Environment and Climate Change Canada
Nature Legacy Advertising Campaign
Pre and Post ACET and Concept Testing
Executive Summary

July 2019

Prepared for:
Environment and Climate Change Canada
Supplier Name: Quorus Consulting Group Inc.
Contract Award Date: December 21, 2018
Delivery Date: July 2019
Contract Amount (incl. HST): $77,519.70
Contract #: K0A34-190909/001/CY
POR Number: 098-18

For more information, please contact:

Political Neutrality Certification

I hereby certify as Senior Officer of Quorus Consulting Group Inc. that the deliverables fully comply with the Government of Canada political neutrality requirements outlined in the Policy on Communications and Federal Identity and the Directive on the Management of Communications - Appendix C.

Specifically, the deliverables do not include information on electoral voting intentions, political party preferences, standings with the electorate or ratings of the performance of a political party or its leaders.


Rick Nadeau signature

Rick Nadeau, President
Quorus Consulting Group Inc.

Table of Contents

Executive Summary

Research Purpose and Objectives

Canada has committed that by the end of 2020, at least 17% of terrestrial areas and inland water and 10% of coastal and marine areas will be conserved through networks of protected areas and other effective area-based conservation measures. The Nature Legacy, as described in Budget 2018, will help Canada achieve that 17%. The overarching objective of its 18 targets is the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity. This includes engaging Canadians in action for nature conservation and focusing on sustainability in the natural resources sectors of forestry, fisheries, agriculture, and aquaculture. All of the research associated with the Nature Legacy project will benefit Canadians by means of improved communications.

Quorus conducted qualitative research through a series of focus groups to obtain feedback from specific target audiences on concepts and messaging being considered for various advertising platforms, formats and channels. The research also included an online survey to evaluate the ad campaign before and after it was launched.

Summary of Focus Group Findings

The research involved two distinct waves of qualitative research, a pre-campaign (Phase 1) and a post-campaign (Phase 2), covering two distinct series of ads. The first wave tested the campaign ads, while the second tested ads dedicated to public engagement that solicited social media participation. At the beginning of the sessions, participants were explained the purpose of the research, the number of concepts to test, and the media that would be tested in each concept. General comments that emerged from the pre-campaign concepts A, B and C include:

Evaluation of Concept A

Overall, concept A was very well received by participants. The message was clear, and images were, overall, well received, with participants finding the concept engaging and encouraging to protect the environment.

Participants seemed to recognize two messages when looking at all the elements from this concept:

  1. We (Canadians) have to protect the environment
  2. The government is doing something to protect the environment

Several aspects of this campaign were well received by participants, including:

Compared to Concepts B and C, participants had fewer suggestions for improvement when it came to Concept A. The most common suggestions focused on the following:

Evaluation of Concept B

Concept B was not the most preferred concept and received a mix of positive and negative feedback. Particularly for this concept, the text referring to “17% of Canada” created a lot of confusion.  Participants understood one main message when looking at all the elements from Concept B: that the Federal Government wanted people to be aware of its efforts to protect the environment.

Although it was not the preferred concept overall, Concept B was praised for the following:

Elements of this campaign that participants felt could be improved included:

Evaluation of Concept C

Concept C was not the most preferred concept and received a mix of positive and negative feedback. Notably, the text referring to “17% of Canada” created a lot of confusion among participants.

Participants identified three main messages from Concept C:

Positive elements identified in the concept include the following:

Elements that were not welcomed in this concept included the following:

As per the concepts tested in Phase 2, many themes were common for both concept A and B:

Focus Group Methodology

All research work was conducted in accordance with the professional standards established by the Government of Canada Public Opinion Research Standards, as follows:

Qualitative Research Disclaimer

Qualitative research seeks to develop insight and direction rather than quantitatively projectable measures. The purpose is not to generate “statistics” but to hear the full range of opinions on a topic, understand the language participants use, gauge degrees of passion and engagement and to leverage the power of the group to inspire ideas.  Participants are encouraged to voice their opinions, irrespective of whether or not that view is shared by others.

Due to the sample size, the special recruitment methods used, and the study objectives themselves, it is clearly understood that the work under discussion is exploratory in nature. The findings are not, nor were they intended to be, projectable to a larger population.

Specifically, it is inappropriate to suggest or to infer that few (or many) real world users would behave in one way simply because few (or many) participants behaved in this way during the sessions. This kind of projection is strictly the prerogative of quantitative research.

ACET Methodology

Supplier Name: Quorus Consulting Group Inc.
Contract #: K0A34-190909/001/CY
Contract Award Date: December 21, 2018
Contract Amount (incl. HST): $77,519.70
For more information, please contact Environment and Climate Change Canada at: