Financial Consumer Agency of Canada Survey of Canadians’ understanding and awareness of Open Banking

Methodological Report

Prepared For:
Financial Consumer Agency of Canada
  • Supplier name: Advanis Inc.
  • Contract number: 5R000-212081/001/CY
  • Contract value: $104,111.56 (including HST)
  • Award date: March 23, 2022
  • Delivery date: December 22, 2022
  • Registration number: POR 140-21

For more information on this report, please contact the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada at:

Ce rapport est aussi disponible en français.

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Prepared for the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada
Supplier Name: Advanis Inc.
December 2022

This report presents the methodological details for the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada Survey of Canadians’ Understanding and Awareness of Open Banking conducted by Advanis Inc. on behalf of the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada (FCAC). The survey was administered among 5,470 members of the adult Canadian general public aged 18 or older, between May 16 and June 28, 2022.

Ce rapport est aussi disponible en français sous le titre: Agence de la consommation en matière financière du Canada, Sondage sur la compréhension et la sensibilisation des Canadiens au système bancaire ouvert: rapport méthodologique.

This publication may be reproduced for non-commercial purposes only. Prior written permission must be obtained from the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada. For more information on this report, please contact the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada at:

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427 Laurier Ave W.
Ottawa, Ontario K1R 1B9

1. Executive Summary

1.1 Background and Objectives

The Financial Consumer Agency of Canada (FCAC) is an independent federal government agency tasked with ensuring that federally regulated financial entities comply with consumer protection measures set out in legislation, public commitments, and codes of conduct. Mandated to protect Canadian financial consumers, FCAC also promotes financial education to strengthen the knowledge, skills and confidence of Canadians and raise awareness of consumer rights and responsibilities. FCAC is further mandated to monitor trends and issues that could impact financial consumers.

Open Banking (OB) is “a framework where consumers and businesses can authorize third party financial service providers to access their financial transaction data, using secure online channels”. [1] In 2018, the Minister of Finance announced a review into the merits of open banking and tasked an Advisory Committee on Open Banking with leading the review. The final report from the consultation was released in August 2021 and is being used in 2022 as a road map to implement an OB framework in Canada.[2]

Currently, Canadian consumers’ awareness, understanding, and impressions of OB are not well understood; neither are their knowledge of and expectations for consumer protections in non-traditional financial services (e.g., fintech). As part of FCAC’s commitment to contribute in 2022-23 to the development of a Canadian open banking (OB) framework, the objective of this research was to support FCAC’s mandate by learning more about Canadian consumers’ knowledge and perceptions of OB through public opinion research.

The results will be used to inform FCAC in its consumer protection and consumer education and awareness functions, including the development of timely, evidence-based analysis and advice on emerging issues that may impact financial consumers.

1.2 Methodology

This study was completed from May 16 to June 28, 2022 through the use of Advanis’ General Population Representative Sample (GPRS) sample and through Random digit dialing (RDD).

Advanis sought a probability-based sample of 5,000 Canadian adults aged 18 or older drawn from the general population. The study was drawn from a random sample and can be extrapolated to the broader population only on a national level.

Data was collected using a multimodal approach, collecting survey responses online and on the phone, to obtain a nationally representative sample. First, participants taken from Advanis’ GPRS sample were recruited by phone and were invited to participate in a Web survey. Those who agreed to participate received an email or SMS inviting them to take part in the survey.

To target key sub-groups who are often more difficult to reach online, other participants were reached on the phone and were asked if they wanted to complete the survey with an interviewer. Those who agreed to participate in the survey answered it on the phone with the use of a Computer Assisted Telephone Interviewing (CATI) methodology. These participants were taken from Advanis’ GPRS sample and others were reached through Random digit dialing (RDD). If a participant expressed the desire to complete the survey online, they were sent an email or SMS invitation.

A pre-test was conducted from May 9 to May 15 with 37 respondents (21 in English and 16 in French). Among those, 33 completed the survey on the phone and 4 online. After the pre-test, the questionnaire was edited by FCAC, with the help of Advanis, to reduce its length and to make certain questions easier to understand. The pre-test data was not included in the final analysis.

Respondents who mentioned not having an internet access were removed from the study.

1.3 Contract Value

The contract value for this study was $104,111.56 (including HST).

1.4 Political Neutrality Requirement

Political neutrality certification

I hereby certify as Senior Officer of Advanis that the deliverables fully comply with the Government of Canada political neutrality requirements outlined in the Policy on Communications and Federal Identity and the Directive on the Management of Communications.

Specifically, the deliverables do not include information on electoral voting intentions, political party preferences, standings with the electorate or ratings of the performance of a political party or its leaders.

Nicolas Toutant
Vice-President, Research and Evaluation

2. Sampling

2.1 Project Characteristics

The survey was conducted from May 16 to June 28, 2022. Overall, 5,470 people completed the survey. On the web, 4,401 completed the survey among 17,088 recruits for a response rate of 25.8%. On the phone, 1,416 agreed to participate in the survey out of 23,770 people called for a response rate of 6.0%. Of those 1,416, 1,069 were eligible and completed the survey on the phone. The margin of error for this study is 1.32% (19 times out of 20).

2.2 Sampling Plan

The target audience for this project was Canadians, across all provinces and territories, who are 18 years and older. A sample plan was elaborated to reach key sub-populations and groups of particular interest. The sampling plan was based on the 2016 Census as the data for 2021 was not available. The targeted number of completed surveys was 5,000 Canadian adults. Questions within the survey further filtered out responses from anyone under the age of 18.

Table 1: Sample plan by age group
Age Percentage of population Target population
Persons aged: 18-34 27.3% 1,365
Persons aged: 35-54 34.1% 1,705
Persons aged: 55+ 38.6% 1,930
Total 100% 5,000
Table 2: Sample plan by other key sub populations
Sub-populations Percentage of population Target population
Low-income households (below $60,000) 29.4% 1,470
High school education or less education 44.8% 2,240
Recent immigrants (10 years) 7.8% 390
Indigenous persons 4.9% 245
Newfoundland and Labrador 1.4% 70
Prince Edward Island 0.4% 20
Nova Scotia 2.5% 125
New Brunswick 2.1% 105
Manitoba 3.6% 180
Saskatchewan 3.1% 155
Territories 0.3% 15

3. Invitations

3.1 Details of Email and SMS invites/reminders

Invitations were sent by SMS/email and grouped by province, to ensure that they were sent out during appropriate hours within each time zone.

A total of 16,902 people received an SMS invitation to participate in the survey and 186 agreed to receive an email invitation to answer the survey. Of those, 4,401 completed the web version of the survey for a response rate of 25.8% among recruits (4,401 completed surveys/17,088 web recruits).

After sending the initial invitation, a reminder message was sent 3 days later to applicants who did not complete a survey or who were not screened out of the survey. A maximum of 2 reminder messages were sent. Overall, 44,212 SMS and 456 emails were sent during data collection for this study.

Table 3: Number of SMS invitations/reminders sent 
Message ID Purpose Total Sent
1 Invitation (EN) 13,371
2 Invitation (FR) 3,531
3 Reminder 1 (EN) 11,427
4 Reminder 1 (FR) 2,759
5 Reminder 2 (EN) 10,506
6 Reminder 2 (FR) 2,618
Total 44,212
Table 4: Number of email invitations/reminders sent 
Message ID Purpose Total Sent
1, 4 Invitation (EN) 106
10, 11 Invitation (FR) 80
5, 7 Reminder 1 (EN) 76
12, 14 Reminder 1 (FR) 46
6, 9, 16 Reminder 2 (EN) 83
13, 15, 17 Reminder 2 (FR) 65
Total 456

Each survey had a unique number embedded in the hyperlink to eliminate the possibility of duplicate responses from one participant.

4. CATI Interviews

Participants who completed the survey on the phone were reached between May 16 and June 27, 2022. Interviews were either conducted in French or English based on the official language preference associated with their client profile. Responses were collected using CATI system. In total, 26,134 phone numbers were called. From these phone numbers, 23,770 people were reached and 1,416 agreed to participate in the survey for a response rate of 6.0% (1,416 who agreed to participate on the phone/23,770 people reached).

