2018-19, 90%
      • 2019-20, 91%
      • 2020-21, 85%
      • 2021-22, 92%
      • 2022-23, 89%, significantly lower than total
    • SIN
      • 2018-19, 94%
      • 2019-20, 94%
      • 2020-21, 96%
      • 2021-22, 93%
      • 2022-23, 94%
    • OAS/GIS
      • 2018-19, 92%
      • 2019-20, 94%
      • 2020-21, 93%
      • 2021-22, 91%
      • 2022-23, 91%, significantly lower than total
  • Overall, it was easy for you to apply for [PROGRAM]+
    • TOTAL
      • 2017-18, 84%
      • 2018-19, 85%
      • 2019-20, 84%
      • 2020-21, 86%
      • 2021-22, 82%
      • 2022-23, 87%, significantly higher than previous wave
    • EI
      • 2017-18, 84%
      • 2018-19, 86%
      • 2019-20, 84%
      • 2020-21, 87%
      • 2021-22, 83%
      • 2022-23, 85%, significantly lower than total
    • CPP
      • 2017-18, 88%
      • 2018-19, 88%
      • 2019-20, 88%
      • 2020-21, 85%
      • 2021-22, 85%
      • 2022-23, 85%
    • CPP-D
      • 2017-18, 57%
      • 2018-19, 60%
      • 2019-20, 55%
      • 2020-21, 56%
      • 2021-22, 55%
      • 2022-23, 54%, significantly lower than total
    • SIN
      • 2017-18, 87%
      • 2018-19, 87%
      • 2021-22, 90%
      • 2022-23, 93%, significantly higher than total, significantly higher than previous wave
    • OAS/GIS
      • 2017-18, 84%
      • 2018-19, 87%
      • 2019-20, 92%
      • 2020-21, 88%
      • 2021-22, 80%
      • 2022-23, 87%, significantly higher than previous wave
  • Being able to complete steps online made the process easier for you
    • TOTAL
      • 2017-18, 81%
      • 2018-19, 82%
      • 2019-20, 82%
      • 2020-21, 84%
      • 2021-22, 82%
      • 2022-23, 84%
    • EI
      • 2017-18, 84%
      • 2018-19, 87%
      • 2019-20, 86%
      • 2020-21, 88%
      • 2021-22, 86%
      • 2022-23, 89%, significantly higher than total, significantly higher than previous wave
    • CPP
      • 2017-18, 64%
      • 2018-19, 69%
      • 2019-20, 73%
      • 2020-21, 75%
      • 2021-22, 72%
      • 2022-23, 73%, significantly lower than total
    • CPP-D
      • 2017-18, 47%
      • 2018-19, 40%
      • 2019-20, 51%
      • 2020-21, 56%
      • 2021-22, 52%
      • 2022-23, 52%, significantly lower than total
    • SIN
      • 2022-23, 81%
    • OAS/GIS
      • 2017-18, 58%
      • 2018-19, 47%
      • 2019-20, 67%
      • 2020-21, 69%
      • 2021-22, 65%
      • 2022-23, 71%, significantly lower than total
  • Throughout the process, it was clear what would happen next and when it would happen
    • TOTAL
      • 2018-19, 77%
      • 2019-20, 73%
      • 2020-21, 81%
      • 2021-22, 74%
      • 2022-23, 76%
    • EI
      • 2018-19, 74%
      • 2019-20, 65%
      • 2020-21, 77%
      • 2021-22, 67%
      • 2022-23, 70%, significantly lower than total
    • CPP
      • 2018-19, 78%
      • 2019-20, 80%
      • 2020-21, 80%
      • 2021-22, 75%
      • 2022-23, 70%
    • CPP-D
      • 2018-19, 53%
      • 2019-20, 51%
      • 2020-21, 56%
      • 2021-22, 52%
      • 2022-23, 48%, significantly lower than total
    • SIN
      • 2018-19, 83%
      • 2019-20, 83%
      • 2020-21, 88%
      • 2021-22, 84%
      • 2022-23, 88%, significantly higher than total
    • OAS/GIS
      • 2018-19, 78%
      • 2019-20, 81%
      • 2020-21, 83%
      • 2021-22, 77%
      • 2022-23, 78%
  • You needed to explain your situation only once
    • TOTAL
      • 2017-18, 77%
      • 2018-19, 77%
      • 2019-20, 78%
      • 2020-21, 77%
      • 2021-22, 74%
      • 2022-23, 75%
    • EI
      • 2017-18, 73%
      • 2018-19, 72%
      • 2019-20, 71%
      • 2020-21, 72%
      • 2021-22, 70%
      • 2022-23, 70%, significantly lower than total
    • CPP
      • 2017-18, 80%
      • 2018-19, 80%
      • 2019-20, 83%
      • 2020-21, 76%
      • 2021-22, 75%
      • 2022-23, 75%
    • CPP-D
      • 2017-18, 55%
      • 2018-19, 54%
      • 2019-20, 58%
      • 2020-21, 55%
      • 2021-22, 57%
      • 2022-23, 51%, significantly lower than total
    • SIN
      • 2017-18, 85%
      • 2018-19, 85%
      • 2019-20, 88%
      • 2020-21, 85%
      • 2021-22, 84%
      • 2022-23, 86%, significantly higher than total
    • OAS/GIS
      • 2017-18, 74%
      • 2018-19, 75%
      • 2019-20, 80%
      • 2020-21, 78%
      • 2021-22, 69%
      • 2022-23, 73%

+ The overall ease metric was first asked to SIN clients in 2021-22 and is included in calculations for 2021-22 and 2022-23

Note: Statements asked differently with different scale in 2017-18, interpret with caution. Tracking data for “Being able to complete the steps online made the process easier for you” recalculated to be consistent with 2022-23, asked only to those who had used an online channel.

Q36b. Thinking about the service you received, how much do you agree or disagree with the following statements. Base: All answering (n=varies)

Ease of End-to-End Client Journey (3/3)

 Ease of navigating end-to-end journey
Figure long description

Ease of navigating end-to-end journey

  • It was easy to access service in a language I could speak and understand well
    • 5 – Strongly agree, 83%
    • Rated 4, 11%
    • Rated 3, 3%
    • Rated 2, 1%
    • 1 – Strongly disagree, 1%
    • % Rated 4 or 5
      • 2019-20, 94%
      • 2020-21, 95%
      • 2021-22, 93%
      • 2022-23, 94%
  • Overall, it was easy for you to apply for
    • 5 – Strongly agree, 58%, significantly higher than previous wave
    • Rated 4, 26%
    • Rated 3, 9%
    • Rated 2, 4%
    • 1 – Strongly disagree, 2%
    • % Rated 4 or 5
      • 2017-18, 87%
      • 2018-19, 85%
      • 2019-20, 84%
      • 2020-21, 86%
      • 2021-22, 82%
      • 2022-23, 84%
  • Being able to complete steps online made the process easier for you
    • 5 – Strongly agree, 61%, significantly higher than previous wave
    • Rated 4, 23%
    • Rated 3, 8%
    • Rated 2, 2%
    • 1 – Strongly disagree, 3%
    • Not applicable, 3%, significnatly higher than previous wave
    • % Rated 4 or 5
      • 2017-18, 81%
      • 2018-19, 82%
      • 2019-20, 82%
      • 2020-21, 84%
      • 2021-22, 82%
      • 2022-23, 84%
  • Throughout the process it was clear what would happen next and when it would happen
    • 5 – Strongly agree, 53%
    • Rated 4, 23%
    • Rated 3, 13%,
    • Rated 2, 6%,
    • 1 – Strongly disagree, 5%
    • % Rated 4 or 5
      • 2018-19, 77%
      • 2019-20, 78%
      • 2020-21, 81%
      • 2021-22, 74%
      • 2022-23, 76%
  • You needed to explain your situation only once
    • 5 – Strongly agree, 58%
    • Rated 4, 17%
    • Rated 3, 11%
    • Rated 2, 4%
    • 1 – Strongly disagree, 7%
    • Not applicable, 2%
    • Don’t’ know, 1%
    • % Rated 4 or 5
      • 2017-18, 77%
      • 2018-19, 77%
      • 2019-20, 73%
      • 2020-21, 77%
      • 2021-22, 74%
      • 2022-23, 75%

+The overall ease metric was first asked to SIN clients in 2021-22 and is included in calculations for 2021-22 and 2022-23

Note: Tracking data for “Being able to complete the steps online made the process easier for you” recalculated to be consistent with 2022-23, asked only to those who had used an online channel.

Q36b. Thinking about the service you received, how much do you agree or disagree with the following statements.

Base: All answering (varies)

Qualitative Highlights on Level of Effort

The level of effort varied considerably by program. CPP-D participants who had lower satisfaction and/or experienced a barrier were especially negative. They highlighted: difficulties of describing their disability in words, the length of the form being a challenge given their disability; challenges of obtaining necessary documentation from their doctors in terms of timeliness and cost of forms; and feelings of hopelessness as they had been advised or had heard from others of the difficulty of obtaining the benefit.

Participants who applied to other programs (such as EI) also reported challenges related to ambiguous question formulation, delays related to the uploading of incorrect forms, wait times at Service Canada centres and perceived lack of knowledge of Service Canada representatives at time of application.

Participants who applied to CPP, OAS/GIS and SIN tended to indicate it took less effort to complete and submit their applications, describing the process as straightforward with easy steps to follow.

It was a lot of paperwork. Like tons; tons and tons. It was very intrusive, right, like I had to give my whole soul.
CPP-D participant
Easy. You just had to fill out an online form. […] Seriously, it took like 15 minutes.
CPP participant
“It was easy and clearly explained, because they gave an overview about what is this and who needs a SIN number. How to apply is also there, and they mentioned how to update and how to protect our required documents. So, it's all mentioned on the website. It's clear and detailed.”
SIN participant

Effectiveness Service Attributes: Overall (1/3)

Effectiveness, % Rated 4 or 5
Figure long description

Effectiveness, % Rated 4 or 5

  • You were able to move smoothly through all of the steps related to your application
    • 2022-23, 84%
    • 2021-22, 82%,
    • 2020-21, 85%
    • 2019-20, 82%
    • 2018-19, 84%
    • 2017-18, 82%
  • You were provided service in a way that protected your health and safety during the COVID-19 pandemic
    • 2022-23, 81%, singificantly lower than previous wave
    • 2021-22, 87%
    • 2020-21, 88%
  • You received consistent information
    • 2022-23, 81%
    • 2021-22, 79%
    • 2020-21, 84%
    • 2019-20, 80%
    • 2018-19, 82%
  • It was clear what to do if you had a problem or question
    • 2022-23, 78%, significantly higher than previous wave
    • 2021-22, 76%
    • 2020-21, 79%
    • 2019-20, 78%
    • 2018-19, 78%
    • 2017-18, 78%
  • The amount of time it took, from when you started gathering information to when you got a decision on your application, was reasonable
    • 2022-23, 75%
    • 2021-22, 75%
    • 2020-21, 81%
    • 2019-20, 77%
    • 2018-19, 76%
    • 2017-18, 77%
  • It was easy to get help when you needed it
    • 2022-23, 74%, significantly higher than previous wave
    • 2021-22, 68%
    • 2020-21, 71%
    • 2019-20, 76%
    • 2018-19, 77%
    • 2017-18, 77%

Note: Statements asked differently with different scale in 2017-18, interpret with caution.

Q36b. Thinking about the service you received, how much do you agree or disagree with the following statements.

Base: All answering (n=varies)

Effectiveness Service Attributes: by Program (2/3)

Effectiveness, % Rated 4 or 5
Figure long description

Effectiveness, % Rated 4 or 5

  • You were able to move smoothly through all of the steps related to your application
    • TOTAL
      • 2017-18, 82%
      • 2018-19, 84%
      • 2019-20, 82%
      • 2020-21, 85%
      • 2021-22, 82%
      • 2022-23, 84%
    • EI
      • 2017-18, 77%
      • 2018-19, 81%
      • 2019-20, 76%
      • 2020-21, 83%
      • 2021-22, 78%
      • 2022-23, 79%, significantly lower than total
    • CPP
      • 2017-18, 84%
      • 2018-19, 83%
      • 2019-20, 85%
      • 2020-21, 80%
      • 2021-22, 81%
      • 2022-23, 83%
    • CPP-D
      • 2017-18, 55%
      • 2018-19, 62%
      • 2019-20, 57%
      • 2020-21, 58%
      • 2021-22, 58%
      • 2022-23, 56%, significantly lower than total
    • SIN
      • 2017-18, 90%
      • 2018-19, 91%
      • 2019-20, 91%
      • 2020-21, 91%
      • 2021-22, 91%
      • 2022-23, 93%, significantly higher than total
    • OAS/GIS
      • 2017-18, 79%
      • 2018-19, 84%
      • 2019-20, 88%
      • 2020-21, 87%
      • 2021-22, 78%
      • 2022-23, 84%
  • You were provided service in a way that protected your health and safety during the COVID-19 pandemic
    • TOTAL
      • 2020-21, 88%
      • 2021-22, 87%
      • 2022-23, 81%, significantly lower than previous wave
    • EI
      • 2020-21, 90%
      • 2021-22, 88%
      • 2022-23, 81%, significantly lower than previous wave
    • CPP
      • 2020-21, 82%
      • 2021-22, 84%
      • 2022-23, 77%, significantly lower than total, significantly lower than previous wave
    • CPP-D
      • 2020-21, 75%
      • 2021-22, 81%
      • 2022-23, 75%, significantly lower than total, significantly lower than previous wave
    • SIN
      • 2020-21, 90%
      • 2021-22, 90%
      • 2022-23, 85%, significantly higher than total, significantly lower than previous wave
    • OAS/GIS
      • 2020-21, 81%
      • 2021-22, 80%
      • 2022-23, 76%, significantly lower than total
  • You received consistent information
    • TOTAL
      • 2018-19, 82%
      • 2019-20, 80%
      • 2020-21, 84%
      • 2021-22, 79%
      • 2022-23, 81%
    • EI
      • 2018-19, 79%
      • 2019-20, 76%
      • 2020-21, 82%
      • 2021-22, 76%
      • 2022-23, 78%, significantly lower than total
    • CPP
      • 2018-19, 83%
      • 2019-20, 85%
      • 2020-21, 83%
      • 2021-22, 80%
      • 2022-23, 80%
    • CPP-D
      • 2018-19, 64%
      • 2019-20, 59%
      • 2020-21, 64%
      • 2021-22, 63%
      • 2022-23, 59%, significantly lower than total
    • SIN
      • 2018-19, 87%
      • 2019-20, 86%
      • 2020-21, 89%
      • 2021-22, 87%
      • 2022-23, 89%, significantly higher than total
    • OAS/GIS
      • 2018-19, 81%
      • 2019-20, 82%
      • 2020-21, 87%
      • 2021-22, 76%
      • 2022-23, 80%
  • It was clear what to do if you had a problem or question
    • TOTAL
      • 2017-18, 78%
      • 2018-19, 78%
      • 2019-20, 78%
      • 2020-21, 79%
      • 2021-22, 76%
      • 2022-23, 78%, significantly higher than previous wave
    • EI
      • 2017-18, 75%
      • 2018-19, 77%
      • 2019-20, 74%
      • 2020-21, 75%
      • 2021-22, 72%
      • 2022-23, 76%
    • CPP
      • 2017-18, 77%
      • 2018-19, 76%
      • 2019-20, 81%
      • 2020-21, 78%
      • 2021-22, 74%
      • 2022-23, 74%, significantly lower than total
    • CPP-D
      • 2017-18, 62%
      • 2018-19, 63%
      • 2019-20, 61%
      • 2020-21, 60%
      • 2021-22, 60%
      • 2022-23, 61%, significantly lower than total
    • SIN
      • 2017-18, 85%
      • 2018-19, 82%
      • 2019-20, 84%
      • 2020-21, 87%
      • 2021-22, 85%
      • 2022-23, 87%, significantly higher than total
    • OAS/GIS
      • 2017-18, 74%
      • 2018-19, 78%
      • 2019-20, 80%
      • 2020-21, 84%
      • 2021-22, 74%
      • 2022-23, 74%, significantly lower than total
  • The amount of time it took, from when you started gathering information to when you got a decision on your application, was reasonable
    • TOTAL
      • 2017-18, 77%
      • 2018-19, 76%
      • 2019-20, 77%
      • 2020-21, 81%
      • 2021-22, 75%
      • 2022-23, 75%
    • EI
      • 2017-18, 73%
      • 2018-19, 69%
      • 2019-20, 68%
      • 2020-21, 80%
      • 2021-22, 69%
      • 2022-23, 66%, significantly lower than total
    • CPP
      • 2017-18, 80%
      • 2018-19, 83%
      • 2019-20, 83%
      • 2020-21, 81%
      • 2021-22, 82%
      • 2022-23, 79%, significantly higher than total
    • CPP-D
      • 2017-18, 47%
      • 2018-19, 49%
      • 2019-20, 49%
      • 2020-21, 57%
      • 2021-22, 48%
      • 2022-23, 45%, significantly lower than total
    • SIN
      • 2017-18, 85%
      • 2018-19, 87%
      • 2019-20, 89%
      • 2020-21, 85%
      • 2021-22, 82%
      • 2022-23, 87%, significantly higher than total, significantly higher than previous wave
    • OAS/GIS
      • 2017-18, 75%
      • 2018-19, 80%
      • 2019-20, 85%
      • 2020-21, 85%
      • 2021-22, 77%
      • 2022-23, 81%, significantly higher than total
  • It was easy to get help when you needed it
    • TOTAL
      • 2017-18, 77%
      • 2018-19, 77%
      • 2019-20, 76%
      • 2020-21, 71%
      • 2021-22, 68%
      • 2022-23, 74%, significantly higher than previous wave
    • EI
      • 2017-18, 74%
      • 2018-19, 72%
      • 2019-20, 70%
      • 2020-21, 65%
      • 2021-22, 63%
      • 2022-23, 70%, significantly lower than total, significantly higher than previous wave
    • CPP
      • 2017-18, 75%
      • 2018-19, 73%
      • 2019-20, 73%
      • 2020-21, 70%
      • 2021-22, 68%
      • 2022-23, 67%, significantly lower than total
    • CPP-D
      • 2017-18, 57%
      • 2018-19, 59%
      • 2019-20, 58%
      • 2020-21, 53%
      • 2021-22, 53%
      • 2022-23, 55%, significantly lower than total
    • SIN
      • 2017-18, 87%
      • 2018-19, 89%
      • 2019-20, 89%
      • 2020-21, 83%
      • 2021-22, 84%
      • 2022-23, 88%, significantly higher than total, significantly higher than previous wave
    • OAS/GIS
      • 2017-18, 67%
      • 2018-19, 72%
      • 2019-20, 74%
      • 2020-21, 71%
      • 2021-22, 57%
      • 2022-23, 64%, significantly lower than total, significantly higher than previous wave

Note: Statements asked differently with different scale in 2017-18, interpret with caution.

Q36b. Thinking about the service you received, how much do you agree or disagree with the following statements.

Base: All answering (n=varies)

Effectiveness Service Attributes (3/3)

Effectiveness of End-to-End Journey
Figure long description

Effectiveness of End-to-End Journey

  • You were able to move smoothly through all of the steps related to your application
    • 5 – Strongly agree, 60%
    • Rated 4, 24%
    • Rated 3, 9%
    • Rated 2, 4%
    • 1 – Strongly disagree, 3%
    • % Rated 4 or 5
      • 2017-18, 82%
      • 2018-19, 84%
      • 2019-20, 82%
      • 2020-21, 85%
      • 2021-22, 82%
      • 2022-23, 84%
  • You were provided service in a way that protected your health and safety during the COVID-19 pandemic
    • 5 – Strongly agree, 68%
    • Rated 4, 14%
    • Rated 3, 5%
    • Rated 2, 1%
    • 1 – Strongly disagree, 2%
    • Not applicable, 9%
    • Don’t know, 1%
    • % Rated 4 or 5
      • 2020-21, 88%
      • 2021-22, 87%
      • 2022-23, 81%, significantly lower than previous wave
  • You received consistent information
    • 5 – Strongly agree, 61%, significantly higher than previous wave
    • Rated 4, 20%
    • Rated 3, 10%
    • Rated 2, 4%
    • 1 – Strongly disagree, 4%
    • Not applicable, 1%
    • Don’t know, 1%
    • % Rated 4 or 5
      • 2018-19, 82%
      • 2019-20, 80%
      • 2020-21, 84%
      • 2021-22, 79%
      • 2022-23, 81%
  • It was clear what to do if you had a problem or question
    • 5 – Strongly agree, 56%
    • Rated 4, 23%
    • Rated 3, 12%
    • Rated 2, 4%
    • 1 – Strongly disagree, 4%
    • Not applicable, 1%
    • % Rated 4 or 5
      • 2017-18, 78%
      • 2018-19, 78%
      • 2019-20, 77%
      • 2020-21, 79%
      • 2021-22, 76%
      • 2022-23, 78%, significantly higher than previous wave
  • The amount of time it took, from when you started gathering information to when you got a decision on your application, was reasonable
    • 5 – Strongly agree, 52%
    • Rated 4, 23%
    • Rated 3, 12%
    • Rated 2, 6%
    • 1 – Strongly disagree, 6%
    • Not applicable, 1%
    • % Rated 4 or 5
      • 2017-18, 77%
      • 2018-19, 76%
      • 2019-20, 78%
      • 2020-21, 81%
      • 2021-22, 75%
      • 2022-23, 75%
  • It was easy to get help when you needed it
    • 5 – Strongly agree, 54%, significantly higher than previous wave
    • Rated 4, 20%
    • Rated 3, 12%
    • Rated 2, 5%
    • 1 – Strongly disagree, 4%, significantly lower than previous wave
    • Not applicable, 4%
    • Don’t know, 1%
    • % Rated 4 or 5
      • 2017-18, 77%
      • 2018-19, 77%
      • 2019-20, 76%
      • 2020-21, 71%
      • 2021-22, 68%
      • 2022-23, 74%, significantly higher than previous wave

Q36b. Thinking about the service you received, how much do you agree or disagree with the following statements.

Base: All answering (varies)

Emotion Service Attributes: Overall (1/3)

Emotion, % Rated 4 or 5
Figure long description

Emotion, % Rated 4 or 5

  • You were provided with service in your choice of English or French
    • 2022-23, 96%
    • 2021-22, 97%
    • 2020-21, 96%
    • 2019-20, 97%
    • 2018-19, 96%
    • 2017-18, 94%
  • Service Canada reps that you dealt with in person were helpful
    • 2022-23, 92%, significantly higher than previous wave
    • 2021-22, 88%
    • 2020-21, 91%
    • 2019-20, 92%
  • You felt respected throughout the process apply for [insert program]
    • 2022-23, 89%
  • You were confident that your personal information was protected
    • 2022-23, 88%
    • 2021-22, 86%
    • 2020-21, 87%
    • 2019-20, 87%
    • 2018-19, 87%
    • 2017-18, 87%
  • 1 800 O-Canada phone reps were helpful
    • 2022-23, 83%
    • 2021-22, 78%
    • 2020-21, 88%
  • Service Canada specialized call centre phone reps were helpful
    • 2022-23, 83%
    • 2021-22, 82%
    • 2020-21, 85%
    • 2019-20, 73%
  • You travelled a reasonable distance to access the service
    • 2022-23, 78%, significantly higher than previous wave
    • 2021-22, 73%
    • 2020-21, 79%
    • 2019-20, 75%
  • The eServiceCanada reps that called you back after you completed an online form were helpful
    • 2022-23, 76%
    • 2021-22, 78%
    • 2020-21, 85%
  • You were confident that any issues or problems would have been easily resolved
    • 2022-23, 75%
    • 2021-22, 73%
    • 2020-21, 77%
    • 2019-20, 78%
    • 2018-19, 78%
    • 2017-18, 76%

Note: Statements asked differently with different scale in 2017-18, interpret with caution.

Q36b. Thinking about the service you received, how much do you agree or disagree with the following statements.

Base: All answering (n=varies)

Emotion Service Attributes: by Program (2/3)

Emotion, % Rated 4 or 5
Figure long description

Emotion, % Rated 4 or 5

  • You were provided with service in your choice of English or French
    • TOTAL
      • 2017-18, 94%
      • 2018-19, 96%
      • 2019-20, 97%
      • 2020-21, 96%
      • 2021-22, 97%
      • 2022-23, 96%
    • EI
      • 2017-18, 93%
      • 2018-19, 97%
      • 2019-20, 98%
      • 2020-21, 97%
      • 2021-22, 97%
      • 2022-23, 97%
    • CPP
      • 2017-18, 94%
      • 2018-19, 94%
      • 2019-20, 97%
      • 2020-21, 95%
      • 2021-22, 94%
      • 2022-23, 95%
    • CPP-D
      • 2017-18, 87%
      • 2018-19, 93%
      • 2019-20, 95%
      • 2020-21, 92%
      • 2021-22, 94%
      • 2022-23, 94%, significantly lower than total
    • SIN
      • 2017-18, 96%
      • 2018-19, 95%
      • 2019-20, 95%
      • 2020-21, 96%
      • 2021-22, 98%
      • 2022-23, 96%
    • OAS/GIS
      • 2017-18, 95%
      • 2018-19, 98%
      • 2019-20, 96%
      • 2020-21, 94%
      • 2021-22, 95%
      • 2022-23, 95%
  • Service Canada reps that you dealt with in person were helpful
    • TOTAL
      • 2019-20, 92%
      • 2020-21, 91%
      • 2021-22, 88%
      • 2022-23, 92%
    • EI
      • 2019-20, 89%
      • 2020-21, 85%
      • 2021-22, 83%
      • 2022-23, 85%, significantly lower than total
    • CPP
      • 2019-20, 93%
      • 2020-21, 86%
      • 2021-22, 87%
      • 2022-23, 86%, significantly lower than total
    • CPP-D
      • 2019-20, 85%
      • 2020-21, 76%
      • 2021-22, 79%
      • 2022-23, 82%, significantly lower than total
    • SIN
      • 2019-20, 96%
      • 2020-21, 95%
      • 2021-22, 92%
      • 2022-23, 96%,- significantly higher than total, significantly higher than previous wave
    • OAS/GIS
      • 2019-20, 92%
      • 2020-21, 72%
      • 2021-22, 82%
      • 2022-23, 91%
  • You felt respected throughout the process applying for [INSERT PROGRAM]
    • TOTAL
      • 2022-23, 89%
    • EI
      • 2022-23, 88%
    • CPP
      • 2022-23, 87%
    • CPP-D
      • 2022-23, 75%, significantly lower than total
    • SIN
      • 2022-23, 95%, significantly higher than total
    • OAS/GIS
      • 2022-23, 85%, significantly lower than total
  • You were confident that your personal information was protected
    • TOTAL
      • 2017-18, 87%
      • 2018-19, 87%
      • 2019-20, 87%
      • 2020-21, 87%
      • 2021-22, 86%
      • 2022-23, 88%
    • EI
      • 2017-18, 87%
      • 2018-19, 88%
      • 2019-20, 88%
      • 2020-21, 86%
      • 2021-22, 87%
      • 2022-23, 89%
    • CPP
      • 2017-18, 86%
      • 2018-19, 79%
      • 2019-20, 82%
      • 2020-21, 82%
      • 2021-22, 81%
      • 2022-23, 82%, significantly lower than total
    • CPP-D
      • 2017-18, 78%
      • 2018-19, 82%
      • 2019-20, 80%
      • 2020-21, 78%
      • 2021-22, 79%
      • 2022-23, 78%, significantly lower than total
    • SIN
      • 2017-18, 90%
      • 2018-19, 92%
      • 2019-20, 90%
      • 2020-21, 92%
      • 2021-22, 92%
      • 2022-23, 93%, significantly higher than total
    • OAS/GIS
      • 2017-18, 82%
      • 2018-19, 83%
      • 2019-20, 79%
      • 2020-21, 85%
      • 2021-22, 78%
      • 2022-23, 79%, significantly lower than total
  • Service Canada specialized call centre phone reps were helpful
    • TOTAL
      • 2019-20, 73%
      • 2020-21, 85%
      • 2021-22, 82%
      • 2022-23, 83%
    • EI
      • 2019-20, 73%
      • 2020-21, 83%
      • 2021-22, 80%
      • 2022-23, 81%
    • CPP
      • 2019-20, 72%
      • 2020-21, 85%
      • 2021-22, 83%
      • 2022-23, 83%
    • CPP-D
      • 2019-20, 68%
      • 2020-21, 68%
      • 2021-22, 74%
      • 2022-23, 73%, significantly lower than total
    • SIN
      • 2019-20, 74%
      • 2020-21, 92%
      • 2021-22, 89%
      • 2022-23, 95%, significantly higher than total
    • OAS/GIS
      • 2019-20, 83%
      • 2020-21, 90%
      • 2021-22, 90%
      • 2022-23, 86%
  • 1 800 O-Canada phone reps were helpful
    • TOTAL
      • 2020-21, 88%
      • 2021-22, 78%
      • 2022-23, 83%
    • EI
      • 2020-21, 88%
      • 2021-22, 79%
      • 2022-23, 82%
    • CPP
      • 2020-21, 86%
      • 2021-22, 82%
      • 2022-23, 82%
    • CPP-D
      • 2020-21, 67%
      • 2021-22, 81%
      • 2022-23, 77%
    • SIN
      • 2020-21, 90%
      • 2021-22, 75%
      • 2022-23, 86%
    • OAS/GIS
      • 2020-21, 89%
      • 2021-22, 82%
      • 2022-23, 84%
  • You travelled a reasonable distance to access the service
    • TOTAL
      • 2019-20, 75%
      • 2020-21, 79%
      • 2021-22, 73%
      • 2022-23, 78%, significantly higher than previous wave/li>
    • EI
      • 2019-20, 71%
      • 2020-21, 71%
      • 2021-22, 72%
      • 2022-23, 78%
    • CPP
      • 2019-20, 77%
      • 2020-21, 75%
      • 2021-22, 78%
      • 2022-23, 72%, significantly lower than total
    • CPP-D
      • 2019-20, 59%
      • 2020-21, 59%
      • 2021-22, 66%
      • 2022-23, 64%, significantly lower than total
    • SIN
      • 2019-20, 79%
      • 2020-21, 83%
      • 2021-22, 73%
      • 2022-23, 79%, significantly higher than previous wave
    • OAS/GIS
      • 2019-20, 83%
      • 2020-21, 74%
      • 2021-22, 72%
      • 2022-23, 72%
  • The eServiceCanada phone reps that called you back after you completed an online form were helpful
    • TOTAL
      • 2020-21, 85%
      • 2021-22, 78%
      • 2022-23, 76%
    • EI
      • 2020-21, 84%
      • 2021-22, 78%
      • 2022-23, 73%
    • CPP
      • 2020-21, 83%
      • 2021-22, 84%
      • 2022-23, 63%, significantly lower than total, significantly lower than previous wave
    • CPP-D
      • 2020-21, 76%
      • 2021-22, 68%
      • 2022-23, 72%
    • SIN
      • 2020-21, 89%
      • 2021-22, 78%
      • 2022-23, 90%, significantly higher than total
    • OAS/GIS
      • 2020-21, 85%
      • 2021-22, 70%
      • 2022-23, 75%
  • You were confident that any issues or problems would have been easily resolved
    • TOTAL
      • 2017-18, 76%
      • 2018-19, 78%
      • 2019-20, 78%
      • 2020-21, 77%
      • 2021-22, 73%
      • 2022-23, 75%
    • EI
      • 2017-18, 79%
      • 2018-19, 74%
      • 2019-20, 72%
      • 2020-21, 73%
      • 2021-22, 69%
      • 2022-23, 70%, significantly lower than total
    • CPP
      • 2017-18, 81%
      • 2018-19, 76%
      • 2019-20, 81%
      • 2020-21, 76%
      • 2021-22, 73%
      • 2022-23, 75%
    • CPP-D
      • 2017-18, 63%
      • 2018-19, 57%
      • 2019-20, 51%
      • 2020-21, 56%
      • 2021-22, 57%
      • 2022-23, 52%, significantly lower than total
    • SIN
      • 2017-18, 88%
      • 2018-19, 86%
      • 2019-20, 87%
      • 2020-21, 84%
      • 2021-22, 85%
      • 2022-23, 86%, significantly higher than total
    • OAS/GIS
      • 2017-18, 80%
      • 2018-19, 78%
      • 2019-20, 77%
      • 2020-21, 82%
      • 2021-22, 68%
      • 2022-23, 73%

Note: Statements asked differently with different scale in 2017-18, interpret with caution.

Q36b. Thinking about the service you received, how much do you agree or disagree with the following statements.

Base: All answering (n=varies)

Emotion During End-to-End Client Journey (3/3)

 Emotion during end-to-end journey
Figure long description

Emotion during end-to-end journey

  • You were provided with service in your choice of English or French
    • 5 – Strongly agree, 88%
    • Rated 4, 8%
    • Rated 3, 2%
    • Not applicable, 1%
    • % Rated 4 or 5
      • 2017-18, 94%
      • 2019-20, 97%
      • 2020-21, 96%
      • 2021-22, 97%
      • 2022-23, 96%
  • Service Canada reps that you dealt with in person were helpful
    • 5 – Strongly agree, 79%, singificantly higher than previous wave
    • Rated 4, 12%
    • Rated 3, 4%
    • Rated 2, 1%
    • 1 – strongly agree, 1%
    • Not applicable, 1%
    • Don’t know, 1%
    • % Rated 4 or 5
      • 2019-20, 92%
      • 2020-21, 91%
      • 2021-22, 88%
      • 2022-23, 92%, significantly higher than previous wave
  • You felt respected throughout the process applying
    • 5 – Strongly agree, 74%
    • Rated 4, 16%
    • Rated 3, 6%
    • Rated 2, 2%
    • 1 – strongly agree, 2%
    • Not applicable, 1%
    • % Rated 4 or 5
      • 2022-23, 89%
  • You were confident that your personal information was protected
    • 5 – Strongly agree, 70%
    • Rated 4, 18%
    • Rated 3, 7%
    • Rated 2, 2%
    • 1 – strongly agree, 2%
    • Don’t know, 1%
    • % Rated 4 or 5
      • 2017-18, 87%
      • 2018-19, 87%
      • 2019-20, 87%
      • 2020-21, 87%
      • 2021-22, 86%
      • 2022-23, 88%
  • Service Canada specialized call centre phone reps were helpful
    • 5 – Strongly agree, 63%
    • Rated 4, 20%
    • Rated 3, 10%
    • Rated 2, 4%
    • 1 – strongly agree, 3%
    • Not applicable, 1%
    • % Rated 4 or 5
      • 2019-20, 73%
      • 2020-21, 85%
      • 2021-22, 82%
      • 2022-23, 83%
  • 1 800 O-Canada phone representatives were helpful
    • 5 – Strongly agree, 62%
    • Rated 4, 21%
    • Rated 3, 12%
    • Rated 2, 2%
    • 1 – strongly agree, 2%
    • Not applicable, 1%
    • Don’t know, 1%
    • % Rated 4 or 5
      • 2020-21, 88%
      • 2021-22, 78%
      • 2022-23, 83%
  • You travelled a reasonable distance to access the service
    • 5 – Strongly agree, 58%
    • Rated 4, 20%
    • Rated 3, 12%, singificantly lower than previous wave
    • Rated 2, 3%
    • 1 – strongly agree, 6%
    • Not applicable, 2%
    • Don’t know, 1%
    • % Rated 4 or 5
      • 2022-23, 78%, significantly higher than previous wave
  • The eServiceCanada reps that called you back after you completed an online form were helpful
    • 5 – Strongly agree, 54%
    • Rated 4, 21%
    • Rated 3, 9%
    • Rated 2, 3%
    • 1 – strongly agree, 7%
    • Not applicable, 4%
    • Don’t know, 2%
    • % Rated 4 or 5
      • 2020-21, 85%
      • 2021-22, 78%
      • 2022-23, 76%
  • You were confident that any issues or problems would have been easily resolved
    • 5 – Strongly agree, 51%
    • Rated 4, 24%
    • Rated 3, 14%
    • Rated 2, 5%
    • 1 – strongly agree, 5%
    • Not applicable, 1%
    • % Rated 4 or 5
      • 2017-18, 76%
      • 2018-19, 78%
      • 2019-20, 78%
      • 2020-21, 77%
      • 2021-22, 73%
      • 2022-23, 75%

Note The questionnaire was improved to pose ‘You were confident that any issues or problems would have been easily resolved’ to all survey respondents in 2018-19 and 2019-20, whereas in 2017-18 it was posed only to clients who did not experience a problem, therefore comparable data are not available.

Q36b. Thinking about the service you received, how much do you agree or disagree with the following statements.

Base: All answering (varies)

Ease of Follow-Up with Service Canada

Ease Of Follow-up With Service Canada Regarding Your Application (% Rated 4 Or 5) – Trending
Figure long description

Ease Of Follow-up With Service Canada Regarding Your Application (% Rated 4 Or 5) – Trending

    • 2017-18, n=1296, 66%
    • 2019-20, n=842, 61%
    • 2020-21, n=1209, 63%
    • 2021-22, n=1293, 55%
    • 2022-23, n=1463, 60, significantly higher than previous wave%
  • EI
    • 2017-18, n=1296, 68%
    • 2019-20, n=842, 57%
    • 2020-21, n=1209, 59%
    • 2021-22, n=1293, 53%
    • 2022-23, n=1463, 57%
  • CPP
    • 2017-18, n=1296, 66%
    • 2019-20, n=842, 68%
    • 2020-21, n=1209, 68%
    • 2021-22, n=1293, 64%
    • 2022-23, n=1463, 73%, significantly higher than total, significantly higher than previous wave
  • CPP-D
    • 2017-18, n=1296, 50%
    • 2019-20, n=842, 48%
    • 2020-21, n=1209, 52%
    • 2021-22, n=1293, 48%
    • 2022-23, n=1463, 52%, significantly lower than total
  • SIN
    • 2017-18, n=1296, 62%
    • 2019-20, n=842, 73%
    • 2020-21, n=1209, 72%
    • 2021-22, n=1293, 64%
    • 2022-23, n=1463, 76%, significantly higher than total
    • 2017-18, n=1296, 66%
    • 2019-20, n=842, 77%
    • 2020-21, n=1209, 70%
    • 2021-22, n=1293, 59%
    • 2022-23, n=1463, 60%

Q20a. Using a 5-point scale where 1 is very difficult and 5 is very easy, how difficult or easy was it to follow up with Service Canada about your application?

Base: Clients who followed-up before receiving a decision (n=1463)

Ease of follow up with Service Canada about your application
Figure long description

Ease of follow up with Service Canada about your application

  • 5- strongly agree, 35%
  • Rated 4, 25%
  • Rated 3, 19%
  • Rated 2, 10%
  • 1 – strongly disagree, 10%
  • % Rated 4 or 5
    • 2017-18, 66%
    • 2019-20, 61%
    • 2020-21, 63%
    • 2021-22, 55%
    • 2022-23, 60%, significantly higher than previous wave

Q20a. Using a 5-point scale where 1 was very difficult and 5 was very easy, how easy or difficult was it to follow up with Service Canada about your application?

Base: Clients who followed up (n=1463)

Changes That Would Have Improved Follow-up Experience: Overall

Changes That Would Have Improved Follow-up Experience: Overall
Figure long description

Changes That Would Have Improved Follow-up Experience: Overall

  • Quicker to get assistance by phone
    • TOTAL
      • 2021-22, 53%
      • 2022-23, 53%
    • EI
      • 2021-22, 56%
      • 2022-23, 54%
    • CPP
      • 2021-22, 48%
      • 2022-23, 46%
    • CPP-D
      • 2021-22, 60%
    • SIN
      • 2021-22, 35%
      • 2022-23, 53%, significantly higher than previous wave
    • OAS/GIS
      • 2021-22, 48%
      • 2022-23, 52%
  • Clearer information on the status of your application
    • TOTAL
      • 2021-22, 23%
      • 2022-23, 25%
    • EI
      • 2021-22, 23%
      • 2022-23, 26%
    • CPP
      • 2021-22, 19%
      • 2022-23, 22%
    • CPP-D
      • 2021-22, 26%
      • 2022-23, 26
    • SIN
      • 2021-22, 36%
      • 2022-23, 22%
    • OAS/GIS
      • 2021-22, 19%
      • 2022-23, 24%
  • Real-time support through online chat with a Service Canada representative
    • TOTAL
      • 2021-22, 15%
      • 2022-23, 12%
    • EI
      • 2021-22, 14%
      • 2022-23, 12%
    • CPP
      • 2021-22, 18%
      • 2022-23, 14%
    • CPP-D
      • 2021-22, 4%
      • 2022-23, 10, significnatly higher than previous wave
    • SIN
      • 2021-22, 23%
      • 2022-23, 16%
    • OAS/GIS
      • 2021-22, 17%
      • 2022-23, 11%
  • None of the above
    • TOTAL
      • 2021-22, 8%
      • 2022-23, 8%
    • EI
      • 2021-22, 7%
      • 2022-23, 6%
    • CPP
      • 2021-22, 12%
      • 2022-23, 16%, significantly higher than total
    • CPP-D
      • 2021-22, 8%
      • 2022-23, 10%
    • SIN
      • 2021-22, 4%
      • 2022-23, 9%
    • OAS/GIS
      • 2021-22, 15%
      • 2022-23, 9%

Q20c. Before you were notified of a decision on your [INSERT ABBREV] application, which of the following changes would have improved your experience in following up the most?

Base: Clients who followed-up before receiving a decision (n=1463)

Satisfaction Drivers Analysis

Drivers of Satisfaction – Background on Analysis

Drivers of Satisfaction – Background on Analysis
Figure long description

Drivers of Satisfaction – Background on Analysis

    • Understand the information about [PROGRAM]
    • Find out what information you need to provide when applying for [PROGRAM]
    • Figure out if you were eligible for benefits/ SIN card
    • Find information about [PROGRAM]
    • Find out the steps to apply
    • Find the information you needed within a reasonable amount of time
    • You were able to complete the application in a reasonable amount of time
    • Understanding the requirements of the application
    • Completing the form
    • Putting together the information you needed to apply for [PROGRAM]
    • Ease of registering for/ signing into your My Service Canada Account
    • Ease of follow-up
    • Received/ Denied Benefit
  • EASE
    • It was easy to access service in a language I could speak and understand well
    • Overall, it was easy for you to apply for [PROGRAM]?
    • You needed to explain your situation only once
    • Throughout the process it was clear what would happen next and when it would happen
    • The amount of time it took was reasonable
    • It was easy to get help when you needed it
    • You received consistent information
    • It was clear what to do if you had a problem or question
    • You were able to move smoothly through all of the steps related to your [PROGRAM] application
    • You were provided service in a way that protected your health and safety during the COVID-19 pandemic
    • Service Canada specialized call centre phone representatives were helpful
    • Service Canada representatives that you dealt with in person were helpful
    • 1 800 O-Canada phone representatives were helpful
    • The Service Canada phone representatives that called you back after you completed an online form were helpful
    • You were confident that any issues or problems would have been easily resolved
    • You were confident that your personal information was protected
    • You travelled a reasonable distance to access the service
    • You were provided with service in your choice of English or French

*not included due to strong inter-collinearity with Service Canada specialized call centre phone representatives were helpful

Summary: Drivers of Satisfaction – Overall

Summary: Drivers of Satisfaction – EI Program

Summary: Drivers of Satisfaction – CPP Program

Summary: Drivers of Satisfaction – CPP-D Program

Summary: Drivers of Satisfaction – SIN Program

Summary: Drivers of Satisfaction – OAS/GIS Program

Drivers of Satisfaction: Overall

Drivers of satisfaction: Overall
Figure long description

Drivers of satisfaction: Overall

  • The amount of time it took was reasonable 0.340
  • Service Canada representatives that you dealt with in person were helpful 0.107
  • You received consistent information 0.101
  • You were confident that any issues or problems would have been easily resolved 0.088
  • Understanding the requirements of the application 0.088
  • Getting help on your application when you needed it 0.082
  • Service Canada specialized call centre phone representatives were helpful 0.072
  • Completing the application form 0.063 You needed to explain your situation only once 0.057
  • Throughout the process it was clear what would happen next and when it would happen 0.056
  • You were able to move smoothly through all of the steps  0.050
  • Easy/difficult to register for your My Service Canada Account 0.046
  • Find out the steps to apply 0.040 Understand the information about [PROGRAM] 0.039
  • You were able to complete the application in a reasonable amount of time 0.036
  • Figure out if you are eligible for benefits/ SIN card 0.035
  • You were provided service in a way that protected your health and safety during the COVID-19 pandemic 0.035
  • Find out what information you need to provide when applying for [PROGRAM] 0.035
  • Overall, it was easy for you to apply for [PROGRAM] 0.026
  • Find information about [PROGRAM] 0.024
  • You travelled a reasonable distance to access the service 0.022
  • It was easy to get help when you needed it 0.022
  • It was easy to access service in a language you could speak and understand well 0.019
  • You were able to find the information you needed within a reasonable amount of time 0.015
  • Easy/difficult to follow up with Service Canada about your application 0.014
  • It was clear what to do if you had a problem or question 0.012
  • Putting together the information you needed to apply for [PROGRAM] 0.012
  • You were provided with service in your choice of English or French 0.006
  • You were confident that your personal information was protected 0.003

Priority Matrix: Overview

Priority Matrix: Overview
Figure long description

Priority Matrix: Overview

  • IMPROVE / FOCUS, 1st quadrant
  • Driver/component has more impact on satisfaction, and its performance score was lower relative to other drivers/ components. Focus on improving your performance in this area.
  • PROTECT / REINFORCE, 2nd quadrant
  • Driver/component has more impact on satisfaction, and its performance score was higher relative to other drivers/ components. This was a strength which needs to be protected.
  • Driver/component was not as impactful and it has a lower performance score relative to other drivers/ components
  • MAINTAIN, 4th quadrant
  • Driver/component was not as impactful as other drivers/ components and performance scores were high.

