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Service Canada
Grants And Contributions Applicants Client
Experience Research (Year Three)

Detailed Methodology Report

DATE – OCTOBER 25, 2023

Prepared for Employment and Social Development Canada
POR Registration #: POR 099-22
SUPPLIER: Ipsos Limited Partnership
CONTRACT #: CW2266044 (G9292-24-2550)
CONTRACT VALUE: $149,885.85 (tax included)

For more information on this report, please contact:

Grants and Contributions Applicants Client
Experience Research (Year Three)
Detailed Methodology

This detailed methodology report outlines the approach used for Year Three of the Program Operations Branch's (POB) Grants and Contributions (Gs&Cs) Applicants Client Experience (CX) Research Program at Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC). Year Three will build on previous years of research to support the systematic and integrated approach to measure and improve CX in Gs&Cs program design and service delivery. This work allows the department to monitor CX trends over time and track progress in ongoing efforts to improve the experience of Gs&Cs applicants.

A mixed-methods research approach was used in Year Three, which included a quantitative online survey and qualitative online focus groups and in-depth interviews. The online survey was conducted with 3,041 Gs&Cs clients* across 11 programs between April 19 and June 9, 2023. The qualitative phase consisted of four online focus groups and 26 in-depth telephone interviews. The qualitative fieldwork was conducted between July 26 and August 10, 2023. The quantitative survey served as the recruitment tool for the qualitative research, by asking if organizations would be interested in voluntarily opting-in to be contacted to participate in focus groups or in-depth interviews at a later date.

The detailed methodology below provides a rationale for using an online survey and online focus groups/interviews, describes the target population for the study, describes the reference period of the study, explains the sampling strategy for the study, and finally, it identifies the study limitations. A copy of the online survey and the online focus group/online interview discussion guide are also provided in the annexes of this report. The initial recruitment text is also provided in an annex. Detailed findings are available under a separate cover.

*A client for the purpose of this Gs&Cs CX research is an organization that applied to a grants and contributions funding program within the last two intake years (2020/2021 and 2021/2022). Clients include both funded and unfunded organizations.

Rationale for Online Survey Methodology

The objective of the Year Three Gs&Cs CX Survey was to explore and understand client needs and expectations on the quality of service they received when applying to a Service Canada grant or contribution. The survey also aimed to understand what is most important for clients and identify opportunities for changes in services to improve client satisfaction or experience. To do this, information was collected from clients on how easily and effectively they completed the stages of the client journey, taking into account their experience with the service channels they used, and their satisfaction with the overall process of applying for a Gs&Cs program.

The primary focus of Year Three was to monitor selected programs that were previously studied in Year One and Year Two, to capture CX insights from programs that have not previously been studied, and to increase awareness of organizational characteristics and diversity considerations. Client organizations, both funded and unfunded, were recruited by ESDC's POB team to participate in the research. Clients were defined as organizations that applied for grants and contributions funding (including both funded and unfunded) within the last two intake years (FY 2020/21 and 2021/22). A random sampling of organizations that applied to CSJ or NHSP were included, while all organizations for remaining programs were invited to complete the survey. ESDC, specifically ESDC's POB team, distributed the survey links to participating organizations.

Clients were recruited to the survey by e-mail using information from administrative databases. More precisely, clients were contacted by ESDC's POB team using the GCNotify platform. Clients' contact information was not shared with Ipsos. Since most clients provided their email addresses as a form of contact, an online survey was chosen as the most efficient way to invite clients to participate.

The survey data was quantitatively analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistical analysis procedures. Results were analyzed at the overall level and by program to identify general trends and patterns relevant to the research objectives. In addition, analysis was also conducted among key subgroups (i.e., region, program complexity, sector, program streams etc.) to highlight notable differences. Lastly, a multivariate analysis was conducted through regression among all clients to identify the aspects of service that have the greatest impact on driving overall satisfaction. This information was used to identify key strengths and opportunities for improvement.

Rationale for Focus Groups and Interviews

A qualitative phase of research followed the survey. The qualitative phase included online focus groups and interviews. The qualitative phase allowed the research team to both further explore quantitative trends in more detail and focus on the lived experiences of the Gs&Cs processes. Ipsos worked in close consultation with ESDC's POB team to ensure the qualitative research objectives were thoroughly explored. A qualitative interview/focus group guide was drafted to direct the qualitative phase. With qualitative data collection and analysis methods and through rich description, the qualitative phase of the Year Three project was able to add fresh and unique insights to the CX project.

The Year Three qualitative research explored:

The value of qualitative research is in exploring the issues and experiences of research participants in depth, free from the constraints of a structured quantitative questionnaire. Qualitative evidence is rich and allows researchers to hear first-hand the underlying factors shaping experiences and opinions, as well as the interplay between factors.

Qualitative findings should not be extrapolated to the broader population, as they are not statistically projectable. Notable nuances that emerged in the interviews have been highlighted where relevant and these should be treated as strictly directional.

The qualitative findings should thus be viewed as complementary to the quantitative survey findings in terms of building a more complete understanding of the Gs&Cs client experience. Based on findings from the quantitative research where certain programs had lower levels of overall client satisfaction (i.e., % rated 4 or 5 out of 5), it was determined that clients from Apprenticeship Service (AS), Workplace Opportunities: Removing Barriers to Equity (WORBE), Social Development Partnerships Program - Disability (SDPP-D), Supports for Student Learning Program (SSLP), and Sectoral Initiatives Program (SIP) would be targeted for the in-depth interviews. The focus groups targeted clients from all programs and were broken out by funded/unfunded and English/ French.

The quantitative survey served as the recruitment tool for the qualitative research, by asking if organizations would be interested in voluntarily opting-in to be contacted to participate in focus groups or in-depth interviews at a later date. Within the confines of those who opt-in, an analysis was conducted to ensure a mix of programs, regions, and to ensure inclusion of participants in both official languages, were included. The potential participants were contacted randomly and asked if they would like to be taken through a screening questionnaire to confirm their eligibility for an in-depth interview or focus group.

The online focus groups and in-depth interviews were conducted in English and French for both funded (Funded: 8 participants in English and 7 participants in French) and unfunded clients (Unfunded: 6 participants in English and 7 participants in French). In addition to the four online focus groups, 26 in-depth interviews were conducted (19 participants in English and 7 participants in French, including both funded and unfunded clients). Fieldwork took place between July 26 and August 10, 2023.

Group Composition Date and Time

Group 1:  Unfunded applicants to any program

July 26 at 10AM ET
6 Applicants

Group 2: Funded applicants to any program

July 26 at 3PM ET
8 Applicants

Group 3:  Unfunded applicants to any program
QUEBEC or Official Language Minority Communities (OLMC) - FRENCH

July 27 at 10AM ET
7 Applicants

Group 4: Funded applicants to any program
QUEBEC or Official Language Minority Communities (OLMC) - FRENCH

July 27 at 1PM ET
7 Applicants

In-depth interviews. The following programs were prioritized: Apprenticeship Service (AS), Workplace Opportunities: Removing Barriers to Equity (WORBE), Social Development Partnerships Program - Disability (SDPP-D), Supports for Student Learning Program (SSLP), Sectoral Initiatives Program (SIP).

July 18 to August 10
19 English Applicants
7 French Applicants

Following the focus groups and interviews, transcripts of the conversations were produced. Those transcripts were then qualitatively analyzed using thematic content analysis techniques. The basic elements of the qualitative analysis included analyzing the results by:

Definition of "Client" for Sample Selection (Online survey)

The target audience of the survey was clients of Service Canada's grants and contributions programs. Clients were defined as organizations that have applied for grants and contributions funding (including both funded and unfunded) within the last two intake years (FY 2020/21 and 2021/22).

Clients of 11 programs were included in the target audience for this research as they represent the large majority of Gs&Cs clients accessing federal programs. Where applicable, different program streams were included and clearly identified for participants. The programs included were as follows:

Four of the 11 programs were included in the research conducted in Year Two (EAF, NHSP, CSJ, and SDPP), while seven of the programs were new and have not been previously studied. The clients for these programs were included in the target audience as they represent key program intakes during the reference period and represent the majority of Gs&Cs clients accessing federal programs and are accessible to ESDC for sampling purposes.

For the purpose of this study, program complexity has been defined as low, moderate, and high as outlined in the following table. These service standard clusters are informed by departmental reporting in the Performance Measurement and Management Framework.

Note: Canada Summer Jobs does not fit into these distinct clusters and has been analyzed as a separate group.