Of those who agreed to participate, 97 were ineligible and 250 could not complete the survey because we had reached our maximum number of respondents in their age group. In total, 1,069 respondents completed the survey on the phone. The more detailed calling statistics can be found in Appendix B.

5. Completes and Targets

The average survey length of the survey was 17.9 minutes on the phone and 12.6 online. In total, 5,470 questionnaires were completed during the data-collection period.

Table 5: Number of completes and targeted number of completes per age groups
Age Completed the survey Target population
Persons aged: 18-34 1,422 1,365
Persons aged: 35-54 1,929 1,705
Persons aged: 55+ 2,119 1,930
Total 5,470 5,000
Table 6: Number of completes and targeted number of completes per other key sub populations
Sub-populations Completed the survey Target population
Low-income households (below $60,000) 1,346 1,470
High school education or less education 859 2,240
Recent immigrants (10 years) 368 390
Indigenous persons 256 245
Newfoundland and Labrador 63 70
Prince Edward Island 21 20
Nova Scotia 202 125
New Brunswick 105 105
Manitoba 209 180
Saskatchewan 154 155
Territories 12 15

6. Non-response Bias

Non-response bias occurs when non-responders differ in a meaningful way from respondents and this difference impacts the information gathered. It is difficult to assess the presence of non-response bias since information about why non-responders did not participate is usually not unavailable. That said, one way to gauge the potential impacts of non-response bias is to evaluate if the sample is representative by comparing the respondents' characteristics and gauge if they reflect known population characteristics. Where possible, we can check the distribution of respondents across various demographics (e.g., age and gender) and geographic categories and compare those distributions against known population characteristics. If the variation is fairly small and we have no reason to believe there are other factors impacting respondents’ willingness to participate, we can conclude that the likelihood of non-response bias impacting the information gathered in the study is minimal. This is the case with the current study.

Several strategies were employed to increase response rates and reduce the effects of non-response bias. This includes:

7. Weighting

Two different weights were separately applied to the final data. The first weight was based on 3 variables: age, gender and region. A direct weighting method was used for this weight. The population sizes are based on the latest Statistics Canada census results published—the 2021 census.

A rake weighting approach was used for the second weight. Weights were on age, gender, region, level of education and income. The population sizes are based on the latest Statistics Canada census results published—the 2021 census, except for the education variable, since only 2016 population sizes were available. Weight values for both weighting methods can be found in Appendix A.

8. Database and Banners

The database was cleaned to remove any errors at the end of the data-collection phase, and all unique identifiers in the client profiles were removed in the final data set provided to FCAC. All survey answers have been matched and compiled into banner tables.

Two different banner table files were created. One showed the results with the rake weights and the other showed the results with the direct weights. New variables were created to include in the banner tables. Using the responses to the survey questions, Advanis created variables for the following subgroups to facilitate further analysis:

9. Survey design

The survey draft was provided by FCAC; the French translation was prepared by Advanis and both versions were programmed using SurveyBuilder, a software program that is proprietary to Advanis. The surveys were available to be completed online and on the phone.

The online survey was compatible with both desktop computers and mobile devices (tablets and smartphones). The surveys were housed on a website hosted by Advanis.

The surveys were designed to include multiple-choice questions, including scaled, open-ended and demographic questions. Skip logic was applied throughout, including 3 thank-you messages used for the screening out of ineligible participants (being in an age group for which we had enough respondents, being under the age of 18, refusing to provide the age). The survey was thoroughly pre-tested to ensure that skip patterns and survey questions were correctly programmed.

Non-response bias occurs when non-responders from a sample differ in a meaningful way from respondents. It is difficult to assess the presence of a non-response bias since information about the non-responders is unavailable. It remains possible to evaluate the participants' distribution and see if it reflects the known population when data on the population exist. In such cases, we can check the distribution of respondents among the different age categories and regions. If the variation is fairly small, this allows us to assess that the non-response bias is potentially minimal since the distribution of respondents is relatively similar to that of the population studied on a defined set of metrics that remains limited. This is the case with the current study.


Appendix A: Survey Weights

Table 7: Weights for the direct weighting method
Weight category Unweighted N Weighted N Weight
18-34, Female, Atlantic 38 42 1.102
18-34, Male, Atlantic 31 43 1.39
18-34, Female, Quebec 163 154 0.944
18-34, Male, Quebec 166 157 0.947
18-34, Female, Ontario 228 286 1.256
18-34, Male, Ontario 340 297 0.873
18-34, Female, Prairies 34 49 1.447
18-34, Male, Prairies 55 51 0.935
18-34, Female, Alberta 92 86 0.933
18-34, Male, Alberta 102 88 0.859
18-34, Female, BC/Terr. 69 102 1.473
18-34, Male, BC/Terr. 104 104 1.004
35-54, Female, Atlantic 73 57 0.783
35-54, Male, Atlantic 56 54 0.958
35-54, Female, Quebec 205 198 0.968
35-54, Male, Quebec 253 199 0.787
35-54, Female, Ontario 318 349 1.096
35-54, Male, Ontario 406 327 0.804
35-54, Female, Prairies 68 57 0.834
35-54, Male, Prairies 60 56 0.934
35-54, Female, Alberta 93 109 1.173
35-54, Male, Alberta 129 109 0.845
35-54, Female, BC/Terr. 116 126 1.09
35-54, Male, BC/Terr. 152 120 0.792
55+, Female, Atlantic 102 90 0.886
55+, Male, Atlantic 91 81 0.89
55+, Female, Quebec 225 290 1.289
55+, Male, Quebec 228 260 1.142
55+, Female, Ontario 409 454 1.11
55+, Male, Ontario 358 400 1.116
55+, Female, Prairies 85 72 0.85
55+, Male, Prairies 61 65 1.066
55+, Female, Alberta 119 111 0.936
55+, Male, Alberta 135 103 0.766
55+, Female, BC/Terr. 162 170 1.048
55+, Male, BC/Terr. 144 152 1.059
Table 8: Weights for the rake weighting method
Weight category Unweighted N Weighted N Weight
18-34, High school education or less, Female, Less than $60,000, Atlantic 4 10 2.473
18-34, High school education or less, Female, Less than $60,000, Quebec 14 43 3.048
18-34, High school education or less, Female, Less than $60,000, Ontario 16 47 2.917
18-34, High school education or less, Female, Less than $60,000, Prairies 2 5 2.504
18-34, High school education or less, Female, Less than $60,000, Alberta 10 24 2.419
18-34, High school education or less, Female, Less than $60,000, BC/Terr. 8 22 2.769
18-34, High school education or less, Female, $60,000 and more, Atlantic 2 6 2.901
18-34, High school education or less, Female, $60,000 and more, Quebec 2 7 3.577
18-34, High school education or less, Female, $60,000 and more, Ontario 11 38 3.422
18-34, High school education or less, Female, $60,000 and more, Prairies 4 12 2.938
18-34, High school education or less, Female, $60,000 and more, Alberta 8 23 2.837
18-34, High school education or less, Female, $60,000 and more, BC/Terr. 1 3 3.249
18-34, High school education or less, Female, Unknown, Atlantic 2 5 2.638
18-34, High school education or less, Female, Unknown, Quebec 2 7 3.251
18-34, High school education or less, Female, Unknown, Ontario 7 22 3.111
18-34, High school education or less, Female, Unknown, Prairies 2 5 2.671
18-34, High school education or less, Female, Unknown, Alberta 4 10 2.58
18-34, High school education or less, Female, Unknown, BC/Terr. 5 15 2.953
18-34, High school education or less, Male, Less than $60,000, Atlantic 3 6 2.025
18-34, High school education or less, Male, Less than $60,000, Quebec 16 40 2.496
18-34, High school education or less, Male, Less than $60,000, Ontario 40 96 2.388
18-34, High school education or less, Male, Less than $60,000, Prairies 7 14 2.05
18-34, High school education or less, Male, Less than $60,000, Alberta 14 28 1.98
18-34, High school education or less, Male, Less than $60,000, BC/Terr. 8 18 2.267
18-34, High school education or less, Male, $60,000 and more, Quebec 9 26 2.928
18-34, High school education or less, Male, $60,000 and more, Ontario 19 53 2.802
18-34, High school education or less, Male, $60,000 and more, Prairies 7 17 2.405
18-34, High school education or less, Male, $60,000 and more, Alberta 15 35 2.323
18-34, High school education or less, Male, $60,000 and more, BC/Terr. 13 35 2.66
18-34, High school education or less, Male, Unknown, Atlantic 1 2 2.159
18-34, High school education or less, Male, Unknown, Quebec 4 11 2.662
18-34, High school education or less, Male, Unknown, Ontario 8 20 2.547
18-34, High school education or less, Male, Unknown, Prairies 1 2 2.186
18-34, High school education or less, Male, Unknown, Alberta 3 6 2.112
18-34, High school education or less, Male, Unknown, BC/Terr. 5 12 2.418
18-34, More than high school, Female, Less than $60,000, Atlantic 8 4 0.551
18-34, More than high school, Female, Less than $60,000, Quebec 48 33 0.679
18-34, More than high school, Female, Less than $60,000, Ontario 56 36 0.65
18-34, More than high school, Female, Less than $60,000, Prairies 3 2 0.558
18-34, More than high school, Female, Less than $60,000, Alberta 22 12 0.539
18-34, More than high school, Female, Less than $60,000, BC/Terr. 19 12 0.617
18-34, More than high school, Female, $60,000 and more, Atlantic 18 12 0.646
18-34, More than high school, Female, $60,000 and more, Quebec 90 72 0.797
18-34, More than high school, Female, $60,000 and more, Ontario 118 90 0.763
18-34, More than high school, Female, $60,000 and more, Prairies 19 12 0.655
18-34, More than high school, Female, $60,000 and more, Alberta 41 26 0.632
18-34, More than high school, Female, $60,000 and more, BC/Terr. 35 25 0.724
18-34, More than high school, Female, Unknown, Atlantic 3 2 0.588
18-34, More than high school, Female, Unknown, Quebec 6 4 0.724
18-34, More than high school, Female, Unknown, Ontario 15 10 0.693
18-34, More than high school, Female, Unknown, Prairies 2 1 0.595
18-34, More than high school, Female, Unknown, Alberta 4 2 0.575
18-34, More than high school, Male, Less than $60,000, Atlantic 10 5 0.451
18-34, More than high school, Male, Less than $60,000, Quebec 46 26 0.556
18-34, More than high school, Male, Less than $60,000, Ontario 59 31 0.532
18-34, More than high school, Male, Less than $60,000, Prairies 10 5 0.457
18-34, More than high school, Male, Less than $60,000, Alberta 14 6 0.441
18-34, More than high school, Male, Less than $60,000, BC/Terr. 20 10 0.505
18-34, More than high school, Male, $60,000 and more, Atlantic 13 7 0.529
18-34, More than high school, Male, $60,000 and more, Quebec 71 46 0.652
18-34, More than high school, Male, $60,000 and more, Ontario 190 119 0.624
18-34, More than high school, Male, $60,000 and more, Prairies 27 14 0.536
18-34, More than high school, Male, $60,000 and more, Alberta 47 24 0.518
18-34, More than high school, Male, $60,000 and more, BC/Terr. 51 30 0.593
18-34, More than high school, Male, Unknown, Atlantic 3 1 0.481
18-34, More than high school, Male, Unknown, Quebec 14 8 0.593
18-34, More than high school, Male, Unknown, Ontario 18 10 0.568
18-34, More than high school, Male, Unknown, Prairies 2 1 0.487
18-34, More than high school, Male, Unknown, Alberta 8 4 0.471
18-34, More than high school, Male, Unknown, BC/Terr. 5 3 0.539
18-34, Unknown, Female, Less than $60,000, Ontario 1 1 1.063
18-34, Unknown, Female, Less than $60,000, Prairies 1 1 0.912
18-34, Unknown, Female, $60,000 and more, Ontario 1 1 1.247
18-34, Unknown, Female, Unknown, Atlantic 1 1 0.961
18-34, Unknown, Female, Unknown, Quebec 1 1 1.185
18-34, Unknown, Female, Unknown, Ontario 3 3 1.134
18-34, Unknown, Female, Unknown, Prairies 1 1 0.973
18-34, Unknown, Female, Unknown, Alberta 3 3 0.94
18-34, Unknown, Female, Unknown, BC/Terr. 1 1 1.076
18-34, Unknown, Male, Less than $60,000, Quebec 1 1 0.909
18-34, Unknown, Male, Less than $60,000, Ontario 2 2 0.87
18-34, Unknown, Male, Less than $60,000, Alberta 1 1 0.722
18-34, Unknown, Male, $60,000 and more, Ontario 2 2 1.021
18-34, Unknown, Male, Unknown, Atlantic 1 1 0.787
18-34, Unknown, Male, Unknown, Quebec 5 5 0.97
18-34, Unknown, Male, Unknown, Ontario 2 2 0.928
18-34, Unknown, Male, Unknown, Prairies 1 1 0.797
18-34, Unknown, Male, Unknown, BC/Terr. 2 2 0.881
35-44, High school education or less, Female, Less than $60,000, Atlantic 1 2 2.444
35-44, High school education or less, Female, Less than $60,000, Quebec 9 27 3.013
35-44, High school education or less, Female, Less than $60,000, Ontario 8 23 2.883
35-44, High school education or less, Female, Less than $60,000, Prairies 2 5 2.475
35-44, High school education or less, Female, Less than $60,000, Alberta 2 5 2.39
35-44, High school education or less, Female, Less than $60,000, BC/Terr. 5 14 2.737
35-44, High school education or less, Female, $60,000 and more, Atlantic 2 6 2.868
35-44, High school education or less, Female, $60,000 and more, Quebec 1 4 3.535
35-44, High school education or less, Female, $60,000 and more, Ontario 9 30 3.382
35-44, High school education or less, Female, $60,000 and more, Prairies 2 6 2.904
35-44, High school education or less, Female, $60,000 and more, Alberta 5 14 2.804
35-44, High school education or less, Female, $60,000 and more, BC/Terr. 3 10 3.211
35-44, High school education or less, Female, Unknown, Quebec 1 3 3.213
35-44, High school education or less, Female, Unknown, Ontario 1 3 3.075
35-44, High school education or less, Female, Unknown, Alberta 1 3 2.549
35-44, High school education or less, Female, Unknown, BC/Terr. 1 3 2.919
35-44, High school education or less, Male, Less than $60,000, Atlantic 2 4 2.001
35-44, High school education or less, Male, Less than $60,000, Quebec 5 12 2.467
35-44, High school education or less, Male, Less than $60,000, Ontario 8 19 2.36
35-44, High school education or less, Male, Less than $60,000, Alberta 5 10 1.957
35-44, High school education or less, Male, Less than $60,000, BC/Terr. 6 13 2.241
35-44, High school education or less, Male, $60,000 and more, Atlantic 3 7 2.348
35-44, High school education or less, Male, $60,000 and more, Quebec 6 17 2.894
35-44, High school education or less, Male, $60,000 and more, Ontario 16 44 2.769
35-44, High school education or less, Male, $60,000 and more, Prairies 2 5 2.377
35-44, High school education or less, Male, $60,000 and more, Alberta 7 16 2.296
35-44, High school education or less, Male, $60,000 and more, BC/Terr. 5 13 2.629
35-44, High school education or less, Male, Unknown, Ontario 3 8 2.517
35-44, High school education or less, Male, Unknown, Prairies 1 2 2.161
35-44, High school education or less, Male, Unknown, BC/Terr. 1 2 2.39
35-44, More than high school, Female, Less than $60,000, Atlantic 7 4 0.545
35-44, More than high school, Female, Less than $60,000, Quebec 20 13 0.671
35-44, More than high school, Female, Less than $60,000, Ontario 23 15 0.642
35-44, More than high school, Female, Less than $60,000, Prairies 7 4 0.551
35-44, More than high school, Female, Less than $60,000, Alberta 6 3 0.533
35-44, More than high school, Female, Less than $60,000, BC/Terr. 7 4 0.61
35-44, More than high school, Female, $60,000 and more, Atlantic 22 14 0.639
35-44, More than high school, Female, $60,000 and more, Quebec 72 57 0.788
35-44, More than high school, Female, $60,000 and more, Ontario 93 70 0.754
35-44, More than high school, Female, $60,000 and more, Prairies 23 15 0.647
35-44, More than high school, Female, $60,000 and more, Alberta 34 21 0.625
35-44, More than high school, Female, $60,000 and more, BC/Terr. 37 26 0.715
35-44, More than high school, Female, Unknown, Atlantic 4 2 0.581
35-44, More than high school, Female, Unknown, Quebec 13 9 0.716
35-44, More than high school, Female, Unknown, Ontario 8 5 0.685
35-44, More than high school, Female, Unknown, Prairies 6 4 0.588
35-44, More than high school, Female, Unknown, Alberta 7 4 0.568
35-44, More than high school, Female, Unknown, BC/Terr. 7 5 0.65
35-44, More than high school, Male, Less than $60,000, Atlantic 4 2 0.446
35-44, More than high school, Male, Less than $60,000, Quebec 21 12 0.55
35-44, More than high school, Male, Less than $60,000, Ontario 18 9 0.526
35-44, More than high school, Male, Less than $60,000, Prairies 10 5 0.451
35-44, More than high school, Male, Less than $60,000, Alberta 7 3 0.436
35-44, More than high school, Male, Less than $60,000, BC/Terr. 12 6 0.499
35-44, More than high school, Male, $60,000 and more, Atlantic 21 11 0.523
35-44, More than high school, Male, $60,000 and more, Quebec 97 63 0.645
35-44, More than high school, Male, $60,000 and more, Ontario 142 88 0.617
35-44, More than high school, Male, $60,000 and more, Prairies 19 10 0.53
35-44, More than high school, Male, $60,000 and more, Alberta 48 25 0.512
35-44, More than high school, Male, $60,000 and more, BC/Terr. 42 25 0.586
35-44, More than high school, Male, Unknown, Atlantic 2 1 0.476
35-44, More than high school, Male, Unknown, Quebec 7 4 0.586
35-44, More than high school, Male, Unknown, Ontario 10 6 0.561
35-44, More than high school, Male, Unknown, Alberta 6 3 0.465
35-44, More than high school, Male, Unknown, BC/Terr. 4 2 0.532
35-44, Unknown, Female, Less than $60,000, Ontario 1 1 1.051
35-44, Unknown, Female, $60,000 and more, Quebec 1 1 1.288
35-44, Unknown, Female, $60,000 and more, Ontario 1 1 1.233
35-44, Unknown, Female, Unknown, Quebec 1 1 1.171
35-44, Unknown, Female, Unknown, Ontario 2 2 1.12
35-44, Unknown, Female, Unknown, Alberta 1 1 0.929
35-44, Unknown, Female, Unknown, BC/Terr. 2 2 1.064
35-44, Unknown, Male, Less than $60,000, Atlantic 2 1 0.729
35-44, Unknown, Male, Less than $60,000, Quebec 1 1 0.899
35-44, Unknown, Male, Less than $60,000, Alberta 1 1 0.713
35-44, Unknown, Male, $60,000 and more, Quebec 1 1 1.055
35-44, Unknown, Male, $60,000 and more, Ontario 1 1 1.009
35-44, Unknown, Male, $60,000 and more, BC/Terr. 1 1 0.958
35-44, Unknown, Male, Unknown, Quebec 2 2 0.959
35-44, Unknown, Male, Unknown, Ontario 2 2 0.917
35-44, Unknown, Male, Unknown, Prairies 2 2 0.787
35-44, Unknown, Male, Unknown, Alberta 1 1 0.761
35-44, Unknown, Male, Unknown, BC/Terr. 2 2 0.871
45-54, High school education or less, Female, Less than $60,000, Atlantic 4 10 2.526
45-54, High school education or less, Female, Less than $60,000, Quebec 6 19 3.114
45-54, High school education or less, Female, Less than $60,000, Ontario 9 27 2.98
45-54, High school education or less, Female, Less than $60,000, Prairies 1 3 2.558
45-54, High school education or less, Female, Less than $60,000, Alberta 4 10 2.471
45-54, High school education or less, Female, Less than $60,000, BC/Terr. 3 8 2.829
45-54, High school education or less, Female, $60,000 and more, Atlantic 1 3 2.964
45-54, High school education or less, Female, $60,000 and more, Quebec 4 15 3.654
45-54, High school education or less, Female, $60,000 and more, Ontario 3 10 3.496
45-54, High school education or less, Female, $60,000 and more, Prairies 1 3 3.001
45-54, High school education or less, Female, $60,000 and more, Alberta 1 3 2.899
45-54, High school education or less, Female, $60,000 and more, BC/Terr. 3 10 3.319
45-54, High school education or less, Female, Unknown, Atlantic 1 3 2.695
45-54, High school education or less, Female, Unknown, Ontario 2 6 3.178
45-54, High school education or less, Female, Unknown, Prairies 1 3 2.728
45-54, High school education or less, Female, Unknown, BC/Terr. 1 3 3.017
45-54, High school education or less, Male, Less than $60,000, Atlantic 2 4 2.068
45-54, High school education or less, Male, Less than $60,000, Quebec 4 10 2.55
45-54, High school education or less, Male, Less than $60,000, Ontario 12 29 2.44
45-54, High school education or less, Male, Less than $60,000, Prairies 2 4 2.094
45-54, High school education or less, Male, Less than $60,000, Alberta 3 6 2.023
45-54, High school education or less, Male, Less than $60,000, BC/Terr. 6 14 2.316
45-54, High school education or less, Male, $60,000 and more, Atlantic 2 5 2.427
45-54, High school education or less, Male, $60,000 and more, Quebec 9 27 2.991
45-54, High school education or less, Male, $60,000 and more, Ontario 16 46 2.862
45-54, High school education or less, Male, $60,000 and more, Prairies 2 5 2.457
45-54, High school education or less, Male, $60,000 and more, Alberta 4 9 2.373
45-54, High school education or less, Male, $60,000 and more, BC/Terr. 7 19 2.717
45-54, High school education or less, Male, Unknown, Ontario 2 5 2.602
45-54, High school education or less, Male, Unknown, BC/Terr. 2 5 2.47
45-54, More than high school, Female, Less than $60,000, Atlantic 7 4 0.563
45-54, More than high school, Female, Less than $60,000, Quebec 10 7 0.694
45-54, More than high school, Female, Less than $60,000, Ontario 24 16 0.664
45-54, More than high school, Female, Less than $60,000, Prairies 10 6 0.57
45-54, More than high school, Female, Less than $60,000, Alberta 3 2 0.551
45-54, More than high school, Female, Less than $60,000, BC/Terr. 9 6 0.63
45-54, More than high school, Female, $60,000 and more, Atlantic 19 13 0.66
45-54, More than high school, Female, $60,000 and more, Quebec 55 45 0.814
45-54, More than high school, Female, $60,000 and more, Ontario 109 85 0.779
45-54, More than high school, Female, $60,000 and more, Prairies 13 9 0.669
45-54, More than high school, Female, $60,000 and more, Alberta 22 14 0.646
45-54, More than high school, Female, $60,000 and more, BC/Terr. 34 25 0.739
45-54, More than high school, Female, Unknown, Atlantic 4 2 0.6
45-54, More than high school, Female, Unknown, Quebec 11 8 0.74
45-54, More than high school, Female, Unknown, Ontario 23 16 0.708
45-54, More than high school, Female, Unknown, Prairies 1 1 0.608
45-54, More than high school, Female, Unknown, Alberta 5 3 0.587
45-54, More than high school, Female, Unknown, BC/Terr. 3 2 0.672
45-54, More than high school, Male, Less than $60,000, Atlantic 3 1 0.461
45-54, More than high school, Male, Less than $60,000, Quebec 15 9 0.568
45-54, More than high school, Male, Less than $60,000, Ontario 15 8 0.544
45-54, More than high school, Male, Less than $60,000, Prairies 4 2 0.467
45-54, More than high school, Male, Less than $60,000, Alberta 2 1 0.451
45-54, More than high school, Male, Less than $60,000, BC/Terr. 4 2 0.516
45-54, More than high school, Male, $60,000 and more, Atlantic 13 7 0.541
45-54, More than high school, Male, $60,000 and more, Quebec 73 49 0.667
45-54, More than high school, Male, $60,000 and more, Ontario 134 85 0.638
45-54, More than high school, Male, $60,000 and more, Prairies 15 8 0.547
45-54, More than high school, Male, $60,000 and more, Alberta 40 21 0.529
45-54, More than high school, Male, $60,000 and more, BC/Terr. 53 32 0.605
45-54, More than high school, Male, Unknown, Atlantic 2 1 0.492
45-54, More than high school, Male, Unknown, Quebec 11 7 0.606
45-54, More than high school, Male, Unknown, Ontario 18 10 0.58
45-54, More than high school, Male, Unknown, Prairies 1 0 0.498
45-54, More than high school, Male, Unknown, Alberta 4 2 0.481
45-54, More than high school, Male, Unknown, BC/Terr. 3 2 0.55
45-54, Unknown, Female, Less than $60,000, Quebec 1 1 1.135
45-54, Unknown, Female, Less than $60,000, Ontario 1 1 1.086
45-54, Unknown, Female, Unknown, Atlantic 1 1 0.982
45-54, Unknown, Female, Unknown, Ontario 1 1 1.158
45-54, Unknown, Female, Unknown, Prairies 1 1 0.994
45-54, Unknown, Female, Unknown, Alberta 2 2 0.96
45-54, Unknown, Female, Unknown, BC/Terr. 1 1 1.099
45-54, Unknown, Male, $60,000 and more, Quebec 1 1 1.09
45-54, Unknown, Male, $60,000 and more, Ontario 2 2 1.043
45-54, Unknown, Male, $60,000 and more, BC/Terr. 1 1 0.99
45-54, Unknown, Male, Unknown, Ontario 7 7 0.948
45-54, Unknown, Male, Unknown, Prairies 2 2 0.814
45-54, Unknown, Male, Unknown, Alberta 1 1 0.786
45-54, Unknown, Male, Unknown, BC/Terr. 3 3 0.9
55-64, High school education or less, Female, Less than $60,000, Atlantic 6 15 2.51
55-64, High school education or less, Female, Less than $60,000, Quebec 9 28 3.094
55-64, High school education or less, Female, Less than $60,000, Ontario 15 44 2.961
55-64, High school education or less, Female, Less than $60,000, Prairies 4 10 2.542
55-64, High school education or less, Female, Less than $60,000, Alberta 2 5 2.455
55-64, High school education or less, Female, Less than $60,000, BC/Terr. 5 14 2.811
55-64, High school education or less, Female, $60,000 and more, Quebec 5 18 3.63
55-64, High school education or less, Female, $60,000 and more, Ontario 5 17 3.474
55-64, High school education or less, Female, $60,000 and more, Prairies 4 12 2.982
55-64, High school education or less, Female, $60,000 and more, Alberta 2 6 2.88
55-64, High school education or less, Female, $60,000 and more, BC/Terr. 5 16 3.297
55-64, High school education or less, Female, Unknown, Atlantic 2 5 2.677
55-64, High school education or less, Female, Unknown, Quebec 2 7 3.3
55-64, High school education or less, Female, Unknown, Ontario 3 9 3.158
