National Pollutant Release Inventory Survey of Data Users 2024 - Final Report

Prepared for Environment and Climate Change Canada

Ekos Research Associates Inc.
Contract Number:
Contract Value:
$45,476.85 (including HST)
Contract Award Date:
October 11, 2023
Delivery Date:
March 26, 2024
Registration Number:
POR 049-23

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Cette publication est aussi disponible en français sous le titre: Sondage auprès des utilisateurs de données de l’Inventaire national des rejets de polluants, 2024 - Rapport final.

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Related publications (registration number: POR 049-23

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En84-152/2024F-PDF (French Report)
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© His Majesty the King in Right of Canada, represented by the Minister of Environment and Climate Change, 2024

Table of Contents

Executive Summary

A. Background and Objectives

The National Pollutant Release Inventory (NPRI) was established in 1992 to inform Canadians about pollutants in their communities and serves as a public inventory of releases, disposals, and transfers. Organizations in Canada, including manufacturers, mines, oil and gas operations, power plants, and sewage treatment plants are required to report to the NPRI. In all, the inventory tracks over 320 pollutants from over 7,000 facilities throughout Canada. The public inventory is intended to help Canadians understand pollutants released in their communities, encourage action to reduce pollution, and track changes in pollutants over time. Governments, companies, organizations, researchers, and citizens are all potential users of NPRI data. The NPRI website has been designed and updated to help users understand and navigate the data. Users have the ability to search for information in their area, source information for projects and presentations, read data highlights and overviews, or search datasets and the complete inventory database.

A survey of reporters and data users was conducted in 2007 to understand who was using the inventory, their opinions on reporting requirements, and satisfaction with the NPRI.A survey was commissioned in 2019 to focus on the experience of data users only. The 2023 survey of data users was commissioned to understand the needs of users and satisfaction with the inventory, particularly given the additions to the NPRI website that have taken place since the last iteration of the survey, developed to improve the users’ ability to use and interpret the data. The primary objectives of the 2023 Survey of Data Users were to:

The findings of the survey will be used in the development of policies, programs and initiatives pertaining to NPRI data, ensuring that it is accessible, useful, and intuitive to its users.

B. Methodology

An online survey was completed by 50 individuals who have used NPRI data and the website to gather information on their data needs and experiences with the inventory and website in order to make both easier to understand and navigate. The survey was conducted between November 2023 and January 2024, using two sources: a client-supplied list of known data users and an open-source link advertised through a general announcement about the survey on social media and the NPRI website on A series of 10 follow-up interviews were also conducted between December 2023 and January 2024 with some survey respondents who agreed to a follow up interview. Interviews ranged from 15 to 35 minutes and gathered more detailed information and context about use of the NPRI as well as sources of satisfaction and areas for improvement.

The online survey results are not comparable with 2019 when the survey was completed by 182 individuals. Further methodological details, along with efforts to increase the response rate of the online survey, can be found in Appendix A: Methodological Details.

C. Key Findings

The online survey results included 39 users of NPRI data out of the 50 respondents, representing a broad range of organizations and individuals.

The vast majority of respondents think of pollution and waste management, along with climate change, when thinking of ECCC. Other than NPRI, the majority of respondents were aware of greenhouse gas emissions, the Air Pollutant Emissions Inventory, and meteorological data in terms of ECCC data. Among those aware of other ECCC data sources, 14 – 43% have used them.

Among the 11 respondents who have not used the NPRI, eight indicated that the NPRI data could benefit or be of interest to them. These respondents have not used the NPRI because they were unaware, it is not relevant to them, it is too technical, or they require a better understanding of the Inventory.

Among users of the NPRI, the majority use it for professional use. Very few access the NPRI for personal use, and if they do, they use it for both professional and personal reasons. The majority of NPRI users used it for analysis of sectors or trends, while fewer used it to identify pollutant releases in a specific area or community, or for an environmental and/or risk assessment.

Almost all NPRI users accessed NPRI data from the NPRI website. Over half of NPRI users who responded to the survey started using NPRI data more than 5 years ago. The majority of NPRI users have used the NPRI Dashboard, Query Site, or Single Year Flat Files. Less than half have used NPRI information products, however, more commonly used products were the Substance Overview, Sector Overview, or Data Highlights.

The most likely types of information to have been accessed in the NPRI are data for specific pollutants or years, according to three in four users. Over half have accessed data for specific facilities, industry sectors, or geographic locations. Over four in ten have accessed release data of specific medium. Fewer have accessed the sector overviews, data for transfers and disposals, or ECCC analysis of the data. Several respondents have accessed NPRI data integration products or Indigenous Series. Six in ten NPRI users have combined NPRI data with other data.

D. Note to Readers

Results are presented in text and charts. Due to the relatively low number of completed responses, results from 2023 are not comparable to previous iterations of the survey. Further, it is not possible to describe findings for specific segments of the sample. Findings in this report should be interpreted with caution. As such, the number of cases responding are presented along with percentage results to illustrate the quantity of individuals responding to an individual question.

Readers should also note that survey findings are presented in the report in terms of valid percentage of responses, excluding those who said "don’t know", "not applicable", or otherwise did not provide a response on any given question. Results may also not total to 100% due to rounding.

Results of the interviews are interspersed with the survey findings in relevant thematic areas throughout the report highlighted in grey. In some cases, results described may be based on only two or three interviews, typically noted as "a few" or "several". In some cases, results are described on the basis of input from one participant, also reflected in the use of quotes meant to be illustrative of key points. Therefore, qualitative findings are meant to be illustrative and help to provide added context to the survey findings and should be interpreted with caution.

E. Contract Value

The total contract value of this research is $45,476.85 (including HST).

F. Political Neutrality Certification

I hereby certify as Senior Officer of Ekos Research Associates Inc. that the deliverables fully comply with the Government of Canada political neutrality requirements outlined in the Policy on Communications and Federal Identity and the Directive on the Management of Communications. Specifically, the deliverables do not include information on electoral voting intentions, political party preferences, standings with the electorate, or ratings of the performance of a political party or its leaders.

Signed by Susan Galley, Vice President, Ekos Research Associates Inc.

Detailed Findings

A. Sample Profile

In the combined sample collected, nearly four in five (78%) have used the NPRI, although 18% have not and 4% were unsure. Among these 11 respondents who have not used the NPRI or are unsure, eight said that they feel that NPRI data could benefit or be of interest to them.

Table 1: Use of NPRI Data
Have you used NPRI data? The National Pollutant Release Inventory (NPRI) is Canada's public inventory of releases, disposals and transfers of pollution in the environment. It tracks over 320 pol2lutants from over 7,000 facilities across Canada. Count Percent
Yes 39 78%
No 9 18%
Don't know 2 4%

The following table presents the types of organizations respondents responding to the online survey, indicating a wide variety of use and interest. Representatives from ECCC make up the largest proportion of respondents, followed by academic institutions, and industry and associations, provincial governments and NGOs. Other respondents to the survey include individual citizens, commercial or institutional, other federal government departments, students, citizen’s group and an Indigenous group. Other mentions include two international organizations, a conservation authority, research organization, and law firm.

