Virtual Trade Commissioner
Usability Test and Evaluation of Proposed

User Focus Groups

Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada

March 21, 2007


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Background and Objectives

The Trade Commissioner Service (TCS) has made preliminary modifications to the Graphical User Interface (GUI) in order to address some usability issues, primarily the issue of the crowding of the home page. Prior to implementing these modifications, the TCS wanted to conduct usability testing on the existing site and an evaluation of the proposed enhancements. To this end, we conducted two focus groups in the National Capital Region on the evening of March 21, 2007. The specific objectives of the focus groups were as follows:

The target participants for the focus groups were members of the Canadian business community, who are considered exporters or ready to export, and who have registered for the Virtual Trade Commissioner Service.

Interpretive Note: Although qualitative research in general, and focus groups in particular, are highly valuable for providing insight into the needs, attitudes and opinions of an organization?s customers and prospects, the results cannot be deemed to be representative of any wider group of individuals than those who participated.
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Impressions of the Current Site

Generally speaking, participants all felt that the site was "too content heavy", too busy, and difficult to situate and orient themselves. By the same token, participants appreciated the fact that there is "lots of information". No one felt that there was not enough content; rather, they felt that the content was not organized in way which was tailored to their needs, and that much of the content on the home page was superfluous for their needs.

On the following page, we present the home page of the existing site and identify the usability and functionality issues which surfaced as a result of the different tasks performed.

Current VTC Home Page

Current VTC Home Page


The Modified Page

The reaction to the modified page was very positive, as illustrated by the comments presented below. Participants generally found the page much cleaner and much more pleasing to the eye. Below we present the modified page with the summary of comments.

Modified VTC Home Page

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Conclusions and Recommendations

These focus groups allowed us to draw the following conclusions with regard to the usability of the VTC website and the potential acceptance of the proposed enhancements:

Proceed with the proposed enhancements and suggested improvements found throughout this report, subject to the remainder of our recommendations below.




The Antima Group has been extremely pleased to have had the opportunity to assist the VTC Team in achieving what we hope was a successful outcome to this exercise, and we stand ready to provide any assistance during the development and execution of your future plans.