55-64, High school education or less, Female, Unknown, BC/Terr. 1 3 2.998
55-64, High school education or less, Male, Less than $60,000, Atlantic 3 6 2.055
55-64, High school education or less, Male, Less than $60,000, Quebec 10 25 2.533
55-64, High school education or less, Male, Less than $60,000, Ontario 8 19 2.424
55-64, High school education or less, Male, Less than $60,000, Prairies 2 4 2.081
55-64, High school education or less, Male, Less than $60,000, Alberta 5 10 2.01
55-64, High school education or less, Male, Less than $60,000, BC/Terr. 2 5 2.301
55-64, High school education or less, Male, $60,000 and more, Atlantic 7 17 2.411
55-64, High school education or less, Male, $60,000 and more, Quebec 6 18 2.972
55-64, High school education or less, Male, $60,000 and more, Ontario 21 60 2.844
55-64, High school education or less, Male, $60,000 and more, Prairies 2 5 2.441
55-64, High school education or less, Male, $60,000 and more, Alberta 5 12 2.358
55-64, High school education or less, Male, $60,000 and more, BC/Terr. 5 13 2.7
55-64, High school education or less, Male, Unknown, Atlantic 2 4 2.192
55-64, High school education or less, Male, Unknown, Ontario 4 10 2.585
55-64, High school education or less, Male, Unknown, BC/Terr. 1 2 2.454
55-64, More than high school, Female, Less than $60,000, Atlantic 8 4 0.559
55-64, More than high school, Female, Less than $60,000, Quebec 21 14 0.689
55-64, More than high school, Female, Less than $60,000, Ontario 19 13 0.66
55-64, More than high school, Female, Less than $60,000, Prairies 5 3 0.566
55-64, More than high school, Female, Less than $60,000, Alberta 8 4 0.547
55-64, More than high school, Female, Less than $60,000, BC/Terr. 17 11 0.626
55-64, More than high school, Female, $60,000 and more, Atlantic 29 19 0.656
55-64, More than high school, Female, $60,000 and more, Quebec 53 43 0.809
55-64, More than high school, Female, $60,000 and more, Ontario 102 79 0.774
55-64, More than high school, Female, $60,000 and more, Prairies 18 12 0.664
55-64, More than high school, Female, $60,000 and more, Alberta 31 20 0.642
55-64, More than high school, Female, $60,000 and more, BC/Terr. 39 29 0.735
55-64, More than high school, Female, Unknown, Atlantic 3 2 0.597
55-64, More than high school, Female, Unknown, Quebec 9 7 0.735
55-64, More than high school, Female, Unknown, Ontario 25 18 0.704
55-64, More than high school, Female, Unknown, Prairies 6 4 0.604
55-64, More than high school, Female, Unknown, Alberta 17 10 0.583
55-64, More than high school, Female, Unknown, BC/Terr. 8 5 0.668
55-64, More than high school, Male, Less than $60,000, Atlantic 3 1 0.458
55-64, More than high school, Male, Less than $60,000, Quebec 19 11 0.564
55-64, More than high school, Male, Less than $60,000, Ontario 28 15 0.54
55-64, More than high school, Male, Less than $60,000, Prairies 5 2 0.464
55-64, More than high school, Male, Less than $60,000, Alberta 12 5 0.448
55-64, More than high school, Male, Less than $60,000, BC/Terr. 6 3 0.513
55-64, More than high school, Male, $60,000 and more, Atlantic 16 9 0.537
55-64, More than high school, Male, $60,000 and more, Quebec 53 35 0.662
55-64, More than high school, Male, $60,000 and more, Ontario 89 56 0.634
55-64, More than high school, Male, $60,000 and more, Prairies 19 10 0.544
55-64, More than high school, Male, $60,000 and more, Alberta 35 18 0.525
55-64, More than high school, Male, $60,000 and more, BC/Terr. 37 22 0.602
55-64, More than high school, Male, Unknown, Atlantic 2 1 0.488
55-64, More than high school, Male, Unknown, Quebec 8 5 0.602
55-64, More than high school, Male, Unknown, Ontario 18 10 0.576
55-64, More than high school, Male, Unknown, Alberta 5 2 0.478
55-64, More than high school, Male, Unknown, BC/Terr. 6 3 0.547
55-64, Unknown, Female, $60,000 and more, Quebec 1 1 1.323
55-64, Unknown, Female, $60,000 and more, Ontario 2 3 1.266
55-64, Unknown, Female, $60,000 and more, Alberta 1 1 1.049
55-64, Unknown, Female, Unknown, Quebec 2 2 1.203
55-64, Unknown, Female, Unknown, Ontario 2 2 1.151
55-64, Unknown, Female, Unknown, Prairies 2 2 0.988
55-64, Unknown, Female, Unknown, Alberta 2 2 0.954
55-64, Unknown, Female, Unknown, BC/Terr. 2 2 1.092
55-64, Unknown, Male, Less than $60,000, Quebec 1 1 0.923
55-64, Unknown, Male, $60,000 and more, Ontario 1 1 1.036
55-64, Unknown, Male, $60,000 and more, Alberta 2 2 0.859
55-64, Unknown, Male, $60,000 and more, BC/Terr. 1 1 0.984
55-64, Unknown, Male, Unknown, Atlantic 2 2 0.799
55-64, Unknown, Male, Unknown, Ontario 4 4 0.942
55-64, Unknown, Male, Unknown, Alberta 5 4 0.781
55-64, Unknown, Male, Unknown, BC/Terr. 1 1 0.894
65+, High school education or less, Female, Less than $60,000, Atlantic 5 14 2.786
65+, High school education or less, Female, Less than $60,000, Quebec 12 41 3.434
65+, High school education or less, Female, Less than $60,000, Ontario 20 66 3.286
65+, High school education or less, Female, Less than $60,000, Prairies 1 3 2.821
65+, High school education or less, Female, Less than $60,000, Alberta 3 8 2.725
65+, High school education or less, Female, Less than $60,000, BC/Terr. 8 25 3.119
65+, High school education or less, Female, $60,000 and more, Atlantic 3 10 3.269
65+, High school education or less, Female, $60,000 and more, Quebec 5 20 4.029
65+, High school education or less, Female, $60,000 and more, Ontario 14 54 3.855
65+, High school education or less, Female, $60,000 and more, Prairies 5 17 3.31
65+, High school education or less, Female, $60,000 and more, Alberta 7 22 3.197
65+, High school education or less, Female, $60,000 and more, BC/Terr. 5 18 3.66
65+, High school education or less, Female, Unknown, Quebec 4 15 3.663
65+, High school education or less, Female, Unknown, Ontario 12 42 3.505
65+, High school education or less, Female, Unknown, Prairies 2 6 3.009
65+, High school education or less, Female, Unknown, BC/Terr. 3 10 3.327
65+, High school education or less, Male, Less than $60,000, Atlantic 9 21 2.281
65+, High school education or less, Male, Less than $60,000, Quebec 7 20 2.812
65+, High school education or less, Male, Less than $60,000, Ontario 8 22 2.69
65+, High school education or less, Male, Less than $60,000, Prairies 3 7 2.309
65+, High school education or less, Male, Less than $60,000, Alberta 3 7 2.231
65+, High school education or less, Male, Less than $60,000, BC/Terr. 5 13 2.554
65+, High school education or less, Male, $60,000 and more, Atlantic 4 11 2.676
65+, High school education or less, Male, $60,000 and more, Quebec 8 26 3.299
65+, High school education or less, Male, $60,000 and more, Ontario 8 25 3.156
65+, High school education or less, Male, $60,000 and more, Prairies 5 14 2.71
65+, High school education or less, Male, $60,000 and more, Alberta 6 16 2.617
65+, High school education or less, Male, $60,000 and more, BC/Terr. 10 30 2.996
65+, High school education or less, Male, Unknown, Ontario 1 3 2.869
65+, High school education or less, Male, Unknown, Prairies 1 2 2.463
65+, High school education or less, Male, Unknown, Alberta 1 2 2.379
65+, More than high school, Female, Less than $60,000, Atlantic 17 11 0.621
65+, More than high school, Female, Less than $60,000, Quebec 29 22 0.765
65+, More than high school, Female, Less than $60,000, Ontario 38 28 0.732
65+, More than high school, Female, Less than $60,000, Prairies 10 6 0.629
65+, More than high school, Female, Less than $60,000, Alberta 19 12 0.607
65+, More than high school, Female, Less than $60,000, BC/Terr. 18 13 0.695
65+, More than high school, Female, $60,000 and more, Atlantic 19 14 0.728
65+, More than high school, Female, $60,000 and more, Quebec 45 40 0.898
65+, More than high school, Female, $60,000 and more, Ontario 105 90 0.859
65+, More than high school, Female, $60,000 and more, Prairies 17 13 0.737
65+, More than high school, Female, $60,000 and more, Alberta 19 14 0.712
65+, More than high school, Female, $60,000 and more, BC/Terr. 40 33 0.815
65+, More than high school, Female, Unknown, Atlantic 9 6 0.662
65+, More than high school, Female, Unknown, Quebec 25 20 0.816
65+, More than high school, Female, Unknown, Ontario 41 32 0.781
65+, More than high school, Female, Unknown, Prairies 6 4 0.67
65+, More than high school, Female, Unknown, Alberta 7 5 0.647
65+, More than high school, Female, Unknown, BC/Terr. 10 7 0.741
65+, More than high school, Male, Less than $60,000, Atlantic 7 4 0.508
65+, More than high school, Male, Less than $60,000, Quebec 21 13 0.626
65+, More than high school, Male, Less than $60,000, Ontario 29 17 0.599
65+, More than high school, Male, Less than $60,000, Prairies 4 2 0.515
65+, More than high school, Male, Less than $60,000, Alberta 6 3 0.497
65+, More than high school, Male, Less than $60,000, BC/Terr. 12 7 0.569
65+, More than high school, Male, $60,000 and more, Atlantic 31 18 0.596
65+, More than high school, Male, $60,000 and more, Quebec 77 57 0.735
65+, More than high school, Male, $60,000 and more, Ontario 100 70 0.703
65+, More than high school, Male, $60,000 and more, Prairies 16 10 0.604
65+, More than high school, Male, $60,000 and more, Alberta 38 22 0.583
65+, More than high school, Male, $60,000 and more, BC/Terr. 49 33 0.668
65+, More than high school, Male, Unknown, Atlantic 5 3 0.542
65+, More than high school, Male, Unknown, Quebec 18 12 0.668
65+, More than high school, Male, Unknown, Ontario 36 23 0.639
65+, More than high school, Male, Unknown, Prairies 2 1 0.549
65+, More than high school, Male, Unknown, Alberta 8 4 0.53
65+, More than high school, Male, Unknown, BC/Terr. 8 5 0.607
65+, Unknown, Female, Less than $60,000, Ontario 1 1 1.197
65+, Unknown, Female, Less than $60,000, Alberta 1 1 0.993
65+, Unknown, Female, $60,000 and more, Ontario 1 1 1.405
65+, Unknown, Female, Unknown, Atlantic 1 1 1.083
65+, Unknown, Female, Unknown, Quebec 3 4 1.335
65+, Unknown, Female, Unknown, Ontario 4 5 1.277
65+, Unknown, Female, Unknown, Prairies 5 5 1.096
65+, Unknown, Female, Unknown, BC/Terr. 1 1 1.212
65+, Unknown, Male, $60,000 and more, Ontario 1 1 1.15
65+, Unknown, Male, Unknown, Ontario 2 2 1.046
65+, Unknown, Male, Unknown, Prairies 2 2 0.898
65+, Unknown, Male, Unknown, Alberta 4 3 0.867
65+, Unknown, Male, Unknown, BC/Terr. 1 1 0.993