Table 2: Types of Organizations Represented in the Sample
What type of organization are you primarily affiliated with? Count Percent
Federal government - Environment and Climate Change Canada 11 22%
Academic institution 8 16%
Industrial facility/association 5 10%
Provincial government 4 8%
Environmental Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) 4 8%
Individual citizen 3 6%
Commercial/Institutional 3 6%
Federal government – Other 2 4%
Students 2 4%
Citizen's group 1 2%
Indigenous group 1 2%
Other 5 10%

B. Perception of ECCC Programs and Service Areas

According to a new question for 2023, respondents primarily think of pollution and waste management, and climate change, when thinking of ECCC. Respondents had the opportunity to select multiple programs and service areas from a list of suggestions. About half or more selected water and the environment, weather, and environmental conservation and protection.

Table 3: Top of Mind for ECCC Programs and Service Areas
When thinking of Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC), what programs and service areas primarily come to mind? Count Percent
Pollution and waste management 42 84%
Climate change 40 80%
Water and the environment 33 66%
Weather 29 58%
Environmental conservation and protection 27 54%
Wildlife, plants and species 21 42%
Other 7 14%

Awareness of ECCC Data

Also new for 2023, respondents were asked about what ECCC data they were aware of, other than the NPRI. The majority of respondents indicated that they were aware of greenhouse gas emissions data, the Air Pollutant Emissions Inventory (APEI), and meteorological data. Awareness of other ECCC data, identified by about one-third to one half of respondents, include the National Air Pollution Surveillance Program (NAPS), air quality, bio-monitoring, and Black Carbon Emissions Inventory data.

Table 4: Awareness of ECCC Data
Other than the NPRI, what ECCC data are you aware of? Count Percent
Greenhouse gas emissions 34 68%
Air Pollutant Emissions Inventory (APEI) 30 60%
Meteorological 27 54%
National Air Pollution Surveillance Program (NAPS) 24 48%
Water quality 20 40%
Bio-monitoring 17 34%
Black Carbon Emissions Inventory 15 30%
Other 8 16%
Don't know 1 2%

Among those indicating awareness of the ECCC data, fewer than have used any of the data. Of these respondents, one-third or more used greenhouse gas emissions data or APEI data. About one in four used meteorological data, NAPS, or air quality data. Fewer used Bio-monitoring data or the Black Carbon Emissions Inventory.

Table 5: Usage of ECCC Data
Have you used any of these ECCC data in the past 5 years? Count Percent
Greenhouse gas emissions 21 43%
Air Pollutant Emissions Inventory (APEI) 17 35%
National Air Pollution Surveillance Program (NAPS) 13 27%
Meteorological 12 24%
Water quality 12 24%
Bio-monitoring 9 18%
Black Carbon Emissions Inventory 7 14%

C. NPRI Usage

Potential Among Non-Users of the NPRI

Among the 11 respondents who have not used the NPRI, eight indicated that the NPRI data could benefit or be of interest to them, the remaining three were not sure. Of the eight respondents who said NPRI data could benefit them, all said they were at least moderately likely to use NPRI data, with three very likely.

Of the eight who might use the NPRI, half said NPRI could provide more information through the NPRI website. Other mentions include social media (Facebook or LinkedIn), the Canada Gazette, or would do a general internet search. One respondent stated in an open comment that information could be provided through an NPRI-specific newsletter. Various supports were identified by those who feel NPRI data could benefit or be of interest to them, which mostly include video tutorials, step-by-step guides, and study cases of how others use the data.

Three of the 11 respondents who have not used the NPRI said that is it because they were unaware of the NPRI data in the past. Others said it was not relevant, too technical, or need a better understanding of what they can find there. Several suggestions were mentioned by non-users of what they would want to know about NPRI data to better understand it’s uses. This includes how to interpret the data, to understand contaminants in Canada and what is allowed, contaminant threshold values, and lists and locations of contaminants.

Purpose of NPRI

Overall, among users of the NPRI, the majority use it for professional use. Very few use it for personal application, and if they do, they use it for both professional and personal reasons. The majority of NPRI users used it for the purpose of analysis of sectors or trends, while close to four in ten either used it to identify pollutant releases in a specific area or community, or for an environmental and/or risk assessment. Nearly three in ten used it for the purpose of policy development, and just over a quarter used it for discussions with a facility or to perform quality assurance checks of their NPRI reports. Just under a quarter used NPRI for benchmarking facility performance, and 21% each used it for research or academic story. One in ten meanwhile used it for preparation of a media story, for statistical purposes, or for another purpose. Very few used it for benchmarking for competitive purposes.

In terms of where NPRI users obtained data, a large majority did so directly from the NPRI website. Seven users obtained NPRI data from Government of Canada Open Data, while one in ten obtained it either from Government of Canada Open Maps or the NPRI by email. Fewer users obtained their data from another source or another website, while only one user did so from the ECC Data Catalogue.

In terms of what NPRI data has or would be used for, most would do so for the purposes of environmental data. Half (49%) indicated they would use NPRI to determine levels of pollutants in their community or neighbourhood, while just over four in ten indicated information for academic purposes, while slightly fewer indicated sources of pollutants in their community or neighbourhood.

Table 6: Purpose of NPRI
Did you use the NPRI for…? Count Percent
Professional use 26 67%
Both 10 26%
Personal use 3 8%
What was your purpose for using the data? Count Percent
For analysis of sectors or trends 24 62%
To identify pollutant releases in a specific area or community 15 38%
For an environmental and/or risk assessment 14 36%
Policy development 11 28%
For discussions with a facility (or facilities) 10 26%
To perform quality assurance checks of your NPRI reports 10 26%
Benchmarking facility performance 9 23%
For use in research (please specify) 8 21%
For academic study (student projects, education) 8 21%
For preparation of a media story 4 10%
For statistical purposes (for example: uncertainty analysis) 4 10%
Other (please specify) 4 10%
Benchmarking for competitive purposes 1 3%
How/where do you obtain NPRI data? Count Percent
From NPRI website 36 92%
From Government of Canada Open Data 7 18%
From Government of Canada Open Maps 4 10%
From the NPRI by email 4 10%
Other 3 8%
Other website 2 5%
From ECCC Data Catalogue 1 3%
What would you be most likely to use NPRI data for in the future?/ Have you used NPRI data for any of the following purposes? Count Percent
Integrating with other environmental / data 31 66%
Levels of pollutants in my community/neighbourhood 23 49%
Information for academic purposes (e.g., research, school project) 20 43%
Sources of pollutants in my community/neighbourhood 17 36%
Other 5 11%

Interview Findings

Usage of the NPRI

The 10 participants in the follow-up interviews included individuals representing Industry, environmental groups, and the federal government. Among industry representatives, the NPRI is accessed to perform quality control on the information reported to the inventory and to inform on data reporting for a sector. Individuals from environmental groups or consulting primarily access the NPRI to gather data for environmental compliance audits, trends on emissions, and Community Right to Know activities. Federal government users access the data for performance measurement evaluations, reporting and monitoring. These participants use the data in a broad range, including by sector, substance, or individual location.

For most participants, the NPRI provides access to information that is not otherwise available. The data helps to understand release levels of pollutants and trends over time. One commended the NPRI as a consistent and reliable source of information, articulating, "We can base our integrity" on referencing the data. Participants first learned about the NPRI through requirements of their job, academic assignments, or as a reference cited in other reports.

"The NPRI gives us information to understand what needs to be changed."
"NPRI was mentioned a lot in other reports I was reading."
"If I have questions about tracking pollutants, that’s where it will go."