Low complexity programs

Grant programs in the 112 days/16-week review period

Enabling Accessibility Fund (EAF) (grants)

New Horizons for Seniors Program (NHSP) (grants)

Social Development Partnerships Program (SDPP) – Disability (grants)

Social Development Partnerships Program (SDPP) – Children and Families (grants)

Workplace Opportunities: Removing Barriers to Equity (WORBE) (contribution)

Moderate delivery-complexity programs

Contribution streams in the 126 days/18-week review period

Women's Employment Readiness (WER) Pilot Program (contribution)

Enabling Accessibility Fund (contribution)

Sectoral Initiatives Program (SIP) (contribution)

Skilled Trades Awareness and Readiness Program (STAR) (contribution)

Social Development Partnerships Program (SDPP) – Disability (contribution)

Social Development Partnerships Program (SDPP) – Children and Families (contribution)

Apprenticeship Service (AS) (contribution)

Supports for Student Learning Program (SSLP) (contribution)

High-delivery complexity programs

Contribution streams in the 154 days/22-week review period


Program Selection for Year Three

Program selection for the Year Three of the study was based on consultation, by ESDC's POB team, with program areas and analysis of the program intakes during the 2020/21 and 2021/22 fiscal years. The sampling of programs was designed to include yearly participation of key programs that represent the majority of clients to Gs&Cs (e.g., CSJ, EAF, NHSP) along with a staggered approach from smaller programs to participate in client experience research at regular intervals. The staggered selection of programs is based on considerations like the volume of clients, the regional/national and geographical considerations, the type of funding mechanism (e.g., grant vs. contribution), and the clients that participate in just the application process and those who make it to a funding agreement and close out. This two-pronged approach was taken as it would be unfeasible to have all programs participate annually in the Gs&Cs CX research program. The sampling approach has the benefit of systematically considering a variety of clients while still managing the size and scope of the overall research project.

Within the parameters of a 15-minute questionnaire, the examination of the client journey included the stages at which clients gathered information about the program, completed, and submitted an application. In addition, among those who received funding approval, the client journey included the monitoring, follow-up, and close-out phases of the project.

The survey was also used to track progress on key client experience service performance measures, primarily overall satisfaction and ease, effectiveness, and confidence with the service experience by program, and service channels used. Finally, the survey was used to provide diagnostic insights regarding the opportunities for improvement. Below is graphic that provides an overview of the Gs&Cs client journey.

Program Selection for Year Three

Click for larger view


Service/information is easy to find when needed

Clients tell story/input personal info only once


Information is easy to complete and understand

Process is easy to determine (e.g., how to get assistance, steps to follow, documents required)


Can get to the required information easily (e.g., in-person, online)


Receive relevant information without asking (e.g., proactive service, bundling)

Able to get help when needed (e.g., information available, agent available)

Service in official language of choice/documents available in official language of choiceProviding feedback is easy

Process/stage/status are transparent


Reasonable amount of time to access the service, complete service task, wait to receive information/service/product, or resolve issue


Consistent information received from multiple Service Canada sources (e.g., two separate callcentre agents)


Process is easy to follow to complete task (i.e., procedures are straight-forward)

Able to get tasks completed/issues resolved with few contacts

Clients know what to do if they run into a problem

Always moving forward (e.g., not stuck, bounced around or caught in a loop)


The interaction with service agents is respectful, courteous and helpfulThe service agents demonstrate understanding and ability to address client's concerns/urgencies


Client's personal information is protectedClient confident that they are following the right steps (i.e., not concerned about the process)

Client knows when information/decision will be received or the next step will be completedConfident that any problem that arises will be resolved

Reference Period (Program Intake Period)

Fiscal Year 2021-22:

 Fiscal Year 2020-21:

Sampling Strategy for the Survey

Program client data was extracted by ESDC's POB team from the Common System for Grants and Contributions (CSGC) used by Service Canada to manage Gs&Cs data. Once client contact information was extracted from CSGC, they were invited by ESDC's POB team using the GCNotify platform to respond to the online survey, hosted by Ipsos. The quantitative survey also served as a recruitment tool for the qualitative research, by asking if organizations would be interested in voluntarily opting-in to be contacted to participate in focus groups or in-depth interviews at a later date.

A random sampling of organizations that applied to CSJ or NHSP were included in the survey, while all organizations for remaining programs were invited to complete the survey. The goal was to obtain as many completed surveys as possible among the target audience during the fieldwork period.

ESDC, specifically ESDC's POB team, managed the distribution of unique links for the online survey to participating organizations. Of the 9,862 organizations that were invited to participate, a total of 3,041 organizations completed the survey. The survey sample size has a margin of error of +/-1.75%. The response rate for the survey was 31% which is considered strong compared to industry standards for a survey of this nature.

Weighting / Risk of Non-response Bias of the Survey Data

When assessing non-response bias, typically comparisons are made between the profile of survey participants and the broader client population profile on key variables relevant to the target population. If there is no systematic bias in response to the survey, the profile of the survey participants for each sample source would be very similar to the population profile within normal sampling error.

As in Year Two, there were limitations on available information of clients which mean that non-response bias cannot be assessed.

To correct for any differences between the survey sample and the actual client universe, the survey data were weighted. Information was available on the true proportion of the volume of clients by program and was used for weighting purposes. Disproportionate sampling was used and it was not anticipated that the final composition of the sample by program would match the overall proportion by volume of clients. Weighting adjustments were made to bring the sample into proportion with the universe by program volume. The final data was weighted by the number of respondents in each program in proportion to the total number of clients as detailed below.



% of Survey Responses

% of Applicants

Canada Summer Jobs




Enabling Accessibility Fund




New Horizons for Seniors Program




Social Development Partnerships Program – Children and Families




Social Development Partnerships Program – Disability Inclusion




Apprenticeship Service




Workplace Opportunities: Removing Barriers to Equity




Supports for Student Learning Program




Women's Employment Readiness




Skilled Trades Awareness and Readiness Program




Sectoral Initiatives Program









Contacting clients by email

Only organizations who received an email invitation could participate in the research. Client email addresses were extracted, by ESDC's POB team, from CSGC database. Extracting email addresses from the administrative database system uncovered duplicate, missing, and invalid email addresses. Missing or incomplete email addresses means that some clients may not have been captured in the sampling strategy and were not invited to participate.

Lag time

Lag time is the amount of time between when the client received a decision and was invited to respond to the survey. The longer the lag time the more difficult it can be for clients to accurately recall the specific aspects of their experience. The average lag ranged between one to two years depending on the program, its intake period, and when decisions where communicated. In Year Two and Year Three, it was possible to reduce the lag time between receiving a decision and answering the questionnaire which was up to three years for some programs in Year One of the research.

Response Rate

Of the 9,862 organizations that were invited by ESDC's POB team to participate in the survey, a total of 3,041 organizations completed the survey. The response rate for the survey was 31% which is considered strong compared to industry standards for a survey of this nature (i.e., online surveys utilizing client provided sample lists).


Invited to participate




Partial Completes




Over Quota


Completed Surveys


Response Rate




Would you prefer to continue the survey in English or French? Please select one. 


Ipsos, a market research firm, is conducting a survey on behalf of the Government of Canada.

Through this survey, we are reaching out to applicants who are currently or have recently applied for funding to a program delivered by Service Canada (part of the Department of Employment and Social Development Canada).

The purpose of the survey is for us to better understand your needs and expectations around the quality of service you received. We also want to understand what is most important to you and identify potential changes to our services that would improve your satisfaction or experience. The survey does not concern the amount of funding you received, but rather it explores your experience during the application process from beginning to end.

Your participation in the survey is voluntary. Your feedback is anonymous and confidential and will not affect any dealings you may have with Service Canada / Government of Canada. The information you provide will be used for research purposes only and will be administered according to the requirements of the Privacy Act, the Access to Information Act, and any other pertinent legislation. Click to view Ipsos' privacy policy.

The survey results will allow Service Canada to have up-to-date information on the experiences of grants and contributions applicants, identify areas of strength and opportunities for improvement, and make appropriate program design and service delivery improvements.

The survey should take approximately 15 minutes to complete. By completing the survey, you agree that the information and feedback you provide will be used for service delivery improvements and research purposes. Should you wish to verify the credibility of this survey, you can utilize the Canadian Research Insights Council (CRIC) Research Verification Service by clicking here and entering the following project code 20230328-IP537.