Appendix B: Response Rate Calculation (Phone Survey)

Call statistics
Status Total %
Generated 26134 100.0%
Used 26134 100.0%
No service 1421 5.4%
Not residential/business 317 1.2%
Line problems 417 1.6%
Fax 182 0.7%
Wrong number 27 0.1%
Invalid 2364 9.0%
Potentially Eligible 23770 91.0%
U. No answer 5394 22.7%
U. Busy 30 0.1%
U. Answering machine/voicemail 7505 31.6%
U. Unresolved 12929 49.5%
IS. Language barrier 178 0.7%
IS. Illness/incapacity 33 0.1%
IS. Household refusals 1015 4.3%
IS. Respondent refusal 6512 27.4%
IS. Appointments 1687 7.1%
IS. In-Scope Non-Responding 9425 36.1%
R. Non eligible 97 0.4%
R. Quota Blocked 250 1.1%
R. Completed 1069 4.5%
R. Responding Units 1416 6.0%

Other call data
Status %
% Refusal 31.7%
% Completed 4.5%
Cooperation Rate 13.1%
Response Rate 6.0%

Appendix C: Questionnaire

Open Banking 2022
Government of Canada


Languages: English


CATI Inbound

Hello/Bonjour, my name is ________ from Advanis and I'm calling on behalf of the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada. I'd just like to ask you a few questions.