Most participants said the NPRI suits their needs for reporting; however, some noted several limitations. These include limited ability to obtain context of the information that was submitted, both in terms of Industry wanting to add qualitative context to the data reported and by users to understand that additional information would be helpful to interpret the data. Some participants cited a limitation of the NPRI in terms of not including all potentially toxic substances, only requiring reporting from companies over a certain size, and not making all fields in reporting mandatory (such as within the pollution prevention section). Two participants indicated that without a scientific or data analysis background, they are limited in what they can infer or use from the data.

"A lot of toxic substances are not on the NPRI. It doesn’t mean it’s not toxic, but it was never put on the NPRI. That makes people frustrated and you tend not go to back once you’ve experienced it once or twice."
"There are some data gaps, in terms of what is reported. Small facilities are not required to report if they are under a certain amount of employees."

Sources of Awareness of NPRI

Half of NPRI users heard about NPRI data directly from ECCC, while slightly fewer indicated the NPRI website. Six users heard about NPRI data via the Canada Gazette. Five users found it through a general Internet search, and three through NPRI outreach. Only one user indicated another website. About one in four heard of it through another source.

Table 7: Sources of Awareness of NPRI
Where did you hear about NPRI data? Count Percent
Directly from Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) 19 49%
NPRI Website 18 46%
Canada Gazette 6 15%
General Internet Search (e.g., Google) 5 13%
NPRI outreach (e.g., Museum presentations, educational info packets, Academic Challenge) 3 8%
Other website 1 3%
Other 9 23%

History of Use of NPRI

Most NPRI users have been accessing the Inventory data for more than five years. Close to one in five started using it between two and five years ago, and five users began using it within the last six months. Only two users first started using the Inventory data between one and two years ago.

Table 8: History of Use of NPRI
When did you start using NPRI data? Count Percent
More than 5 years ago 23 59%
2-5 years ago 7 18%
1-2 years ago 2 5%
Last six months 5 13%

Sources for Accessing NPRI

Almost all of those responding to the survey who use NPRI data access it through the NPRI website on (92%). Another 18% indicated they also rely on Government of Canada open data. One in ten responding users access the NPRI through Government of Canada OpenMaps, or from NPRI email. Very few use other methods to access the data.

Table 9: Sources for accessing NPRI
How/where do you obtain NPRI data? Count Percent
From NPRI website 36 92%
From Government of Canada Open Data 7 18%
From Government of Canada OpenMaps 4 10%
From the NPRI by email 4 10%
Other website 2 5%
From ECCC Data Catalogue 1 3%
Other source 3 8%

D. NPRI Supports

Technical Knowledge (Users & Non-Users)

About half of survey respondents rated their knowledge and comfort as high when it comes to using spreadsheets to capture and manipulate data, searching the Internet to find specific information, and using search functions and filters in an online data tool to get the specific information they need. Fewer said that they are knowledgeable and comfortable with using information databases to perform advanced analysis, such as pollution trends, and two individuals said they are not at all knowledgeable and comfortable in this area.

Table 10: Knowledge and Comfort with Data Analysis
How would you describe your level of knowledge and comfort with: Very Comfortable (rating 5 out of 5): Count Very Comfortable (rating 5 out of 5): Percent
Using spreadsheets to capture and manipulate data 26 52%
Searching the Internet to find specific information 25 50%
Using search functions and filters in an online data tool to get the specific information you need 25 50%
Using information databases to perform advanced analysis (e.g. pollution trends) 17 34%

Satisfaction with Specific Elements of NPRI

Users of the NPRI in the survey sample were asked about their satisfaction with a number of aspects of the inventory and support services. Following are the proportions of those satisfied, along with an indication of those who have not used the element.

Almost all respondents have used the NPRI website, with over half (56%) indicating they are satisfied with their level of knowledge and comfort. About half (49%) are satisfied with the quality of the NPRI data. About one in three NPRI data users are satisfied with NPRI Substance Overview (39%) and NPRI Data Highlights (34%, with 13 respondents indicating they have not used this). Roughly one in four are satisfied with NPRI Sectoral Overview (28%, with a notable 15 respondents not using), Data Quality Management Framework (28%), or Quality Assurance/Quality Control (26%). Very few have used the NPRI Indigenous Series, with one out of the four users satisfied.

Table 11a: Satisfaction with Elements of NPRI
How would you describe your level of knowledge and comfort with: Satisfied (rating 4 or 5 out of 5): Count Satisfied (rating 4 or 5 out of 5): Percent Not used: Count
NPRI website 22 56% 2
Quality of the NPRI data 19 49% 0
NPRI Substance Overview 15 39% 9
NPRI Data Highlight 13 34% 13
NPRI Sectoral Overview 11 28% 15
Data Quality Management Framework 11 28% 11
Quality Assurance/ Quality Control 10 26% 5
NPRI Data Integration 7 18% 10
NPRI Indigenous Series 1 3% 25

NPRI users responding to the survey had the highest knowledge and comfort with the ease of understanding and interpreting NPRI data (61%) and Ease of locating specific data fields/elements (59%). Over half were satisfied with their level of knowledge with coverage of substances (54%) and coverage of sector/facilities (54%). Roughly one in three were satisfied with the email/online support provided by ECCC staff (39%), the timeliness of release of data (36%), the history of reporting requirements (33%), or ease of locating the data files (26%). Fewer used the video tutorials or telephone support provided by ECCC staff.

Table 11b: Satisfaction with Elements of NPRI (con't)
How would you describe your level of knowledge and comfort with: Satisfied (rating 4 or 5 out of 5): Count Satisfied (rating 4 or 5 out of 5): Percent Not used: Count
Ease of understanding and interpreting NPRI data 24 61% 2
Ease of locating specific data fields/elements 23 59% 2
Coverage of substances 21 54% 3
Coverage of sector/facilities 21 54% 4
Email/online support provided by ECCC staff 15 39% 14
Timeliness of release of data 14 36% 3
History of reporting requirements 13 33% 9
Ease of locating the data files 10 26% 2
Video tutorials 5 13% 24
Telephone support provided by ECCC staff 3 8% 25

Interview Findings


Some of the 10 participants in the follow up interviews said that they noticed training available on the NPRI website, with a few using or viewing the material. A few participants, particularly those who are frequent users of the NPRI or with a technical background, said they feel knowledgeable in navigating the NPRI without the need for training resources. One said they may use the tutorials in the future as the potential to learn more efficient or practical ways to use the inventory is "appealing". One participant suggested that implementing "hover" boxes to define some terms or instructions would be beneficial. Another participant said training material should show not only how to use the NPRI, but also how to interpret the data.

"I find the videos useful for now to navigate this tool. There are a lot [of them]."

Questions about the NPRI

Two in three users (62%) have had questions while using the NPRI. Nearly half called or emailed the helpdesk or Enviroinfo. Other methods to answer questions included finding information elsewhere or through the NPRI website. Most of those indicating "other" contacted someone in ECCC or NPRI staff (other than the helpdesk) directly.

Table 12: Questions about NPRI
Have you ever had questions (e.g., about content, technical issues, or other issues) while using NPRI data? Count Percent
Yes 24 62%
No 11 28%
Don't know 4 10%
When you have had questions (e.g., about content technical issues, or other issues), thinking about your most recent experience(s), what have you done about it? Count Percent
Called/emailed the NPRI helpdesk or Enviroinfo 11 46%
Found the information elsewhere 9 38%
Found the information on the NPRI website 6 25%
Other 6 25%

Useful Supports

In terms of possible tools to support their use of the NPRI, about half believe case studies would be helpful. One in three selected step-by-step guides as potential helpful tools, along with live webinar training. Five respondents said in-class training would be the most helpful.