Overall Priority Matrix: Impact vs. Performance

 Overall Priority Matrix: Impact vs. Performance
Figure long description

Overall Priority Matrix: Impact vs. Performance

  • Improve
    • Client journey took reasonable time
  • Protect
    • Consistent info
    • Service Canada in-person representatives were helpful
  • Secondary Improve
    • Ease of MSCA registration
    • Ease of getting help on application
    • Confident in issue resolution
    • Explain once
    • Clarity of process
    • Ease of understanding info
    • Ease of figuring out eligibility
    • Ease of finding info you need to provide
    • Ease of finding steps to apply
  • Maintain
    • Understanding requirements
    • Service Canada call centre representatives were helpful
    • Ease of completing application form
    • Moved smoothly through steps
    • Completed application in reasonable time
    • Protected during COVID

Drivers of Satisfaction: EI Clients

Drivers of Satisfaction: EI Clients
Figure long description

Drivers of Satisfaction: EI Clients

  • The amount of time it took was reasonable 0.353
  • Getting help on your application when you needed it 0.135
  • You received consistent information 0.099
  • Completing the application form 0.089
  • Throughout the process it was clear what would happen next and when it would happen 0.089
  • You were confident that any issues or problems would have been easily resolved 0.081
  • You needed to explain your situation only once 0.079
  • Figure out if you are eligible for benefits 0.079
  • Understanding the requirements of the application 0.067
  • Service Canada representatives that you dealt with in person were helpful 0.067
  • You were provided service in a way that protected your health and safety during the COVID-19 pandemic 0.064
  • Service Canada specialized call centre phone representatives were helpful 0.055
  • Find out the steps to apply 0.052
  • Find information about [PROGRAM] 0.037
  • You were able to move smoothly through all of the steps  0.037
  • You were able to find the information you needed within a reasonable amount of time 0.031
  • Understand the information about [PROGRAM] 0.029
  • Overall, it was easy for you to apply for [PROGRAM] 0.026
  • You were able to complete the application in a reasonable amount of time 0.025
  • It was easy to access service in a language you could speak and understand well 0.021
  • You were provided with service in your choice of English or French 0.020
  • Find out what information you need to provide when applying for [PROGRAM] 0.016
  • You travelled a reasonable distance to access the service 0.014
  • Putting together the information you needed to apply for [PROGRAM] 0.010
  • It was clear what to do if you had a problem or question 0.009
  • You were confident that your personal information was protected 0.009
  • Easy/difficult to register for your My Service Canada Account 0.005
  • Easy/difficult to follow up with Service Canada about your application 0.004
  • It was easy to get help when you needed it 0.003

Overall Priority Matrix: Impact vs. Performance – EI Clients

 Overall Priority Matrix: Impact vs. Performance – EI Clients
Figure long description

Overall Priority Matrix: Impact vs. Performance – EI Clients

  • Improve
    • Client journey took reasonable time
    • Ese of getting help on your application
    • Consistent info
  • Secondary Improve
    • Clarity of process
    • Ease of figuring out eligibility
    • Explain one
    • Understating requirement
    • Confident in issue resolution
    • Ease of finding steps to apply
    • Ease of finding info on program
    • Find info in reasonable time
    • Moved through steps
  • Maintain
    • Ease of completing application form
    • Protected you during COVID
    • Service Canada in-person representatives were helpful
    • Service Canada call centre representatives were helpful

Drivers of Satisfaction: CPP Clients

Figure long description

Drivers of Satisfaction: CPP Clients

  • How easy or difficult was it to follow up with Service Canada about your application? 0.435
  • The amount of time it took was reasonable 0.204
  • Find out what information you need to provide when applying for [PROGRAM] 0.195
  • Find information about [PROGRAM] 0.194 You were able to move smoothly through all of the steps  0.165
  • Service Canada specialized call centre phone representatives were helpful 0.161
  • You were confident that your personal information was protected 0.120
  • Understanding the requirements of the application 0.109
  • Understand the information about [PROGRAM] 0.103
  • Getting help on your application when you needed it 0.089
  • Figure out if you are eligible for benefits 0.084
  • Service Canada representatives that you dealt with in person were helpful 0.079
  • Throughout the process it was clear what would happen next and when it would happen 0.078
  • You received consistent information 0.075
  • You were able to complete the application in a reasonable amount of time 0.074
  • You were provided service in a way that protected your health and safety during the COVID-19 pandemic 0.050
  • It was clear what to do if you had a problem or question 0.049
  • You were able to find the information you needed within a reasonable amount of time 0.042
  • Decide the best age to start your pension 0.038 It was easy to get help when you needed it 0.031
  • It was easy to access service in a language you could speak and understand well 0.030
  • You were provided with service in your choice of English or French 0.028
  • You travelled a reasonable distance to access the service 0.026
  • You were confident that any issues or problems would have been easily resolved 0.026
  • Overall, it was easy for you to apply for [PROGRAM] 0.025
  • You needed to explain your situation only once 0.011
  • Completing the application form 0.011
  • Putting together the information you needed to apply for [PROGRAM] 0.002
  • Find out the steps to apply 0.001

Overall Priority Matrix: Impact vs. Performance – CPP Clients

Overall Priority Matrix: Impact vs. Performance – CPP Clients
Figure long description

Overall Priority Matrix: Impact vs. Performance – CPP Clients

  • Improve
    • Ease of follow-up
    • Ease of finding info on program
    • Ease of finding info you need to provide
    • Client journey took reasonable time
    • Ease of understanding info
  • Protect
    • Moved smoothly through steps
    • Service Canada call centre representatives were helpful
    • Confident personal info protected
    • Understanding requirements
  • Secondary Improve
    • Ease of getting help in application
    • Ease of deciding age to start pension
    • Ease of getting help
    • Clarity of process
    • Find info in reasonable time
    • Clarity of issue resolution
    • Protected you during COVID
    • Ease of figuring out eligibility
  • Maintain
    • Consistent info
    • Complete application in reasonable time
    • Service Canada in-person representatives were helpful
    • Access service in a language I understand

Drivers of Satisfaction: CPP-D Clients

Drivers of Satisfaction: CPP-D Clients
Figure long description

Drivers of Satisfaction: CPP-D Clients

  • The amount of time it took was reasonable 0.323
  • Service Canada specialized call centre phone representatives were helpful 0.169
  • You were able to move smoothly through all of the steps  0.168
  • You were confident that any issues or problems would have been easily resolved 0.135
  • Putting together the information you needed to apply for [PROGRAM] 0.121
  • Easy/difficult to follow up with Service Canada about your application 0.116
  • Getting help on your application when you needed it 0.108
  • You were able to find the information you needed within a reasonable amount of time 0.092
  • Understand the information about [PROGRAM] 0.091
  • You were able to complete the application in a reasonable amount of time 0.090
  • Find out what information you need to provide when applying for [PROGRAM] 0.087
  • Find information about [PROGRAM] 0.076
  • It was clear what to do if you had a problem or question 0.069
  • It was easy to get help when you needed it 0.063
  • Figure out if you are eligible for benefits 0.058
  • Overall, it was easy for you to apply for [PROGRAM] 0.050
  • Find out the steps to apply 0.046
  • You received consistent information 0.038
  • Throughout the process it was clear what would happen next and when it would happen 0.030
  • Understanding the requirements of the application 0.030
  • You needed to explain your situation only once 0.028
  • It was easy to access service in a language you could speak and understand well 0.024
  • Completing the application form 0.022
  • You were provided service in a way that protected your health and safety during the COVID-19 pandemic 0.015
  • You were provided with service in your choice of English or French 0.014
  • You were confident that your personal information was protected 0.014

Overall Priority Matrix: Impact vs. Performance – CPP-D Clients

Overall Priority Matrix: Impact vs. Performance – CPP-D Clients
Figure long description

Overall Priority Matrix: Impact vs. Performance – CPP-D Clients

  • Improve
    • Client journey took reasonable time
    • Ease of gathering info needed to apply
    • Ease of getting help on application
    • Ease of follow-up
    • Confident in issue resolution
    • Moved smoothly through steps
    • Service Canada call centre representatives were helpful
  • Secondary Improve
    • Ease of figuring out eligibility
    • Complete application in reasonable time
    • Clarity of process
    • Ease of getting help
    • Ease of applying
    • Ease of understanding info on program
    • Ease of finding info on program
    • Understanding requirements
    • Find info in reasonable time
    • Ease of finding info you need to apply
    • Clarity of issue resolution
    • Find out steps to apply
    • Consistent info

Drivers of Satisfaction: SIN Clients

Drivers of Satisfaction: SIN Clients
Figure long description

Drivers of Satisfaction: SIN Clients

  • Service Canada representatives that you dealt with in person were helpful 0.203
  • The amount of time it took was reasonable 0.194
  • Understanding the requirements of the application 0.146
  • You were able to complete the application in a reasonable amount of time 0.135
  • You were confident that any issues or problems would have been easily resolved 0.128
  • Overall, it was easy for you to apply for [PROGRAM] 0.121
  • It was easy to get help when you needed it 0.103
  • You received consistent information 0.094
  • You were able to move smoothly through all of the steps  0.092
  • Getting help on your application when you needed it 0.080
  • You were provided with service in your choice of English or French 0.065
  • You were confident that your personal information was protected 0.033
  • Figure out if you are eligible for SIN card 0.032
  • It was clear what to do if you had a problem or question 0.030
  • Find information about [PROGRAM] 0.025
  • Understand the information about [PROGRAM] 0.025
  • You needed to explain your situation only once 0.024
  • Completing the application form 0.019
  • You travelled a reasonable distance to access the service 0.009
  • Find out what information you need to provide when applying for [PROGRAM] 0.008
  • Throughout the process it was clear what would happen next and when it would happen 0.007
  • It was easy to access service in a language you could speak and understand well 0.006
  • You were provided service in a way that protected your health and safety during the COVID-19 pandemic 0.004
  • You were able to find the information you needed within a reasonable amount of time 0.004
  • Putting together the information you needed to apply for [PROGRAM] 0.003
  • Find out the steps to apply 0.002

Overall Priority Matrix: Impact vs. Performance – SIN Clients

SIN Clients
Figure long description

Overall Priority Matrix: Impact vs. Performance – SIN Clients

  • Protect
    • Client journey took reasonable time
    • Service Canada in-person representatives were helpful
    • Complete application reasonable time
    • Understanding requirements
    • Confident in issue resolution
    • Ease of getting help
    • Ease of applying
  • Maintain
    • Ease of getting help on application
    • Consistent info
    • Moved smoothly through steps
    • Service in choice of EN or FR
    • Ease of figuring out eligibility
    • Clarity of issue resolution
    • Confident personal info protected

Drivers of Satisfaction: OAS/GIS Clients

OAS/GIS Clients
Figure long description

Drivers of Satisfaction: OAS/GIS Clients

  • Easy/difficult to follow up with Service Canada about your application 1.065
  • Find out the steps to apply 0.669
  • Find information about [PROGRAM] 0.656
  • Find out what information you need to provide when applying for [PROGRAM] 0.632
  • You travelled a reasonable distance to access the service 0.616
  • You were able to find the information you needed within a reasonable amount of time 0.518
  • Getting help on your application when you needed it 0.466
  • You received consistent information 0.445
  • Understanding the requirements of the application 0.418
  • Figure out if you are eligible for benefits 0.412
  • Decide the best age to start your pension 0.227
  • You were provided service in a way that protected your health and safety during the COVID-19 pandemic 0.224
  • Completing the application form 0.221
  • The amount of time it took was reasonable 0.214
  • You were confident that any issues or problems would have been easily resolved 0.211
  • It was easy to get help when you needed it 0.205
  • You were confident that your personal information was protected 0.199
  • It was clear what to do if you had a problem or question 0.164
  • You were able to move smoothly through all of the steps 0.159
  • It was easy to access service in a language you could speak and understand well 0.144
  • You were provided with service in your choice of English or French 0.141
  • You needed to explain your situation only once 0.122
  • Putting together the information you needed to apply for [PROGRAM] 0.116
  • Throughout the process it was clear what would happen next and when it would happen 0.056
  • Understand the information about [PROGRAM] 0.048
  • You were able to complete the application in a reasonable amount of time 0.020
  • Overall, it was easy for you to apply for [PROGRAM] 0.014

Overall Priority Matrix: Impact vs. Performance – OAS/GIS Clients

Overall Priority Matrix: Impact vs. Performance – OAS/GIS Clients
Figure long description

Overall Priority Matrix: Impact vs. Performance – OAS/GIS Clients

  • Improve
    • Ease of follow-up
    • Ease of finding out info you need to apply
    • Ease of finding steps to apply
    • Ease of finding info on program
    • Travelled reasonable distance
    • Ease of getting help on your application
    • Find info in reasonable time
    • Ease of deciding when to start pension
    • Ease of getting help
    • Confident in issue resolution
    • Explain once
    • Protected you during COVID
    • Clarity of issue resolution
    • Confident personal info protected
  • Protect
    • Consistent info
    • Understanding requirements
    • Ease of figuring out eligibility
    • Client journey took reasonable time
    • Ease of completing application form
    • Moved smoothly thought steps
    • Ease of gathering info to apply
    • Access service in language I understand
    • Provide service in choice of EN or FR
  • Secondary Improve
    • Ease of understanding info on program
    • Clarity of process

Impact of Outcome on Satisfaction

% Rating Satisfaction as 4 or 5
Figure long description

% Rating Satisfaction as 4 or 5

  • EI
    • 2017-18, n=703
      • Approved, 85%
      • Denied, 73%
    • 2018-19, n=1098
      • Approved, 84%
      • Denied, 55%
    • 2019-20, n=701
      • Approved, 81%
      • Denied, 39%
    • 2020-21, n=1162
      • Approved, 85%
      • Denied, 61%
    • 2021-22, n=987
      • Approved, 78%
      • Denied, 51%
    • 2022-23, n=1035
      • Approved, 81%
      • Denied, 54%
  • CPP
    • 2017-18, n=652
      • Approved, 88%
      • Denied, 67%
    • 2018-19, n=788
      • Approved, 87%
      • Denied, 72%
    • 2019-20, n=389
      • Approved, 89%
      • Denied, 59%
    • 2020-21, n=752
      • Approved, 86%
      • Denied, 81%
    • 2021-22, n=768
      • Approved, 86%
      • Denied, 80%
    • 2022-23, n=768
      • Approved, 85%
      • Denied 79%
  • CPPD
    • 2018-19, n=766
      • Approved, 76%
      • Denied, 40%
    • 2019-20, n=417
      • Approved, 77%
      • Denied, 40%
    • 2020-21, n=692
      • Approved, 80%
      • Denied, 43%
    • 2021-22, n=761
      • Approved, 82%
      • Denied, 39%
    • 2022-23, n=752
      • Approved, 73%, significantly lower than previous wave
      • Denied 39%
% approved/denied in the survey sample
Figure long description

% approved/denied in the survey sample

  • EI
    • 2017-18, n=703
      • Approved, 81%
      • Denied, 19%
    • 2018-19, n=1098
      • Approved, 88%
      • Denied, 12%
    • 2019-20, n=701
      • Approved, 88%
      • Denied, 12%
    • 2020-21, n=1162
      • Approved, 95%
      • Denied, 5%
    • 2021-22, n=987
      • Approved, 90%
      • Denied, 10%
    • 2022-23, n=1035
      • Approved, 89%
      • Denied, 11%
  • CPP
    • 2017-18, n=652
      • Approved, 98%
      • Denied, 2%
    • 2018-19, n=788
      • Approved, 98%
      • Denied, 2%
    • 2019-20, n=389
      • Approved, 97%
      • Denied, 3%
    • 2020-21, n=752
      • Approved, 96%
      • Denied, 4%
    • 2021-22, n=768
      • Approved, 96%
      • Denied, 4%
    • 2022-23, n=1035
      • Approved, 96%
      • Denied, 4%
  • CPPD
    • 2017-18, n=658
      • Approved, 60%
      • Denied, 40%
    • 2018-19, n=766
      • Approved, 61%
      • Denied, 39%
    • 2019-20, n=417
      • Approved, 53%
      • Denied, 47%
    • 2020-21, n=692
      • Approved, 54%
      • Denied, 46%
    • 2021-22, n=761
      • Approved, 48%
      • Denied, 52%
    • 2022-23, n=1035
      • Approved, 53%
      • Denied, 47%

Note: Clients who were denied benefit were present in the administrative databases of EI, CPP and CPP-D, but not other programs.

Note: Clients are asked specifically to assess the service delivery, not whether the application was approved or denied. While granted/denied is a driver of satisfaction, it must be remembered that approval is based on legislation.

Q38a. Again, thinking about the overall service from getting information about [INSERT ABBREV] to receiving a decision. How satisfied were you with the service you received from Service Canada related to your [insert abbrev] application? Please use a 5-point scale, where 1 means very dissatisfied, and 5 means very satisfied.

Service Levels And Channel Use

Self-Service and Assistance

Change in Multiple Channel Use Over Time

Multiple Channel Use definitions were mutually exclusive paths that track the client journey. The Multiple Channel Use variables were used to assess whether there has been an increase or decrease in a particular method of contact with Service Canada. Please note that the definitions used are based on those set in CX3.

Multiple Channel use Changes – Trendings
Figure long description

Multiple Channel use Changes – Trending

  • In-person at any Stage
    • 2017-18, 60%
    • 2018-20, 62%
    • 2020-21, 30%
    • 2021-22, 33%
    • 2022-23, 39%, significnatly higher than previous wave
  • Self-service only
    • 2017-18, 19%
    • 2019-20, 17%
    • 2020-21, 34%
    • 2021-22, 31%
    • 2022-23, 25%, significantly lower than previous wave
  • Assisted Self-Service
    • 2017-18, 6%
    • 2019-20, 10%
    • 2020-21, 13%
    • 2021-22, 15%
    • 2022-23, 17%
  • Auto-Enroll Only
    • 2017-18, 5%
    • 2019-20, 4%
    • 2020-21, 4%
    • 2021-22, 5%
    • 2022-23, 4%
  • Mail Only
    • 2017-18, 0%
    • 2019-20, 1%
    • 2020-21, 1%
    • 2021-22, 1%
    • 2022-23, 1%
  • Touchless Person-to-Person
    • 2020-21, 7%
    • 2021-22, 6%
    • 2022-23, 6%
Note On Multiple Channel Use:

There was a select number of clients who either did not indicate a channel at all stages or do not fit into any of the defined service levels. The proportion of these respondents as a part of the total sample was:

  • 2022-23 – 7%
  • 2021-22 – 8%
  • 2020-21 – 6%
  • 2019-20 – 6%
  • 2017-18 – 10%

Service Levels by Stage in the Client Journey: Overall

Service Levels by Stage in the Client Journey: Overall
Figure long description

Service Levels by Stage in the Client Journey: Overall

  • Aware
    • In-person
      • 2017-18, 42%
      • 2019-20, 35%
      • 2020-21, 18%
      • 2021-22, 19%
      • 2022-23, 24%, significnatly higher than previous wave
    • Self-Service Only
      • 2017-18, 35%
      • 2019-20, 44%
      • 2020-21, 36%
      • 2021-22, 37%
      • 2022-23, 35%
    • Assisted Self-Service
      • 2017-18, 7%
      • 2019-20, 6%
      • 2020-21, 8%
      • 2021-22, 7%
      • 2022-23, 9%, significnatly higher than previous wave
    • Auto-Enroll Only
      • 2017-18, 0%
      • 2019-20, 6%
      • 2020-21, 6%
      • 2021-22, 6%
      • 2022-23, 5%
    • Mail Only
      • 2017-18, 2%
      • 2019-20, 2%
      • 2020-21, 1%
      • 2021-22, 2%
      • 2022-23, 2%
    • Touchless Person-to-Person
      • 2020-21, 3%
      • 2021-22, 3%
      • 2022-23, 2%
  • Apply
    • In-person
      • 2017-18, 49%
      • 2019-20, 53%
      • 2020-21, 22%
      • 2021-22, 25%
      • 2022-23, 29%, significantly higher than previous wave
    • Self-Service Only
      • 2017-18, 29%
      • 2019-20, 29%
      • 2020-21, 51%
      • 2021-22, 46%
      • 2022-23, 41%
    • Assisted Self-Service
      • 2017-18, 7%
      • 2019-20, 5%
      • 2020-21, 9%
      • 2021-22, 12%
      • 2022-23, 13%
    • Auto-Enroll Only
      • 2017-18, 0%
      • 2019-20, 4%
      • 2020-21, 6%
      • 2021-22, 6%
      • 2022-23, 5%
    • Mail Only
      • 2017-18, 4%
      • 2019-20, 3%
      • 2020-21, 5%
      • 2021-22, 4%
      • 2022-23, 5%
    • Touchless Person-to-Person
      • 2020-21, 3%
      • 2021-22, 3%
      • 2022-23, 3%
  • Follow-up
    • In-person
      • 2017-18, 41%
      • 2019-20, 40%
      • 2020-21, 13%
      • 2021-22, 19%
      • 2022-23, 20%
    • Self-Service Only
      • 2017-18, 10%
      • 2019-20, 11%
      • 2020-21, 14%
      • 2021-22, 13%
      • 2022-23, 15%
    • Assisted Self-Service
      • 2017-18, 15%
      • 2019-20, 24%
      • 2020-21, 26%
      • 2021-22, 30%
      • 2022-23, 29%
    • Auto-Enroll Only
      • 2017-18, 0%
      • 2019-20, 0%
      • 2020-21, 1%
      • 2021-22, 0%
      • 2022-23, 0%
    • Mail Only
      • 2017-18, 1%
      • 2019-20, 2%
      • 2020-21, 3%
      • 2021-22, 2%
      • 2022-23, 1%
    • Touchless Person-to-Person
      • 2020-21, 3%
      • 2021-22, 1%
      • 2022-23, 0%
  • Proportion who completed the client journey using only self-service (without assistance by phone or in-person): 25% of all clients
  • Proportion who used high-touch service (in-person and may have used other channels) at some point in the client journey: 39% of al clients

Percentages may not add to 100% due to rounding and not all clients choose to follow-up.

It should be noted that there was missing data for contact by auto-enrolled clients in the baseline survey

Note: In 2018-19 the channel use question was asked once at the beginning of the survey and pertaining to the apply stage. Caution should be used in making comparisons between years at the apply stage.

Base: Total aware; Total apply; Total follow-up

Service Levels by Stage in the Client Journey: EI

Service Levels by Stage in the Client Journey: EI
Figure long description

Service Levels by Stage in the Client Journey: EI

  • Aware
    • In-person
      • 2017-18, 35%
      • 2019-20, 34%
      • 2020-21, 10%
      • 2021-22, 11%
      • 2022-23, 16%, significantly higher than previous wave
    • Self-service Only
      • 2017-18, 46%
      • 2019-20, 52%
      • 2020-21, 44%
      • 2021-22, 45%
      • 2022-23, 44%
    • Assisted Self-service
      • 2017-18, 9%
      • 2019-20, 7%
      • 2020-21, 12%
      • 2021-22, 11%
      • 2022-23, 14%, significantly higher than previous wave
    • Mail Only
      • 2017-18, 1%
      • 2019-20, 1%
      • 2020-21, 1%
      • 2021-22, 0%
      • 2022-23, 1%
    • Touchless Person-to-person
      • 2020-21, 4%
      • 2021-22, 3%
      • 2022-23, 3%
  • Apply
    • In-person
      • 2017-18, 34%
      • 2019-20, 43%
      • 2020-21, 6%
      • 2021-22, 8%
      • 2022-23, 12%, significantly higher than previous wave
    • Self-service Only
      • 2017-18, 52%
      • 2019-20, 47%
      • 2020-21, 74%
      • 2021-22, 67%
      • 2022-23, 60%, significnatly lower than previous wave
    • Assisted Self-service
      • 2017-18, 12%
      • 2019-20, 8%
      • 2020-21, 13%
      • 2021-22, 17%
      • 2022-23, 21%, significantly higher than previous wave
    • Mail Only
      • 2017-18, 0%
      • 2019-20, 0%
      • 2020-21, 0%
      • 2021-22, 0%
      • 2022-23, 0%
    • Touchless Person-to-person
      • 2020-21, 4%
      • 2021-22, 5%
      • 2022-23, 4%
  • Follow-up
    • In-person
      • 2017-18, 35%
      • 2019-20, 40%
      • 2020-21, 11%
      • 2021-22, 17%
      • 2022-23, 19%
    • Self-service Only
      • 2017-18, 13%
      • 2019-20, 10%
      • 2020-21, 17%
      • 2021-22, 13%
      • 2022-23, 14%
    • Assisted Self-service
      • 2017-18, 19%
      • 2019-20, 28%
      • 2020-21, 30%
      • 2021-22, 35%
      • 2022-23, 34%
    • Mail Only
      • 2017-18, 0%
      • 2019-20, 1%
      • 2020-21, 1%
      • 2021-22, 1%
      • 2022-23, 1%
    • Touchless Person-to-person
      • 2020-21, 3%
      • 2021-22, 0%
      • 2022-23, 0%
  • Proportion who completed the client journey using only self-service (without assistance by phone or in-person): 36% of EI clients
  • Proportion who used high-touch service (in-person and may have used other channels) at some point in the client journey: 25% of EI clients

Percentages may not add to 100% due to rounding and not all clients choose to follow-up.

Note: In 2018-19 the channel use question was asked once at the beginning of the survey and pertaining to the apply stage. Caution should be used in making comparisons between years at the apply stage.

Base: Total aware; Total apply; Total follow-up (EI clients)

Service Levels by Stage in the Client Journey: CPP

Service Levels by Stage in the Client Journey: CPP
Figure long description

Service Levels by Stage in the Client Journey: CPP

  • Aware
    • In-person
      • 2017-18, 46%
      • 2019-20, 28%
      • 2020-21, 12%
      • 2021-22, 16%
      • 2022-23, 18%
    • Self-service Only
      • 2017-18, 27%
      • 2019-20, 50%
      • 2020-21, 39%
      • 2021-22, 39%
      • 2022-23, 40%
    • Assisted Self-service
      • 2017-18, 11%
      • 2019-20, 12%
      • 2020-21, 7%
      • 2021-22, 9%
      • 2022-23, 9%
    • Mail Only
      • 2017-18, 6%
      • 2019-20, 6%
      • 2020-21, 5%
      • 2021-22, 8%
      • 2022-23, 7%
    • Touchless Person-to-person
      • 2020-21, 2%
      • 2021-22, 1%
      • 2022-23, 1%
  • Apply
    • In-person
      • 2017-18, 51%
      • 2019-20, 38%
      • 2020-21, 14%
      • 2021-22, 19%
      • 2022-23, 22%
    • Self-service Only
      • 2017-18, 19%
      • 2019-20, 38%
      • 2020-21, 40%
      • 2021-22, 40%
      • 2022-23, 38%
    • Assisted Self-service
      • 2017-18, 6%
      • 2019-20, 9%
      • 2020-21, 13%
      • 2021-22, 10%
      • 2022-23, 11%
    • Mail Only
      • 2017-18, 16%
      • 2019-20, 10%
      • 2020-21, 19%
      • 2021-22, 16%
      • 2022-23, 18%
    • Touchless Person-to-person
      • 2020-21, 3%
      • 2021-22, 2%
      • 2022-23, 1%
  • Follow-up
    • In-person
      • 2017-18, 46%
      • 2019-20, 38%
      • 2020-21, 10%
      • 2021-22, 19%
      • 2022-23, 20%
    • Self-service Only
      • 2017-18, 8%
      • 2019-20, 15%
      • 2020-21, 22%
      • 2021-22, 19%
      • 2022-23, 22%
    • Assisted Self-service
      • 2017-18, 8%
      • 2019-20, 16%
      • 2020-21, 17%
      • 2021-22, 18%
      • 2022-23, 20%
    • Mail Only
      • 2017-18, 6%
      • 2019-20, 4%
      • 2020-21, 3%
      • 2021-22, 4%
      • 2022-23, 6%
    • Touchless Person-to-person
      • 2020-21, 0%
      • 2021-22, 1%
      • 2022-23,0 %
  • Proportion who completed the client journey using only self-service (without assistance by phone or in-person): 30% of CPP clients
  • Proportion who used high-touch service (in-person and may have used other channels) at some point in the client journey: 29% of CPP clients

Percentages may not add to 100% due to rounding and not all clients choose to follow-up.

Note: In 2018-19 the channel use question was asked once at the beginning of the survey and pertaining to the apply stage. Caution should be used in making comparisons between years at the apply stage.

Base: Total aware; Total apply; Total follow-up (CPP clients)

Service Levels by Stage in the Client Journey: CPP-D

Service Levels by Stage in the Client Journey: CPP-D
Figure long description

Service Levels by Stage in the Client Journey: CPP-D

  • Aware
    • In-person
      • 2017-18, 31%
      • 2019-20, 29%
      • 2020-21, 10%
      • 2021-22, 12%
      • 2022-23, 17%, significnatly higher than previous wave
    • Self-service Only
      • 2017-18, 28%
      • 2019-20, 33%
      • 2020-21, 28%
      • 2021-22, 23%
      • 2022-23, 28%
    • Assisted Self-service
      • 2017-18, 14%
      • 2019-20, 10%
      • 2020-21, 9%
      • 2021-22, 11%
      • 2022-23, 10%
    • Mail Only
      • 2017-18, 5%
      • 2019-20, 5%
      • 2020-21, 5%
      • 2021-22, 9%
      • 2022-23, 7%
    • Touchless Person-to-person
      • 2020-21, 5%
      • 2021-22, 2%
      • 2022-23, 2%
  • Apply
    • In-person
      • 2017-18, 36%
      • 2019-20, 38%
      • 2020-21, 8%
      • 2021-22, 11%
      • 2022-23, 17%
    • Self-service Only
      • 2017-18, 11%
      • 2019-20, 15%
      • 2020-21, 16%
      • 2021-22, 14%
      • 2022-23, 15%
    • Assisted Self-service
      • 2017-18, 9%
      • 2019-20, 5%
      • 2020-21, 10%
      • 2021-22, 13%
      • 2022-23, 14%
    • Mail Only
      • 2017-18, 28%
      • 2019-20, 28%
      • 2020-21, 44%
      • 2021-22, 41%
      • 2022-23, 34%, significantly lower than previous wave
    • Touchless Person-to-person
      • 2020-21, 2%
      • 2021-22, 2%
      • 2022-23, 1%
  • Follow-up
    • In-person
      • 2017-18, 26%
      • 2019-20, 27%
      • 2020-21, 13%
      • 2021-22, 12%
      • 2022-23, 16%
    • Self-service Only
      • 2017-18, 3%
      • 2019-20, 3%
      • 2020-21, 6%
      • 2021-22, 7%
      • 2022-23, 13%, significnatly higher than previous wave
    • Assisted Self-service
      • 2017-18, 10%
      • 2019-20, 18%
      • 2020-21, 21%
      • 2021-22, 19%
      • 2022-23, 22%
    • Mail Only
      • 2017-18, 8%
      • 2019-20, 9%
      • 2020-21, 6%
      • 2021-22, 5%
      • 2022-23, 4%
    • Touchless Person-to-person
      • 2020-21, 1%
      • 2021-22, 0%
      • 2022-23, 0%
  • Proportion who completed the client journey using only self-service (without assistance by phone or in-person): 7% of CPP-D clients
  • Proportion who used high-touch service (in-person and may have used other channels) at some point in the client journey: 27% of CPP-D clients

Percentages may not add to 100% due to rounding and not all clients choose to follow-up.

Note: In 2018-19 the channel use question was asked once at the beginning of the survey and pertaining to the apply stage. Caution should be used in making comparisons between years at the apply stage.

Base: Total aware; Total apply; Total follow-up (CPP-D clients)

Service Levels by Stage in the Client Journey: SIN

Service Levels by Stage in the Client Journey: SIN
Figure long description

Service Levels by Stage in the Client Journey: SIN

  • Aware
    • In-person
      • 2020-21, 38%
      • 2021-22, 38%
      • 2022-23, 45%, significantly higher than previous wave
    • Self-service Only
      • 2020-21, 31%
      • 2021-22, 31%
      • 2022-23, 26%, significnatly lower than previous wave
    • Assisted Self-service
      • 2020-21, 3%
      • 2021-22, 2%
      • 2022-23, 3%
    • Mail Only
      • 2020-21, 1%
      • 2021-22, 0%
      • 2022-23, 2%, significnatly higher than previous wave
    • Touchless Person-to-person
      • 2020-21, 2%
      • 2021-22, 2%
      • 2022-23, 1%
  • Apply
    • In-person
      • 2020-21, 55%
      • 2021-22, 61%
      • 2022-23, 68%, significantly higher than previous wave
    • Self-service Only
      • 2020-21, 33%
      • 2021-22, 29%
      • 2022-23, 22%, significnatly lower than previous wave
    • Assisted Self-service
      • 2020-21, 5%
      • 2021-22, 6%
      • 2022-23, 3%, significantly lower than previous wave
    • Mail Only
      • 2020-21, 1%
      • 2021-22, 1%
      • 2022-23, 2%, significantly higher than previous wave
    • Touchless Person-to-person
      • 2020-21, 2%
      • 2021-22, 1%
      • 2022-23, 1%
  • Follow-up
    • In-person
      • 2020-21, 32%
      • 2021-22, 36%
      • 2022-23, 32%
    • Self-service Only
      • 2020-21, 4%
      • 2021-22, 10%
      • 2022-23, 15%
    • Assisted Self-service
      • 2020-21, 19%
      • 2021-22, 14%
      • 2022-23, 13%
    • Mail Only
      • 2020-21, 6%
      • 2021-22, 4%
      • 2022-23, 2%
    • Touchless Person-to-person
      • 2020-21, 2%
      • 2021-22, 3%
      • 2022-23, 0%
  • Proportion who completed the client journey using only self-service (without assistance by phone or in-person): 14% of SIN clients
  • Proportion who used high-touch service (in-person and may have used other channels) at some point in the client journey: 75% of SIN clients

Percentages may not add to 100% due to rounding and not all clients choose to follow-up.

Note: Service levels were not reported for SIN clients in previous years due to differences in service delivery.

Base: Total aware; Total apply; Total follow-up (SIN clients)

Service Levels by Stage in the Client Journey: OAS/GIS

Service Levels by Stage in the Client Journey: OAS/GIS
Figure long description

Service Levels by Stage in the Client Journey: OAS/GIS

  • Aware
    • In-person
      • 2017-18, 19%
      • 2019-20, 12%
      • 2020-21, 9%
      • 2021-22, 6%
      • 2022-23, 6%
    • Self-service Only
      • 2017-18, 19%
      • 2019-20, 23%
      • 2020-21, 13%
      • 2021-22, 15%
      • 2022-23, 16%
    • Assisted Self-service
      • 2017-18, 6%
      • 2019-20, 6%
      • 2020-21, 3%
      • 2021-22, 3%
      • 2022-23, 5%
    • Auto-enroll Only
      • 2019-20, 51%
      • 2020-21, 53%
      • 2021-22, 58%
      • 2022-23, 50%, significnatly lower than previous wave
    • Mail Only
      • 2017-18, 7%
      • 2019-20, 6%
      • 2020-21, 4%
      • 2021-22, 3%
      • 2022-23, 6%
    • Touchless Person-to-person
      • 2020-21, 1%
      • 2021-22, 1%
      • 2022-23, 2%
  • Apply
    • In-person
      • 2017-18, 12%
      • 2019-20, 16%
      • 2020-21, 10%
      • 2021-22, 8%
      • 2022-23, 10%
    • Self-service Only
      • 2017-18, 3%
      • 2019-20, 8%
      • 2020-21, 13%
      • 2021-22, 12%
      • 2022-23, 13%
    • Assisted Self-service
      • 2017-18, 1%
      • 2019-20, 2%
      • 2020-21, 2%
      • 2021-22, 5%
      • 2022-23,5 %
    • Auto-enroll Only
      • 2019-20, 38%
      • 2020-21, 53%
      • 2021-22, 58%
      • 2022-23, 50%, significnatly lower than previous wave
    • Mail Only
      • 2017-18, 9%
      • 2019-20, 10%
      • 2020-21, 15%
      • 2021-22, 11%
      • 2022-23, 16%, significantly higher than previous wave
    • Touchless Person-to-person
      • 2020-21, 6%
      • 2021-22, 1%
      • 2022-23, 1%
  • Follow-up
    • In-person
      • 2017-18, 45%
      • 2019-20, 39%
      • 2020-21, 9%
      • 2021-22, 18%
      • 2022-23, 19%
    • Self-service Only
      • 2017-18, 2%
      • 2019-20, 18%
      • 2020-21, 9%
      • 2021-22, 18%
      • 2022-23, 17%
    • Assisted Self-service
      • 2017-18, 4%
      • 2019-20, 11%
      • 2020-21, 22%
      • 2021-22, 19%
      • 2022-23, 16%
    • Auto-enroll Only
      • 2019-20, 3%
      • 2020-21, 8%
      • 2021-22, 3%
      • 2022-23, 3%
    • Mail Only
      • 2017-18, 4%
      • 2019-20, 7%
      • 2020-21, 7%
      • 2021-22, 7%
      • 2022-23, 3%
    • Touchless Person-to-person
      • 2020-21, 0%
      • 2021-22, 0%
      • 2022-23, 0%
  • Proportion who completed the client journey using only self-service (without assistance by phone or in-person): 8% of OAS/GIS clients
  • Proportion who used high-touch service (in-person and may have used other channels) at some point in the client journey: 15% of OAS/GIS clients

Percentages may not add to 100% due to rounding and not all clients choose to follow-up.

It should be noted that there was missing data for contact by auto-enrolled clients in the baseline survey

Note: In 2018-19 the channel use question was asked once at the beginning of the survey and pertaining to the apply stage. Caution should be used in making comparisons between years at the apply stage.

Base: Total aware; Total apply; Total follow-up (OAS/GIS clients)

Proactive Communication with CPP-D Clients (Reported)

Contact with Service Canada Prior to Decision
Figure long description

Contact with Service Canada Prior to Decision,

  • A service Canada representative call to discuss your application status and the next
    • 2022-23
      • Yes, 60%
      • No, 37%
      • Don’t know, 3%
    • % Yes
      • 2022-23, n=752, 60%, significantly higher than previous wave
      • 2021-22, n=861, 53%
      • 2020-21, n=692, 47%
      • 2019-20, n=417, 54%
Satisfaction among clients who were contacted by Service Canada
Figure long description

Satisfaction among clients who were contacted by Service Canada

  • A service Canada representative called to discuss your application status and the next steps
    • Contacted
      • 2022-23, 64%, significantly lower than previous wave
      • 2021-22, 70%
      • 2020-21, 72%
      • 2019-20, 60%
    • Not contacted
      • 2022-23, 49%
      • 2021-22, 49%
      • 2020-21, 54%
      • 2019-20, 46%

Q20bx. Before you received a decision about your application to [PROGRAM ABBREV], did …

Base: CPP-D Clients (n=752)

Proactive Communication with EI Clients (Reported)

Contact with Service Canada prior to decision
Figure long description

Contact with Service Canada prior to decision

  • A Service Canada representative contact you about you application status by email, letter or telephone call
    • 2021-22
      • Yes, 33%, significnatly higher than previous wave
      • No, 64%
      • Don’t know, 3%
    • % Yes
      • 2022-23, 33%, significantly higher than previous wave
      • 2021-22, 28%
      • 2020-21, 27%
Satisfaction among clients who were contacted by Service Canada, A Service Canada representative contact you about your application status by email, letter or telephon call
Figure long description

Satisfaction among clients who were contacted by Service Canada, A Service Canada representative contact you about your application status by email, letter or telephon call (EI clients n=987)

  • Contacted
    • 2022-23, 77%
    • 2021-22, 73%
    • 2020-21, 84%
  • Not Contacted
    • 2022-23, 78%
    • 2021-22, 77%
    • 2020-21, 83%

Q20bx. Before you received a decision about your application to [PROGRAM ABBREV], did …

Base: EI Clients (n=1035)

Channel Use By Stage And Program

Channel Use: Overall

Overall Channel Use – Trending
Figure long description

Overall Channel Use – Trending

  • In-person
    • 2017-18, 59%
    • 2019-20, 62%
    • 2020-21, 30%
    • 2021-22, 33%
    • 2022-23, 39%, significantly higher than previous wave
  • Online
    • 2017-18, 66%
    • 2019-20, 60%
    • 2020-21, 78%
    • 2021-22, 77%
    • 2022-23, 76%
  • Telephone
    • 2017-18, 29%
    • 2019-20, 32%
    • 2020-21, 30%
    • 2021-22, 31%
    • 2022-23, 35%, significantly higher than previous wave
  • Mail
    • 2017-18, 18%
    • 2019-20, 17%
    • 2020-21, 19%
    • 2021-22, 21%
    • 2022-23, 22%
  • eServiceCanada
    • 2020-21, 13%
    • 2021-22, 13%
    • 2022-23, 12%

Q1a. Which of the following did you use to find out about [PROGRAM] or [PROGRAM ABBREV] before you applied? Did you …

Q9bx Thinking back to when you actually applied for [IF NOT SIN INSERT [PROGRAM ABBREV] benefits], [IF SIN INSERT: a SIN number], which of the following methods did you use when completing and submitting your application? Did you ...

Q18. How did you contact the government before you were notified of a decision on your [PROGRAM ABBREV] application? Was it ...

Base: All respondents (n=4200)

Channel Use by Stage: Overall

Channel Use by Stage: Overall
Figure long description
  • Aware
    • In-person
      • 2017-18, 37%
      • 2019-20, 47%
      • 2020-21, 24%
      • 2021-22, 26%
      • 2022-23, 30%, significnatly higher than previous wave
    • Online
      • 2017-18, 54%
      • 2019-20, 58%
      • 2020-21, 75%
      • 2021-22, 76%
      • 2022-23, 74%
    • Telephone
      • 2017-18, 21%
      • 2019-20, 15%
      • 2020-21, 16%
      • 2021-22, 15%
      • 2022-23, 18%, significnatly higher than previous wave
    • Mail
      • 2017-18, 13%
      • 2019-20, 10%
      • 2020-21, 14%
      • 2021-22, 16%
      • 2022-23, 15%
    • eServiceCanada
      • 2020-21, 6%
      • 2021-22, 7%
      • 2022-23, 5%
  • Apply
    • In-person
      • 2017-18, 37%
      • 2019-20, 59%
      • 2020-21, 24%
      • 2021-22, 27%
      • 2022-23, 67%, significantly higher than previous wave
    • Online
      • 2017-18, 72%
      • 2019-20, 48%
      • 2020-21, 72%
      • 2021-22, 72%
      • 2022-23, 31%, significantly lower than previous wave
    • Telephone
      • 2017-18, 21%
      • 2019-20, 13%
      • 2020-21, 13%
      • 2021-22, 14%
      • 2022-23, 17%
    • Mail
      • 2017-18, 14%
      • 2019-20, 10%
      • 2020-21, 11%
      • 2021-22, 12%
      • 2022-23, 13%
    • eServiceCanada
      • 2020-21, 5%
      • 2021-22, 5%
      • 2022-23, 4%
  • Follow-up
    • In-person
      • 2017-18, 36%
      • 2019-20, 30%
      • 2020-21, 13%
      • 2021-22, 19%
      • 2022-23, 20%
    • Online
      • 2017-18, 48%
      • 2019-20, 56%
      • 2020-21, 51%
      • 2021-22, 56%
      • 2022-23, 57%
    • Telephone
      • 2017-18, 68%
      • 2019-20, 68%
      • 2020-21, 70%
      • 2021-22, 73%
      • 2022-23, 71%
    • Mail
      • 2017-18, 10%
      • 2019-20, 15%
      • 2020-21, 15%
      • 2021-22, 11%
      • 2022-23, 11%
    • eServiceCanada
      • 2020-21, 24%
      • 2021-22, 21%
      • 2022-23, 19%

Q1a. Which of the following did you use to find out about [PROGRAM] or [PROGRAM ABBREV] before you applied? Did you …

Q9bx Thinking back to when you actually applied for [IF NOT SIN INSERT [PROGRAM ABBREV] benefits], [IF SIN INSERT: a SIN number], which of the following methods did you use when completing and submitting your application? Did you ...

Q18. How did you contact the government before you were notified of a decision on your [PROGRAM ABBREV] application? Was it ...