If needed: Let the respondent know their answers will help to make informed recommendations to the Government of Canada.
If needed: The survey will take 15min to complete and is about Financial Technology in Canada.
If needed: Inform respondents they can verify the legitimacy of the survey using the CRIC link on the Help Page.
If needed: Offer the survey in English or French

Instead would you be interested in completing the survey online?

REFUSAL HELP: We are doing an important study on Open Banking in Canada. Your answers will help to make informed recommendations to our Government. IF NEEDED: The survey will take approximately 12 minutes online.

Arrange callback.

(Status code 1001)


Thank you for your time. Goodbye.

(Status code 1000)

CATI Recruit to Web

What email address would you like us to send the survey link to?

(Show if CATI) Please take down email address and then read back and confirm using phonetic alphabet.


EndEmail Show if sendemail

(if is GPRS) You will be receiving an email message shortly from with the subject line "Financial Consumer Agency of Canada Survey". Have a nice day.
(if is RDD) You will be receiving an email message shortly from with the subject line "Financial Consumer Agency of Canada Survey". Have a nice day.

Status Code: 480


What mobile phone number would you like us to send the survey link to?

Read back phone number to confirm



You will be receiving an SMS message shortly with a link to the survey from 13333.

(Status code 480)

Web Only

Web Login

Thank you for taking the time to have your voice heard for an important study on Financial Technology in Canada. Your answers will help to make informed recommendations to the Government of Canada. We hope that you and your loved ones are safe and healthy at this time. Si vous préférez répondre au sondage en français, veuillez cliquer sur Français. Your input is valuable to us, and the survey will take approximately 12-15 minutes to complete. If you get interrupted while doing the survey, you can click on the same link to pick up right where you left off.

Your answers will remain anonymous and the information you provide will be administered according to the requirements of the Privacy Act, the Access to Information Act, and any other pertinent legislation.

The Financial Consumer Agency of Canada has contracted an independent public opinion research company, Advanis , to conduct the research on The Government of Canada's behalf.

This survey is registered with the Canadian Research Insights Council's (CRIC) Research Verification Service. The project verification number is: 20220328-AD810. Click here to verify the legitimacy of this survey.

© 2022 Privacy Policy CRIC Pledge

Screeners and Community


CATI: Please note that this call may be recorded for quality assurance purposes and that your participation is voluntary. Your responses are confidential and will be grouped with those from other participants In what year were you born?

WEB: Before we begin we want to remind you that your participation is voluntary and that your responses are confidential and will be grouped with those from other participants. In what year were you born?



CATI: Thank you for your interest in this survey, but you must be 18 or older to participate.

WEB: Thank you for your interest in this survey, but you must be 18 or older to participate.

Please respond to surveys like this (from legit research firms like us at Advanis ) when you turn 18. Research is very important to help governments, not-for-profits, and private businesses make better decisions and develop better services and products.

If you'd like to see what kind of insights we all get from research, check out .

Thanks again,

and our public policy service
Tell City Hall

(Status code 501)


Would you be willing to indicate your age range?

Do not read list

CATI: Thank you for your interest, but we must know your age range to participate in this study.


Thank you for your interest, but we must know your age range to participate in this study. Research is very important to help governments, not-for-profits, and private businesses make better decisions and develop better services and products. If you'd like to see what kind of insights we all get from research, check out . Thanks again,

(Status code 502)


CATI: Thank you for your interest, but we already have enough participants with a similar demographic profile to yours.

WEB: Thank you for your interest, but we already have enough participants with a similar demographic profile to yours. Research is very important to help governments, not-for-profits, and private businesses make better decisions and develop better services and products. If you'd like to see what kind of insights we all get from research, check out . Thanks again,

(Status code 570)



CATI: How would you rate your level of financial knowledge?

WEB: How would you rate your level of financial knowledge? [[For example: how to budget, save, repay debt, or invest]]

If needed : for example: how to budget, save, repay debt, or invest]]

To what extent do you agree with the following statement: “ I am very comfortable with using technology ”? (For example, devices or software).


What do you use to access the internet on a regular basis? (at least once per week)

Select all that apply

What is the primary reason you don’t have regular access to the internet? (at least once per week)


CATI: To help you understand the terminology of this study, let me read you a short definition : For this survey, ‘bank’ means traditional banks and credit unions that offer services in-person and online.

WEB: To help you better understand the terminology of this study, please read the definition below : Banks: For this survey, ‘bank’ means traditional banks and credit unions that offer services in-person and online. [[Examples of banks operating in Canada include RBC, Desjardins, and Alterna.]]

Repeat the definitions if asked by the respondent. If needed : -Examples of banks operating in Canada include RBC, Desjardins, and Alterna.

CATI: Do you deal with one or more banks for your financial needs?

WEB: Do you deal with one or more banks for your financial needs? [[Some examples include RBC, Desjardins, and Alterna]]

If needed : Some examples include RBC, Desjardins, and Alterna

Do you ever do your banking…

Select all that apply

Do you have any bank accounts?


Do you have any of these credit products?

Select all that apply

CATI: Do you have any investment accounts?

WEB: Do you have any investment accounts? [[For example : TFSA, RRSP, RESP, or other accounts used for investments]]

If needed : For example : TFSA, RRSP, RESP

CATI: How would you rate your current credit record?

WEB: How would you rate your current credit record? [[You can base your answer on a credit report and/or a 3-digit credit score that you received in the past 12 months from a credit rating agency (Equifax or TransUnion) or another source]]

If needed : You can base your answer on a credit report and/or a 3-digit credit score that you received in the past 12 months from a credit rating agency (Equifax or TransUnion) or another source

CATI: Have you ever applied for a loan/credit product from a bank and been declined?

WEB: Have you ever applied for a loan/credit product from a bank and been declined? [[Products such as credit cards, personal loans, mortgages, lines of credit]]

If needed : Products such as credit cards, personal loans, mortgages, lines of credit

Would you keep using a bank if you didn’t think your information would be protected against fraud, identity theft, or accidental loss?


Would you keep using a bank if you didn’t think your money would be reimbursed after theft, fraud, or accidental loss?


Had you heard of FinTech companies before today?


CATI: To help you understand the terminology of this study, let me read you another short definition : For this survey, FinTech, or ’financial technology’, companies are tech companies that offer financial services online only, often through an app. Examples include Wealthsimple, KOHO, Mint, Coinberry, ApplePay and Afterpay.

WEB: To help you better understand the terminology of this study, please read the definition below : FinTechs: For this survey, FinTech (or ‘financial technology’) companies are tech companies that offer financial services online only, often through an app. Examples include Wealthsimple, KOHO, Mint, Coinberry, ApplePay and Afterpay

Repeat the definitions if asked by the respondent.

As far as you know, have you ever used a service offered by a FinTech company?


CATI: Can you specify what FinTech company or companies have you used?

WEB: What FinTech company or companies have you used? Specify:



CATI: Can you specify what FinTech company or companies have you used?