Table 13: Useful Supports
Thinking about your use of NPRI data in the past, which of the following tools would be most helpful to you? Count Percent
Study cases 20 51%
Step-by-step guides 15 38%
Live webinar training 13 33%
In class training 5 13%
Other 3 8%
Don't know 9 23%

Interview Findings

NPRI Website

Most participants said they find the NPRI website to be user friendly and that changes have been made over time to improve the functionality of the website. Participants who frequently accessed the NPRI website indicated that the website is well organized and easy to navigate. Among these participants, a few said that they have to click through many layers to get to the intended page; however, noted that this is a flaw of most federal government websites. Participants who use NPRI less frequently mentioned challenges in terms of re-learning how to navigate the website each time they access the site. These participants acknowledge that this is due to updates likely intended to improve the site, but results in a challenge for those less familiar with the website. Some identified the NPRI Dashboard as being a user-friendly approach to accessing the inventory data.

Of note, several participants accessed the NPRI website at the time of the interview in order to have the tool in front of them. Three participants stated difficulties such as the website was not loading at the time of the interview, that there was a new look since the last time they accessed the site, or there was an error loading one of the click-through pages (NPRI Maps, Facility Location).

"The previous version of the website was more technical, now it is [more user friendly]."
"But today, I seem to be having difficulty navigating this. I feel like there’s been an update, and there’s a relearning curve every time I go onto the site."

Participants from Industry who report to the NPRI felt that the reporting element was timely, with a two month period before the data is available to verify. For those who access the NPRI data, most also feel that the data is timely. However, one participant indicated frustration in understanding current pollutant levels as there is a two year lag in NPRI data being available publicly. For other participants, the delay in publishing data is reasonable given the need to enter and verify data.

"For reporting, I like the opportunity for the Industry to look at the data to make sure it was done correctly and catch any errors before they go broadly public. I don’t know how it could go quicker without that needed step."
Areas for improvement

Some participants offered a variety of suggestions to improve the NPRI. Two participants expressed an interest in having the data summarized or displayed in a more visual manner for greater impact for casual users of the NPRI.

One suggested that there should be more outreach to the public to promote the availability and use of the NPRI, similar to activities relating to the Toxic Release Inventory in the United States. This could include creating examples of how communities used the information and how it made a difference, according to the participant.

One participant cautioned that efforts need to be made to ensure that there is not duplication of reporting when a substance moves from one organization to another, in addition to a measured approach to adding any new substances requiring reporting to the NPRI. One said that they have been waiting to substance fact sheets to be published and this activity is taking more time than expected.

E. NPRI Data Products

Use of Specific NPRI Products

In terms of data products, the majority of NPRI users have used the NPRI Dashboard (64%), Query Site (56%) or Single Year Flat Files (51%). Roughly one in four have used Aggregated release data (31%), Google Earth (26%) or Open Mapping Services (23%). Only one of the 39 NPRI users said they have not used any data products.

About one in three NPRI users have not used any information products. Among those who have, nearly half have used an NPRI Substance Overview (46%). Other frequently used information products are NPRI Sector Overview (38%), NPRI Data Highlights (31%) and NPRI Data Integration (21%).

When asked about how they access and work with NPRI data, almost all (97%) use a computer (not shown in chart). Only several users rely on a mobile device for access or use.

Table 14: Use of NPRI Specific Data and Information Products
Have you used any of the following NPRI data products? Count Percent
NPRI Dashboard 25 64%
Query Site 22 56%
Single Year Flat Files 20 51%
Aggregated release data, last 5 years 12 31%
Google Earth 10 26%
Open Mapping Services 9 23%
Other 1 3%
None – have not used any data products 1 3%
Don't know 1 3%
Have you used any of the following NPRI information products? Count Percent
NPRI Substance Overview 18 46%
NPRI Sector Overview 15 38%
NPRI Data Highlight 12 31%
NPRI Data Integration 8 21%
NPRI Indigenous Series 1 3%
Other 1 3%
None – have not used any information products 14 36%
Don't know 2 5%

Among the 20 individual users who work with Single Year Flat files, the majority (60%) said having additional years would be helpful; however, 30% said they were unsure. Respondents were split whether or not the Single Year Flat Files have all the information they need. Six said it does, and seven said they need to access and link different files. Another seven said they were unsure.

Table 15: Views about Use of Single Year Flat Files
Would adding additional years be useful? Count Percent
Yes 12 60%
No 2 10%
Don't know 6 30%
Does this file contain all of the information you need or do you need to use multiple files to get the information you need? Count Percent
Yes, it contains everything needed 6 30%
No, I need to access and link different files 7 35%
Don't know 7 35%

Among the 12 users who have used the aggregated release data, nine were aware they could use the online data search tool and download the data. Nearly half of these users said they would be more likely to use both open data and online search tool. Four said they would be more likely to use the online data search tool and one said they would use open data.

When asked about the adequacy of five years of aggregated data, seven said five years is enough and five said they would prefer to see data for a longer period, adding either 5 or 10 years. In terms of the time it takes to obtain the data sought, only one in three suggest it takes too much time.

As with Single Year Flat files, about half of users of the aggregated release data report the information is complete and contains everything they need. Similarly, just over half said the file contains all the information they need, although three of the 12 users of aggregate release data said that they need to use multiple files to get the information they need.

Table 16: Views about Use of Aggregate Release Data
Aggregated data is available for download on the newly redesigned online data search tool under the ‘pre-defined queries'. Were you aware of this? Count Percent
Yes 9 75%
No 3 25%
Would you be more likely to download the aggregate data file on? Count Percent
Online data search tool 4 33%
Open Data 1 8%
Both 5 42%
Is 5 years of data enough? Count Percent
Yes 7 58%
No 5 42%
How would you rate the time it takes to obtain the information that you are looking for? Count Percent
Little time (1-2) 5 41%
Average (3) 3 25%
Too much time (4-5) 4 33%
Is there information that you need that is not contained in the file? Count Percent
Yes 3 25%
No 6 50%
Don't know 3 25%
Does this file contain all of the information you need or do you need to use multiple files to get the information you need? Count Percent
Yes 7 58%
No 3 25%
Don't know 2 17%

Among the 10 respondents using raw, disaggregated data, only one said it does not contain everything they need and that they use other multiple files to get the information they need. However, half or more were not sure.

Table 17: Views about Use of Raw, Disaggregated Data
Is there information that you need that is not contained in the file? Count Percent
Yes 1 10%
No 3 30%
Don't know 6 60%
Do you use other multiple files to get the information you need? Count Percent
Yes 1 10%
No 4 40%
Don't know 5 50%

Of the 13 respondents who have used Open Mapping services or Google Earth, only five felt that adding additional years would be useful; six were not sure. Over half of those who use Open Mapping services said that they would like shapefiles to be available. These shapefiles are a geospatial vector data format for geographic information system software. Respondents said they would use shapefiles to visually display results, integrate data with other monitoring data, or reference with other boundary data.

Table 18: Views about Use of Open Mapping Services
Would adding additional years be useful? Count Percent
Yes 5 38%
No 2 15%
Don't know 6 46%
Would you like shapefiles to be available? The shapefile format is a popular geospatial vector data format for geographic information system (GIS) software Count Percent
Yes 8 62%
No 1 8%
Don't know 4 31%

Among the 22 respondents who used the query site, the online data search tool was predominantly used to find information about substances released (68%) or to do industrial sector profiling (64%). About half used the site to learn about companies, look at pollution trends, or extract data for complex analysis. One in three were searching for information about pollution in their community.