Should you have any questions about the survey or need an alternative means of accessing the survey, please contact Service Canada at pob.ri.dgop@hrsdc-rhdcc.gc.ca

Programs [for IPSOS reference only]

ENGLISH Program Name

Nom du Programme en FRANCAIS

Fiscal Year / Exercice financier

Enabling Accessibility Fund (EAF)

  • Stream:  Enabling Accessibility Fund: Mid-sized (Contribution)
  • Stream: Enabling Accessibility Fund: Early Learning and Child Care (Grant)
  • Stream: Enabling Accessibility Fund: Youth Innovation (Grant)

Fonds pour l'accessibilité (FA)

  • Volet: Fonds pour l'accessibilité : Projets de moyenne envergure (contribution)
  • Volet: Fonds pour l'accessibilité : Petits projets d'apprentissage et garde de jeunes enfants (subvention)
  • Volet: Fonds pour l'accessibilité : Innovation jeunesse (subvention)


New Horizons for Seniors Program (NHSP)

  • Stream: Community Based stream

Nouveaux Horizons pour les aînés (PNHA)

  • Volet: Volet communautaire


Canada Summer Jobs (CSJ)

Emplois d'été Canada (EEC)


Apprenticeship Service (AS)

Service d'apprentissage (SA)


Workplace Opportunities: Removing Barriers to Equity (WORBE) 

Possibilités en milieu de travail: Éliminer les obstacles à l'équité (PMTEOE)


Social Development Partnerships Program – Children and Families (SDPP-C&F)

  • Stream: Financial Empowerment of Low-Income People
  • Stream: Social Inclusion of Vulnerable Children and Youth

Programme de partenariats pour la développement social (PPDS) – Enfants et familles

  • Volet: Autonomie financière des personnes à faible revenu
  • Volet:  Inclusion Sociale Des Enfants Et Des Jeunes Vulnérables


Social Development Partnerships Program – Disability (SDPP-D) – Disability Inclusion

  • Stream:  National AccessAbility Week (Grant)
  • Stream:  Phase 1 – Partnerships (Contribution)

Programme de partenariats pour le développement social – volet personnes handicapées (PPDS-PH) – Plan pour l'inclusion des personnes en situation de handicap

  • Volet: Semaine nationale de l'accessibilité (Subvention)
  • Volet: Phase 1 – Partenariats (Contribution)


Supports for Student Learning Program (SSLP)

Programme de soutien à l'apprentissage des étudiants (PSAE)


Women's Employment Readiness (WER) Pilot Program

Programme pilote de préparation des femmes à l'emploi (PFE)


Skilled Trades Awareness and Readiness Program (STAR)

Programme de sensibilisation et de préparation aux métiers spécialisés (PSPMS)


Sectoral Initiatives Program (SIP)

Programme d'appui aux initiatives sectorielles (PAIS)




Variable ID (Program Name – EN)

Program Name for Pipe-In

Enabling Accessibility Fund – Contributions
Enabling Accessibility Fund – Grants
Enabling Accessibility Funds (EAF) - Youth

Enabling Accessibility Fund (EAF)

New Horizons for Seniors Program

New Horizons for Seniors Program (NHSP): Community Based Stream

Youth - Canada Summer Jobs

Canada Summer Jobs (CSJ)

Apprenticeship Service

Apprenticeship Service (AS)

LFP - Workplace Opportunities – Cont

Workplace Opportunities: Removing Barriers to Equity (WORBE) 

SDPP-Children and Families - Contributions

Social Development Partnerships Program – Children and Families (SDPP-C&F)

SDPP - Disability Issues - Contrib.
SDPP - Disability Issues - Grant

Social Development Partnerships Program – Disability (SDPP-D) – Disability Inclusion

SSLP-Supports for Student Learning Program

Supports for Student Learning Program (SSLP)


Women's Employment Readiness (WER) Pilot Program

Skilled Trades Awareness and Readiness Program

Skilled Trades Awareness and Readiness Program (STAR)

Sectoral Initiatives Program - CRF

Sectoral Initiatives Program (SIP)



Program Name

Variable ID (Stream Name)

Enabling Accessibility Fund (EAF)

Enabling Accessibility Fund: Mid-Sized
Enabling Accessibility Fund: Early Learning and Child Care (Grant)
Enabling Accessibility Fund: Youth Innovation (Grant)

Social Development Partnerships Program – Children and Families (SDPP-C&F)

Financial Empowerment of Low-Income People
Social Inclusion of Vulnerable Children and Youth

Social Development Partnerships Program – Disability (SDPP-D) – Disability Inclusion

Accessible Canada - Phase 1 Partnerships
National AccessAbility Week (NAAW)



Variable ID (Funded Flag)

Funding Status for PN







Pre-application—Information Gathering about Program

2. Which of the following did you use to find out about [INSERT PROGRAM] before you applied? Consider all the methods you used to learn about the program before filling out the application. Please select all that apply.

[RANDOMIZE. ALWAYS KEEP 'Went online to the Government of Canada website', 'Went online to the Government of Canada website for the [INSERT PROGRAM]', 'Went online to websites for other levels of government (provincial, territorial or municipal)', AND 'Went online to other websites' GROUPED]


5. On a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 is "very difficult" and 5 is "very easy", how difficult or easy was it to find the following information about [INSERT PROGRAM] on the Government of Canada website? Select one response per item.



For Q5b, this should be asked of all except those who responded NONE OF THESE'/DK/REF at Q2.  For Q5c, yes that should only be asked IF Q2= 'WENT ONLINE TO THE GOVERNMENT WEBSITE' OR 'WENT ONLINE TO THE GOVERNMENT OF CANADA WEBSITE FOR THE [INSERT PROGRAM]'

5b. How much do you agree or disagree that you were able to find the information you needed (online, in person, or by phone) within a reasonable amount of time? Please use a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 is "strongly disagree" and 5 is "strongly agree".



5c. When learning about [INSERT PROGRAM] on the Government of Canada website, which of the following changes would have improved your experience the most? SINGLE SELECT

If it was easier to…


Application Process—Applying for Funding

6. To prepare and complete your application (up until when you submitted) did you consult with any of the following? Please select all that apply.


7. On a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 is "very difficult" and 5 is "very easy", how would you rate the following elements of the application for [INSERT PROGRAM]? Select one response per item.



[IF EAF Mid-Sized -OR- EAF Early Learning and Child Care ASK Q7B, OTHERWISE SKIP]
This is based on the Steam Name variable and specifically: Enabling Accessibility Fund: Mid-Sized or Enabling Accessibility Fund: Early Learning and Child Care (Grant)

7b. The application process for Enabling Accessibility Fund involved the use of a budget calculator. On a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 is "strongly disagree" and 5 is "strongly agree", how much do you agree or disagree with the following statement?


7c. Thinking about the amount of funding determined using the budget calculator, would you say this was too little, too much or the right amount for your project?

9. On a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 is "strongly disagree" and 5 is "strongly agree", please rate the following statement:

10. Which of the following methods did you use to submit your application? Please select only one.


11. Why did you choose this method to submit your application? Please select one reason only.


[IF USED 'Submitted an application using the online fillable form' OR 'Submitted an application using the Grants and Contributions Online Services (GCOS)' AT Q10 ASK Q12, OTHERWISE SKIP TO Q13]

12. On a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 means "very difficult" and 5 means "very easy", how difficult or easy was it to......

13. After you submitted your application, were you contacted by Service Canada to provide additional information to support your application?


14. Why were you contacted by Service Canada? Select all that apply.



15. Did you contact Service Canada for any of the following reasons before receiving your funding decision? Select all that apply.


16. On a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 is "very difficult" and 5 is "very easy", how was your experience following up with Service Canada about your application?

17. How were you notified of the funding decision about your application for [INSERT PROGRAM]? Please select all that apply.



19. Did your organization receive an explanation why you did not receive an approval for funding?


20. On a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 is "very dissatisfied" and 5 is "very satisfied", how dissatisfied or satisfied were you with the explanation of the decision?


22. Once your project began and the details of the funding agreement were finalized with [INSERT PROGRAM], did you have to work with a Service Canada Program Officer to request changes to your project and/or submit an amendment to the funding agreement? Examples could include changes to project timelines, project description, budget, etc.




23. How long did the following take to complete? If you are uncertain, please provide your best guess.



Post-agreement—Monitoring, Follow-up, and Close-out


24. On a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 is "very difficult" and 5 is "very easy", how would you rate the following tasks related to your funding agreement with [INSERT PROGRAM]? Select one response per item or select not applicable if you did not have to complete the task as part of your agreement.