Base: All respondents (n=varies)

Channel Use at Aware Stage: by Program

Channel Use at Aware Stage: by Program
Figure long description

Channel Use at Aware Stage: by Program

  • Total
    • In-person
      • 2017-18, 37%
      • 2019-20, 47%
      • 2020-21, 24%
      • 2021-22, 26%
      • 2022-23, 30%
    • Online
      • 2017-18, 54%
      • 2019-20, 58%
      • 2020-21, 75%
      • 2021-22, 76%
      • 2022-23, 74%
    • Telephone
      • 2017-18, 21%
      • 2019-20, 15%
      • 2020-21, 16%
      • 2021-22, 15%
      • 2022-23, 18%
    • Mail
      • 2017-18, 13%
      • 2019-20, 10%
      • 2020-21, 14%
      • 2021-22, 16%
      • 2022-23, 15%
    • eServiceCanada
      • 2020-21, 6%
      • 2021-22, 7%
      • 2022-23, 5%
  • EI
    • In-person
      • 2017-18, 35%
      • 2019-20, 42%
      • 2020-21, 14%
      • 2021-22, 14%
      • 2022-23, 19%
    • Online
      • 2017-18, 60%
      • 2019-20, 71%
      • 2020-21, 83%
      • 2021-22, 85%
      • 2022-23, 86%
    • Telephone
      • 2017-18, 19%
      • 2019-20, 20%
      • 2020-21, 20%
      • 2021-22, 19%
      • 2022-23, 23%
    • Mail
      • 2017-18, 8%
      • 2019-20, 8%
      • 2020-21, 8%
      • 2021-22, 11%
      • 2022-23, 10%
    • eServiceCanada
      • 2020-21, 7%
      • 2021-22, 6%
      • 2022-23, 5%
  • CPP
    • In-person
      • 2017-18, 46%
      • 2019-20, 33%
      • 2020-21, 15%
      • 2021-22, 19%
      • 2022-23, 20%
    • Online
      • 2017-18, 41%
      • 2019-20, 63%
      • 2020-21, 66%
      • 2021-22, 67%
      • 2022-23, 69%
    • Telephone
      • 2017-18, 24%
      • 2019-20, 12%
      • 2020-21, 19%
      • 2021-22, 17%
      • 2022-23, 19%
    • Mail
      • 2017-18, 26%
      • 2019-20, 21%
      • 2020-21, 24%
      • 2021-22, 29%
      • 2022-23, 27%
    • eServiceCanada
      • 2020-21, 5%
      • 2021-22, 4%
      • 2022-23, 4%
  • CPP-D
    • In-person
      • 2017-18, 32%
      • 2019-20, 34%
      • 2020-21, 12%
      • 2021-22, 15%
      • 2022-23, 19%
    • Online
      • 2017-18, 38%
      • 2019-20, 44%
      • 2020-21, 50%
      • 2021-22, 53%
      • 2022-23, 68%
    • Telephone
      • 2017-18, 28%
      • 2019-20, 18%
      • 2020-21, 18%
      • 2021-22, 23%
      • 2022-23, 26%
    • Mail
      • 2017-18, 30%
      • 2019-20, 21%
      • 2020-21, 28%
      • 2021-22, 32%
      • 2022-23, 40%
    • eServiceCanada
      • 2020-21, 5%
      • 2021-22, 6%
      • 2022-23, 9%
  • SIN
    • In-person
      • 2017-18, 62%
      • 2019-20, 64%
      • 2020-21, 48%
      • 2021-22, 48%,
      • 2022-23, 53%
    • Online
      • 2017-18, 36%
      • 2019-20, 37%
      • 2020-21, 72%
      • 2021-22, 68%
      • 2022-23, 60%
    • Telephone
      • 2017-18, 12%
      • 2019-20, 6%
      • 2020-21, 8%
      • 2021-22, 6%
      • 2022-23, 7%
    • Mail
      • 2017-18, 10%
      • 2019-20, 5%
      • 2020-21, 15%
      • 2021-22, 16%
      • 2022-23, 15%
    • eServiceCanada
      • 2020-21, 7%
      • 2021-22, 9%
      • 2022-23, 6%
    • In-person
      • 2017-18, 34%
      • 2019-20, 28%
      • 2020-21, 23%
      • 2021-22, 18%
      • 2022-23, 14%
    • Online
      • 2017-18, 33%
      • 2019-20, 46%
      • 2020-21, 54%
      • 2021-22, 64%
      • 2022-23, 61%
    • Telephone
      • 2017-18, 21%
      • 2019-20, 22%
      • 2020-21, 20%
      • 2021-22, 15%
      • 2022-23, 22%
    • Mail
      • 2017-18, 25%
      • 2019-20, 34%
      • 2020-21, 32%
      • 2021-22, 29%
      • 2022-23, 35%
    • eServiceCanada
      • 2020-21, 4%
      • 2021-22, 4%
      • 2022-23, 6%

Q1a. Which of the following did you use to find out about or before you applied? Did you …

Base: All answering (n=varies)

Channel Use at Apply Stage: by Program

Channel Use at Apply Stage: by Program
Figure long description

Channel Use at Apply Stage: by Program

  • Total
    • In-person
      • 2017-18, 37%
      • 2019-20, 59%
      • 2020-21, 24%
      • 2021-22, 27%
      • 2022-23, 31%, significantly higher than previous wave
    • Online
      • 2017-18, 72%
      • 2019-20, 48%
      • 2020-21, 72%
      • 2021-22, 72%
      • 2022-23, 67%, significantly lower than previous wave
    • Telephone
      • 2017-18, 21%
      • 2019-20, 13%
      • 2020-21, 13%
      • 2021-22, 14%
      • 2022-23, 17%
    • Mail
      • 2017-18, 14%
      • 2019-20, 10%
      • 2020-21, 11%
      • 2021-22, 12%
      • 2022-23, 13%
    • eServiceCanada
      • 2020-21, 5%
      • 2021-22, 5%
      • 2022-23, 4%
  • EI
    • In-person
      • 2017-18, 35%
      • 2019-20, 44%
      • 2020-21, 7%
      • 2021-22, 8%
      • 2022-23, 12%, significantly lower than total, significantly higher than previous wave
    • Online
      • 2017-18, 87%
      • 2019-20, 69%
      • 2020-21, 94%
      • 2021-22, 94%
      • 2022-23, 91%t, significantly higher than total
    • Telephone
      • 2017-18, 22%
      • 2019-20, 15%
      • 2020-21, 16%
      • 2021-22, 19%
      • 2022-23, 23%, significantly higher than total
    • Mail
      • 2017-18, 6%
      • 2019-20, 3%
      • 2020-21, 3%
      • 2021-22, 5%
      • 2022-23, 4%, significantly lower than total
    • eServiceCanada
      • 2020-21, 5%
      • 2021-22, 6%
      • 2022-23, 5%
  • CPP
    • In-person
      • 2017-18, 51%
      • 2019-20, 39%
      • 2020-21, 15%
      • 2021-22, 20%
      • 2022-23, 22%, significantly lower than total
    • Online
      • 2017-18, 30%
      • 2019-20, 53%
      • 2020-21, 59%
      • 2021-22, 55%
      • 2022-23, 53%, significnatly lower than total
    • Telephone
      • 2017-18, 19%
      • 2019-20, 16%
      • 2020-21, 17%
      • 2021-22, 16%
      • 2022-23, 16%
    • Mail
      • 2017-18, 36%
      • 2019-20, 25%
      • 2020-21, 35%
      • 2021-22, 33%
      • 2022-23, 35%, significnatly higher than total
    • eServiceCanada
      • 2020-21, 5%
      • 2021-22, 4%
      • 2022-23, 3%
  • CPP-D
    • In-person
      • 2017-18, 36%
      • 2019-20, 42%
      • 2020-21, 9%
      • 2021-22, 11%
      • 2022-23, 17%, significantly lower than total, significantly higher than previous wave
    • Online
      • 2017-18, 23%
      • 2019-20, 29%
      • 2020-21, 28%
      • 2021-22, 29%
      • 2022-23, 33%, significantly lower than total
    • Telephone
      • 2017-18, 21%
      • 2019-20, 23%
      • 2020-21, 17%
      • 2021-22, 21%
      • 2022-23, 26%, significnatly higher than total
    • Mail
      • 2017-18, 60%
      • 2019-20, 59%
      • 2020-21, 68%
      • 2021-22, 67%
      • 2022-23, 64%, significantly higher than total
    • eServiceCanada
      • 2020-21, 3%
      • 2021-22, 3%
      • 2022-23, 5%
  • SIN
    • In-person
      • 2017-18, 87%
      • 2019-20, 94%
      • 2020-21, 56%
      • 2021-22, 62%
      • 2022-23, 69%, significantly higher than total, significantly higher than previous wave
    • Online
      • 2017-18, 18%
      • 2019-20, 13%
      • 2020-21, 50%
      • 2021-22, 47%
      • 2022-23, 38%, significantly lower than total, significantly lower than previous wave
    • Telephone
      • 2017-18, 11%
      • 2019-20, 7%
      • 2020-21, 7%
      • 2021-22, 6%
      • 2022-23, 6%, significnatly lower than total
    • Mail
      • 2017-18, 9%
      • 2019-20, 7%
      • 2020-21, 7%
      • 2021-22, 8%
      • 2022-23, 11%
    • eServiceCanada
      • 2020-21, 6%
      • 2021-22, 6%
      • 2022-23, 3%, significantly lower than previous wave
    • In-person
      • 2017-18, 41%
      • 2019-20, 43%
      • 2020-21, 21%
      • 2021-22, 20%
      • 2022-23, 20%, significantly lower than total
    • Online
      • 2017-18, 15%
      • 2019-20, 28%
      • 2020-21, 35%
      • 2021-22, 46%
      • 2022-23, 40%, significantly lower than total
    • Telephone
      • 2017-18, 17%
      • 2019-20, 16%
      • 2020-21, 9%
      • 2021-22, 15%
      • 2022-23, 14%
    • Mail
      • 2017-18, 46%
      • 2019-20, 40%
      • 2020-21, 45%
      • 2021-22, 43%
      • 2022-23, 52%
    • eServiceCanada
      • 2020-21, 2%
      • 2021-22, 2%
      • 2022-23, 5%

Q9bx Thinking back to when you actually applied for [IF NOT SIN INSERT [INSERT ABBREV] benefits], [IF SIN INSERT: a SIN number], which of the following methods did you use when completing and submitting your application? Did you ...

Base: All respondents (n=varies)

In-Person Application Completion

In-person Application Completion
Figure long description

In-person Application Completion

  • At the counter
    • TOTAL, 53%
    • EI, 45%
    • CPP, 67%, significnatly higher than a total
    • CPP-D, 46%, significantly lower than total
    • OAS/GIS, 76%, significnatly higher than total
  • At a computer
    • TOTAL, 29%
    • EI, 42%, significantly higher than total
    • CPP, 7%, significantly lower than total
    • CPP-D, 4%, significantly lower than total
    • OAS/GIS, 4%, significantly lower than total
  • DK
    • TOTAL, 18%
    • EI, 13%
    • CPP, 26%, significnatly higher than total
    • CPP-D, 49%, significantly higher than total
    • OAS/GIS, 20%

Q9dx. You indicated you went into a government office. Did you complete your application …?

Base: Completed an application in a government office (n=548)

Channel Use at Follow-Up Stage: by Program

Channel Use at Follow-Up Stage: by Program
Figure long description

Channel Use at Follow-Up Stage: by Program

  • Total
    • In-person
      • 2017-18, 36%
      • 2019-20, 30%
      • 2020-21, 13%
      • 2021-22, 19%
      • 2022-23, 20%
    • Online
      • 2017-18, 48%
      • 2019-20, 56%
      • 2020-21, 51%
      • 2021-22, 56%
      • 2022-23, 57%
    • Telephone
      • 2017-18, 68%
      • 2019-20, 68%
      • 2020-21, 70%
      • 2021-22, 73%
      • 2022-23, 71%
    • Mail
      • 2017-18, 10%
      • 2019-20, 15%
      • 2020-21, 15%
      • 2021-22, 11%
      • 2022-23, 11%
    • eServiceCanada
      • 2020-21, 24%
      • 2021-22, 21%
      • 2022-23, 19%
  • EI
    • In-person
      • 2017-18, 35%
      • 2019-20, 40%
      • 2020-21, 11%
      • 2021-22, 17%
      • 2022-23, 19%
    • Online
      • 2017-18, 52%
      • 2019-20, 62%
      • 2020-21, 56%
      • 2021-22, 59%
      • 2022-23, 61%
    • Telephone
      • 2017-18, 61%
      • 2019-20, 75%
      • 2020-21, 71%
      • 2021-22, 79%
      • 2022-23, 77%
    • Mail
      • 2017-18, 7%
      • 2019-20, 11%
      • 2020-21, 9%
      • 2021-22, 6%
      • 2022-23, 6%, significnatly lower than total
    • eServiceCanada
      • 2020-21, 25%
      • 2021-22, 21%
      • 2022-23, 20%
  • CPP
    • In-person
      • 2017-18, 46%
      • 2019-20, 38%
      • 2020-21, 10%
      • 2021-22, 19%
      • 2022-23, 20%
    • Online
      • 2017-18, 30%
      • 2019-20, 43%
      • 2020-21, 46%
      • 2021-22, 49%
      • 2022-23, 51%
    • Telephone
      • 2017-18, 56%
      • 2019-20, 53%
      • 2020-21, 62%
      • 2021-22, 58%
      • 2022-23, 53%, significantly lower than total
    • Mail
      • 2017-18, 20%
      • 2019-20, 28%
      • 2020-21, 20%
      • 2021-22, 20%
      • 2022-23, 24%, significantly higher than total
    • eServiceCanada
      • 2020-21, 17%
      • 2021-22, 17%
      • 2022-23, 15%
  • CPP-D
    • In-person
      • 2017-18, 26%
      • 2019-20, 27%
      • 2020-21, 13%
      • 2021-22, 12%
      • 2022-23, 16%, significantly lower than total
    • Online
      • 2017-18, 22%
      • 2019-20, 31%
      • 2020-21, 35%
      • 2021-22, 36%
      • 2022-23, 44%
    • Telephone
      • 2017-18, 68%
      • 2019-20, 76%
      • 2020-21, 73%
      • 2021-22, 76%
      • 2022-23, 73%
    • Mail
      • 2017-18, 32%
      • 2019-20, 24%
      • 2020-21, 21%
      • 2021-22, 23%
      • 2022-23, 20%, significantly higher than total
    • eServiceCanada
      • 2020-21, 22%
      • 2021-22, 19%
      • 2022-23, 18%
  • SIN
    • In-person
      • 2017-18, 70%
      • 2019-20, 56%
      • 2020-21, 32%
      • 2021-22, 36%
      • 2022-23, 32%, significnatly higher than total
    • Online
      • 2017-18, 42%
      • 2019-20, 45%
      • 2020-21, 47%
      • 2021-22, 53%
      • 2022-23, 48%
    • Telephone
      • 2017-18, 53%
      • 2019-20, 44%
      • 2020-21, 69%
      • 2021-22, 55%
      • 2022-23, 48%, significantly lower than total
    • Mail
      • 2017-18, 26%
      • 2019-20, 39%
      • 2020-21, 28%
      • 2021-22, 34%
      • 2022-23, 27%, significantly higher than total
    • eServiceCanada
      • 2020-21, 34%
      • 2021-22, 31%
      • 2022-23, 24%
    • In-person
      • 2017-18, 44%
      • 2019-20, 39%
      • 2020-21, 9%
      • 2021-22, 18%
      • 2022-23, 19%
    • Online
      • 2017-18, 18%
      • 2019-20, 40%
      • 2020-21, 35%
      • 2021-22, 46%
      • 2022-23, 45%, significnatly lower than toal
    • Telephone
      • 2017-18, 68%
      • 2019-20, 37%
      • 2020-21, 68%
      • 2021-22, 61%
      • 2022-23, 62%, significnatly lower than total
    • Mail
      • 2017-18, 17%
      • 2019-20, 24%
      • 2020-21, 26%
      • 2021-22, 20%
      • 2022-23, 22%, significantly higher than total
    • eServiceCanada
      • 2020-21, 12%
      • 2021-22, 17%
      • 2022-23, 16%

Q18. How did you contact the government before you were notified of a decision on your [INSERT ABBREV] application? Was it ...

Base: All respondents (n=varies)

Sequence Of Channel Use

Qualitative Highlights on Channel Preferences

Decisions related to which channel to use to complete the application process were determined by following several primary main factors:

I just prefer to do everything online. I work online, I bank online. Just everything is much easier. I wouldn’t want to spend time waiting in line in person anywhere, and the phones are very difficult to get through.
EI participant
I was hoping to do it online. But then I realized it wasn’t an immediate response, I wouldn’t get an immediate SIN number, so I decided to in person because it would take some time before I got the SIN number.
SIN participant
It was just because we had the paperwork from the doctor, the paperwork that my wife filled out. It was easier for us to fill it out manually as oppose to doing it online and stuff. It was just the old-school way of doing it. We can see it, we can look at it and see our mistakes and change stuff.
CPP-D participant
In person, sit down in person. It’s confidence. I’m very suspicious of things online or phone calls.
OAS/GIS participant

Multi-Channel Use: Online Channel Usage In-Depth

Multi-Channel Use: Online Channel Usage In-Depth
Figure long description


  • First Channel
    • Online
      • 2022-23, 58%
      • 2021-22, 56%
      • 2020-21, 57%
      • 2019-20, 42%
      • 2017-18, 43%
  • Second Channel
    • Online to phone
      • 2022-23, 14%, significnatly higher than previous wave
      • 2021-22, 11%
      • 2020-21, 12%
      • 2019-20, 12%
      • 2017-18, 14%
    • Online to In-person
      • 2022-23, 12%, significantly higher than previous wave
      • 2021-22, 8%
      • 2020-21, 10%
      • 2019-20, 19%
      • 2017-18, 18%
  • Third Channel
    • Phone to In-person
      • 2022-23, 14%%
      • 2021-22, 14%
      • 2020-21, 9%
      • 2019-20, 21%
      • 2017-18, 25%
    • In-person to Phone
      • 2022-23, 8%
      • 2021-22, 11%
      • 2020-21, 9%
      • 2019-20, 7%
      • 2017-18, 19%


  • First Channel
    • Online
      • 2022-23, 61%, significantly lower than previous wave
      • 2021-22, 66%
      • 2020-21, 68%
      • 2019-20, 41%
      • 2017-18, 44%
  • Second Channel
    • Online to phone
      • 2022-23, 17%, significnatly higher than previous wave
      • 2021-22, 13%
      • 2020-21, 11%
      • 2019-20, 12%
      • 2017-18, 13%
    • Online to In-person
      • 2022-23, 5%
      • 2021-22, 4%
      • 2020-21, 3%
      • 2019-20, 11%
      • 2017-18, 14%
  • Third Channel
    • Phone to In-person
      • 2022-23, 7%
      • 2021-22, 6%
      • 2020-21, 8%
      • 2019-20, 16%
      • 2017-18, 21%
    • In-person to Phone
      • 2022-23, 12%
      • 2021-22, 18%
      • 2020-21, 16%
      • 2019-20, 18%
      • 2017-18, 21%


  • First Channel
    • Online
    • 2022-23, 38%
    • 2021-22, 38%
    • 2020-21, 37%
    • 2019-20, 39%
    • 2017-18, 32%
  • Second Channel
    • Online to phone
      • 2022-23, 51%
      • 2021-22, 51%
      • 2020-21, 44%
      • 2019-20, 49%
      • 2017-18, 44%
    • Online to In-person
      • 2022-23, 4%
      • 2021-22, 4%
      • 2020-21, 4%
      • 2019-20, 15%
      • 2017-18, 14%
  • Third Channel
    • Phone to In-person
      • 2022-23, 12%
      • 2021-22, 11%
      • 2020-21, 12%
      • 2019-20, 18%
      • 2017-18, 18%
    • In-person to Phone
      • 2022-23, 21%
      • 2021-22, 15%
      • 2020-21, 18%
      • 2019-20, 13%
      • 2017-18, 22%

Questions 1a, 2, 3, 9bx, 10x, 11x, 18, 19a, 19b

Base: All respondents, base may vary by statement

Multi-Channel Use: In-Person Channel Usage In-Depth

Figure long description


  • First Channel
    • In-person
      • 2022-23, 16%, significnatly higher than previous wave
      • 2021-22, 14%
      • 2020-21, 12%
      • 2019-20, 28%
      • 2017-18, 21%
  • Second Channel
    • In-person to Phone
      • 2022-23, 5%
      • 2021-22, 4%
      • 2020-21, 7%
      • 2019-20, 4%
      • 2017-18, 8%
    • In-person to Online
      • 2022-23, 24%
      • 2021-22, 25%
      • 2020-21, 22%
      • 2019-20, 16%
      • 2017-18, 11%
  • Third Channel
    • Phone to Online
      • 2022-23, 6%
      • 2021-22, 6%
      • 2020-21, 7%
      • 2019-20, 5%
      • 2017-18, 9%
    • Online to Phone
      • 2022-23, 9%
      • 2021-22, 10%
      • 2020-21, 6%
      • 2019-20, 17%
      • 2017-18, 29%


  • First Channel
    • In-person
      • 2022-23, 26%, significantly higher than previous wave
      • 2021-22, 22%
      • 2020-21, 19%
      • 2019-20, 49%
      • 2017-18, 40%
  • Second Channel
    • In-person to phone
      • 2022-23, 3%
      • 2021-22, 3%
      • 2020-21, 2%
      • 2019-20, 4%
      • 2017-18, 7%
    • In-person to online
      • 2022-23, 9%
      • 2021-22, 8%
      • 2020-21, 8%
      • 2019-20, 6%
      • 2017-18, 13%
  • Third Channel
    • Phone to Online
      • 2022-23, 1%
      • 2021-22, 2%
      • 2020-21, 1%
      • 2019-20, 3%
      • 2017-18, 10%
    • Online to Phone
      • 2022-23, 14%
      • 2021-22, 9%
      • 2020-21, 9%
      • 2019-20, 21%
      • 2017-18, 15%


  • First channel
    • In-person
      • 2022-23, 7%
      • 2021-22, 6%
      • 2020-21, 4%
      • 2019-20, 18%
      • 2017-18, 24%
  • Second channel
    • In-person to phone
      • 2022-23, 25%
      • 2021-22, 30%
      • 2020-21, 23%
      • 2019-20, 39%
      • 2017-18, 28%
  • In-person to online
    • 2022-23, 31%, significnatly higher than previous wave
    • 2021-22, 15%
    • 2020-21, 27%
    • 2019-20, 18%
    • 2017-18, 20%
  • Third Channel
    • Phone to online
      • 2022-23, 3%
      • 2021-22, 8%
      • 2020-21, 4%
      • 2019-20, 7%
      • 2017-18, 10%
    • Online to phone
      • 2022-23, 14%
      • 2021-22, 10%
      • 2020-21, 16%
      • 2019-20, 11%
      • 2017-18, 18%

Questions 1a, 2, 3, 9bx, 10x, 11x, 18, 19a, 19b

Base: All respondents, base may vary by statement

Multi-Channel Use: Telephone Channel Usage In-Depth

Multi-Channel Use: Telephone Channel Usage In-Depth
Figure long description


  • First Channel
    • Phone
      • 2022-23, 5%
      • 2021-22, 4%
      • 2020-21, 5%
      • 2019-20, 5%
      • 2017-18, 7%
  • Second channel
    • Phone to online
      • 2022-23, 48%, significantly higher than previous wave
      • 2021-22, 33%
      • 2020-21, 44%
      • 2019-20, 16%
      • 2017-18, 23%
    • Phone to in-person
      • 2022-23, 13%, significnatly lower than previous wave
      • 2021-22, 21%
      • 2020-21, 11%
      • 2019-20, 30%
      • 2017-18, 19%
  • Third Channel
    • Online to In-person
      • 2022-23, 7%
      • 2021-22, 6%
      • 2020-21, 5%
      • 2019-20, 6%
      • 2017-18, 20%
    • In-person to online
      • 2022-23, 8%
      • 2021-22, 10%
      • 2020-21, 5%
      • 2019-20, 5%
      • 2017-18, 3%


  • First Channel
    • Phone
      • 2022-23, 3%
      • 2021-22, 3%
      • 2020-21, 3%
      • 2019-20, 2%
      • 2017-18, 6%
  • Second channel
    • Phone to online
      • 2022-23, 53%, significnatly higher than previous wave
      • 2021-22, 42%
      • 2020-21, 41%
      • 2019-20, 29%
      • 2017-18, 30%
    • Phone to in-person
      • 2022-23, 8%
      • 2021-22, 11%
      • 2020-21, 9%
      • 2019-20, 27%
      • 2017-18, 33%
  • Third Channel
    • Online to In-person
      • 2022-23, 7%
      • 2021-22, 6%
      • 2020-21, 5%
      • 2019-20, 14%
      • 2017-18, 10%
    • In-person to online
      • 2022-23, 6%
      • 2021-22, 7%
      • 2020-21, 5%
      • 2019-20, 4%
      • 2017-18, 6%


  • First Channel
    • Phone
      • 2022-23, 41%
      • 2021-22, 42%
      • 2020-21, 42%
      • 2019-20, 36%
      • 2017-18, 38%
  • Second channel
    • Phone to online
      • 2022-23, 24%
      • 2021-22, 23%
      • 2020-21, 14%
      • 2019-20, 22%
      • 2017-18, 14%
    • Phone to in-person
      • 2022-23, 10%
      • 2021-22, 11%
      • 2020-21, 6%
      • 2019-20, 25%
      • 2017-18, 24%
  • Third Channel
    • Online to In-person
      • 2022-23, 14%
      • 2021-22, 10%
      • 2020-21, 2%
      • 2019-20, 10%
      • 2017-18, 19%
    • In-person to online
      • 2022-23, 23%
      • 2021-22, 19%
      • 2020-21, 21%
      • 2019-20, 6%
      • 2017-18, 11%

Questions 1a, 2, 3, 9bx, 10x, 11x, 18, 19a, 19b

Base: All respondents, base may vary by statement

Multiple Channel Use Proportions

Proportions Overall and By Program – Trending
Figure long description

Proportions Overall and By Program – Trending

  • Total
    • 2022-23, n=4200
      • No channel, 5%
      • 1 channel, 38%, significantly lower than previous wave
      • 2 channels, 33%, significnatly higher than previous wave
      • 3 channels, 16%
      • 4+ channels, 7%
    • 2021-22, n=4200
      • No channel, 6%
      • 1 channel, 42%
      • 2 channels, 30%
      • 3 channels, 14%
      • +4 channels, 7%
    • 2020-21, m=4200
      • No channel, 6%
      • 1 channel, 44%
      • 2 channels, 30%
      • 3 channels, 13%
      • +4 channels, 6%
  • EI
    • 2022-23, n=1035
      • No channel, 0%, significantly lower than total
      • 1 channel, 37%, significnatly lower than previous wave
      • 2 channels, 35%
      • 3 channels, 20%, significantly higher than total, significantly higher than previous wave
      • 4+ channels, 8%
    • 2021-22, n=987
      • No channel, 1%
      • 1 channel, 43%
      • 2 channels, 32%
      • 3 channels, 16%
      • +4 channels, 8%
    • 2020-21, n=1162
      • No channel, 1%
      • 1 channel, 49%
      • 2 channels, 30%
      • 3 channels, 14%
      • +4 channels, 6%
  • CPP
    • 2022-23, n=768
      • No channel, 2%, significnatly lower than total
      • 1 channel, 41%
      • 2 channels, 34%
      • 3 channels, 15%
      • 4+ channels, 7%
    • 2021-22, n=768
      • No channel, 3%
      • 1 channel, 42%
      • 2 channels, 35%
      • 3 channels, 15%
      • +4 channels, 6%
    • 2020-21, n=752
      • No channel, 5%
      • 1 channel, 41%
      • 2 channels, 33%
      • 3 channels, 13%
      • +4 channels, 7%
  • CPP-D
    • 2022-23, n=752
      • No channel, 4%
      • 1 channel, 24%
      • 2 channels, 30%
      • 3 channels, 27%, significnatly higher than total
      • 4+ channels, 15%, significantly higher than total
    • 2021-22, n=761
      • No channel, 4%
      • 1 channel, 28%
      • 2 channels, 30%
      • 3 channels, 26%
      • +4 channels, 12%
    • 2020-21, n=692
      • No channel, 3%
      • 1 channel, 32%
      • 2 channels, 34%
      • 3 channels, 20%
      • +4 channels, 10%
  • SIN
    • 2022-23, n=783
      • No channel, 3%, significantly lower than total, significantly higher than previous wave
      • 1 channel, 44%, significantly higher than total, significantly lower than previous wave
      • 2 channels, 35%, significantly higher than previous wave
      • 3 channels, 13%, significantly lower than total
      • 4+ channels, 6%
    • 2021-22, n=875
      • No channel, 1%
      • 1 channel, 50%
      • 2 channels, 28%
      • 3 channels, 14%
      • +4 channels, 7%
    • 2020-21, n=749
      • No channel, 1%
      • 1 channel, 45%
      • 2 channels, 32%
      • 3 channels, 14%
      • +4 channels, 7%
    • 2022-23, n=862
      • No channel, 38%, significantly higher than total, significantly lower than previous wave
      • 1 channel, 26%, significantly lower than total
      • 2 channels, 19%, significantly lower than total
      • 3 channels, 11%, significnatly lower than total
      • 4+ channels, 5%, significantly lower than total
    • 2021-22, n=809
      • No channel, 48%
      • 1 channel, 22%
      • 2 channels, 19%
      • 3 channels, 8%
      • +4 channels, 3%
    • 2020-21, n=845
      • No channel, 43%
      • 1 channel, 23%
      • 2 channels, 24%
      • 3 channels, 6%
      • +4 channels, 4%

Base: All respondents (n=4200)

Impact of Multiple Channel Use

Satisfaction by Number of Channels Used – Trending
Figure long description

Satisfaction by Number of Channels Used – Trending

  • Total
    • 2022-23, 83%, significantly higher than previous wave
    • 2021-22, 81%
    • 2020-21, 86%
  • No channel
    • 2022-23, 85%
    • 2021-22, 83%
    • 2020-21, 88%
  • 1 Channel
    • 2022-23, 88%, significnatly higher than total
    • 2021-22, 86%
    • 2020-21, 89%
  • 2 Channels
    • 2022-23, 83%, significnatly higher than previous wave
    • 2021-22, 78%
    • 2020-21, 85%
  • 3 Channels
    • 2022-23, 78%, significantly lower than total
    • 2021-22, 76%
    • 2020-21, 80%
  • +4 Channels
    • 2022-23, 71%, significnatly lower than total
    • 2021-22, 69%
    • 2020-21, 81%

Base: All respondents (n=4200)

Reason for Follow-Up: Overall

Reason for Follow-Up: Overall
Figure long description

Reason for Follow-Up: Overall

  • Check on the status of your application
    • 2022-23, 29%, significantly higher than previous wave
    • 2021-22, (n=3740), 25%
    • 2020-21 (n=3838), 23%
    • 2019-20 (n=2148), 21%
    • 2017-18 (n=3405), 28%
  • Provide additional information about your application
    • 2022-23, 17, significantly higher than previous wave%
    • 2021-22, (n=3740), 14%
    • 2020-21 (n=3838), 12%
    • 2019-20 (n=2148), 17%
    • 2017-18 (n=3405), 13%
  • For any other reason
    • 2022-23, 9%
    • 2021-22, (n=3740), 8%
    • 2020-21 (n=3838), 6%
    • 2019-20 (n=2148), 7%
    • 2017-18 (n=3405), 7%
  • No follow-up
    • 2022-23, 59%, significantly lower than previous wave
    • 2021-22, (n=3740), 63%
    • 2020-21 (n=3838), 66%
    • 2019-20 (n=2148), 54%
    • 2017-18 (n=3405), 59%

Q17. Before you received a decision, did you contact Service Canada to … (select all that apply).

Base: Completed an application (n=3736)

Reason for Follow-up: by Program

Reason for Follow-up: by Program
Figure long description

Reason for Follow-up: by Program

  • Check on the status of your application/payment
    • TOTAL
      • 2017-18, 28%
      • 2019-20, 31%
      • 2020-21, 23%
      • 2021-22, 25%
      • 2022-23, 29%, significantly higher than previous wave
    • EI
      • 2017-18, 39%
      • 2019-20, 41%
      • 2020-21, 28%
      • 2021-22, 33%
      • 2022-23, 38%, significnatly higher than total
    • CPP
      • 2017-18, 17%
      • 2019-20, 15%
      • 2020-21, 17%
      • 2021-22, 17%
      • 2022-23, 20%, significantly lower than total
    • CPP-D
      • 2017-18, 34%
      • 2019-20, 40%
      • 2020-21, 29%
      • 2021-22, 40%
      • 2022-23, 44%, significantly higher than total
    • OAS/GIS
      • 2017-18, 32%
      • 2019-20, 29%
      • 2020-21, 10%
      • 2021-22, 8%
      • 2022-23, 12%, significantly lower than total, significantly higher than previous wave
    • SIN
      • 2017-18, 11%
      • 2019-20, 25%
      • 2020-21, 20%
      • 2021-22, 14%
      • 2022-23, 16%, significantly lower than total
  • Provide additional information about your application
    • TOTAL
      • 2017-18, 13%
      • 2019-20, 17%
      • 2020-21, 12%
      • 2021-22, 14%
      • 2022-23, 17%, significnatly higher than previous wave
    • EI
      • 2017-18, 16%
      • 2019-20, 21%
      • 2020-21, 13%
      • 2021-22, 19%
      • 2022-23, 23%, significantly higher than total, significantly higher than previous wave
    • CPP
      • 2017-18, 10%
      • 2019-20, 8%
      • 2020-21, 9%
      • 2021-22, 9%
      • 2022-23, 9%, significantly lower than total
    • CPP-D
      • 2017-18, 21%
      • 2019-20, 23%
      • 2020-21, 17%
      • 2021-22, 21%
      • 2022-23, 22%, significnatly higher than total
    • OAS/GIS
      • 2017-18, 11%
      • 2019-20, 9%
      • 2020-21, 13%
      • 2021-22, 10%
      • 2022-23, 11%, significnatly lower than total
    • SIN
      • 2017-18, 7%
      • 2019-20, 9%
      • 2020-21, 9%
      • 2021-22, 6%
      • 2022-23, 8%, significnatly lower than total
  • For any other reason
    • TOTAL
      • 2017-18, 7%
      • 2019-20, 7%
      • 2020-21, 6%
      • 2021-22, 8%
      • 2022-23, 9%
    • EI
      • 2017-18, 9%
      • 2019-20, 9%
      • 2020-21, 7%
      • 2021-22, 11%
      • 2022-23, 12%, significnatly higher than total
    • CPP
      • 2017-18, 6%
      • 2019-20, 5%
      • 2020-21, 4%
      • 2021-22, 8%
      • 2022-23, 7%
    • CPP-D
      • 2017-18, 11%
      • 2019-20, 6%
      • 2020-21, 6%
      • 2021-22, 11%
      • 2022-23, 10%
    • OAS/GIS
      • 2017-18, 7%
      • 2019-20, 2%
      • 2020-21, 4%
      • 2021-22, 3%
      • 2022-23, 4%, significantly lower than total
    • SIN
      • 2017-18, 3%
      • 2019-20, 11%
      • 2020-21, 4%
      • 2021-22, 3%
      • 2022-23, 4%, significantly lower than total
  • No follow-up
    • TOTAL
      • 2017-18, 59%
      • 2019-20, 54%
      • 2020-21, 66%
      • 2021-22, 63%
      • 2022-23, 59%, significantly lower than previous wave
    • EI
      • 2017-18, 46%
      • 2019-20, 47%
      • 2020-21, 62%
      • 2021-22, 55%
      • 2022-23, 50%, significantly lower than total
    • CPP
      • 2017-18, 71%
      • 2019-20, 72%
      • 2020-21, 74%
      • 2021-22, 72%
      • 2022-23, 71%, significnatly higher than total
    • CPP-D
      • 2017-18, 49%
      • 2019-20, 47%
      • 2020-21, 58%
      • 2021-22, 50%
      • 2022-23, 45%, significantly lower than total
    • OAS/GIS
      • 2017-18, 57%
      • 2019-20, 63%
      • 2020-21, 69%
      • 2021-22, 72%
      • 2022-23, 70%, significnatly higher than total
    • SIN
      • 2017-18, 78%
      • 2019-20, 63%
      • 2020-21, 71%
      • 2021-22, 80%
      • 2022-23, 76%, significantly higher than total

Client Experience With Service Channels

Satisfaction by Service Channel: Overall (% Rated 4 or 5)

Satisfaction with Service Channels (% Rated 4 or 5) – Trending
Figure long description

Satisfaction with Service Channels (% Rated 4 or 5) – Trending

  • In-person
    • 2017-18, (n=1324), 89%
    • 2018-19, (n=2181), 87%
    • 2019-20, (n=1245), 86%
    • 2020-21, (n=1102), 86%
    • 2021-22, (n=1226), 81%
    • 2022-23, (n=1471), 83%
  • My Service Canada Account
    • 2019-20, (n=576), 75%
    • 2020-21, (n=848), 75%
    • 2021-22, (n=603), 70%
    • 2022-23, (n=989), 73%
  • 1 800 O-Canada
    • 2018-19, (n=561), 72%
    • 2019-20, (n=221), 69%
    • 2020-21, (n=315), 72%
    • 2021-22, (n=147), 59%
    • 2022-23, (n=334), 70%, significnatly higher than previous wave
  • Specialized Call Centre
    • 2017-18, (n=511), 82%
    • 2018-19, (n=855), 76%
    • 2019-20, (n=642), 60%
    • 2020-21, (n=1208), 72%
    • 2021-22, (n=789), 64%
    • 2022-23, (n=1281), 72%, significantly higher than previous wave
  • eServiceCanada
    • 2020-21, (n=455), 82%
    • 2021-22, (n=399), 76%
    • 2022-23, (n=518), 72%

ǂ Excludes SIN clients

Q27. How satisfied were you with the overall quality of service you received from …

Base: All respondents (n=Base Varies)

Compared to 2021-22, satisfaction increased for specialized call centres and returned to levels observed in 2020-21. A higher proportion rated their satisfaction a 5 out of 5 for specialized call centres and 4 out of 5 for 1 800 O-Canada compared to last year, while there has also been an increase in those who rated their satisfaction 1 out of 5 (“very dissatisfied”) for eServiceCanada.

 Satisfaction with Service Cannels – Trending
Figure long description

Satisfaction with Service Cannels – Trending

  • In-Person
    • 2022-23, (n=1471)
      • 5 – very satisfied, 63%
      • Rated 4, 21%
      • Rated 3, 9%
      • Rated 2, 4%
      • 1 – very dissatisfied, 3%
    • 2021-22 (n=1295)
      • 5 - Very satisfied, 58%
      •  Rated 4, 23%
      • Rated 3, 12%
      • Rated 2, 3%
      • 1 - Very dissatisfied, 3%
    • 2020-21 (n=1102)
      • 5 - Very satisfied, 68%
      •  Rated 4, 18%
      • Rated 3, 7%
      • Rated 2, 2%
      • 1 - Very dissatisfied, 3%
    • 2019-20 (n=1235)
      • 5 - Very satisfied, 62%
      • Rated 4, 24%
      • Rated 3, 7%
      • Rated 2, 3%
      • 1 - Very dissatisfied, 2%
    • 2018-19 (n=2181)
      • 5 - Very satisfied, 61%
      • Rated 4, 26%
      • Rated 3, 8%
      • Rated 2, 2%
      • 1 - Very dissatisfied, 2%
    • 2017-18 (n=1324)
      • 5 - Very satisfied, 68%
      • Rated 4, 21%
      • Rated 3, 8%
      • Rated 2, 2%
      • 1 - Very dissatisfied, 2%
  • Online
    • 2022-23, (n=2643)
      • 5 – very satisfied, 44%
      • Rated 4, 31%
      • Rated 3, 17%
      • Rated 2, 5%
      • 1 – very dissatisfied, 3%
    • 2021-22 (n=2643),
      • 5 - Very satisfied, 43%
      • Rated 4, 32%
      • Rated 3, 17%
      • Rated 2, 4%
      • 1 - Very dissatisfied, 4%
    • 2020-21 (n=2680),
      • 5 - Very satisfied, 47%
      • Rated 4, 31%
      • Rated 3, 15%
      • Rated 2, 4%
      • 1 - Very dissatisfied, 2%
    • 2019-20 (n=1227),
      • 5 - Very satisfied, 41%
      • Rated 4, 32%
      • Rated 3, 17%
      • Rated 2, 5%
      • 1 - Very dissatisfied, 3%
    • 2018-19 (n=2317),
      • 5 - Very satisfied, 43%
      • Rated 4, 36%
      • Rated 3, 14%
      • Rated 2, 4%
      • 1 - Very dissatisfied, 2%
    • 2017-18 (n=1089),
      • 5 - Very satisfied, 47%
      •  Rated 4, 32%
      • Rated 3, 13%
      • Rated 2, 4%
      • 1 - Very dissatisfied, 3%
  • My Service Canada Account
    • 2022-23, (n=989)
      • 5 – very satisfied, 41%
      • Rated 4, 32%
      • Rated 3, 15%
      • Rated 2, 4%
      • 1 – very dissatisfied, 6%
    • 2021-22 (n=904),
      • 5 - Very satisfied, 40%
      • Rated 4, 30%
      • Rated 3, 16%
      • Rated 2, 8%
      • 1 - Very dissatisfied, 5%
    • 2020-21 (n=848),
      • 5 - Very satisfied, 44%
      • Rated 4, 31%
      • Rated 3, 16%
      • Rated 2, 5%
      • 1 - Very dissatisfied, 3%
    • 2019-20 (n=576),
      • 5 - Very satisfied, 45%
      •  Rated 4, 30%
      • Rated 3, 16%
      • Rated 2, 5%
      • 1 - Very dissatisfied, 3%
  • Specialized Call Centreǂ
    • 2022-23, (n=1281)
      • 5 – very satisfied, 43%, significantly higher than previous wave
      • Rated 4, 29%
      • Rated 3, 14%, significnatly lower than previous wave
      • Rated 2, 6%
      • 1 – very dissatisfied, 6%
    • 2021-22 (n=1197),
      • 5 - Very satisfied, 36%
      • Rated 4, 28%
      • Rated 3, 19%
      • Rated 2, 7%
      • 1 - Very dissatisfied, 8%
    • 2020-21 (n=1208),
      • 5 - Very satisfied, 48%
      •  Rated 4, 24%
      • Rated 3, 14%
      • Rated 2, 6%
      • 1 - Very dissatisfied, 7%
    • 2019-20 (n=642),
      • 5 - Very satisfied, 36%
      •  Rated 4, 24%
      • Rated 3, 17%
      • Rated 2, 12%
      • 1 - Very dissatisfied, 9%
    • 2018-19 (n=855),
      • 5 - Very satisfied, 46%
      •  Rated 4, 27%
      • Rated 3, 15%
      • Rated 2, 5%
      • 1 - Very dissatisfied, 6%
    • 2017-18 (n=511),
      • 5 - Very satisfied, 54%
      •  Rated 4, 28%
      • Rated 3, 12%
      • Rated 2, 4%
      • 1 - Very dissatisfied, 3%
  • eServiceCanada
    • 2022-23, (n=518)
      • 5 – very satisfied, 49%
      • Rated 4, 23%
      • Rated 3, 12%
      • Rated 2, 4%
      • 1 – very dissatisfied, 8%, significnatly higher than previous wave
    • 2021-22 (n=504),
      • 5 - Very satisfied, 54%
      •  Rated 4, 22%
      • Rated 3, 11%
      • Rated 2, 3%
      • 1 - Very dissatisfied, 4%
    • 2020-21 (n=455),
      • 5 - Very satisfied, 65%
      •  Rated 4, 17%
      • Rated 3, 9%
      • Rated 2, 3%
      • 1 - Very dissatisfied, 2%
  • 1 800 O-Canada
    • 2022-23, (n=334)
      • 5 – very satisfied, 40%
      • Rated 4, 30%, significnatly higher than previous wave
      • Rated 3, 17%
      • Rated 2, 7%
      • 1 – very dissatisfied, 5%
    • 2021-22 (n=303),
      • 5 - Very satisfied, 40%
      •  Rated 4, 19%
      • Rated 3, 25%
      • Rated 2, 3%
      • 1 - Very dissatisfied, 11%
    • 2020-21 (n=315),
      • 5 - Very satisfied, 47%
      •  Rated 4, 25%
      • Rated 3, 16%
      • Rated 2, 7%
      • 1 - Very dissatisfied, 3%
    • 2019-20 (n=221),
      • 5 - Very satisfied, 48%
      •  Rated 4, 15%
      • Rated 3, 20%
      • Rated 2, 2%
      • 1 - Very dissatisfied, 12%
    • 2018-19 (n=561),
      • 5 - Very satisfied, 41%
      •  Rated 4, 29%
      • Rated 3, 15%
      • Rated 2, 7%
      • 1 - Very dissatisfied, 7%

ǂ Excludes SIN clients

Q27. How satisfied were you with the overall quality of service you received from …

Base: All respondents (n=Base Varies)

Satisfaction with Service Channels: by Program

Satisfaction with Service Channels: by Program
Figure long description

Satisfaction with Service Channels: by Program

  • EI
    • In-person
      • 2017-18, 80%
      • 2018-19, 80%
      • 2019-20, 82%
      • 2020-21, 77%
      • 2021-22, 73%
      • 2022-23, 73%, significnatly lower than total
    • My Service Canada Account
      • 2019-20, 75%
      • 2020-21, 76%
      • 2021-22, 69%
      • 2022-23, 75%
    • Online
      • 2017-18, 79%
      • 2018-19, 79%
      • 2019-20, 71%
      • 2020-21, 77%
      • 2021-22, 71%
      • 2022-23, 72%
    • 1 800 O-Canada
      • 2018-19, 70%
      • 2019-20, 62%
      • 2020-21, 68%
      • 2021-22, 52%
      • 2022-23, 66%
    • Specialized Call Centre
      • 2017-18, 85%
      • 2018-19, 74%
      • 2019-20, 59%
      • 2020-21, 70%
      • 2021-22, 63%
      • 2022-23, 71%, significnatly higher than previous wave
    • eServiceCanada
      • 2020-21, 81%
      • 2021-22, 74%
      • 2022-23, 68%
  • CPP
    • In-person
      • 2017-18, 87%
      • 2018-19, 90%
      • 2019-20, 86%
      • 2020-21, 83%
      • 2021-22, 86%
      • 2022-23, 84%
    • My Service Canada Account
      • 2019-20, 76%
      • 2020-21, 74%
      • 2021-22, 71%
      • 2022-23, 73%
    • Online
      • 2017-18, 80%
      • 2018-19, 76%
      • 2019-20, 73%
      • 2020-21, 74%
      • 2021-22, 68%
      • 2022-23, 72%
    • 1 800 O-Canada
      • 2018-19, 77%
      • 2019-20, 71%
      • 2020-21, 68%
      • 2021-22, 67%
      • 2022-23, 71%
    • Specialized Call Centre
      • 2017-18, 74%
      • 2018-19, 80%
      • 2019-20, 67%
      • 2020-21, 81%
      • 2021-22, 74%
      • 2022-23, 78%
    • eServiceCanada
      • 2020-21, 82%
      • 2021-22, 76%
      • 2022-23, 64%
  • CPP-D
    • In-person
      • 2017-18, 72%
      • 2018-19, 68%
      • 2019-20, 72%
      • 2020-21, 64%
      • 2021-22, 67%
      • 2022-23, 65%, significnatly lower than total
    • My Service Canada Account
      • 2019-20, 59%
      • 2020-21, 52%
      • 2021-22, 69%
      • 2022-23, 70%
    • Online
      • 2017-18, 53%
      • 2018-19, 59%
      • 2019-20, 53%
      • 2020-21, 59%
      • 2021-22, 54%
      • 2022-23, 56%, significnatly lower than total
    • 1 800 O-Canada
      • 2018-19, 61%
      • 2019-20, 63%
      • 2020-21, 52%
      • 2021-22, 66%
      • 2022-23, 66%
    • Specialized Call Centre
      • 2017-18, 72%
      • 2018-19, 64%
      • 2019-20, 58%
      • 2020-21, 59%
      • 2021-22, 59%
      • 2022-23, 62%, significnatly lower than total
    • eServiceCanada
      • 2020-21, 66%
      • 2021-22, 49%
      • 2022-23, 73%, significnatly higher than previous wave
  • SIN
    • In-person
      • 2017-18, 95%significantly higher than total, significantly higher than previous wave
      • 2018-19, 94%
      • 2019-20, 90%
      • 2020-21, 91%
      • 2021-22, 85%
      • 2022-23, 90%
    • Online
      • 2017-18, 82%
      • 2018-19, 84%
      • 2019-20, 83%
      • 2020-21, 84%
      • 2021-22, 87%
      • 2022-23, 86%, significnatly higher than total
    • 1 800 O-Canada
      • 2018-19, 78%
      • 2019-20, 88%
      • 2020-21, 90%
      • 2021-22, 66%
      • 2022-23, 81%
    • eServiceCanada
      • 2020-21, 89%
      • 2021-22, 82%
      • 2022-23, 83%
    • In-person
      • 2017-18, 84%
      • 2018-19, 84%
      • 2019-20, 87%
      • 2020-21, 84%
      • 2021-22, 77%
      • 2022-23, 78%
    • My Service Canada Account
      • 2019-20, 75%
      • 2020-21, 66%
      • 2021-22, 66%
      • 2022-23, 59%
    • Online
      • 2017-18, 79%
      • 2018-19, 74%
      • 2019-20, 73%
      • 2020-21, 78%
      • 2021-22, 66%
      • 2022-23, 64%
    • 1 800 O-Canada
      • 2018-19, 73%
      • 2019-20, 65%
      • 2020-21, 67%
      • 2021-22, 67%
      • 2022-23, 68%
    • Specialized Call Centre
      • 2017-18, 76%
      • 2018-19, 79%
      • 2019-20, 64%
      • 2020-21, 76%
      • 2021-22, 73%
      • 2022-23, 74%
    • eServiceCanada
      • 2020-21, 61%
      • 2021-22, 65%
      • 2022-23, 79%

* Small sample size. Results should be interpreted with caution.