An equal proportion of query site users felt that it took only a little time (46%) or too much time (45%) to obtain the information they were looking for. Overall, 68% said they are satisfied with the Query Site and only one user indicated dissatisfaction.

Table 19: Views about Use of the Query Site
For what purpose do you use the online data search tool? Count Percent
To find information on substances released 15 68%
To do industrial sector profiling 14 64%
To learn about companies 12 55%
To look at pollution trends 12 55%
To extract data for complex analyses 11 50%
To learn about pollution in my community 7 32%
Other 3 14%
How would you rate the time it takes to obtain the information that you are looking for? Count Percent
Little time (1-2) 10 46%
Average (3) 2 9%
Too much time (4-5) 10 45%
Satisfaction with Use (4-5) 15 68%

Half of the 50 respondents overall said they used the NPRI Dashboard, for a variety of reasons. Some were looking at pollution trends (32%) or to find information on substances released (24%). Fewer were looking to extract data for complex analysis, to learn about companies, do industrial sector profiling, or learn about pollution in their community.

NPRI Dashboard users were also divided on whether it took too much (32%) or very little (44%) time to look through the Dashboard. Overall, 72% said they are satisfied with the Dashboard and only 2 users indicated dissatisfaction.

Table 20: Views about Use of the NPRI Dashboard
For what purpose do you use the online data search tool? Count Percent
To look at pollution trends 8 32%
To find information on substances released 6 24%
To extract data for complex analyses 3 12%
To learn about companies 2 8%
To do industrial sector profiling 2 8%
To learn about pollution in my community 1 4%
Other 3 12%
How would you rate the time it takes to obtain the information that you are looking for? Count Percent
Little time (1-2) 11 44%
Average (3) 6 24%
Too much time (4-5) 8 32%
Satisfaction with Use (4-5) 18 72%

Recent Types of Information Used

The most likely types of information to have been accessed in the NPRI are data for specific pollutants (79%) or years (74%), according to three in four users. Over half have accessed data for specific facilities (67%), industry sectors (62%), or geographic locations (56%). Over four in ten have accessed release data of specific medium (e.g., land, water, air)(46%). Fewer have accessed the sector overviews (33%), data for transfers and disposals (33%), or ECCC analysis of the data (31%). Several respondents have accessed NPRI data integration products or Indigenous Series.

Table 21: Recent Types of Information Used
Over the last year, what types of NPRI information have you accessed? Count Percent
Data for specific pollutants 31 79%
Data for specific years 29 74%
Data for specific facilities 26 67%
Data for specific industry sectors 24 62%
Data for specific geographic locations 22 56%
Release data to specific medium 18 46%
Sector overviews 13 33%
Data for transfers and disposals 13 33%
ECCC analysis of the data (data highlights) 12 31%
NPRI data integration products 4 10%
NPRI's Indigenous Series 1 3%

Interpretive Tools

Acknowledging that substances and data required to be reported to the NPRI have undergone a number of changes over time, which has an impact on trend analysis, the survey asked users which tools they have used to help them interpret the data. Nearly of users have relied on the substance list by threshold category webpage to help them interpret the NPRI data. Slightly fewer have used the history of reporting requirements webpage, guide for reporting to the NPRI, or have been using and interpreting data from the webpage.

Table 22: Interpretive Tools
The substances and data that are required to be reported to the NPRI have undergone many changes over the years. These changes can affect your data analysis. What tools/guidance, if any, have you used to help interpret the NPRI data? Count Percent
Substance list by threshold category webpage 19 49%
History of reporting requirements webpage 17 44%
Guide for reporting to the NPRI 16 41%
Using and interpreting data from the NPRI webpage 15 38%
Other 2 5%
None 4 10%
Don't know 4 10%

Combining Data

More advanced users of the Inventory were asked about combining the data with other information sources, with six in 10 indicating they do this. Other datasets used include other environment data and substance information, followed by international substance release and transfer datasets, economic data population trend data and health-related data. The majority were satisfied with the ability to compare within a sector, and perform regional/provincial comparisons. Satisfaction is marginally lower in terms of ability to link with other data. Fewer respondents were familiar with the ability to perform substance to substance comparisons, or compare relative risk, resulting in lower satisfaction ratings.

About one in four currently use other sources of information to provide context to NPRI data, including risk scoring system by Scorecard, and US EPA’s Risk Screening Environmental Indicators model. Two in three said that if NPRI offered a tool to incorporate more context to NPRI data, they would use it.

Table 23: Combining NPRI with Other Data
Have you ever combined NPRI data with other data? Count Percent
Yes 18 60%
No 8 27%
What other datasets have you used NPRI data with? Count Percent
Other environmental data 9 45%
Substance Information 6 30%
International substance release and transfer datasets 5 25%
Economic data 3 15%
Population trend data 3 15%
Health related data 2 10%
Satisfaction levels Count Satisfied (4-5) Percent Satisfied (4-5)
Perform comparisons within a sector 12 67%
Perform regional/provincial comparisons 10 55%
Link to other data 8 44%
Perform substance to substance comparison 6 34%
Compare relative risk 2 11%
Do you currently use other sources of information to provide context to NPRI data? Count Percent
Risk Scoring system by Scorecard 8 27%
US EPA's RSEI (Risk Screening Environment Indicators) model 7 23%
Other 3 10%
No 12 40%
If NPRI offered a tool to incorporate more context to NPRI data, would you use it? Count Percent
Yes 7 64%

Desired NPRI Formats

Among the other types of data offerings NPRI users would like to see, shapefiles (36%) and Tableau or PowerBI (31%) are more commonly mentioned, along with online visualization (26%) and custom maps (26%). Over one in four are not interested in other formats or are not sure.

Table 24: Desired NPRI Formats
If NPRI were to expand to other types of data offerings, what data formats or product types would you be interested in using? Count Percent
Shape files 14 36%
Tableau or PowerBI 12 31%
Online visualization 10 26%
Custom maps 10 26%
Web services 6 15%
Xml 5 13%
API 4 10%
Txt 4 10%
None, not interested in other formats 2 5%
Don't know 11 28%

Interview Findings

File Formats, Data Fields

Several participants said they export data from the NPRI using Excel (including a .csv file), and that this is their preferred approach. These participants tend to be those in a position that requires them to use the data to review trends, conduct data modeling, or report on performance metrics.

A few participants indicated they would like to have additional data fields available. These include more fields available that may have been captured in reporting, including NAICS data, location data, or enabling multi-year data to be extracted as one file.

A few participants use the data products available through the NPRI.

NPRI Updates

Two in three NPRI users indicated an interest in having updates about the program, particularly where it relates to publication of data (93% of those interested). Seven in ten would be interested in consultations on changes made to the substances and reporting requirements (78%), upcoming workshops and training (74%), or publication of information overviews (70%). There is also strong interest in receiving information on consultation periods (63%). About one in three are interested in information regarding community outreach (37%) or the launch of reporting period (33%). All respondents prefer email as the best way for the NPRI program to communicate about updates.