Tracking Service Channel Assessments



[CALLED SC OFFICE = Q2 or Q4 or Q6  'Called a Service Canada office directly' OR Q17 'By telephone']
[WENT TO A SC OFFICE = Q2 or Q4 or Q6 'Went to a Service Canada office' OR Q10 'Submitted to a Service Canada office']
[GOVERNMENT WEBSITE = IF Q2 OR Q7 'Went online to the Government of Canada website']
[SC EMAIL = IF Q2 or Q4 or Q6 'Emailed a Service Canada office' or Q10 'Downloaded application documents and submitted by email' or Q17 'By email']
[PROGRAM OFFICER EMAIL = IF Q2 or Q4 or Q6 'Emailed a Program Officer directly']
[1-800 O'CANADA = IF Q2 or Q4 or Q6 'Called 1 800 O-Canada phone line']
[ONLINE PORTAL = IF Q10 'Submitted an application using the Grants and Contributions Online Services (GCOS) web portal' OR 17 'Online through your Grants and Contributions Online Services (GCOS) account']
[MAIL = IF Q10 'Downloaded application documents and submitted by mail' OR Q17 'By mail']

25. Thinking about your overall experience, how many times did you [IF MULTIPLE SOURCES 'use each of the following' IF ONLY ONE SOURCE 'use the following']? Please provide one response per item.


[IF GOC WEBSITE SELECTED] Go online to the Government of Canada website
[IF SC EMAIL SELECTED] Email a Service Canada Office
[IF PROGRAM OFFICER EMAIL SELECTED] Email a Program Officer directly
[IF 1-800 O'CANADA SELECTED] Call 1 800 O-Canada
[IF CALLED A SERVICE CANADA OFFICE SELECTED] Call a Service Canada office directly
IF MAIL SELECTED] Communicate by mail with the Government of Canada
[IF ONLINE PORTAL SELECTED] Go online to the Grants and Contributions Online Services (GCOS) web portal
Don't know

26. On a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 means "very dissatisfied", and 5 means "very satisfied". How dissatisfied or satisfied were you with the overall quality of service you received from each of the following?


[IF GOC WEBSITE SELECTED] Government of Canada website
[IF SC EMAIL SELECTED] Email support from a Service Canada office
[IF PROGRAM OFFICER EMAIL SELECTED] Email support from a Program Officer
[IF 1-800 O'CANADA SELECTED] 1 800 O-Canada phone line
[IF CALLED A SERVICE CANADA OFFICE SELECTED] Telephone support from a Service Canada office
[IF ONLINE PORTAL SELECTED] Grants and Contributions Online Services (GCOS) web portal


Barriers and Issue Resolution

27. Thinking about your overall experience getting information and applying


28. How would you describe the problem or issue you experienced? Select all that apply. [MULTIPUNCH]


29. On a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 is "strongly disagree" and 5 is "strongly agree", how much would you agree or disagree that the problem or issue was easily resolved?

Overall Satisfaction

30. Thinking about the overall service you received, from getting information about [INSERT PROGRAM] to receiving a funding decision, how much do you agree or disagree with the following statements, using a 5-point scale where 1 means "strongly disagree", and 5 means "strongly agree".



31. On a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 means very dissatisfied, and 5 means very satisfied, how dissatisfied or satisfied were you with the overall service you received from Service Canada from getting information about [INSERT PROGRAM] to receiving a funding decision?

32. On a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 means do not trust at all, and 5 means trust a great deal, how much do you trust Service Canada to deliver services effectively to Canadians?

26a. And thinking about the entire process applying for [INSERT PROGRAM], which of the following changes would have improved your overall experience the most? Single punch


Service Standards


A service standard is a public commitment to a measurable level of performance applicants can expect under normal circumstances.  Currently, Service Canada has service standards for all funding programs for the following:

Time to acknowledge a proposal: within 14 calendar days of receiving your application package.

Time to notify of funding decision: within 12 to 22 weeks (84 to 154 calendar days) from the date it was received or the end date of the intake process, depending on the characteristics of the intake method and program stream.

Time to issue payment once payment claim is submitted: For contributions, within 14 calendar days of receiving your completed claim package. For grants, within 14 calendar days of the approved project start date.

Service Canada commits to meeting three (3) service standards 80% of the time (under normal circumstances).

33. Before today, were you aware of these service standards?




Service Canada and the Department of Employment and Social Development Canada are committed to better understanding how diversity factors such as personal and social identities (e.g. gender, sexual orientation, ability, ethnicity, religious identity, etc.) may shape experiences of people or organizations applying for or obtaining federal funding.

34. Would the funding you applied for assist any of the following communities, clients or people:

Respondent / Organization Profile

The last few questions are for statistical purposes only. All responses will remain confidential.

36. Which province/territory does your organization operate in? Please select all that apply.

36b. Which province/territory will your organization deliver project activities for [INSERT PROGRAM]?

37. Which statement best describes your organization as it relates to completing the application for funding.  Select one response.

38. Was this the first application your organization submitted to [INSERT PROGRAM], or have you applied to [INSERT PROGRAM] in the past? Select one response.


38b. Has your organization submitted an application to a different Grant or Contribution program from Service Canada program in the past five years?

38c. Thinking about the last five years, how often does your organization apply for international, federal, provincial/territorial, and/or municipal or local funding of any kind?



38d. How many years has your organization been in operation?

39. What sector does your organization operate in? Please select all that apply.

40. Approximately how many employees work (full-time or part-time) for your organization? Please select one.

41. Approximately how many volunteers work (full-time or part-time) for your organization? Please select one.

42. In which of the official languages does….? Please select one response for each item.




43. Thinking about your experience with Service Canada, throughout the entire application process, have you ever felt discriminated against on the basis of your identity?


44. On which grounds did you feel discriminated against? Select all that apply


44a.  You indicated your organization has applied for [INSERT PROGRAM] before. Comparing the service you received for [INSERT PROGRAM] in the past with your most recent experience, from getting information about the program to receiving a funding decision, do you feel the quality of service has improved, declined or stayed about the same?



45. Thank you for participating in the Service Canada's Grants and Contributions client experience survey. This survey collects valuable insight about your satisfaction, how services are delivered, and areas for improvement. The research also involves a qualitative phase of focus groups and interviews expected to take place April-May 2023.


46. You indicated you would like to participate in the qualitative phase of focus groups and interviews. Your feedback is important to us and your answers will always remain confidential, meaning that your contact information will not be shared with Service Canada and will not be attached to your survey responses. Please provide an email address and phone number where Ipsos may contact you. [mandatory if they indicate 'yes']

The survey is complete. This survey is part of a larger research study. Your anonymous responses will be combined with all responses gathered during the survey, then aggregated, analyzed and published as public information.

The full detailed survey report, along with an executive summary and data tables will be posted on the Library and Archives Canada website within six months of the conclusion of this study.

Should you have any question, you can reach those responsible for the survey at Service Canada (Employment and Social Development Canada) directly by emailing pob.ri.dgop@hrsdc-rhdcc.gc.ca

Thank you for your participation.

Discussion Guide for Online Focus Groups and In-depth Interviews - Grants and Contributions Applicants Client Experience Research
(Year Three)


Focus Group Composition

Group 1:  Unfunded applicants to any program - July 26th 10am ET


Group 2: Funded applicants to any program - July 26th 3pm ET


Group 3:  Unfunded applicants to any program  - July 27th 10am ET


Group 4:  Funded applicants to any program - July 27th 1pm ET


In-depth interviews - TBD



  Focus Group IDI
Welcome and Introduction  10 Minutes 5 Minutes
Section 1: Organizational Characteristics 20-25 Minutes 10 Minutes
Section 2: Top-of-Mind Client Needs 5-10 Minutes 5 Minutes
Section 3: Deep Dive to the Application Journey 40-45 Minutes 20 Minutes
Section 4: Ideal Experience 10-15 Minutes 5 Minutes
Section 5: Impact 5 Minutes 2 Minutes
Section 6: Looking to the Future and Final Reflections 5–10 Minutes 5 Minutes
SESSION TOTAL 95-120 Minutes 50-60 Minutes


  • Welcome & thanks for attending
  • My name is [FULL NAME]
  • I want to start off our meeting today with a land acknowledgement. We/I would like to begin by acknowledging and respecting the land on which we gather. We begin with this statement to show respect to the Indigenous Peoples, while recognizing the colonial past of Canada. While only a small gesture, we hope the collection of all acts of kindness, compassion, respect and understanding come together and demonstrate our commitment to reconciliation.
  • I respectfully acknowledge that the land I am joining you from is the Unceded Traditional Territory of the K'ómoks First Nation, the traditional keepers of this land. [note, update as needed and will be different for French facilitator]
  • Ipsos - research company and neutral third party
  • Expected length of this session is approximately 1.5-hours (FOCUS GROUP) / 1 hour (IN-DEPTH INTERVIEW)
  • The role of the moderator is to ask questions, act as a timekeeper, and remain objective/no vested interest
  • Anonymity of your participation – remarks are not attributed and your privacy will be protected, results are confidential and reported in aggregate
  • Recording will be used by the researchers to inform our report writing. As well, transcripts will be provided to our direct client at Service Canada. Please note, before the transcripts are sent, we will delete any references that might disclose the identity of any participant (e.g., . use of full name, reference to employer or position).
  • We will be obtaining written confirmation from the client that the recordings or transcripts provided will be used for research purposes only.
  • The confirmation must also state that the recordings or transcripts will not be shared with a third party, except in those cases where participants have given explicit informed consent for such sharing.
  • Please let me know at this time if you have any questions about the recordings or transcripts.
  • There may be one or more Service Canada staff members observing the focus group (or interview). They will be a neutral researcher with no connection or involvement with the Grants and Contributions funding decision making and will not impact current or future funding decisions.
  • Your participation and responses today will not in any way affect your relationship with the Government of Canada, or your application / funding
  • Rules of engagement for participants – you are not expected to be experts, speak openly and frankly about opinions. There are no right or wrong answers.
  • Open and respectful dialogue, don't all need to agree with each other
  • Technical considerations in using online video meeting / focus group platform

We are speaking to clients who have recently applied for a Grant or Contribution through Service Canada, also known as Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC).
I know that some of you may have applied to many programs in previous years, so I would like to clarify the timeframe of today's discussion.