Q27. How satisfied were you with the overall quality of service you received from …

Base: All respondents (n=Base Varies)

Ease of Navigating Government of Canada Website: Overall

% Rated 4 or 5
Figure long description

% Rated 4 or 5

  • Find out the steps to apply
    • 2022-21, 79%
    • 2021-22, 76%
    • 2020-21, 77%
    • 2019-20, 81%
    • 2017-18, 80%
  • Find information about [ABBREV]
    • 2022-21, 78%
    • 2021-22, 78%
    • 2020-21, 78%
    • 2019-20, 78%
    • 2017-18, 79%
  • Find out what information you need to provide when applying for program
    • 2022-21, 77%
    • 2021-22, 76%
    • 2020-21, 77%
    • 2019-20, 80%
    • 2017-18, 78%
  • Understand the information about program
    • 2022-21, 75%
    • 2021-22, 74%
    • 2020-21, 78%
    • 2019-20, 76%
    • 2017-18, 76%
  • Figure out if you are eligible for benefits/ SIN card
    • 2022-21, 73%
    • 2021-22, 74%
    • 2020-21, 76%
    • 2019-20, 71%
    • 2017-18, 76%
  • Decide the best age to start your pension
    • 2022-21, 62%
    • 2021-22, 64%
    • 2020-21, 66%
    • 2019-20, 72%
  • Agree able to find the information you needed (online, in person or by phone) within a reasonable amount of time
    • 2022-21, 76%
    • 2021-22, 74%,
    • 2020-21, 78%
    • 2019-20, 75%
    • 2017-18, 78%

Q6. When you were looking for information about [INSERT ABBREV] on the Government of Canada website, how difficult or easy was it to …? Please use a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 was very difficult and 5 was very easy, how would you rate…?

Base: Those who used the Government of Canada W\website (n=varies)

Q7. How much do you agree or disagree that you were able to find the information you needed (online, in person or by phone) within a reasonable amount of time? Please use a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 is strongly disagree and 5 is strongly agree.

Base: Those who used the Government of Canada website (n=2877)

Ease of Using Government of Canada Website

Ease of Using Government of Canada Website
Figure long description

Ease of Using Government of Canada Website

  • Find out the steps to apply
    • Very easy, 45%
    • Easy, 34%
    • Neutral, 14%
    • Difficult, 4%
    • Very difficult, 2%
    • Rated 4 or 5
      • 2022-23, 79%
      • 2021-22, 76%
      • 2020-21, 77%
      • 2019-20, 81%
      • 2017-18, 80%
  • Find information about program
    • Very easy, 43%
    • Easy, 35%
    • Neutral, 15%
    • Difficult, 4%
    • Very difficult, 2%
    • Rated 4 or 5
      • 2022-23, 78%
      • 2021-22, 78%
      • 2020-21, 78%
      • 2019-20, 78%
      • 2017-18, 79%
  • Find out what information you need to provide when applying for program
    • Very easy, 45%
    • Easy, 32%
    • Neutral, 15%
    • Difficult, 5%
    • Very difficult, 2%
    • Rated 4 or 5
      • 2022-23, 77%
      • 2021-22, 76%
      • 2020-21, 77%
      • 2019-20, 80%
      • 2017-18, 78%
  • Understand the information about program
    • Very easy, 41%
    • Easy, 34%
    • Neutral, 18%
    • Difficult, 5%
    • Very difficult, 2%
    • Rated 4 or 5
      • 2022-23, 75%
      • 2021-22, 74%
      • 2020-21, 78%
      • 2019-20, 76%
      • 2017-18, 76%
  • Figure out if you were eligible for benefits
    • Very easy, 46%
    • Easy, 26%
    • Neutral, 17%
    • Difficult, 5%
    • Very difficult, 4%
    • Rated 4 or 5
      • 2022-23, 73%
      • 2021-22, 74%
      • 2020-21, 76%
      • 2019-20, 71%
      • 2017-18, 75%
  • Decide the best age to start your pension
    • Very easy, 39%
    • Easy, 23%
    • Neutral, 19%
    • Difficult, 7%
    • Very difficult, 5%
    • Rated 4 or 5
      • 2022-23, 62%
      • 2021-22, 64%
      • 2020-21, 66%
      • 2019-20, 72%

Q6. When you were looking for information about on the Government of Canada website, how easy or difficult was it to…? Please use a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 was very difficult and 5 was very easy, how would you rate…?

Base: All answering (n=2127)

Ease of Navigating Government of Canada Website: by Program

Ease of Navigating Government of Canada Website: by Program
Figure long description

Ease of Navigating Government of Canada Website: by Program

  • Find out the steps to apply
    • TOTAL
      • 2017-18, 80%
      • 2019-20, 81%
      • 2020-21, 77%
      • 2021-22, 76%
      • 2022-23, 79%
    • EI
      • 2017-18, 80%
      • 2019-20, 82%
      • 2020-21, 74%
      • 2021-22, 74%
      • 2022-23, 78%
    • CPP
      • 2017-18, 78%
      • 2019-20, 81%
      • 2020-21, 77%
      • 2021-22, 73%
      • 2022-23, 77%
    • CPP-D
      • 2017-18, 62%
      • 2019-20, 58%
      • 2020-21, 60%
      • 2021-22, 57%
      • 2022-23, 59%, significantly lower than total
    • SIN
      • 2017-18, 83%
      • 2019-20, 81%
      • 2020-21, 85%
      • 2021-22, 82%
      • 2022-23, 85%, significnatly higher than total
    • OAS/GIS
      • 2017-18, 76%
      • 2019-20, 76%
      • 2020-21, 80%
      • 2021-22, 72%
      • 2022-23, 71%, signifIcantly lower than t
  • Find information about [PROGRAM ABBREV]
    • TOTAL
      • 2017-18, 78%
      • 2019-20, 78%
      • 2020-21, 78%
      • 2021-22, 78%
      • 2022-23, 78%
    • EI
      • 2017-18, 78%
      • 2019-20, 77%
      • 2020-21, 74%
      • 2021-22, 74%
      • 2022-23, 76%
    • CPP
      • 2017-18, 76%
      • 2019-20, 82%
      • 2020-21, 76%
      • 2021-22, 76%
      • 2022-23, 75%
    • CPP-D
      • 2017-18, 58%
      • 2019-20, 57%
      • 2020-21, 63%,
      • 2021-22, 55%
      • 2022-23, 58%, significnatly lower than toal
    • SIN
      • 2017-18, 85%
      • 2019-20, 81%
      • 2020-21, 86%
      • 2021-22, 87%
      • 2022-23, 87%, significnatly higher than total
    • OAS/GIS
      • 2017-18, 72%
      • 2019-20, 76%
      • 2020-21, 75%
      • 2021-22, 72%
      • 2022-23, 74%
  • Find out what information need to provide when applying for program
    • TOTAL
      • 2017-18, 78%
      • 2019-20, 80%
      • 2020-21, 77%
      • 2021-22, 76%
      • 2022-23, 77%
    • EI
      • 2017-18, 76%
      • 2019-20, 80%
      • 2020-21, 75%
      • 2021-22, 74%
      • 2022-23, 75%
    • CPP
      • 2017-18, 78%
      • 2019-20, 81%
      • 2020-21, 78%
      • 2021-22, 74%
      • 2022-23, 76%
    • CPP-D
      • 2017-18, 57%
      • 2019-20, 55%
      • 2020-21, 62%
      • 2021-22, 54%
      • 2022-23, 58%, significantly lower than total
    • SIN
      • 2017-18, 84%
      • 2019-20, 81%
      • 2020-21, 83%
      • 2021-22, 84%
      • 2022-23, 84%, significnatly higher than total
    • OAS/GIS
      • 2017-18, 75%
      • 2019-20, 83%
      • 2020-21, 72%
      • 2021-22, 66%
      • 2022-23, 72%
  • Understand the information about program
    • TOTAL
      • 2017-18, 76%
      • 2019-20, 76%
      • 2020-21, 78%
      • 2021-22, 74%
      • 2022-23, 75%
    • EI
      • 2017-18, 75%
      • 2019-20, 72%
      • 2020-21, 75%
      • 2021-22, 69%
      • 2022-23, 73%
    • CPP
      • 2017-18, 73%
      • 2019-20, 84%
      • 2020-21, 76%
      • 2021-22, 73%
      • 2022-23, 74%
    • CPP-D
      • 2017-18, 52%
      • 2019-20, 48%
      • 2020-21, 60%
      • 2021-22, 48%
      • 2022-23, 55%, significnatly lower than total
    • SIN
      • 2017-18, 84%
      • 2019-20, 86%
      • 2020-21, 86%
      • 2021-22, 87%
      • 2022-23, 84%, significnatly higher than total
    • OAS/GIS
      • 2017-18, 69%
      • 2019-20, 82%
      • 2020-21, 84%
      • 2021-22, 67%
      • 2022-23, 68%, significnatly lower than total
  • Figure out if you are eligible for benefits/SIN card
    • TOTAL
      • 2017-18, 75%
      • 2019-20, 71%
      • 2020-21, 76%
      • 2021-22, 74%
      • 2022-23, 73%
    • EI
      • 2017-18, 72%
      • 2019-20, 66%
      • 2020-21, 72%
      • 2021-22, 69%
      • 2022-23, 68%, significantly lower than total
    • CPP
      • 2017-18, 79%
      • 2019-20, 83%
      • 2020-21, 80%
      • 2021-22, 81%
      • 2022-23, 78%, significantly higher than total
    • CPP-D
      • 2017-18, 43%
      • 2019-20, 39%
      • 2020-21, 46%
      • 2021-22, 44%
      • 2022-23, 42%, significnatly lower than total
    • SIN
      • 2017-18, 80%
      • 2019-20, 81%
      • 2020-21, 82%
      • 2021-22, 84%
      • 2022-23, 82%, significantly higher than total
    • OAS/GIS
      • 2017-18, 72%
      • 2019-20, 84%
      • 2020-21, 82%
      • 2021-22, 73%
      • 2022-23, 80%, significantly higher than total
  • Decide the best age to start your pension
    • TOTAL
      • 2019-20, 72%
      • 2020-21, 66%
      • 2021-22, 64%
      • 2022-23, 62%
    • CPP
      • 2019-20, 72%
      • 2020-21, 64%
      • 2021-22, 63%
      • 2022-23, 62%
    • OAS/GIS
      • 2019-20, 74%
      • 2020-21, 71%
      • 2021-22, 67%
      • 2022-23, 63%
  • Agree able to find the information you needed (online, in person or by phone) within a reasonable amount of time
    • TOTAL
      • 2017-18, 78%
      • 2019-20, 75%
      • 2020-21, 78%
      • 2021-22, 74%
      • 2022-23, 76%
    • EI
      • 2017-18, 77%
      • 2019-20, 70%
      • 2020-21, 73%
      • 2021-22, 69%
      • 2022-23, 74%
    • CPP
      • 2017-18, 76%
      • 2019-20, 81%
      • 2020-21, 79%
      • 2021-22, 72%
      • 2022-23, 74%
    • CPP-D
      • 2017-18, 58%
      • 2019-20, 53%
      • 2020-21, 61%
      • 2021-22, 55%
      • 2022-23, 61%, significnatly lower than totall
    • SIN
      • 2017-18, 83%
      • 2019-20, 80%
      • 2020-21, 87%
      • 2021-22, 83%
      • 2022-23, 82%, significantly higher than total
    • OAS/GIS
      • 2017-18, 72%
      • 2019-20, 80%
      • 2020-21, 76%
      • 2021-22, 71%
      • 2022-23, 74%

Q6. When you were looking for information about [INSERT ABBREV] on the Government of Canada website, how easy or difficult was it to …? Please use a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 was very difficult and 5 was very easy, how would you rate…?

Base: Those who used the Government of Canada W\website (n=varies)

Q7. How much do you agree or disagree that you were able to find the information you needed (online, in person or by phone) within a reasonable amount of time? Please use a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 is strongly disagree and 5 is strongly agree.

Base: Those who used the Government of Canada W\website (n=varies)

Reported Increased Ease Provided by Digital Services

Being Able to Complete Steps Online Made The Process Easier For You *% Rated 4 or 5) – Trending
Figure long description

Being Able to Complete Steps Online Made The Process Easier For You *% Rated 4 or 5) – Trending

  • Total
    • 2017-18, n=1573, 810%
    • 2018-19, n=1797, 82%
    • 2019-20, n=1141, 82%
    • 2020-21, n=2719, 84%
    • 2021-22, n=2135, 82%
    • 2022-23, n=2721, 81%
  • EI
    • 2017-18, n=604, 84%
    • 2018-19, n=833, 87%
    • 2019-20, n=571, 86%
    • 2020-21, n=1103, 88%
    • 2021-22, n=936, 86%
    • 2022-23, n=981, 89%, significantly higher than total, significantly higher than previous wave
  • CPP
    • 2017-18, n=337, 64%
    • 2018-19, n=474, 69%
    • 2019-20, n=269, 73%
    • 2020-21, n=516, 75%
    • 2021-22, n=558, 72%
    • 2022-23, n=542, 73%, significantly lower than total
  • CPP-D
    • 2017-18, n=292, 47%
    • 2018-19, n=349, 40%
    • 2019-20, n=200, 51%
    • 2020-21, n=368, 56%
    • 2021-22, n=420, 52%
    • 2022-23, n=466, 52%, significnatly lower than total
    • 2017-18, n=337, 58%
    • 2018-19, n=141, 47%
    • 2019-20, n=101, 67%
    • 2020-21, n=214, 69%
    • 2021-22, n=221, 65%
    • 2022-23, n=280, 71%, significantly lower than total

Q36b. Thinking about the overall service you received, from getting information about [INSERT ABBREV] to receiving a decision, how much do you agree or disagree with the following statements, using a 5-point scale (where 1 means strongly disagree, and 5 means strongly agree)?

Note: Tracking data for “Being able to complete the steps online made the process easier for you” recalculated to be consistent with 2022-23, asked only to those who had used an online channel.

Online Channel

Able to Find Information on government of Canada Website (% Yes) – Trending
Figure long description

Able to Find Information on government of Canada Website (% Yes) – Trending

  • YES (NET)
    • 2017-18, n=1419, 86%
    • 2019-20, n=949, 86%
    • 2020-21, n=2016, 93%
    • 2021-22, n=2014, 92%
    • 2022-23, n=2127, 93%
  • Yes, completely
    • 2020-21, 60%
    • 2021-22, 61%
    • 2022-23, 61%
  • Yes, somewhat
    • 2020-21, 33%
    • 2021-22, 31%
    • 2022-23, 32%

Note: In waves prior to 2020-21, response options included Yes or No only.

Q4. Did you get what you wanted from the Government of Canada website when you were looking for information on [INSERT ABBREV] before you applied?

Base: All answering (n=2127)

Qualitative Highlights on Online Service Channel

Participants who had visited program websites for more information reported mixed experiences. On the one hand, some felt that the websites were easy to find, provided clear information on the steps to apply and experienced no issues with navigation.

Others, meanwhile, described challenges such as reconciling the general eligibility information provided to their own unique circumstances; the verbose way of eligibility and required documentation for applications; and lack of clarity of how to apply online.

Most EI participants did not experience issues with the online application portal. The small number that did highlighted: confusing language, too many webpages and the inconvenience of having to use an online portal to apply then MSCA to check on progress.

I googled and I came up with the right place […] it said ‘income supplements’. […] I opened it and it explained everything, telling me what I could expect if I was in the right income bracket. So it was pretty helpful when I got on the site. It was quite easy
OAS/GIS client
If I go on the website, I would prefer to see a simple six-point list over there that, hey, this is what you need to have in person, original, not a photocopy. That’s it, and that’s enough. But still, they mention huge paragraphs, and nobody is ready to read a huge paragraph nowadays. It just becomes too complicated.
SIN Client
So you go to a website and it asks you to sign in, and then it doesn't remember your password. And then you send a password, and then you get it, and then you finally sign in. And then it goes through a confirmation button, and then you have to read another thing and agree to the terms and services. Then you have to go to a website that says, okay, "What language do you want to be in?". And then you have to go to another button that then has more terms and conditions. And then you have to go to another button that says, "Describe your current situation". And none of them are exact and then you have to...like, it's just, it's not set up to say, let's do this, it's set up to be a process of data collection that's perhaps been folded together from 40 different people who clearly did not work together
EI participant

Ease When Applying: Overall

Ease When Applying: Overall
Figure long description

Ease When Applying: Overall

  • Agree able to complete application in a reasonable amount of time
    • 2022-23, 84%, significnatly higher than previous wave
    • 2021-22, n=3795, 81%
    • 2020-21, n=3797, 83%
    • 2019-20, n=2431, 84%
    • 2017-18, n=3405, 82%
  • Completing the application form
    • 2022-23, 85%
    • 2021-22, n=3795, 82%
    • 2020-21, n=3797, 84%
    • 2019-20, n=2431, 81%
    • 2017-18, n=3405, 83%
  • Understanding the requirements of the application
    • 2022-23, 82%
    • 2021-22, n=3795, 82%
    • 2020-21, n=3797, 83%
    • 2019-20, n=2431, 80%
    • 2017-18, n=3405, 81%
  • Putting together the information you needed to apply for [ABBREV]
    • 2022-23, 79%
    • 2021-22, n=3795, 80%
    • 2020-21, n=3797, 82%
    • 2019-20, n=2431, 79%
    • 2017-18, n=3405, 78%
  • Getting help on your application when you needed it
    • 2022-23, 68%, significnatly higher than previous wave
    • 2021-22, n=3795, 64%
    • 2020-21, n=3797, 65%

Q12. How much do you agree or disagree that you were able to complete the application in a reasonable amount of time? (Please use a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 is strongly disagree and 5 is strongly agree.)

Base: All respondents (n=3807) Q13. On a scale of 1 to 5 where 1 is very difficult and 5 is very easy, how would you rate the following when you were applying for [INSERT ABBREV]? How about …?

Base: All answering (n=varies)

Ease When Applying: by Program

Ease When Applying: by Program
Figure long description

Ease When Applying: by Program

  • Agree able to complete application in a reasonable amount of time
    • TOTAL
      • 2017-18, 82%
      • 2019-20, 84%
      • 2020-21, 83%
      • 2021-22, 81%
      • 2022-23, 84%, significantly higher than previous wave
    • EI
      • 2017-18, 82%
      • 2019-20, 83%
      • 2020-21, 82%
      • 2021-22, 81%
      • 2022-23, 84%
    • CPP
      • 2017-18, 82%
      • 2019-20, 83%
      • 2020-21, 80%
      • 2021-22, 81%
      • 2022-23, 82%
    • CPP-D
      • 2017-18, 56%
      • 2019-20, 55%
      • 2020-21, 59%
      • 2021-22, 57%
      • 2022-23, 54%, significnatly lower than total
    • SIN
      • 2017-18, 85%
      • 2019-20, 87%
      • 2020-21, 88%
      • 2021-22, 84%
      • 2022-23, 86%
    • OAS/GIS
      • 2017-18, 81%
      • 2019-20, 89%
      • 2020-21, 83%
      • 2021-22, 79%
      • 2022-23, 82%
  • Completing the application form
    • TOTAL
      • 2017-18, 83%
      • 2019-20, 81%
      • 2020-21, 84%
      • 2021-22, 82%
      • 2022-23, 85%
    • EI
      • 2017-18, 81%
      • 2019-20, 82%
      • 2020-21, 84%
      • 2021-22, 81%
      • 2022-23, 82%, significantly lower than total
    • CPP
      • 2017-18, 81%
      • 2019-20, 82%
      • 2020-21, 81%
      • 2021-22, 80%
      • 2022-23, 83%
    • CPP-D
      • 2017-18, 53%
      • 2019-20, 50%
      • 2020-21, 50%
      • 2021-22, 53%
      • 2022-23, 53%, significantly lower than total
    • SIN
      • 2017-18, 88%
      • 2020-21, 89%
      • 2021-22, 90%
      • 2022-23, 92%, significantly higher than total
    • OAS/GIS
      • 2017-18, 78%
      • 2019-20, 85%
      • 2020-21, 76%
      • 2021-22, 73%
      • 2022-23, 83%, significantly higher than previous wave
  • Understanding the requirements of the application
    • TOTAL
      • 2017-18, 81%
      • 2019-20, 80%
      • 2020-21, 83%
      • 2021-22, 82%
      • 2022-23, 82%
    • EI
      • 2017-18, 79%
      • 2019-20, 78%
      • 2020-21, 79%
      • 2021-22, 80%
      • 2022-23, 77%, significantly lower than total
    • CPP
      • 2017-18, 79%
      • 2019-20, 80%
      • 2020-21, 85%
      • 2021-22, 81%
      • 2022-23, 84%
    • CPP-D
      • 2017-18, 52%
      • 2019-20, 53%
      • 2020-21, 54%
      • 2021-22, 54%
      • 2022-23, 56%, significantly lower than total
    • SIN
      • 2017-18, 89%
      • 2019-20, 85%
      • 2020-21, 90%
      • 2021-22, 89%
      • 2022-23, 91%, significantly higher than the total
    • OAS/GIS
      • 2017-18,75%
      • 2019-20, 83%
      • 2020-21, 85%
      • 2021-22, 79%
      • 2022-23, 80%
  • Putting together the information you needed to apply for [PROGRAM ABBREV]
    • TOTAL
      • 2017-18, 78%
      • 2019-20, 79%
      • 2020-21, 82%
      • 2021-22, 80%
      • 2022-23, 79%
    • EI
      • 2017-18, 75%
      • 2019-20, 75%
      • 2020-21, 81%
      • 2021-22, 77%
      • 2022-23, 75%, significantly lower than total
    • CPP
      • 2017-18, 77%
      • 2019-20, 82%
      • 2020-21, 81%
      • 2021-22, 78%
      • 2022-23, 80%
    • CPP-D
      • 2017-18, 46%
      • 2019-20, 43%
      • 2020-21, 44%
      • 2021-22, 44%
      • 2022-23, 45%, significantly lower than total
    • SIN
      • 2017-18, 87%
      • 2019-20, 86%
      • 2020-21, 88%
      • 2021-22, 89%
      • 2022-23, 89%, significantly higher than total
    • OAS/GIS
      • 2017-18, 75%
      • 2019-20, 79%
      • 2020-21, 77%
      • 2021-22, 74%
      • 2022-23, 81%
  • Getting help on your application when you needed it
    • TOTAL
      • 2020-21, 65%
      • 2021-22, 64%
      • 2022-23, 68%, significantly higher than previous wave
    • EI
      • 2020-21, 58%
      • 2021-22, 58%
      • 2022-23, 63%, significantly lower than total
    • CPP
      • 2020-21, 63%
      • 2021-22, 59%
      • 2022-23, 61%, significantly lower than total
    • CPP-D
      • 2020-21, 45%
      • 2021-22, 48%
      • 2022-23, 46%, significantly lower than total
    • SIN
      • 2020-21, 78%
      • 2021-22, 78%
      • 2022-23, 83%, significantly higher than total, significantly higher than previous wave
    • OAS/GIS
      • 2020-21, 61%
      • 2021-22, 54%
      • 2022-23, 62%, significantly lower than total, significantly higher than previous wave

Q12. How much do you agree or disagree that you were able to complete the application in a reasonable amount of time? (Please use a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 is strongly disagree and 5 is strongly agree.)

Q13. On a scale of 1 to 5 where 1 is very difficult and 5 is very easy, how would you rate the following when you were applying for [INSERT ABBREV]? How about …?

Base: All respondents (n=varies)

Online Application Completion

Ease of Application
Figure long description

Ease of Application

  • Completing the application form
    • 5- very easy, 57%, significantly higher than previous wave
    • Rated 4, 27%
    • Rated 3, 10%, significantly lower than previous wave
    • Rated 2, 3%
    • 1 – very difficult, 2%
    • % Rated 4 or 5
      • 2017-18, 83%
      • 2019-20, 81%
      • 2020-21, 84%
      • 2021-22, 82%
      • 2022-23, 85%
  • Understanding the requirements of the application
    • 5- very easy, 54%
    • Rated 4, 27%
    • Rated 3, 12%
    • Rated 2, 4%
    • 1 – very difficult, 2%
    • % Rated 4 or 5
      • 2017-18, 81%
      • 2019-20, 80%
      • 2020-21, 83%
      • 2021-22, 82%
      • 2022-23, 82%
  • Putting together the information you needed to apply
    • 5- very easy, 52%
    • Rated 4, 27%
    • Rated 3, 13%
    • Rated 2, 4%
    • 1 – very difficult, 3%
    • % Rated 4 or 5
      • 2017-18, 78%
      • 2019-20, 79%
      • 2020-21, 82%
      • 2021-22, 80%
      • 2022-23, 79%
  • Getting help on your application when you needed it
    • 5- very easy, 46%, significnatly higher than previous wave
    • Rated 4, 22%
    • Rated 3, 12%
    • Rated 2, 5%
    • 1 – very difficult, 5%
    • % Rated 4 or 5
      • 2020-21, 65%
      • 2021-22, 64%
      • 2022-23, 68%, significantly higher than previous wave
  • You were able to complete the application in a reasonable amount of time
    • 5- Strongly agree, 58%
    • Rated 4, 26%
    • Rated 3, 10%
    • Rated 2, 3%
    • 1 – Strongly disagree, 3%
    • % Rated 4 or 5
      • 2017-18, 82%
      • 2019-20, 84%
      • 2020-21, 83%
      • 2021-22, 81%
      • 2022-23, 84%, significantly higher than previous wave

Q13. On a scale of 1 to 5 where 1 is very difficult and 5 is very easy, how would you rate the following when you were applying for [INSERT ABBREV]? How about …?

Q12. How much do you agree or disagree that you were able to complete the application in a reasonable amount of time? (Please use a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 is strongly disagree and 5 is strongly agree.)

Base: All respondents (n=3807)

Use of Online Chatbot on Canada.ca

One in ten clients used the online chat on the Canada.ca website, consistent with 2021-22. CPP-D clients were less likely to have used the chat compared to all clients. Of those who used the chat, nearly two-thirds agreed it was helpful and ratings were consistent with last year. CPP-D clients were less likely to feel the online chat was helpful.

% Used Online Chatbot
Figure long description

% Used Online Chatbot

  • Total
      2022-23, 9%
      2021-22, 10%
  • EI
      2022-23, 10%
      2021-22, %9
  • CPP
      2022-23, 7%
      2021-22, 8%
  • CPP-D
      2022-23, 6%, significnatly lower than total
      2021-22, 5%
  • SIN
      2022-23, 10%
      2021-22, 11%
      2022-23, 8%
      2021-22, 6%

Helpfulness of Online Chatbot

  • 2022-23, (n=328)
    • 5 – strongly agree, 47%
    • Rated 4, 17%
    • Rated 3,14%
    • Rated 2, 8%
    • 1 – Strongly disagree, 11%
    • Don’t know, 3%
    • % Rating 4 or 5
      • Total, 64%
      • EI, 61%
      • CPP, 63%
      • CPP-D, 35%, significantly lower than total
      • SIN, 71%
      • OAS/GIS, 73%
  • 2021-22 (n=327)
    • 5 – strongly agree, 40%
    • Rated 4, 21%
    • Rated 3,13%
    • Rated 2, 7%
    • 1 – Strongly disagree, 16%
    • Don’t know, 3%
    • % Rating 4 or 5
      • Total, 61%
      • EI, 56%
      • CPP, 58%
      • CPP-D, 58%
      • SIN, 70%
      • OAS/GIS, 50%

Q14d. Did you use the online chat on the Canada.ca website (also called ‘virtual assistant’) at any point during the process of getting information about [INSERT ABBREV] and completing and submitting the application form?

Base: All respondents (n=3807)

Q14e. How much do you agree or disagree that the online chat on the Canada.ca website was helpful?(Please use a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 is strongly disagree and 5 is strongly agree.)

Base: Those who used the online chat (n=328)

Ease of Application Process: Self-Service Clients

Satisfaction with Service Channels - Trending
Figure long description

Satisfaction with Service Channels - Trending

  • Understanding the requirements of the application
    • Overall
      • 5 - Very easy, 58%
      • Rated 4, 27%
      • Rated 3, 11%
      • Rated 2, 3%
      • 1 - Very difficult, 1%
    • EI
      • 5 - Very easy, 54%
      • Rated 4, 28%
      • Rated 3, 13%
      • Rated 2, 4%
      • 1 - Very difficult, 1%
    • CPP-RTR
      • 5 - Very easy, 59%
      • Rated 4, 33%
      • Rated 3, 7%
      • Rated 2, 0%
      • 1 - Very difficult, 1%
  • Putting together the information needed to apply
    • Overall
      • 5 - Very easy, 51%
      • Rated 4, 31%
      • Rated 3, 13%
      • Rated 2, 3%
      • 1 - Very difficult, 2%
    • EI
      • 5 - Very easy, 47%
      • Rated 4, 32%
      • Rated 3, 14%
      • Rated 2, 4%
      • 1 - Very difficult, 2%
    • CPP-RTR
      • 5 - Very easy, 53%
      • Rated 4, 34%
      • Rated 3, 10%
      • Rated 2, 1%
      • 1 - Very difficult, 2%
      • Don’t know, 1%
  • Getting help on your application when you needed it
    • Overall
      • 5 - Very easy, 41%
      • Rated 4, 20%
      • Rated 3, 12%
      • Rated 2, 4%
      • 1 - Very difficult, 4%
      • Don’t Know, 19%
    • EI
      • 5 - Very easy, 40%
      • Rated 4, 20%
      • Rated 3, 13%
      • Rated 2, 4%
      • 1 - Very difficult, 4%
      • Don’t Know, 18%
    • CPP-RTR
      • 5 - Very easy, 37%
      • Rated 4, 17%
      • Rated 3, 9%
      • Rated 2, 2%
      • 1 - Very difficult, 3%
      • Don’t Know, 33%
  • Able to complete the application in a reasonable amount of time
    • Overall
      • 5 - Strongly agree, 61%
      • Rated 4, 26%
      • Rated 3, 8%
      • Rated 2, 2%
      • 1 - Strongly disagree, 2%
    • EI
      • 5 - Strongly agree, 59%
      • Rated 4, 27%
      • Rated 3, 7%
      • Rated 2, 3%
      • 1 - Strongly disagree, 3%
    • CPP-RTR
      • 5 - Strongly agree, 62%
      • Rated 4, 28%
      • Rated 3, 7%
      • Rated 2, 2%
      • 1 - Strongly disagree, 1%
      • % Rating 4 or 5
  • Understanding the requirements of the application
    • Overall
      • 2017-18, 88%
      • 2019-20, 84%
      • 2020-21, 85%
      • 2021-22, 86%
      • 2022-23, 85%
    • EI
      • 2017-18, 89%
      • 2019-20, 83%
      • 2020-21, 83%
      • 2021-22, 85%
      • 2022-23, 82%
    • CPP-RTR
      • 2017-18, 83%
      • 2019-20, 87%
      • 2020-21, 90%
      • 2021-22, 88%
      • 2022-23, 92%
  • Putting together the information needed to apply
    • Overall
      • 2017-18, 82%
      • 2019-20, 84%
      • 2020-21, 85%
      • 2021-22, 82%
      • 2022-23, 82%
    • EI
      • 2017-18, 83%
      • 2019-20, 83%
      • 2020-21, 84%
      • 2021-22, 81%
      • 2022-23, 79%
    • CPP-RTR
      • 2017-18, 84%
      • 2019-20, 88%
      • 2020-21, 84%
      • 2021-22, 86%
      • 2022-23, 87%
  • Getting help on your application when you needed it
    • Overall
      • 2020-21, 57%
      • 2021-22, 56%
      • 2022-23, 61%, significantly higher than previous wave
    • EI
      • 2020-21, 55%
      • 2021-22, 54%
      • 2022-23, 60%
    • CPP-RTR
      • 2020-21, 56%
      • 2021-22, 49%
      • 2022-23, 53%
  • Able to complete the application in a reasonable amount of time
    • Overall
      • 2017-18, 86%
      • 2019-20, 90%
      • 2020-21, 87%
      • 2021-22, 86%
      • 2022-23, 87%
    • EI
      • 2017-18, 87%
      • 2019-20, 90%
      • 2020-21, 87%
      • 2021-22, 85%
      • 2022-23, 87%
    • CPP-RTR
      • 2017-18, 87%
      • 2019-20, 85%
      • 2020-21, 77%
      • 2021-22, 87%
      • 2022-23, 90%

Q12. How much do you agree or disagree that you were able to complete the application in a reasonable amount of time? (Please use a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 is strongly disagree and 5 is strongly agree.)

Q13. On a scale of 1 to 5 where 1 is very difficult and 5 is very easy, how would you rate the following when you were applying for [INSERT ABBREV]? How about …?

Base: Self-service clients – Overall (n=799), EI (n=353), CPP-RTR (n=213)

Use of My Service Canada Account (MSCA): Overall

Use of MSCA
Figure long description

Use of MSCA

  • Used MSCA (NET)
    • 2022-23, 66%
    • 2021-22, n=2972, 68%
    • 2020-21, n=3103, 69%
    • 2019-20, n=2069, 66%
  • Used your MSCA which you had registered for in the past
    • 2022-23, 44%
    • 2021-22, n=2972, 46%
    • 2020-21, n=3103, 38%
    • 2019-20, n=2069, 34%
  • Register and use your MSCA for the first time
    • 2022-23, 22%
    • 2021-22, n=2972, 22%
    • 2020-21, n=3103, 31%
    • 2019-20, n=2069, 32%
  • Try unsuccessfully to register for your MSCA
    • 2022-23, 5%
    • 2021-22, n=2972, 6%
    • 2020-21, n=3103, 4%
    • 2019-20, n=2069, 5%
  • None of the above
    • 2022-23, 26%
    • 2021-22, n=2972, 24%
    • 2020-21, n=3103, 24%
    • 2019-20, n=2069, 28%
  • Don’t know
    • 2022-23, 3%
    • 2021-22, n=2972, 2%
    • 2020-21, n=3103, 3%
    • 2019-20, n=2069, 2%

Q34aa. At any point in your recent experience with [INSERT ABBREV] did you …?

Base: All respondents excluding SIN (n=3043)

Use of My Service Canada Account (MSCA): by Program

% Rating 4 or 5
Figure long description

% Rating 4 or 5

  • Used MSCA (NET)
    • TOTAL
      • 2019-20, 66%
      • 2020-21, 69%
      • 2021-22, 68%
      • 2022-23, 66%
    • EI
      • 2019-20, 77%
      • 2020-21, 75%
      • 2021-22, 74%
      • 2022-23, 70%
    • CPP
      • 2019-20, 50%
      • 2020-21, 77%
      • 2021-22, 71%
      • 2022-23, 74%, significantly higher than total
    • CPP-D
      • 2019-20, 39%
      • 2020-21, 48%
      • 2021-22, 41%
      • 2022-23, 48%, significantly lower than total, significantly higher than previous wave
    • OAS/GIS
      • 2019-20, 32%
      • 2020-21, 43%
      • 2021-22, 43%
      • 2022-23, 50%, significantly lower than total, significantly higher than previous wave
  • Use your MSCA which you had registered for in the past
    • TOTAL
      • 2019-20, 34%
      • 2020-21, 38%
      • 2021-22, 46%
      • 2022-23, 44%
    • EI
      • 2019-20, 39%
      • 2020-21, 40%
      • 2021-22, 50%
      • 2022-23, 46%
    • CPP
      • 2019-20, 22%
      • 2020-21, 43%
      • 2021-22, 44%
      • 2022-23, 51%, significantly higher than total
    • CPP-D
      • 2019-20, 25%
      • 2020-21, 32%
      • 2021-22, 33%
      • 2022-23, 35%, significantly lower than total
    • OAS/GIS
      • 2019-20, 21%
      • 2020-21, 29%
      • 2021-22, 30%
      • 2022-23, 33%, significantly higher than total
  • Register and use your MSCA for the first time
    • TOTAL
      • 2019-20, 32%
      • 2020-21, 31%
      • 2021-22, 22%
      • 2022-23, 22%
    • EI
      • 2019-20, 38%
      • 2020-21, 35%
      • 2021-22, 24%
      • 2022-23, 24%
    • CPP
      • 2019-20, 28%
      • 2020-21, 34%
      • 2021-22, 27%
      • 2022-23, 23%
    • CPP-D
      • 2019-20, 14%
      • 2020-21, 16%
      • 2021-22, 8%
      • 2022-23, 13%, significantly lower than total, significantly higher than previous wave
    • OAS/GIS
      • 2019-20, 11%
      • 2020-21, 14%
      • 2021-22, 13%
      • 2022-23, 17%, significantly lower than total
  • Try unsuccessfully to register for your MSCA
    • TOTAL
      • 2019-20, 5%
      • 2020-21, 4%
      • 2021-22, 6%
      • 2022-23, 5%
    • EI
      • 2019-20, 3%
      • 2020-21, 4%
      • 2021-22, 6%
      • 2022-23, 5%
    • CPP
      • 2019-20, 8%
      • 2020-21, 5%
      • 2021-22, 3%
      • 2022-23, 3%
    • CPP-D
      • 2019-20, 5%
      • 2020-21, 4%
      • 2021-22, 9%
      • 2022-23, 7%
    • OAS/GIS
      • 2019-20, 7%
      • 2020-21, 5%
      • 2021-22, 7%
      • 2022-23, 6%
  • None of the above
    • TOTAL
      • 2019-20, 28%
      • 2020-21, 24%
      • 2021-22, 24%
      • 2022-23, 26%
    • EI
      • 2019-20, 18%
      • 2020-21, 19%
      • 2021-22, 19%
      • 2022-23, 22%, significantly lower than total
    • CPP
      • 2019-20, 38%
      • 2020-21, 14%
      • 2021-22, 22%
      • 2022-23, 19%, significantly lower than total
    • CPP-D
      • 2019-20, 53%
      • 2020-21, 44%
      • 2021-22, 46%
      • 2022-23, 42%, significantly higher than total
    • OAS/GIS
      • 2019-20, 59%
      • 2020-21, 47%
      • 2021-22, 46%
      • 2022-23, 42%, significantly higher than total/li>
  • Don’t Know
    • TOTAL
      • 2019-20, 2%
      • 2020-21, 3%
      • 2021-22, 2%
      • 2022-23, 3%
    • EI
      • 2019-20, 1%
      • 2020-21, 3%
      • 2021-22, 2%
      • 2022-23, 3%
    • CPP
      • 2019-20, 3%
      • 2020-21, 5%
      • 2021-22, 3%
      • 2022-23, 4%
    • CPP-D
      • 2019-20, 2%
      • 2020-21, 4%
      • 2021-22, 4%
      • 2022-23, 3%
    • OAS/GIS
      • 2019-20, 2%
      • 2020-21, 4%
      • 2021-22, 4%
      • 2022-23, 3%

Q34aa. At any point in your recent experience with [INSERT ABBREV] did you …?

Base: All respondents excluding SIN (n=3043)

Ease of My Service Canada Account (MSCA) Registration: by Program

Ease of MSCA Registration – Trending
Figure long description

Ease of MSCA Registration – Trending

  • 2022-23, n=726
    • 5 – very easy, 35%
    • Rated 4, 23%
    • Rated 3, 19%
    • Rated 2, 9%
    • 1 – very difficult, 12%
  • 2021-22, n=716
    • 5 – very easy, 31%
    • Rated 4, 20%
    • Rated 3, 22%
    • Rated 2, 8%
    • 1 – Very difficult, 17%
  • 2020-21, n=882
    • 5 – very easy, 39%
    • Rated 4, 24%
    • Rated 3, 17%
    • Rated 2, 9%
    • 1 – Very difficult, 10%
  • 2019-20, n=604
    • 5 – very easy, 41%
    • Rated 4, 28%
    • Rated 3, 17%
    • Rated 2, 6%
    • 1 – Very difficult, 9%
    • % Rating 4 or 5
  • 2022-23, n=726
    • Total, 59%, significantly higher than previous wave
    • EI, 61%, significantly higher than previous wave
    • CPP, 62%
    • CPP-D, 38%, significantly lower than total
    • OAS./GIS, 49%, significantly lower than total
  • 2021-22, n=716
    • Total, 51%
    • EI, 51%
    • CPP, 59%
    • CPP-D, 35%
    • OAS/GIS, 49%
  • 2020-21, n=882
    • Total, 63%
    • EI, 65%
    • CPP, 57%
    • CPP-D, 43%
    • OAS/GIS, 51%
  • 2019-20, n=604
    • Total, 69%
    • EI, 73%
    • CPP, 60%
    • CPP-D, 48%
    • OAS/GIS, 44%

Q34ab. Using a 5-point scale where 1 was very difficult and 5 was very easy, how difficult or easy was it to register for your My Service Canada Account?

Base: Registered or attempted to register for MSCA (n=726)

Reasons for Low Satisfaction with MSCA Registration

REASONS FOR RATING OF 1 OR 2, 21% of those who registered or attempted to register for MSCA
Figure long description

REASONS FOR RATING OF 1 OR 2, 21% of those who registered or attempted to register for MSCA

  • Problems with your Personal Access Code (PAC)
    • TOTAL
      • 2021-22, 22%
      • 2022-23, 21%
    • EI
      • 2021-22, 22%
      • 2022-23, 20%
    • CPP
      • 2021-22, 34%
    • CPP-D
      • 2021-22, 29%
      • 2022-23, 24%
    • OAS/GIS
      • 2021-22, 14%
      • 2022-23, 25%
  • Problems creating your profile (such as entering your SIN, personal information, or creating security questions)
    • TOTAL
      • 2021-22, 17%
      • 2022-23, 21%
    • EI
      • 2021-22, 17%
      • 2022-23, 21%
    • CPP
      • 2021-22, 7%
    • CPP-D
      • 2021-22, 15%
      • 2022-23, 15%
    • OAS/GIS
      • 2021-22, 19%
      • 2022-23, 18%
  • Problems verifying your identity using your online banking information
    • TOTAL
      • 2021-22, 19%
      • 2022-23, 17%
    • EI
      • 2021-22, 21%
      • 2022-23, 19%
    • CPP
      • 2021-22, 6%
    • CPP-D
      • 2021-22, 24%
      • 2022-23, 6%
    • OAS/GIS
      • 2021-22, 13%
      • 2022-23, 10%
  • Problems with your security code (for multi-factor authentication)
    • TOTAL
      • 2021-22, 7%
      • 2022-23, 16%
    • EI
      • 2021-22, 6%
      • 2022-23, 15%
    • CPP
      • 2021-22, 15%
    • CPP-D
      • 2021-22, 6%
      • 2022-23, 12%
    • OAS/GIS
      • 2021-22, 11%
      • 2022-23, 20%
  • My Service Canada Account was unavailable
    • TOTAL
      • 2021-22, 5%
      • 2022-23, 3%
    • EI
      • 2021-22, 4%
      • 2022-23, 3%
    • CPP
      • 2021-22, 11%
    • CPP-D
      • 2021-22, 4%
      • 2022-23, 5%
    • OAS/GIS
      • 2021-22, 9%
      • 2022-23, 4%
  • Other reason
    • TOTAL
      • 2021-22, 21%
      • 2022-23, 14%
    • EI
      • 2021-22, 21%
      • 2022-23, 15%
    • CPP
      • 2021-22, 15%
    • CPP-D
      • 2021-22, 9%
      • 2022-23, 25%, significantly higher than total
    • OAS/GIS
      • 2021-22, 30%
      • 2022-23, 6%
  • None of the above
    • TOTAL
      • 2021-22, 5%
      • 2022-23, 7%
    • EI
      • 2021-22, 5%
      • 2022-23, 6%
    • CPP
      • 2021-22, 11%
    • CPP-D
      • 2021-22, 6%
      • 2022-23, 7%
    • OAS/GIS
      • 2022-23, 10%

* Small sample size, interpret with caution. ** Sample size too small for reporting.

Q34ac. You provided a rating of [Q34ab RATING] out of 5 for registering for your My Service Canada Account. What would you say most contributed to your difficulty registering?

Base: Rating ease of MSCA registration a 1 or 2 (n=192)

Registered for MSCA in a Reasonable Amount of Time

Registered in Reasonable Amount of Time
Figure long description

Registered in Reasonable Amount of Time

  • 2022-23, n=726
    • 5 – Strongly agree, 41%
    • Rated 4, 25%
    • Rated 3, 17%
    • Rated 2, 6%
    • 1 – Strongly1 disagree, 10%
    • % Rating 4 or 5
      • Total, 66%
      • EI, 68%
      • CPP, 70%
      • CPP-D, 40%
      • OAS/GIS, 57%
  • 2021-22, n=716
    • 5 – Strongly agree, 35%
    • Rated 4, 25%
    • Rated 3, 20%
    • Rated 2, 5%
    • 1 – Strongly1 disagree, 14%
    • % Rating 4 or 5
      • Total, 60%
      • EI, 60%
      • CPP, 64%
      • CPP-D, 37%
      • OAS/GIS, 60%

Q34ad. How much do you agree or disagree that you were able to register for My Service Canada Account within a reasonable amount of time? (Please use a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 is strongly disagree and 5 is strongly agree.)

Base: Registered/tried to register for MSCA (n=726)

Ease of Signing into Existing MSCA

Ease of signing into existing MSCA account
Figure long description

Ease of signing into existing MSCA account

  • 2022-23, n=1203
    • Ease of Signing into Account
    • 5 – Very easy, 50%
    • Rated 4, 22%
    • Rated 3, 16%
    • Rated 2, 6%
    • 1 – Very difficult, 6%
    • % Rating 4 or 5
      • Total, 72%
      • EI, 72%
      • CPP, 81%,significantly higher than total, significantly higher than previous wave
      • CPP-D, 71%
      • OAS/GIS, 70%
  • 2021-22, n=1129
    • Ease of Signing into Account
    • 5 – Very easy, 53%
    • Rated 4, 22%
    • Rated 3, 14%
    • Rated 2, 5%
    • 1 – Very difficult, 6%
    • % Rating 4 or 5
      • Total, 75%
      • EI, 77%
      • CPP, 68%
      • CPP-D, 67%
      • OAS/GIS, 72%

Q35a. Using a 5-point scale where 1 is very difficult and 5 is very easy, how difficult or easy was it to sign into your My Service Canada Account?