Table 25: Updates about NPRI
Would you be interested in receiving updates regarding the NPRI Program? Count Percent
Yes 26 67%
No 10 26%
What updates would you be interested in receiving? Count Percent
Data publication 25 93%
Consultations on changes made to the substances and other reporting requirements 21 78%
Upcoming workshops and training 20 74%
Publication of information overviews 19 70%
Consultation periods 17 63%
Community outreach 10 37%
Launch of reporting period 9 33%
What would be the best way for the NPRI program to communicate with you about updates? Count Percent
By email 26 100%


A. Methodological Details

An online survey was completed by 50 individuals who have used NPRI data and the website to gather information on their data needs and experiences with the inventory and website in order to make both easier to understand and navigate. The survey was conducted between November 2023 and January 2024, using two sources: a client-supplied list of known data users and an open-source link advertised through a general announcement about the survey on social media and the NPRI website on A series of 10 follow-up interviews were also conducted between December 2023 and January 2024 with some survey respondents who agreed to a follow up interview to obtain more detailed information and context about use of the NPRI as well as sources of satisfaction and areas for improvement.

Online Survey

The online survey was conducted with 50 individuals who have used NPRI data and the website to gather information on their data needs and experiences with the inventory and website in order to make both easier to understand and navigate.

The survey questionnaire was created from the 2019 iteration, which was reviewed by Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) and modified in several areas to reflect new priorities and changes to the NPRI. Ekos Research further reviewed the questionnaire for clarity, comprehensiveness, skip logic, and flow. The questionnaire was subsequently programmed and translated by Ekos Research, each of which was reviewed by ECCC.

A sample of 183 records including name, organization type, and email address was provided to Ekos Research by ECCC. Sample members received an electronic invitation to participate, containing a unique Personal Identification Number ("pinned") link. In addition, 22 generic email addresses (admin@, info@, etc.) were provided by ECCC identifying only the organization type. An invitation email was sent to these 22 records, providing them with the "open" link, allowing multiple users from the organization to participate. The open link to the survey was also distributed by ECCC to 48 academics or students who have recently used NPRI data for academic challenges. Finally, the open link was further promoted by ECCC through web popups as well as social media messaging.

The questionnaire was pre-tested with an invitation to a sample of 20 users with no resulting changes to the wording and skip logic. The survey required an average of 15 minutes to complete and was conducted between November 9, 2023, and January 31, 2024. A total of five email reminders were sent to those in the sample who did not complete the survey, with the last one extending the date to augment response. The online survey was available in both official languages; 44 completed the survey in English, 6 in French.

Of the 50 individuals who completed the online survey, 21 completed it through the pinned link and 29 through the open link. Response to the 2023 survey was substantially lower than the 182 completes obtained in 2019, which may be attributed to two primary reasons. First, the sample of 183 users for the current iteration was smaller than in 2019 sample of users which included 279 records (of which 67 completed the survey). Second, a ECCC social media blackout due to COP28 UAE, the United Nations Climate Change Conference, occurred during the early portion of the survey in field. This reduced the ability to reach potential NPRI users through social media that was experienced in 2019, as the majority of completed surveys were obtained through the open link.

In an effort to garner more completes, the survey remained in field an additional six weeks. In addition, the 2019 sample of NPRI users was mined for those who were not on the current list of direct or generic email addresses, resulting in 33 additional pinned email invitations, collecting only two more completed surveys.

The overall response rate based on the 21 who completed the survey among the 183 receiving the invitation from the list of current users, and the 33 records invited from the 2019 list, is 10%. It is impossible to tell what the response rate is in the open link since the survey was generally advertised on the ECCC website and through social media networks.

As in 2019, survey data gathered from the list-based sample and open link were combined and are reported without the application of any weight, as characteristics of the population of users of the NPRI is not known.

Similarly, a margin of error is not applicable since a census of all members of the population was attempted in the list-based, PIN-controlled sample, and there was no random selection process used in the open link survey. Overall, since the degree of representativeness of the population of NPRI users cannot be assessed, either from the list-based sample or the open link, and results are combined from the two sources in treatment of the data, the findings should be generally considered qualitative in nature.


In addition to the survey, a small series of 10 in-depth interviews were conducted by telephone with users of the NPRI who had completed the survey and indicated a willingness to be interviewed by telephone. All 10 respondents requested that interviews be conducted in English. Participants in the follow-up interview were offered $95 for their participation. The interviews addressed more detailed context of how they have used the inventory, as well as issues, limitations, or shortcomings they have experienced with it, along with the value of the NPRI for their particular applications. Lastly, suggestions for improvements and other changes were also explored. The length of the interview ranged from 15 to 35 minutes depending on the participant’s use of the NPRI.

B. Survey Questionnaire

Web Introduction

Since 1992, the National Pollutant Release Inventory (NPRI) has been collecting data about pollutant releases, disposals and transfers in Canada. 7000 facilities, including manufacturers, mines, oil and gas operations, power plants, and sewage treatment plants, are required to report to the NPRI. This public inventory helps Canadians learn about pollutants released in their communities, encourages action to reduce pollution and lets users track changes over time. The NPRI website helps users find and understand the data. They can search datasets or the complete database, view the data on virtual globe maps, on the Power BI dashboard, or read data highlights and sector/substance overviews. A survey of NPRI data and website users is being conducted to gather information on their data needs and experiences with the inventory and website. The results will be used to make both the data and the website easier to understand and navigate. The survey will take approximately 15 minutes to complete. Please be assured that the information you provide will be administered in accordance with the Privacy Act of Canada regarding the protection of personal information. Your answers are completely confidential (this means that no individual will be associated with the survey's results - rather, they will be rolled up into large categories to protect the confidentiality of each respondent) and that survey is voluntary. INSTRUCTIONS Please consider the questions and your answers carefully. On each screen, after selecting your answer, click on the "Continue" button at the bottom of the screen to move forward in the questionnaire. If you leave the survey before completing it, you can return to the survey URL later, and you will be returned to the page where you left off. Your answers up to that point in the survey will be saved. If you have any questions about how to complete the survey, please call Ekos at 1-866-211-8881 or email us at Thank you in advance for your participation.


What type of organization are you primarily affiliated with?

PREQ2 [1,8]

When thinking of Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC), what programs and service areas primarily come to mind?

Select all that apply.


Have you used NPRI data? The National Pollutant Release Inventory (NPRI) is Canada's public inventory of releases, disposals and transfers of pollution in the environment. It tracks over 320 pollutants from over 7,000 facilities across Canada.


Haven't used NPRI or DK in Q1

Do you think that NPRI data could benefit or be of interest to you?

Q1ECCC1 [1,8]

Other than the NPRI, what ECCC data are you aware of?

Select all that apply.

Q1ECCC2 [1,8]

Have you used any of these ECCC data in the past 5 years?

Select all that apply.

Q1ECCC1 = 1

Q1ECCC1 = 2

Q1ECCC1 = 3

Q1ECCC1 = 4

Q1ECCC1 = 5

Q1ECCC1 = 6

Q1ECCC1 = 7

Q1ECCC1 = 77


Haven't used NPRI or DK in Q1, might use/could benefit in Q1B

In what capacity would NPRI data be most useful to you?


Haven't used NPRI or DK in Q1, might use/could benefit in Q1B

How likely are you to use NPRI data?

Q1E [1,6]

Haven't used NPRI or DK in Q1, might use/could benefit in Q1B

How could NPRI best reach out to you to provide more information)?

Select all that apply


Haven't used NPRI or DK in Q1

Why haven't you used NPRI data in the past?


Haven't used NPRI or DK in Q1, might use/could benefit in Q1B

What would you most want to know about NPRI data to better understand its uses?

Q1H [1,6]

Haven't used NPRI or DK in Q1, might use/could benefit in Q1B

What would you need in order to get started using NPRI data?