We will be discussing the Service Canada/ESDC program that you applied to between April 1, 2020, and March 31, 2021, or between April 1, 2021, and March 31, 2022.

Please keep this timeframe in mind in your responses.

ESDC is committed to improving the client experience for people applying for funding programs and making it easier to interact with us and our programs. The information you share with us today greatly assists ESDC to understand any barriers you experienced and just as important, the things we are doing well. So, not only are they working to improve YOUR experience, but also finding ways to make the process more efficient to deliver behind the scenes.  By asking you a series of questions and having an open discussion during the 90 minutes or so, the insight you bring is critical to improving the way we interact with valued clients like you.

I would also like you to consider diversity in our discussion. This includes both your diversity and the diversity of the population(s) your organization serves. For example, we are interested in how diversity factors may shape and intersect with your experiences with the funding process. I would also like you to consider how it can be easier to interact with the Department and interact in the digital age.

  • Service Canada/Employment and Social Development Canada is committed to better understanding how diversity factors such as ethnicity, religion, ability, and age shape people's experience with government policies, programs, and services.
  • Service Canada/Employment and Social Development Canada is committed to making it easier for Canadians to interact with the Government of Canada, and we are committed to better serving Canadians in a digital age (Canada's Digital Ambition 2022).
  • For today's discussion, we would like to understand:
    • how the characteristics of your organization either help or present challenges when applying for funding.
    • Whether or not your needs were met
    • Your experiences throughout the journey of applying for a grant or contribution
    • What the ideal journey looks like
    • The impact of the outcome of your application
    • You interest in applying in the future

If at any point in the discussion, you feel diversity and digital tools are relevant to one of your responses, please feel free to bring this up proactively.

(10-25 MINUTES)

The first item I'd like to discuss today is the organization that you lead, or work/volunteer for. I'd like to get to know each of your organizations in more detail.

1. I'd like to start with a round of introductions please share:

  • your first name
  • the type of organization you work for
  • the communities(s) served by your organization
  • your role at your organization
  • which ESDC/Service Canada grant or contribution program you applied to between April 1, 2020, and March 31, 2021, or between April 1, 2021, and March 31, 2022.

SUBSECTION 1.1 FOR REFERENCE ONLY: Questions on organization characteristics and success AND challenges

I'd like you to think about the entire process from start to end for the program you applied to April 1, 2020, and March 31, 2021, or between April 1, 2021, and March 31, 2022.

2. Thinking about the application process as a whole, to what extent, if at all, is the process designed in a way that makes it easy for an organization like yours to complete?
  • What makes you say that?

3. And how well equipped is your organization to effectively and efficiently complete the application process?

  • What types of resources, expertise or experience does your organization have that enables you to effectively complete the process? And which aspects of the application process do these resources/expertise/experience help with?
  • Are there resources, expertise or experience that your organization lacks which results in the application process being ineffective or inefficient? Which aspects of the application process would these resources/expertise or experience help with?


  • My next question is whether or not the application process is inclusive and caters to people from diverse backgrounds. I'm interested in your perspectives as someone who belongs to diversity groups or through your experiences of working with diverse populations. How inclusive is the application process? 
  • What are some barriers that those who belong to diverse groups may face?


  • Those who identify as women
  • Those who identify as belonging to a minority racial or ethnic background
  • Those who identify as Black Canadians
  • Those who identify as Indigenous (First Nations, Inuit, Metis, urban non-affiliated)
  • Those who identify as having a mental or physical disability
  • Those who identify as belonging to a religious group
  • Those who identify as youth
  • Those who identify as senior
  • Those who identify as veterans
  • Those who identify as trans, non-binary, other gender, gender-diverse or queer people
  • Those who identify as lesbians, gays, bisexuals, queers or other sexual minorities
  • Those who identify as Two-Spirit or Indigenous LGBTQQIA+ people
  • English or French-language minority community
  • Those who identify as a low socioeconomic status
  • Those who identify as an immigrant or a non-permanent resident
  • Those who identify as newcomers to Canada
  • Those who are experiencing homelessness and/or currently unhoused

(5-10 MINUTES)

Thank you for that discussion. I'd now like you to think about your overall experience of applying to your programs from start to finish. This includes from the point that you became aware of the program, to finding information about it, completing and submitting the application, any support your received to complete it and all the way to receiving a decision.

5. Thinking about your overall experience, is there anything that really impressed you?

6. Thinking about your overall experience, is there anything that really frustrated you?

(20-40 MINUTES)


I now want us to go into detail about each stage of the application process. Again, just as reminder I am interested in the program you applied to April 1, 2020, and March 31, 2021, or between April 1, 2021, and March 31, 2022.

7. How did you first learn about the program?

  • Was it easy or difficult to find out about the program? What makes you say that?

8. The Government of Canada/program website provides information about  the program that you applied to. Did you consult the program webpages prior to starting the application process? How come?

  • Was the program webpage easy to find?
  • Is the information provided on the program webpages easy to understand or not? What makes it easy/difficult?
  • How easy or difficult are the program webpages to navigate? What makes it easy/difficult?
  • Do the program webpages provide you with all the information that you need or is something missing?

9. Did you use any other sources to find information about the programs? Why is that?

  • How do these sources compare to the Government of Canada program webpages?

10. How could ESDC/Service Canada improve the experience of finding information about a program and preparing to apply?

  • Is your organization generally comfortable with using online as a method to find information about programs? What additional supports could ESDC provide to help with this?


My next questions are about the process of completing and submitting the application.

11. What were some of the POSITIVES about the application process?

12. What were some NEGATIVES or CHALLENGES you experienced with the application process? Tell me more about your struggles.

  • Tell me more about the steps you took to overcome these challenges/get help.

13. Do you have any feedback on the length and complexity of the application?

  • What was your experience with the length of the application? What section was the most time consuming?
  • Was there anything you found confusing or didn't understand in the application or application guide? If so, how could it have been better explained, or how could you have been supported?
  • How does it compare to other funding programs you apply to? Those at Service Canada/ESDC? Can you compare and contrast with other federal, provincial, or municipal programs?

14. What types of supports or services did you rely on in order to complete the application?

  • Did you mostly rely on the Government of Canada program webpages only or did you have to turn to other sources of help? This can include help from others within your organization, from Service Canada, from the website, an external consultant and so on.
  • How easy or difficult was it to get help on the application? What were the factors that contributed to this experience?
  • Did you know where to go to get help?
  • What was the problem you experienced that led you to look for help?
  • Did you participate in an information session? How was it?
  • In future, what is the best way to get support when applying for a federal grant or contribution?

15. How many of you used the Grants and Contributions Online Services (GCOS) account or online web portal to complete your application?  (Note GCOS only available for NHSP, CSJ, SDPP-CF)

IF ASKED: What is GCOS?: The Grants and Contributions Online Services (GCOS) portal allows you to apply online for Employment and Social Development Canada grants and contributions (Gs&Cs). GCOS also allows Gs&Cs recipients to manage their active projects in a secure environment.


  • Why did you use GCOS?
  • Was this the first time you used it or had you used it before? IF FIRST TIME, START WITH THEM FOR REST OF QUESTIONS
  • How would you describe your experience of applying using GCOS in one or two words?
  • How easy or difficult was it to navigate?
  • Did you experience technical issues?
  • Any ideas or suggestions for what improvement could be made with GCOS specifically? What about in relation to ..navigation?...saving information? ..layout?...functionality?...speed? …information on how to apply?