Base: Had existing MSCA (n=1203)

Reason for Difficulty Signing into MSCA: Overall

 REASONS FOR RATING OF 1 OR 2 – 12% of those who had an existing MSCA
Figure long description

Reasons For Rating of 1 or 2 – 12% of those who had an existing MSCA

  • Had problems with your security code (for multi-factor authentication)
    • TOTAL
      • 2021-22, 7%
      • 2022-23, 17%
    • EI
      • 2021-22, 5%
      • 2022-23, 18%
    • CPP
      • 2021-22, 25%
    • CPP-D
      • 2021-22, 3%
      • 2022-23, 19%
  • Forgot your username or password
    • TOTAL
      • 2021-22, 19%
      • 2022-23, 15%
    • EI
      • 2021-22, 17%
      • 2022-23, 14%
    • CPP
      • 2021-22, 12%
    • CPP-D
      • 2021-22, 26%
      • 2022-23, 18%
  • Your account was locked
    • TOTAL
      • 2021-22, 13%
      • 2022-23, 12%
    • EI
      • 2021-22, 13%
      • 2022-23, 12%
    • CPP
      • 2021-22, 13%
    • CPP-D
      • 2021-22, 9%
      • 2022-23, 10%
  • My Service Canada Account was unavailable
    • TOTAL
      • 2021-22, 16%
      • 2022-23, 11%
    • EI
      • 2021-22, 17%
      • 2022-23, 11%
    • CPP
      • 2021-22, 12%
    • CPP-D
      • 2021-22, 11%
      • 2022-23, 6%
  • Forgot the answers to your security questions
    • TOTAL
      • 2021-22, 14%
      • 2022-23, 7%
    • EI
      • 2021-22, 16%
      • 2022-23, 7%
    • CPP
      • 2021-22, 10%
    • CPP-D
      • 2021-22, 11%
      • 2022-23, 4%
  • Other reason
    • TOTAL
      • 2021-22, 23%
      • 2022-23, 31%
    • EI
      • 2021-22, 22%
      • 2022-23, 31%
    • CPP
      • 2021-22, 16%
    • CPP-D
      • 2021-22, 40%
      • 2022-23, 39%
  • None of the above
    • TOTAL
      • 2021-22, 5%
      • 2022-23, 8%
    • EI
      • 2021-22, 5%
      • 2022-23, 8%
    • CPP
      • 2021-22, 11%

* Small sample size. Results should be interpreted with caution. ** Sample size too small for reporting.

Q35b. You provided a rating of [Q35A RATING] out of 5 for signing into your My Service Canada Account. What would you say most contributed to your difficulty signing into your account?

Base: Rating ease of signing into account 1 or 2 (n=125)

Satisfaction with My Service Canada Account (MSCA)

 Satisfaction with My Service Canada Account (MSCA)
Figure long description

Satisfaction with My Service Canada Account (MSCA)

  • Overall Satisfaction with MSCA (% Rated 4 or 5)
    • 2022-23, n=989
      • Total, 73%
      • EI, 75%
      • CPP, 73%
      • CPP-D, 70%
      • OAS/GIS, 59% , significantly lower than total
    • 2021-22, n=904
      • Total, 70%
      • EI, 69%
      • CPP, 71%
      • CPP-D, 69%
      • OAS/GIS, 66%
  • Client Groups
    • Higher Satisfaction, (% Rated 4 Or 5)
      • Racialized Clients, 83%
      • OLMC, 83%
    • Lower Satisfaction, (% Rated 4 Or 5)
      • E-vulnerable, 52%
      • No Devices, 41%
      • Language Barrier, 49%
      • Non-English Or French Speaking, 47%

Q27. How satisfied were you with the overall quality of service you received from your My Service Canada Account? Please use a 5-point scale, where ‘1’ means very dissatisfied and ‘5’ means very satisfied.

Base: (n=989)

Qualitative Highlights on My Service Canada Account

OAS/GIS and CPP-D participants were among the least likely to use MSCA to complete their applications. This was largely a function of age, their health conditions and the nature of the application. Older participants of these programs did not have access to a computer or the internet and were generally more comfortable and confident in applying using the paper application form or in-person. For others, sitting at a computer was difficult due to their health condition, found it easier to express themselves by writing down their answers and in a small number of cases participants were unaware of the option to apply online.

Among those with experiences of using MSCA, participants reported few issues with registering or signing in to MSCA; most appeared to have had their accounts for several years now. Some used their GCKey out of habit. Others found the sign-in option via the bank more convenient and secure due to high levels of trust toward their banking institutions.

Most participants used MSCA to check on the status of their application. They were generally underwhelmed by the vague “status pending” message shown on MSCA. Participants explained that the status message is one reason why they proceeded to call a program's specialized call centre to ask for more detailed information.

Participants who used MSCA generally trusted that Service Canada is doing its best in protecting their personal information. There were some references to security breaches involving federal government departments, but this did not appear to affect their trust levels. Instead, participants adopted an attitude of resignation that security breaches happen and affect both private and public organizations.

I’m a one-finger typist at best. I’ve got friends that can help me out on the computer, and my daughter-in-law, she is very good on computers and things like that. But I’m not very comfortable with it. So, when I saw that I could just print it out and write things out, I thought, yeah, that’s what I’m going to do. . I’m kind of old-school.
CPP-D participant
It was pretty straightforward […] I’ve had very good service with my banking and Interac services before, so I figured if I logged in with that, because my MSCA account has all of your SIN numbers and that kind of information, it’s probably actually better to use the Interac verification because my bank has like fraud alerts and different ways to possibly protect me.
EI participant
The options are "Status pending" or "Approved". And then "Status pending", like, what does that mean? And not even the people that you phone know what that means
EI participant

Use of 1 800 O-Canada at Aware Stage and Channel Satisfaction: Overall and by Client Group

1 800 O-Canada Channel Use and Satisfaction
Figure long description

1 800 O-Canada Channel Use and Satisfaction

  • Satisfied with channel (% rated 4 or 5)
    • 2019-20, 69%
    • 2020-21, 72%
    • 2021-22, 59%
    • 2022-23, 70%, significantly higher than previous wave
  • Used service at awareness stage
    • 2019-20, 8%
    • 2020-21, 6%
    • 2021-22, 5%
    • 2022-23, 6%
At-risk Client Groups
Figure long description

At-risk Client Groups

  • Satisfied (% Rated 4 or 5)
    • Youth (18 to 30)
      • 2019-20, 79%
      • 2020-21, 79%
      • 2021-22, 47%
      • 2022-23, 67%
    • Seniors (60+)
      • 2019-20, 67%
      • 2020-21, 65%
      • 2021-22, 68%
      • 2022-23, 72%
    • OLMC
      • 2019-20, 78%
    • Non E or F Speaking
      • 2019-20, 82%
    • High school or less
      • 2019-20, 73%
      • 2020-21, 80%
      • 2021-22, 60%
      • 2022-23, 69%
    • Indigenous
      • 2019-20, 52%
      • 2020-21, 83%, small sample size
      • 2021-22, 56%
      • 2022-23, 68%, significantly higher than previous wave
    • Clients with disabilities
      • 2019-20, 70%
      • 2020-21, 48%
      • 2021-22, 51%
      • 2022-23, 79%, significantly higher than previous wave/li>
    • Remote
      • 2019-20, 74%
      • 2020-21, 80%, small sample size
      • 2021-22, 79%
      • 2022-23, 88%, significnatly higher than total, small sample size
    • Urban
      • 2019-20, 71%
      • 2020-21, 71%
      • 2021-22, 57%
      • 2022-23, 73%, significnatly higher than previous wave
    • Rural
      • 2019-20, 65%
      • 2020-21, 74%
      • 2021-22, 57%
      • 2022-23, 65%
    • E-vulnerable
      • 2019-20, 69%
      • 2020-21, 75%
      • 2021-22, 61%
      • 2022-23, 61%
    • Newcomers (3 yrs. or fewer)
      • 2019-20, 83%
      • 2022-23, 94%, significantly higher than total, small sample size
    • Language barrier
      • 2019-20, 8%
      • 2020-21, 31%
      • 2022-23, 31%, significantly lower than total, small sample size
    • Mobile only
      • 2019-20, 54%
      • 2020-21, 66%, small sample size
      • 2021-22, 67%
      • 2022-23, 73%
    • No devices
      • 2019-20, 77%
      • 2020-21, 85%
      • 2021-22, 71%, small sample size
    • Clients with restrictions
      • 2019-20, 55%
      • 2020-21, 72%
      • 2021-22, 47%
      • 2022-23, 55%, significnatly higher than previous wave, significantly lower than total
    • Racialized
      • 2020-21, 82%
      • 2021-22, 63%
      • 2022-23, 85%, significantly higher than previous wave, significantly higher than total
  • % Used At Awareness Stage
    • Youth (18 to 30)
      • 2019-20, 5%
      • 2020-21, 4%
      • 2021-22, 5%
      • 2022-23, 6%
    • Seniors (60+)
      • 2019-20, 9%
      • 2020-21, 7%
      • 2021-22, 6%
      • 2022-23, 7%
    • OLMC
      • 2019-20, 3%
      • 2020-21, 6%
      • 2021-22, 5%
      • 2022-23, 2%
    • Non E or F Speaking
      • 2019-20, 3%
      • 2020-21, 2%, small sample size
      • 2021-22, 5%, small sample size
      • 2022-23, 7%
    • High school or less
      • 2019-20, 7%
      • 2020-21, 7%
      • 2021-22, 8%
      • 2022-23, 8%
    • Indigenous
      • 2019-20, 8%
      • 2020-21, 6%
      • 2021-22, 7%
      • 2022-23, 9%
    • Clients with disabilities
      • 2019-20, 11%
      • 2020-21, 7%
      • 2021-22, 10%
      • 2022-23, 8%
    • Remote
      • 2019-20, 6%
      • 2020-21, 7%
      • 2021-22, 7%
      • 2022-23, 7%
    • Urban
      • 2019-20, 7%
      • 2020-21, 6%
      • 2021-22, 5%
      • 2022-23, 5%
    • Rural
      • 2019-20, 9%
      • 2020-21, 5%
      • 2021-22, 5%
      • 2022-23, 5%
    • E-vulnerable
      • 2019-20, 11%
      • 2020-21, 9%
      • 2021-22, 8%
      • 2022-23, 9%
    • Newcomers (3 yrs. Or fewer)
      • 2019-20, 3%
      • 2020-21, 3%
      • 2021-22, 2%
      • 2022-23, 5%
    • Language barrier
      • 2019-20, 19%
      • 2020-21, 12%
      • 2021-22, 5%
      • 2022-23, 4%
    • Mobile only
      • 2019-20, 5%
      • 2020-21, 13%
      • 2021-22, 8%
      • 2022-23, 6%
    • No devices
      • 2019-20, 19%
      • 2020-21, 11%
      • 2021-22, 10%
      • 2022-23, 3%, significnatly lower than previous waves
    • Clients with restrictions
      • 2019-20, 8%
      • 2020-21, 7%
      • 2021-22, 7%
      • 2022-23, 8%, significantly higher than total
    • Racialized
      • 2020-21, 6%
      • 2021-22, 5%
      • 2022-23, 5%

* Small sample size. Results should be interpreted with caution. ** Sample sizes too small for reporting.

Q1a. Which of the following did you use to find out about [INSERT PROGRAM] or [INSERT ABBREV] before you applied? Did you ...?

Q27. How satisfied were you with the overall quality of service you received from …?

Base: All respondents (n=varies)

Satisfaction with eServiceCanada

Satisfaction with Overall Quality of Service
Figure long description

Satisfaction with Overall Quality of Service

  • 1 – Very Dissatisfied, 8%, significantly higher than previous wave
  • Rated 2, 3%
  • Rated 3, 12%
  • Rated 4, 23%
  • 5 – Very Satisfied, 49%
  • % Rated 4 or 5
    • 2020-21, 82%
    • 2021-22, 76%
    • 2022-23, 72%
 Measures Of Ease And Effectiveness
Figure long description

Measures Of Ease And Effectiveness

  • Ease, Overall it was easy for you to apply for [Program Abbrev]
    • 2022-23, 78%, significantly lower than total
    • 2021-22, 82%
    • 2020-21, 80%
  • Effective, You were able to move smoothly through all of the steps related to you [Program Abbrev] application
    • 2022-23, 74%, significantly lower than total/li>
    • 2021-22, 75%
    • 2020-21, 78%
  • Ease of Follow-up, Ease of follow-up with Service Canada about application
    • 2022-23, 55%
    • 2021-22, 54%
    • 2020-21, 62%
  • Ease of Finding Information, Ease of finding information about the program on the Government of Canada website
    • 2022-23, 73%, significnatly lower than total
    • 2021-22, 77%
    • 2020-21, 69%

Q27. How satisfied were you with the overall quality of service you received from …?

Q36b. Thinking about the overall service you received, from getting information about [INSERT ABBREV] to receiving a decision, how much do you agree or disagree with the following statements, using a 5-point scale (where 1 means strongly disagree, and 5 means strongly agree)?

Q20a. Using a 5-point scale where 1 is very difficult and 5 is very easy, how difficult or easy was it to follow up with Service Canada about your application?

Q6. When you were looking for information about [INSERT ABBREV] on the Government of Canada website, how difficult or easy was it to …? Please use a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 is very difficult and 5 is very easy, how would you rate …?

In-Person – Overall Satisfaction / Helpfulness / Booked Appointment

Satisfaction with Overall Quality Service
Figure long description

Satisfaction with Overall Quality Service

  • 2022-23, n=1471
    • 5 – Very Satisfied, 63%
    • Rated 4, 21%
    • Rated 3, 9%
    • Rated 2, 4%
    • 1 –Very Dissatisfied, 3%
  • 2021-22, n=1295
    • 5 – Very Satisfied, 58%
    • Rated 4, 23%
    • Rated 3, 12%
    • Rated 2, 3%
    • 1 –Very Dissatisfied, 3%
  • 2020-21, n=1102
    • 5 – Very Satisfied, 68%
    • Rated 4, 18%
    • Rated 3, 7%
    • Rated 2, 2%
    • 1 – Very Dissatisfied, 3%
  • % Rated 4 or 5
    • 2022-23, 83%
    • 2021-22, 81%
    • 2020-21, 86%
Helpfulness (% Rated 4 or 5)
Figure long description

Helpfulness (% Rated 4 or 5)

  • Service Canada reps that you dealt with in-person were helpful
    • 2020-21, 91%
    • 2021-22, 88%
    • 2022-23, 92%, significantly higher than previous wave
  • It was easy to get the help when you needed it
    • 2020-21, 82%
    • 2021-22, 80%
    • 2022-23, 84%, significantly higher than previous wave
  • Booked Appointment Prior to Visit (% Yes)
    • Aware Stage
      • 2020-21, 27%
      • 2021-22, 28%
      • 2022-23, 23%
    • Aware Stage (% rating overall quality 4 or 5)
      • 2020-21, 87%
      • 2021-22, 87%
      • 2022-23, 85%
    • Apply Stage
      • 2020-21, 27%
      • 2021-22, 31%
      • 2022-23, 23%
    • Apply Stage (% rating overall quality 4 or 5)
      • 2020-21, 90%
      • 2021-22, 84%
      • 2022-23, 89%

Note: In-Person satisfaction results do not include the person-to-person touchless service – eServiceCanada.

Q27. How satisfied were you with the overall quality of service you received from…? Base: (n=1471)

Q36b. Thinking about the overall service you received, from getting information about [INSERT ABBREV] to receiving a decision, how much do you agree or disagree with the following statements, using a 5-point scale (where 1 means strongly disagree, and 5 means strongly agree.) Base: All answering (n=varies)

Q1c. You indicated that you went to a government office before you applied. Did you book an appointment prior to your visit? Base: (n=845)

Q9d. You indicated that you went to a government office when completing and submitting your application. Did you book an appointment prior to your visit? Base: Those who went to a government office before applying (n=1093)

Profile of In-Person Clientele – Proportion of Client Groups

Proportion of At-risk Client Groups
Figure long description

Proportion of At-risk Client Groups

  • Youth (18 to 30), n=652, 29%
    • Aware
      • 2020-21, (n=646), 41%
      • 2021-22, (n=757), 40%
      • 2022-23, n=845, 37%
    • Apply
      • 2020-21, (n=765), 47%
      • 2021-22, (n=953), 43%
      • 2022-23, n=1093, 41%, significnatly higher than total
    • Follow-up
      • 2020-21, (n=168), 38%
      • 2021-22, (n=241), 19%
      • 2022-23, n=296, 27%, significnatly higher than previous wave
  • Seniors (60+), n=1981, 28%
    • Aware
      • 2020-21, (n=646), 20%
      • 2021-22, (n=757), 19%
      • 2022-23, n=845, 19%, significantly lower than total
    • Apply
      • 2020-21, (n=765), 18%
      • 2021-22, (n=953), 15%
      • 2022-23, n=1093, 19%, significnatly lower than total, significantly higher than previous wave
    • Follow-up
      • 2020-21, (n=168), 21%
      • 2021-22, (n=241), 26%
      • 2022-23, n=296, 30%
  • OLMC, n=112, 4%
    • Aware
      • 2020-21, (n=646), 6%
      • 2021-22, (n=757), 4%
      • 2022-23, n=845, 4%
    • Apply
      • 2020-21, (n=765), 7%
      • 2021-22, (n=953), 4%
      • 2022-23, n=1093, 4%
    • Follow-up
      • 2020-21, (n=168), 7%
      • 2021-22, (n=241), 2%
      • 2022-23, n=296, 7%, significnatly higher than previous wave
  • Non E or F speaking, n=81, 3%
    • Aware
      • 2020-21, (n=646), 4%
      • 2021-22, (n=757), 2%
      • 2022-23, n=845, 1%
    • Apply
      • 2020-21, (n=765), 4%
      • 2021-22, (n=953), 4%
      • 2022-23, n=1093, 5%
    • Follow-up
      • 2020-21, (n=168), 6%
      • 2021-22, (n=241), 2%
      • 2022-23, n=296, 2%
  • High school or less, n=1446, 27%
    • Aware
      • 2020-21, (n=646), 31%
      • 2021-22, (n=757), 31%
      • 2022-23, n=845, 28%
    • Apply
      • 2020-21, (n=765), 26%
      • 2021-22, (n=953), 26%
      • 2022-23, n=1093, 26%
    • Follow-up
      • 2020-21, (n=168), 37%
      • 2021-22, (n=241), 40%
      • 2022-23, n=296, 40%, significantly higher than total
  • Indigenous, n=427, 7%
    • Aware
      • 2020-21, (n=646), 10%
      • 2021-22, (n=757), 9%
      • 2022-23, n=845, 7%
    • Apply
      • 2020-21, (n=765), 10%
      • 2021-22, (n=953), 7%
      • 2022-23, n=1093, 7%
    • Follow-up
      • 2020-21, (n=168), 15%
      • 2021-22, (n=241), 9%
      • 2022-23, n=296, 10%
  • Clients with disabilities, n=1012, 10%
    •  Aware
      • 2020-21, (n=646), 7%
      • 2021-22, (n=757), 9%
      • 2022-23, n=845, 6%, significnatly lower than previous wave, significantly lower than total
    • Apply
      • 2020-21, (n=765), 6%
      • 2021-22, (n=953), 7%
      • 2022-23, n=1093, 6%, significnatly lower than total
    • Follow-up
      • 2020-21, (n=168), 14%
      • 2021-22, (n=241), 12%
      • 2022-23, n=296, 12%
  • Remote, n=400, 2%
    • Aware
      • 2020-21, (n=646), 3%
      • 2021-22, (n=757), 3%
      • 2022-23, n=845, 3%
    • Apply
      • 2020-21, (n=765), 2%
      • 2021-22, (n=953), 2%
      • 2022-23, n=1093, 2%
    • Follow-up
      • 2020-21, (n=168), 4%
      • 2021-22, (n=241), 5%
      • 2022-23, n=296, 3%
  • Urban, n=2123, 60%
    •  Aware
      • 2020-21, (n=646), 65%
      • 2021-22, (n=757), 59%
      • 2022-23, n=845, 64%, significantly higher than total, significantly higher than previousw ave
    • Apply
      • 2020-21, (n=765), 69%
      • 2021-22, (n=953), 65%
      • 2022-23, n=1093, 70%, significantly hgiehr than total, significantly higher than previous wave
    • Follow-up
      • 2020-21, (n=168), 50%
      • 2021-22, (n=241), 47%
      • 2022-23, n=296, 48%, significantly lower than total
  • Rural, n=1624, 38%
    •  Aware
      • 2020-21, (n=646), 32%
      • 2021-22, (n=757), 35%
      • 2022-23, n=845, 33%, significantly lower than total
    • Apply
      • 2020-21, (n=765), 28%
      • 2021-22, (n=953), 31%
      • 2022-23, n=1093, 28%, significantly lower than total
    • Follow-up
      • 2020-21, (n=168), 47%
      • 2021-22, (n=241), 48%
      • 2022-23, n=296, 49%, significantly higher than total
  • E-vulnerable, n=851, 14%
    •  Aware
      • 2020-21, (n=646), 18%
      • 2021-22, (n=757), 21%
      • 2022-23, n=845, 19%, significantly higher than total
    • Apply
      • 2020-21, (n=765), 17%
      • 2021-22, (n=953), 17%
      • 2022-23, n=1093, 20%, significantly higher than total
    • Follow-up
      • 2020-21, (n=168), 22%
      • 2021-22, (n=241), 21%
      • 2022-23, n=,296 17%
  • Newcomers (3 years or fewer),21%, n=528
    •  Aware
      • 2020-21, (n=646), 26%
      • 2021-22, (n=757), 33%
      • 2022-23, n=845, 35%, significantly higher than total
    • Apply
      • 2020-21, (n=765), 33%
      • 2021-22, (n=953), 43%
      • 2022-23, n=1093, 45%, significantly higher than total
    • Follow-up
      • 2020-21, (n=168), 21%
      • 2021-22, (n=241), 9%
      • 2022-23, n=896, 8%, significantly lower than total
  • Language barrier, n=280, 5%
    •  Aware
      • 2020-21, (n=646), 4%
      • 2021-22, (n=757), 7%
      • 2022-23, n=845, 4%, significantly lower than previous wave
    • Apply
      • 2020-21, (n=765), 3%
      • 2021-22, (n=953), 6%
      • 2022-23, n=1093, 5%
    • Follow-up
      • 2020-21, (n=168), 5%
      • 2021-22, (n=241), 14%
      • 2022-23, n=296, 5%, significantly lower than previous wave
  • Mobile only, n=461, 10%
    •  Aware
      • 2020-21, (n=646), 12%
      • 2021-22, (n=757), 17%
      • 2022-23, n=845, 16%, significantly higher than total
    • Apply
      • 2020-21, (n=765), 13%
      • 2021-22, (n=953), 17%
      • 2022-23, n=1093, 16%, significantly higher than total
    • Follow-up
      • 2020-21, (n=168), 14%
      • 2021-22, (n=241), 12%
      • 2022-23, n=296, 13%
  • No devices, n=224, 3%
    • Aware
      • 2020-21, (n=646), 3%
      • 2021-22, (n=757), 4%
      • 2022-23, n=845, 4%
    • Apply
      • 2020-21, (n=765), 3%
      • 2021-22, (n=953), 4%
      • 2022-23, n=1093, 5%
    • Follow-up
      • 2020-21, (n=168), 3%
      • 2021-22, (n=241), 7%
      • 2022-23, n=296, 3%, singificantly lower than previous wave
  • Clients with restrictions,  n=1936, 41%, significnatly lower than previous wave
    • Aware
      • 2020-21, (n=646), 60%
      • 2021-22, (n=757), 54%
      • 2022-23, n=845, 47%, significantly higher than total, significantly lower than previous wave
    • Apply
      • 2020-21, (n=765), 55%
      • 2021-22, (n=953), 52%
      • 2022-23, n=953, 44%, significantly lower than previous wave
    • Follow-up
      • 2020-21, (n=168), 70%
      • 2021-22, (n=241), 61%
      • 2022-23, n=296, 52%, significantly higher than total, significantly lower than previous waves
  • Racialized, n=1037, 36%
    • Aware
      • 2020-21, (n=646), 52%
      • 2021-22, (n=757), 58%
      • 2022-23, n=845, 53%, significantly higher than total, significantly lower than previous wave
    • Apply
      • 2020-21, (n=765), 60%
      • 2021-22, (n=953), 65%
      • 2022-23, n=953, 59%, significantly higher than total, significantly lower than previous wave
    • Follow-up
      • 2020-21, (n=168), 49%
      • 2021-22, (n=241), 30%
      • 2022-23, n=296, 33%
Official Language Minority Communities

In-Person Satisfaction by Region (% Rated 4 or 5)

In-Person Satisfaction by Region (% Rated 4 or 5)
Figure long description

In-Person Satisfaction by Region (% Rated 4 or 5)

  • In-Person Satisfaction
    • 2022-23, 83%
    • 2021-22, 81%
    • 2020-21, 86%
    • 2019-20, 86%
  • West/Territories
    • 2022-23, 81%
    • 2021-22, 79%
    • 2020-21, 89%
    • 2019-20, 85%
  • Ontario
    • 2022-23, 84%
    • 2021-22, 83%
    • 2020-21, 86%
    • 2019-20, 83%
  • Quebec
    • 2022-23, 83%
    • 2021-22, 83%
    • 2020-21, 83%
    • 2019-20, 91%
  • Atlantic
    • 2022-23, 92%, significantly higher than total, significantly higher than previous wave
    • 2021-22, 80%
    • 2020-21, 88%
    • 2019-20, 88%

* Small sample size. Results should be interpreted with caution.

Q27. How satisfied were you with the overall quality of service you received from …

2022-23 Base: All respondents (n=1471), Ontario (n=575), Quebec (n=231), West/Territories (n=522), Atlantic (n=143)

Qualitative Highlights on In-person Service Channel

SIN participants applied in-person largely due to being made aware of this channel by friends or professionals helping them with settlement in Canada. A few OAS/GIS participants also opted to apply in person as they did not have access to the internet or required additional support with their application.

The main pain point encountered by participants were long queues at Service Canada Centres. This was not a surprise for SIN participants; many had heard from their friends that wait times can be long. A small number of OAS/GIS participants believed that health measures at offices reduced the level of service during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Representatives at Service Canada Centres were the main positive highlight. They were described by SIN and OAS/GIS participants as “nice”, “professional”, “patient” and “providing excellent customer care”.

I personally preferred to go in and see somebody face-to-face. Knowing that it’s such an important piece of documentation to receive, I prefer to go in and see somebody, hand them the documentations, have a conversation, and hopefully come away with exactly what I was looking for.
SIN participant
I was just feeling so tired [of waiting], because there’s no appointment that I can book in advance I can only walk into that place. I went [at a Service Canada office at] 8:00 AM, so it’s really early, but there were obviously a lot of people waiting there. It took me an hour to get in, I found that there were still a really long line.
SIN participant
I went into the Service Canada office in Moncton, which is where I expected to go. I don’t have any internet or that sort of thing, so the office was there, there was a receptionist there and they said that they didn’t help anyone there. There were computers all turned on and all cordoned off, no one using them. I It was in the COVID thing, and they were shut down. So it was 50 kilometre trip wasted going in there.
OAS/GIS participant

In-Person and Telephone Experience

Figure long description


  • Service Canada representatives that you dealt with in person were helpful
    • 5 - Strongly agree, 79%
    • Rated 4, 12%
    • Rated 3, 4%
    • Rated 2, 1%
    • 1 - Strongly disagree, 1%
    • Not Applicable, 1%
    • Don’t know, 1%
    • % Rated 4 or 5
      • 2019-20, 92%, significantly higher than previous wave
      • 2020-21, 91%
      • 2021-22, 88%
      • 2022-23, 92%
    • By Overall Satisfaction
      • Rated 4 or 5, 96%, significantly higher than total
      • Rated 1 or 2, 57%, significantly lower than total
  • You travelled a reasonable distance to access the service
    • 5 - Strongly agree, 58%
    • Rated 4, 20%
    • Rated 3, 12%
    • Rated 2, 3%
    • 1 - Strongly disagree, 6%
    • Not Applicable, 2%,
    • Don’t know, 1%
    • % Rated 4 or 5
      • 2019-20, 75%
      • 2020-21, 79%
      • 2021-22, 73%
      • 2022-23, 78%, significantly higher than previous wave
    • By Overall Satisfaction
      • Rated 4 or 5, 81%, significnatly higher than total
      • Rated 1 or 2, 53%, significnatly lower than total


  • Service Canada specialized call centre phone representatives were helpful
    • 5 - Strongly agree, 63%
    • Rated 4, 20%
    • Rated 3, 10%
    • Rated 2, 4%
    • 1 - Strongly disagree, 3%
    • Not Applicable, 1%
    • % Rated 4 or 5
      • 2019-20, 73%
      • 2020-21, 85%
      • 2021-22, 82%
      • 2022-23, 83%
    • By Overall Satisfaction
      • Rated 4 or 5, 93%, significantly higher than total
      • Rated 1 or 2, 39%t, significnatly lower than total

Q36b. Thinking about the overall service you received, from getting information about [INSERT ABBREV] to receiving a decision, how much do you agree or disagree with the following statements, using a 5-point scale (where 1 means strongly disagree, and 5 means strongly agree)?

Base: All respondents (n=varies)

Reasons for Low Satisfaction with Specialized Call Centre Service: Overall

Reason for Rating of 1 to 3, 34% of those who used a Specialized Call Centre
Figure long description

Reason for Rating of 1 to 3, 34% of those who used a Specialized Call Centre

  • The telephone wait times were too long
    • 2022-23, 37%
    • 2021-22, n=344, 46%
    • 2020-21, n=315, 54%
  • Inconsistent or unclear information
    • 2022-23, 20%
    • 2021-22, n=344, 18%
    • 2020-21, n=315, 23%
  • Your questions were not answered
    • 2022-23, 12%
    • 2021-22, n=344, 7%
    • 2020-21, n=315, 5%
  • Did not like the outcome of the call(s)
    • 2022-23, 5%
    • 2021-22, n=344, 4%
    • 2020-21, n=315, 1%
  • Service Canada representatives were disrespectful
    • 2022-23, 1%
    • 2021-22, n=344, 1%
    • 2020-21, n=315, 0%
  • Other
    • 2022-23, 21%
    • 2021-22, n=344, 21%
    • 2020-21, n=315, 23%
  • (DK/NS)
    • 2022-23, 5%
    • 2021-22, n=344, 2%
    • 2020-21, n=315, 3%

Q27a. You provided a rating of [INSERT RATING FOR 'AN [INSERT ABBREV] CALL CENTRE' AT Q27] out of 5 for the service provided by the [INSERT ABBREV] Call Centre. What would you say most contributed to your lower satisfaction with the overall quality of the service you received from the [PROGRAM ABBREV] call centre?

Base: Those who provided a rating of 1 to 3/5 on Q27 (n=355)

Reasons for Low Satisfaction with Specialized Call Centre Service: by Program

Reason for Rating of 1 to 4
Figure long description

Reason for Rating of 1 to 4

  • The telephone wait times were too long
    • Total
      • 2020-21, (n=315), 54%
      • 2021-22, (n=344), 46%
      • 2022-23, n=355, 37%
    • EI
      • 2020-21, (n=122), 59%
      • 2021-22, (n=147), 45%
      • 2022-23, n=135, 38%
    • CPP
      • 2020-21, (n=38*), 52%
      • 2021-22, (n=44), 53%
      • 2022-23, n=39, 38%
    • CPP-D
      • 2020-21, (n=90), 27%
      • 2021-22, (n=106), 27%
      • 2022-23, n=126, 28%, significantly lower than total
    • SIN
      • 2020-21, (n=29*), 42%
    • OAS/GIS
      • 2020-21, (n=36*), 50%
      • 2021-22, (n=38*), 49%
      • 2022-23, n=48, 34%
  • Inconsistent or unclear information
    • Total
      • 2020-21, (n=315), 12%
      • 2021-22, (n=344), 18%
      • 2022-23, n=355, 20%
    • EI
      • 2020-21, (n=122), 12%
      • 2021-22, (n=147), 20%
      • 2022-23, n=135, 21%
    • CPP
      • 2020-21, (n=38*), 12%
      • 2021-22, (n=44), 16%
      • 2022-23, n=39, 20%
    • CPP-D
      • 2020-21, (n=90), 16%
      • 2021-22, (n=106), 22%
      • 2022-23, n=126, 20%
    • SIN
      • 2020-21, (n=29*), 0%
      • 2022-23, n=7, 38%
    • OAS/GIS
      • 2020-21, (n=36*), 11%
      • 2021-22, (n=38*), 10%
      • 2022-23, n=48, 11%
  • Your questions were not answered
    • Total
      • 2020-21, (n=315), 5%
      • 2021-22, (n=344), 7%
      • 2022-23, n=355, 12%
    • EI
      • 2020-21, (n=122), 4%
      • 2021-22, (n=147), 7%
      • 2022-23, n=135, 12%
    • CPP
      • 2020-21, (n=38*), 4%
      • 2021-22, (n=44), 4%
      • 2022-23, n=39, 8%
    • CPP-D
      • 2020-21, (n=90), 13%
      • 2021-22, (n=106), 10%
      • 2022-23, n=126, 17%, significantly higher than total
    • SIN
      • 2020-21, (n=29*), 0%
    • OAS/GIS
      • 2020-21, (n=36*), 2%
      • 2021-22, (n=38*), 23%
      • 2022-23, n=48, 14%
  • Did not like the outcome of the calls
    • Total
      • 2020-21, (n=315), 1%
      • 2021-22, (n=344), 4%
      • 2022-23, n=355, 5%
    • EI
      • 2020-21, (n=122), 2%
      • 2021-22, (n=147), 4%
      • 2022-23, n=135, 5%
    • CPP
      • 2020-21, (n=38*), 4%
      • 2021-22, (n=44), 2%
    • CPP-D
      • 2020-21, (n=90), 8%
      • 2021-22, (n=106), 7%
      • 2022-23, n=126, 5%
    • SIN
      • 2020-21, (n=29*), 12%
    • OAS/GIS
      • 2021-22, (n=38*), 1%
      • 2022-23, n=48, 8%
  • Service Canada representatives were disrespectful
    • Total
      • 2020-21, (n=315), 0%
      • 2021-22, (n=344), 1%
      • 2022-23, n=355, 1%
    • EI
      • 2021-22, (n=147), 1%
    • CPP
      • 2022-23, n=39, 6%, significantly higher than total
    • CPP-D
      • 2020-21, (n=90), 4%
      • 2021-22, (n=106), 1%
      • 2022-23, n=126, 3%, significantly higher than total
    • OAS/GIS
      • 2020-21, (n=36*), 2%
      • 2021-22, (n=38*), 2%
      • 2022-23, n=48, 1%
  • Other
    • Total
      • 2020-21, (n=315), 23%
      • 2021-22, (n=344), 21%
      • 2022-23, n=355, 21%
    • EI
      • 2020-21, (n=122), 23%
      • 2021-22, (n=147), 22%
      • 2022-23, n=135, 19%
    • CPP
      • 2020-21, (n=38*), 28%
      • 2021-22, (n=44), 24%
      • 2022-23, n=39, 23%
    • CPP-D
      • 2020-21, (n=90), 28%
      • 2021-22, (n=106), 26%
      • 2022-23, n=126, 24%
    • SIN
      • 2020-21, (n=29*), 17%
    • OAS/GIS
      • 2020-21, (n=36*), 34%
      • 2021-22, (n=38*), 16%
      • 2022-23, n=48, 28%
  • Don’t know/not stated
    • Total
      • 2020-21, (n=315), 3%
      • 2021-22, (n=344), 2%
      • 2022-23, n=,355 5%
    • EI
      • 2020-21, (n=122), 1%
      • 2021-22, (n=147), 1%
      • 2022-23, n=135, 4%
    • CPP
      • 2022-23, n=39, 7%
    • CPP-D
      • 2020-21, (n=90), 4%
      • 2021-22, (n=106), 7%
      • 2022-23, n=126, 2%
    • OAS/GIS
      • 2020-21, (n=36*), 2%
      • 2022-23, n=48, 5%

* Small sample size. Results should be interpreted with caution. ** Sample sizes too small for reporting.

Q27a. You provided a rating of [INSERT RATING FOR 'AN [INSERT ABBREV] CALL CENTRE' AT Q27] out of 5 for the service provided by the [INSERT ABBREV] Call Centre. What would you say most contributed to your lower satisfaction with the overall quality of the service you received from the [PROGRAM ABBREV] call centre?

Base: Those who provided a rating of 1 to 3/5 on Q27

Qualitative Highlights on Specialized Call Centre Service Channel

Wait times was the most common pain point experienced by participants who contacted  Specialized Call Centres. Several participants said they waited on hold for hours or were unable to reach a Service Canada representative. It was assumed there must be a high volume of calls.

A lack of information on the status of their application further contributed to negative perceptions of Specialized Call Centres.

In terms of positive comments, Call Centre representatives were described as “cordial” and “professional” by a small number of participants despite their frustration with the situation.

So when I called to help them guide me through the website, I was on hold for maybe an hour, hour-and-a-half. And then the line eventually tells you, "Call back another time", everyone's too busy
EI participant
I had to phone three different times. Maybe it was more. The first time I phoned, it was no, we’re still looking into it. And then, it was they’re still looking into it, and then a month or two months later, I phoned again.
CPP-D participant
I applied and I heard nothing back for four weeks. So I was just incessantly phoning to say, "Can somebody please give me an answer?". They said, "Oh, love to help you out but nobody's started your application on this side". And they just did that over, and over, and over, and over again. By the time somebody got back to me I was already employed again.
EI participant

Reasons for Low Satisfaction with Specialized Call Centre Service: by Region

Reason for Rating of 1 to 3 – tending
Figure long description

Reason for Rating of 1 to 3 – tending

  • The telephone wait times were too long
    • Total
      • 2020-21, (n=315), 54%
      • 2021-22, (n=344), 46%
      • 2022-23, (n=355), 37%
    • West/territories
      • 2020-21, (n=132), 45%
      • 2021-22, (n=138), 41%
      • 2022-23, (n=133), 40%
    • Ontario
      • 2020-21, (n=79), 57%
      • 2021-22, (n=118), 47%
      • 2022-23, (n=128), 25%, significantly lower than total, significantly lower than previous wave
    • Quebec
      • 2020-21, (n=78), 57%
      • 2021-22, (n=65), 53%
      • 2022-23, (n=61), 48%
    • Atlantic
      • 2020-21, (n=29*), 75%
      • 2021-22, (n=23*), 38%
      • 2022-23, (n=33), 39%
  • Inconsistent or unclear information
    • Total
      • 2020-21, (n=315), 12%
      • 2021-22, (n=344), 18%
      • 2022-23, (n=355), 20%
    • West/territories
      • 2020-21, (n=132), 20%
      • 2021-22, (n=138), 25%
      • 2022-23, (n=133), 18%
    • Ontario
      • 2020-21, (n=79), 10%
      • 2021-22, (n=118), 21%
      • 2022-23, (n=128), 27%
    • Quebec
      • 2020-21, (n=78), 8%
      • 2021-22, (n=65), 8%
      • 2022-23, (n=61), 15%
    • Atlantic
      • 2020-21, (n=29*), 12%
      • 2021-22, (n=23*), 18%
      • 2022-23, (n=33), 15%
  • Your questions were not answered
    • Total
      • 2020-21, (n=315), 5%
      • 2021-22, (n=344), 7%
      • 2022-23, (n=355), 12%
    • West/territories
      • 2020-21, (n=132), 6%
      • 2021-22, (n=138), 7%
      • 2022-23, (n=133), 15%, significantly higher than previous wave
    • Ontario
      • 2020-21, (n=79), 2%
      • 2021-22, (n=118), 3%
      • 2022-23, (n=128), 14%, significantly higher than previous wave
    • Quebec
      • 2020-21, (n=78), 8%
      • 2021-22, (n=65), 16%
      • 2022-23, (n=61), 9%
    • Atlantic
      • 2020-21, (n=29*), 3%
      • 2022-23, (n=33), 3%
  • Did not like the outcome of the calls
    • Total
      • 2020-21, (n=315), 1%
      • 2021-22, (n=344), 4%
      • 2022-23, (n=355), 5%
    • West/territories
      • 2020-21, (n=132), 2%
      • 2021-22, (n=138), 7%
      • 2022-23, (n=133), 2%, significnatly lower than previous wave
    • Ontario
      • 2021-22, (n=118), 0%
      • 2022-23, (n=128), 9%, significantly higher than previous wave
    • Quebec
      • 2021-22, (n=65), 4%
      • 2022-23, (n=61), 4%
    • Atlantic
      • 2021-22, (n=23*), 8%
      • 2022-23, (n=33), 1%
  • Service Canada representatives were disrespectful
    • Total
      • 2020-21, (n=315), 0%
      • 2021-22, (n=344), 1%
      • 2022-23, (n=355), 1%
    • West/territories
      • 2021-22, (n=138), 0%
      • 2022-23, (n=133), 1%
    • Ontario
      • 2021-22, (n=118), 0%
      • 2022-23, (n=128), 1%
    • Quebec
      • 2021-22, (n=65), 3%
      • 2022-23, (n=61), 0%
    • Atlantic
      • 2020-21, (n=29*), 1%
      • 2022-23, (n=33), 1%
  • Other
    • Total
      • 2020-21, (n=315), 23%
      • 2021-22, (n=344), 21%
      • 2022-23, (n=355), 21%
    • West/territories
      • 2020-21, (n=132), 23%
      • 2021-22, (n=138), 18%
      • 2022-23, (n=133), 19%
    • Ontario
      • 2020-21, (n=79), 27%
      • 2021-22, (n=118), 27%
      • 2022-23, (n=128), 22%
    • Quebec
      • 2020-21, (n=78), 23%
      • 2021-22, (n=65), 13%
      • 2022-23, (n=61), 19%
    • Atlantic
      • 2020-21, (n=29*), 6%
      • 2021-22, (n=23*), 35%
      • 2022-23, (n=33), 35%
  • Don’t know/not stated
    • Total
      • 2020-21, (n=315), 3%
      • 2021-22, (n=344), 2%
      • 2022-23, (n=355), 5%
    • West/territories
      • 2020-21, (n=132), 4%
      • 2021-22, (n=138), 2%
      • 2022-23, (n=133), 4%
    • Ontario
      • 2020-21, (n=79), 4%
      • 2021-22, (n=118), 2%
      • 2022-23, (n=128), 3%
    • Quebec
      • 2020-21, (n=78), 3%
      • 2021-22, (n=65), 2%
      • 2022-23, (n=61), 6%
    • Atlantic
      • 2020-21, (n=29*), 3%
      • 2022-23, (n=33), 7%

* Small sample size. Results should be interpreted with caution. ** Sample sizes too small for reporting.

Q27a. You provided a rating of [INSERT RATING FOR 'AN [INSERT ABBREV] CALL CENTRE' AT Q27] out of 5 for the service provided by the [INSERT ABBREV] Call Centre. What would you say most contributed to your lower satisfaction with the overall quality of the service you received from the [PROGRAM ABBREV] call centre?

Base: Those who provided a rating of 1 to 3/5 on Q27

Client Groups

Barriers/Restrictions to Accessing Service

Clients with Restrictions that Affect Accessing Service: Overall

% Yes To At Least One, 2021-22
Figure long description

% Yes To At Least One, 2021-22

  • 2022-23, 41%, singificnatly lower than previous wave
  • 2021-22, 45%
Restrictions to Accessing Service
Figure long description

Restrictions to Accessing Service

  • You are unable to visit Service Canada during business hours
    • 2022-23, 20%
    • 2021-22, 21%
    • 2020-21, 18%
    • 2019-20, 17%
  • You needed assistance from someone other than Service Canada staff
    • 2022-23, 13%
    • 2021-22, 14%
    • 2020-21, 11%
    • 2019-20, 10%
  • You do not live in close proximity to a Service Canada office
    • 2022-23, 12%
    • 2021-22, 15%
    • 2020-21, 12%
    • 2019-20, 13%
  • Application form was too long or complicated
    • 2022-23, 12%
    • 2021-22, 13%
    • 2020-21, 11%
  • You do not own a smart phone
    • 2022-23, 9%
    • 2021-22, 9%
    • 2020-21, 8%
  • You do not have access to the internet
    • 2022-23, 9%
    • 2021-22, 8%
    • 2020-21, 8%
    • 2019-20, 6%
  • You could not use the computer in a Service Canada Centre
    • 2022-23, 8%
    • 2021-22, 9%
    • 2020-21, 9%
    • 2019-20, 8%
  • You do not have access to a computer
    • 2022-23, 7%
    • 2021-22, 8%
    • 2020-21, 7%
    • 2019-20, 6%

Q45a. Some people experience difficulties applying for [INSERT ABBREV] because of barriers to accessing service. Thinking about your overall experience from getting information about, to applying for [INSERT ABBREV], did you experience difficulties for any of the following reasons …? A response of ‘yes’ means it was a barrier for you and caused difficulties applying and a response of ‘no’ means it was not a barrier.