Select all that apply


Used NPRI data

Did you use the NPRI for:

Q3 [1,13]

Used NPRI data

What was your purpose for using the data?

Select all that apply

Q4 [1,7]

Used NPRI data

How/where do you obtain NPRI data?

Select all that apply

PREQ1 = 5,6,7

PREQ1 = 5,6,7


Used NPRI data

When did you start using NPRI data?


Used NPRI data

When is the last time you used NPRI data?

Q6 [1,8]

Used NPRI data

Where did you hear about NPRI data?

Select all that apply

Q7 [1,5]

Used NPRI data or the NPRI data could benefit/interest me

RQ7: [Q1B = 1]What would you be most likely to use NPRI data for in the future? [Else] Have you used NPRI data for any of the following purposes?

Select all that apply

Q8 [1,8]

Used NPRI data

Have you used any of the following NPRI data products?

Select all that apply

Q8B [1,5]

Used NPRI data

Have you used any of the following NPRI information products? Products can be found on (link to website )

Select all that apply

Q9 [1,4]

Used NPRI data/information product from either Q8 or Q8B

What do you use to access and view these data and information products?

Select all that apply


Use Single Year Flat Files

Single Year Flat Files Currently, the most recent three data years are available. Would adding additional years be useful?


Use Single Year Flat Files

What are the most useful fields in the file?


Use Single Year Flat Files

Does this file contain all of the information you need or do you need to use multiple files to get the information you need?


Use Aggregate Release data, last 5 years

Aggregate Release data, last 5 years Aggregated data is available for download on the newly redesigned online data search tool under the "pre-defined queries". Were you aware of this?


Use Aggregate Release data, last 5 years

Would you be more likely to download the aggregate data file on:


Use Aggregate Release data, last 5 years

Is 5 years of data enough?


Use Aggregate Release data, last 5 years

What fields are the most useful?


Use Aggregate Release data, last 5 years

How would you rate the time it takes to obtain the information that you are looking for?


Use Aggregate Release data, last 5 years

Is there anything that would make this process easier for you?


Use Aggregate Release data, last 5 years

Is there information that you need that is not contained in the file?


Use Aggregate Release data, last 5 years

Does this file contain all of the information you need or do you need to use multiple files to get the information you need?


Use Raw disaggregated data

Raw disaggregated data (MS Access database from 1994 to current) What fields are the most useful?


Use Raw disaggregated data

What field do you need to format or change before you are able to use the file?


Use Raw disaggregated data

Is there anything that would make this process easier for you?


Use Raw disaggregated data

Is there information that you need that is not contained in the file?


Use Raw disaggregated data

Do you use other multiple files to get the information you need?


Use Open Mapping Services/Google Earth

Open Mapping Services/Google Earth Would adding additional years be useful?


Use Open Mapping Services/Google Earth

Would you like shapefiles to be available? The shapefile format is a popular geospatial vector data format for geographic information system (GIS) software.


Use Open Mapping Services/Google Earth

What would you use these for?

Q15A [1,7]

Use Query Site

Query Site For what purpose do you use the online data search tool?

Select all that apply


Use Query Site

How would you rate the time it takes to obtain the information that you are looking for?


Use NPRI Dashboard

For what purpose do you use the NPRI Dashbord?

Select all that apply


Use NPRI Dashboard

How would you rate the time it takes to obtain the information that you are looking for through the NPRI Dashboard?


No products used from Q8

What is the reason you do not use any of the NPRI data products?


Used NPRI data

General NPRI Program How satisfied are you with the following aspects of the NPRI?


Used NPRI data

Quality of the NPRI data


Used NPRI data

Coverage of substances


Used NPRI data

Coverage of sector/facilities


Used NPRI data

Ease of locating the data files


Used NPRI data

Ease of locating specific data fields/elements


Used NPRI data

Timeliness of release of data


Used NPRI data

Ease of understanding and interpreting NPRI data


Used NPRI data

Video tutorials


Used NPRI data

Telephone support provided by ECCC staff


Used NPRI data

Email/online support provided by ECCC staff


Used NPRI data

NPRI Sectoral Overview


Used NPRI data

NPRI Data Highlight


Used NPRI data

History of reporting requirements


Used NPRI data

Data Quality Management Framework


Used NPRI data

Quality Assurance/Quality Control


Used NPRI data

NPRI Website


Used NPRI data

NPRI Substance Overview


Used NPRI data

NPRI Data Integration


Used NPRI data

NPRI Indigenous Series


Some dissatisfaction in the quality of the NPRI data

You indicated some dissatisfaction with the quality of the NPRI data. Can you provide some detail about why or what you were dissatisfied with?


Some dissatisfaction in the coverage of substances

You indicated some dissatisfaction with the coverage of substances. Can you provide some detail about why or what you were dissatisfied with?


Some dissatisfaction in the coverage of sector/facilities

You indicated some dissatisfaction with the coverage of sector/facilities. Can you provide some detail about why or what you were dissatisfied with?


Some dissatisfaction in the ease of locating the data files

You indicated some dissatisfaction with the ease of locating the data files. Can you provide some detail about why or what you were dissatisfied with?


Some dissatisfaction in the ease of locating specific data fields/elements

You indicated some dissatisfaction with the ease of locating specific data fields/elements. Can you provide some detail about why or what you were dissatisfied with?


Some dissatisfaction in the timeliness of release of data

You indicated some dissatisfaction with the timeliness of release of data. Can you provide some detail about why or what you were dissatisfied with?


Some dissatisfaction in timeliness of release of data

How frequently would you like to see data updates in NPRI Dashboard and the online data search tool?


Some dissatisfaction in timeliness of release of data

Would you also expect the previous versions to be available for download (e.g., on the GC Open Data Portal)?


Some dissatisfaction in the NPRI Sectoral Overview

You indicated some dissatisfaction with the NPRI Sectoral Overview. Can you provide some detail about why or what you were dissatisfied with?


Some dissatisfaction in the NPRI Data Highlight

You indicated some dissatisfaction with the NPRI Data Highlight. Can you provide some detail about why or what you were dissatisfied with?


Some dissatisfaction in the NPRI Website

You indicated some dissatisfaction with the NPRI Website. Can you provide some detail about why or what you were dissatisfied with?


Some dissatisfaction in the NPRI Substance Overviews

You indicated some dissatisfaction with the NPRI Substance Overviews. Can you provide some detail about why or what you were dissatisfied with?


Some dissatisfaction in the NPRI Data Integration

You indicated some dissatisfaction with the NPRI Data Integration. Can you provide some detail about why or what you were dissatisfied with?


Some dissatisfaction in the NPRI Indigenous Series

You indicated some dissatisfaction with the NPRI Indigenous Series. Can you provide some detail about why or what you were dissatisfied with?


Used NPRI data

Have you ever had questions (e.g., about content, technical issues, or other issues) while using NPRI data?

Q18B [1,4]

Used NPRI data, Had a question/issue/problem while using NPRI data

When you have had questions (e.g., about content, technical issues, or other issues), thinking about your most recent experience(s), what have you done about it?

Select all that apply

Q19 [1,5]

Used NPRI data

Thinking about your use of NPRI data in the past, which of the following tools would be most helpful to you?

Select all that apply


Used NPRI data

Would you be interested in receiving updates regarding the NPRI Program?

Q20B [1,8]

Used NPRI data, Interested in receiving updates regarding the NPRI

What updates would you be interested in receiving?