16. What method did you use to submit your application instead? Why that method?


    • Submitted an application using the online fillable form
    • Downloaded the application documents and then submitted by email
    • Downloaded the application documents and then submitted by mail
    • Submitted application documents to a Service Canada office
    • Submitted on my behalf by my local Member of Parliament
  • What was the experience like using these methods?
  • Which aspects worked well? What were some of the issues that you encountered? PROBE IN RELATION TO Gs&Cs PROGRAM WEBPAGE SPECIFICALLY: Did you experience any technical issues?


17. Would you be interested in applying using GCOS or other online methods? How come?

  • What role do concerns about technical issues factor into you deciding not to apply using GCOS or other online platform?
  • What would need to happen or change in order for you to switch over to GCOS for your applications in the future or, at least consider applying using the other online methods available?
  • What do you and your organization need (e.g., skills, high-speed internet access, etc) to apply online?
  • How can Service Canada help your organization to switch to online methods?

GCOS only available for: NHSP, CSJ, SDPP-CF

  • Did you look into the GCOS option at all?  Did you start creating an account for example? What was that experience like?
  • What would you or your organization need to do to create an GCOS account and apply online? Or, is it something that Service Canada would need to do for you or support you through?

18. What ONE CHANGE could ESDC/Service Canada made to make the process of completing and submitting an application easier?


  • Information sessions: Is there a need for more information sessions or Q&A opportunities or other supports?
  • Time: Is there a need for more time to complete the application? What is the ideal time of year to complete/submit an application?
  • Detail/Effort: Does the detail/amount of information in the application or applicant guide need to be adjusted?
  • Element of the application: Is there a particular part of the application that needs to be improved? (e.g., Completing the budget, narrative responses, etc.)?


Let's move on to what happened after you submitted the application.

19. Did you receive a decision on your application within a reasonable amount of time or not?

  • What's a reasonable time for you?
  • How long did you have to wait?
  • Did you attempt to follow up with Service Canada/ESDC? If so, did you receive a response?
  • What does it mean for your organization if your application is delayed?

Service Canada has three service standards to measure the timely delivery of grants and contributions programs.

  • Time to acknowledge a proposal: within 14 calendar days of receiving your application package.
  • Time to notify of funding decision: within 12 to 22 weeks (84 to 154 calendar days) from the date it was received or the end date of the intake process, depending on the characteristics of the intake method and program stream.
  • Time to issue payment once payment claim is submitted: For contributions, within 14 calendar days of receiving your completed claim package. For grants, within 14 calendar days of the approved project start date.


20. Can you tell me about your experiences with the reporting requirements as part of your funding agreement?

  • What could be easier when it comes to reporting?

(10-15 minutes)

Thank you for sharing your experiences and your suggestions for improvements with me. I want to keep the conversation on improvements going. I want to understand what your ideal experience would be in applying for a grant or contribution at Service Canada/ESDC.

21. Are there other levels of government or organizations that you apply for funding to that Service Canada/ESDC can really learn from?

  • Which ones and what do they do really well?

22. Now think of all other types of organizations that you deal with as a customer or as a citizen. Are there that provide a great customer service experience that Service Canada/ESDC can learn from?

  • Which ones and what do they do really well?

Now imagine that you were in charge of designing the ideal Service Canada/ESDC experience for applying for grants and contributions.

23. What's the first thing you would do to increase satisfaction levels with the service?

  • What would you change to make the process of applying smoother and simpler?
  • Is there a need for more flexibility in the application process? What does that look like in an ideal world?
  • What about flexibility in managing a project (for funded projects)? What does that look like in an ideal world?
  • How can the online grants and contributions website and the Grants and Contributions Online Services (GCOS) account and web portal be improved? What supports should be provided to organizations in order to access these digital options?
  • What's the role of non-digital types of support in the ideal service?
  • Are there other service options you would add that are not currently available?

24. Let's bring everything we discussed together, describe to me what the ideal experience looks like from start to finish?


Moving on slightly, let's talk about impact.


25. How did receiving the grant or contribution impact your organization?

  • What about the impact on the community/communities served?


26. How did NOT receiving the grant or contribution impact your organization?

  • Were you able to secure fundings elsewhere?
  • What about the impact on the community/communities served?

(5-10 MINUTES)

27. Is there anything else that you would like to share about your experience with Service Canada/ ESDC's grant or contribution?

28. With the benefit of hindsight, if you could go back in time what do you wish you knew at the start of the application process?

29. Where do you stand on applying in future years to a Service Canada/ESDC grant or a contribution?
  • Can you explain?
  • Tell me the considerations that will go into whether you apply again.

30. What one change, or final advice would you provide to ESDC/Service Canada as they consider the future of grants and contributions?


Recruitment Text

At a glance: The recommended recruitment approach will take place as follows:

  1. Information Email
    Context: An information email about the CX research with general background WITHOUT the link to participate
    Audience: All organizations included in Year Three
    Timing: Thursday AM (TBD)
  2. Email with invitation to participate
    An invitation email with background information AND the link to participate in the survey, sent 3-5 days after the information email
    Audience: All organizations included in Year Three
    Timing: Tuesday AM, following the Thursday AM message
  3. Reminders
    Context: Reminders to participate in the survey. The number align with POR standards for follow-ups
    Audience: All organizations included in Year Three
    Timing: Varied
  4. Final thank you WITH survey link
    Context: Final reminder and thank you to participants.
    Audience: All organizations included in Year Three
    Timing: Two days before closing

ESDC will be responsible for recruitment via GCNotify.

Summary of changes in Year Three:

Next steps:


1.  Information Email 

Recipient:  All organizations included in Year 3

SUBJECT: ESDC Grants and Contributions Client Experience Research

Dear Grants and Contributions Applicant,

Service Canada is excited to launch the third annual Grants and Contributions Client Experience Research Survey of applicants who have applied for funding. This year, we are asking for feedback from applicants who applied for funding between 2020 and 2022.

Your experiences with the funding process are important to help us to improve our services, support you and applicants like you in the funding process, and pinpoint where we can do better.

**Your participation is important and easy.**

We have hired the research firm Ipsos to host an online survey and compile results to measure your experience with the funding process. Your feedback is valuable to us, even if your application for funding was not accepted.

We want to hear about your experience and if you were satisfied with the service you received Please watch for an invitation to participate in an online survey that will be sent on our launch date: [INSERT DATE]

**PLEASE NOTE: The information that we collect from this research project will be kept confidential and will only be used for research purposes. Your feedback is anonymous and findings will be grouped so that individual participants cannot be identified. The findings from the survey will inform program design and service delivery improvements.** 

**Your participation in this research will not have any impact on your relationship with the Government of Canada, or your organization's likelihood to obtain future grants or contributions funding or any other Government of Canada benefits. Results of the survey will be later published in a final report, which can be found on the Library and Archives Canada website. **

If you have questions about this project or wish to confirm its authenticity, please contact: pob.ri.dgop@hrsdc-rhdcc.gc.ca. We will aim to respond to your question within three business days.

Thank you for your participation.

Service Canada

Destinataire : Toutes les organisations incluses dans An 3

OBJET: EDSC Recherche sur l'expérience client des subventions et contributions

(English follows the French text)


Service Canada est heureux de lancer le troisième sondage annuel sur l'expérience client des subventions et des contributions auprès des demandeurs qui ont fait une demande de financement. Cette année, nous sollicitons la rétroaction de ceux qui ont présenté une demande de financement entre 2020 et 2022.

Votre expérience du processus de financement est importante pour nous aider à améliorer nos services, à vous soutenir, vous et les demandeurs comme vous à travers le processus de financement et à relever les points que nous pouvons améliorer.

**Votre participation est importante et facile.**

Nous avons embauché la société de recherche Ipsos pour réaliser un sondage en ligne et compiler les résultats afin de mesurer votre expérience du processus de financement. Vos commentaires sont précieux pour nous, même si votre demande de financement n'a pas été acceptée.

Nous souhaitons connaître votre expérience et savoir si vous avez été satisfait du service reçu. Vous recevrez une invitation à participer à un sondage en ligne le jour de notre lancement : [INSÉRER LA DATE]

** VEUILLEZ NOTER : Les renseignements que nous recueillons dans le cadre de ce projet de recherche resteront confidentiels et ne seront utilisés qu'à des fins de recherche. Vos commentaires sont anonymes et les résultats seront regroupés de manière à ce qu'aucun participant ne puisse être identifié. Les résultats du sondage guideront la conception des programmes et l'élaboration des améliorations à apporter à la prestation des services. **

** La participation à ce sondage n'aura aucune incidence sur votre relation avec le gouvernement du Canada ni sur la probabilité que votre organisation obtienne des subventions ou des contributions ou tout autre avantage du gouvernement du Canada. Les résultats du sondage seront publiés ultérieurement dans un rapport final, qui peut être consulté sur le site Web de Bibliothèque et Archives Canada. **

Si vous avez des questions sur ce projet ou si vous souhaitez en confirmer l'authenticité, veuillez écrire à pob.ri.dgop@hrsdc-rhdcc.gc.ca. Nous nous efforcerons de répondre à votre question dans les trois jours ouvrables.