Base: All respondents (n=Base varies)

Clients with Restrictions that Affect Accessing Service: by Program

% Yes to At Least One
Figure long description

% Yes to At Least One

  • Total
    • 2022-23, 41%, significnatly lower than preivous wave
    • 2021-22, 45%
  • EI
    • 2022-23, 40%
    • 2021-22, 43%
  • CPP
    • 2022-23, 39%
    • 2021-22, 43%
  • CPP-D
    • 2022-23, 66%, significnatly higher than total
    • 2021-22, 67%
  • SIN
    • 2022-23, 42%
    • 2021-22, 46%
    • 2022-23, 38%
    • 2021-22, 43%

% Yes

  • You are unable to visit Service Canada during business hours
    • Total,
      • 2019-20, 17%
      • 2020-21, 18%
      • 2021-22, 21%
      • 2022-23, 20%
    • EI
      • 2019-20, 16%
      • 2020-21, 16%
      • 2021-22, 21%
      • 2022-23, 21%
    • CPP
      • 2019-20, 16%
      • 2020-21, 18%
      • 2021-22, 19%
      • 2022-23, 14%
    • CPPD
      • 2019-20, 21%
      • 2020-21, 26%
      • 2021-22, 26%
      • 2022-23, 23%
    • SIN
      • 2019-20, 22%
      • 2020-21, 23%
      • 2021-22, 22%
      • 2022-23, 23%
    • OAS/GIS
      • 2019-20, 9%
      • 2020-21, 14%
      • 2021-22, 16%
      • 2022-23, 14%
  • You do not live in close proximity to a Service Canada office
    • Total,
      • 2019-20, 13%
      • 2020-21, 12%
      • 2021-22, 15%
      • 2022-23, 12%, significantly lower than previous wave
    • EI
      • 2019-20, 11%
      • 2020-21, 11%
      • 2021-22, 14%
      • 2022-23, 11%
    • CPP
      • 2019-20, 10%
      • 2020-21, 12%
      • 2021-22, 14%
      • 2022-23, 10%, significantly lower than total, significantly lower than previous wave
    • CPPD
      • 2019-20, 18%
      • 2020-21, 20%
      • 2021-22, 19%
      • 2022-23, 20%, significantly higher than previous wave
    • SIN
      • 2019-20, 17%
      • 2020-21, 15%
      • 2021-22, 17%
      • 2022-23, 15%, significantly higher than previous wave
    • OAS/GIS
      • 2019-20, 10%
      • 2020-21, 10%
      • 2021-22, 13%
      • 2022-23, 13%
  • You needed assistance from someone other than Service Canada staff
    • Total,
      • 2019-20, 10%
      • 2020-21, 11%
      • 2021-22, 14%
      • 2022-23, 13%
    • EI
      • 2019-20, 9%
      • 2020-21, 11%
      • 2021-22, 13%
      • 2022-23, 12%
    • CPP
      • 2019-20, 8%
      • 2020-21, 11%
      • 2021-22, 13%
      • 2022-23, 11%
    • CPPD
      • 2019-20, 41%
      • 2020-21, 42%
      • 2021-22, 36%
      • 2022-23, 34%, significantly higher than total
    • SIN
      • 2019-20, 9%
      • 2020-21, 8%
      • 2021-22, 14%
      • 2022-23, 15%
    • OAS/GIS
      • 2019-20, 10%
      • 2020-21, 11%
      • 2021-22, 14%
      • 2022-23, 12%
  • Application form was too long or complicated
    • Total,
      • 2020-21, 11%
      • 2021-22, 13%
      • 2022-23, 12%
    • EI
      • 2020-21, 11%
      • 2021-22, 15%
      • 2022-23, 13%
    • CPP
      • 2020-21, 10%
      • 2021-22, 12%
      • 2022-23, 11%
    • CPPD
      • 2020-21, 41%
      • 2021-22, 42%
      • 2022-23, 42%, significantly higher than total
    • SIN
      • 2020-21, 8%
      • 2021-22, 7%
      • 2022-23, 10%
    • OAS/GIS
      • 2020-21, 11%
      • 2021-22, 19%
      • 2022-23, 12%, significantly lower than previous wave
  • You could not use the computer in a Service Canada Centre
    • Total,
      • 2020-21, 9%
      • 2021-22, 9%
      • 2022-23, 8%
    • EI
      • 2020-21, 9%
      • 2021-22, 10%
      • 2022-23, 8%
    • CPP
      • 2020-21, 9%
      • 2021-22, 11%
      • 2022-23, 7%, significantly lower than previous wave
    • CPPD
      • 2020-21, 24%
      • 2021-22, 18%
      • 2022-23, 15%, significantly higher than total
    • SIN
      • 2020-21, 7%
      • 2021-22, 7%
      • 2022-23, 8%
    • OAS/GIS
      • 2020-21, 11%
      • 2021-22, 12%
      • 2022-23, 9%
  • You do not have access to the internet
    • Total,
      • 2019-20, 6%
      • 2020-21, 8%
      • 2021-22, 8%
      • 2022-23, 9%
    • EI
      • 2019-20, 7%
      • 2020-21, 6%
      • 2021-22, 7%
      • 2022-23, 8%
    • CPP
      • 2019-20, 8%
      • 2020-21, 11%
      • 2021-22, 8%
      • 2022-23, 7%
    • CPPD
      • 2019-20, 9%
      • 2020-21, 15%
      • 2021-22, 9%
      • 2022-23, 11%, significantly higher than total
    • SIN
      • 2019-20, 4%
      • 2020-21, 9%
      • 2021-22, 8%
      • 2022-23, 9%
    • OAS/GIS
      • 2019-20, 10%
      • 2020-21, 8%
      • 2021-22, 12%
      • 2022-23, 10%
  • You do not own a smart phone
    • Total,
      • 2019-20, 8%
      • 2020-21, 8%
      • 2021-22, 9%
      • 2022-23, 9%
    • EI
      • 2019-20, 6%
      • 2020-21, 7%
      • 2021-22, 7%
      • 2022-23, 8%
    • CPP
      • 2019-20, 8%
      • 2020-21, 12%
      • 2021-22, 13%
      • 2022-23, 11%
    • CPPD
      • 2019-20, 12%
      • 2020-21, 16%
      • 2021-22, 9%
      • 2022-23, 10%
    • SIN
      • 2019-20, 9%
      • 2020-21, 9%
      • 2021-22, 9%
      • 2022-23, 9%
    • OAS/GIS
      • 2019-20, 10%
      • 2020-21, 11%
      • 2021-22, 14%
      • 2022-23, 10%, significantly lower than previous wave
  • You do not have access to a computer
    • Total,
      • 2019-20, 6%
      • 2020-21, 7%
      • 2021-22, 8%
      • 2022-23, 7%
    • EI
      • 2019-20, 6%
      • 2020-21, 6%
      • 2021-22, 8%
      • 2022-23, 7%
    • CPP
      • 2019-20, 7%
      • 2020-21, 8%
      • 2021-22, 9%
      • 2022-23, 8%
    • CPPD
      • 2019-20, 14%
      • 2020-21, 15%
      • 2021-22, 11%
      • 2022-23, 14%
    • SIN
      • 2019-20, 5%
      • 2020-21, 8%
      • 2021-22, 6%
      • 2022-23, 5%
    • OAS/GIS
      • 2019-20, 6%
      • 2020-21, 9%
      • 2021-22, 11%
      • 2022-23, 10%

Q45a. Some people experience difficulties applying for [INSERT ABBREV] because of barriers to accessing service. Thinking about your overall experience from getting information about, to applying for [INSERT ABBREV], did you experience difficulties for any of the following reasons …? A response of ‘yes’ means it was a barrier for you and caused difficulties applying and a response of ‘no’ means it was not a barrier.

Base: All answering (n=varies)

Clients with Restrictions that Affect Accessing Service

Overall Satisfaction (% Rated 4 or 5)
Figure long description

Overall Satisfaction (% Rated 4 or 5)

  • 2018-20, 79%
  • 2020-21, 80%
  • 2021-22, 72%
  • 2022-23, 77%, significnatly higher than previous wave
Service Channel Satisfaction (% Rated 4 or 5)
Figure long description

Service Channel Satisfaction (% Rated 4 or 5)

  • In-Person
    • 2019-20, 80%
    • 2020-21, 82%
    • 2021-22, 76%
    • 2022-23, 77%, significantly lower than total
  • My Service Canada Account
    • 2019-20, 65%
    • 2020-21, 69%
    • 2021-22, 62%
    • 2022-23, 69%, significantly higher than previous wave
  • Online
    • 2019-20, 70%
    • 2020-21, 71%
    • 2021-22, 63%
    • 2022-23, 67%, significantly lower than total, significantly higher than previous wave
  • 1 800 O-Canada
    • 2019-20, 55%
    • 2020-21, 72%
    • 2021-22, 47%
    • 2022-23, 55%, significantly lower than total, significantly higher than previous wave
  • Specialized Call Centre
    • 2019-20, 61%
    • 2020-21, 68%
    • 2021-22, 60%
    • 2022-23, 67%, significantly lower than total, significantly higher than previous wave
  • eServiceCanada
    • 2020-21, 83%
    • 2021-22, 71%
    • 2022-23, 70%

Base: Clients with restrictions that affect accessing service (n=1938)

Widest gap vs. Total & change vs. 2021-22 in service attributes (% rated 4 or 5)
Figure long description

Widest gap vs. Total & change vs. 2021-22 in service attributes (% rated 4 or 5)

  • Ease of finding out what information you need to provide when applying
    • 2022-23, 66%, significantly lower than total
    • GAP vs. TOTAL, -11pts
    • 2021-22, 66%
  • You were able to find the information you needed (online, in person or by phone) within a reasonable amount of time
    • 2022-23, 65%, significantly lower than total
    • GAP vs. TOTAL, -11pts
    • 2021-22, 63%
  • Ease of understanding requirements of the application
    • 2022-23, 73%, significantly lower than total
    • GAP vs. TOTAL, -9pts
    • 2021-22, 73%
  • Ease of completing the application form
    • 2022-23, 76%, significantly lower than total, significantly higher than previous wave
    • GAP vs. TOTAL, -9 pts
    • 2021-22, 72%
  • Ease of figuring out eligibility
    • 2022-23, 64%, significantly lower than total
    • GAP vs. TOTAL, -9 pts
    • 2021-22, 65%
  • Ease of finding information about the program
    • 2022-23, 69%, significantly lower than total
    • GAP vs. TOTAL, -9 pts
    • 2021-22, 69%
  • 1 800 O-Canada phone representatives were helpful
    • 2022-23, 75%, significantly lower than total
    • GAP vs. TOTAL, -8 pts
    • 2021-22, 68%
  • Ease of understanding information about the program
    • 2022-23, 67%, significantly lower than total
    • GAP vs. TOTAL, -8 pts
    • 2021-22, 63%
  • Ease of finding out the steps to apply
    • 2022-23, 72%, significantly lower than total, significantly higher than previous wave
    • GAP vs. TOTAL, -7 pts
    • 2021-22, 66%
  • You received consistent information
    • 2022-23, 74%, significantly lower than total, significantly higher than previous wave
    • GAP vs. TOTAL, -7 pts
    • 2021-22, 73%
  • You were able to complete the application in a reasonable amount of time
    • 2022-23, 77%, significantly lower than total, significantly higher than previous wave
    • GAP vs. TOTAL, -7 pts
    • 2021-22, 73%
  • It was clear what to do if you had a problem or question
    • 2022-23, 72%, significantly lower than total, significantly higher than previous wave
    • GAP vs. TOTAL, -6 pts
    • 2021-22, 67%
  • Throughout the process it was clear what would happen next and when
    • 2022-23, 70%, significantly lower than total, significantly higher than previous wave
    • GAP vs. TOTAL, -6 pts
    • 2021-22, 67%
  • You were confident that any issues or problems would have been easily resolved
    • 2022-23, 70%<, significantly lower than total, significantly higher than previous wave/li>
    • GAP vs. TOTAL, -5 pts
    • 2021-22, 66%

Compared to 2021-22, ratings also increased for it being easy to get help when needed, specialized call centre representatives being helpful, getting help on the application specifically, being confident that one’s personal information was protected and ease of accessing service in a language clients could speak and understand well.

Widest gap vs. Total & change vs. 2021-22 in service attributes (% rated 4 or 5)
Figure long description

Widest gap vs. Total & change vs. 2021-22 in service attributes (% rated 4 or 5)

  • It was easy to get help when you needed it
    • 2022-23, 70%, significantly lower than total, significantly higher than previous wave
    • GAP vs. TOTAL, -4 pts
    • 2021-22, 61%
  • Service Canada specialized call centre phone representatives were helpful
    • 2022-23, 80%, significnatly higher than previous wave
    • GAP vs. TOTAL, -3 pts
    • 2021-22, 75%
  • Ease of getting help on your application when you needed it
    • 2022-23, 65%, significantly lower than total, significantly higher than previous wave
    • GAP vs. TOTAL, -3 pts
    • 2021-22, 61%
  • You were confident that your personal information was protected
    • 2022-23, 86%, significantly lower than total, significantly higher than previous wave
    • GAP vs. TOTAL, -2 pts
    • 2021-22, 84%
  • It was easy to access service in a language I could speak and understand well
    • 2022-23, 92%, significantly lower than total, significantly higher than previous wave
    • GAP vs. TOTAL, -2 pts
    • 2021-22, 90%

Proportion of Client Groups with Restrictions That Affect Accessing Service

Proportion of Clients
Figure long description

Proportion of Clients

  • Youth (18 to 30), 29%
    • % At Least One, 42%
    • You are unable to visit a Service Canada office during business hours, 23%
    • You do not live in close proximity to a Service Canada office, 13%
    • You needed assistance from someone other than Service Canada staff, 15%
    • Application form was too long or complicated, 10%
    • You do not have access to a computer, 4%, significantly lower than total
    • You do not have access to the internet, 6%, significantly lower than total
    • You do not own a smart phone, 6%, significantly lower than total
    • You could not use the computer in a Service Canada Centre, 6%
  • Seniors (60+), 28%
    • % At Least One, 41%
    • You are unable to visit a Service Canada office during business hours, 16
    • You do not live in close proximity to a Service Canada office, 12%
    • You needed assistance from someone other than Service Canada staff, 13%
    • Application form was too long or complicated, 12%
    • You do not have access to a computer, 10%, significantly higher than total
    • You do not have access to the internet, 11%, significantly higher than total
    • You do not own a smart phone, 12%, significantly higher than total
    • You could not use the computer in a Service Canada Centre, 10%, significantly higher than total
  • OLMC, 4%
    • % At Least One, 53%
    • You are unable to visit a Service Canada office during business hours, 28%
    • You do not live in close proximity to a Service Canada office, 21%, significantly higher than total
    • You needed assistance from someone other than Service Canada staff, 21
    • Application form was too long or complicated, 15%
    • You do not have access to a computer, 9%
    • You do not have access to the internet, 10%
    • You do not own a smart phone, 11%
    • You could not use the computer in a Service Canada Centre, 4%
  • Non E or F speaking, 3%
    • % At Least One, 46%
    • You are unable to visit a Service Canada office during business hours, 26%
    • You do not live in close proximity to a Service Canada office, 18%
    • You needed assistance from someone other than Service Canada staff, 21%
    • Application form was too long or complicated, 16%
    • You do not have access to a computer, 2%
    • You do not have access to the internet, 7%
    • You do not own a smart phone, 12%
    • You could not use the computer in a Service Canada Centre, 9%
  • High school or less, 29%
    • % At Least One, 48%
    • You are unable to visit a Service Canada office during business hours, 22%
    • You do not live in close proximity to a Service Canada office, 14%
    • You needed assistance from someone other than Service Canada staff, 17%, significantly higher than total
    • Application form was too long or complicated, 15%, significantly higher than total
    • You do not have access to a computer, 12%, significantly higher than total
    • You do not have access to the internet, 12%, significantly higher than total
    • You do not own a smart phone, 13%, significantly higher than total
    • You could not use the computer in a Service Canada Centre, 13%, significantly higher than total
  • Indigenous, 7%
    • % At Least One, 46%
    • You are unable to visit a Service Canada office during business hours, 25%
    • You do not live in close proximity to a Service Canada office, 17%, significantly higher than total
    • You needed assistance from someone other than Service Canada staff, 18%, significantly higher than total
    • Application form was too long or complicated, 15%
    • You do not have access to a computer, 12%, significantly higher than total
    • You do not have access to the internet, 15%, significantly higher than total
    • You do not own a smart phone, 12%
    • You could not use the computer in a Service Canada Centre, 11%
  • Clients with disabilities, 10%
    • % At Least One, 56%, significantly higher than total
    • You are unable to visit a Service Canada office during business hours, 27%, significantly higher than total
    • You do not live in close proximity to a Service Canada office, 22%, significantly higher than total
    • You needed assistance from someone other than Service Canada staff, 22%, significantly higher than total
    • Application form was too long or complicated, 24%,significantly higher than total
    • You do not have access to a computer, 17%, significantly higher than total
    • You do not have access to the internet, 17%significantly higher than total
    • You do not own a smart phone, 15%, significantly higher than total
    • You could not use the computer in a Service Canada Centre, 17%, significantly higher than total
  • Remote, 2%
    • % At Least One, 45%
    • You are unable to visit a Service Canada office during business hours, 26%, significantly higher than total
    • You do not live in close proximity to a Service Canada office, 25%, significantly higher than total
    • You needed assistance from someone other than Service Canada staff, 21%, significantly higher than total
    • Application form was too long or complicated, 18%, significantly higher than total
    • You do not have access to a computer, 10%
    • You do not have access to the internet, 12%, significantly higher than total
    • You do not own a smart phone, 11%
    • You could not use the computer in a Service Canada Centre, 14%, significantly higher than total
  • Urban, 60%
    • % At Least One, 40%
    • You are unable to visit a Service Canada office during business hours, 19%
    • You do not live in close proximity to a Service Canada office, 11%, significantly lower than total
    • You needed assistance from someone other than Service Canada staff, 12%
    • Application form was too long or complicated, 12%
    • You do not have access to a computer, 6%, significantly lower than total
    • You do not have access to the internet, 7%, significantly lower than total
    • You do not own a smart phone, 9%
    • You could not use the computer in a Service Canada Centre, 7%, significantly lower than total
  • Rural, 38%
    • % At Least One, 43%
    • You are unable to visit a Service Canada office during business hours, 22%
    • You do not live in close proximity to a Service Canada office, 14%
    • You needed assistance from someone other than Service Canada staff, 13%
    • Application form was too long or complicated, 13%
    • You do not have access to a computer, 9%, significantly higher than total
    • You do not have access to the internet, 11%, significantly higher than total
    • You do not own a smart phone, 9%
    • You could not use the computer in a Service Canada Centre, 9%
  • E-vulnerable, 14%
    • % At Least One, 58%, significantly higher than total
    • You are unable to visit a Service Canada office during business hours, 24%, significantly higher than total
    • You do not live in close proximity to a Service Canada office, 19%, significantly higher than total
    • You needed assistance from someone other than Service Canada staff, 22%, significantly higher than total
    • Application form was too long or complicated, 20%, significantly higher than total
    • You do not have access to a computer, 19%, significantly higher than total
    • You do not have access to the internet, 17%, significantly higher than total
    • You do not own a smart phone, 18%
    • You could not use the computer in a Service Canada Centre, 20%, significantly higher than total
  • Newcomers (3 yrs. or fewer), 21%
    • % At Least One, 44%
    • You are unable to visit a Service Canada office during business hours, 22%
    • You do not live in close proximity to a Service Canada office, 16%, significantly higher than total
    • You needed assistance from someone other than Service Canada staff, 16%
    • Application form was too long or complicated, 9%, significantly lower than total
    • You do not have access to a computer, 4%, significantly lower than total
    • You do not have access to the internet, 9%
    • You do not own a smart phone, 10%
    • You could not use the computer in a Service Canada Centre, 9%
  • Language barrier, 5%
    • % At Least One, 63%
    • You are unable to visit a Service Canada office during business hours, 38%, significantly higher than total
    • You do not live in close proximity to a Service Canada office, 22%, significantly higher than total
    • You needed assistance from someone other than Service Canada staff, 23%, significantly higher than total
    • Application form was too long or complicated, 33%, significantly higher than total
    • You do not have access to a computer, 10%
    • You do not have access to the internet, 11%
    • You do not own a smart phone, 15%, significantly higher than total
    • You could not use the computer in a Service Canada Centre, 17%, significantly higher than total
  • Mobile only, 10%
    • % At Least One, 59%, significantly higher than total
    • You are unable to visit a Service Canada office during business hours, 31%, significantly higher than total
    • You do not live in close proximity to a Service Canada office, 19%, significantly higher than total
    • You needed assistance from someone other than Service Canada staff, 23%, significantly higher than total
    • Application form was too long or complicated, 18%, significantly higher than total
    • You do not have access to a computer, 22%, significantly higher than total
    • You do not have access to the internet, 20%, significantly higher than total
    • You do not own a smart phone, 17%, significantly higher than total
    • You could not use the computer in a Service Canada Centre, 19%, significantly higher than total
  • No devices, 3%
    • % At Least One, 59%, significantly higher than total
    • You are unable to visit a Service Canada office during business hours, 22%
    • You do not live in close proximity to a Service Canada office, 23%, significantly higher than total
    • You needed assistance from someone other than Service Canada staff, 19%
    • Application form was too long or complicated, 24%, significantly higher than total
    • You do not have access to a computer, 31%, significantly higher than total
    • You do not have access to the internet, 31%, significantly higher than total
    • You do not own a smart phone, 23%, significantly higher than total
    • You could not use the computer in a Service Canada Centre, 20%, significantly higher than total
  • Clients with restrictons, 41%
    • % At Least One, 100%
    • You are unable to visit a Service Canada office during business hours, 49%, significantly higher than total
    • You do not live in close proximity to a Service Canada office, 31%, significantly higher than total
    • You needed assistance from someone other than Service Canada staff, 33%, significantly higher than total
    • Application form was too long or complicated, 30%, significantly higher than total
    • You do not have access to a computer, 18%, significantly higher than total
    • You do not have access to the internet, 21%, significantly higher than total
    • You do not own a smart phone, 22%, significantly higher than total
    • You could not use the computer in a Service Canada Centre, 20%, significantly higher than total
  • Racialized, 36%
    • % At Least One, 46%
    • You are unable to visit a Service Canada office during business hours, 23%, significantly higher than total
    • You do not live in close proximity to a Service Canada office, 14%
    • You needed assistance from someone other than Service Canada staff, 15%
    • Application form was too long or complicated, 12%
    • You do not have access to a computer, 7%
    • You do not have access to the internet, 9%
    • You do not own a smart phone, 10%
    • You could not use the computer in a Service Canada Centre, 8%
Official Language Minority Communities

Q45a. Some people experience difficulties applying for [INSERT ABBREV] because of barriers to accessing service. Thinking about your overall experience from getting information about, to applying for [INSERT ABBREV], did you experience difficulties for any of the following reasons …?

Base: All answering (n=varies)

Client Groups

Client Groups With Lower Satisfaction

Satisfaction was lower among clients with a language barrier, clients with disabilities, those with restrictions to accessing service, remote clients and rural clients compared to all clients.

Overall Satisfaction (% Rated 4 or 5)
Figure long description

Overall Satisfaction (% Rated 4 or 5)

  • Clients with a language barrier
    • 2022-23, 50%
    • 2021-22, 53%
  • Clients with disabilities
    • 2022-23, 71%
    • 2021-22, 69%
  • Clients with restrictions
    • 2022-23, 77%
    • 2021-22, 72%
  • Clients with no devices
    • 2022-23, 80%
    • 2021-22, 81%
  • E-vulnerable clients
    • 2022-23, 82%
    • 2021-22, 80%

To improve the client experience among these groups, focus should be placed on the service areas with the largest gaps compared to all clients.

Largest gaps in service attributes vs. all clients
Figure long description

Largest gaps in service attributes vs. all clients

  • Clients with a language barrier
    • Helpfulness of 1 800 O-Canada representatives
    • Ease of finding out the information needed to apply
    • Helpfulness of specialized call center representatives
    • Ease of finding out information about the program
  • Clients with disabilities
    • Ease of putting together the information needed to apply
    • Ability to move smoothly through all of the steps
    • Ease of finding out information about the program
    • Needing to explain your situation only once
  • Clients with access restrictions
    • Ease of finding out the information needed to apply
    • Ability to find the needed information in a reasonable amount of time
    • Ease of understanding requirements of the application
    • Ease of understanding information about the program
  • Remote clients
    • Ease of understanding information about the program
    • You needed to explain your situation only once
    • Confidence in issue resolution
    • The amount of time it took was reasonable
  • Rural clients
    • Ease of finding out the steps to apply
    • You received consistent information

Proportion of Client Groups: by Program

Presence of client groups differed significantly by program due in large part to program design.

2021-22 Proportion of Clients
Figure long description

2021-22 Proportion of Clients

  • Youth (18 to 30) 29%
    • EI
      • 2020-21, 29%
      • 2021-22, 28%
      • 2022-23, 26%, significantly lower than total
    • CPPD
      • 2020-21, 3%
      • 2021-22, 5%
      • 2022-23, 5%, significantly lower than total
    • SIN
      • 2020-21, 57%
      • 2021-22, 58%
      • 2022-23, 55%, significantly higher than total
  • Seniors (60+), 28%
    • EI
      • 2020-21, 15%
      • 2021-22, 13%
      • 2022-23, 14%, significantly lower than total
    • CPP
      • 2020-21, 96%
      • 2021-22, 96%
      • 2022-23, 94%, significantly higher than total
    • CPPD
      • 2020-21, 25%
      • 2021-22, 20%
      • 2022-23, 15%, significantly lower than total
    • SIN
      • 2020-21, 4%
      • 2021-22, 2%
      • 2022-23, 5%, significantly higher than total, significantly higher than previous wave
    • OAS/GIS
      • 2020-21, 100%
      • 2021-22, 100%
      • 2022-23, 100%, significantly higher than total
  • OLMC 4%
    • EI
      • 2020-21, 4%
      • 2021-22, 4%
      • 2022-23, 4%
    • CPP
      • 2020-21, 2%
    • CPPD
      • 2020-21, 2%
      • 2021-22, 1%
      • 2022-23, 1%, significantly lower than total
    • SIN
      • 2020-21, 9%
      • 2021-22, 5%
      • 2022-23, 5%, significantly higher than total
    • OAS/GIS
      • 2020-21, 5%
      • 2021-22, 4%
      • 2022-23, 3%
  • Non E or F speaking 3%
    • EI
      • 2020-21, 2%
      • 2021-22, 1%
      • 2022-23, 1%, significantly lower than total
    • CPP
      • 2020-21, 1%
      • 2021-22, 2%
    • CPPD
      • 2020-21, 3%
      • 2021-22, 1%
      • 2022-23, 1%, significantly lower than total
    • SIN
      • 2020-21, 6%
      • 2021-22, 5%
      • 2022-23, 6%, significantly higher than total
    • OAS/GIS
      • 2020-21, 1%
      • 2021-22, 1%
      • 2022-23, 1%, significantly lower than total
  • High school or less 29%
    • EI
      • 2020-21, 33%
      • 2021-22, 35%
      • 2022-23, 32%, significantly higher than total
    • CPP
      • 2020-21, 41%
      • 2021-22, 34%
      • 2022-23, 32%
    • CPPD
      • 2020-21, 41%
      • 2021-22, 36%
      • 2022-23, 36%, significantly higher than total
    • SIN
      • 2020-21, 19%
      • 2021-22, 20%
      • 2022-23, 20%, significantly lower than total
    • OAS/GIS
      • 2020-21, 43%
      • 2021-22, 35%
      • 2022-23, 35%, significantly higher than total
  • Indigenous 7%
    • EI
      • 2020-21, 12%
      • 2021-22, 7%
      • 2022-23, 8%
    • CPP
      • 2020-21, 5%
      • 2021-22, 5%
      • 2022-23, 3%, significantly higher than total, significantly lower than previous wave
    • CPPD
      • 2020-21, 8%
      • 2021-22, 9%
      • 2022-23, 8%
    • SIN
      • 2020-21, 7%
      • 2021-22, 7%
      • 2022-23, 7%
    • OAS/GIS
      • 2020-21, 3%
      • 2021-22, 4%
      • 2022-23, 4%, significantly lower than total
  • Clients with disabilities 10%
    • EI
      • 2020-21, 6%
      • 2021-22, 7%
      • 2022-23, 9%
    • CPP
      • 2020-21, 11%
      • 2021-22, 12%
      • 2022-23, 12%, significantly higher than total
    • CPPD
      • 2020-21, 84%
      • 2021-22, 83%
      • 2022-23, 81%, significantly higher than total
    • SIN
      • 2020-21, 3%
      • 2021-22, 3%
      • 2022-23, 2%, significantly lower than total
    • OAS/GIS
      • 2020-21, 15%
      • 2021-22, 11%
      • 2022-23, 16%, significantly higher than total, significantly higher than previous wave
  • Remote 2%
    • EI
      • 2020-21, 3%
      • 2021-22, 3%
      • 2022-23, 4%
    • CPP
      • 2020-21, 2%
      • 2021-22, 2%
      • 2022-23, 2%
    • CPPD
      • 2020-21, 3%
      • 2021-22, 2%
      • 2022-23, 2%
    • SIN
      • 2020-21, 1%
      • 2021-22, 1%
      • 2022-23, 1%
    • OAS/GIS
      • 2020-21, 2%
      • 2021-22, 2%
      • 2022-23, 1%, significantly lower than total
  • Urban 60%
    • EI
      • 2020-21, 56%
      • 2021-22, 51%
      • 2022-23, 51%, significantly lower than total
    • CPP
      • 2020-21, 54%
      • 2021-22, 54%
      • 2022-23, 54%, significantly lower than total
    • CPPD
      • 2020-21, 53%
      • 2021-22, 53%
      • 2022-23, 53%t, significantly lower than total
    • SIN
      • 2020-21, 79%
      • 2021-22, 75%
      • 2022-23, 81%, significantly higher than total, significantly higher than previous wave
    • OAS/GIS
      • 2020-21, 52%
      • 2021-22, 51%
      • 2022-23, 50%, significantly lower than total
  • Rural 38%
    • EI
      • 2020-21, 41%
      • 2021-22, 45%
      • 2022-23, 46%, significantly higher than total
    • CPP
      • 2020-21, 44%
      • 2021-22, 43%
      • 2022-23, 43%, significantly higher than total
    • CPPD
      • 2020-21, 44%
      • 2021-22, 44%
      • 2022-23, 44%, significantly higher than total
    • SIN
      • 2020-21, 18%
      • 2021-22, 22%
      • 2022-23, 18%, significantly lower than total
    • OAS/GIS
      • 2020-21, 46%
      • 2021-22, 47%
      • 2022-23, 44%, significantly higher than total
  • E-vulnerable 14%
    • EI
      • 2020-21, 11%
      • 2021-22, 14%
      • 2022-23, 10%, significantly lower than total, significantly lower than previous wave
    • CPP
      • 2020-21, 26%
      • 2021-22, 27%
      • 2022-23, 19%, significantly higher than total, significantly lower than previous wave
    • CPPD
      • 2020-21, 26%
      • 2021-22, 19%
      • 2022-23, 20%, significantly higher than total
    • SIN
      • 2020-21, 9%
      • 2021-22, 11%
      • 2022-23, 15%, significantly higher than previous wave
    • OAS/GIS
      • 2020-21, 22%
      • 2021-22, 24%
      • 2022-23, 23%, significantly higher than total
  • Newcomers (3 yrs. or fewer) 21%
    • EI
      • 2020-21, 2%
      • 2021-22, 2%
      • 2022-23, 5%, significantly lower than total, significantly higher than previous wave
    • SIN
      • 2020-21, 44%
      • 2021-22, 58%
      • 2022-23, 62%, significantly higher than total
  • Language barrier 5%
    • EI
      • 2020-21, 4%
      • 2021-22, 5%
      • 2022-23, 5%
    • CPP
      • 2020-21, 7%
      • 2021-22, 5%
      • 2022-23, 4%
    • CPPD
      • 2020-21, 13%
      • 2021-22, 7%
      • 2022-23, 10%, significantly higher than total
    • SIN
      • 2020-21, 4%
      • 2021-22, 6%
      • 2022-23, 6%
    • OAS/GIS
      • 2020-21, 5%
      • 2021-22, 7%
      • 2022-23, 6%
  • Mobile only 10%
    • EI
      • 2020-21, 9%
      • 2021-22, 9%
      • 2022-23, 10%
    • CPP
      • 2020-21, 5%
      • 2021-22, 6%
      • 2022-23, 5%, significantly lower than total
    • CPPD
      • 2020-21, 11%
      • 2021-22, 13%,
      • 2022-23, 12%, significantly higher than total
    • SIN
      • 2020-21, 9%
      • 2021-22, 15%
      • 2022-23, 14%, significantly higher than total
    • OAS/GIS
      • 2020-21, 9%
      • 2021-22, 6%
      • 2022-23, 7%
  • No devices 3%
    • EI
      • 2020-21, 2%
      • 2021-22, 1%
      • 2022-23, 1%, significantly lower than total
    • CPP
      • 2020-21, 8%
      • 2021-22, 5%
      • 2022-23, 6%, significantly higher than total
    • CPPD
      • 2020-21, 7%
      • 2021-22, 4%
      • 2022-23, 6%, significantly higher than total
    • SIN
      • 2020-21, 1%
      • 2021-22, 2%
      • 2022-23, 3%
    • OAS/GIS
      • 2020-21, 9%
      • 2021-22, 10%
      • 2022-23, 6%, significantly higher than total, significantly lower than previous wave
  • Clients with restrictions 41%
    • EI
      • 2020-21, 46%
      • 2021-22, 43%
      • 2022-23, 40%
    • CPP
      • 2020-21, 47%
      • 2021-22, 43%
      • 2022-23, 39%
    • CPPD
      • 2020-21, 80%
      • 2021-22, 67%
      • 2022-23, 66%, significantly higher than total
    • SIN
      • 2020-21, 52%
      • 2021-22, 46%
      • 2022-23, 42%
    • OAS/GIS
      • 2020-21, 43%
      • 2021-22, 38%
      • 2022-23, 35%, significantly lower than total
  • Racialized  36%
    • EI
      • 2020-21, 24%
      • 2021-22, 24%
      • 2022-23, 24%significantly lower than total
    • CPP
      • 2020-21, 11%
      • 2021-22, 11%
      • 2022-23, 8%, significantly lower than total
    • CPPD
      • 2020-21, 16%
      • 2021-22, 18%
      • 2022-23, 15%, significantly lower than total
    • SIN
      • 2020-21, 72%
      • 2021-22, 79%
      • 2022-23, 76%, significantly higher than total
    • OAS/GIS
      • 2020-21, 9%
      • 2021-22, 8%
      • 2022-23, 6%
Official Language Minority Communities

Proportion of Client Groups: by Region

2021-22 Proportion of clients
Figure long description

2021-22 Proportion of clients

  • Youth (18 to 30) 29%
    • West/ Territories
      • 2020-21, n=1626, 30%
      • 2021-22, n=1533, 30%
      • 2022-23, n=1524, 30%
    • Ontario
      • 2020-21, n=1148, 34%
      • 2021-22, n=1501, 37%
      • 2022-23, n=1701, 34%, significantly higher than total
    • Quebec
      • 2020-21, n=1006, 28%
      • 2021-22, n=750, 24%
      • 2022-23, n=570, 20%, significantly lower than total
    • Atlantic
      • 2020-21, n=420, 26%
      • 2021-22, n=416, 26%
      • 2022-23, n=405, 24%
  • Seniors (60+) 28%
    • West/ Territories
      • 2020-21, n=1626, 29%
      • 2021-22, n=1533, 29%
      • 2022-23, n=1524, 28%
    • Ontario
      • 2020-21, n=1148, 29%
      • 2021-22, n=1501, 26%
      • 2022-23, n=1701, 27%
    • Quebec
      • 2020-21, n=1006, 28%
      • 2021-22, n=750, 26%
      • 2022-23, n=570, 29%
    • Atlantic
      • 2020-21, n=420, 33%
      • 2021-22, n=416, 33%
      • 2022-23, n=405, 32%
  • OLMC 4%
    • West/ Territories
      • 2020-21, n=1626, 1%
    • Ontario
      • 2020-21, n=1148, 2%
      • 2022-23, n=1701, 1%, significantly lower than total
    • Quebec
      • 2020-21, n=1006, 17%
      • 2021-22, n=750, 17%
      • 2022-23, n=570, 13%, significantly higher than total, significantly lower than previous wave
    • Atlantic
      • 2020-21, n=420, 8%
      • 2021-22, n=1416, 1%
      • 2022-23, n=405, 4%, significantly higher than total, significantly higher than previous wave
  • Non E or F speaking 3%
    • West/ Territories
      • 2020-21, n=1626, 3%
      • 2021-22, n=1533, 3%
      • 2022-23, n=,1524 4%
    • Ontario
      • 2020-21, n=1148, 3%
      • 2021-22, n=1501, 3%
      • 2022-23, n=1701, 3%
    • Quebec
      • 2020-21, n=1006, 2%
      • 2021-22, n=750, 2%
      • 2022-23, n=570, 1%
    • Atlantic
      • 2020-21, n=420, 2%
      • 2022-23, n=405, 4%
  • High school or less 29%
    • West/ Territories
      • 2020-21, n=1626, 35%
      • 2021-22, n=1533, 31%
      • 2022-23, n=1524, 30%
    • Ontario
      • 2020-21, n=1148, 27%
      • 2021-22, n=1501, 27%
      • 2022-23, n=1701, 23%, significantly lower than total, significantly lower than previous wave
    • Quebec
      • 2020-21, n=1006, 30%
      • 2021-22, n=750, 35%
      • 2022-23, n=570, 36%, significantly higher than total
    • Atlantic
      • 2020-21, n=420, 35%
      • 2021-22, n=1416, 35%
      • 2022-23, n=405, 33%
  • Indigenous 7%
    • West/ Territories
      • 2020-21, n=1626, 10%
      • 2021-22, n=1533, 11%
      • 2022-23, n=1524, 9%, significantly higher than total
    • Ontario
      • 2020-21, n=1148, 7%
      • 2021-22, n=1501, 4%
      • 2022-23, n=1701, 6%, significnatly higher than previous wave
    • Quebec
      • 2020-21, n=1006, 8%
      • 2021-22, n=750, 4%
      • 2022-23, n=570, 6%, significantly higher than previous wave
    • Atlantic
      • 2020-21, n=420, 10%
      • 2021-22, n=416, 6%
      • 2022-23, n=405, 5%
  • Clients with disabilities 10%
    • West/ Territories
      • 2020-21, n=1626, 10%
      • 2021-22, n=1533, 10%
      • 2022-23, n=1524, 10%
    • Ontario
      • 2020-21, n=1148, 7%
      • 2021-22, n=1501, 10%
      • 2022-23, n=1701, 10%
    • Quebec
      • 2020-21, n=1006, 8%
      • 2021-22, n=750, 2%
      • 2022-23, n=570, 6%, significantly lower than total
    • Atlantic
      • 2020-21, n=420, 10%
      • 2021-22, n=416, 10%
      • 2022-23, n=405, 14%
  • Remote 2%
    • West/ Territories
      • 2020-21, n=1626, 4%
      • 2021-22, n=1533, 6%
      • 2022-23, n=1524, 3%, significantly higher than total, significantly lower than previous wave
    • Ontario
      • 2020-21, n=1148, 1%
      • 2022-23, n=1701, 1%, significantly lower than total
    • Quebec
      • 2020-21, n=1006, 1%
      • 2021-22, n=750, 2%
      • 2022-23, n=570, 3%
    • Atlantic
      • 2020-21, n=420, 4%
      • 2021-22, n=416, 1%
      • 2022-23, n=405, 6%, significantly higher than total, significantly higher than previous wave
  • Urban 60%
    • West/ Territories
      • 2020-21, n=1626, 62%
      • 2021-22, n=1533, 55%
      • 2022-23, n=1524, 59%
    • Ontario
      • 2020-21, n=1148, 69%
      • 2021-22, n=1501, 70%
      • 2022-23, n=1701, 72%, significantly higher than total
    • Quebec
      • 2020-21, n=1006, 65%
      • 2021-22, n=750, 56%
      • 2022-23, n=1701, 56%
    • Atlantic
      • 2020-21, n=420, 30%
      • 2021-22, n=416, 25%,
      • 2022-23, n=405, 23%, significantly lower than total
  • Rural 38%
    • West/ Territories
      • 2020-21, n=1626, 33%
      • 2021-22, n=1533, 38%
      • 2022-23, n=1524, 37%
    • Ontario
      • 2020-21, n=1148, 30%
      • 2021-22, n=1501, 29%
      • 2022-23, n=1701, 28%, significantly lower than total
    • Quebec
      • 2020-21, n=1006, 33%
      • 2021-22, n=750, 41%
      • 2022-23, n=570, 42%
    • Atlantic
      • 2020-21, n=420, 67%
      • 2021-22, n=1416, 72%
      • 2022-23, n=405, 70%, significantly higher than total
  • E-vulnerable 14%
    • West/ Territories
      • 2020-21, n=1626, 14%
      • 2021-22, n=1533, 14%
      • 2022-23, n=1524, 13%
    • Ontario
      • 2020-21, n=1148, 13%
      • 2021-22, n=1501, 15%
      • 2022-23, n=1701, 13%
    • Quebec
      • 2020-21, n=1006, 13%
      • 2021-22, n=750, 16%
      • 2022-23, n=570, 17%, significantly higher than total
    • Atlantic
      • 2020-21, n=420, 16%
      • 2021-22, n=416, 17%
      • 2022-23, n=405, 14%
  • Newcomers (3 yrs. or fewer) 21%
    • West/ Territories
      • 2020-21, n=1626, 14%
      • 2021-22, n=1533, 17%
      • 2022-23, n=1524, 21%, significantly higher than previous wave
    • Ontario
      • 2020-21, n=1148, 18%
      • 2021-22, n=1501, 21%
      • 2022-23, n=1701, 24%, significantly higher than total, significantly higher than previous wave
    • Quebec
      • 2020-21, n=1006, 11%
      • 2021-22, n=750, 16%
      • 2022-23, n=570, 17%
    • Atlantic
      • 2020-21, n=420, 9%
      • 2021-22, n=1416, 11%
      • 2022-23, n=405, 10%, significantly lower than total
  • Language barrier 5%
    • West/ Territories
      • 2020-21, n=1626, 5%
      • 2021-22, n=1533, 8%
      • 2022-23, n=1524, 7%, significantly higher than total
    • Ontario
      • 2020-21, n=1148, 3%
      • 2021-22, n=1501, 5%
      • 2022-23, n=1701, 5%
    • Quebec
      • 2020-21, n=1006, 6%
      • 2021-22, n=750, 5%
      • 2022-23, n=570, 4%
    • Atlantic
      • 2020-21, n=420, 5%
      • 2021-22, n=416, 4%
      • 2022-23, n=405, 3%
  • Mobile only 10%
    • West/ Territories
      • 2020-21, n=1626, 11%
      • 2021-22, n=1533, 9%
      • 2022-23, n=1524, 10%
    • Ontario
      • 2020-21, n=1148, 8%
      • 2021-22, n=1501, 9%
      • 2022-23, n=1701, 9%, significantly lower than total
    • Quebec
      • 2020-21, n=1006, 9%
      • 2021-22, n=750, 12%
      • 2022-23, n=570, 14%, significantly higher than total
    • Atlantic
      • 2020-21, n=420, 5%
      • 2021-22, n=416, 12%
      • 2022-23, n=405, 11%
  • No devices 3%
    • West/ Territories
      • 2020-21, n=1626, 3%
      • 2021-22, n=1533, 3%
      • 2022-23, n=1524, 3%
    • Ontario
      • 2020-21, n=1148, 3%
      • 2021-22, n=1501, 3%
      • 2022-23, n=1701, 2%
    • Quebec
      • 2020-21, n=1006, 3%
      • 2021-22, n=750, 3%
      • 2022-23, n=570, 3%
    • Atlantic
      • 2020-21, n=420, 4%
      • 2021-22, n=1416, 2%
      • 2022-23, n=405, 4%
  • Clients with restrictions  41%
    • West/ Territories
      • 2020-21, n=1626, 51%
      • 2021-22, n=1533, 44%
      • 2022-23, n=1524, 42%
    • Ontario
      • 2020-21, n=1148, 49%
      • 2021-22, n=1501, 46%
      • 2022-23, n=1701, 39%, significantly lower than previous wave
    • Quebec
      • 2020-21, n=1006, 46%
      • 2021-22, n=750, 42%
      • 2022-23, n=570, 44%
    • Atlantic
      • 2020-21, n=420, 38%
      • 2021-22, n=1416, 38%
      • 2022-23, n=405, 35%
  • Racialized  36%
    • West/ Territories
      • 2020-21, n=1626, 35%
      • 2021-22, n=1533, 33%
      • 2022-23, n=1524, 36%
    • Ontario
      • 2020-21, n=1148, 44%
      • 2021-22, n=1501, 47%
      • 2022-23, n=1701, 43%, significantly higher than total, significantly lower than previous wave
    • Quebec
      • 2020-21, n=1006, 26%
      • 2021-22, n=750, 30%
      • 2022-23, n=570, 31%, significantly lower than total
    • Atlantic
      • 2020-21, n=420, 18%
      • 2021-22, n=1416, 19%
      • 2022-23, n=405, 14%, significantly lower than total
Official Language Minority Communities

Client Groups: Satisfaction

Proportion of Client Groups Satisfiefied (% Rated 4 or 5)
Figure long description

Proportion of Client Groups Satisfiefied (% Rated 4 or 5)

  • Youth (18 to 30) 29%
    • 2018-19, 86%
    • 2019-20, 84%
    • 2020-21, 85%
    • 2021-22, 79%
    • 2022-23, 85%, significantly higher than previous wave
  • Seniors (60+) 28%
    • 2018-19, 87%
    • 2019-20, 86%
    • 2020-21, 87%
    • 2021-22, 84%
    • 2022-23, 85%, significantly higher than total
  • OLMC 4%
    • 2018-19, 91%
    • 2019-20, 90%
    • 2020-21, 90%
    • 2021-22, 8%
    • 2022-23, 85%
  • Non-E or F speaking 3%
    • 2018-19, 80%
    • 2019-20, 92%
    • 2020-21, 90%
    • 2021-22, 89%
    • 2022-23, 89%
  • High school or less 29%
    • 2018-19, 85%
    • 2019-20, 84%
    • 2020-21, 86%
    • 2021-22, 80%
    • 2022-23, 83%, significantly higher than previous wave
  • Indigenous 7%
    • 2018-19, 85%
    • 2019-20, 79%
    • 2020-21, 83%
    • 2021-22, 80%
    • 2022-23, 83%
  • Clients with disabilities 10%
    • 2018-19, 79%
    • 2019-20, 76%
    • 2020-21, 76%
    • 2021-22, 69%
    • 2022-23, 71%, significantly lower than total
  • Remote 2%
    • 2018-19, 88%
    • 2019-20, 80%
    • 2020-21, 88%
    • 2021-22, 81%
    • 2022-23, 80%
  • Urban 60%
    • 2018-19, 86%
    • 2019-20, 85%
    • 2020-21, 86%
    • 2021-22, 81%
    • 2022-23, 84%, significantly higher than previous wave
  • Rural 38%
    • 2018-19, 83%
    • 2019-20, 82%
    • 2020-21, 85%
    • 2021-22, 80%
    • 2022-23, 82%
  • E-vulnerable 14%
    • 2018-19, 84%
    • 2019-20, 85%
    • 2020-21, 82%
    • 2021-22, 79%
    • 2022-23, 85%, significantly higher than previous wave
  • Newcomers (≤3 years) 21%
    • 2018-19, 93%
    • 2019-20, 94%
    • 2020-21, 93%
    • 2021-22, 90%
    • 2022-23, 94%, significantly higher than total, significantly higher than previous wave
  • Language barrier 5%
    • 2018-19, 42%
    • 2019-20, 52%
    • 2020-21, 55%
    • 2021-22, 53%
    • 2022-23, 50%, significantly lower than total
  • Mobile only 10%
    • 2018-19, 85%
    • 2019-20, 85%
    • 2020-21, 83%
    • 2021-22, 82%
    • 2022-23, 83%
  • No devices 3%
    • 2018-19, 83%
    • 2019-20, 81%
    • 2020-21, 80%
    • 2021-22, 71%
    • 2022-23, 83%, significnatly higher than previous wave
  • Clients with access restrictions  41%
    • 2019-20, 79%
    • 2020-21, 80%
    • 2021-22, 72%
    • 2022-23, 77%, significantly lower than total, significantly higher than previous wave
  • Racialized  36%
    • 2020-21, 89%
    • 2021-22, 84%
    • 2022-23, 89%, significantly higher than total, significantly higher than previous wave
Official Language Minority Communities

Q45a. Some people experience difficulties applying for [INSERT ABBREV] because of barriers to accessing service. Thinking about your overall experience from getting information about, to applying for [INSERT ABBREV], did you experience difficulties for any of the following reasons …? A response of ‘yes’ means it was a barrier for you and caused difficulties applying and a response of ‘no’ means it was not a barrier.

