Government of Canada Public Opinion Research Reports = Rapports de recherche sur l'opinion publique publiés par le gouvernement du Canada

Finance Canada = Ministère des finances - 2014

POR 013-13 - Summer 2013 - Focus Group Testing of Creative Concepts and Messages from Economic Action Plan 2013

POR 025-13 - Qualitative research on the state of the economy, October 2013: final report

POR 029-13 - Assess the jobs and growth Ad Campaign - ACET; survey Fall 2013

POR 047-13 - An examination of Canadian's views toward the economy: qualitative and field tabulation research services

POR 003-14 - An examination of Canadians' views toward the economy: qualitative and field & tabulation research services

POR 003-14 - Un examen des opinions des Canadiennes et des Canadiens au sujet de l'économie : services de recherche qualitative, sur le terrain et de mise en tableaux