Merci de votre participation.

Service Canada

2.  Email with invitation to participate

Recipient: All organizations included in Year 3

SUBJECT: ESDC Grants and Contributions Client Experience Research

Dear Grants and Contributions Applicant,

You are invited to participate in the third annual Grants and Contributions Client Experience Research Survey, conducted by Service Canada.  This year, we are asking for feedback from applicants who applied for funding between 2020 and 2022. We want to hear about your experience and if you were satisfied with the service you received when you applied for **[insert program name based on CSGC records].**

**Your participation is important and easy.**

We are asking organizations about their experience applying for funding with Service Canada. Your participation will help deepen our understanding of the challenges your organization experiences when applying for funding and identify opportunities for us to improve the overall funding and service delivery process.

**How can you participate? **

This email is to invite you to participate in a 10-15 minute online survey. Your participation in this research is voluntary and confidential.

Service Canada has hired Ipsos, a research firm, to host an online survey and compile results. Please note that Ipsos is contacting you for research purposes and will safeguard your responses to the survey.

^ **[Your unique survey link](((link)))**

After finishing the survey, you will have the opportunity to opt-in to being contacted for future online focus groups or interviews.

If you have questions or concerns about this research, please contact: pob.ri.dgop@hrsdc-rhdcc.gc.ca. We will aim to respond to your question within three business days.

If you have technical difficulties with the survey, please contact Ipsos at: pasurveys@ipsosasks.ca

**PLEASE NOTE: The information that we collect from this research project will be kept confidential and will only be used for research purposes. Your feedback is anonymous and findings will be grouped so that individual participants cannot be identified. The findings from the study will inform program design and service delivery improvements. **

**Your participation in this research will not have any impact on your relationship with the Government of Canada, or your organization's likelihood to obtain future grants or contributions funding or any other Government of Canada benefits. Results of the survey will be published in a final report, which can be found on the Library and Archives Canada website.**

Thank you for your participation.

Service Canada

Destinataire : Toutes les organisations incluses dans An 3

OBJET: EDSC Recherche sur l'expérience client des subventions et contributions

(English follows the French text)


Vous êtes invité à participer au   troisième sondage annuel sur l'expérience client des subventions et des contributions, mené par Service Canada.  Cette année, nous sollicitons la rétroaction de ceux qui ont présenté une demande de financement entre 2020 et 2022. Nous voulons connaître votre expérience et savoir si vous étiez satisfait du service que vous avez reçu lorsque vous avez postulé pour **[insérer le nom du programme basé sur les dossiers du SCSC].**

**Votre participation est importante et facile.**

Nous interrogeons les organisations sur leur expérience en ce qui a trait à la présentation de demande de financement auprès de Service Canada. Votre participation nous aidera à mieux comprendre les défis auxquels votre organisation est confrontée lorsqu'elle demande un financement et à relever les possibilités d'améliorer le processus général de financement et de prestation de services.

**Comment pouvez-vous participer? **

Le présent courriel a pour but de vous inviter à répondre à un sondage en ligne d'une durée de dix à quinze minutes. Votre participation à cette recherche est volontaire et confidentielle.

Service Canada a embauché la société de recherche Ipsos pour réaliser un sondage en ligne et en compiler les résultats. Veuillez noter qu'Ipsos vous contacte à des fins de recherche et conservera vos réponses au sondage.

^ **[Votre lien unique de sondage](((link)))**

Après avoir terminé le sondage, vous aurez la possibilité d'accepter d'être contacté pour de futurs groupes de discussion ou entretiens en ligne.

Si vous avez des questions ou des préoccupations au sujet de cette recherche, veuillez écrire à pob.ri.dgop@hrsdc-rhdcc.gc.ca. Nous nous efforcerons de répondre à votre question dans les trois jours ouvrables.

Si vous éprouvez des difficultés techniques avec le sondage, veuillez contacter Ipsos à : pasurveys@ipsosasks.ca

**VEUILLEZ NOTER : Les renseignements que nous recueillons dans le cadre de ce projet de recherche resteront confidentiels et ne seront utilisés qu'à des fins de recherche. Vos commentaires sont anonymes et les résultats seront regroupés de manière à ce qu'aucun participant ne puisse être identifié. Les conclusions de l'étude guideront la conception des programmes et l'élaboration des améliorations à apporter à la prestation des services. **

**La participation à ce sondage n'aura aucune incidence sur votre relation avec le gouvernement du Canada ni sur la probabilité que votre organisation obtienne des subventions ou des contributions ou tout autre avantage du gouvernement du Canada. Les résultats du sondage seront publiés dans un rapport final, qui peut être consulté sur le site Web de Bibliothèque et Archives Canada. **

Merci de votre participation.

Service Canada


Reminder ONE WITH link to survey

Recipient: All organizations included in Year 3

SUBJECT: Reminder: ESDC Grants and Contributions Client Experience Research

Dear Grants and Contributions Applicant,

Last week, Service Canada invited you to complete a survey as part of the Grants and Contributions (Gs&Cs) Client Experience Research program. We want to hear about your experience and if you were satisfied with the service you received when you applied for **[insert program name based on CSGC records].**

We are sending a friendly reminder about the survey. We value your insights and experiences so please do not miss your chance to have your voice heard. Please consider finding 10-15 minutes to complete to survey and provide valuable feedback to Service Canada.

Your participation is important and easy.

Please find the link to the survey below:
^ **[Your unique survey link](((link)))**

The answers provided will help us understand where we can improve the service we provide to organizations applying for funding.
If you have already completed the survey, thank you for your participation! You do not need to contact us about your participation. Your organization may be contacted further if you opted-in to future research and you are selected to participate.

If you have questions or concerns about this research, please contact: pob.ri.dgop@hrsdc-rhdcc.gc.ca. We will aim to respond to your question within three business days.  If you have technical difficulties with the survey, please contact Ipsos at: pasurveys@ipsosasks.ca

**PLEASE NOTE: The information that we collect from this research project will be kept confidential and will only be used for research purposes. Your feedback is anonymous and findings will be grouped so that individual participants cannot be identified. The findings from the study will inform program design and service delivery improvements. **

**Your participation in this research will not have any impact on your relationship with the Government of Canada, or your organization's likelihood to obtain future grants or contributions funding or any other Government of Canada benefits. Results of the survey will be later published in a final report, which can be found on the Library and Archives Canada website. **

Thank you for your participation.

Service Canada

Destinataire : Toutes les organisations incluses dans An 3

OBJET: Rappel: EDSC Recherche sur l'expérience client des subventions et contributions

(English follows the French text)


La semaine dernière, Service Canada vous a invité à répondre à un sondage dans le cadre du programme de recherche sur l'expérience client des subventions et des contributions. Nous voulons connaître votre expérience et savoir si vous étiez satisfait du service que vous avez reçu lorsque vous avez postulé pour **[insérer le nom du programme basé sur les dossiers du SCSC].**

Nous envoyons un rappel amical au sujet du sondage. Nous apprécions vos idées et vos expériences, alors ne manquez pas votre chance de faire entendre votre voix. Veuillez prendre dix à quinze minutes pour répondre à ce sondage et fournir des commentaires précieux à Service Canada.

Votre participation est importante et facile.

Veuillez trouver ci-dessous le lien vers le sondage :
^ **[Votre lien unique de sondage](((link)))**

Les réponses fournies nous aideront à mieux cerner les améliorations que nous pourrions apporter au service que nous offrons aux organisations qui demandent un financement.
Si vous avez déjà rempli le sondage, nous vous remercions d'avoir participé. Vous n'avez pas besoin de communiquer au sujet de votre participation. On pourrait communiquer avec votre organisation ultérieurement si vous avez choisi de participer à des recherches futures et si vous êtes sélectionné pour participer.