Base: All answering (n=varies)

Client Groups: Proportion with a Disability

Proportion of Client Groups, Proportion with a disability
Figure long description

Proportion of Client Groups, Proportion with a disability

  • Youth (18 to 30) 29%
    • 2018-19, 3%
    • 2019-20, 3%
    • 2020-21, 4%
    • 2021-22, 6%
    • 2022-23, 5%, significantly lower than total
  • Seniors (60+) 28%
    • 2018-19, 17%
    • 2019-20, 12%
    • 2020-21, 13%
    • 2021-22, 11%
    • 2022-23, 13%, significantly higher than total
  • OLMC 4%
    • 2018-19, 3%
    • 2019-20, 2%
    • 2020-21, 3%
    • 2021-22, 4%
    • 2022-23, 10%, significantly higher than previous wave
  • Non-E or F speaking 3%
    • 2018-19, 5%
    • 2019-20, 5%
    • 2020-21, 2%
    • 2021-22, 3%
    • 2022-23, 5%
  • High school or less 29%
    • 2018-19, 13%
    • 2019-20, 11%
    • 2020-21, 13%
    • 2021-22, 9%
    • 2022-23, 13%, significantly higher than total, significantly higher than previous wave
  • Indigenous 7%
    • 2018-19, 14%
    • 2019-20, 13%
    • 2020-21, 13%
    • 2021-22, 14%
    • 2022-23, 16%, significantly higher than total
  • Clients with disabilities 10%
    • 2018-19, 100%
    • 2019-20, 100%
    • 2020-21, 100%
    • 2021-22, 100%
    • 2022-23, 100%, significantly higher than total
  • Remote 2%
    • 2018-19, 9%
    • 2019-20, 4%
    • 2020-21, 12%
    • 2021-22, 11%
    • 2022-23, 12%
  • Urban 60%
    • 2018-19, 9%
    • 2019-20, 6%
    • 2020-21, 7%
    • 2021-22, 8%
    • 2022-23, 8%, significantly lower than total
  • Rural 38%
    • 2018-19, 10%
    • 2019-20, 9%
    • 2020-21, 11%
    • 2021-22, 8%
    • 2022-23, 11%, significantly higher than total, significnatly higher than previous wave
  • E-vulnerable 14%
    • 2018-19, 18%
    • 2019-20, 14%
    • 2020-21, 16%
    • 2021-22, 11%
    • 2022-23, 15%, significantly higher than total, significantly higher than previous wave
  • Newcomers (≤3 years) 21%
    • 2018-19, 1%
    • 2019-20, 1%
    • 2020-21, 0%
    • 2021-22, 2%
    • 2022-23, 2%, significantly lower than total
  • Language barrier 5%
    • 2018-19, 18%
    • 2019-20, 19%
    • 2020-21, 16%
    • 2021-22, 12%
    • 2022-23, 12%
  • Mobile only 10%
    • 2018-19, 11%
    • 2019-20, 8%
    • 2020-21, 32%
    • 2021-22, 12%
    • 2022-23, 10%
  • No devices 3%
    • 2018-19, 23%
    • 2019-20, 15%
    • 2020-21, 10%
    • 2021-22, 20%
    • 2022-23, 31%, significantly higher than total, significantly higher than previous wave
  • Clients with access restrictions  41%
    • 2019-20, 14%
    • 2020-21, 13%
    • 2021-22, 12%
    • 2022-23, 13%, significantly higher than total
  • Racialized  36%
    • 2020-21, 3%
    • 2021-22, 4%
    • 2022-23, 5%, significantly lower than total
Official Language Minority Communities

Q45a. Some people experience difficulties applying for [INSERT ABBREV] because of barriers to accessing service. Thinking about your overall experience from getting information about, to applying for [INSERT ABBREV], did you experience difficulties for any of the following reasons …? A response of ‘yes’ means it was a barrier for you and caused difficulties applying and a response of ‘no’ means it was not a barrier.

Base: All answering (n=varies)

Client Groups by Channel

Proportion of client group, satisfaction with service channels (% Rated 4 or 5)
Figure long description

Proportion of client group, satisfaction with service channels (% Rated 4 or 5)

  • Total
    • In-person
      • 2019-20, 86%
      • 2020-21, 86%
      • 2021-22, 81%
      • 2022-23, 83%
    • Canada.ca
      • 2019-20, 73%
      • 2020-21, 78%
      • 2021-22, 74%
      • 2022-23, 75%
    • MSCA
      • 2019-20, 75%
      • 2020-21, 75%
      • 2021-22, 70%
      • 2022-23, 73%
  • Sample Youth (18 to 30) 29%
    • In-person
      • 2019-20, 86%
      • 2020-21, 88%
      • 2021-22, 82%
      • 2022-23, 86%
    • Canada.ca
      • 2019-20, 77%
      • 2020-21, 77%
      • 2021-22, 75%
      • 2022-23, 77%
    • MSCA
      • 2019-20, 76%
      • 2020-21, 83%
      • 2021-22, 68%
      • 2022-23, 77%
  • Seniors (60+) 28%
    • In-person
      • 2019-20, 84%
      • 2020-21, 83%
      • 2021-22, 81%
      • 2022-23, 77%, significantly lower than total
    • Canada.ca
      • 2019-20, 70%
      • 2020-21, 78%
      • 2021-22, 70%
      • 2022-23, 72%
    • MSCA
      • 2019-20, 74%
      • 2020-21, 71%
      • 2021-22, 72%
      • 2022-23, 70%
  • OLMC 4%
    • In-person
      • 2019-20, 89%
      • 2020-21, 88%
      • 2021-22, 88%
      • 2022-23, 82%
    • Canada.ca
      • 2019-20, 83%
      • 2020-21, 83%
      • 2021-22, 80%
      • 2022-23, 79%
    • MSCA
      • 2019-20, 89%
      • 2020-21, 88%
  • Non-E or F speaking 3%
    • In-person
      • 2019-20, 91%
      • 2020-21, 99%
      • 2021-22, 81%
      • 2022-23, 91%
    • Canada.ca
      • 2019-20, 80%
      • 2020-21, 83%
      • 2021-22, 79%
      • 2022-23, 76%
    • MSCA
      • 2019-20, 67%
  • High school or less 29%
    • In-person
      • 2019-20, 88%
      • 2020-21, 80%
      • 2021-22, 78%
      • 2022-23, 82%
    • Canada.ca
      • 2019-20, 74%
      • 2020-21, 79%
      • 2021-22, 72%
      • 2022-23, 73%
    • MSCA
      • 2019-20, 77%
      • 2020-21, 78%
      • 2021-22, 71%
      • 2022-23, 74%
  • Indigenous 7%
    • In-person
      • 2019-20, 84%
      • 2020-21, 77%
      • 2021-22, 71%
      • 2022-23, 83%, significantly higher than previous wave
    • Canada.ca
      • 2019-20, 65%
      • 2020-21, 73%
      • 2021-22, 69%
      • 2022-23, 74%
    • MSCA
      • 2019-20, 76%
      • 2020-21, 73%
      • 2021-22, 78%
      • 2022-23, 78%
  • Clients with disabilities 10%
    • In-person
      • 2019-20, 80%
      • 2020-21, 67%
      • 2021-22, 70%
      • 2022-23, 70%, significantly lower than total
    • Canada.ca
      • 2019-20, 73%
      • 2020-21, 62%
      • 2021-22, 54%
      • 2022-23, 61%, significantly lower than total, significnatly higher than previous wave
    • MSCA
      • 2019-20, 69%
      • 2020-21, 56%
      • 2021-22, 68%
      • 2022-23, 69%
  • Remote 2%
    • In-person
      • 2019-20, 89%
      • 2020-21, 82%
      • 2021-22, 88%
      • 2022-23, 85%
    • Canada.ca
      • 2019-20, 76%
      • 2020-21, 74%
      • 2021-22, 82%
      • 2022-23, 73%, significantly lower than previous wave
    • MSCA
      • 2019-20, 89%
      • 2020-21, 68%
      • 2021-22, 66%
      • 2022-23, 73%
  • Urban 60%
    • In-person
      • 2019-20, 85%
      • 2020-21, 89%
      • 2021-22, 80%
      • 2022-23, 83%
    • Canada.ca
      • 2019-20, %73
      • 2020-21, 79%
      • 2021-22, 76%
      • 2022-23, 77%
    • MSCA
      • 2019-20, 73%
      • 2020-21, 75%
      • 2021-22, 72%
      • 2022-23, 72%
  • Rural 38%
    • In-person
      • 2019-20, 87%
      • 2020-21, 80%
      • 2021-22, 83%
      • 2022-23, 83%
    • Canada.ca
      • 2019-20, 73%
      • 2020-21, 77%
      • 2021-22, 70%
      • 2022-23, 72%
    • MSCA
      • 2019-20, 77%
      • 2020-21, 74%
      • 2021-22, 69%
      • 2022-23, 75%
  • E-vulnerable 14%
    • In-person
      • 2019-20, 85%
      • 2020-21, 79%
      • 2021-22, 83%
      • 2022-23, 86%
    • Canada.ca
      • 2019-20, 67%
      • 2020-21, 74%
      • 2021-22, 63%
      • 2022-23, 67%, significantly lower than total
    • MSCA
      • 2019-20, 74%
      • 2020-21, 68%
      • 2021-22, 58%
      • 2022-23, 52%, significantly lower than total
  • Newcomers (≤3 years) 21%
    • In-person
      • 2019-20, 88%
      • 2020-21, 95%
      • 2021-22, 88%
      • 2022-23, 92%, significantly higher than total
    • Canada.ca
      • 2019-20, 86%
      • 2020-21, 89%
      • 2021-22, 87%
      • 2022-23, 86%, significantly higher than total
    • MSCA
      • 2019-20, 69%
      • 2020-21, 84%
  • Language barrier 5%
    • In-person
      • 2020-21, 55%
      • 2021-22, 51%
      • 2022-23, 63%
    • Canada.ca
      • 2020-21, 44%
      • 2021-22, 46%
      • 2022-23, 46%
    • MSCA
      • 2020-21, 42%
      • 2021-22, 49%
      • 2022-23, 41%
  • Mobile only 10%
    • In-person
      • 2019-20, 90%
      • 2020-21, 85%
      • 2021-22, 87%
      • 2022-23, 87%
    • Canada.ca
      • 2019-20, 63%
      • 2020-21, 71%
      • 2021-22, 76%
      • 2022-23, 70%
    • MSCA
      • 2019-20, 95%
      • 2020-21, 78%
      • 2021-22, 72%
      • 2022-23, 73%
  • No devices 3%
    • In-person
      • 2019-20, 81%
      • 2020-21, 75%
      • 2021-22, 80%
      • 2022-23, 73%, significantly lower than total
    • Canada.ca
      • 2019-20, 44%
      • 2020-21, 75%
      • 2021-22, 51%
      • 2022-23, 61%, significantly lower than total
  • Clients with access restrictions  41%
    • In-person
      • 2019-20, 80%
      • 2020-21, 82%
      • 2021-22, 76%
      • 2022-23, 77%, significantly lower than total
    • Canada.ca
      • 2019-20, 70%
      • 2020-21, 71%
      • 2021-22, 63%
      • 2022-23, 67%, significantly lower than total, significantly higher than previous wave
    • MSCA
      • 2019-20, 65%
      • 2020-21, 69%
      • 2021-22, 62%
      • 2022-23, 69%, significnatly higher than previous wave
  • Racialized  36%
    • In-person
      • 2020-21, 92%
      • 2021-22, 85%
      • 2022-23, 87%, significantly higher than total
    • Canada.ca
      • 2020-21, 85%
      • 2021-22, 79%
      • 2022-23, 84%, significantly higher than total, significantly higher than previous wave
    • MSCA
      • 2020-21, 81%
      • 2021-22, 81%
      • 2022-23, 83%, significantly higher than total

* Small sample size. Results should be interpreted with caution. ** Sample sizes too small for reporting.

Official Language Minority Communities

Base: All answering (n=varies)

Proportion of client group, satisfaction with service channels (% Rated 4 or 5)
Figure long description

Proportion of client group, satisfaction with service channels (% Rated 4 or 5)

  • Total Sample
    • Specialized call centres
      • 2019-20, 60%
      • 2020-21, 72%
      • 2021-22, 64%
      • 2022-23, 72%, singificantly higher than previous wave
    • 1 800 O-Canada
      • 2019-20, 69%
      • 2020-21, 72%
      • 2021-22, 59%
      • 2022-23, 70%
    • eServiceCanada
      • 2020-21, 82%
      • 2021-22, 76%
      • 2022-23, 72%
  • Youth (18 to 30) 29%
    • Specialized call centres
      • 2019-20, 67%
      • 2020-21, 76%
      • 2021-22, 64%
      • 2022-23, 71%
    • 1 800 O-Canada
      • 2019-20, 69%
      • 2020-21, 72%
      • 2021-22, 59%
      • 2022-23, 70%
    • eServiceCanada
      • 2020-21, 82%
      • 2021-22, 76%
      • 2022-23, 72%
  • Seniors (60+) 28%
    • Specialized call centres
      • 2019-20, 63%
      • 2020-21, 76%
      • 2021-22, 64%
      • 2022-23, 77%, significantly higher than previous wave
    • 1 800 O-Canada
      • 2019-20, 79%
      • 2020-21, 79%
      • 2021-22, 47%
      • 2022-23, 67%
    • eServiceCanada
      • 2020-21, 88%
      • 2021-22, 83%
      • 2022-23, 81%
  • OLMC 4%
    • Specialized call centres
      • 2019-20, 82%
      • 2020-21, 68%
      • 2021-22, 74%
      • 2022-23, 83%
    • 1 800 O-Canada
      • 2019-20, 78%
  • Non-E or F speaking 3%
    • Specialized call centres
      • 2019-20, 80%
      • 2020-21, 96%
    • 1 800 O-Canada
      • 2019-20, 82%
  • High school or less 29%
    • Specialized call centres
      • 2019-20, 64%
      • 2020-21, 74%
      • 2021-22, 67%
      • 2022-23, 73%
    • 1 800 O-Canada
      • 2019-20, 73%
      • 2020-21, 80%
      • 2021-22, 60%
      • 2022-23, 69%
    • eServiceCanada
      • 2020-21, 83%
      • 2021-22, 83%
      • 2022-23, 72%
  • Indigenous 7%
    • Specialized call centres
      • 2019-20, 63%
      • 2020-21, 73%
      • 2021-22, 62%
      • 2022-23, 75%, significantly higher than preivous wave
    • 1 800 O-Canada
      • 2019-20, 52%
      • 2020-21, 83%
      • 2021-22, 56%
      • 2022-23, 68%, significantly higher than previous wave
    • eServiceCanada
      • 2020-21, 89%
      • 2021-22, 75%
      • 2022-23, 76%
  • Clients with disabilities 10%
    • Specialized call centres
      • 2019-20, 66%
      • 2020-21, 60%
      • 2021-22, 57%
      • 2022-23, 67%, significantly lower than total, significnatly higher than previous wave
    • 1 800 O-Canada
      • 2019-20, 70%
      • 2020-21, 48%
      • 2021-22, 51%
      • 2022-23, 78%, significantly higher than previous wave
    • eServiceCanada
      • 2020-21, 71%
      • 2021-22, 70%
      • 2022-23, 68%
  • Remote 2%
    • Specialized call centres
      • 2019-20, 71%
      • 2020-21, 72%
      • 2021-22, 75%
      • 2022-23, 77%
    • 1 800 O-Canada
      • 2019-20, 74%
      • 2020-21, 80%
      • 2021-22, 79%
      • 2022-23, 88%, significantly higher than total
    • eServiceCanada
      • 2020-21, 73%
      • 2021-22, 63%
      • 2022-23, 64%
  • Urban 60%
    • Specialized call centres
      • 2019-20, 62%
      • 2020-21, 72%
      • 2021-22, 68%
      • 2022-23, 74%, significantly higher than previous wave
    • 1 800 O-Canada
      • 2019-20, 71%
      • 2020-21, 71%
      • 2021-22, 57%
      • 2022-23, 73%, significantly higher than previous wave
    • eServiceCanada
      • 2020-21, 84%
      • 2021-22, 74%
      • 2022-23, 76%
  • Rural 38%
    • Specialized call centres
      • 2019-20, 60%
      • 2020-21, 73%
      • 2021-22, 64%
      • 2022-23, 72%, significantly higher than previous wave
    • 1 800 O-Canada
      • 2019-20, 65%
      • 2020-21, 74%
      • 2021-22, 57%
      • 2022-23, 65%
    • eServiceCanada
      • 2020-21, 80%
      • 2021-22, 79%
      • 2022-23, 65%, signficantly lower than previous wave
  • E-vulnerable 14%
    • Specialized call centres
      • 2019-20, 70%
      • 2020-21, 74%
      • 2021-22, 70%
      • 2022-23, 73%
    • 1 800 O-Canada
      • 2019-20, 69%
      • 2020-21, 75%
      • 2021-22, 61%
      • 2022-23, 61%
    • eServiceCanada
      • 2020-21, 73%
      • 2021-22, 68%
      • 2022-23, 70%
  • Newcomers (≤3 years) 21%
    • Specialized call centres
      • 2019-20, 77%
      • 2020-21, 87%
      • 2021-22, 85%
      • 2022-23, 94%, significantly higher than total
    • 1 800 O-Canada
      • 2019-20, 83%
      • 2022-23, 94%, significantly higher than total
    • eServiceCanada
      • 2020-21, 92%
      • 2021-22, 90%
      • 2022-23, 84%, significnatly lower than previous wave
  • Language barrier 5%
    • Specialized call centres
      • 2020-21, 32%
      • 2021-22, 39%
      • 2022-23, 39%, significantly lower than total
    • 1 800 O-Canada
      • 2020-21, 31%
      • 2022-23, 31%, significantly lower than total
    • eServiceCanada
      • 2020-21, 53%
      • 2021-22, 53%
      • 2022-23, 36%, significantly lower than total
  • Mobile only 10%
    • Specialized call centres
      • 2019-20, 67%
      • 2020-21, 77%
      • 2021-22, 72%
      • 2022-23, 71%
    • 1 800 O-Canada
      • 2019-20, 54%
      • 2020-21, 66%
      • 2021-22, 67%
      • 2022-23, 73%
    • eServiceCanada
      • 2020-21, 86%
      • 2021-22, 78%
      • 2022-23, 74%
  • No devices 3%
    • Specialized call centres
      • 2019-20, 71%
      • 2020-21, 70%
      • 2021-22, 40%
      • 2022-23, 78%, significnatly higher than previous wave
    • 1 800 O-Canada
      • 2019-20, 77%
      • 2020-21, 85%
      • 2021-22, 71%
  • Clients with access restrictions  41%
    • Specialized call centres
      • 2019-20, 61%
      • 2020-21, 68%
      • 2021-22, 60%
      • 2022-23, 67%, significantly lower than total, significantly higher than previous wave
    • 1 800 O-Canada
      • 2019-20, 55%
      • 2020-21, 72%
      • 2021-22, 47%
      • 2022-23, 55%, significantly lower than total, significantly higher than previous wave
    • eServiceCanada
      • 2020-21, 83%
      • 2021-22, 71%
      • 2022-23, 70%
  • Racialized  36%
    • Specialized call centres
      • 2020-21, 80%
      • 2021-22, 71%
      • 2022-23, 80%, significantly higher than total, significantly higher than previous wave
    • 1 800 O-Canada
      • 2020-21, 82%
      • 2021-22, 63%
      • 2022-23, 85%, significantly higher than total, significantly higher than previous wave
    • eServiceCanada
      • 2020-21, 88%
      • 2021-22, 83%
      • 2022-23, 79%, significantly higher than total

* Small sample size. Results should be interpreted with caution. ** Sample sizes too small for reporting.

Official Language Minority Communities

Base: All answering (n=varies)

Proportion of Clients with Disabilities: Overall and by Program

Have a Disability (% Yes) – Trending
Figure long description

Have a Disability (% Yes) – Trending

  • Total
    • 2018-19, n=4401, 9%
    • 2019-20, n=2431, 7%
    • 2020-21, n=4200, 8%
    • 2021-22, n=4200, 8%
    • 2022-23, n=4200, 10%
  • EI
    • 2018-19, n=4401, 6%
    • 2019-20, n=2431, 5%
    • 2020-21, n=4200, 6%
    • 2021-22, n=4200, 7%
    • 2022-23, n=4200, 9%
  • CPP
    • 2018-19, n=4401, 16%
    • 2019-20, n=2431, 7%
    • 2020-21, n=4200, 11%
    • 2021-22, n=4200, 12%
    • 2022-23, n=4200, 12%
  • CPPD
    • 2018-19, n=4401, 92%
    • 2019-20, n=2431, 83%
    • 2020-21, n=4200, 84%
    • 2021-22, n=4200, 83%
    • 2022-23, n=4200, 81%, significantly higher than total
  • SIN
    • 2018-19, n=4401, 3%
    • 2019-20, n=2431, 3%
    • 2020-21, n=4200, 3%
    • 2021-22, n=4200, 3%
    • 2022-23, n=4200, 2%, significantly lower than total
    • 2018-19, n=4401, 19%
    • 2019-20, n=2431, 17%
    • 2020-21, n=4200, 15%
    • 2021-22, n=4200, 11%
    • 2022-23, n=4200, 16%, significantly higher than total, significantly higher than previous wave

Q44A. Do you identify as a person with a disability?

Base: All respondents (n=4200)

Type of Disability: Overall and by Program

Type of Disability
Figure long description

Type of Disability

  • Mobility (such as flexibility, dexterity, or pain)
    • Total
      • 2020-21, n=916, 50%
      • 2021-22, n=935, 45%
      • 2022-23, n=1012, 46%
    • EI
      • 2020-21, n=83, 38%
      • 2021-22, n=66, 35%
      • 2022-23, n=101, 31%
    • CPP
      • 2020-21, n=95, 65%
      • 2021-22, n=92, 64%
      • 2022-23, n=95, 69, significantly higher than total
    • CPPD
      • 2020-21, n=592, 55%
      • 2021-22, n=628, 56%
      • 2022-23, n=619, 58%
    • OAS/GIS
      • 2020-21, n=123, 72%
      • 2021-22, n=126, 61%
      • 2022-23, n=110, 69%, significantly higher than total
  • Mental health-related
    • Total
      • 2020-21, n=916, 21%
      • 2021-22, n=935, 27%
      • 2022-23, n=1012, 20%
    • EI
      • 2020-21, n=83, 22%
      • 2021-22, n=66, 31%
      • 2022-23, n=101, 27%
    • CPP
      • 2020-21, n=95, 13%
      • 2021-22, n=92, 16%
      • 2022-23, n=95, 11%, significantly lower than total
    • CPPD
      • 2020-21, n=592, 30%
      • 2021-22, n=628, 35%
      • 2022-23, n=619, 26%, significantly lower than previous wave
    • OAS/GIS
      • 2020-21, n=123, 2%
      • 2021-22, n=126, 18%
      • 2022-23, n=110, 7%, significantly lower than previous wave
  • Cognitive (such as learning, developmental, or memory)
    • Total
      • 2020-21, n=916, 13%
      • 2021-22, n=935, 18%
      • 2022-23, n=1012, 20%
    • EI
      • 2020-21, n=83, 19%
      • 2021-22, n=66, 25%
      • 2022-23, n=101, 24%
    • CPP
      • 2020-21, n=95, 14%
      • 2021-22, n=92, 11%
      • 2022-23, n=95, 14%
    • CPPD
      • 2020-21, n=592, 16%
      • 2021-22, n=628, 15%
      • 2022-23, n=619, 20%
    • OAS/GIS
      • 2020-21, n=123, 2%
      • 2021-22, n=126, 8%
      • 2022-23, n=110, 12%, significantly lower than total
  • Seeing
    • Total
      • 2020-21, n=916, 8%
      • 2021-22, n=925, 4%
      • 2022-23, n=1012, 9%, significantly higher than previous wave
    • EI
      • 2020-21, n=83, 5%
      • 2022-23, n=101, 6%
    • CPP
      • 2020-21, n=95, 6%
      • 2021-22, n=92, 7%
      • 2022-23, n=95, 9%
    • CPPD
      • 2020-21, n=592, 6%
      • 2021-22, n=628, 4%
      • 2022-23, n=619, 7%, significantly higher than previous wave
    • OAS/GIS
      • 2020-21, n=123, 19%
      • 2021-22, n=126, 8%
      • 2022-23, n=,110 15%, significantly higher than total
  • Hearing
    • Total
      • 2020-21, n=916, 9%
      • 2021-22, n=935, 8%
      • 2022-23, n=1012, 8%
    • EI
      • 2020-21, n=83, 10%
      • 2021-22, n=66, 7%
      • 2022-23, n=101, 8%
    • CPP
      • 2020-21, n=95, 11%
      • 2021-22, n=92, 9%
      • 2022-23, n=95, 13%
    • CPPD
      • 2020-21, n=592, 5%
      • 2021-22, n=628, 3%
      • 2022-23, n=619, 4%
    • OAS/GIS
      • 2020-21, n=123, 10%
      • 2021-22, n=126, 14%
      • 2022-23, n=110, 6%
  • Communicating
    • Total
      • 2020-21, n=916, 2%
      • 2021-22, n=935, 5%
      • 2022-23, n=1012, 4%
    • EI
      • 2020-21, n=83, 1%
      • 2021-22, n=66, 2%
      • 2022-23, n=101, 2%
    • CPP
      • 2020-21, n=95, 1%
      • 2021-22, n=92, 5%
      • 2022-23, n=95, 3%
    • CPPD
      • 2020-21, n=592, 3%
      • 2021-22, n=628, 4%
      • 2022-23, n=619, 5%
    • OAS/GIS
      • 2020-21, n=123, 1%
      • 2021-22, n=126, 1%
      • 2022-23, n=110, 2%

** Sample sizes too small for reporting.

Q46A. What type of disability do you have?

Base: Have a disability (n=1012)

Clients with Disabilities

Overall Satisfaction (% Rated 4 or 5)
Figure long description

Overall Satisfaction (% Rated 4 or 5)

  • 2018-19, 79%
  • 2019-20, 76%
  • 2020-21, 76%
  • 2021-22, 69%
  • 2022-23, 71%, significantly higher than total
Service Channel Satisfaction (% Rated 4 or 5)
Figure long description

Service Channel Satisfaction (% Rated 4 or 5)

  • 1 800 O-Canada
    • 2018-19, 50%
    • 2019-20, 70%
    • 2020-21, 48%, small sample size
    • 2021-22, 51%
    • 2022-23, 79%, significantly higher than previous wave/li>
  • eServiceCanada
    • 2018-19, 71%
    • 2019-20, 73%
    • 2020-21, 62%
    • 2021-22, 70%
    • 2022-23, 68%
  • My Service Canada Account
    • 2019-20, 69%
    • 2020-21, 56%
    • 2021-22, 68%
    • 2022-23, 69%
  • Online
    • 2020-21, 71%
    • 2021-22, 54%
    • 2022-23, 61%, significantly lower than total, significantly higher than previous wave
  • Specialized Call Centre
    • 2018-19, 79%
    • 2019-20, 80%
    • 2020-21, 67%
    • 2021-22, 57%
    • 2022-23, 67%, significantly lower than total, significantly higher than previous wave
  • In person
    • 2018-19, 69%
    • 2019-20, 66%
    • 2020-21, 60%
    • 2021-22, 70%
    • 2022-23, 70%, significantly lower than total

* Small sample size. Results should be interpreted with caution.

Widest gap vs. Total & change vs. 2021-22 in service attributes (% rated 4 or 5)
Figure long description

Widest gap vs. Total & change vs. 2021-22 in service attributes (% rated 4 or 5)

  • Ease of putting together the information needed to apply
    • 2022-23, 61%, significantly lower than total
    • Gap vs. total, -18 pts
    • 2021-22, 61%
  • You were able to move smoothly through all of the steps
    • 2022-23, 68%, significantly lower than total
    • Gap vs. total, -16 pts
    • 2021-22, 66%
  • Ease of finding out information about the program
    • 2022-23, 63%, significantly lower than total
    • Gap vs. total, -15 pts
    • 2021-22, 59%
  • You needed to explain your situation only once
    • 2022-23, 60%, significantly lower than total
    • Gap vs. total, -15 pts
    • 2021-22, 61%
  • You were confident that any issues or problems would have been easily resolved
    • 2022-23, 61%, significantly lower than total
    • Gap vs. total, -14 pts
    • 2021-22, 60%
  • You felt respected throughout the process applying
    • 2022-23, 76%, significantly lower than total
    • Gap vs. total, -13 pts
    • 2021-22, 67%
  • Throughout the process it was clear what would happen next and when it would happen
    • 2022-23, 61%, significantly lower than total, significnatly higher than previous wave
    • Gap vs. total, -12 pts
    • 2021-22, 48%
  • Ease of figuring out if you are eligible for benefits/ SIN card
    • 2022-23, 80%, significantly lower than total
    • Gap vs. total, -12 pts
    • 2021-22, 88%
  • Service Canada representatives that you dealt with in person were helpful
    • 2022-23, 76%, significantly lower than total, significnatly higher than previous wave
    • Gap vs. total, -11 pts
    • 2021-22, 69%
  • Overall, it was easy for you to apply for the program
    • 2022-23, 75%, significantly lower than total, significnatly higher than previous wave
    • Gap vs. total, -11 pts
    • 2021-22, 69%
  • Being able to complete steps online made the process easier
    • 2022-23, 75%, significantly lower than total, significnatly higher than previous wave
    • Gap vs. total, -9 pts
    • 2021-22, 59%
  • It was easy to get help when you needed it
    • 2022-23, 65%, significantly lower than total, significnatly higher than previous wave
    • Gap vs. total, -9 pts
    • 2021-22, 58%
  • It was clear what to do if you had a problem or question
    • 2022-23, 69%, significantly lower than total, significnatly higher than previous wave
    • Gap vs. total, -9 pts
    • 2021-22, 63%
  • Ease of finding out what information you need to provide when applying
    • 2022-23, 69%, significantly lower than total, significnatly higher than previous wave
    • Gap vs. total, -8 pts
    • 2021-22, 56%
  • Ease of finding out the steps to apply
    • 2022-23, 72%, significantly lower than total, significnatly higher than previous wave
    • Gap vs. total, -7 pts
    • 2021-22, 54%

Clients with Disabilities: Overall Satisfaction by Program

Overall Satisfaction (% Rated 4 or 5) – Trending
Figure long description

Overall Satisfaction (% Rated 4 or 5) – Trending

  • EI
    • 2017-18, 59%
    • 2018-19, 82%
    • 2018-20, 74%
    • 2020-21, 76%
    • 2021-22, 64%
    • 2022-23, 67%, significantly lower than total
  • CPP
    • 2017-18, 69%
    • 2018-19, 79%
    • 2018-20, 76%
    • 2020-21, 83%
    • 2021-22, 81%
    • 2022-23, 82%, significantly higher than total
  • CPPD
    • 2017-18, 49%
    • 2018-19, 62%
    • 2018-20, 58%
    • 2020-21, 63%
    • 2021-22, 60%
    • 2022-23, 55%, significantly lower than total, significantly lower than previous wave
  • SIN
    • 2017-18, 81%
    • 2018-19, 84%
    • 2019-20, 100%
    • 2018-19, 86%
    • 2018-20, 88%
    • 2020-21, 85%
    • 2021-22, 75%
    • 2022-23, 85%, significantly higher than total, significnatly higher the previous wave

** Sample sizes among SIN clients was too small for reporting in 2020-21, 2021-22 and 2022-23.

Note: Q44A wording was revised starting 2019-20 as well as the types of disabilities listed were also expanded. Interpret tracking results with caution.

Q44A. Do you identify as a person with a disability?

Base: All respondents

Indigenous Clients

Overall Satisfaction (R% Rated 4 or 5)
Figure long description

Overall Satisfaction (R% Rated 4 or 5)

  • Total
    • 2017-18, 79%
    • 2018-19, 85%
    • 2019-20, 79%
    • 2020-21, 83%
    • 2021-22, 80%
    • 2022-23, 83%
  • Urban
    • 2018-19, 82%
    • 2019-20, 73%
    • 2020-21, 88%
    • 2021-22, 80%
    • 2022-23, 79%
  • Rural
    • 2018-19, 86%
    • 2019-20, 82%
    • 2020-21, 80%
    • 2021-22, 79%
    • 2022-23, 86%
  • Remote
    • 2018-19, 93%
    • 2019-20, 75%
    • 2020-21, 87%
    • 2021-22, 88%
    • 2022-23, 86%
Service Channel Satisfaction (% Rated 4 or 5)
Figure long description

Service Channel Satisfaction (% Rated 4 or 5)

  • eServiceCanada
    • 2020-21, 87%, small sample size
    • 2021-22, 75%
    • 2022-23, 76%
  • My Service Canada Account
    • 2019-20, 76%
    • 2020-21, 73%
    • 2021-22, 78%
    • 2022-23, 78%
  • Online
    • 2017-18, 75%
    • 2018-19, 82%
    • 2019-20, 65%
    • 2020-21, 73%
    • 2021-22, 69%
    • 2022-23, 74%
  • Specialized Call Centres
    • 2017-18, 77%
    • 2018-19, 78%
    • 2019-20, 63%
    • 2020-21, 73%
    • 2021-22, 62%
    • 2022-23, 75%, significantly higher than previous wave
  • In person
    • 2017-18, 77%
    • 2018-19, 87%
    • 2019-20, 84%
    • 2020-21, 77%
    • 2021-22, 71%
    • 2022-23, 83%, significnatly higher than previous wave
  • 1 800 O-Canada
    • 2017-18, 68%
    • 2018-19, 71%
    • 2019-20, 52%
    • 2020-21, 83%, small sample size
    • 2021-22, 56%
    • 2022-23, 68%
Profile of Indigenous clients
Figure long description

Profile of Indigenous clients

  • First nations
    • 2018-19, 58%
    • 2019-20, 78%
    • 2020-21, 62%
    • 2021-22, 61%
    • 2022-23, 61%
  • Metis
    • 2018-19, 34%
    • 2019-20, 16%
    • 2020-21, 32%
    • 2021-22, 33%
    • 2022-23, 31%
  • Inuit
    • 2018-19, 10%
    • 2019-20, 6%
    • 2020-21, 6%
    • 2021-22, 5%
    • 2022-23, 9%

* Small sample size. Results should be interpreted with caution.

± Note: Fieldwork was cut short in 2019-20 and data was not gathered from the full sample. Data from this year is therefore not shown.

Base: Indigenous clients (n=460)

Widest gap vs. Total & change vs. 2021-22 in service attributes (% rated 4 or 5)
Figure long description

Widest gap vs. Total & change vs. 2021-22 in service attributes (% rated 4 or 5)

  • Figure out if you are eligible for benefits/ SIN card
    • 2022-23, 60%, significantly lower than total, significantly lower than previous wave
    • GAP vs. Total, - 13pts
    • 2021-22, 75%
  • Ease of finding out the steps to apply
    • 2022-23, 69%, significantly lower than total
    • GAP vs. Total, -10 pts
    • 2021-22, 73%
  • Ease of finding out what information you need to provide when applying
    • 2022-23, 68%, significantly lower than total, significantly lower than total
    • GAP vs. Total, -9 pts
    • 2021-22, 67%
  • Ease of completing the application form
    • 2022-23, 79%, significantly lower than total
    • GAP vs. Total, -6 pts
    • 2021-22, 77%
  • 1 800 O-Canada phone representatives were helpful
    • 2022-23, 78%, significantly higher than previous wave
    • GAP vs. Total, -5 pts
    • 2021-22, 50%
  • Being able to complete steps online made the process easier for you
    • 2022-23, 87%, significantly higher than previous wave
    • GAP vs. Total, 3 pts
    • 2021-22, 76%
  • You were able to move smoothly through all of the steps related to your application.
    • 2022-23, 84%, significantly higher than previous wave
    • GAP vs. Total, 0 pts
    • 2021-22, 75%
  • Ease of follow-up
    • 2022-23, 68%, significantly hogher than total, significantly higher than previous wave
    • GAP vs. Total, 8 pts
    • 2021-22, 52%
  • The Service Canada phone representatives that called you back after you completed an online form were helpful
    • 2022-23, 84%
    • GAP vs. Total, 8 pts
    • 2021-22, 75%

Urban, Rural and Remote Clients

Overall Satisfaction (% Rated 4 or 5)
Figure long description

Overall Satisfaction (% Rated 4 or 5)

  • Urban
    • 2018-19, 86%
    • 2019-20, 85%
    • 2020-21, 86%
    • 2021-22, 81%
    • 2022-23, 84%, significantly higher than previous wave
  • Rural
    • 2018-19, 83%
    • 2019-20, 82%
    • 2020-21, 85%
    • 2021-22, 80%
    • 2022-23, 82%
  • Remote
    • 2018-19, 88%
    • 2019-20, 80%
    • 2020-21, 88%
    • 2021-22, 81%
    • 2022-23, 80%
Service Channel Satisfaction (% rated 4 or 5)
Figure long description

Service Channel Satisfaction (% rated 4 or 5)

  • In person
    • Urban
      • 2018-19, 88%
      • 2019-20, 85%
      • 2020-21, 89%
      • 2021-22, 80%
      • 2022-23, 83%
    • Rural
      • 2018-19, 85%
      • 2019-20, 87%
      • 2020-21, 80%
      • 2021-22, 83%
      • 2022-23, 83%
    • Remote
      • 2018-19, 87%
      • 2019-20, 89%
      • 2020-21, 82%
      • 2021-22, 88%
      • 2022-23, 85%
  • Online
    • Urban
      • 2018-19, 78%
      • 2019-20, 73%
      • 2020-21, 79%
      • 2021-22, 76%
      • 2022-23, 76%
    • Rural
      • 2018-19, 81%
      • 2019-20, 73%
      • 2020-21, 77%
      • 2021-22, 70%
      • 2022-23, 65%
    • Remote
      • 2018-19, 80%
      • 2019-20, 76%
      • 2020-21, 74%
      • 2021-22, 82%
      • 2022-23, 64%, significnatly lower than previous wave
  • Specialized Call Centres
    • Urban
      • 2018-19, 73%
      • 2019-20, 62%
      • 2020-21, 72%
      • 2021-22, 68%
      • 2022-23, 74%, significnatly higher than previous wave
    • Rural
      • 2018-19, 76%
      • 2019-20, 60%
      • 2020-21, 73%
      • 2021-22, 64%
      • 2022-23, 72%, significnatly higher than previous wave
    • Remote
      • 2018-19, 79%
      • 2019-20, 71%
      • 2020-21, 72%
      • 2021-22, 75%
      • 2022-23, 77%
  • 1 800 O-Canada
    • Urban
      • 2018-19, 70%
      • 2019-20, 71%
      • 2020-21, 71%
      • 2021-22, 57%
      • 2022-23, 73%, significantly higher than previous wave
    • Rural
      • 2018-19, 76%
      • 2019-20, 65%
      • 2020-21, 74%
      • 2021-22, 57%
      • 2022-23, 65%
    • Remote
      • 2018-19, 69%
      • 2019-20, 74%
      • 2020-21, 80%, small sample size
      • 2021-22, 79%, small sample size
      • 2022-23, 88%, significantly higher than total
  • My Service Canada Account
    • Urban
      • 2019-20, 73%
      • 2020-21, 75%
      • 2021-22, 72%
      • 2022-23, 72%
    • Rural
      • 2019-20, 77%
      • 2020-21, 74%
      • 2021-22, 69%
      • 2022-23, 75%
    • Remote
      • 2019-20, 89%
      • 2020-21, 68%
      • 2021-22, 66%
      • 2022-23, 73%
  • eServiceCanada
    • Urban
      • 2020-21, 84%
      • 2021-22, 74%
      • 2022-23, 76%
    • Rural
      • 2020-21, 80%
      • 2021-22, 79%
      • 2022-23, 65%, significnatly lower than previous wave
    • Remote
      • 2020-21, 73%, small sample size
      • 2021-22, 63%
      • 2022-23, 64%

* Small sample size. Results should be interpreted with caution.

Base: Urban clients (n=varies); Rural clients (n=varies); Remote clients (n=varies)

Figure long description


  • Throughout the process it was clear what would happen next and when
    • Urban
      • 2018-19, 75%
      • 2019-20, 73%
      • 2020-21, 80%
      • 2021-22, 74%
      • 2022-23, 77%, significantly higher than previous wave
    • Rural
      • 2018-19, 79%
      • 2019-20, 74%
      • 2020-21, 81%
      • 2021-22, 73%
      • 2022-23, 74%
    • Remote
      • 2018-19, 79%
      • 2019-20, 68%
      • 2020-21, 77%
      • 2021-22, 68%
      • 2022-23, 71%, significantly lower than total
  • The amount of time it took was reasonable
    • Urban
      • 2018-19, 76%
      • 2019-20, 78%
      • 2020-21, 81%
      • 2021-22, 75%
      • 2022-23, 76%
    • Rural
      • 2018-19, 77%
      • 2019-20, 80%
      • 2020-21, 82%
      • 2021-22, 74%
      • 2022-23, 73%
    • Remote
      • 2018-19, 75%
      • 2019-20, 77%
      • 2020-21, 84%
      • 2021-22, 73%
      • 2022-23, 70%, significantly lower than total
  • You received consistent information
    • Urban
      • 2018-19, 81%
      • 2019-20, 81%
      • 2020-21, 85%
      • 2021-22, 81%
      • 2022-23, 84%, significantly higher than total, significantly higher than previous wave
    • Rural
      • 2018-19, 82%
      • 2019-20, 80%
      • 2020-21, 84%
      • 2021-22, 77%
      • 2022-23, 76%, significantly lower than total
    • Remote
      • 2018-19, 84%
      • 2019-20, 77%
      • 2020-21, 81%
      • 2021-22, 80%
      • 2022-23, 80%
  • Ease of understanding information about the program
    • Urban
      • 2019-20, 75%
      • 2020-21, 80%
      • 2021-22, 75%
      • 2022-23, 76%
    • Rural
      • 2019-20, 78%
      • 2020-21, 74%
      • 2021-22, 72%
      • 2022-23, 74%
    • Remote
      • 2019-20, 78%
      • 2020-21, 72%
      • 2021-22, 76%
      • 2022-23, 64%, significantly lower than total, significantly lower than previous wave
  • Ease of finding out the steps to apply
    • Urban
      • 2019-20, 82%
      • 2020-21, 80%
      • 2021-22, 77%
      • 2022-23, 82%, significantly higher than total, significantly higher than previous wave
    • Rural
      • 2019-20, 79%
      • 2020-21, 72%
      • 2021-22, 74%
      • 2022-23, 75%, significantly lower than total
    • Remote
      • 2019-20, 77%
      • 2020-21, 73%
      • 2021-22, 79%
      • 2022-23, 74%
  • You need to explain your situation only once
    • Urban
      • 2019-20, 79%
      • 2020-21, 76%
      • 2021-22, 75%
      • 2022-23, 75%
    • Rural
      • 2019-20, 76%
      • 2020-21, 79%
      • 2021-22, 73%
      • 2022-23, 75%
    • Remote
      • 2019-20, 76%
      • 2020-21, 75%
      • 2021-22, 72%
      • 2022-23, 69%, significantly lower than total
  • You were able to move smoothly through all of the steps 
    • Urban
      • 2018-19, 83%
      • 2019-20, 83%
      • 2020-21, 85%
      • 2021-22, 84%
      • 2022-23, 85%
    • Rural
      • 2018-19, 85%
      • 2019-20, 81%
      • 2020-21, 84%
      • 2021-22, 78%
      • 2022-23, 82%, significnatly higher than previous wave
    • Remote
      • 2018-19, 88%
      • 2019-20, 81%
      • 2020-21, 88%
      • 2021-22, 84%
      • 2022-23, 81%
  • It was clear what to do if you had a problem or question
    • Urban
      • 2018-19, 77%
      • 2019-20, 76%
      • 2020-21, 79%
      • 2021-22, 77%
      • 2022-23, 79%
    • Rural
      • 2018-19, 78%
      • 2019-20, 80%
      • 2020-21, 79%
      • 2021-22, 73%
      • 2022-23, 77%, significnatly higher than previous wave
    • Remote
      • 2018-19, 84%
      • 2019-20, 83%
      • 2020-21, 73%
      • 2021-22, 80%
      • 2022-23, 75%
  • Confident that any issues or problems would have been easily resolved
    • Urban
      • 2018-19, 79%
      • 2019-20, 79%
      • 2020-21, 78%
      • 2021-22, 75%
      • 2022-23, 77%
    • Rural
      • 2018-19, 76%
      • 2019-20, 76%
      • 2020-21, 75%
      • 2021-22, 71%
      • 2022-23, 73%
    • Remote
      • 2018-19, 81%
      • 2019-20, 76%
      • 2020-21, 68%
      • 2021-22, 74%
      • 2022-23, 70%, significantly lower than total
  • Ease of figuring out if you are eligible for benefits/ SIN card
    • Urban
      • 2019-20, 72%
      • 2020-21, 77%
      • 2021-22, 73%
      • 2022-23, 74%
    • Rural
      • 2019-20, 70%
      • 2020-21, 74%
      • 2021-22, 72%
      • 2022-23, 70%
    • Remote
      • 2019-20, 70%
      • 2020-21, 80%
      • 2021-22, 80%
      • 2022-23, 69%, significantly lower than previous wave
  • You were able to complete the application in a reasonable amount of time
    • Urban
      • 2019-20, 83%
      • 2020-21, 84%
      • 2021-22, 81%
      • 2022-23, 84%, significnatly higher than previous wave
    • Rural
      • 2019-20, 84%
      • 2020-21, 82%
      • 2021-22, 81%
      • 2022-23, 84%, significnatly higher than previous wave
    • Remote
      • 2019-20, 84%
      • 2020-21, 86%
      • 2021-22, 86%
      • 2022-23, 82%
Widest Gap Vs. Total & Change Vs. 2020-21 In Service Attributes (% Rated 4 Or 5)
Figure long description

Widest Gap Vs. Total & Change Vs. 2020-21 In Service Attributes (% Rated 4 Or 5)

  • Ease of follow-up
    • Urban
      • 2019-20, 58%
      • 2020-21, 62%
      • 2021-22, 55%
      • 2022-23, 59%
    • Rural
      • 2019-20, 64%
      • 2020-21, 64%
      • 2021-22, 55%
      • 2022-23, 61%, significnatly higher than previous wave
    • Remote
      • 2019-20, 59%
      • 2020-21, 65%
      • 2021-22, 66%
      • 2022-23, 67%
  • Overall, it was easy for you to apply
    • Urban
      • 2018-19, 83%
      • 2019-20, 82%
      • 2020-21, 85%
      • 2021-22, 86%
      • 2022-23, 88%
    • Rural
      • 2018-19, 87%
      • 2019-20, 86%
      • 2020-21, 86%
      • 2021-22, 82%
      • 2022-23, 86%, significantly higher than previous wave
    • Remote
      • 2018-19, 90%
      • 2019-20, 85%
      • 2020-21, 93%
      • 2021-22, 88%
      • 2022-23, 87%
  • Putting together the information you needed to apply
    • Urban
      • 2019-20, 80%
      • 2020-21, 83%
      • 2021-22, 81%
      • 2022-23, 80%
    • Rural
      • 2019-20, 77%
      • 2020-21, 81%
      • 2021-22, 79%
      • 2022-23, 78%
    • Remote
      • 2019-20, 78%
      • 2020-21, 76%
      • 2021-22, 83%
      • 2022-23, 77%, significantly lower than previous wave
  • Getting help on your application when you needed it
    • Urban
      • 2020-21, 66%
      • 2021-22, 67%
      • 2022-23, 69%
    • Rural
      • 2020-21, 61%
      • 2021-22, 59%
      • 2022-23, 68%, significnatly higher than previous wave
    • Remote
      • 2020-21, 68%
      • 2021-22, 71%
      • 2022-23, 71%
  • You travelled a reasonable distance to access the service
    • Urban
      • 2019-20, 76%
      • 2020-21, 81%
      • 2021-22, 73%
      • 2022-23, 78%, significantly higher than previous wave
    • Rural
      • 2019-20, 75%
      • 2020-21, 75%
      • 2021-22, 71%
      • 2022-23, 78%, significnatly higher than previous wave
    • Remote
      • 2019-20, 72%
      • 2020-21, 67%
      • 2021-22, 77%
      • 2022-23, 76%
  • Service Canada phone representatives that called you back after you completed an online form were helpful
    • Urban
      • 2020-21, 85%
      • 2021-22, 74%
      • 2022-23, 77%
    • Rural
      • 2020-21, 87%
      • 2021-22, 85%
      • 2022-23, 74%, significnatly higher than previous wave
    • Remote
      • 2020-21, 66%
      • 2021-22, 84%
      • 2022-23, 75%
  • You were provided service in a way that protected your health and safety during the COVID-19 pandemic
    • Urban
      • 2020-21, 89%
      • 2021-22, 88%
      • 2022-23, 83%, significnatly lower than previosu wave
    • Rural
      • 2020-21, 87%
      • 2021-22, 86%
      • 2022-23, 80%, significnatly lower than previous wave
    • Remote
      • 2020-21, 76%
      • 2021-22, 86%
      • 2022-23, 79%, significantly lower than previous wave
  • 1 800 O-Canada phone representatives were helpful
    • Urban
      • 2020-21, 87%
      • 2021-22, 77%
      • 2022-23, 82%
    • Rural
      • 2020-21, 90%
      • 2021-22, 79%
      • 2022-23, 83%, significantly lower than previous wave
    • Remote
      • 2020-21, 93%
      • 2021-22, 86%
      • 2022-23, 93%
  • You felt respected throughout the process
    • Urban
      • 2022-23, 90%
    • Rural
      • 2022-23, 89%
    • Remote
      • 2022-23, 85%, significnatly lower than total

Youth and Senior Clients

Overall Satisfaction (% Rated 4 or 5)
Figure long description

Overall Satisfaction (% Rated 4 or 5)

  • Youth (18-30)
    • 2018-19, 86%
    • 2019-20, 84%
    • 2020-21, 85%
    • 2021-22, 79%
    • 2022-23. 85%, significantly higher than previous wave
  • Adults (31-59)
    • 2018-19, 82%
    • 2019-20, 82%
    • 2020-21, 85%
    • 2021-22, 80%
    • 2022-23. 81%
  • Seniors (60+)
    • 2018-19, 87%
    • 2019-20, 86%
    • 2020-21, 87%
    • 2021-22, 84%
    • 2022-23. 85%, significantly hogher than total
Service Channel Satisfaction (% Rated 4 or 5)
Figure long description

Service Channel Satisfaction (% Rated 4 or 5)

  • In person
    • Youth (18-30)
      • 2018-19, 91%
      • 2019-20, 86%
      • 2020-21, 88%
      • 2021-22, 82%
      • 2022-23. 86%
    • Adults (31-59)
      • 2018-19, 82%
      • 2019-20, 86%
      • 2020-21, 87%
      • 2021-22, 81%
      • 2022-23. 84%
    • Seniors (60+)
      • 2018-19, 88%
      • 2019-20, 84%
      • 2020-21, 83%
      • 2021-22, 81%
      • 2022-23. 77%, significantly lower than total
  • Online
    • Youth (18-30)
      • 2018-19, 81%
      • 2019-20, 77%
      • 2020-21, 77%
      • 2021-22, 75%
      • 2022-23. 77%
    • Adults (31-59)
      • 2018-19, 80%
      • 2019-20, 72%
      • 2020-21, 79%
      • 2021-22, 75%
      • 2022-23. 74%
    • Seniors (60+)
      • 2018-19, 75%
      • 2019-20, 70%
      • 2020-21, 78%
      • 2021-22, 70%
      • 2022-23, 73%
  • Specialized Call Centres
    • Youth (18-30)
      • 2018-19, 63%
      • 2019-20, 67%
      • 2020-21, 76%
      • 2021-22, 64%
      • 2022-23. 71%
    • Adults (31-59)
      • 2018-19, 77%
      • 2019-20, 58%
      • 2020-21, 69%
      • 2021-22, 66%
      • 2022-23. 72%
    • Seniors (60+)
      • 2018-19, 80%
      • 2019-20, 63%
      • 2020-21, 75%
      • 2021-22, 70%
      • 2022-23. 77%, significantly higher than total, significantly higher than previous wave
  • 1 800 O-Canada
    • Youth (18-30)
      • 2018-19, 79%
      • 2019-20, 79%
      • 2020-21, 79%, small sample size
      • 2021-22, 47%
      • 2022-23. 67%
    • Adults (31-59)
      • 2018-19, 72%
      • 2019-20, 63%
      • 2020-21, 72%
      • 2021-22, 62%
      • 2022-23. 71%
    • Seniors (60+)
      • 2018-19, 67%
      • 2019-20, 67%
      • 2020-21, 65%
      • 2021-22, 68%
      • 2022-23. 72%
  • My Service Canada Account
    • Youth (18-30)
      • 2019-20, 76%
      • 2020-21, 83%
      • 2021-22, 68%
      • 2022-23. 77%
    • Adults (31-59)
      • 2019-20, 76%
      • 2020-21, 74%
      • 2021-22, 71%
      • 2022-23. 74%
    • Seniors (60+)
      • 2019-20, 74%
      • 2020-21, 71%
      • 2021-22, 72%
      • 2022-23. 70%
  • eServiceCanada
    • Youth (18-30)
      • 2020-21, 88%, small sample size
      • 2021-22, 83%
      • 2022-23. 81%
    • Adults (31-59)
      • 2020-21, 83%
      • 2021-22, 71%
      • 2022-23. 66%
    • Seniors (60+)
      • 2020-21, 72%
      • 2021-22, 74%
      • 2022-23. 73%

* Small sample size. Results should be interpreted with caution.