Select all that apply


Used NPRI data, Interested in receiving updates regarding the NPRI

What would be the best way for the NPRI program to communicate with you about updates?


Used NPRI data product listed from Q8

How satisfied are you with the NPRI data products you have used?


Single Year Flat Files


Aggregated release data, last 5 years


Raw disaggregated data (MS Access database from 1994 to current)


Open Mapping Services


Google Earth


Query Site (Online Data Search)


NPRI Dashboard


Some dissatisfaction with Single Year Flat Files

You indicated some dissatisfaction with Single Year Flat Files. Can you provide some detail about why or what you were dissatisfied with?


Some dissatisfaction with Aggregated release data, last 5 years

You indicated some dissatisfaction with aggregated release data (last 5 years). Can you provide some detail about why or what you were dissatisfied with?


Some dissatisfaction with Raw disaggregated data

You indicated some dissatisfaction with raw disaggregated data. Can you provide some detail about why or what you were dissatisfied with?


Some dissatisfaction with Open Mapping Services

You indicated some dissatisfaction with Open Mapping Services. Can you provide some detail about why or what you were dissatisfied with?


Some dissatisfaction with Google Earth

You indicated some dissatisfaction with Google Earth. Can you provide some detail about why or what you were dissatisfied with?


Some dissatisfaction with Query Site (Online Data Search)

You indicated some dissatisfaction with Query Site (Online Data Search). Can you provide some detail about why or what you were dissatisfied with?


Some dissatisfaction with NPRI Dashboard

You indicated some dissatisfaction with NPRI Dashboard. Can you provide some detail about why or what you were dissatisfied with?


Advanced user only

Considering the type of content found within the files, how representative do you feel the file names are of their content?

Q24 [1,13]

Used NPRI data

Over the last year, what types of NPRI information have you accessed?

Select all that apply

Q25 [1,5]

Used NPRI data

The substances and data that are required to be reported to the NPRI have undergone many changes over the years. These changes can affect your data analysis. What tools/guidance, if any, have you used to help interpret the NPRI data?

Select all that apply


Used NPRI data

Are you able, with the current data products, to perform all your analyses or are there gaps?


Used NPRI data

How can we improve our data products to meet your needs?

Q28 [1,9]

Used NPRI data

If NPRI were to expand to other types of data offerings, what data formats or product types would you be interested in using?

Select all that apply


Advanced user

Have you ever combined NPRI data with other data?

Q29BBOX1 [0,1]

Other environmental data (please specify)

Q29B [1,6]

Advanced user, combined NPRI data with other data

What other datasets have you used NPRI data with?

Select all that apply


Advanced user, combined NPRI data with other data

For what purpose?


Advanced user, combined NPRI data with other data

What challenges did you have when you combined NPRI data with other datasets and what would have made it easier for you?


Advanced user, combined NPRI data with other data

How satisfied are you with the following aspects of the NPRI?


Advanced user, combined NPRI data with other data

Ability to link to other data


Advanced user, combined NPRI data with other data

Ability to perform comparisons within a sector


Advanced user, combined NPRI data with other data

Ability to perform regional/provincial comparisons


Advanced user, combined NPRI data with other data

Ability to perform substance to substance comparison


Advanced user, combined NPRI data with other data

Ability to compare relative risk


Advanced user, combined NPRI data with other data, Some dissatisfaction with ability to link to other data of interest

You indicated some dissatisfaction with the ability to link to other data of interest. Can you provide some detail about why or what you were dissatisfied with?


Advanced user, combined NPRI data with other data, Some dissatisfaction with ability to perform comparisons within a sector

You indicated some dissatisfaction with the ability to perform comparisons within a sector. Can you provide some detail about why or what you were dissatisfied with?


Advanced user, combined NPRI data with other data, Some dissatisfaction with ability to perform regional/provincial comparisons

You indicated some dissatisfaction with the ability to perform regional/provincial comparisons. Can you provide some detail about why or what you were dissatisfied with?


Advanced user, combined NPRI data with other data, Some dissatisfaction with ability to perform substance to substance comparison

You indicated some dissatisfaction with the ability to perform substance to substance comparison. Can you provide some detail about why or what you were dissatisfied with?


Advanced user, combined NPRI data with other data, Some dissatisfaction with ability to compare relative risk

You indicated some dissatisfaction with the ability to compare relative risk. Can you provide some detail about why or what you were dissatisfied with?


Advanced user, have not combined NPRI data with other data

Would you like to be able to link NPRI data to other data?


Advanced user, have not combined NPRI data with other data, would like to be able to link NPRI data to other data

What benefits would this provide to you?

Q30 [1,3]

Advanced user

Do you currently use other sources of information to provide context to NPRI data? Context could refer to information about the toxicity, fate and transport properties of NPRI substances.

Select all that apply


Advanced user, currently use other sources of information to provide context to NPRI data

Are there any pros/cons of these tools that gives more context to the data you want NPRI be aware of?


Advanced user, currently use other sources of information to provide context to NPRI data

If NPRI offered a tool to incorporate more context to NPRI data, would you use it?


Advanced user, currently use other sources of information to provide context to NPRI data

Please explain how you would use the tool to incorporate more context to NPRI data.


How would you describe your level of knowledge and comfort with:


Searching the Internet to find specific information


Using search functions and filters in an online data tool to get the specific information you need


Using spreadsheets to capture and manipulate data


Using information data bases to perform advanced analysis (e.g., pollution trends)


We are conducting a series of 20 to 30 minute telephone interviews to discuss how people are using the National Pollutants Release Inventory (NPRI), and what changes or improvements could be beneficial for them. It's just a friendly conversation, and does not require any specific knowledge! We are offering a $75 incentive for participation in this added component. Would you be interested in participating in this follow-up interview?





Thank You

Those are all the questions we have for you. Thank you very much for taking the time to complete this survey, it is greatly appreciated.



We regret but your responses have shown that you are ineligible to participate in this survey. Thank you for your time!

C. Follow-Up Interview Guide

You recently completed a survey on your use of the National Pollutant Release Inventory (NPRI) system which collects data about pollutant releases, disposals and transfers in Canada. This follow up interview intends to provide more detail and context around your experience using the system. We will get into how and why you use the system and what, if any, changes or improvements could be beneficial. The interview will take approximately 20 minutes to complete and you will receive $95 for your participation.

We will be recording our conversation today for the purposes of note taking and report writing only. Please be assured that the information you provide will be administered in accordance with the Privacy Act of Canada regarding the protection of personal information. Your answers are completely confidential and the interview is voluntary.

Could you tell me a bit more about how you have been using the NPRI?

  1. If in a professional capacity, in what role do you use it?
  2. How has it been useful to you?
  3. What is the benefit of having access to the information the NPRI provides?

Is there something that you would like to use it for that it is currently not suited for?

  1. What is that and what would you need to have changed/added in order for that to happen?

Do you find NPRI Website to be well organized and easy to navigate? If no what improvements do you think are needed?[1]

Are there file formats or fields that you wish were available?

  1. How about supports to use the information/products? Do you feel there is anything missing that would be helpful to you?

Do you find the information/products to be well organized and easy to use and understand?

  1. a. If not, in what way? What would improve this?

Are there other aspects you are particularly satisfied or dissatisfied with (timing, supports/training, timeliness)?

  1. What and what makes it work/not work for you?
  2. What would improve things?

What extra supports/training would you like to help you use the NPRI more effectively?

Are there any other gaps or areas for improvements that you would like to discuss or make suggestions about?