Si vous avez des questions ou des préoccupations au sujet de cette recherche, veuillez écrire à pob.ri.dgop@hrsdc-rhdcc.gc.ca. Nous nous efforcerons de répondre à votre question dans les trois jours ouvrables. Si vous éprouvez des difficultés techniques avec le sondage, veuillez contacter Ipsos à : pasurveys@ipsosasks.ca

**VEUILLEZ NOTER : Les renseignements que nous recueillons dans le cadre de ce projet de recherche resteront confidentiels et ne seront utilisés qu'à des fins de recherche. Vos commentaires sont anonymes et les résultats seront regroupés de manière à ce qu'aucun participant ne puisse être identifié. Les conclusions de l'étude guideront la conception des programmes et l'élaboration des améliorations à apporter à la prestation des services.**

**La participation à ce sondage n'aura aucune incidence sur votre relation avec le gouvernement du Canada ni sur la probabilité que votre organisation obtienne des subventions ou des contributions ou tout autre avantage du gouvernement du Canada. Les résultats du sondage seront publiés ultérieurement dans un rapport final, qui peut être consulté sur le site Web de Bibliothèque et Archives Canada. **

Merci de votre participation.

Service Canada

Reminder TWO/FINAL reminder WITH link to survey

SUBJECT: Reminder: ESDC Grants and Contributions Client Experience Research

Dear Grants and Contributions Applicant,

You have recently been invited to participate in the third Grants and Contributions Client Experience Survey. We want to hear about your experience and if you were satisfied with the service you received when you applied for **[insert program name based on CSGC records]**.

As a friendly reminder, the Grants and Contributions Client Experience Research Survey is open for another XX days. If you have already completed the online survey, please accept our thanks and disregard this reminder.

Your participation is important and easy.

If you have not yet completed the survey, there is still time for you to provide your feedback by participating today.

Here is the link to the survey:
^ **[Your unique survey link](((link)))**

So far, XXX former applicants have completed the survey. Please do not miss your chance to have your voice heard and play a key role in informing service delivery improvements for Service Canada. Your feedback will help us understand how we can better serve your organization and your clients and respond to your identified needs.

If you have questions or concerns about this research, please contact: pob.ri.dgop@hrsdc-rhdcc.gc.ca. We will aim to respond to your question within three business days.  If you have technical difficulties with the survey, please contact Ipsos at: pasurveys@ipsosasks.ca

**PLEASE NOTE: The information that we collect from this research project will be kept confidential and will only be used for research purposes. Your feedback is anonymous and findings will be grouped so that individual participants cannot be identified. The findings from the study will inform program design and service delivery improvements. **

**Your participation in this research will not have any impact on your relationship with the Government of Canada, or your organization's likelihood to obtain future grants or contributions funding or any other Government of Canada benefits. Results of the survey will be later published in a final report, which can be found on the Library and Archives Canada website. **

Thank you for your participation.

Service Canada

OBJET: Rappel: EDSC Recherche sur l'expérience client des subventions et contributions

(English follows the French text)


Vous avez récemment été invité à participer au troisième sondage sur l'expérience de client subventions et de contributions. Nous voulons connaître votre expérience et savoir si vous étiez satisfait du service que vous avez reçu lorsque vous avez postulé pour **[insérer le nom du programme basé sur les dossiers du SCSC]**.

Nous vous rappelons amicalement que le sondage sur l'expérience client des subventions et des contributions est ouvert pendant encore XX jours. Si vous avez déjà rempli le sondage en ligne, veuillez accepter nos remerciements et ne pas tenir compte de ce rappel.

Votre participation est importante et facile.
Si vous n'avez pas encore répondu à l'enquête, il est encore temps de nous fournir votre rétroaction en participant aujourd'hui.

Voici le lien permettant d'accéder au sondage :
^ **[Votre lien unique de sondage](((link)))**

Jusqu'à présent, XXX anciens demandeurs ont répondu au sondage. Ne manquez pas votre chance de faire entendre votre voix et de jouer un rôle important dans l'amélioration de la prestation des services de Service Canada. Vos commentaires nous aideront à comprendre comment nous pouvons mieux servir votre organisation et vos clients, et comment répondre aux besoins que vous aurez soulevés.

Si vous avez des questions ou des préoccupations au sujet de cette recherche, veuillez écrire à pob.ri.dgop@hrsdc-rhdcc.gc.ca. Nous nous efforcerons de répondre à votre question dans les trois jours ouvrables. Si vous éprouvez des difficultés techniques avec le sondage, veuillez contacter Ipsos à : pasurveys@ipsosasks.ca

**VEUILLEZ NOTER : Les renseignements que nous recueillons dans le cadre de ce projet de recherche resteront confidentiels et ne seront utilisés qu'à des fins de recherche. Vos commentaires sont anonymes et les résultats seront regroupés de manière à ce qu'aucun participant ne puisse être identifié. Les conclusions de l'étude guideront la conception des programmes et l'élaboration des améliorations à apporter à la prestation des services. **

**La participation à ce sondage n'aura aucune incidence sur votre relation avec le gouvernement du Canada ni sur la probabilité que votre organisation obtienne des subventions ou des contributions ou tout autre avantage du gouvernement du Canada. Les résultats du sondage seront publiés ultérieurement dans un rapport final, qui peut être consulté sur le site Web de Bibliothèque et Archives Canada. **

Merci de votre participation.

Service Canada

Final thank you WITH survey link

SUBJECT: Reminder: ESDC Grants and Contributions Client Experience Research

Dear Grants and Contributions Applicant,

You have recently been invited to participate in the third Grants and Contributions Client Experience Survey. We want to hear about your experience and if you were satisfied with the service you received when you applied for **[insert program name based on CSGC records].**

We are sending a **final** reminder about Service Canada's Grants and Contributions Client Experience Research Survey. If you have already completed the online survey, please accept our thanks and disregard this reminder.

If you have not yet completed the survey, there is still time for you to provide your feedback by participating **today.**

**Your participation is important and easy.**

You can find the survey at the link below.
^ **[Your unique survey link](((link)))**

The results of this survey will help Service Canada gain insights on how to improve our grants and contributions services in response to your feedback. 

If you have questions or concerns about this research, please contact: pob.ri.dgop@hrsdc-rhdcc.gc.ca. We will aim to respond to your question within three business days.  If you have technical difficulties with the survey, please contact Ipsos at: pasurveys@ipsosasks.ca.

**PLEASE NOTE: The information that we collect from this research project will be kept confidential and will only be used for research purposes. Your feedback is anonymous and findings will be grouped so that individual participants cannot be identified. The findings from the study will inform program design and service delivery improvements. **

**Your participation in this research will not have any impact on your relationship with the Government of Canada, or your organization's likelihood to obtain future grants or contributions funding or any other Government of Canada benefits. Results of the survey will be later published in a final report, which can be found on the Library and Archives Canada website. **

Thank you for your participation.

Service Canada

OBJET: Rappel: EDSC Recherche sur l'expérience client des subventions et contributions

(English follows the French text)


Vous avez récemment été invité à participer au troisième sondage sur l'expérience des clients en matière de subventions et de contributions. Nous voulons connaître votre expérience et savoir si vous étiez satisfait du service que vous avez reçu lorsque vous avez postulé pour **[insérer le nom du programme basé sur les dossiers du SCSC].**

Nous vous envoyons un **dernier** rappel concernant le sondage sur l'expérience client des subventions et des contributions de Service Canada. Si vous avez déjà rempli l'enquête en ligne, veuillez accepter nos remerciements et ne pas tenir compte de ce rappel.

Si vous n'avez pas encore répondu à l'enquête, il est encore temps de nous fournir votre rétroaction en participant **aujourd'hui.**

**Votre participation est importante et facile.**

Le sondage se trouve à l'adresse ci-dessous.
^ **[Votre lien unique de sondage](((link)))**

Les résultats de ce sondage permettront à Service Canada de mieux comprendre comment améliorer ses services de subventions et de contributions en fonction de vos commentaires.  

Si vous avez des questions ou des préoccupations au sujet de cette recherche, veuillez écrire à  pob.ri.dgop@hrsdc-rhdcc.gc.ca. Nous nous efforcerons de répondre à votre question dans les trois jours ouvrables. Si vous éprouvez des difficultés techniques avec le sondage, veuillez contacter Ipsos à : pasurveys@ipsosasks.ca.

**VEUILLEZ NOTER : Les renseignements que nous recueillons dans le cadre de ce projet de recherche resteront confidentiels et ne seront utilisés qu'à des fins de recherche. Vos commentaires sont anonymes et les résultats seront regroupés de manière à ce qu'aucun participant ne puisse être identifié. Les conclusions de l'étude guideront la conception des programmes et l'élaboration des améliorations à apporter à la prestation des services. **

**La participation à ce sondage n'aura aucune incidence sur votre relation avec le gouvernement du Canada ni sur la probabilité que votre organisation obtienne des subventions ou des contributions ou tout autre avantage du gouvernement du Canada. Les résultats du sondage seront publiés ultérieurement dans un rapport final, qui peut être consulté sur le site Web de Bibliothèque et Archives Canada. **

Merci de votre participation.

Service Canada