Base: Youth (n=varies); Adults (n=varies); Seniors (n=varies)

Figure long description


  • Completing steps online made the process easier
    • Youth
      • 2018-19, 89%
      • 2019-20, 86%
      • 2020-21, 85%
      • 2021-22, 85%
      • 2022-23, 86%
    • Adults
      • 2018-19, 80%
      • 2019-20, 79%
      • 2020-21, 83%
      • 2021-22, 82%
      • 2022-23, 86%, significantly higher than previous wave
    • Seniors
      • 2018-19, 56%
      • 2019-20, 62%
      • 2020-21, 70%
      • 2021-22, 66%
      • 2022-23, 77%, significantly lower than total, significantly higher than previous wave
  • You felt respected throughout the process applying for…
    • Youth
      • 2022-23, 92%, significantly higher than total
    • Adults
      • 2022-23, 89%
    • Seniors
      • 2022-23, 88%, significantly lower than total
  • You were provided service in a way that protected your health and safety during the COVID-19 pandemic
    • Youth
      • 2020-21, 91%
      • 2021-22, 88%
      • 2022-23, 88%, significantly higher than total
    • Adults
      • 2020-21, 89%
      • 2021-22, 89%
      • 2022-23, 79%, significantly lower than previous wave
    • Seniors
      • 2020-21, 83%
      • 2021-22, 83%
      • 2022-23, 79%, significantly lower than total, significantly lower than previous wave
  • It was easy to get help when you needed it
    • Youth
      • 2019-20, 80%
      • 2020-21, 76%
      • 2021-22, 73%
      • 2022-23, 80% significantly higher than total, signigicantly higher than previous wave
    • Adults
      • 2019-20, 74%
      • 2020-21, 69%
      • 2021-22, 68%
      • 2022-23, 74%, significnatly higher than previous wave
    • Seniors
      • 2019-20, 73%
      • 2020-21, 70%
      • 2021-22, 64%
      • 2022-23, 68%, significantly lower than total, significantly higher the previous wave
  • The amount of time it took was reasonable
    • Youth
      • 2019-20, 76%
      • 2020-21, 80%
      • 2021-22, 73%
      • 2022-23, 74%
    • Adults
      • 2019-20, 74%
      • 2020-21, 82%
      • 2021-22, 73%
      • 2022-23, 72%, significantly lower than total
    • Seniors
      • 2019-20, 83%
      • 2020-21, 82%
      • 2021-22, 79%
      • 2022-23, 80%, significantly higher than total
  • You were confident that your personal information was protected
    • Youth
      • 2019-20, 91%
      • 2020-21, 90%
      • 2021-22, 91%
      • 2022-23, 93%, significantly higher than total
    • Adults
      • 2019-20, 87%
      • 2020-21, 88%
      • 2021-22, 86%
      • 2022-23, 88%
    • Seniors
      • 2019-20, 81%
      • 2020-21, 83%
      • 2021-22, 82%
      • 2022-23, 82%, significantly higher than total
  • Ease of getting help on your application when you needed it
    • Youth
      • 2020-21, 69%
      • 2021-22, 69%
      • 2022-23, 73%, significantly higher than total
    • Adults
      • 2020-21, 63%
      • 2021-22, 62%
      • 2022-23, 68%, significantly higher than previous wave
    • Seniors
      • 2020-21, 62%
      • 2021-22, 60%
      • 2022-23, 64%, significantly lower than total, significantly higher than previous wave
  • Overall, it was easy for you to apply for…
    • Youth
      • 2019-20, 78%
      • 2020-21, 83%
      • 2021-22, 84%
      • 2022-23, 89%, significantly higher than previous wave
    • Adults
      • 2019-20, 84%
      • 2020-21, 86%
      • 2021-22, 85%
      • 2022-23, 86%
    • Seniors
      • 2019-20, 88%
      • 2020-21, 87%
      • 2021-22, 85%
      • 2022-23, 87%, significantly higher than previous wave
  • The Service Canada representatives that you dealt with in person were helpful
    • Youth
      • 2019-20, 94%
      • 2020-21, 93%
      • 2021-22, 90%
      • 2022-23, 94%
    • Adults
      • 2019-20, 91%
      • 2020-21, 92%
      • 2021-22, 88%
      • 2022-23, 91%
    • Seniors
      • 2019-20, 91%
      • 2020-21, 83%
      • 2021-22, 85%
      • 2022-23, 88%, significantly lower than total
  • It was clear what to do if you had a problem or question
    • Youth
      • 2019-20, 76%
      • 2020-21, 81%
      • 2021-22, 78%
      • 2022-23, 83%, significantly higher than total, significnatly higher than previous wave
    • Adults
      • 2019-20, 78%
      • 2020-21, 77%
      • 2021-22, 75%
      • 2022-23, 76%
    • Seniors
      • 2019-20, 80%
      • 2020-21, 79%
      • 2021-22, 75%
      • 2022-23, 77%

E-vulnerable Clients

Overall Satisfaction (% Rated 4 or 5)
Figure long description

Overall Satisfaction (% Rated 4 or 5)

  • 2017-18, 87%
  • 2018-19, 84%
  • 2019-20, 85%
  • 2020-21, 82%
  • 2021-22, 79%
  • 2022-23, 84%, significantly higher than previous wave
Service Channel Satisfaction (% Rated 4 or 5)
Figure long description

Service Channel Satisfaction (% Rated 4 or 5)

  • In person
    • 2017-18, 91%
    • 2018-19, 86%
    • 2019-20, 85%
    • 2020-21, 79%
    • 2021-22, 83%
    • 2022-23, 86%
  • Online
    • 2017-18, 74%
    • 2018-19, 76%
    • 2019-20, 67%
    • 2020-21, 74%
    • 2021-22, 63%
    • 2022-23, 67%, significantly lower than total
  • Specialized Call Centre Centres
    • 2017-18, 83%
    • 2018-19, 68%
    • 2019-20, 70%
    • 2020-21, 74%
    • 2021-22, 70%
    • 2022-23, 73%
  • 1 800 O-Canada
    • 2018-19, 68%
    • 2019-20, 69%
    • 2020-21, 75%
    • 2021-22, 61%
    • 2022-23, 61%
  • My Service Canada Account
    • 2019-20, 74%
    • 2020-21, 68%
    • 2021-22, 58%
    • 2022-23, 52%, significantly lower than total
  • eServiceCanada
    • 2020-21, 73%
    • 2021-22, 68%
    • 2022-23, 70%

Base: E-vulnerable clients (n=varies)

Widest gap vs. Total & change vs. 2021-22 in service attributes (% rated 4 or 5)
Figure long description

Widest gap vs. Total & change vs. 2021-22 in service attributes (% rated 4 or 5)

  • Completing steps online made the process easier
    • 2022-23, 68%, significantly lower than total, significantly higher than previous wave
    • GAP vs. TOTAL, -16 pts
    • 2021-22, 58%
  • Ease of figuring out if you are eligible for benefits/ SIN card
    • 2022-23, 62%, significantly lower than total
    • GAP vs. TOTAL, -11 pts
    • 2021-22, 64%
  • Ease of finding out what information you need to provide when applying
    • 2022-23, 67%, significantly lower than total
    • GAP vs. TOTAL, -10 pts
    • 2021-22, 71%
  • Ease of finding out the steps to apply
    • 2022-23, 71%, significantly lower than total
    • GAP vs. TOTAL, -8 pts
    • 2021-22, 66%
  • Able to complete the application in a reasonable amount of time
    • 2022-23, 78%, significantly lower than total
    • GAP vs. TOTAL, -6 pts
    • 2021-22, 78%
  • Ease of understanding the requirements of the application
    • 2022-23, 77%, significantly lower than total, significantly higher than previous wave
    • GAP vs. TOTAL, -5 pts
    • 2021-22, 70%
  • Ease of completing the application form
    • 2022-23, 80%, significantly lower than total, significantly higher than previous wave
    • GAP vs. TOTAL, -5 pts
    • 2021-22, 75%
  • You felt respected throughout the process of applying
    • 2022-23, 86%, significantly lower than total
    • GAP vs. TOTAL, -3 pts
  • Ease of understanding the information about the program
    • 2022-23, 73%, significantly higher than previous wave
    • GAP vs. TOTAL, -2 pts
    • 2021-22, 61%
  • You were able to move smoothly through all the steps of your application
    • 2022-23, 83%, significantly higher than previous wave
    • GAP vs. TOTAL, -1 pts
    • 2021-22, 78%
  • Service Canada representatives that you dealt with in person were helpful
    • 2022-23, 93%, significantly higher than previous wave
    • GAP vs. TOTAL, 1 pts
    • 2021-22, 87%
  • It was easy to get help when you needed it
    • 2022-23, 78%, significantly higher than previous wave
    • GAP vs. TOTAL, 4 pts
    • 2021-22, 68%

Clients with No Devices or Mobile Only

Overall Satisfaction (% Rated 4 or 5) – Trending
Figure long description

Overall Satisfaction (% Rated 4 or 5) – Trending

  • No Devices
    • 2019-19, 83%
    • 2019-20, 81%
    • 2020-21, 80%
    • 2021-22, 71%
    • 2022-23, 83%, significantly higher than previous wave
  • Mobile only
    • 2018-19, 85%
    • 2019-20, 85%
    • 2020-21, 83%
    • 2021-22, 82%
    • 2022-23, 83%
Overall Satisfaction by Channel (% Rated 4 or 5)
Figure long description

Overall Satisfaction by Channel (% Rated 4 or 5)

  • In person
    • No devices
      • 2018-19, 85%
      • 2019-20, 81%
      • 2020-21, 75%
      • 2021-22, 80%
      • 2022-23, 73%, signicantly lower than total
    • Mobile only
      • 2018-19, 85%
      • 2019-20, 90%
      • 2020-21, 85%
      • 2021-22, 87%
      • 2022-23, 87%
  • Online
    • No devices
      • 2018-19, 62%
      • 2019-20, 44%
      • 2020-21, 75%
      • 2021-22, 51%
      • 2022-23, 61%, significantly lower than total
    • Mobile only
      • 2018-19, 84%
      • 2019-20, 63%
      • 2020-21, 71%
      • 2021-22, 76%
      • 2022-23, 70%
  • Specialized Call Centres
    • No devices
      • 2018-19, 79%
      • 2019-20, 71%
      • 2020-21, 70%
      • 2021-22, 40%
      • 2022-23, 78%, significantly higher than previous wave
    • Mobile only
      • 2018-19, 77%
      • 2019-20, 67%
      • 2020-21, 77%
      • 2021-22, 72%
      • 2022-23, 71%
  • 1 800 O-Canada
    • No devices
      • 2018-19, 71%
      • 2019-20, 77%
      • 2020-21, 85%, small sample size
      • 2021-22, 71%, small sample size
    • Mobile only
      • 2018-19, 73%
      • 2019-20, 54%
      • 2020-21, 66%, small sample size
      • 2021-22, 67%
      • 2022-23, 73%
  • My Service Canada Account
    • No devices
      • 2019-20, 56%
    • Mobile only
      • 2019-20, 95%
      • 2020-21, 78%
      • 2021-22, 72%
      • 2022-23, 73%
  • eServiceCanada
    • Mobile only
      • 2020-21, 86%, small sample size
      • 2021-22, 78%
      • 2022-23, 74%

* Small sample size. Results should be interpreted with caution. ** Sample sizes too small for reporting.

Base: No device clients (n=varies); Mobile only clients (n=varies)

Widest gap vs. Total & change vs. 2021-22 in service attributes (% rated 4 or 5)
Figure long description

Widest gap vs. Total & change vs. 2021-22 in service attributes (% rated 4 or 5)

  • Clients with no devices provided lower ratings across most service attributes compared to all clients. The largest gaps were for completing steps online made it easier, the ease of finding out the information needed to apply, understanding info about the program and putting together the info needed to apply. Mobile only clients provided higher ratings for the ease of getting help in general and on the application, and provided lower ratings for the ease of follow up and figuring out eligibility.
  • Compared to 2021-22, clients with no devices provided higher ratings on a number of attributes including the ease of follow up, ease of getting help on the application and clarity of process, among others. Mobile only clients provided higher ratings on the ease of getting help on their application and finding out what info they needed to apply as well as being able to complete steps online made the process easier, and provided lower ratings for the ease of putting together the information needed to apply.
  • Ease of follow-up
    • No Devices
      • 2022-23, 83%, significantly higher than total, significantly higher than previous wave
      • GAP vs. TOTAL, 23pts
      • 2021-22, 39%
    • Mobile Only
      • 2022-23, 47%, significantly higher than total
      • GAP vs. TOTAL, -13pts
      • 2021-22, 57%
  • Ease of getting help on your application
    • No Devices
      • 2022-23, 74%, significantly higher than previous wave
      • GAP vs. TOTAL, 6pts
    • Mobile Only
      • 2022-23, 75%, significantly higher than total, significantly higher than previous wave
      • GAP vs. TOTAL, 7pts
      • 2021-22, 68%
  • It was easy to get help when you needed it
    • No Devices
      • 2022-23, 79%, significantly higher than previous wave
      • GAP vs. TOTAL, 5pts
      • 2021-22, 61%
    • Mobile Only
      • 2022-23, 80%, significnatly higher than total
      • GAP vs. TOTAL, 6pts
      • 2021-22, 76%
  • Mobile Only
    • 2022-23, 80%, significnatly higher than total
    • GAP vs. TOTAL, 4pts
    • 2021-22, 80%
  • You were confident that any issues would have been easily resolved
    • No Devices
      • 2022-23, 76%, significantly higher than previous wave
      • GAP vs. TOTAL, 1pts
      • 2021-22, 66%
    • Mobile Only
      • 2022-23, 79%
      • GAP vs. TOTAL, 4pts
      • 2021-22, 81%
  • You felt respected throughout the process of applying
    • No Devices
      • 2022-23, 86%
      • GAP vs. TOTAL, -3pts
    • Mobile Only
      • 2022-23, 90%
      • GAP vs. TOTAL, 1pts
  • Throughout the process it was clear what would happen next and when
    • No Devices
      • 2022-23, 73%,significantly higher than previous wave
      • GAP vs. TOTAL, -3pts
      • 2021-22, 64%
    • Mobile Only
      • 2022-23, 80%
      • GAP vs. TOTAL, 4pts
      • 2021-22, 80%
  • Overall, it was easy for you to apply
    • No Devices
      • 2022-23, 84%, significantly higher than previous wave
      • GAP vs. TOTAL, -3pts
      • 2021-22, 66%
    • Mobile Only
      • 2022-23, 84%
      • GAP vs. TOTAL, -3pts
      • 2021-22, 85%
  • Service Canada reps that you dealt with in person were helpful
    • No Devices
      • 2022-23, 83%, significantly higher than previous wave
      • GAP vs. TOTAL, -3pts
      • 2021-22, 77%
    • Mobile Only
      • 2022-23, 92%
      • GAP vs. TOTAL, 0pts
      • 2021-22, 95%
  • You were confident that your personal information was protected
    • No Devices
      • 2022-23, 83%, significantly lower than total, significantly higher than previous wave
      • GAP vs. TOTAL, -5pts
      • 2021-22, 80%
    • Mobile Only
      • 2022-23, 87%
      • GAP vs. TOTAL, -1pts
      • 2021-22, 84%
  • Provided service in your choice of English or French
    • No Devices
      • 2022-23, 90%, significantly lower than total
      • GAP vs. TOTAL, -6pts
      • 2021-22, 88%
    • Mobile Only
      • 2022-23, 95%
      • GAP vs. TOTAL, -1pts
      • 2021-22, 98%
  • Ease of completing the application form
    • No Devices
      • 2022-23, 79%, significantly lower than total
      • GAP vs. TOTAL, -6pts
      • 2021-22, 63%
    • Mobile Only
      • 2022-23, 82%
      • GAP vs. TOTAL, -3pts
      • 2021-22, 78%
  • It was clear what to do if you had a problem or question
    • No Devices
      • 2022-23, 71%, significantly lower than total, significantly higher than previous wave
      • GAP vs. TOTAL, -7pts
      • 2021-22, 68%
    • Mobile Only
      • 2022-23, 80%
      • GAP vs. TOTAL, -2pts
      • 2021-22, 79%
  • Ease of putting together the information you needed to apply
    • No Devices
      • 2022-23, 72%,significantly lower than total, significantly higher than previous wave
      • GAP vs. TOTAL, -7pts
      • 2021-22, 70%
    • Mobile Only
      • 2022-23, 77%, significantly lower than previous wave
      • GAP vs. TOTAL, -2pts
      • 2021-22, 85%
  • Ease of figuring out if you are eligible for benefits/ SIN card
    • No Devices
      • 2022-23, 65%
      • GAP vs. TOTAL, -8pts
      • 2021-22, 69%
    • Mobile Only
      • 2022-23, 66%, significantly lower than total
      • GAP vs. TOTAL, -7pts
      • 2021-22, 71%
  • It was easy to access service in a language I could speak and understand well
    • No Devices
      • 2022-23, 85%, significantly lower than total
      • GAP vs. TOTAL, -9pts
      • 2021-22, 81%
    • Mobile Only
      • 2022-23, 93%
      • GAP vs. TOTAL, -1pts
      • 2021-22, 93%
  • Ease of understanding the requirements of the application
    • No Devices
      • 2022-23, 72%, significantly lower than total
      • GAP vs. TOTAL, -10pts
      • 2021-22, 64%
    • Mobile Only
      • 2022-23, 79%
      • GAP vs. TOTAL, -3pts
      • 2021-22, 78%
  • Service Canada specialized call centre phone reps were helpful
    • No Devices
      • 2022-23, 70%, significantly lower than total
      • GAP vs. TOTAL, -13pts
      • 2021-22, 62%
    • Mobile Only
      • 2022-23, 89%
      • GAP vs. TOTAL, 6pts
      • 2021-22, 81%
  • Ease of understanding information about the program
    • No Devices
      • 2022-23, 59%, significantly lower than total
      • GAP vs. TOTAL, -16pts
      • 2021-22, 57%
    • Mobile Only
      • 2022-23, 76%
      • GAP vs. TOTAL, 1pts
      • 2021-22, 76%
  • Ease of finding out what information you need to provide when applying for the program
    • No Devices
      • 2022-23, 61%, significantly lower than total
      • GAP vs. TOTAL, -16pts
      • 2021-22, 56%
    • Mobile Only
      • 2022-23, 80%, significantly higher than previous wave
      • GAP vs. TOTAL, 3pts
      • 2021-22, 70%
  • Ease of finding out the steps to apply
    • No Devices
      • 2022-23, 59%, significantly lower than total
      • GAP vs. TOTAL, -20pts
      • 2021-22, 53%
    • Mobile Only
      • 2022-23, 77%
      • GAP vs. TOTAL, -2pts
      • 2021-22, 70%
  • Being able to complete the steps online made things easier for you
    • No Devices
      • 2022-23, 55%, significantly lower than total, significantly higher than previous wave
      • GAP vs. TOTAL, -29pts
      • 2021-22, 37%
    • Mobile Only
      • 2022-23, 85%, significantly higher than previous wave
      • GAP vs. TOTAL, 1pts
      • 2021-22, 72%
  • * Small sample size. Results should be interpreted with caution.

    Access to Service via Mobile: Overall

    Own or Have Access to
    Figure long description

    Own or Have Access to

    • Personal computer
      • 2022-23, 82%
      • 2021-22, n=4200, 83%
      • 2020-21, n=4200, 83%
    • Smartphone
      • 2022-23, 86%, significnatly higher than previous wave
      • 2021-22, n=4200, 82%
      • 2020-21, n=4200, 80%
    • Tablet
      • 2022-23, 46%
      • 2021-22, n=4200, 44%
      • 2020-21, n=4200, 45%
    • No device
      • 2022-23, 3%
      • 2021-22, n=4200, 3%
      • 2020-21, n=4200, 3%

    Q39d. Which of the following do you own or have access to?

    Base: All respondents (n=4200)

    Clients with a Language Barrier

    Overall Satisfaction (% Rated 4 or 5)
    Figure long description

    Overall Satisfaction (% Rated 4 or 5)

    • 2020-21, n=285, 55%
    • 2021-22, n=277, 53%
    • 2022-23, n=280, 50%, significantly lower than total
    Service Channel Satisfaction (% Rated 4 or 5)
    Figure long description

    Service Channel Satisfaction (% Rated 4 or 5)

    • In person
      • 2020-21, 55%
      • 2021-22, 51%
      • 2022-23, 63%, significantly lower than total
    • Online
      • 2020-21, 44%
      • 2021-22, 46%
      • 2022-23, 46%, significantly lower than total
    • Specialized Call Centres
      • 2020-21, 32%
      • 2021-22, 39%
      • 2022-23, 39%, significantly lower than total
    • 1 800 O-Canada
      • 2020-21, 31%
      • 2022-23, 31%, significantly lower than total
    • My Service Canada Account
      • 2020-21, 42%
      • 2021-22, 49%
      • 2022-23, 41%, significantly lower than total
    • eServiceCanada
      • 2020-21, 53%
      • 2021-22, 53%
      • 2022-23, 36%, significantly lower than total
    Widest Gap in Service Attributes (% Rated 4 or 5 Vs. Total)
    Figure long description

    Widest Gap in Service Attributes (% Rated 4 or 5 Vs. Total)

    • 1 800 O-Canada phone representatives were helpful
      • 2022-23, 35%, significantly lower than total
      • GAP vs. TOTAL, -48pts
      • 2021-22, 38%
    • Ease of finding out the information needed to apply
      • 2022-23, 32%, significantly lower than total, significantly lower than previous wave
      • GAP vs. TOTAL, -45pts
      • 2021-22, 54%
    • Service Canada specialized call centre phone representatives were helpful
      • 2022-23, 38%, significantly lower than total, significnatly lower than previous wave
      • GAP vs. TOTAL, -45pts
      • 2021-22, 56%
    • Ease of finding out the information about the program
      • 2022-23, 35%,significantly lower than total, significnatly lower than previous wave
      • GAP vs. TOTAL, -43pts
      • 2021-22, 56%
    • It was clear what to do if you had a problem or question
      • 2022-23, 38%,significantly lower than total
      • GAP vs. TOTAL, -40pts
      • 2021-22, 42%
    • Ease of understanding information about the program
      • 2022-23, 35%,significantly lower than total, significnatly lower than previous wave
      • GAP vs. TOTAL, -39pts
      • 2021-22, 52%
    • You needed to explain your situation only once
      • 2022-23, 36%,significantly lower than total, significnatly lower than previous wave
      • GAP vs. TOTAL, -39pts
      • 2021-22, 52%
    • It was easy to get help when you needed it
      • 2022-23, 35%, significantly lower than total
      • GAP vs. TOTAL, -39pts
      • 2021-22, 39%
    • You received consistent information
      • 2022-23, 43%, significantly lower than total
      • GAP vs. TOTAL, -38pts
      • 2021-22, 46%
    • You were confident any issues or problems would have been easily resolved
      • 2022-23, 37%, significantly lower than total
      • GAP vs. TOTAL, -38pts
      • 2021-22, 43%

    * Small sample size. Results should be interpreted with caution. ** Sample sizes too small for reporting.

    Base: Language barrier clients

    Provision of Services in Official Languages

     Provided with Service in Your Choice of English or French (% Rated 4 or 5)
    Figure long description

    Provided with Service in Your Choice of English or French (% Rated 4 or 5)

    • Total
      • 2018-19, 96%
      • 2019-20, 97%
      • 2020-21, 96%
      • 2021-22, 97%
      • 2022-23, 96%
    • EI
      • 2017-18, 93%
      • 2018-19, 97%
      • 2019-20, 98%
      • 2020-21, 97%
      • 2021-22, 97%
      • 2022-23, 97%
    • CPP
      • 2017-18, 94%
      • 2018-19, 94%
      • 2019-20, 97%
      • 2020-21, 95%
      • 2021-22, 94%
      • 2022-23, 95%
    • CPPD
      • 2017-18, 87%
      • 2018-19, 93%
      • 2019-20, 95%
      • 2020-21, 92%
      • 2021-22, 94%
      • 2022-23, 94%, significantly lower than total
    • SIN
      • 2017-18, 96%
      • 2018-19, 95%
      • 2019-20, 95%
      • 2020-21, 96%
      • 2021-22, 98%
      • 2022-23, 96%
    • OAS/GIS
      • 2017-18, 95%
      • 2018-19, 98%
      • 2019-20, 96%
      • 2020-21, 94%
      • 2021-22, 95%
      • 2022-23, 95%, significantly lower than total
    Easy to Access Service in a Language I could Speak and Understand Well (% Rated 4 or 5)
    Figure long description

    Easy to Access Service in a Language I could Speak and Understand Well (% Rated 4 or 5)

    • Total
      • 2018-19, 94%
      • 2019-20, 94%
      • 2020-21, 95%
      • 2021-22, 93%
      • 2022-23, 94%
    • EI
      • 2018-19, 96%
      • 2019-20, 94%
      • 2020-21, 95%
      • 2021-22, 94%
      • 2022-23, 95%
    • CPP
      • 2018-19, 92%
      • 2019-20, 95%
      • 2020-21, 92%
      • 2021-22, 93%
      • 2022-23, 95%
    • CPPD
      • 2018-19, 90%
      • 2019-20, 91%
      • 2020-21, 85%
      • 2021-22, 92%
      • 2022-23, 89%, significantly lower than total
    • SIN
      • 2018-19, 94%
      • 2019-20, 94%
      • 2020-21, 96%
      • 2021-22, 93%
      • 2022-23, 94%
    • OAS/GIS
      • 2018-19, 92%
      • 2019-20, 94%
      • 2020-21, 93%
      • 2021-22, 91%
      • 2022-23, 91%, significantly lower than total

    Q36b. Thinking about the service you received, from getting information about [INSERT ABBREV] to receiving a decision, how much do you agree or disagree with the following statements

    Base: All respondents (n=4200)

    Official Language Minority Community (OLMC)

    Overall Satisfaction (% Rated 4 or 5)
    Figure long description

    Overall Satisfaction (% Rated 4 or 5)

    • 2017-18, 89%
    • 2018-19, 91%
    • 2019-20, 90%
    • 2020-21, 90%
    • 2021-22, 81%
    • 2022-23, 85%
    Service Channel Satisfaction (% Rated 4 or 5)
    Figure long description

    Service Channel Satisfaction (% Rated 4 or 5)

    • In person
      • 2018-19, 93%
      • 2019-20, 89%
      • 2020-21, 88%, small sample size
      • 2021-22, 88%
      • 2022-23, 82%
    • Online
      • 2018-19, 87%
      • 2019-20, 83%
      • 2020-21, 83%
      • 2021-22, 80%
      • 2022-23, 79%
    • Specialized Call Centres
      • 2018-19, 78%
      • 2019-20, 82%
      • 2020-21, 68%, small sample size
      • 2021-22, 74%, small sample size
      • 2022-23, 82%
    • 1 800 O-Canada
      • 2018-19, 58%
      • 2019-20, 78%
    • My Service Canada Account
      • 2019-20, 89%
      • 2020-21, 88%, small sample size

    * Small sample size. Results should be interpreted with caution. ** Sample sizes too small for reporting.

    Provided with Service in Your Choice of English or French (% Agree)
    Figure long description

    Provided with Service in Your Choice of English or French (% Agree)

    • 2018-19, 95%
    • 2019-20, 97%
    • 2020-21, 93%
    • 2021-22, 94%
    • 2022-23, 91%, significantly lower than total

    Base: OLMC clients

    Figure long description

    Widest Gap Vs. Total & Change Vs. 2021-22 In Service Attributes (% Rated 4 Or 5)

    • Completing steps online made the process easier
      • 2022-23, 93%, significantly higerh than total, significantly higher than previous wave
      • GAP vs. TOTAL, 9pts
      • 2021-22, 80%
    • Ease of figuring out if you are eligible for benefits/ SIN card
      • 2022-23, 82%, significantly lower than previous wave
      • GAP vs. TOTAL, 9pts
      • 2021-22, 86%
    •  Understand the information about the program
      • 2022-23, 81%, significantly lower than previous wave
      • GAP vs. TOTAL, 6pts
      • 2021-22, 90%
    •  Ease of putting together the information you needed to apply
      • 2022-23, 80%, significantly lower than previous wave
      • GAP vs. TOTAL, 1pts
      • 2021-22, 86%

    Newcomers (Arrived in Past 3 Years)

    Overall Satisfaction (% Rated 4 or 5)
    Figure long description

    Overall Satisfaction (% Rated 4 or 5)

    • 2018-19, 93%
    • 2019-20, 94%
    • 2020-21, 93%
    • 2021-22, 90%
    • 2022-23, 94%, significantly higher than total, significnatly higher than previous wave
     Service Channel Satisfaction (% Rated 4 or 5)
    Figure long description

    Service Channel Satisfaction (% Rated 4 or 5)

    • In person
      • 2018-19, 96%
      • 2019-20, 88%
      • 2020-21, 95%
      • 2021-22, 88%
      • 2022-23, 92%, significantly higher than total
    • Online
      • 2018-19, 85%
      • 2019-20, 86%
      • 2020-21, 89%
      • 2021-22, 87%
      • 2022-23, 86, significantly higher than total%
    • Specialized Call Centres
      • 2018-19, 63%
      • 2019-20, 77%
      • 2020-21, 87%, small sample size
      • 2021-22, 85%
      • 2022-23, 94%, significantly higher than total
    • 1 800 O-Canada
      • 2018-19, 79%
      • 2019-20, 83%
      • 2022-23, 94%
    • My Service Canada Account
      • 2019-20, 69%
      • 2020-21, 84%, small sample size
    • eServiceCanada
      • 2020-21, 92%, small sample size
      • 2021-22, 90%
      • 2022-23, 84%, small sample size, significantly lower than previous wave

    * Small sample size. Results should be interpreted with caution. ** Sample sizes too small for reporting.

    Base: Newcomer clients

    Widest gap vs. Total & change vs. 2021-22 in service attributes (% rated 4 or 5)
    Figure long description

    Widest gap vs. Total & change vs. 2021-22 in service attributes (% rated 4 or 5)

    • It was easy to get help when you needed it
      • 2022-23, 90%, significantly higher than total, significnatly higher than previous wave
      • GAP vs. TOTAL, 16pts
      • 2021-22, 86%
    • Ease of follow-up
      • 2022-23, 74%, significantly higher than total
      • GAP vs. TOTAL, 14pts
      • 2021-22, 73%
    • It was clear what would happen next and when
      • 2022-23, 89%, significantly higher than total
      • GAP vs. TOTAL, 13pts
      • 2021-22, 86%
    • You needed to explain your situation only once
      • 2022-23, 87%, significantly higher than total
      • GAP vs. TOTAL, 12pts
      • 2021-22, 83%
    • Ease of putting together the information you needed to apply
      • 2022-23, 91%, significantly higher than total
      • GAP vs. TOTAL, 12pts
      • 2021-22, 90%
    • It was clear what to do if you had a problem or question
      • 2022-23, 89%, significantly higher than total
      • GAP vs. TOTAL, 11pts
      • 2021-22, 86%
    • The amount of time, from start to finish, was reasonable
      • 2022-23, 86%, significantly higher than total
      • GAP vs. TOTAL, 11pts
      • 2021-22, 83%

    Racialized and Black Clients

    Overall Satisfaction (% Rated 4 or 5) – Trending
    Figure long description

    Overall Satisfaction (% Rated 4 or 5) – Trending

    • Racialized
      • 2020-21, 89%
      • 2021-22, 84%
      • 2022-23, 89%, significantly higher than total, significnatly higher than previous wave
    • Black
      • 2020-21, 87%
      • 2021-22, 78%
      • 2022-23, 86%, significantly higher than previous wave
    Service Channel Satisfaction (% Rated 4 or 5)
    Figure long description

    Overall Trust

    • Racialized
      • 2020-21, 90%
      • 2021-22, 88%
      • 2022-23, 91%, significantly higher than total, significnatly higher than previous wave
    • Black
      • 2020-21, 84%
      • 2021-22, 83%
      • 2022-23, 88%, significantly higher than total

    Service Channel Satisfaction (% Rated 4 or 5)

    • In person
      • Racialized
        • 2020-21, 92%
        • 2021-22, 85%
        • 2022-23, 87%, significantly higher than total
      • Black
        • 2020-21, 89%, small sample size
        • 2021-22, 89%
        • 2022-23, 92%, significantly higher than total
    • Online
      • Racialized
        • 2020-21, 85%
        • 2021-22, 79%
        • 2022-23, 84%, significantly higher than total, significantly higher than previous wave
      • Black
        • 2020-21, 81%
        • 2021-22, 63%
        • 2022-23, 86%, significantly higher than total, significnatly higher than previous wave
    • Specialized Call Centres
      • Racialized
        • 2020-21, 80%
        • 2021-22, 71%
        • 2022-23, 80%, significantly higher than total, significantly higher previous wave
      • Black
        • 2020-21, 75%, small sample size
        • 2021-22, 58%
        • 2022-23, 83%, significantly higher than previous wave
    • 1 800 O-Canada
      • Racialized
        • 2020-21, 82%
        • 2021-22, 63%
        • 2022-23, 85%, significantly higher than total, significnatly higher than previous wave
    • My Service Canada Account
      • Racialized
        • 2020-21, 81%
        • 2021-22, 81%
        • 2022-23, 83%, significantly higher than total
      • Black
        • 2021-22, 62%, small sample size
    • eServiceCanada
      • Racialized
        • 2020-21, 88%
        • 2021-22, 83%
        • 2022-23, 79%, significantly higher than total
      • Black
        • 2020-21, 85%
        • 2021-22, 82%, small sample size

    * Small sample size. Results should be interpreted with caution. ** Sample sizes too small for reporting.

    Base: Racialized clients

    Widest gap vs. Total & change vs. 2021-22 in service attributes (% rated 4 or 5)
    Figure long description

    Widest gap vs. Total & change vs. 2021-22 in service attributes (% rated 4 or 5)

    • It was easy to get help when you needed it
      • 2022-23, 84%t, significantly higher than total, significnatly higher than previous wave
      • GAP vs. TOTAL, 10pts
      • 2021-22, 78%
    • The Service Canada phone representatives that called you back after you completed an online form were helpful
      • 2022-23, 85%, significantly higher than total
      • GAP vs. TOTAL, 9pts
      • 2021-22, 80%
    • Ease of getting help on your application when you needed it
      • 2022-23, 76%, significantly higher than total
      • GAP vs. TOTAL, 8pts
      • 2021-22, 74%
    • 1 800 O-Canada phone representatives were helpful
      • 2022-23, 91%, significnatly higher than previous wave
      • GAP vs. TOTAL, 8pts
      • 2021-22, 78%
    • Throughout the process it was clear what would happen next and when
      • 2022-23, 83%
      • GAP vs. TOTAL, 7pts
      • 2021-22, 80%
    • You were confident that any issues or problems would have been easily resolved
      • 2022-23, 82%, significantly higher than total
      • GAP vs. TOTAL, 7pts
      • 2021-22, 82%
    • Service Canada specialized call centre phone representatives were helpful
      • 2022-23, 89%, significantly higher than total, significnatly higher than previous wave
      • GAP vs. TOTAL, 6pts
      • 2021-22, 82%
    • You received consistent information
      • 2022-23, 86%, significantly higher than total, significantly higer than previous wave
      • GAP vs. TOTAL, 5pts
      • 2021-22, 82%
    • You were able to complete the application in a reasonable amount of time
      • 2022-23, 87%, significantly higher than total, signicantly higher than previous wave
      • GAP vs. TOTAL, 3pts
      • 2021-22, 82%
    • Ease of follow up
      • 2022-23, 63%, significnatly higher than previous wave
      • GAP vs. TOTAL, 3pts
      • 2021-22, 54%
    • Ease of finding information about the program
      • 2022-23, 80%, significnatly lower than previous wave
      • GAP vs. TOTAL, 2pts
      • 2021-22, 85%
    • Completing steps online made the process easier
      • 2022-23, 85%, significantly higher than previous wave/li>
      • GAP vs. TOTAL, 1pts
      • 2021-22, 80%


    Demographics Of Survey Respondents

    2022-23 Demographics of Survey Respondents

    Gender Reported
    Figure long description

    Gender Reported

    • Gender
      • Male, 50%
      • Female, 50%
    Figure long description
    • Age
      • 18-30, 29%
      • 31-50, 33%
      • 51-64, 18%
      • 65+, 20%
    Figure long description
    • Education
      • Grade 8 or less 1%
      • Some high school 7%
      • High school diploma or equivalent 20%
      • Registered apprenticeship/trades certificate/diploma 6%
      • College/CEGEP/certificate/diploma 22%
      • University certificate/ diploma below bachelor's level 6%
      • Bachelor's degree 21%
      • Post graduate degree 14%
    Figure long description
    • Province
      • British Columbia, 14%
      • Alberta, 11%
      • Saskatchewan, 3%
      • Manitoba, 3%
      • Ontario, 39%
      • Quebec, 20%
      • New Brunswick, 3%
      • Nova Scotia, 3%
      • Prince Edward Island, 1%
      • Newfoundland, 3%
    • Region
      • Ontario, 40%
      • West/ Territories 30%
      • Quebec, 20%
      • Atlantic, 9%

    * Gender Reported by the client in the application form and/or during intake process. Clients who reported as non-binary were not excluded from the survey but represent a small population and their results cannot be published because of small sample sizes. The gender reported may be different from sex assigned at birth or gender at the time of responding to the survey. Not all programs have a third non-binary category.

    ǂ12 respondents resided in the Territories.

    Service Language Preference
    Figure long description
    • Service Language Preference
      • English, 79%
      • French, 17%
      • Both, 1%
      • Other, 3%
    Identify as Person with Disabilities
    Figure long description
    • Identify as Person with Disabilities
      • Yes, 10%
      • No, 90%
    Use of Online Service
    Figure long description
    • Use of Online Service
      • Routinely/all the time, 64%
      • Sometimes, 21%
      • Rarely, 7%
      • Never, 7%
    Identify as Indigenous
    Figure long description
    • Identify as Indigenous
      • Yes, 7%
      • No, 93%
    Indigenous Groups
    Figure long description
    • Indigenous Groups
      • First Nations, 4%
      • Metis, 2%
      • Inuk, 1%
      • None of the above, 87%
      • Don’t know, 6%
    Racial/Cultural Group
    Figure long description
    • Racial/Cultural Group
      • White, 54%
      • South Asian, 10%
      • Black, 8%
      • Chinese, 4%
      • Latin American, 4%
      • Filipino, 4%
      • Southeast Asian, 2%
      • Aran, 3%
      • Indigenous/First Nations, 3%
      • Other, 2%
      • Don’t know, 4%

    Appendix A – Details On Call Disposition And Definition Of Client Groups

    Call Disposition

    Call Outcome
    Figure long description
    • Call Outcome
      • Call backs, 1993
      • Completed Interviews, 4200
      • Disqualified, 1586
      • Language Barriers, 1270
      • No Answers, 22183
      • Not In Service (Out of Scope), 4686
      • Over quota, 6
      • Refusals, 18110
      • Terminations, 1013
    • TOTAL IN SCOPE, 50361

    Definition of Client Groups

    Definition of Client Groups
    Figure long description

    Definition of Client Groups

    Not born in Canada and arrived within the previous 3 years
    Non-English or French speakers
    Identify “other” as preferred language of service 
    Lower education 
    High school or less
    Aged 18 to 30
    Aged 60 and over
    Clients with disabilities 
    Clients with access restrictions
    Self-identified as having experienced a restriction to access services
    Indigenous people 
    Self-identified as First Nations, Inuit or Métis
    Clients who rarely or never use online services
    Mobile only
    Self-reported as clients with only a smartphone, no computer or tablet
    No devices
    Self-reported as clients with no devices (mobile, tablet, computer)
    Remote clients
    Sample variable
    Rural clients
    Sample variable
    Urban clients
    Sample variable
    Official language minorities (OLMC)
    Clients in Quebec who prefer service in English, and clients outside Quebec who prefer service in French (sample variable and (Q41b)
    Language barrier
    Clients who rated “It was easy to access service in a language I could speak and understand well” a 1 or 2
    Clients who identify as belonging to a racial or cultural group other than White (Can be in addition to also identifying as white)