WEB: What FinTech company or companies have you used? Specify:


Would you be willing to try a FinTech service in the future?


Why wouldn’t you consider using a FinTech service to manage your finances?

Select all that apply

CATI: Would you say you strongly agree, somewhat agree, neither agree nor disagree, somewhat disagree or strongly disagree with the following statement?

WEB: To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

Repeat scale as needed

3. As a consumer, my legal protections are the same when using a bank or a FinTech.
They have used a FinTech

Do you use FinTech saving and investing accounts, including Robo-advisors (for example KOHO, Wealthsimple or Questrade)?

If needed : These are savings or investment accounts offered by a financial technology company instead of a bank (e.g. KOHO, Wealthsimple, Questrade).

Levels marked with * are randomized


CATI: Do you use money management services, like expense tracking or ‘round up’? For example Mint, Moka or Wealthsimple.

WEB: Do you use money management services, like expense tracking or ‘round up’? For example Mint, Moka or Wealthsimple. [[These offer services that help you budget or save automatically by rounding up your purchases.]]

If needed : These offer services that help you budget or save automatically by rounding up your purchases.

Levels marked with * are randomized


Do you use any online loan services, like Borrowell or Lending Loop?

Levels marked with * are randomized


Do you use a cryptocurrency exchange or other crypto service? (These let you buy, sell, or store cryptocurrency like Bitcoin).

Levels marked with * are randomized


Why did you choose to use FinTech services to manage your finances?

Select all that apply

Will you keep using FinTech services in the future?


Why won’t you keep using FinTech services in the future?

Comfort, Consumer Protection

CATI: As far as you know, do FinTech apps and platforms collect personal information from users?

WEB: As far as you know, do FinTech apps and platforms collect personal information from users? [[ Platforms such as Wealthsimple, Mint, Borrowell, Credit Karma, Sensibill ]]

If needed : Platforms such as Wealthsimple, Mint, Borrowell, Credit Karma, Sensibill

Would you keep using a FinTech if you didn’t think your information would be protected against fraud, identity theft, or accidental loss?


Would you keep using a FinTech if you didn’t think your money would be reimbursed after theft, fraud, or accidental loss?

Screen scraping

Have you ever used any services where the company asked you to log into your online banking through their website so they could use your financial information to provide you services? They might have asked for this once when you signed up or on an on-going basis. For example an app like Mint or Wally could give budgeting advice by tracking your purchases.


Would you ever use a service if the company asked you to share your bank account data by logging into your online banking through their website or app?

Open Banking


Before today, had you ever heard of ‘Open Banking’?

If the respondent asks for a definition, say: the purpose of this question is to see how familiar you are with the phrase ‘open banking’. A definition of Open Banking will be given later in the survey; if respondent demands a definition before answering, hit "Don’t know/Prefer not to answer" and carry on

How familiar would you say you are with ‘Open Banking’?


Would you say that the following statements that describe Open Banking are true or false?

Repeat scale as needed

CATI: Before continuing to the next section, please let me read you the following definition : Open Banking is a system designed to let consumers securely share their financial data from their bank with other banks and accredited FinTech companies. Consumers give permission to share their financial data with companies that offer financial apps and services. Companies can use the data to offer services (like advice or loans) that may be personalized to the consumer. Consumers can choose to stop sharing information whenever they wish.

WEB: Before continuing to the next section, please read the definition below : Open Banking is a system designed to let consumers securely share their financial data from their bank with other banks and accredited FinTech companies. Consumers give permission to share their financial data with companies that offer financial apps and services. Companies can use the data to offer services (like advice or loans) that may be personalized to the consumer. Consumers can choose to stop sharing information whenever they wish.


Based on this definition, would you participate in an ‘Open Banking’ system?


An Open Banking system will be safer for consumers if it includes security features and consumer protections. Would any of these protections make you more likely to use Open Banking services? Choose from each of the following lists.


Would any of the following access protections make you more likely to use Open Banking services?

Select all that apply

Would any of these consent protections make you more likely to use Open Banking services?

Select all that apply

Would any of these data security protections make you more likely to use Open Banking services?

Select all that apply

Would any of these oversight protections make you more likely to use Open Banking services?

Select all that apply

Would any of these liability protections make you more likely to use Open Banking services?

Select all that apply

Where would you go to find information on Open Banking in Canada?

Select all that apply
Understanding Terms and Conditions, Dispute Resolution: TRADITIONAL FINANCIAL SERVICES PROVIDERS (banks)

For the next questions, please think about experiences you’ve had with banks.


Have you ever made a complaint or tried to resolve a dispute about a bank or a bank service?


CATI: How easy was it to understand the dispute resolution process?

WEB: How easy was it to understand the dispute resolution process? [[This is the set of steps that banks ask you to follow in order to settle a disagreement or complaint]]

If needed : This is the set of steps that banks ask you to follow in order to settle a disagreement or complaint

Were you able to resolve your dispute to your satisfaction?

Understanding Terms and Conditions, Dispute Resolution: FINTECHS

For the next questions, please think about experiences you’ve had with FinTech (financial technology) companies.


Have you ever made a complaint or tried to resolve a dispute about a FinTech service or company?


CATI: How easy was it to understand the dispute resolution process?

WEB: How easy was it to understand the dispute resolution process? [[This is the set of steps that FinTech companies ask you to follow in order to settle a disagreement or complaint]]

If needed : This is the set of steps that FinTech companies ask you to follow in order to settle a disagreement or complaint

Was the dispute resolved to your satisfaction?



These last few questions are strictly for statistical purposes. They will help us group your answers with others that we will receive in this survey. All of your answers are anonymous and completely confidential.


In which province or territory do you currently live?

Do not read list

CATI: What is your gender?

WEB: What is your gender? [[Gender refers to current gender which may be different from sex assigned at birth and may be different from what is indicated on legal documents]]

Do not read list If needed : Gender refers to current gender which may be different from sex assigned at birth and may be different from what is indicated on legal documents

What language do you speak most often at home?

Do not read list

Are you an Indigenous person, that is, First Nations, Métis or Inuk (Inuit)? First Nations includes Status and Non-Status Indians.


Do you identify as a visible minority?


Were you born in Canada?


In what year did you first immigrate or move to Canada?



Do you identify as a person with a disability?


CATI: Please stop me at the category that best describes the highest level of formal education that you have completed:

WEB: What is the highest level of formal education that you have completed?


CATI: Please stop me at the category that best describes your total household income last year, before taxes, from all sources for all household members:

WEB: Which of the following best describes your total household income last year, before taxes, from all sources for all household members?

Read list – accept one answer only

Do you currently rent or own your home?


Which of the following would best describe your current work status?


To help us better understand how results vary locally and by region, please provide the first three characters of your postal code.


End Pages


This survey was conducted on behalf of the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada. We hope you've found this interesting, and we sincerely thank you for your time. This study was designed and funded by market and social research firm:

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Those are all our questions. Thank you for your time.

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Help Page

We are doing an important study on Financial Technology in Canada. Your answers will help to make informed recommendations to our Government. The survey will take approximately 12-15 minutes to complete.

Open Banking is designed to be a secure system through which consumers can share their financial data from their bank with others (including banks and accredited FinTech companies). Consumers give permission for their financial data to be shared with companies that offer financial apps and services. Companies can use the financial data to offer services (like advice, loans, or money management) that are personalized to the consumer. Consumers can choose to stop sharing information whenever they wish.

Banks: For the purposes of this survey, banks are regular banks, credit unions and trust companies, that offer services in-person at branches, ATMs and online.

FinTechs: For the purposes of this survey, FinTech companies (also called ‘financial technology’ companies) are technology companies that offer financial services online only, often through an app. They are not banks. [[Examples of FinTech companies operating in Canada include Wealthsimple, Mint (Intuit), Questrade, KOHO, AfterPay and Sezzle.]]

This survey is registered with the Canadian Research Insights Council's (CRIC) Research Verification Service. The project verification number is: 20220328-AD810. Click here to verify the legitimacy of this survey.
